43 minute read
Since the initial draft of this document, 2 major changes have occurred and are still in flux:
1) Gas price rise and subsequent gas price cap – the report was based on a gas price of $6/GJ. When Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February 2022, the gas price in the eastern states and the Northern Territory rose to over $20/GJ. In response to this price rise, in December 2022 the Australian Federal Government introduced a temporary price cap of $12/GJ for gas sold in the east coast and Northern Territory gas markets, which will apply for 12 months. While the initial price rise provided a positive incentive for biogas projects, the gas price cap and lack of differentiation of biomethane has created uncertainty in the market, which anecdotal evidence suggests is making it difficult to secure the long term off take agreements needed to underwrite capital expenditure.
2) New Federal Guarantee of Origin (GO) Scheme – this scheme allows for certification of hydrogen and potentially other gases. In theory this is aligned with the International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy (IPHE) methodology for determining the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of hydrogen, but the second version of the IPHE method allows for biomass gasification with carbon capture and storage (CCS) and is feedstock agnostic, meaning that steam methane reformation or auto-thermal reformation can use biomethane or fossil methane (natural gas) Additionally, the changes to the National Gas Law in late 2022 refers to “covered gases”, which include biomethane. It is unclear when the GO scheme will be updated to align with the IPHE v2 and current National Gas Law.
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