1 minute read
8 Brief financial overview
The RvA is a not-for-profit organisation on the basis of its Articles of Association and pursuant to the European Regulation 765/2008. Our independence is guaranteed via the Dutch National Accreditation Body Appointment Act (Wet aanwijzing nationale accreditatie-instantie) and by a modern governance structure with a Board of Supervisors, an Accreditation Committee, an Advisory Panel of Stakeholders and a User Council. We also ensure our independence via a healthy capital position. This means that we are resilient against financial risks which might arise, for instance if clients decide to terminate the accreditation.
Annual accounts
The figures alongside have been taken as a summary from the adopted annual accounts for 2019. You can download the full annual accounts via our website (www.rva.nl) or request them from us via communicatie@rva.nl.
The annual accounts have been compiled with due observance of the Dutch Autonomous Administrative Authorities Framework Act (Kaderwet zelfstandige bestuursorganen). The Guideline for Annual Reporting 640 ‘Not-for-profit organisations’ (Richtlijn voor de jaarverslaggeving 640) has been used since 2018.
Profit and loss account (x €1000)
Balance sheet as at 31 December (x €1000) after appropriation of the result
The capital requirement was evaluated in 2014 and will be re-evaluated in 2020. The changed status of the RvA in 2010 into an autonomous administrative authority was one of the reasons to maximise the buffer capital (equity capital -/- designated fund) at 4 million euros in the coming years. The extent of the buffer capital at year-end 2019 was 3,772,984 euros; at year-end 2018, it was
Distribution of invoiced time
Broken down by role in the assessment team:
Including the assessment of corrective measures and witness sessions: