R.A. Brown Ranch • 10/11/2022— 1 204 BROWN RANCH ROAD THROCKMORTON, TEXAS 76483 940.849.0611 | RABrownRanch.com 202211,OCTOBER ELITE FEMALEANGUSSALE
1) To insure that our cattle are healthy and to provide you with healthy cattle, we have a strict vaccination, herd health and 2)protocol.biosecurityAllcattle have been VACCINATED to prevent Blackleg, IBR, PI3, BVD, BRSV, Vibrio, Lepto and Pinkeye.
Micheal Sturgess - SouthernLivestockStandard, 210-867-6863
Donnell Brown
you to be with us on sale day, but if you are unable to make it you have two options: 1.LogontoCCI.Live&bidontheinternet2.Reachouttoourcustomerservicerepresentativesastheywillbeheresaledayandhavestudiedthesefemales. Theycanalsoputtheireyesonspecificcattlefor youifyoureachoutinadvance. WATCH &
TERMS & CONDITIONS: Cattle will sell under the suggested Terms and Conditions of the American Angus Association. https://www.angus.org/Pub/suggested_sale_terms.pdf?v=1 Payment is due on sale day and is required prior to release and transfer of cattle to purchaser. Cattle will be cared for free of charge through Saturday, October 16, after which $8/day feed and care will be charged.
R.A. Brown Ranch since 1895
Our family has been raising both commercial and seedstock cattle since 1895 and have been feeding cattle and getting carcass data since 1980 — giving us first-hand knowledge of the needs of each segment. Carcass premiums are valuable and important, but they cannot overcome financial losses caused by fertility failures in the cowherd or feet failures of offspring. Efficiency has a huge impact on profitability. That is why we are now two generations deep in the collection of dry matter intake (DMI) data to select for improved feed efficiency. In this catalog, we are introducing a new FERTILITY metric (FERT) that predicts differences in cows’ lifetime production. We have been using the $Ranch Index for years to select for better females. We believe these tools will play an important part in producing Angus cattle improve customer profits. We are very proud of the AAA for the efforts they are investing to develop a new EPD for cow fertility and look forward to seeing those results and using them as an additional tool to select more profitable cattle.
Donnell Brown - R.A. Brown Ranch, 940-256-1406
2 — R.A. Brown Ranch • 10/11/20222
Together with our Cooperator Team we are pleased to bring you this outstanding offering of elite Angus females and personally invite you to join us for this special event. Our October sale is a “Bucket List” event, and this year will be bigger and better than ever. Our 2nd Annual Elite Angus Female Sale kicks things off Tuesday, October 11 at 1 p.m. CDT followed by our Quarter Horse Sale, dinner, and live entertainment. Angus bulls will lead the way at our 48th Annual Bull Sale the next morning We sure hope to see you in Throckmorton!
INSURANCE: Mortality Insurance will be available for purchase on sale day from Ag Defense Risk Management / Shari Holloway.
OPTIONS: Obviously,
SALE ORDER & CHUCKWAGON: The sale begins promptly at 1 p.m. with cattle selling in catalog order.
For those with private planes, Olney, Texas, is 30 miles away and has three 5100’ runways. The N/S is lighted. They also have E/W and fuel availability 24 hours. Please call us well in advance if you need us to pick you up.
DELIVERY of FEMALES: We will be glad to arrange delivery. Information will be available at the sale office.
Phil Stoll - WeeklyLivestockReporter, 817-366-7332
Tucker Brown - R.A. Brown Ranch, 940-256-1848
AUCTIONEER: Trent Stewart - 541-325-3662
Gabe Jennings - R.A. Brown Ranch, 979-777-4366
It is amazing to think back only 15 years ago when the industry struggled to achieve 52% Choice and 3% Prime. Today the industry average is over 80% choice and prime combined. I have focused on producing high-quality beef for decades and have 16 years of carcass data from our structured carcass progeny test. Last year they graded 63% PRIME — seven times the national average! Angus deserves much of the credit for the increase in demand driven by improved marbling. I plan to continue pursing high marbling cattle. However, R.A. Brown Ranch is a different Angus program for all the right reasons. We strive to produce Angus cattle that are born easily, grow fast to a strong carcass weight, yet maintain a conservative mature size while converting feed and forage very efficiently with amazing fertility, feet, and phenotype. Looking forward, we are more confident than ever before the future belongs to genetics that do the most things right.
Greg Comstock - Gro-op, 804-647-0127
LOCATION: R.A. Brown Ranch Headquarters; 204 Brown Ranch Road, Throckmorton, TX 76483. It is located 4 miles west of Throckmorton on HWY 380. Turn at the ranch sign and go 1 mile north on County Road 112. Cross the cattleguard into the ranch, go 1 mile north and follow signs west to the Marketing Center.
Wichita Falls: 75 miles
Abilene: 75 miles
Radale Tiner - AngusJournal, 979-492-2663
Dear Friends, I am more excited about the cattle business and especially the Angus breed than ever before. We have more knowledge, tools, and technology available to identify and multiply better Angus cattle than ever before. As a result, elite females have become more and more important in our ability to make faster genetic progress. Our family started selling Angus bulls 127 years ago. Today the seventh generation is part of our family business at R.A. Brown Ranch producing seedstock designed to improve your profitability and sustainability in the cattle business.
Dallas/Ft Worth: 150 miles
Throckmorton Airport recently closed.
Mission Statement: We are continually striving to improve the sustainability and efficiency of converting God’s forage into safe, nutritious and great tasting beef to better feed His people. • 550 Bulls • 3 Breeds with large selection (Angus, Red Angus, SimAngus) • 300 “Hand-Picked” Commercial Bred Heifers • 1 Night of live entertainment • 110-year-old chuckwagon serving you breakfast • 150 breed-impacting Registered Red Angus Females • 4 generations of Brown Family to greet you • 43 elite profit Registered Angus Females • 25 Ranching Heritage Quarter Horses • $7.7 million returned to customers through the heifer sale • 48 years of October Sales in Throckmorton, Texas • If you’ve never been, it’s because you don’t know what you’re missing A Bucket List Event - 127 Years in the Making! - 2 AMAZING DAYS - MORE THAN 1,000 HEAD OF CATTLE - MORE THAN 2,000 MEALS SERVED• More than 4,000 years of beef industry experience sitting on our bleachers • Countless happy, but perhaps filthy, children playing in the sandpile
$Profit = $Ranch + Profit Post-Weaning (weaning to harvest)
Cow Herd Profit + Post-Weaning Profit = $Profit, One Number that Predicts your Bottom Line!
Fertility predicts differences in females’ ability to get preg nant and and raise a calf every year. A higher FERT EPD predicts greater lifetime fertility, which will result in higher $Profit and $Ranch as soon as FERT is incorporated into those indexes. various segments in the beef sup ply chain. The effect of most traits on profit is fairly simple to understand. Here is the list of what is included and its contribution toward profit:
$Profit understands the concept of diminishing returns! Some traits’ impact on profit are not so easily characterized. Milk and cow size, for example, are good things until you get too much, then they increase the cow’s nutritional requirements beyond the environment’s capacity. This outcome often results in a negative effect on fertility that is greater than its positive effect on weaning weight. This outcome often results in a negative effect on fertility that is greater than it’s positive effect on weaning weight. This ability to seek optimal levels of traits is a more recent development in selection index science that is used in $Profit and $Ranch.
Understanding $PROFIT $Profit includes nearly every trait that impacts profitability throughout animals’ life cycle and across the
• Fertility - More calves on the ground and a higher percentage born earlier in the season, and fewer open cows to replace.
be consumed to produce one pound of gain. This EPD is calculated using Feed Intake data
F:G EPD is a genetic pre diction of relative differences in feed efficiency. Lower F:G EPDs indicate less feed will be consumed to produce one pound of gain. This EPD is cal culated using Feed Intake data through the $Profit genetic evaluation.
CED - Hfr C.Ease Direct BW - Birth Weight
About the Data
MAX Acc. The presence of an AGI GE EPD label indicates genomic data obtained through DNA testing have been incor porated into the above EPDs to ensure the highest possible accuracy for non-parent bulls.
Selecting for $Ranch over time will increase the pounds of calf weaned per acre — here’s how:
Angus EPDs and Percentile Ranks:
New for 2022...FERT EPD Fertility predicts differences in females’ ability to get pregnant and and raise a calf every year. A higher FERT EPD predicts greater lifetime fertility, which will result in higher Profit and $Ranch as soon as FERT is incorporated into those indexes.
REG# Registration num ber assigned by the American Angus Association (AAA).
Percentile Ranks: Percentile ranks indicate where this animal’s EPDs rank vs. other non-parent animals in the AAA database. A 10% rank indicates that animal is in the top ten percent of the over half a million non-parent animals in the AAA database.
• Growth (post-weaning gain) - Reduce days to harvest, heavier pay-weights.
less feed
Milk - Daughters Milk Production MARB - Marbling
Every female in this sale was individually scored 1-5 for docility where 1 is very docile and 3 is rest less but manageable.
• Calf EPDs (projected fetal EPDs)
• Service Sire
• Expected Due Data
• Quality Grade - Premiums for upper Choice and big premiums for Prime. • Yield Grade - 1’s & 2’s earn premiums, 4’s & 5’s earn discounts.
$Profit % rank compares an individual animal to all animals that have been evaluated in $Profit multi-breed genetic evalu ation of over 1 million head.
$Profit is an Economic Se lection Index comparing bulls’ impact on profitability over their productive life (100 calves).
Animal ID: Animal’s Tattoo No Herd: Identifies cooperator (herd of origin.) Go andRABrownRanch.com/cooperators/tomeetourcooperatorteam.
$Ranch is an Economic Selection Index comparing bulls impact on profitability per calf when keeping replacement females and selling calves at weaning time.
• Feed Efficiency - Better cost of gain.
R.A. Brown Ranch since 1895 4 — R.A. Brown Ranch • 10/11/20222
Calf Information
• Fetal Sex (where available)
• Carcass Weight - Heavier pays more up to 1,050 lbs.
DOB: ofBirthdateanimal.
RE - Rib Eye Area
$Ranch = Profit in the Cow Herd (conception to weaning)
the $Profit genetic evaluation.
• Mature Cow Size - Not too big, not too small, just right to fit your environment.
• Milk - Enough but not too much.
$C: AAA Index is an “All Purpose Index” designed to help improve the long term profitability of producers that raise their own replacement heifers while feeding the rest of their calves and selling them on a value-based carcass grid.
• Cow Feed Intake - 70% of annual cow cost.
• Calving Ease - More live calves means more calves to sell and faster breed back with easier calving.
F:G (Feed Efficiency) is a genetic prediction of relative differences in feed efficiency. Lower F:G EPDs indicate will hrough
Sale Lot Number: All bulls and registered females sell in catalog order.
WW - Weaning Weight YW - Yearling Weight
• Growth (Weaning Weight) - Bigger pay-weights.
$M: AAA Index predicting profit ability for cattlemen who sell their calves at weaning time and retain their own replacement females.
R.A. Brown Ranch • 10/11/2022— 5 1001 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 0987 7 2.6 81 137 30 62 1.05 .61 77 174 303 .81 -.11 $51 $20,161 CCFP 45% 80% 10% 10% 20% 20% 15% 55% 15% 10% 5% 79% 23% 25% 6% Calf EPDs: 8 1.6 77 129 29 60 1.02 0.61 78 171 300 1.24 -0.14 $58 $19,820 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 10/14/20 20025248 1 WoodhillA130-C2Complete 1/20/23 H Warning: If you turn this female out anywhere near a highway, she will cause a traffic jam! As deep, thick and pretty as she is, her best feature may be her feet. As a donor, she’s going to be handier than your leatherman because she’ll fix feet and add perfor mance, muscle and shape while guarding against excess frame. There are a bunch of “off-the-charts” sires that she’ll make look good. Phenotypically, she is an ideal to strive for. Genetically, she embodies our recipe of balanced trait improvement towards our goals of imporoving the sustainability of our customers’ cow herds, while we increase the revenue generated from their calf crops. She has a good track record in terms of embryo production, with 32 No. 1 embryos on three flushes ENAMEL 0987 OF DALEBANKS TEHAMA TAHOE B767 TEHAMA UPWARD Y238 TEHAMA MARY BLACKBIRD Y684 ENAMEL 8453 OF DALEBANKS CONNEALY GLORY 4127 ENAMEL 8904 OF DALEBANKS ENAMEL 0987 OF DALEBANKS / LOT 1001 Elite Donor
To looking at a picture of phenotype aside, believe industry. calving ease means more live calves. Elite growth built to Moderate mature cow size, they house Heifers
means more pounds produced per cow exposed. Sound feet so she’s
grass. Her amazing
look at this heifer, you’d never know there was a drought. She’d get fat
1003 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 1004 8 1.4 92 155 29 76 .85 .72 81 177 311 1.29 -.10 $42 $21,500 SF 35% 55% 1% 2% 25% 4% 25% 35% 10% 10% 3% 47% 26% 45% 4% Calf EPDs: 9 .7 87 158 34 89 1.02 0.97 68 217 350 1.20 -.08 $30 $26,083 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 1/19/21 20385679 2 Springfield McClintok 0026 2/17/23 B If you have customers who sell them by the pound, they are going to love buying bulls out of this excellent footed Complete daughter, who delivers breed leading payweight with strong maternal traits and conservative calving ease. Her mating to Springfield McClintock blasts her already lofty index values to truly stratospheric levels, while improving marbling and actually decreasing birthweight. SF MISS COMPLETE 1004 WOODHILL COMPLETE A130-C2 EF COMPLEMENT 8088 WOODHILL EVERGREEN U181-A130 CSF MISS POWER SOURCE 960 44 POWER SOURCE 5134 CSF CHISUM LADY 789 1004 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit J1202 11 1.6 94 156 21 55 .71 .71 90 146 279 1.30 .05 $20 $19,357 RAB 15% 60% 1% 2% 85% 35% 40% 40% 2% 40% 15% 47% 79% 89% 7% Calf EPDs: 13 .7 85 147 28 56 .97 .74 90 160 297 1.45 -.12 $37 $22,884 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 1/7/21 20109626 1 GAR Right Move P169 4/3/23 B
the growth curve she predicts is a really sustainable model for the beef
R.A. Brown Ranch since 1895 6 — R.A. Brown Ranch • 10/11/20222 1002 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 1021 16 -.2 70 137 25 60 1.30 .85 84 197 342 1.07 0.00 $35 $26,127 SF 1% 20% 25% 10% 55% 20% 3% 20% 10% 2% 1% 63% 63% 64% 1% Calf EPDs: 14 .2 78 148 30 75 .96 .92 89 197 346 .99 -.06 $31 $24,658 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 1/27/21 20327454 2 Hoffman Thedford 2/17/23 H The only female in this sale with a higher $Combined Value is the Hoffman Thedford heifer in her belly. Our nearly 50 years of sale data shows ranchers pay more for bulls that can be used worry-free on heifers, yet have sufficient pay-weight and carcass value to roll right into the cow herd when they mature. 1021 combines calving ease with pay-weight as well as any in the sale, and does it with elite marbling yet moderate mature cow size, hence the massive $Profit. SF MISS PLUS ONE 1021 E&B PLUS ONE CONNEALY CONFIDENCE PLUS E&B LADY 1023 PRECISION 936
and home; we achieve higher stocking rates and more pounds per acre. YON WITCH J1202 YON SAMSON E247 PLATTEMERE WEIGH UP K360 YON WITCH B429 YON WITCH F538 K C F BENNETT FORTRESS YON WITCH A448 YON WITCH J1202 LOT 1004 R.A. Brown Ranch since 1895 Bred
won’t eat you out of
212Z Progeny 1005 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 863F 1 2.5 75 125 36 58 1.56 .78 78 196 332 2.14 -.20 $43 $25,843 JNSR 85% 80% 5% 10% 4% 10% 1% 15% 10% 1% 1% 6% 5% 43% 1% Calf EPDs: 5 1.5 77 127 30 58 1.19 .76 78 177 308 1.89 -.11 $46 $22,489 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 9/28/18 19334141 2 Brown JR Just Right 9010H 3/24/23 B Fertility, Feed Efficiency and PRIME quality grade will always be in demand. 863F delivers those traits in spades, and has the outlier index values to prove it. Her Fireball daughter topped this sale in 2021 going to MaxLock Cattle Co. at $14,000. This is the first of four 212Z daughters to sell in this sale. She’s productive and prolific beyond her youth, having maintained a 107 average progeny weaning ratio while yielding an average of 11 grade #1 embryos on three flushes. JR MS BARBARA 863F G A R SUNRISE MCC DAYBREAK G A R OBJECTIVE R227 JNSR MS BARBARA 212Z JNSR PREDESTINED 063X JR MISS FINAL ANSWER 007X 1008 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 766E 13 -.2 64 117 35 52 1.32 .59 73 187 316 2.39 -.45 $63 $24,938 JNSR 4% 20% 25% 20% 10% 15% 2% 35% 15% 2% 1% 2% .01% 9% 2% Calf EPDs: 13 -.4 73 127 33 63 1.25 .75 78 198 335 1.78 -.24 $69 $26,188 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 10/23/17 19049918 1 Poss Rawhide 2/16/23 B If you’ve been looking for a herd bull from an amazing cow family, with exceptional spread from calving ease to pay-weight, PRIME level marbling, elite feed efficiency and top 1% profit indexes, here he is - all you’ve gotta do is own lot 1008 before he’s born. Seriously, this is getting a herd bull and donor dam for the price of one. Two sons, Lots 9 & 79 sell in our bull sale the next day, and an outstanding Tahoe daughter, sells as lot 1033 in this sale. This female has maintained an average progeny weaning ratio of 111 and produced 56 #1 embryos in 8 flushes. JR MS BARBARA 766E G A R SURE FIRE CONNEALY IN SURE 8524 CHAIR ROCK 5050 G A R 8086 JNSR MS BARBARA 212Z JNSR PREDESTINED 063X JR MISS FINAL ANSWER 007X 1006 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit Calf EPDs: 11 .1 75 125 33 63 1.21 .77 80 193 330 1.34 .01 $66 $24,058
86 185
Package of 4 Embryos - JNSR Ms Barbara 212Z x Poss Remington. Here’s the $80,000 Clarity son out of Rawhide’s dam. Remington is a “Cowman’s Kind” with shape, muscle and excellent feet. 212Z is a 10 year old that looks like a 6 year old and has progeny ratios of: 113 weaning, 107 yearling, 105 IMF and 102 REA. For all the times you wish you had...this is your chance to get in on the ground floor. Buyer pays 3 times the bid price and gets 1 additional embryo for free in lieu of a guarantee.
Package of 4 Embryos Barbara x Poss Rawhide. 212Z is one of the most prepotent and prolific Angus cows to roam the Southern Plains. Her first 5 bulls to sell through R.A. Brown Ranch sales averaged $9,900. 8 more sons sell the next day in our bull sale, and 4 daughters sell in this event. Buyer pays 3 times the bid price and gets 1 additional embryo for free in lieu of a guarantee. 1.10 .73 326 1.23 -.02 $51 $22,931
R.A. Brown Ranch since 1895 8 — R.A. Brown Ranch • 10/11/20222 1009 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 641H 14 .1 66 118 28 49 1.12 .87 77 167 294 1.86 -.16 $32 $24,683 RAB 3% 25% 35% 30% 35% 45% 10% 20% 15% 15% 10% 14% 11% 71% 2% Calf EPDs: 13 -.2 68 123 29 52 1.24 1.1 74 178 305 1.71 -.21 $43 $26,914 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 2/20/20 19936583 2 HCC Whitewater9010 9/3/22 H It’s not often you get a chance to buy two herd impacting females with one bid, but that’s exactly the opportunity presented by this young cow and her heifer calf born 9/3/22 sired by the $280,000, HCC Whitewater 9010. She looks to be following in the footsteps of her highly productive dam, Chair Rock Sure Fire 7000 who maintained a 364 day calving interval with average progeny ratios of: 106 weaning, 101 yearling, 105 IMF and 104 REA. The heifer baby packages outstanding spread from CED to YW and bites off big genetic gains in marbling, fertility, feed efficiency and Profit! BROWN MS SUBEAM 641H G A R SUNBEAM G A R SUNRISE G A R INGENUITY 3132 CHAIR ROCK SURE FIRE 7000 G A R SURE FIRE CHAIR ROCK PROPHET 4000 1010 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 8101 11 1.1 66 121 29 51 .83 .86 92 162 302 1.23 .00 $67 $21,714 RAB 15% 45% 20% 15% 30% 20% 15% 10% 1% 10% 2% 52% 63% 5% 4% Calf EPDs: 13 .3 69 120 26 49 1.01 .93 89 169 307 1.56 -.02 $67 $24,054 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 1/23/18 19205624 1 G A R HIGH SECURITY JSF 4005 3/1/23 H This beautiful fronted Confidence Plus daughter is just entering the prime of her productive life, but already her resume includes a 104 average progeny weaning ratio, which suppports her outstanding Maternal and Ranch values. We are eagerly anticipating the first calves from G A R High Security JSF 4005. He is a proven sire we believe is destined to improve the sustainability of Angus cattle through improving cow herd retention rates, shortening calving interval, improving stocking rates and calf survivability all while continuing to make impressive progress in marbling. E&B Lady Plus 8101 CONNEALY CONFIDENCE PLUS CONNEALY CONFIDENCE 0100 ELBANNA OF CONANGA 1209 E&B LADY PROPHET 674 G A R PROPHET E&B LADY UPWARD 0197 BROWN MS SUBEAM 641H LOT E&B1009LADY PLUS 8101 LOT 1010 Front-Pasture Stock
R.A. Brown Ranch • 10/11/2022— 9 SF MISS PLUS ONE 1005 LOT 1011 1011 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 1005 11 -.8 66 121 28 51 1.12 .67 72 173 296 1.05 .01 $42 $23,100 SF 15% 15% 35% 25% 35% 40% 10% 45% 25% 10% 10% 64% 66% 46% 3% Calf EPDs: 12 -.7 74 129 29 63 1.15 .79 78 191 325 1.11 -.01 $58 $25,269 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 1/21/21 19996085 1 Poss Rawhide 2/17/23 If you think they need to look as good in the flesh as they do on paper, here’s a heifer that will satisfy the most discriminating taste. She’s pretty enough for the front pasture, but has the substance and natural thickness to make it on west Texas range. Check out the index values and EPD profile on her the Rawhide calf she carries. Good enough for the front end of your next bull sale or your donor pen. SF MISS PLUS ONE 1005 E&B PLUS ONE CONNEALY CONFIDENCE PLUS E&B LADY 1023 PRECISION 936 ZEBO MISS CC&7 936 BYERGO/DOUBLE GG BLACKSTONE HF MISS CC&7 6116 1012 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 1069 10 1.5 80 130 23 47 1.30 .79 93 166 306 1.36 -.11 $52 $24,209 RAB 20% 55% 10% 15% 75% 50% 3% 25% 2% 15% 4% 42% 23% 24% 2% Calf EPDs: 12 .5 76 125 23 47 1.25 .90 89 171 309 1.62 -.08 $60 $25,301 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 3/25/21 20093404 1 G A R HIGH SECURITY JSF 4005 1/9/23 B This heifer packs a lot of performance into a moderate frame and comes with growth curve predictions that really foretell of a more efficient more sustainable Angus cow. Check it out, rapid early growth with strong percent ranks for weaning and yearling, outstanding marbling to sustain consumer demand, and lower mature weight to increase stocking rate and increase pounds weaned per acre. Her dam maintains 371 day calving interval, and progeny ratios of 93 birth, 100 weaning, 103 yearling, 104 IMF and 104 REA. Her mating to High Security will boost fertilty and spread from BW to YW. E&B LADY CAHOOTS 1069 G A R CAHOOTS G A R ASHLAND G A R SURE FIRE A5008 E&B LADY PLUS 516 CONNEALY CONFIDENCE PLUS E&B LADY BLUEPRINT 968 1013 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 685J 8 1.9 73 132 33 44 1.41 .89 57 172 280 1.80 .02 $18 $26,570 RAB 35% 65% 15% 15% 10% 60% 2% 15% 70% 10% 15% 16% 70% 92% 1% Calf EPDs: 11 .7 72 126 28 46 1.30 .95 71 173 296 1.84 -.01 $43 $26,482 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 2/14/21 20305884 1 G A R HIGH SECURITY JSF 4005 1/28/23 H Buy two top 1% $Profit females with one bid, and the second one will travel and eat for free for the next three months! Sounds too good...but it’s true. Both mother and daughter are going to be in striking range to make some of the highest marbling and highest $Profit cattle in the breed, and given their youth, they could be putting bulls in the front-end of your sale for the rest of this decade. BROWN MS HOME TOWN 685J G A R HOME TOWN G A R CHAIRASHLANDROCKSURE FIRE 6095 MCC SUPERMAMA 7066 CONNEALY CONFIDENCE PLUS MCC SUPERMAMA 2041 Bred Heifers
R.A. Brown Ranch since 1895 10 — R.A. Brown Ranch • 10/11/20222 SF MISS ALTERNATIVE 1007 / LOT 1014 SF MISS THOMAS EDISON 1048 / LOT 1015 1014 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 1007 3 2.6 81 147 12 61 1.23 .58 41 184 280 1.30 .12 $16 $19,602 SF 80% 80% 10% 4% 95% 20% 5% 60% 95% 5% 15% 47% 93% 93% 7% Calf EPDs: 6 1.3 82 154 25 81 1.21 .90 48 221 334 1.20 .09 $17 $25,134 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 1/22/21 20111522 1 Springfield McClintok 0026 2/17/23 B It hurts to part with this one, she’s been a standout since she weaned at a 110 ratio. Her dam is one of our favorites because she’s one of our most fertile and productive females, maintaining a 357-day calving interval with progeny averages of: 103 weaning, 105 yearling and 126 IMF. Her mating to Springfield McClintok 0026 will reach way into the top 1% for $Beef value as well as $Combined value. SF MISS ALTERNATIVE 1007 BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125 POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030 MISS 7H DV PROPHET 1675 DEER VALLEY PROPHET 3537 FWY 9M25 OF 0B7 D175 1015 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 1048 6 2.5 86 143 17 68 1.10 .51 75 183 312 1.52 -.11 $34 $20,089 SF 55% 80% 3% 10% 95% 10% 10% 70% 20% 5% 3% 32% 23% 66% 6% Calf EPDs: 9 1.9 82 138 22 60 1.40 .72 91 192 340 1.37 -.05 $24 $25,789 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 2/1/21 20099376 1 Yon Top Cut G730 2/17/23 H When I look at this heifer I remember a wise old cow man who once told me, “An inch longer is another 100 lbs. to sell”. This heifer might be a couple of inches longer, which would explain her genetic predictions for heavier pay-weights, regardless of whether you sell at weaning, yearling or on the rail. Her mating to Yon Top Cut G730 is just flat-out greedy in terms ot the tremendous gains it projects for calving ease, marbling, $Maternal Value, $Beef Value, $Combined Value and $Profit. SF MISS THOMAS EDISON 1048 THOMAS EDISON 6764 G A R THOMASSUNRISEPRIMROSE 41037 CSF MISS PAYWEIGHT 904 BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 EF RITA 4050 1016 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 105J 7 2.3 85 147 29 72 .68 1.16 50 178 281 1.89 -.25 $14 $20,992 BEL 45% 75% 3% 4% 25% 10% 45% 2% 85% 10% 15% 13% 2% 95% 5% Calf EPDs: 10 0.9 84 142 30 73 .93 1.03 67 194 318 1.53 -.14 $45 $24,215 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 1/27/21 20207125 2 Poss Rawhide 1/20/23 B We all want to make sound investments, especially in our cow herd where we have to live with and feed the results of those decisions. Study the front of our Angus bull sale catalog, and you’ll quickly notice that the Rawhide calf in 105J’s belly would fit right into the front end of the bull sale. This outstanding daughter of G A R Method completes a page of really high horsepower replacements and kicks it up a notch in the economically relevant traits of feed efficiency and fertility. She starts paying dividends in about 100 days. BEL MS METHOD 105J G A R METHOD G A R MOMENTUM G A R DAYBREAK 1332 BEL MS PROTEGE 505C RAB PROTEGE 4008Z RAB MS OBJECTIVE 584U Bred Heifers
R.A. Brown Ranch • 10/11/2022— 11 1018 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit J276 6 1.3 84 151 27 77 .65 .95 59 187 302 1.45 -.25 $23 $23,177 RAB 55% 55% 4% 3% 40% 3% 50% 10% 65% 4% 5% 36% 2% 86% 3% Calf EPDs: 10 .4 78 135 25 62 .92 .98 72 181 307 1.67 -.15 $45 $24,785 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 12/21/20 20126965 1 G A R HIGH SECURITY JSF 4005 1/9/23 H If you’ve been watching from sidelines as others make progress improving the efficiency at which our cattle convert feed, this sale provides multiple opportunites to move your program to the forefront, and this is one of those opportunites. We get it, not everyone can justify the expense of a GrowSafe system or the manpower to support it. So capture the same knowledge and genetic lead time by selecting replacements or herd bulls from a program that is now more than two generations deep in that process. Her dam is a rising star with a calving interval of 354 days and average progeny ratios of 110 weaning and 107 yearling. The High Security heifer calf she’ll deliver 90 days after the sale makes further progress in marbling, fertility and calving ease.
1019 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit J282 6 .4 73 135 35 59 1.16 .82 87 179 319 1.43 -.13 $31 $27,097 RAB 55% 30% 15% 10% 5% 25% 10% 25% 4% 10% 2% 38% 18% 71% .9% Calf EPDs: 10 .1 75 137 35 58 1.20 .79 89 176 317 1.52 -.21 $42 $26,754 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 12/29/20 20126966 1 GAR Right Move P169 4/8/23
Better study this catalog all the way to the end. We’re around the half-way point before we find the highest $Profit female in the entire offering. With 14 traits in the top 25%, these indexes find her fast! Of course we’re really impressed by her predictions for excellent payweights without pushing to increase mature cow size or birthweight.
Bred Heifers
R.A. Brown Ranch since 1895 12 — R.A. Brown Ranch • 10/11/20222 JR MS BARBARA 1133J LOT 1020 JR MS BARBARA 1131J LOT 1021 1021 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 1131J 10 -.2 74 116 37 62 .90 .79 84 160 292 1.59 -.05 $62 $20,862 JNSR 20% 20% 15% 35% 3% 20% 25% 25% 10% 20% 10% 27% 44% 9% 5% Calf EPDs: 12 -.4 78 126 34 68 1.04 .85 84 185 323 1.38 -.04 $69 $24,150 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 1/7/21 20143460 2 Poss Rawhide 1/12/23 There’s always an increased comfort level when you are buying daughters of highly repeatable cows, and they don’t come any more predictable than 212Z. Incredibly fresh is an accurate description of these heifers’ famous dam. With 9 flushes (averaging 18 #1 embryos per ) and 7 natural calves under her belt that she weaned at an average of 113 WW ratio, it’s amazing she looks more like a 6-year-old. We mated 212Z to Complete to make more like her; deep, thick, sound footed and singlehandedly capable of changing the trajectory of a herd’s future. JR MS BARBARA 1131J WOODHILL COMPLETE A130-C2 EF COMPLEMENT 8088 WOODHILL EVERGREEN U181-A130 JNSR MS BARBARA 212Z JNSR PREDESTINED 063X JR MISS FINAL ANSWER 007X 1020 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 1133J 8 .7 72 130 28 62 1.24 .91 61 192 310 1.46 .06 $54 $24,688 JNSR 35% 40% 20% 15% 35% 20% 5% 15% 55% 3% 3% 35% 82% 20% 2% Calf EPDs: 11 .1 77 133 29 68 1.21 .91 72 201 332 1.31 .02 $65 $26,063 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 2/21/21 20143599 3 Poss Rawhide 1/12/23 We promised there’d be more 212Z daughters and here they are. Relevance semen has been hard to come by and very expensive when you do find it, so it took a little arm twisting to part with this female, especially considering how “bullet-proof” her dam has been. Check those fetal projections for $Values and $Profit! The only chance you’d be taking would be if she is carrying your next herd bull or donor dam?
212Z Daughters
R.A. Brown Ranch • 10/11/2022— 13 1022 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 9872 8 1.0 76 129 25 69 .52 .76 107 167 322 1.56 -.08 $30 $16,725 RAB 35% 45% 15% 15% 55% 10% 65% 30% 1% 15% 2% 29% 33% 73% 13% Calf EPDs: 11 .2 74 124 24 58 .86 .88 95 171 317 1.72 -.06 $49 $21,559 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 11/2/19 19628773 2 G A R HIGH SECURITY JSF 4005 2/2/23 B When we said the quality runs deep, we weren’t kidding; here’s the high Maternal Value female in the entire offering. If you’re interested in cow herd building traits, you’ll want to keep all the daughters out of 9872 as well as the daughters out of the son she’s carrying. Her mating to High Security futher adds another layer of maternal excellence with his Top 13% Fertility and Top 5% $Ranch. DCF ROWENA 9872 V A R MODESTO 7251 BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 PF CC&7 HENRIETTA PRIDE 1044 DCF CC&7 1669 SYDGEN C C & 7 WK MISS ROWENA 2423 1023 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 0E03 9 1.7 71 127 31 58 .96 .81 77 174 303 1.22 -.24 $33 $24,035 RAB 30% 60% 20% 20% 15% 25% 20% 25% 15% 10% 5% 52% 2% 68% 2% Calf EPDs: 12 .70 74 133 33 57 1.10 .79 84 174 309 1.41 -.26 $43 $25,223 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 8/11/20 19860340 1 GAR Right Move P169 2/4/23 B
Buyer pays 3 times the bid price and gets 1 additional embryo for free in lieu of a guarantee. 637 x FIREBALL GB FIREBALL 672 G A R SURE FIRE 6404 GB ANTICIPATION 432 BPL ALLIN 637 DEER VALLEY ALL IN BPL A1018 304 Herd Building Dams
feed bills, check out this incomparable combination of Feed Efficiency and
for practically every
ENHANCE SYDGEN EXCEED 3223 SYDGEN RITA 2618 ELM CREEK RITA 6Q25 RITO 9Q13 OF RITA 5F56 GHM DZ FUT DIR 4268 2D08 1024 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 023H 12 -.4 61 119 28 44 .94 .91 72 164 285 1.62 -.11 $31 $23,072 BEL 10% 20% 50% 30% 35% 60% 20% 15% 25% 20% 15% 25% 23% 71% 3% Calf EPDs: 11 .1 67 120 28 51 .97 .76 75 166 291 1.64 -.14 $48 $21,276 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 3/10/20 19901032 2 WoodhillA130-C2Complete 1/20/23 H Here’s a moderate framed young female whose $Profit and $Values reward her balance of traits. Higher input costs have really shone the light on cattle that are off-the-charts for one or more post-weaning traits, but run the fertility and/or maintenance costs of your cow herd into the ditches. This female gets the cow right first, predicting more live calves, better breed up and cow retention, and improved feed conversion. Plus, this is a two-for-one deal since the Complete heifer calf she carries will be more of the same only better. BEL MS SUNRISE 023H GAR SUNRISE 8514H G A R SUNRISE G A R INGENUITY 3132 RAB BEL MS ABSOLUTE 408B K C F BENNETT ABSOLUTE RAB MS PREDESTINED 4582X 1025 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit Calf EPDs: 12 0.8 71 134 29 55 1.34 .91 66 194 318 1.51 -.39 $29 $29,991 Package of 4 Embryos - BPL Allin 637 x GB Fireball 672. Last year, an open heifer by Fireball with an EPD profile similar to these embryos topped this sale at $14,000. If these calves were already on the ground they’d be the highest $Profit individuals in the sale and are expected to get even better when the Fertility EPD gets
in the index calculation. If you have customers who want to earn more PRIME premiums but pay
SYDGEN included lower marbling.
Once I asked a well known commercial rancher what he expected or hoped for from his seedstock supplier. His answer was, “Don’t screw up my cow herd.” 15 years later we remember his advice with each mating we make and each bull we sell. 0E03 certainly lives up to that advice; she’s on the right side the fence economically relevant trait, including a F:G EPD that predicts more beef and less feed bill.
R.A. Brown Ranch since 1895 14 — R.A. Brown Ranch • 10/11/20222 JR MS BEULA 764E LOT 1026 JR MS BLACKLASS 768E LOT 1027 1026 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 764E 11 .1 68 127 31 58 .65 .68 83 159 287 1.98 -.08 $58 $20,908 JNSR 15% 25% 15% 10% 20% 10% 30% 25% 4% 15% 4% 10% 33% 14% 5% Calf EPDs: 11 -.4 65 113 34 49 .68 .85 86 151 280 1.47 -.23 $59 $22,762 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 10/21/17 19049916 1 WoodhillB174-D135Partner 3/29/23 B
For a cow that is just entering the prime of her productive life, 764E has already built an impressive resume. In the last two R.A. Brown Ranch Angus bull sales, she had two $13,000 sons as well as a lead-off bull to her credit. She lives up to her strong Fertility EPD by maintaining a 363 day calving interval and progeny ratios of: 103 weaning, 108 yearling and 113 IMF. We anticipate her Fertility EPD is going to provide a big positive push to both $Ranch and $Profit once it’s incorporated into those indexes. This female has been flushed twice with an average of 5.5 No. 1 embryos.
Fertility EPD female
JNSR BEULAH 358A highest in entire offering. She is already plenty high for both $Ranch and $Profit but those values could go into uncharted territory when the FERT EPD is added to the calculation. In March, her son sold as lot 4 to Bellah Cattle Company for $9,500. Just read her EPD package like your banker would: She predicts more live calves, which will convert feed more efficiently; a higher percentage will earn PRIME premiums; the replacements will breed up better and last longer, thus reducing cow depreciation costs. She has been flushed three times with an average of 4 No. 1 embryos.
1027 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 768E 13 -.9 51 92 21 39 1.38 .64 77 177 307 2.86 -.18 $73 $24,661 JNSR 4% 10% 60% 60% 80% 45% 1% 30% 10% 3% 2% 0.2% 8% 2% 2% Calf EPDs: 13 -.7 67 114 26 57 1.28 .77 80 193 331 2.01 -.11 $74 $26,050 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 10/27/17 19049920 2 Poss Rawhide 1/23/23 H Here’s the
R.A. Brown Ranch • 10/11/2022— 15 JR MS TIDY BEE 1115J / LOT 1028 BROWN MS HOME TOWN 684J / LOT 1030 1028 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 1115J 8 -.1 74 128 29 60 1.03 .66 94 168 311 1.92 -.05 $78 $20,716 JNSR 35% 25% 15% 20% 25% 20% 15% 45% 1% 15% 3% 12% 44% 1% 5% Calf EPDs: 9 .3 74 125 29 59 1.01 .64 86 168 304 1.79 -.11 $72 $20,098 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 1/18/21 20089883 2 WoodhillA130-C2Complete 1/13/23 Fiscal year 2021 saw American Angus register over 313,000 head. That means this daughter of Mill Braie Success 8017 bested over 150,000 yearling Angus heifers to earn a Top 1% rank for maternal value. She comes by it honestly; she bred to calve prior to her second birthday and her dam has average progeny ratios of 107 weaning and 104 yearling. JR MS TIDY BEE 1115J MILL BRAE SUCCESS 8017 CONNEALY CONFIDENCE PLUS MILL BRAE IDENT JOANIE 6288 JR MS TIDY BEE 725E G A R DAYTIME 7782 LCOC TIDY BEE BG118 1029 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 683J 12 -.3 65 107 27 48 1.20 .78 77 176 305 1.44 -.02 $32 $26,465 RAB 10% 20% 35% 50% 40% 50% 10% 30% 15% 10% 4% 37% 55% 69% 1% Calf EPDs: 11 .2 69 114 28 53 1.10 .70 78 172 301 1.55 -.09 $48 $22,972 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 2/19/21 20305872 1 WoodhillA130-C2Complete 1/29/23 H This HomeTown daughter comes from a very productive dam who produced 5 calves with progeny averages of: 91 birth, 107 weaning and 112 yearlling. And that didn’t include this heifer, who was in a single head contemporary group. Her ultrasound scans did count and she impressed with ratios of 112 IMF and 104 REA. Her mating to Complete gives up very little on any trait, but makes significant gains in terms of pay-weight, fertility, feed efficiency, foot structure and $Ranch. BROWN MS HOME TOWN 683J G A R HOME TOWN G A R CHAIRASHLANDROCKSURE FIRE 6095 MCC SUPERMAMA 7212 MCC DAYBREAK MCC SUPER MAMA 1174 1030 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 684J 14 -1.1 42 77 26 33 1.62 .77 59 186 300 1.44 .03 $43 $25,872 RAB 3% 10% 95% 95% 50% 85% 1% 30% 65% 4% 5% 37% 73% 43% 1% Calf EPDs: 12 -.3 58 99 27 46 1.31 .69 69 177 298 1.55 -.07 $54 $22,676 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 2/21/21 20305873 1 WoodhillA130-C2Complete 1/9/23 H Not quite to the 10 lot warning, we find the highest marbling female in the sale, that is about one standard deviation higher than the top 1% of the active Angus dams for marbling. Full-sister sells as Lot 1029. Both are bred to Complete, so their calves will be full-sisters in blood. BROWN MS HOME TOWN 684J G A R HOME TOWN G A R CHAIRASHLANDROCKSURE FIRE 6095 MCC SUPERMAMA 7212 MCC DAYBREAK MCC SUPER MAMA 1174 Top One Percenters
SF MISS WEIGH UP 1017 wondering, made up the sale order?” But don’t sweat it, that just a half sister to the leadoff female and a daughter of the powerful donor, most powerful producers with an average weaning ratio of 111. Born during the pretty sure her EPD for ear length is at least breed average.
