windows into my world
Ribhya Arora
I am an architecture and photography student, who enjoys photographing architecture as well as moments from her daily life and surroundings. I aim to capture the details of my surroundings through light, leading lines, and geometry. My photography experience started during my Cornell in Rome semester, where I found myself mostly drawn to leading lines and geometry. I built a collection of images based on my exploration of various cities in Italy-Rome, Urbino, Verona, and Venice. However, due to COVID-19, my experience in Italy was interrupted, and I traveled back to my home. Photography has been a consistent aspect of my experience as I see the world through this lens. This concept remained with me as I traveled to my home-New Delhi, India. My book ‘Windows into my world’ is a collection of images from my COVID-19 experience of staying home. The lockdown period inspired me to take photographs of my usual surroundings, which I started to see differently. I began to notice those details around me, which I had never paid attention to before. I found myself particularly fascinated by windows since I have been home, thereby pushing the theme of leading lines. This lockdown period changed the way I viewed the windows in my house. They became a metaphor for being in isolation- a barrier between the internal and the external world. The book starts with a series of self-portraits at windows and then continues to focus solely on the different types of windows at home, with each one revealing something new. Thus, this book is a continuation of the way I started recording in Rome but shifts the focus to my home as all the images converge to tell my personal story.
Ribhya Arora ©Liana Miuccio 2020. All rights reserved.