Architectural and Computational Design Portfolio - Ron Shvartsman

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Fentress Architects Ball-Nogues Studio

miami beach convention center | fentress architects miami beach, fl | 2014-2015


facade designer | computational and parametric lead


design | rhino/grasshopper/dynamo/revit modeling | paramtric system development | inter-operability development | consultant coordination of model data | | construction documentation | consultant coordination

program analysis for data-driven workflow | fentress architects project un-specified | 2018

Fentress Architects’ primary market sector is aviation. Being one of the most complex and expensive building types, program analysis is a crucial part of the design process. Initial program was provided by the client based on department, room type, and room. All program data was generated within Revit using Dynamo prior to the start of the design process. Program and design data (created by the design team) were later mined using Dynamo and migrated to Power BI as a database. Interactive Data visualizations were developed that allowed the design team to make informed decisions by diving in and out of different levels of information and analyzing the designed program versus the client provided program. This dashboard was also used during design workshops with the client to aid in the design conversation. The tool was so effective, the client asked for weekly updates of the dashboard so they could be more involved in the design process. position_

design technologist | data wrangler


data automation | data mining | data analytics | data visualization

national museum of intelligence and special operations | fentress architects sterling, va | 2018

Dedicated to the men and women of America’s intelligence and special operations communities, the National Museum of Intelligence and Speical Operations (NMISO) is a new kind of museum – a dynamic and visionary 21st century institution that will entertain, educate and inspire. Like its main inspiration – the World War II era OSS – the museum will be at the “tip of the spear” in museum learning, with engaging and interactive exhibitions. As computational lead, the “bents” were rationalized by planarizing the facade in such a way as to create modular glass panels that could beconstructed between the bents. An interoperable system was developed between Rhino and Revit using Flux. This data was shared with the structural engineer creating a design feedback loop and iterative workflow. position_

design technologist | computational and parametric lead


rhino/grasshopper modeling | paramtric system development | interoperability development | consultant coordination of model data

portland international airport terminal balancing| fentress architects portland, or | 2017 The extension of Concourse E and improvements to existing facilities will balance the number of passengers using the north and south sides of Portland International Airport. As part of extending Concourse E by more than 800 feet, the project adds several new gates and creates improved regional flight ground loading facilities, concessions, and airline operational spaces. A parametric system based on a series of binary sequences was developed to control the psuedo-random placement of spandrel vs vision glass as well as mullion end cap types. Although this was modeled in 3D, it was used as a 2D design tool by the design lead to search the design space for a desirable solution. An interoperable system was developed to pass this information to Revit and automate its reconstruction.


design technologist | computational and parametric lead


rhino/grashopper modeling | paramtric system development | interoperability development

orlando international airport south terminal complex | fentress architects orlando, fl | 2016

Fentress Architects was selected as design architect for Orlando International Airport’s new South Terminal Complex. The $1.8-billion project includes a world-class terminal building, ticketing, security, and 16 gates. The terminal’s 1,000-foot long boulevard features an innovative skylight that diffuses natural light throughout the space. position_

roof design | computational and parametric lead


rhino/grasshopper modeling | paramtric system development | interoperability development

new qingdao international airport design competition | fentress architects qingdao, china | 2013

The new Qingdao International Airport Terminal design provides the foundation for the “Next Generation Airport.” Fundamental design principles of efficient aircraft parking and movement, easy expansion opportunities in a single building, a fully integrated Ground Transportation Center, minimum passenger walking distances, intuitive way finding, abundant commercial opportunities, a “Garden Style” airport, and an enhanced passenger experience for all types of travelers, all contribute to creating a state-of-the art forward thinking facility. Intelligent incorporation all these key principles lead to a design that is unique, iconic and memorable for Qingdao to become a gateway to the world. position_

designer | parametric lead | model manager/coordinator


design | rhino/grasshopper modeling | paramtric system development | consultant coordination of model data

pudong south satellite design competition | fentress architects qingdao, china | 2013

As the major transportation portal to and from Shanghai, Pudong International Airport is the primary gateway through this dynamic urban center. Both arriving and departing passengers can heighten their experience at the beginning or end of their journey at Pudong International Airport. Specifically, the new Satellite facility offers the opportunity to maximize this experience through its architecture and commercial opportunities. This potent combination of building matched with venue creates a confident and memorable passenger experience, unique for an airport in both China and the world. The trilogy of efficiency, gateway destination, and positive passenger experience all manifest themselves into a distinctive encounter with aviation. The roof adopts a crossover cable arch steel structural system. This system uses a traditional chinese “tying long knot” form of weaving as reference to build a new type of long-span structure system. position_

designer | parametric lead | model manager/coordinator


design | rhino/grasshopper modeling | paramtric system development | consultant coordination of model data

inner mongolia hohhot airport design competition| fentress architects hohhot, inner mongolia, china | 2013