JNSR Ms Barbara 766E who sells as 1008, and is one of our
“Freeze of 2021” she’s a little short in the ear department, but we’re
goes to show how deep the quality runs in our Angus female sale. She’s
PLATTEMERE WEIGH UP K360 SITZ UPWARD 307R BARBARA OF PLATTEMERE 337 MGR RITA 2145 A A R TEN X 7008 S A MGR RITA 0198 1032 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 1073 4 1.4 73 125 27 55 .56 .63 92 144 279 1.03 -.2 $51 $16,859 RAB 70% 55% 15% 20% 40% 35% 60% 50% 2% 40% 15% 66% 55% 26% 13% Calf EPDs: 9 .4 72 122 25 51 .88 .82 89 160 296 1.46 -.3 $59 $21,626 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 4/15/21 20092792 1 G A R HIGH SECURITY JSF 4005 1/9/23 H After seeing G A R High Security JSF 4005 daughters at Leachman Cattle of Colorado, we knew we needed to incorporate him into our Angus program and have used him heavily ever since. This heifer affirms her excellent heifer pregnancy EPD with the High Security heifer calf she will deliver in early Janary, 90 days before her second birthday. E&B LADY FOUNDATION 1073 S FOUNDATION 722 S FOUNDATION 514 S QUEEN ESSA 5205 E&B LADY PLUS 8101 CONNEALY CONFIDENCE PLUS E&B LADY PROPHET 674 1033 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 1128J 12 -.8 79 131 31 51 1.07 0.67 93 162 301 1.73 -.32 $69 $23,851 JNSR 10% 15% 10% 15% 15% 40% 15% 45% 2% 20% 4% 20% .3% 4% 2% Calf EPDs: 12 -.9 71 115 34 45 .89 0.85 91 152 288 1.35 -.35 $64 $24,234 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 2/15/21 20143551 2 WoodhillB174-D135Partner 3/14/23 B With 14 traits in the top 25% and 5 indexes in the top 4% you’re probably
Bred Heifers
R.A. Brown Ranch since 1895 16 — R.A. Brown Ranch • 10/11/20222 1031 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 1017 11 1.2 74 126 30 48 1.12 .52 77 159 282 1.70 -.01 $35 $22,876 SF 15% 50% 15% 20% 20% 50% 10% 65% 15% 20% 15% 21% 59% 63% 3% Calf EPDs: 11 1.2 76 130 28 50 1.41 .73 92 180 325 1.46 .01 $24 $27,183 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 1/27/21 20110554 2 Yon Top Cut G730 2/17/23 B This heifer predicts easy calving and heavy weaning, which is a really popular recipe in the big ranch country. She also excels for cow herd building traits such as heifer pregnancy rate, and maternal calving ease, and comes out of a highly, productive dam with a 107 average progeny weaning ratio. The bull calf she carries is going to maintain her calving ease but push her marbling, $M, $C and $Profit into front-end bull sale territory.
Brown Ms Quanah 505B is amazing. She may be the most experienced cow in the sale, but you wouldn’t guess it from looking at her, or her udder. The above picture was taken a week before this catalog went to press. She has withstood two generations of genetic trend and still more than holds her own for marbling, $B, $C and $Profit. This highly proven, highly repeatable matron has contributed mightily to the success of our SimAngus sales through the SimAngus bulls she’s produced. In addtition, her Angus production record yields dominant progeny ratios of 110 weaning, 110 yearling, 115 IMF and 102 REA. An amazingly productive donor, averaging 14 No. 1 embryos on 9 conventional flushes, and 10 No. 1 embryos on 3 IVF flushes. Sells open and ready to flush.
BROWN MS QUANAH 505B G A R QUANNAH 687L G A R PREDESTINED G A R OBJECTIVE 1885 RAB-GAR MS NEW DAY 4678Y B/R NEW DAY 454 RAB-GAR MS FIN ANSWER 4994W 1035 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 8D85 4 1.2 71 131 28 56 .81 .93 49 173 273 .76 .03 $19 $18,061 BIAR 65% 45% 10% 10% 35% 10% 20% 5% 80% 4% 10% 74% 52% 71% 5% Calf EPDs: 9 .4 77 134 29 65 1.00 .92 66 191 314 .96 .00 $47 $22,750 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 10/28/18 19410212 1 Poss Rawhide 1/18/23 B This young cow balances 13 traits in the top 25% of the breed, and her mating to Rawhide is only going to increase the number of traits and im prove the percentile rank. She delivers best 10% pay-weight at each sale point and does so in a moderate, low maintenance frame. G-C BLACKCAP OF 5920 8D85 SPRINGFIELD RAMESSES 6124 QUAKER HILL RAMPAGE 0A36 WELYTOK TOTAL 10 ERIANNA 3B2 RMRK/GBCC BLACKCAP 5920 V A R GENERATION 2100 DCF BLACKCAP 3671 Proven Producers The Quality is Bred...Beforein... the Brand goes on.
R.A. Brown Ranch • 10/11/2022— 17 BROWN MS QUANAH 505B / LOT 1034 G-C BLACKCAP OF 5920 8D85 / LOT 1035 1034 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 505B 13 .5 58 115 30 52 1.11 .81 61 172 284 1.48 .05 $15 $23,953 ABG 4% 30% 40% 20% 25% 15% 4% 15% 45% 5% 5% 34% 79% 94% 2% DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 2/6/14 18049055 1 Open Donor
SF Miss Edison 1052 is undeniably high octane but still balances a dozen traits in the top 25% and 3 indexes in the top 4%. Her reliable dam has built a 104 average progeny weaning ratio as a 4-year-old. She was exposed to two natural service sires and preg checked due in March with a bull calf as indicated. Parent verification will be required to determine the sire, but the good news is you win either way; just study the projected calf EPDs that are shown above for both sires. There is nothing wrong with running cows like your commercial customers and that’s how they all do it.
