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teChNiCal traiNiNG CeNter Bios

Joe siNG - DireCtor of Career DeVelopMeNt Joe sing has served the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Memphis for more than 35 years. his passion for helping kids achieve their full potential and land jobs that would lead to fulfilling careers led him to be the founding director of the technical training Center, the only site of it’s kind in the Boys & Girls Clubs of america. to learn more about our center and application process, contact Joe.

tiffaNie Grier - Career plaCeMeNt DireCtor tiffanie Grier received a Ba in history and sociology graduating summa cum laude. she then obtained a Ma in sociology specializing in inequality, and more specifically in race relations and poverty. Grier discovered her love for workforce development while working in Career services at Bridges usa, inc. Grier joined Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Memphis in 2009 and became the technical training Center’s first Career placement Director. she is passionate about job development for youth and young adults, because preparing youth for the workforce is critical to breaking the vicious cycles of poverty. in both 2010 and 2011 she placed 100% of the center’s high school graduates in employment and/or college. she also created the technical training Center’s “Garden to Groceries” culinary project in 2011. this project teaches students the full process of food production, how to eat healthy and economically, promotes entrepreneurship, environmental sustainability, and instills the importance of eating and buying local.


Crystal CaulfielD - Career prep DireCtor in the fall of 2011, Crystal took on the role of Career prep Director where she serves the technical training Center in organizing their curriculum as well as scheduling guest speakers, implementing new programs such as ups road Code, and making sure that the club members receive the skills necessary to enter the workforce.

Chef Natalis ross - CuliNary iNstruCtor Chef ross did her culinary internship in france and graduated from le’Cole in 2012 with top honors. after graduating Chef ross worked as the head chef in the private school sector. Chef ross is passionate about working with local chefs and community organizations to motivate youth to make healthier eating choices.

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