Inner Mongolia is a powerful and distinct place. The new International airport of Hohhot will become the signature gateway to and from the entire region of Inner Mongolia. Artificially sculpting the land allows for a fundamentally new, different and better arrangement of buildings on a Greenfield site. By acknowledging the deep history of the site and region, lessons from ancient great walls can converge and interface on the land, creating a meeting place of both people and different modes of transportation. Our design is a forward-thinking proposal that acknowledges the distinct character of Inner Mongolia. It creates a memorable and unique image on the grasslands of the steppe. The architecture and materials reinforce this robust location. Site walls and roofs constructed of weathered steel, or Corten provide a warm yet powerful palette that is fitting for this environment. position_

designer | parametric lead | model manager/coordinator


design | rhino/grasshopper modeling | paramtric system development

san francisco international airport, air traffic control tower | fentress architects san francisco, ca | 2013-2015


designer | model manager/coordinator


design | costruction administration | construction documentation | consultant coordination


Ball-Nogues Studio

talus dome | ball-nogues studio edmonton, ab canada | 2011

The overall shape of Talus Dome was developed from an investigation into the geological engineering concept - “angle of repose”, the natural inclination that an aggregated material assumes when dropped into a pile from one point. Comprised of approximately 1,000 stainless steel spheres that together assume the shape of an abstracted pile or mound, it is void in the center rather than solid. The domed form is a parabolic shell structure where each individual sphere settles into a gravity induced, self-organized relationship to its neighbors. A “form finding” methodology was employed to determine the overall shape of the dome. This process is akin to the one employed by architect Antonio Gaudi for his Sagrada Familia in Barcelona to yield shapes that have an optimal level of structural stability but use minimal amounts of material. The dome is structurally sound by virtue of its geometry rather than the mass of its materials; it is highly efficient. position_

designer | computation | fabrication


design | modeling | grasshopper/VBscript | documentation | fabrication | assistant finite element analysis

These iterative plan studies show the possible load and anchor areas based on their location to an anchor beam. The plans were eventually developed into 3D parametric models for the testing of load reacion points. After initial tests with regular shaped anchor beams(square and circle), the load reaction diagrams revealed the density and size of sphere needed for structural integrity. During more conditioning, tests showed the need for the design of a custom ring beam that fit the plan.

AXIAL FORCES _axial forces

DEFLECTED SHAPE UNDER WIND LOADING deflected shape under wind loading

STRESS CONCENTRATIONS stress concentrations



28” 90”

28” 76”





Total Weight: 6,679 lbs Total Connections: 339



BALL - NOGUES STUDIO [schematic panel size/weights]







1 168 pounds

2 167 pounds

3 155 pounds

4 172 pounds

5 326 pounds

6 250 pounds

12 connections

10 connections

15 connections

11 connections






7 345 pounds

8 323 pounds

9 303 pounds

10 340 pounds

11 194 pounds

17 connections

13 connections


12 343 pounds

13 214 pounds

15 connections

7 connections




18 350 pounds

19 206 pounds

20 258 pounds

13 connections



13 connections 58”


19 connections



15 connections





17 326 pounds


7 connections




16 146 pounds

8 connections


15 151 pounds

9 connections




14 134 pounds















19 connections




14 connections


10 connections


44” 98”










9 connections


10 connections









21 267 pounds

22 236 pounds

23 224 pounds

24 202 pounds

25 284 pounds

26 240 pounds

27 282 pounds

28 383 pounds

15 connections

5 connections

13 connections

11 connections

13 connections

12 connections

13 connections

11 connections

yucca crater | ball-nogues studio near 29 Palms, CA | 2011 Located in the barren desert near Joshua Tree National Park, 15 miles from the nearest human settlement, Yucca Crater is a synthetic earthwork that doubled as a recreational amenity during High Desert Test Sites on October 15 & 16, 2011. The rough plywood structure of Yucca Crater was originally the formwork used to construct the previous project, Talus Dome. This formwork had to be made of panels that could be dismantled and reassembled at another site. In addition, the digital model was parametrically constructed to study different structural rib layouts quickly and accurately. The digital model also had to provide shop drawings for hundreds of individual parts, to be assembled into panels. To achieve this level of accuracy and flexibility, the entire model was designed as a real-time flexible entity utilizing grasshopper script to streamline designing, optimization, and fabrication. position_

designer | computation | fabrication | construction


design | modeling | grasshopper scripting | documentation | fabrication

36' - 9"

