Dover and the Western Docks - a Landscape for Health and Healing

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The little narrow, crooked town of Dover hid itself away from the beach and ran its head into the chalk cliffs, like a marine ostrich. Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities, 1859

dover - portfolio reader rachael cox k1166372


introduction analysis strategy design detail

dover is a town of contradictions and hidden surprises - it’s known as the gateway to europe, yet it’s physical built environment acts as a closed gateway, a barrier to its wider context; it’s surrounded by renowned cultural, historical and ecological assets with dover castle, the white cliffs, western heights and the kent downs within walking distance, however, there is no easy pedestrianised access to any of them from the town iteself; and, it’s the home of the largest commercial docks in the world providing economic benefits to the country and yet those docks are cut off from the town and the town itself realises little economic benefit from them. our project started in semester one with an analysis of the existing conditions of dover. from there we put forward a broad strategy to address some of the conditions that we found. moving into semester two we developed our strategy into a design project focussing on the post industrial, and under utilised, site of the western docks. this reader takes you on a journey of my thoughts and process for my strategic and design proposals for dover.

facing page: view from the white cliffs to the port of dover; the ignominous entrance to the subway route under the a20 to the seafront; the post industrial, under utilised western docks


green spaces: seemingly abundant, but with not cohesive connection and hard-to-find access from the pedestrianised high street; no direct pedestrianised access to the kent downs from town; and, western heights and dover castle pedestrian access is singular and steeply inclined and therefore not an accessible walk

brownfield sites: formerly commercial or industrial land and typically polluted; town centre sites are currently hidden behind unattractive hoardings that have been there for decades

car parks: land bombed in WWII left in ruins has been converted into a plethora of car parks in town, along the seafront and in the western docks; public residential

analysis cycle routes: not clearly marked; the cycle only route along the dour is actually shared with pedestrians and not fit for purpose in many locations due to width and condition of path; there is no direct connectivity between the cycle routes and the cultural jewels in and around dover and, the cycle only route along the river is often flooded national cycle route cycle only route on road route

pedestrian routes: predominantly pavements along busy roads with little design consideration to the needs of the people using the routes - accessibility, prioritisation over cars, aesthetics and desire lines: the car is still the dominant mode of transport in dover

A20: cutting the town off from the seafront, the A20 is a very busy road with predominantly commercial lorry traffic to dover port; there is only one subway pedestrian access from town to seafront; three traffic light access points cross the A20 and feeder roads away from the seafront

dover town - site analysis





1:500 @ A1 dover town - the gateway

the gateway taking it’s name from dover’s moniker as the ‘gateway to europe’, the gateway apartments dominate the dover skyline and barricade dover town from the seafront above: sketches from dover town with the gateway apartments omnipresent in each sketch sketches - dover town

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

dover - typical conditions

9 10



1 4 2

6 7


N 9 10

1:5000 @ A1

topography: the topography of dover and it’s surrounds fascinated me so I made a 1:25000 model in card and cast it in plaster in order to understand dovers’ place in the wider context the tendrils of town meeting tendrils or fingers of green field became a focus dover is suppressed by it’s topography; it has no room to breathe

dover is suppressed by its topography; it has no room to breathe

dover’s tendrils: sattelite mapping shows the tendrils of town reaching up to the open green spaces of the downs the river dour, the original reason for dover’s existence, has carved itself out of the chalk downlands of south kent and around it, the town has grown, surpassing and oppressing the river with it’s growth

the river dour: the river has been channelised along its route and has areas that flood annually causing problems for the residential and commercial properties that closely line it’s banks channelised river accessible river

Market Square

the river dour is suppressed by dover town; it has no room to move

flood risk: the river dour presents the most pressing need for intervention with the 1 in 100 flood risk being prevalent along it’s channlised banks in the town 1 in 100 1 in 200 1 in 1000

dover and the river dour

traffic and the a20

brownfield sites and abandoned space

beautiful buildings

the A20 is the main arterial route in and out of dover port and is thus heavily trafficked, particularly by commerical lorries.

much of the western docks are laid to industrial waste or lorry car parks. there is little inhabited space, save for the RNLI and a small boat marina and then the lorries - the left over space has been turned into car parks and lie mostly empty and forgotten.

within the western docks are a few key beautiful buildings: a) clocktower-currently being used as a pop up art gallery but soon to be demolished b) a domed building at the waters edge; inaccessible in a cordoned off abandoned space but creates a lovely visual connection between the clock tower and the former hovercraft pier c) former railway terminal

the a20 effectively severs the town from the seafront, the port and it’s economic potential in addition to creating common traffic problems: access for local residents, noise, air pollution etc.

the former hovercraft pier is cordoned off and abandoned.

railway and cruise terminal


The old railway terminal is now disused and it’s forecourt used for parking. This area is inaccessible. The cruise terminal is still in occassional use and access to through the raised walkway to the right of the terminal and is in a state of disrepair.

the prevailing wind is from the south west

For any passengers disembarking, there is little to welcome them to Dover and entice them to explore and spend money here.

shingle beach

the entrance to the beautiful, deserted shingle beach from the pier to samphire the ma jority of tidal impact is negated hoe is only accessible by navigating for dover’s seafront due to the harbour your way through lorries, car parks and walls. puddles. the eastern arm of prince of wales pier does get silt build up. this is due to the pier, once free flowing underneath, being solid so the waves push the sand and silt against the pier.

there is a path for cycling and walking that starts at the entrance. once there, the beach is lovely with beautiful sunset vistas and views along to samphire hoe.

western docks - site analysis

initial findings in dover town centre led me to believe that the town is disconnected, isolated, neglected and forgotten. the heritage sites of dover castle and the WWII sites along the white cliffs of dover are not connected to the town aside from a steep, inaccessible path. dover has a strong place in our country’s history, from it’s war time action to its musical and victorian seaside traditions and these seem to be overlooked. dover port is a constant hive of activity not reflected by its host town; this is largely down to the fact that the port is it’s own administrative and economical domain, and it’s access road, the a20 effectively shuts the town off from both the seafront and the port, losing valuable potential revenue streams. there is little to invite you to linger - no soft edges along the river, the seafront or in town - and this is evidenced by the lack of tourists arriving in the port or visiting local cultural sites. there is a strong historical heritage in and around dover that is disconnected from the town itself. dover takes it’s name from the river - the river dour - and carved a town out along it’s banks and to the sea. the river is largely channelised now and it’s place in dover’s history forgotten. i was fascinated by the river and the surrounding topography, and how it frames and suppresses the present day town. can we give room back to the river to let it find it’s original purpose again?

dover town - findings


sketch model 1:25000

Opportunities identified to make ‘rooms’ along the river for ecological, flood and community interventions 1 - beaconsfield road: a green route connecting the downs to the river 2 - charlton green: dechannelise the river; flood attenuation intervention i took the idea of making rooms for the river and strategised interventions to answer the ecological, flooding and community challenges that dover experiences.

3 - riverside age concern centre: flood attenuation intervention; create a pleasing riverside garden and turn the centre to face the river

by creating interventions along the river, i am connecting the river to its local and wider community and allowing the room space to breathe.

4 - pencester gardens: enhance the existing park by creating an ecological river park for the community

the river then becomes a feature of the town, connecting it to the seafront, which is connecting it back to its historical beginnings.

5 - st james street: dechannlise the river creating a rare opportunity for an ecological river side residential and commercial quarter replacing the car parks and brownfield sites; the merging point for two new green routes connecting the town with the western heights and dover castle 6 - wellington dock: the confluence of the river and sea dechannlise the river to create a wetland park 7 - western docks: a post industrial wasteland; this site could be turned into another cape town waterfront







Market Square



N 1:5000 @ A1 dover town strategy - making room for the river

to explore the possibilities of a site, i used ‘what if’ scenarios, placing researched precedents within the site parameters. on this occassion, i used the cape town waterfront development: it’s reclaimed land, topography and post industrial attributes have many similarities to dover

‘what if’ scenario: the cape town waterfront, a highly successful residential, commercial and entertainment development built on reclaimed docklands as a precedent for the western docks. looking down from western heights, cape town’s table bay hotel is placed on the hovercraft pier, to scale.


‘what if’ scenario: the cape town waterfront, a highly successful residential, commercial and entertainment development built on reclaimed docklands as a precedent for the western docks. the cape town waterfront successfully marries a working harbour with a vibrant entertainment destination. existing warehouses were redeveloped as shops, restaurants, aquariums and markets. at the confluence of the river dour and the sea, the river will be de-channelised and a flood attenuating wetland park created; the back of the existing commercial properties will be turned to face the new park creating an opportunity for the residents of dover to have a new entertainment, social and healthy meeting place ‘what if’ scenarios - sample interventions

whilst researching dover’s surrounding attributes, it occurred to me that dover is at the heart of a national health network but yet this is not realised with the town itself. instead of being the beating heart of a healthy organism, dover is the parasite disconnecting disconnecting healthy paths from the community. dover is the starting and ending point for cross-channel swimmers; the national cycle network runs along the coast either side of dover and the kent downs offer some of the country’s most spectacular walks, the white cliffs of dover being an exceptional example. dover should be the heart of these athletic pursuits and become a hub for health, tri-athletes in particular this initial health idea was given further grounding when we met with dover big local, a community group who are concerned with the development of dover. they voiced that dover is in desperate need of healthcare facilities to answer it’s escalating health problems, most of which are down to socio-economic deprivation prevalant in the town.

priorities are for a new hospital which is underway, but there is also a crucial need for an intermediate healthcare facility for health and community activities. they also need protected land along these healthcare facilities to protect their function and for future expansion.

connecting dover town to the seafront and western docks 1:1000 class model with key sites for intervention identified

Life Expectancy in deprived

Over 20.7%

areas of Dover is

of residents are over 65

Less than 30%

10 years lower

vs. 17.7% nationally

of residents eat the UK recommended portion of

than the national average and the death rate is 2.5

times higher

Over 85’s projected to rise by 20.7% over next 5 years

fruit and vegetables daily

Over 30%



of residents

of residents are classed


of all underlying causes of death (under 75) 2014 was due to



19% nationally

vs 29% nationally

relative low income

vs. 28% nationally

research conducted after dover’s health problems and lack of facilities highlighted by dover big local

Sources: Kent & Medway Public Health Observatory; Age Concern UK; The Black Report - Inequalities in Health Care; Office for National Statistics; Experian Mosaic Public Sector

dover - social index of conditions

Key: 1 - make room for the river: a series of interventions to de-channelise the river programme: ecology, flood attenuation, walking, cycling, dog walking, playing,

urban wetland park mill river park, stamford, connecticut greenway cycle routes east london greenway above

urban recreation cape town waterfront boring and tunnelling infrastructure proposed A7 tunnel and park in hamburg

2 - urban wetland and recreational park ecology, flood attenuation, entertainment, restaurants, shopping, 3 - greenway along old A20 cycling, walking, running 4 - sink the A20 traffic, lorries, toll 5 - urban linear park connecting, walking, cycling, running, socialising, playing, concerts, gardens 6 - landscape for health and healing maggies centre, gp’s, community groups, parent and child groups, yoga, 7 - landscape for dynamism GB triathletes training, running, walking, swimming, playing, shopping, eating, 8 - revitalised shingle beach sunbathing, playing, swimming

urban linear park brooklyn bridge park, new york shingle beach brighton

health & healing maggies centre cycling brighton undercliff path

9 - promenade & national cycle route connecting, cycling, walking, sunsets, views, romance waterfront public realm commercial square, lisbon





5 6

7 N 1:2500 @ A1

8 9

western docks strategy a landscape for health and healing

design western docks - a landscape for health and healing my strategy of making room for the river expands in semester two with a strategy to make room for dover in the western docks. taking inspiration from my own cancer journey and the startling statistics of dover’s health and poor access to health care facilities, i wanted to create a landscape for health and healing. a landscape to make room for the residents of dover and their health. this landscape is made up of two themes; a landscape for dynamism and a landscape for healing. the landscape for dynamism runs along the a20 path to the western docks and on the shingle beach. a tunnel for the a20 will be bored below ground creating a wide connection between the town, seafront and western docks. this will be a landscape for community engagement and healthy pursuits from concerts in the park to cycling, swimming and running its paths. the home to GB tri-athletes will sit nestled in the parkland with training facilities open to the public and the athletes. the large public square will offer a host of restaurants, shops and open space. the shingle beach will be revitalised becoming the towns beach of choice and the public square will connect to the beach along the pier wall

in complete contrast, the landscape for healing will offer a contemplative, quieter environment. this landscape will house the community centre and the key intervention of the site, a maggie’s cancer support centre. the community centre is at the entrance to site set amongst formal gardens, avenues and wildflower meadows representing the grounding and stability of health, of terra firma. moving into the liminal zone where maggie’s is at the heart, the shingle landscape is austere and lonely reflecting the lonely journey of declining health. past the austere and unstable liminal zone, represented by the instability of shingle, you reach the deconstructed edge. the deconstructed edge takes you out to a position of intense vulnerability balanced on the edge of the sea, the wind whipping around you, no land in sight. maggie’s positioning is key; maggie’s is the liminal edge between health and illness, a buffer zone set apart from hospital and the public realm. It is not of the hospital, nor of the public realm - you make a conscious decision to step away from terra firma and explore your own vulnerability. to heal you need to explore your vulnerability: you don’t realise how vulnerable you are until you have been to the edge and need help in returning. you need someone to show you the way, at that is what maggie’s is there for.

western docks - a landscape for health and healing




5 6






10 13


Key: 1 - urban linear park connecting, walking, running, cycling, concerts, picnics, shade, sunbathing 2 - tidal pool and ‘platform’ swimming, connecting to community centre, changing facilities, pop up events and activities, sunbathing 3 - community centre: health gp’s surgeries, community health and exercise classes, adult education courses, parent and baby groups 4 - maggies cancer support centre: healing support: logistical, financial, practical; drop in, weekly or monthly courses


5 - waters edge connecting, running, walking, cycling, sight seeing 6 - wild flower undulating meadows picnic, ecology, relaxing, playing, sight seeing 7 - enhanced shingle landscape walking, contemplating, feeling, seeing


8 - deconstructed edge platforms contemplating, sight seeing, walking, playing, sunsets 9 - urban square connecting, eating, drinking, shopping, skateboarding 10 - revitalised shingle beach swimming, sunbathing, playing , ice cream, sandcastles 11 - GB triathletes centre training, running, swimming, cycling 12 - beach park picnics, shade, playing, sunbathing, reading, relaxing N

13 - promenade cycling, running, walking, sunsets

1:1000 @ A0 a landscape for health and healing - master plan

1 Key 1 - terra firma: structured gardens and meadows 2 - liminal zone with maggie’s centre at the heart: enhanced shingle beach with emergent hawthorn 3 - deconstructed edge: vast concrete platform ‘trays’ with sample vegetation reaching out to sea; tendrils of sea reaching inland, changing with the tides


1:500 @ A1

a landscape of healing



N 1:500 @ A1

N 1:500 @ A0

section of a landscape of healing

maggie’s cancer support centre dundee’s setting reflects perfectly that feeling of contemplation and vulnerability i wish to evoke

maggie’s cancer support centre - west london’s terra cotta colouring is reflected bythe corten steel runing through the design presenting the strength within us

terra firma = community, health and stability

liminal edge = instability, uncertainty

maggie’s centre = the heart deconstructed edge = vulnerability ‘Maggie’s offers free practical, emotional and social support to people with cancer and their families and friends. Help is offered freely to anyone with any type of cancer. Simply drop-in at any time - you’re always welcome.’ maggie’s cancer support centres

journey through the heart

Key 1 - entrance: a step away from the public realm 2 - the heart of maggies: each maggies is built around an open plan kitchen, support, socialising, eating, drinking


3 - spaces for relaxation yoga, relaxation courses, contemplation 4 - spaces for comfort conversation, support, socialising 5 - spaces for privacy crying, thinking, being 6 - interior garden rooms access to green space 7 - kitchen garden growing herbs for teas, relaxation, gardening 8 - enhanced shingle with emergant hawthorn sympol of hope, instability, everchanging 9 - boardwalk exercise, contemplation, sea air, views 10 - corten steel strip leading, backbone, strength 11 - public realm

“Maggie’s is my sanctuary. It enables me to recognise and embrace my vulnerability and gives me the tools to move forward ” rachael, maggie’s centre london












1:200 @ A1 maggie’s centre - the heart of the liminal edge

sketch model - 1:200

sketch model 1:200

wooden boardwalk - dungeness


construction detail - 1:5 @A1

construction detail - 1:5 @A1

1 - wooden boards lengthways along run 3600x145x21

1 - insitu concrete C25 xs (grade for salt corrosive environments) 10cm depth minimum pour 2.5 cm over rebar minimum depth 6-8cm

2 - cross beam 2000x100x100 bolted to posts 1 2


2 - reinforcing steel bar (rebar) mesh

3 - support post set 1000x100x100 in concrete (C20) foundation posts 750 minimum depth

1 2 3


3 - MOT Type 1 aggregate 40 mm max size and smaller


4 - shingle



hard surface - concrete platforms

5 7

5 - well compacted sub grade

5 - well-compacted subgrade

shingle landscape - dungeness


construction detail - 1:5 @A1 1 - enhanced shingle, mixed aggregate size 2 well-compacted subgrade




hard surface - granite setts


construction details- 1:5 @A1 1 - granite setts stack bond 102x102x102 joints filled with lime mortar brushed in dry and well watered


2 - course sand bed 3 - compacted sub-base (MOT Type 1) 4 - well-compacted subgrade 5 - insitu concrete (C20) haunch and foundation


2 3 4



6 - granite paving stones 600x300x300 7 - insitu concrete edging (C25 xs for salt corrosion)

contemplation pier - materials



3 N

1:500 @ A1


morning - 9am

midday - 12pm

evening - 7pm

Key existing proposed lighting - natural and artificial




1 2






1:50 @ A1 please check all load bearing details with a structural engineer

construction detail - 1:50 @A1 1 - insitu C25 concrete xs (for salt water corrosion ) reinforced with steel rod mesh formwork from wood and removed 10cm depth: 6-8cm minimum depth re-inforced concrete minimum 2.5cm depth over re-inforcement to reduce rusting steel expansion 2 - MOT Type 1 ‘fill’ 3 - well compacted sub grade 4 - existing concrete ramp sloping into the sea; water will rise and fall with the tides 5 - insitu C20 concrete xs stairs and ramp 300mm foundation footing



key intervention - plan and construction section

N 1:50 @ A1

key intervention - section visualisation

1:50 key intervention - presentation model

A 1


2 2



3 3 2 6 4

1:50 @ A1 construction detail - 1:20 @A1 1 - shingle ‘trays’ set within the concrete platform 2 - insitu C25 concrete xs (for salt water corrosion ) reinforced with steel rod mesh formwork from wood and removed 10cm depth: 6-8cm minimum depth re-inforced concrete minimum 2.5cm depth over re-inforcement to reduce rusting steel expansion 3 - MOT Type 1 ‘fill’ 4 - well compacted sub grade 5 - insitu C20 concrete xs stairs 300mm foundation footing 6 - existing concrete ramp sloping into the sea; water will rise and fall with the tides

please check all load bearing details with a structural engineer



detail resolution - plan, axonometric and section

N 1:20 @ A1

detail resolution - section visualisation

an experiment with concrete and corten Weathering steel, best-known under the trademark CORTEN steel, is a group of steel alloys which were developed to eliminate the need for painting, and form a stable rust-like appearance if exposed to the weather for several years i have used a corten steel topped dining table in maggie’s; a corten ground strip taking you down the boardwalk to the deconstructed edge, and on the risers on certain steps leading to the edge The corten in my design is symbolic of one’s inner strength and that it is not always visible, you have to search for it on your journey to your edge of vulnerability the concrete is the material of the platforms of the deconstructed edge: hard, homogenous and yet beautiful in its own way detail resolution: stairs

avenues threshold, framing, grounded

enhanced shingle sparse, surprising, symbolic, seaside

Quercus petraea - sessile oak

a shingle landscape with emergent planting including Crambe maritima, Eryngium maritimum, Limonium vulgare, Crataegus, Ulex

perennials and grasses structural, vibrant, seasonal a combination of grasses, perennials, biennials, annuals and bulbs

species rich wildflower meadows ephemeral, whimsical, move in the wind a mix of grasses and wildflowers native to the kent downs

‘trays’ of shingle vegetation changing, grounding samples of different grades of shingle and concentration of plants

meadow grassland species rich, community, ecology a mix of native grasses suitable for hard wearing use

intertidal changing, calming Fucus vesiculosus, Limonium spp., Beta vulgaris my planting strategy encompasses diverse habitats from the wetland marginal plants in the urban wetland park to the enhanced shingle in the liminal edge of the healing landscape. the habitats are symbolic and designed to evoke feelings as indicated adjacent. copse dappled, playground, pioneer Betula pundula, Fagus syl vatica

due to the post industrial nature of the site in its current state, the planting areas will need to be manufactured. where possible, arisings from the deconstruction site should be used in the manufacturing of the landscape including the soil to minimase waste and pollution. the manufactured habitats are placed to reflect what would be there naturally; the interidal zone succeeding to the liminal shingle zone, succeeding to the copse of pioneer species and on to the chalk downland wildflower meadows.

woodland dense, quiet, eco diverse Quercus petraea, Betula pundula, Fagus syl vatica Taxus baccata

further inland, across the marina, you have the down grassland and woodland, much as it would succeed naturally. this landscape is however designed to be maintained to it’s initial manufactured state.

planting strategy

Molinea caercaerulea subsp. caerulea 'Poul Petersen

Persicaria amplexicaulis 60 Phlox maculata 'Delta' Aster x frikarti 'Monch' 60 Echinops 'Veicht's Blue' 40

