find out what you want traffic or readers

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Find out what you want? Traffic or Readers? /f ind-want-traf f ic-readers/

Hi Bloggers, What you want? Traf f ic or Readers? If you are a beginner in the blogging field or an experienced hand you would have def initely come across these two above terms “Traf f ic” and “Reader”. As that we all think both mean the same, there is a slight variation in the meaning of both these words. Traffic: Traf f ic includes the people who visit your site or blog f or a couple of seconds and move away on f urther surf ing. You can clearly see this if you had a rush of traf f ic f rom the sites like StumbleUpon or any other social sites. Readers: T hese people are not just visitors. T hey are more than a passing-by visitor since they visit your blog again and again, promote your blog by leaving comments, sharing your posts, expect good posts f rom your blogs. Such people are more important f or any blogger and the main attitude of any blogger must be attracting more readers than just the visitors. What do you want? Af ter reading above, every blogger might have known what is the dif f erence between the Traffic or Readers and what they want. Of course. Traf f ic is more important f or any successf ul blog but is that all needed to make your

blog pro-motive? Beyond the thousands of visitors who passes by every day, you need standard f ollowers to make your blog really popular and ever lasting. So now, who can concentrate on just making traf f ic? People who like to make money through advertisements can concentrate on bringing traf f ics to your sites instead of depending upon loyal readers. Also people f rom af f iliate marketing who needs day by day visitors to review and comment on their product can concentrate on making traf f ic. But f or others, who really do not want to make huge money out of blogging have to depend upon the loyal readers who of ten visit your blogs and read your post and always be a part of what you do. Bring your “Traffic” by these ways: Now, if you have chosen to bring huge traffic to your site and mainly targeting money making then f ollow these steps to bring good number of traf f ic to your site: Add the relevant popular keywords at some places with which your blog will be coming under those f amous specif ic keywords in search engines. Start your own prof iles in the Social medias like Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and add f riends to that circle. Post your latest articles or blogs to that page and ask them to visit your blog. You can also send those articles through emails, or add the URL to your email signature so that it will be sent to all the people to whom you send the mails. If your blog is related to any topics like social awareness, sof tware, latest technology, etc you can send those articles to those specif ied readers to alert them with the latest updates. Share your post on social networking sites and also social bookmarking sites. Tweet your post several times with dif f erent teaser quotes. Bring your “Readers” by these ways: Above said ways are to bring traf f ic to your blogs whereas the f ollowing ways are to bring loyal visitors to your blogs. If you want to bring loyal readers to your site, the f irst and f oremost thing is making your blog consistent and up-dative. Always make your presence f elt with regular and good posts so that your loyal readers are always by your side. Reply to the comments lef t by your readers making them f eel that their comments are noticed and honored. Length of the posts is also an important thing since the posts less than 500 words won’t seem worth reading and thus you could not f orm loyal readers. Also Read: Ways to Create 1000 Words in 30 Minutes Make your blogs and posts attractive with relevant images and videos which automatically makes easy to navigate through the potential readers. Provide a space f or your readers to introduce themselves, post any of their recent projects or posts, any links, posts which they like and so on. T his will def initely bring your readers close to

you. Invite them to contribute a guest post to your blogs if they are interested in. T hus, as you have read the above tips you could have f ound the dif f erence between the two. Look on your work. Choose the way you want to blog. Even if you create a blog f or non-money making reasons you can readily f ollow the above tips to make unexpected money out of your site. Your comments are most welcome. Share this post, if you think, this will be useful to others like you. Subscribe Here to Get Free Latest Updates

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