16' - 1"

24' - 11"

8' - 10"



A 4 Way Dove-Tail connection between panel seams was developed to create continuous structural members that could be de-constructed


cradle | ball-nogues studio santa monica, CA | 2010 Commissioned by the City of Santa Monica, Cradle is situated on the exterior wall of a parking structure at a shopping mall – originally designed by Frank Gehry. An aggregation of mirror polished stainless steel spheres, the sculpture functions structurally like an enormous Newton’s Cradle - the ubiquitous toy found on the desktops of corporate executives in Hollywood films. Each ball is suspended by a cable from a point on the wall and locked in position by a combination of gravity and neighboring balls. Cradle is as much a sculpture as it is an approach to making experimental structure in the post-digital era. There was a keen interest in exploring ways of producing large scaled self-organizing structures. A key technical concept for Cradle is “sphere packing” – the phenomenon where multiple balls squeeze together and self organize under the effect of gravity. The computational process here is similar to that of the Talus Dome, however, there was added complexity due to the necessity for each sphere to be suspended by a steel cable. The is made it more difficult to predict/simulate where the spheres would fall in the physical world. position_

designer | computation | fabrication


design | modeling | grasshopper/VBscripting | documentation | fabrication





327 cables capped with nuts had to be optimized for position, orientation, and size for the top mounting bracket to be 5 axis milled into a 3” plate of Stainless Steel. A grasshopper script was created to find the best solution to the multivariable problem that had to consider vector of approach, through and countersunk holes, and feasibility for use. The final product is the optimized outcome to this problem. Holes are as close to each other as they can be sometimes overlapping, while never compromising the key parameters. Relational geometry was optimized to generate the best possible solution.

assembly diagram for digital fabrication

0 -6" -1'-6" -2'-6" -3'-6" -4'-6" -5'-6" -6'-6" -7'-6" -8'-6" -9'-6" -10'-6" -11'-6" -12'-6" -13'-6" -14'-6" -15'-6" -16'-6" -17'-6" -18'-6" -19'-6" -20'-6" -21'-6" -22'-6" -23'-6" -24'-6" -25'-6" -26'-6" -27'-6" -28'-6" -29'-6" -30'-6" -31'-6" -32'-6" -33'-6" -34'-6"

wire density diagram

POST-GRADUATE ACADEMIC RESEARCH Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc)

uncanny metabolism | post-gradute research | SCI-Arc los angeles, CA | 2011 Uncanny metabolism was an installation at the Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc) completed during my Post-Graduate Research in the ESTM Program. Research focused on developing an interactive material system that went beyond simply a responsive architectural piece. The prototype acted as a dynamic materialized communication protocol between people and any given environment. This was accomplished through actuation of the material using air pressure and sensing devices (carbon dioxide and proximity sensors). Utilizing a neural network algorithm the prototype continuously evolved and optimized its own material via air pressure, and in turn its form, based on its environmental context and the people within that context. The prototype was constructed entirely of silicone and was comprised of air sacks that were controlled via the input from sensors and the output of its own material conditions. The design methodology placed strong emphasis on material computation working from the constraints of the material to subsequently developing a structural then formal language that would be flexible enough to withstand the physical computation of the system. Through the development of custom software and scripted toolsets I was able to bridge the gap that typically exists between digital simulation and a physically constructed object. In addition, material testing was performed on a initial prototype in SCI-Arc’s Robotics Lab. Three 6-axis robotic arms were programmed to perform a sequence of movements that put the material under stress. In the image below, two robots have the prototype constrained while providing air pressure into each air sack. Another robot above is mounted with a video camera and proximity sensor that controls the amount of air flowing into the system while recording the experiment at the same time. This specifc prototype was embedded with flex sensors that allowed us to calculate the stress and elasticity of the material at any given moment. This provided us the opportunity to explore the limitations of the material under different physical conditions. The link below will direct you to a video of this experiment: position_

lead designer | lead computation | lead fabrication


design | modeling | grasshopper/VB scripting | processing simulation| arduino physical computation | fabrication | 3 axis CNC fabrication | 6 axis robotic programming

prototype 1 development

material testing in SCI-Arc’s robotics lab

3D recursive branching

line bundling

dynamically relaxed form

The prototype was suspended between floor and ceiling by predetermined anchor points. These anchor points were the starting point for developing the air line branch paths and the form. The first step was to develop a recursive branching script that could be deployed from each anchor point and be affected by attractor points that defined the chosen space; an attractor field. After this the branch paths underwent a bundling operation based on interconnectivity nodes generated from the branching. This optimized the circulation of air and amount of material needed based on total given air volume and dynamic air pressure range. The final step involved approximating a spherical volume based on new interconnectivity nodes. This approximated sphere underwent a form-finding strategy known as dynamic relaxation; often used for cable and fabric structures. Using surface curvature analysis I was able to determine ideal locations for panelization and fabrication of the form. Once the panels were flattened they were populated using a sphere-packing algorithm.

surface curvature analysis

surface panelization

agent-based optimization | post-gradute research | SCI-Arc los angeles, CA | 2011

plan view

Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) was employed as an urban design strategy for a portion of downtown Los Angeles. Typical hierarchical techniques were abandoned for a bottom-up and non-linear strategy where a multiagent system could be deployed in various stages to develop a network of paths and programmatic spaces that would disseminate through the city over time. Custom software was developed for greater flexibility and for the potential input of other contexts. This process occurs in three stages. The first system analyzes the flow of the urban context. The second system analyzes the topology of the flow. The third system generates programmatic nodes within and around this topology. This process is accomplished by creating a mathematical relationship between the agents being deployed and the city represented as a point cloud (vector mathematics). Agents are assigned behavioral parameters based on factors of separation, cohesion, alignment, velocity and gravity. This algorithmic technique is also known as swarm intelligence, a branch of artificial intelligence, and relies heavily on the theory of self-organizing systems. In the images on this page, the green represents the topology of the given flow, while the red represents programmatic nodes. position_

lead designer | lead computation | lead software development


custom software development using processing | computation

programmatic node Sample Area


isosurface of sample area

The outlined areas above show one of the programmatic nodes. Once the system settles into an optimal formation an isosurface (mesh) is generated based on the particle positions within a given volume. The isosurface is further optimized by searching for areas that would be spatially unreasonable (i.e, pathways with small diameter passages) and removing them before applying a tessalation.

STUDENT WORKS - Visiting Professorship at Montana State University

Graduate School of Architecture Instructor - Ron Shvartsman

ARCH 551 - Advanced Architectural Design Studio - Summer 2012 Project - ICE-ATOME Noah Bentley Dan Mills Sarah Mackie Project - Child of the Ganges Charles Fentress Soren Hawkins Sander Kohler Project - Studies in Lunar Architecture Jerud Pummel Alex Smith Jordan Zignego


Project Description - Noah Bentley, Dan Mills, Sarah Mackie Buildings, the way they are built today, are a foreign introduction to the larger natural ecosystem. Sustainable or green buildings are not enough to replace the missing link; a higher level of integration is required. This project is a model or test of how architecture can be more integrated into the environment to work with existing ecosystems at all scales, from the whole picture to the pixel.

Because of humans, a global climate shift is occurring causing arctic ice to deplete; a crucial component to the existing ecosystem. The loss of ice is affecting animal habitat and the native Inuit population. This structure aims to create an integrated sub-system to the primary natural ecosystem. This system produces a protein that acts as a nucleating agent to ice crystals and therefore allows for ice to form easier at a slightly warmer water temperature. The sub-system grid will vary in size, rigidity, and concentration. The grid variation will be determined by parameters that directly affect the rate water freezes: ocean depth, salinity, water temperature, and air temperature. By studying the arctic animal populations (a key component to Inuit existence) and their migration routes in combination with varying water features throughout Fox Basin, specific nodes were determined. A structural shelter exists at these nodes for the Inuit people as they follow the animals on their hunting excursions. Within this structure the bacteria is produced, replicated, and distributed to the subsystem grid through an integrated double shell system that uses algae and optimum sunlight (an additional parameter). This structure operates similar to that of a diatom; a single cell algae that thrives in ocean waters and aids the replication process of the ice nucleating protein being distributed.