Stipa gigantum Penstemon digitalis 'Husker Red'40 Eryngium giganteum 30 Achillea 'Terracotta' 30

Aster lateriflorus 'Horizontalis' 50 Helenium 'Moerheim Beauty' 50

Molinea caercaerulea subsp. caerulea 'Poul Petersen Achillea persicaria 50 Origanum 'Rosenkupel' 50

Stipa gigantum

Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Karl Foerster

Molinea caercaerulea subsp. caerulea 'Poul Petersen

Persicaria amplexicaulis 70 Phlox maculata 'Delta' 30

Salvia pratensis 'Lapis Luzuli' 40 Achillea millefolium 20 Helenium 'Walther Funcke' 20

Sangsuisorba officinalis 60 Helenium 'Die Blonde' 40

Allium hollandicum 40 Crambe maritima 20 (along front) Eryngium giganteum 20 (along back)

Knautia macedeonia Allium hollandicum 'Purple sensation" Lynchis chalcedonica 'Carnea'

schedule: perennials and grasses % noted on the planting plan Allium hollandicum ‘Purple Sensation’ 2ltr Achillea ‘Terracotta’ 2ltr Achillea persicaria 2ltr Aster lateriflorus ‘Horizontalis’ 2ltr Crambe maritima 2ltr Echinops ‘Veicht’s Blue’ 2ltr Eryngium giganteum 2ltr Helenium ‘Moerheim beauty’ 2ltr Helenium ‘Die Blonde’ 2ltr Knautia macedonia 2ltr Lychnis chacedonica ‘Carnea’ 2ltr Origanum laevigatum ‘Herrenhausen’ 2ltr Sal via pratensis ‘Lapis Lazuli’ 2ltr Sanguisorba officinalis 2ltr Santolina chamaecyparissus 2ltr Calamagrostis acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’ 2ltr Molinia caerulea subsp. caerulea ‘Poul Petersen’ 2ltr Stipa gigantea 2ltr

planting plan - perennials and grasses

N 1:50 @ A1

J F M A M J J A S O N D Allium hollandicum ‘Purple Sensation’ Achillea ‘Terracotta’ Achillea persicaria * Aster lateriflorus ‘Horizontalis’ Crambe maritima (sea kale) Echinops ‘Veicht’s Blue’ Eryngium giganteum (sea holly ) Helenium ‘Moerheim beauty’ Helenium ‘Die Blonde’ Knautia macedonia Lychnis chacedonica ‘Carnea’ Origanum laevigatum ‘Herrenhausen’ Sal via pratensis ‘Lapis Lazuli’ Sanguisorba officinalis Santolina chamaecyparissus (cotton lavender)

Calamagrostis acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’ Molinia caerulea subsp. caerulea ‘Poul Petersen’ Stipa gigantea

perennial and grass habitats offer a year round display of colour and movement with the dead seedheads providing interest in the winter months.

planting - colour palette

schedule: shingle landscape sample Crataegus monogyna 1 4ltr Acanthus mollis 3 2ltr Centranthus ruber 5 2ltr Crambe maritima 19 2ltr Echium vulgare 7 seeds (self seeding after year one) Eryngium agavifoium 2 2ltr Limonium vulgare 3 seeds Santolina chamaecyparissus 2 1.5 ltr Santolina pinnata subsp.neapolitana 1 2ltr Oxalis enneaphylla 9 bulbs Ulex europaeus 4 2ltr

Oxalis enneaphylla (scurvy grass)

Centranthus ruber (red valieran)

N Crambe maritima (sea kale)

Echium vulgare (Vipers bugloss)

1:50@ A0

planting plan - shingle

J F M A M J J A S O N D Crataegus monogyna (hawthorn) * berries Acanthus mollis (bears breech) Centranthus ruber (red valerian) Crambe maritima (sea kale) Echium vulgare (viper’s bugloss) Eryngium agavifoium (sea holly) * foliage * Limonium vulgare (sea lavender) Santolina chamaecyparissus (cotton lavender) Santolina pinnata subsp.neapolitana (rosemary-leaved lavender cotton)


Oxalis enneaphylla (scurvy grass) Ulex europaeus (gorse)

a shingle habitat might initially appear to be harsh and inhospitable but on closer investigation offers a sea of plant form and colour throughout the seasons

planting - colour palette

from the marina to the community centre

Visualisations - CAD 3D

from the walkable edge towards maggies’ and down to the platforms

looking across the shingle from the community centre to maggie’s

design - visualisations

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