R5 Family Magazine September Issue

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ALSO Back t o Sch ool M in i M ag Len n on M eet s Calu m

Sept em ber 2016 Issu e

R5 Fam ily Recipes M eet Ou r Follow er s




Hey guys! It's time for a new issue of the R5 Family Magazine. It's starting to get colder out, leaves are slowly changing and our wardrobes flip. This issue is packed full of fun content for you to read. Our Associate Editor, Leanne, made a "Back to School Mini Magazine." Copy Editor, Ashley, made some Horoscopes, so you can see which celebrity is like you. Finally, Lennon wrote about her experience meeting Calum Worthy! Don't worry there is more to love in this issue, so grab a snack and blanket and start reading! -R5 Family Magazine Staff Copyright @ R5 Family Mag. All rights reserved. All content published with these pages are owned by R5 Family Mag unless otherwise stated, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of the editor. All messages sent to R5 Family mag are subject for editing and publishing. R5 Family Mag is non-profit and seeks no monetary gain. R5 Family Mag is run entirely by fans and is not endorsed or sponsored by R5 or related names and entities in any way.

Editor-in Chief Tam ar a

Executive Editors Elise & Len n on

Copy Editor Ash ley

Associate Editor Lean n e

Columnists Jen n if er & Lu cy

4. Rydel's Tea Party Japan 5. Girl Squad Poster 6. Calum Worthy Experience 11. Rourtney Poster 12. Feature Our Followers 14. Ross Poster 15. Horoscopes 16. Meet Calum Worthy 23. The Squad Poster 24. La La Review 26. Back To School Mini Mag 34. R5 Family Recipes 37. R5 Takes Japan 38. Riker Poster 39. That's It! 40. Back Cover




Twitter Follower: @GdisR5 E: How did you find out about R5? G: I was looking through YouTube one day and I came across them. E: What's your favorite R5 moment? G: I can't choose! E: Who's your favorite member and why? G: Rydel, because she's so passionate and sweet. She has a great sense of fashion that everyone dreams of. She's very beautiful and she inspires so many people. E: What was it like when Rydel noticed you four times and Stormie retweeted you? G: I cried and freaked out! E: How did Rydel notice you four times? G: Rydel noticed me by liking my Instragram picture of me having R5 merchandise. She also liked a tweet of mine as well as retweeting two of my tweets.

Instagram Follower: rebeccalynchr5 E: So how did you find out about the R5 Family Magazine? R: Honestly, it was totally spontaneous! I was setting up my Instagram account and I was looking who to follow and then I saw a post about the R5 Family Magazine. I was curious about it and I went on your account and saw that you can read them on Issuu. I also checked that out and after a lot of checking and reading I thought that this magazine is really awesome. I followed the magazine, read some older magazines from the past. E: How did you discover R5? Also who's your favorite member? R: It's hard to say whp my favorite member is. I love them all for different reasons, but if I have to choose one then I guess I would choose Rydel. She's my idol in fashion life and achieving goals. She's just such a sweet personality. but I love them all the mostest.



By: Ash ley

Ross Lynch-Capr icor n This month will not particularly be harmonious. After the peaceful month of August, September will appear to be a real avalanche, full of the most striking and unusual situations.

Allison Holker -Aquar ius This month, your aspiration will be to improve your situation and open up the future in your own way. Whatever you do or undertake, just always remain positive.

Alexa Dowd- Pisces The end of summer is turning out to be a time full of pressure. You will feel held back by responsibilities and obligations, but always be sure to remain positive and don?t let the workload drag you down.

Ryland Lynch-Ar ies It will soon become clear to you that your life is about to change. Fortunately, it will transform into a life that is a lot better than you may think. The key to your happiness has more to do with another person.

Maddie Ziegler -Libr a Recent growth and prosperity will make this month a great one. Luck is definitely on your side but you may be forced to defend your gains from others.