R.A. Brown Ranch since 1895 18 — R.A. Brown Ranch • 10/11/20222 SF MISS EDISON 1052 LOT 1036 1037 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 1125 11 1.3 72 126 23 52 1.36 .96 46 192 295 1.25 -.13 $25 $27,921 SF 15% 55% 20% 20% 75% 40% 3% 10% 90% 3% 10% 50% 18% 82% .7% Calf EPDs: 12 .4 77 131 27 63 1.27 .93 65 201 325 1.21 -.08 $50 $27,680 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 2/28/21 20111660 1 Poss Rawhide 3/10/23 B This heifer’s sire is one of the breed’s best combinations of quality grade and feed efficiency in the the Angus breed, and that translates to more PRIME carcasses with lower feed bills. Her mating to Poss Rawhide projects highly marketable spread from easy calving to heavy payweights, and eite $Value indexes. SF MISS FIREBALL 1125 GB FIREBALL 672 G A R SURE FIRE 6404 GB ANTICIPATION 432 FF RITA 5R03 OF M532 RAMPAGE QUAKER HILL RAMPAGE 0A36 G A R PROTEGE M532 1038 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 1130J 10 .2 80 137 29 73 .89 .78 77 182 313 1.59 -.35 $61 $20,723 JNSR 20% 30% 10% 10% 25% 5% 25% 30% 15% 10% 3% 27% .1% 10% 5% Calf EPDs: 10 .3 75 130 30 63 1.07 .93 73 183 311 1.6 -.29 $48 $24,942 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 2/25/21 20143385 2 G A R Refresh 1/12/23 H Mill Brae Success 8017 has become one of the sought after female producers in the Angus breed, and for good reason. He’s more than 10 points above the top 1% for $Maternal value, and he ranks in the top 1/100th of 1% for $Ranch. Selection for $Ranch over time will improve stocking rates and ultimately improve our industry’s sustainability through producing more pounds of calf per acre. JR MS QUEEN 1130J MILL BRAE SUCCESS 8017 CONNEALY CONFIDENCE PLUS MILL BRAE IDENT JOANIE 6288 JNSR MS QUEEN 562C QUAKER HILL RAMPAGE 0A36 JR MISS PROTEGE 925W Bred Heifers 1036 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 1052 11 2.6 77 144 33 67 .97 .88 68 186 309 1.53 -.21 $17 $23,631 SF 15% 80% 10% 5% 10% 10% 20% 15% 35% 4% 3% 31% 4% 92% 3% 2Bar Peyton 0143 11 2.0 82 152 33 71 1.13 .97 66 196 320 1.30 -.17 $22 $26,926 B4L1174Joc 11 1.3 69 125 33 62 1.24 1.12 80 197 334 1.36 -.11 $28 $25,873 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 2/1/21 20109417 1 2 Bar Peyton 0143, B4L Joc 1174 3/30/23 B
R.A. Brown Ranch • 10/11/2022— 19 HCC WHITEWATER 9010 SERVICE SIRE OF LOT 1039 1039 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 9152 13 -.5 62 119 31 55 .83 1.25 84 178 315 1.19 -.10 $49 $25,847 RAB 4% 15% 30% 15% 20% 15% 15% 1% 3% 3% 1% 55% 26% 31% 1% Calf EPDs: 12 -.5 66 123 30 55 1.1 1.29 78 184 316 1.37 -.18 $52 $27,496 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 1/11/19 19548727 1 HCC Whitewater 9010 2/23/23 B Here we are 5 lots from the end of the sale and this really good footed Confidence Plus daughter with a whole bunch of 1% showing! Look at the fetal EPDs that go with the Whitewater bull calf she’s carrying, then try to imagine where that might fit into your 2024 bull sale order. She will hold up her end of the bargain, having weaned her first calf at a 103 weaning weight ratio E&B LADY PLUS 9152 CONNEALY CONFIDENCE PLUS CONNEALY CONFIDENCE 0100 ELBANNA OF CONANGA 1209 E&B LADY FATE 7107 SYDGEN FATE 2800 E&B LADY RETAIL PRODUCT 784 1040 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 751E 6 1.6 68 119 31 53 .90 0.58 71 160 279 1.59 -.18 $61 $18,979 JNSR 50% 55% 15% 15% 20% 15% 15% 35% 20% 10% 10% 27% 8% 10% 8% Calf EPDs: 9 .4 65 109 34 46 .81 0.8 80 151 276 1.28 -.28 $60 $21,798 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 9/25/17 19049902 1 WoodhillB174-D135Partner 3/29/23 B All the cowmen will find this deep bodied, wide sprung donor that is loaded with natural thickness. She’s as productive as she is easy fleshing, and maintains a 111 average progeny weaning ratio and her 2020 Fireball heifer calf sold in this same sale last year to Dunn For Ranch, in Blos som, Texas. She is a great embryo producer with 19 No. 1 embryos in two flushes. JR MS BALNORMA 751E LAR PAY OFF CC34 BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 LAR ERICA 334 JNSR MS BALNORMA 411B A A R TEN X 7008 S A RAB MS KAN-DO 667R JR MS BALNORMA 751E LOT 1040 Cow Herd Builders
R.A. Brown Ranch since 1895 20 — R.A. Brown Ranch • 10/11/20222 MILL BRAE SUCCESS 8017 SERVICE SIRE TO LOT 1043 1041 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit JG021 7 2.1 71 124 28 60 .61 .99 86 168 304 1.98 -.17 $50 $21,689 RAB 45% 70% 20% 25% 35% 20% 50% 10% 4% 15% 5% 10% 9% 28% 4% Calf EPDs: 10 .8 77 130 29 67 .90 .95 85 189 329 1.57 -.10 $62 $24,564 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 2/1/21 20151933 3 Poss Rawhide 2/23/23 H This Bottomline daughter excels in two of the most important traits for a sustainable industry: Fertility and Feed Efficiency (F:G). But, those are just two of her 14 traits that are in the top 25% of the breed. Her mating to Rawhide will incrase marbling and calving ease while reducing birth weight. LCOC CANYON LASS JG021 LEACHMAN TL BOTTOMLINE G385E T C A VISIONARY 158 OP NOREL BG276 LCOC CANYON LASS YG021 LEACHMAN PARADIGM G289U LCOC CANYON LASS SG745 1042 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit JG015 8 .8 76 125 19 52 .94 .97 88 166 303 1.80 -.23 $33 $21,692 RAB 35% 40% 15% 20% 95% 40% 20% 10% 3% 15% 5% 16% 3% 67% 4% Calf EPDs: 11 .2 79 131 25 63 1.06 .94 86 188 329 1.48 -.13 $54 $24,565 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 1/24/21 20160179 2 Poss Rawhide 3/1/23 B The story on High Security is you can feed the steers and keep all the daughters. This daughter supports both of those claims as she predicts excellence in Feed Efficiency and marbling, while ranking high for Fertility and $Maternal value. LCOC TREASURE JG015 G A R HIGH SECURITY JSF 4005 G A R SURE FIRE G A R HIGH DESIGN 781 LCOC TREASURE DG191 D R SIERRA CUT 7404 T C A TREASURE 0699 601 1043 CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit 681J 9 -0.2 57 98 29 35 .83 .62 53 140 235 1.81 -.25 $64 $20,626 RAB 30% 20% 60% 70% 25% 80% 30% 50% 80% 45% 55% 9% .8% 5% 5% Calf EPDs: 9 -0.5 64 108 31 48 .95 .71 79 156 281 1.60 -.1 $79 $19,894 DOB Reg # Docility Bred To Exp. Due Date Fetal Sex 1/5/21 20305882 1 Mill Brae8017Success 3/24/23 B This is a female making pedigree. Sure Fire has one of the highest Fertility EPD of all Angus bulls in the $Profit database. The addition of Com plete adds fleshing ability and excellent feet. To top that off we bred her Success, who ranks well above the top 1% for $Maternal Value, and the top 1/10th of 1% for $Ranch. BROWN MS COMPLETE 681J WOODHILL COMPLETE A130-C2 EF COMPLEMENT 8088 WOODHILL EVERGREEN U181-A130 BROWN MS SURE FIRE 623G G A R SURE FIRE BROWN MS 10X 523C Bred Heifers
