Design Identity Sketchbook

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Holographic blur Research and Experimentation Rachael Teasdill

Fig 01:


Over the duration of my content and layouts process, I contuniously researched into other Publications and the way they've presented their body text along side visual content to have a good underestanding in relation to its concept, colour palette and font type used.


Fig 02:


Fig 03:


SWOT Contempary and fresh layout out and eastetic, with a good variety of beauty, recipes, and crafts. Niche and Unique ‘giving a bit of what everyone love’. Producted by young creatives for young women. Cohesive magazine with social media andwebsite. Finding competitors was particulaly hard to find, when finding existing magazines that are in relation to the concept of my magaziine, I looked into differenct magazines, that would feature and be dedicated to vintage and i Was able to find these two magazines. Both of nothing i've previously heard of before; which was good when learning and discovering something new.

Gives target audience encouragement to be more creative and gain more of an interest in crafts and cooking. Magazine available for purchase on website, help followers/ target audience keep interest.


Lacking in availablity and places where to purchase it. Pricing £10 for each mag, which it a bit expensive among other magazines. Target audience it young women, could maybe expand on target audience further.

Mainly based in Nottingham, so can only by discovered and pruchased online for anyone not living there. No promotional ad’s found on the Internet or in currect town.

SWOT Successful magazine within it’s field of topic. Contains a wide variety of topics with a vintage influence.

Magazine doesn’t have some interactive meet ups, fairs or events to keep following invested

Nostalgic vibes and content interoperated well from each era selected within each magazine.

Instagram bar attached onto website, not selected with the mag’s Ig account but instead a fake-template acount.

Creates a comminity for like-minded poeple and gives target audience a unique publication.

Layout not so contempory among latest magazines, contents also contains beauty and food.

Availability to purchase within local Whsmith/ book stores. Price only £4).

No promotional ad’s found on the Internet or in currect town.


Fig 04:

Fashion: Urban Outfitters Beyond Retro H&M Converse Dr Martens Independant Vintage Shops Vintage/Thrift Shops

Personality: Am b i t i o us Q ui r k y O p e n M i nd e d Layed Back F un R i s k Ta k e r Cr e a t i ve Co nf i d e nt


Fig 05:

Art Fashion & Individual Style Nature Photography Being Ethical and Environmentally Friendly Cinema Record Store Exhibitions and Museums Vintage Items Nostalgia of the past


Social Media: Tum b l r I ns t a g r a m P e r s o na l b l o g P i nt e r e s t S na p c ha t Tw i t t e r

dvjls slvdsljv dj vljdv djl bjfl bjd bjl dljb dajl bdlj bdls bljb ljs dxkdkfjnwsiokls,azx

dvjls slvdsljv dj vljdv djl bjfl bjd bjl dljb dajl bdlj bdls bljb ljs dxkdkfjnwsiokls,azx

dvjls slvdsljv dj vljdv djl bjfl bjd bjl dljb dajl bdlj bdls bljb ljs dxkdkfjnwsiokls,azx

dvjls slvdsljv dj vljdv djl bjfl bjd bjl dljb dajl bdlj bdls bljb ljs d x k d k f j nw siokls,azx

dvjls slvdsljv dj vljdv djl bjfl bjd bjl dljb dajl bdlj bdls bljb ljs dxkdkfjnwsiokls,azx

dvjls slvdsljv dj vljdv djl bjfl bjd bjl dljb dajl bdlj bdls bljb ljs kdkfjnwsiokls, azx

dvjls slvdsljv dj vljdv djl bjfl bjd bjl dljb dajl bdlj bdls bljb ljs dxkdkfjnwsiokls, azx cxifhniebcfj fevbjvbcfdrbnv.

dvjls slvdsljv dj vljdv djl bjfl bjd bjl dljb dajl bdlj bdls bljb ljs dxkdkfjnwsiokls, azx cxifhniebcfj fevbjvbcfdrbnv.

vng jbfuh fb duob vfvbnfiobvf iofbviofdb ifb gnfibiofbibd

vng jbfuh fb duob vfvbnfiobvf iofbviofdb ifb g n f i bi of bi b dj g i g f n e i p nbepdsfbvgipd fnbgvpfifjn dpgb gpofdngipfh tfogn

dvjls slvdsljv dj vljdv djl bjfl bjd bjl dljb dajl bdlj bdls bljb ljs dxkdkfjnwsiokls, azx cxifhniebcfj fevbjvbcfdrbnv. vng jbfuh fb duob vfvbnfiobvf iofbviofdb ifb g n f i bi of bi b dj g i g f n e i p nbepdsfbvgipd fnbgvpfifjn dpgb gpofdngipfh tfogn

dvjls slvdsljv dj vljdv djl bjfl bjd bjl dljb dajl bdlj bdls bljb ljs kdkfjnwsiokls, azx

dvjls slvdsljv dj vljdv djl bjfl bjd bjl dljb dajl bdlj bdls bljb ljs kdkfjnwsiokls, azx


vjls slvdsljv dj vljdv djl bjfl bjd bjl dljb dajl bdlj bdls bljb ljs dxkdkfjnwsiok

Brand Analysis Unilever Brand Key used for Holographic Blur. Fig 06:


Promotion Social media and Blog updates will be the online focus when interecting with the customer about events, latest book being read using Goodreads. The Aesthetics of each social platform will have a vintage /70’s influence , exploring progess of each magazine with content and visuals of events, travel and people.