Child of the Ganges

Project Description - Charles Fentress, Soren Hawkins, Sander Kohler Historically and in the present day, the Ganges has tremendous religious importance for the Hindus who view it literally as the “mother,” although its water is used for almost every aspect of everyday life. The river is vital to the economy as well as inseparable from the cultural and religious traditions of the region. However, the Ganges is being increasingly polluted, often to dangerous levels. In this situation, either the physical health of the populace is impacted as they maintain their traditions, or their religion is destroyed as they act to preserve their health. Furthermore, the disjunction between the spiritual purity and the material pollution leads to ignorance, apathy, and even resistance to efforts to clean the river. It is in this situation of increasing population, pollution, and erosion, and considering the Hindu relationship with the river, that we propose an architectural enhancement of the river’s natural cleaning processes. Sewage will be intercepted and bombarded with naturally occurring bacteriophages before it reaches the river, where it will flow into bladders which further filter and disperse the water. These bladders will dynamically interact with the busyness of the ghat, as greater use will force greater cleaner action through compression of the bladders. This will plant the seed of greater conscientiousness as those who occupy the system play an active and visual role in improving the health of the river.

Studies in Lunar Architecture

Project Description - Jerud Pummel, Alex Smith, Jordan Zignego

With energy prices on the rise combined with the current trend of inefficient construction methods, our group turns to the moon as a test environment to fix these problems. Our consumption of natural resources is harming the environment while current architecture practices produce extensive embodied energy that waste both natural resources and man power. The initial reason for choosing the moon was its abundance of Helium-3 located on its surface. By mining H-3 for use on earth as a clean energy, our dependence on oil would be eliminated. As a studio project we wanted to test the architectural stages, methods and design needed for building on the moon to harvest Helium-3. We seek to test a new architectural design methodology that will optimize the environment and search out the least amount of material needed for the built environment. As a team, we created a program in which the data compiled from unmanned rovers sent to the moon were used to inform the design, while sticking to an energy conservation model. This simply means that the driving force of the design, the main principle, is to use the least amount of material possible for the most efficiency, while at the same time satisfying all of the design parameters that we determined to be important. Parameters include: envelope thickness and porosity based on temperature from sun exposure, amount of helium-3 in the area, and optimal location of the colony on a given site.

STUDENT WORKS - Visiting Professorship at Montana State University

Graduate School of Architecture Instructor - Ron Shvartsman

ARCH 521 - Performative Parametrics - Six Week Graduate Seminar - Summer 2012 Assembly Generation Scott Freimuth Parametric Bricking Matthew Slabaugh Adaptive Joints for Surface Based Space Frames Kyle Holland Inter[active] Surface Tom Roncco Brise Soleil Larissa Hand

Assembly Parametric Structural Framing In Grasshopper Generation This Grasshopper definition generates a structural framing system of friction fit plywood. It requires an initial input of a polysurface to rationalize: any polysurface consisting of flat faces made in Rhino can be rationalized. The Definition Generates structural members that are notched out and ready to be put together. The definition first generates the position and spacing of contour curves. Contour curves are broken down into two categories: corners and infill. These contour curves mark the position of the structural members, or “ribs”. The construction of the ribs located at the corners consists of three members while the infill ribs consist of only one (hence the seperation of corners and infill from the start). Once the contour curves are generated, they are offset by the rib depth. They can then be converted into planar surfaces. The definition Also generates trimming planes, which split the planar surfaces into smaller peices for fabrication. These surfaces are now extruded by the material thickness producing solid ribs. The Ribs are broken up into faces and solid differenced out of eachother to create notched ribs. The difinition is divided up by X, Y, and Z ribs. The definition works parametrically with the ability to change certain variables: >offset from corners to ribs >rib depth >rib spacing >material thickness

�� Geometry Input

�� Generate Corner Rib Contours

�� Generate Infill Rib Contours

�� Generate �d Ribs

�� Generate Splitting Planes

�� Extrude split �d Ribs

�� Generate Rib Notches

Initial Geometry to rationalize. Must consist of Flat faces made in Rhino.

Contours are offset from corners set distance. Contours are then offset to create � members pre corner

Space between corner contours is subdivided per rib spacing and contours curves are generated

Contour curves are offset per Rib Depth and then planar surfaces are generated from those curves

Planes are generated in X,Y,Z and positioned to split ribs into smaller parts for fabrication

Two dimensional ribs are Extruded per Material thickness producing solid ribs

Solid Ribs are divided by face, moved, and the solid differenced with eachother to produce notches

Parametric Bricking

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