R.A. Brown Ranch • 10/11/2022— 21 Name / Reg# CED BW WW YW Milk CW MARB RE $M $B $C Fert F:G $Ranch $Profit Sire / MGS WOODHILL COMPLETE A130-C2 9 .6 73 121 28 58 .99 .61 78 168 296 1.66 -.16 $65 $19,479 EF COMPLEMENT 8088 #18248948 30% 35% 20% 30% 35% 20% 15% 45% 10% 15% 10% 23% 11% 7% 7% HOOVER DAM BROWN JR JUST RIGHT 9010H 9 .5 78 128 24 58 .82 .74 78 158 283 1.64 -.02 $48 $19,134 WOODHILL COMPLETE A130-C2 #19898307 35% 35% 10% 20% 75% 25% 30% 30% 15% 25% 15% 24% 55% 32% 8% G A R MOMENTUM GB FIREBALL 672 16 -.1 65 128 25 50 1.90 1.06 55 224 346 1.69 -.24 $28 $37,427 G A R SURE FIRE 6404 #18690054 2% 25% 35% 20% 55% 35% 1% 4% 65% 1% 1% 22% 2% 77% .01% G A R ANTICIPATION BG A R HIGH SECURITY JSF 4005 14 -.6 71 119 22 47 1.19 1.00 85 175 312 1.88 -.04 $67 $26,393 G A R SURE FIRE #17932116 4% 15% 20% 30% 75% 40% 4% 10% 4% 10% 3% 13% 47% 5% 1% GAR HIGH DESIGN B4L JOC 1174 10 -.1 61 118 37 56 1.51 1.36 91 207 359 1.18 -.01 $38 $28,114 DVAR HUCKLEBERRY 871 #20179818 20% 20% 50% 35% 3% 30% 1% 1% 2% 1% 1% 55% 59% 56% .6% B4L BAPTISTE 4012 SPRINGFIELD MCCLINTOK 0026 9 .0 82 160 38 101 1.18 1.22 55 257 388 1.10 -.06 $18 $30,666 PRINCE BURGESS OF L B D R #19699383 30% 25% 5% 2% 2% 1% 10% 1% 75% 1% 1% 61% 40% 92% .3% HOMEPLACE EILEENMERE 73 WOODHILL PARTNER B174-D135 11 -.9 62 98 37 39 .71 1.02 89 142 273 .96 -.37 $60 $24,616 EF COUNTERPART 2772 #18546138 15% 15% 45% 65% 3% 60% 30% 5% 3% 40% 20% 70% .1% 12% 2% TEHAMA SIERRA CUT Z118 2 BAR PEYTON 0143 10 1.3 87 159 33 75 1.28 1.06 63 206 330 1.06 -.13 $27 $30,220 E W A PEYTON 642 #19883227 20% 50% 3% 2% 10% 4% 3% 4% 50% 1% 1% 64% 18% 80% 0.3% V A R FOREMAN 3339 POSS RAWHIDE 13 -.5 82 136 30 74 1.18 .90 83 209 354 1.16 -.03 $75 $27,438 POSS MAVERICK #19416968 10% 20% 5% 15% 25% 4% 5% 15% 4% 1% 1% 57% 51% 2% .8% POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 G A R REFRESH 10 .3 69 122 30 52 1.25 1.07 69 184 308 1.60 -.22 $35 $29,161 GARDENS CACHE #19266647 25% 35% 30% 30% 25% 35% 4% 4% 30% 5% 5% 27% 4% 64% .4% G A R MOMENTUM POSS REMINGTON 9 .4 82 139 30 77 .97 .83 95 193 345 1.16 -.01 $46 $25,184 CONNEALY CLARITY #20060430 30% 35% 5% 10% 25% 3% 15% 20% 1% 3% 1% 71% 33% 37% 2% POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 GAR RIGHT MOVE P169 14 -.3 76 138 34 56 1.23 .76 90 173 314 1.60 -.28 $53 $26,411 G A R INERTIA #19492450 4% 20% 15% 10% 10% 30% 4% 30% 3% 10% 3% 27% .9% 22% 1% G A R SURE FIRE MILL BRAE SUCCESS 8017 9 -.7 70 118 32 60 1.06 .80 104 172 327 1.39 .05 $94 $19,161 CONNEALY CONFIDENCE PLUS #19235759 30% 15% 25% 35% 1% 20% 20% 20% 1% 15% 2% 40% 79% .01% 8% KOUPALS B&B IDENTITY HOFFMAN THEDFORD 12 .6 86 159 34 89 .61 .99 93 197 349 .91 -.12 $27 $23,189 BAR R JET BLACK 5063 #19820180 15% 35% 3% 2% 10% 1% 45% 10% 2% 2% 1% 67% 9% 56% .7% KG SOLUTION 0018 YON TOP CUT G730 11 1.2 77 133 26 51 1.70 .93 106 201 367 1.21 .02 $13 $31,489 SPRING COVE RENO 4021 #19476453 25% 60% 10% 15% 50% 30% 1% 10% 1% 2% 1% 51% 48% 79% .01% V A R DISCOVERY 2240 HCC WHITEWATER 9010 11 -.4 70 127 29 55 1.36 1.32 71 189 316 1.55 -.26 $54 $29,145 MILL BRAE IDENTIFIED 4031 #19870506 15% 20% 25% 20% 30% 25% 2% 1% 20% 3% 2% 30% 1% 20% .4% SILVEIRAS CONVERSION 8064 Genetic Lead Time: Our Angus service sires average: Top 1% $Profit, Top 9% Feed Efficiency (F:G), Best 5% Marbling 329 $C (1%), 191 $B (3%), 82 $M (4%) with 11 CE to 131 YW spread Reference Sires
Donnell’s grandad helped found the AQHA, and his dad, R.A. “Rob” Brown served as its President in 1995. In 1998 R.A. Brown Ranch was awarded the “Best Remuda” Award by AQHA/NCBA in recognition of their outstanding cow horses. That legacy created by our founding generations is part of every horse, bull and female we sell.
R.A. Brown Ranch 48th Annual October Sale October 11 & 12, 2022 515 Bulls (Angus, Red Angus, SimAngusTM) 350 “Hand-Picked” Commercial Bred Heifers 42 Elite Registered Angus Females 114 Registered Red Angus Females 28 Ranching Heritage Quarter Horses
Tuesday night, following the Elite Angus Female Sale, our family and fellow AQHA Ranching Heritage Breeders will share the results of 413 years of combined ranch horse breeding during our 2022 Quarter Horse Sale.
Age-Advantage • Feed Efficiency Tested 20173106 / LOT 27 294 $C (10%), 1.22 Marb (5%), 14 CED to 112 YW $87 $Ranch (1/100th of 1%), $19,804 $PROFIT (7%) Sire: MILL BRAE SUCCESS 8017, MGS: G A R SUNRISE 20022282 / LOT 1 306 $C (4%), 185 $B (4%), 77 $M (10%), 16 CED to 129 YW $23,985 $PROFIT (1%), -.14 F:G (6%) Sire: WOODHILL COMPLETE A130-C2, MGS: G A R SURE FIRE 20173091 / LOT 2 295 $C (10%), 174 $B (10%), 76 $G (10%), 14 CED to 122 YW $25,134 $PROFIT (2%), 2.07 FERT (7%) Sire: WOODHILL ENTERPRISE F331, MGS: A A R TEN X 7008 S A 19527457 / LOT 63 327 $C (1%), 185 $B (4%), 86 $M (5%), 16 CED to 129 YW $22,832 $PROFIT (3%), -.18 F:G (8%) Sire: G A R INERTIA, MGS: QUAKER HILL RAMAGE 0A36 LunchCoffee/Donuts (provided by Livestock Nutrition Center) Elite Angus Female Sale Demonstration of Sale Horses (Arena) Quarter Horse Sale (Arena) Ranch Gathering Dinner (provided by Texas Southwest ern Cattle Raisers) including Coffee with the Colonel, and Live Entertainment by Leroy Gibbons and Hayden Redwine.• 8:00 am: 11:30 am: 1:00 pm: 3:00 pm: 4:00 pm: 5:30 pm Tuesday, October 11th, 2022 Cowboy Coffee and Breakfast at the Chuckwagon (provided by ADM Animal Nutrition) 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale Begins 239 Angus and Black/Red Angus Bulls Lunch (provided by Spitzer Animal Health) 350 Commercial Angus Females 202 Red Angus Bulls 75 SimAngus Bulls Afternoon pizza/cokes (provided by Nutrien Ag Solutions) 114 Red Angus and Black/Red Angus Females The End Wednesday, October 12th, 2022 8:00 am: 10:00 am: 11:30 am: 1:00 pm: 3:00 pm: 4:00 pm: 4:30 pm: 5:00 pm: 7:11 pm: Scan for: • Bull Sale Catalog • Angus Female Videos • Angus Bull Videos • Horse Sale Catalogs • Sale Supplement Info
We are continually striving to improve the sustainability and efficiency of converting God’s forage into safe, nutritious, and great tasting beef to better feed his people.