Burke 101 075

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English 101. 075 — Composition (77426) Instructor: Rachael Burke FALL, Tuesday/Thursday, 1:30pm-2:15pm, Robinson A 125 Office: Robinson A 408 Office Hours: Tuesday/Thursday 12:30-1:15 (other times by arrangement) Email: rburke13@gmu.edu (Preferred contact) Welcome to English Composition 101! This class is a piece of C.A.K.E. Communicating Academically with Kindness and Empathy This is a safe-space learning environment where learners of all backgrounds can come together to improve their composition and communication skills. This course is designed to help all of us, myself included, to engage the world around us with improved critical-thinking skills, acquire a better understanding of other world-views, and clarify the voice with which we express our own diverse opinions. In our classroom, we agree to treat each other with support and respect as we all seek to improve our skills. We will learn from each other, and we will help each other become better communicators. I am glad you have all agreed to join this course, and I look forward to working with you this term! Course Goals In English 101, you will develop strategies to help you use writing as a tool for exploring and reflecting on your own ideas, as well as for informing, persuading, and interacting with your readers. This class should help you improve your abilities to read, write, and think, facilitating your learning beyond the classroom. You will develop techniques to support your writing, and learn appropriate technologies to assist your communicative goals. You will learn to listen to and collaborate with other learners while respecting the process of intellectual integrity. English 101 emphasizes writing as a rhetorical process: you will explore beneficial ways to break a text-based task into smaller steps such as generating and organizing ideas, investigating your topic, creating early drafts, seeking feedback, and revising. You will also focus on connecting, building, and renovating ideas. By focusing on your own writing and sharing the experience with a common community of supportive learners, you ultimately will improve your ability to adapt your writing to the needs of an audience or a situation, enhancing your ability to revise and edit your own writing. General Education This course is part of the GMU General Education Program, which is designed to help students prepare for advanced work in their major field and for a lifetime of learning. For more information on the mission of the General Education Program, consult the University Catalog or visit the website. Textbooks and Materials Barnett, Sylvan and Hugo Bedau. Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing: A Brief Guide to Argument, Eighth Edition. Boston: Bedford, 2014. Print. Recommended Materials: Paper, pen/pencil, folder (any kind) Required Materials: Laptop (your own or checked out), electronic file storage device (compatible with .doc/.docx files) Course Tools (Blackboard) This class uses Blackboard technology for many assignments as a supplement to the course. I will demonstrate the use of Blackboard in the classroom (you will need MyMason access) so you can feel comfortable with this technology. Please be aware that you may be asked to turn in major papers via Blackboard’s Safe Assignment, and you will also be asked to complete Journals, Discussion Boards, etc. via Blackboard. Use of email is not a substitute for Blackboard submission except in extreme circumstance or by instructor approval. Laptop Use/Laptop Days Please bring a laptop to class every day that we meet unless directed otherwise by your instructor. You may use your own laptop or check out a laptop for class use. To check out a laptop, please come to class 5-10 minutes early to receive a laptop pass and take it to Robinson A 104 along with your official GMU Student ID. You will be able to “rent” a laptop for class use. Please note: if you use a “rented” laptop, please bring your own electronic file storage device Methods of Instruction Most class meetings of English 101 will be highly dependent upon student interaction. The instructor will act as a mediator and a facilitator of student discussion and will foster an environment where students can focus meaningfully on creating and sharing the thinking and writing process. Students may be asked to work individually as well as collaboratively as they investigate issues, practice writing strategies and techniques, learn research and critical reading approaches, and review their own and their peers’ ideas and writing. Students who attend regularly and stay engaged in class activities, who keep up with

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