New Leaf Center Advertising Campaign

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Advertising Campaign Proposal For The New Leaf Center by Zazu Rachael Fusting Stef Anderson Maggie Fields Bailey Goebel Jessica Harris

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Advertising Campaign Proposal

OUR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN 5 months to: 1) communicate to WKU students that the New Leaf center is a friendly, welcoming business that offers a variety of counseling services that are worth the time and money 2) overcome stereotypes, be positive, represent personal strength and development 3) meet objectives 4) conduct surveys and collect client feedback 5) begin with spreadable advertisements and end with direct advertising (two-way conversations) 6) spend $30,167 or less


double the number of student clients by the end of 2013



55% service awareness on WKU


5-month advertising campaign, January 1, 2013 - May of 2013

Company Analysis Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Service Strength Analysis

• The center specifically identifies a variety of issues that require counseling services • Location

Competitive Threat Analysis

• Businesses like Life Skills Inc., the Medical Center, Rivendell Behavioral Health, WKU’s Counseling and Testing Center • Family members • Friends • Role models • Mentors


• New business with low awareness • Negative stigma that surrounds couseling and mental health • Other mental health/counseling centers


• Target WKU students • Humorous/positive advertising



Situation Analysis

mpetitive Threat Ana



earch Res earch Results Research Results Primary and secondary

Primary Research online survey conducted through distributed through Facebook




students prefer professionals to graduate student counselors


self-consciousness affects attendance

discounts or free visitations affect attendance


Secondary Research WKU DATA

2011 enrollment report


2011 study reveals 3.3% of the college students surveyed (out of approx. 1,457,000 students) visited a psychiatrist.

GENERATION Y RESEARCH 1) belief that they can make a better future

2011 WKU enrollment Report

2) prefer ads with humor / irony that have an element of truth about them 3) word-of-mouth advertising, creating buzz, and electronic media

Data based on a 2011 MRI report on personal care

Justification of Target Audience While our primary research using the MRI database does show that the majority of people who visited a therapist within the last year were middle aged women, there are more factors to consider when creating a small advertising campaign for a new business. Bowling Green is considered a “college town� because a large percentage of the city’s residents are WKU students. It is best to target as many people as possible that can be reached through one approach when trying to maximize return on investement. Also, the fact that the target audience (WKU students) frequents the same location (WKU campus) makes them easier to target. Targeting WKU students means less money and time spent for a greater impact.

Target Market Profiles

Madeline Turner

Daniel Madison

Michael Clouts

Saene Lopez

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Advertising Strategy Message Strategy Objective

- overcome negative stereotypes - build strength


Interacting with students directly using humor


tailgate health fair booth new leaf center events promotional videos on YouTube

Logo Development

In keeping with the message of counselling as a place to build strength the fragile leaf of the original logo is replaced with a sturdy tree. The new logo says that you can strengthen a weaker part of yourself, not that you as a whole are a weak person.

Logo Ideas and color scheme

Media Strategy Objectives

- create awareness - eliminate stereotypical barriers against counseling


Using the Internet allows for a more comfortable conversation Spreadable news ligtens topic Face-to-face interaction creates positive and friendly image


QR code

T-shirt design

• To use social media to create 2-way conversations • To create regularly released YouTube videos to create passable promotion • To hand out flyers, shirts, flash-drives and other promotional items face-toface • To host booths and tailgating events to create environments where real connections can be made • To engage through QR code and apps

Continuity Schedule January 21st:

website, video 1, flyers

February 15th:

flash-drive handout, video 2

March 21st:

newspaper, video 3

April 1st:

questionnaire booth

April 21st:

video 4

May 21st:

video 5

1719 Ashley Circle, Suite 211 Bowling Green, KY 42104 270-843-1500 It’s never too late for a fresh start!

Table banner for tailgaiting and other events


for video commercial 1

The video starts by introducing the character, Becky, and shows how she deals with crisis the wrong way. She is portrayed as weak. The alternative of going to the New Leaf Center is shown by comparison to be the mature, strong decision. This video also works if one relates to Darth Vader. Most of us have experienced an awkward elevator ride (or some similarly inescapable situation) where someone (possibly even a stranger) emotionally unloads on us in ways we are not equiped to deal with.

Sales Promotion objective

- create relationships







Gen Yers trust word-of-mouth and friend recommendation Sart the conversation by handing out items


• Hold events and other face-to-face scenarios • Tell current clients that if they recommend the service of the New Leaf Center then they will receive a discount.

Business Card Flash drive

It’s never too late for a fresh start!


Public Relations objective

- inform the students


Use infromation distributors that clients are already familiar and comfortable with


• Have PR representative contact local magazines/papers such as The Herald • Speak at health conferences/ conventions on campus • Talks/Lectures

Direct Marketing OBJECTIVES

don’t be becky Youtube

- create an image that is friendly and welcoming - overcome stereotypes - break down conversation barriers




Interact directly (Creates two-way conversations, potentially initiating storytelling and sharing, creating personal connections.)


• Specials and incentives • Handouts • Flash-drives , stress-relief balls, and other freebies • Tailgating Events • Post-cards • Emails about the latest video releases on the center’s YouTube channel

1719 Ashley Circle, Suite 211 Bowling Green, KY 42104 270-843-1500 It’s never too late for a fresh start!


Stress-relief ball

Indirect Marketing OBJECTIVES

- create a system for customers to research and gather reliable information - create an impression of the New Leaf Center as legitimate and credible


Color, layout, and design affectively while providing a depth of information.



A website that is also compatible in mobile and tablet views

Social Media Objective

- spread awareness - create passable advertising


Gen Y is particularly receptive


Youtube channel Facebook Page mobile app


The New Leaf Center facebook page

Budget: $30,167 Media Budget: $29,767 $1,000 for design work (logo, website, and mobile app) $10 for domain name $1,950 to run magazine ads $5,800 for TV media $1,000 for brochures/booklets $800 for posters/flyers $12,132 for Yellow Pages $3,000 for outdoor signage $200 for one billboard $75 for direct mail (postcard) $800 for 2-column newspaper ad $3,000 for promo videos

Community Involvement: $100 $100 for grass parking spot, entire season (tailgating tent) $0 for health fair booth

Promotion: $300 $300 for promotional items (flash drives, stress relief balls, t-shirts, pens, stationary)


initial interviews (separates effect) random surveys (starting June 2013)

other measures

• Number of app downloads • Hits on the website • Facebook likes • YouTube video views & likes

MMUNICA SMENT MEA Communication Assessment Measures

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