St or mie Lynch-Vir go The difficult conditions of last month will lead to an awesome power and influence. The extreme boost to your ego and confidence levels means that you will be able to make big advances in all areas of life.

Sabr ina Car pent er -Taur us This month will be an ideal time to set plans into motion for a creative project you?ve wanted to initiate. Also, don?t be discouraged by the amount of work you may have ahead of you.

Julianne Hough-Cancer Major changes could happen this month. You should go into these changes with a light heart and open mind to whatever may happen.

Max Schneider -Gemini

Rocky Lynch-Scor pio

This month should be a very happy time for you. Don?t let anything unexpected drag you down. If you had the ability to freeze time, this might be exactly the time you choose.

The improving conditions you have had in the last few months will continue through this one. This month will allow you to showcase your full expression of you love of creativity.

Laur a Mar ano-Sagit t ar ius Positive changes should keep you going through some annoying and angry influences during this month. The stimulating changes in your life will help you express a more bubbly side of your personality.

Rydel Lynch-Leo There will be a very positive and exciting change in your life. New discoveries will send you on a special mission of find plans for a brighter future.


Ph ot os f r om lau r am ar an o on In st agr am

L O O H C S G O A T M K I C N I A B M By: Le anne P h ot os t ak e n: by Le anne


R5 Lu nc h Id e as Cheeseburger Sal ad: We al l know t hat Riker woul d eat cheeseburgers every day f or t he rest of his l if e if he coul d so t o honor Riker, here?s a f un t wist on t he cl assic Cheeseburger!! You will need: Pan, Bowl, spoon or stiff spatula, Stove, fridge, school microwave Ingredients: Cheese, Burger, Lettuce OPTIONAL? . Mustard, Ketchup, Tomato, onion

What you do: 1. Cook the burger: a. Warm pan over medium to medium-high heat b. Add the beef to the center of the pan c. Break meat into several large pieces (use the spatula or spoon to do this) 2.Add sliced cheese and milk to the burger and stir until it is melted to your liking. 3. Take the burger and cheese mixture off the stove and add it to a bowl of lettuce. 4. Add what you would like to your salad such as Mustard, ketchup, tomato, onion, and whatever else you like on your burger. 5. Store in fridge overnight and heat up in your school microwave at lunch the next day. Enjoy!

R5 Lu nc h Id e as Mamoo?s Famous Taco Sal ad: A f un t wist on t he t acos t hat are f eat ured in t he episode of R5 TV, Too Much Food! You will need: Pan, stove, spoon or stiff spatula, refrigerator, and school microwave Ingredients: Hamburger, teaspoon of spice, sweet corn, avocado (removed from skin), lettuce, cheese, tortilla chips (crushed), oil OPTIONAL? sour cream, salsa

What you do: 1. Heat a small amount of oil in a pan and brown your burger. 2. Add spice and let cook for 5 minutes. 3. Add the sweet corn to the meat and continue to cook. 4. Once your corn/ burger mixture is finished take it off the stove and add it to a bowl of lettuce. 5. Make the avocado into a paste and add it to the salad along with the cheese, crushed tortilla chips, sour cream, and salsa (if you so choose) 6. Refrigerate overnight and heat it up the next day at lunch. Enjoy!

El l in

Bac gt ok t o n h ion Sc h ool Fas R5 guitar pick necklace: $10 - R5?s official store Brown Tank Top: $14 - Khol?s Black Canvas Shoes: $5.87 ? Walmart Elastic pull on skinny jeans: (discontinued) similar pair: $14.44 ? Walmart Kitten shirt: (discontinued) similar shirt: $17.09 ? Ebay (T&T Apparel and Toy) Jean Jacket: (discontinued) similar jacket: $19.20 ? Denim Jacket Out f it t ot al : $80.60

R5 guitar pick necklace: $10 ? R5?s official store Elastic pull on skinny jeans: (discontinued) similar pair: $14.44 ? Walmart Black Canvas Shoes: $5.87 ? Walmart Plaid shirt: (discontinued) similar: $2.58 ? Amazon.com Out f it t ot al : $32.89

Bac k t o Sc h ool Fas h ion R5 guitar pick necklace: $10


ke r

Aero shirt: (discontinued) similar shirts in Aeropostale stores (around $5.87) Elastic pull on skinny jeans: (discontinued) similar pair: $14.44 ? Walmart Black Canvas Shoes: $5.87 ? Walmart Flannel: (discontinued) similar: H&M.com ? around $9.99 Out f it t ot al : Around $46.17

R5 guitar pick necklace: $10

s s o R

Elastic pull on skinny jeans: (discontinued) similar pair: $14.44 ? Walmart Black Canvas Shoes: $5.87 ? Walmart T-shirt: (discontinued) similar shirt: $5.99 ? JCPenny Out f it t ot al : $36.30

D.I.Y. P e nc il Bag You will need:

How to Make the Bottle Cap Pictures

Glue Gun

1. Open Microsoft Word


2. Make an oval/ circle shape


3. Go to Google Images

Internet access

4. Search R5 and find a picture that you like

Bottle caps (recycled from pop bottles)

5. Save the image to your computer

Printer paper: $3.72 for 500 sheets (walmart) Zipper: $1 (Walmart) Hot glue sticks: $5.97 for 100 sticks (Walmart)

6. Go to Microsoft word and right click on the shape 7. Select ?format shape? and then ?Picture or texture fill? 8. Select ?file? and open your R5 picture

Tape: $2.84 (Walmart)

9. Repeat this with different pictures for however many bottle caps you want

Mini safety Pins: $9.93 for 900 pins (Walmart)

10. Print the bottle cap images off of your computer

Black felt: $0.23 (Walmart) This DIY cost s approximat el y $4.15

D.I.Y. p e nc il Bag Making the bottle cap pins: 1. Cut the bottle cap images out and laminate them with tape. 2. Hot glue the images to the bottle caps 3. Mod Podge over the images and let dry 4. Once the Mod Podge is dry hot glue your safety pins to the back of the bottle caps

Making the pencil bag: 1. Fold the felt in half and hot glue along the two shorter sides. 2. Hot glue the zipper along the side that is still open (the longer side). Make sure you glue the zipper on upside down as the bag will be turned inside out later. 3. Unzip the zipper (if you are having trouble use an object such as a pencil to help you) 4. Turn the bag inside out. 5. Pin the pins on the pencil bag and you?re finished

D.I.Y. SCHOOL SUP P LIES What you need: Printer Internet access Pinter paper: $3.72 for 500 sheets (walmart) Notebook: $0.17 (walmart) Duct tape: $4.99 (walmart) Packaging tape: $3.62 (walmart) This DIY cost s approximat el y $8.79

Making the notebook: 1. Print out any picture of R5 you would like on your notebook. 2. Lay the picture on your notebook and then open your notebook. 3. Fold the paper excess over the edges. 4. Put packaging tape over the 3 edges that do not have the spiral. 5. Put your duct tape over the edge with the spiral but be sure not to cover the spiral (refer to pictures) 6. Your notebook is finished

R5 r ecen t ly t ook on on e of t h eir f avor it e cou n t r ies...Japan ! Th ey played t h e Su m m er Son ic in Tok oyo, Japan on Au gu st 20t h . Ch eck ou t t h ese pict u r es f r om t h e con cer t !

By: Elise


THAT'SIT! Read m or e at R5Fam ilyM ag.com R5's Fan M ail Addr ess: R5 PO Box 280154 Nor t h r idge, CA 91328 In t er est ed in join in g ou r st af f an d w or k in g on t h e R5 Fam ily M agazin e? Applicat ion s ar e open year ar ou n d; ju st visit ou r w ebsit e or em ail adm in @r 5f am ilym ag.com f or m or e in f or m at ion .

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