Process Magazine Publication will be available every two months/ 6 a year to have a good amount of time to create interesting content as well as interviews with young creatives, giving a small platform to present themselves as a person and their work. To keep the brand more niche the online space will be refered to as a blog rather than a website. The content on the blog will be a reflection of the magazine content, and will also feature a small selection of the same photographs and interviews that will ingage with newer followers. that will be a printed option to the content on the blog.

Product Additional pieces such as calenders, postcards and posters with the same mood and style would be available via a shop on the magazine’s Blog.

Placement The magazine is placed Price in the Fashion,/ lifestyle The cost for the magazine photography and creative art market. would be £4 to be affordable for target market and so they’re also A selection would be sold paying for a good quality. in Urban Outfitters and on line via the Magazine’s blog, distributed from local printing companies. Using spirial bound and perfect bound giving a unique and two print option, depending on what the customer personally prefers.


People Target market ranges from 18-35 years. Using diverse models of similar look and age to customer target to be relatable. Similar in morals and interests, with an optimistic and open mind set with a passion for creativity which will help engage and build a like minded platform.

l Fina Font tion


Desert road Lombok G o t h a m Black Eye peas Noto Serif

Rage Italic Bristle Brush Script twisted Cooper Std Plantin





Capitals Spaced - Tracking 120




Noto Serif



Avenir Next



Minion Pro




Title Font Experimentation









holographic blur



Photography (n) the art or practice of taking and processing photographs. It’s the science, art, application and practice of creating durable images by recording light or other electromagnetic radiation, either electronically by means of an image sensor, or chemically by means of a light-sensitive material such as photographic film. Typically, a lens is used to focus the light reflected or emitted from objects into a real image on the light-sensitive surface inside a camera during a timed exposure.

Layout for Interviews Examples

With an electronic image sensor, this produces an electrical charge at each pixel, which is electronically processed and stored in a digital image file for subsequent display or processing. The result with photographic emulsion is an invisible latent image, which is later chemically “developed” into a visible image, either negative or positive depending on the purpose of the photographic material and the method of processing. A negative image on film is traditionally used to photographically create a positive image on a paper base, known as a print, either by using an enlarger or by contact printing.

Photography (n) the art or practice of taking and processing photographs. It’s the science, art, application and practice of creating durable images by recording light or other electromagnetic radiation, either electronically by means of an image sensor, or chemically by means of a light-sensitive material such as photographic film. Typically, a lens is used to focus the light reflected or emitted from objects into a real image on the light-sensitive surface inside a camera during a timed exposure.

With an electronic image sensor, this produces an electrical charge at each pixel, which is electronically processed and stored in a digital image file for subsequent display or processing. The result with photographic emulsion is an invisible latent image, which is later chemically “developed” into a visible image, either negative or positive depending on the purpose of the photographic material and the method of processing. A negative image on film is traditionally used to photographically create a positive image on a paper base, known as a print, either by using an enlarger or by contact printing.

Fig 07:


Layout for Interviews Examples




Imporit essitio ribusdae ea veruptat. Bus, nonecti sequo ma dereprectae dessum quatem quiassedio. Uga. Ut aut esero optatur accus accuptur? Aximus quatem et perspernatem es il maxim et utem harum, nat que id que et mo officia arcipsunto bla si cus. Magnati umendus et reresen imporem esciur autem ut plitatiis simillab ium excernatesci tem explitat. Optaqua tatius mosantios earum nime rest pratibeaquat hiliti consequas excerep reribus rehent quia core dempostio quossit eventusam qui tem quam nobis adis cone vene nimi, sit, commoll antemque poritius dit aut explis

Imporit essitio ribusdae ea veruptat. Bus, nonecti sequo ma dereprectae dessum quatem quiassedio. Uga. Ut aut esero optatur accus accuptur? Aximus quatem et perspernatem es il maxim et utem harum, nat que id que et mo officia arcipsunto bla si cus. Magnati umendus et reresen imporem esciur autem ut plitatiis simillab ium excernatesci tem explitat. Optaqua tatius mosantios earum nime rest pratibeaquat hiliti consequas excerep reribus rehent quia core dempostio quossit eventusam qui tem quam nobis adis cone vene nimi, sit, commoll antemque poritius dit aut explis

Page Number Placement Experimentation

We are Holographic Blur, we are the young woman sitting under a tree in mid-July channelling a 70’s inspired outfit with Colour Tinted Sunglasses, being sheltered from the Sun beams shining through the branches, reading a read book of our choice; whether it be a romance, about spirituality, self-care, even poetry. We are the young Man on a Bobbins slim steel frame Bicycle, wearing one of his Dad’s old short sleeved buttoned shirts, paired washed out blue jeans and trainers; owning a 90’s influence style. Can you see we’re are the confidently lost, the soul and self-love seekers, the wandering free spirits, some; full of nostalgia. We are the ones expressing ourselves through vintage style clothing, old Polaroids and Vinyl players with an appreciation for the old in a modern world. Taking the old with the new, it’s what we love to do. We have a passion for creating something new but staying true to our inner vintage and nature enthusiast.

You’ll be able to see the influence in our clothes that’s deeply routed back to the 19th century when the art nouveau movement was established. While Alphonse Mucha became famous for his art among many whom became known for their specialisms. It can be identified in the nostalgia of the 70’s Bohemian style, rippling though to the 90’s and to current date. Although we won’t be found in studio 54, a nightclub populated by celebs like Michael Jackson and Andy Worhol, we can be found in many places such as the local nightclub, gigs and festivals. As you’ll discover we’re the more adapted and open minded, listening to a range of genres in music, some way before our time but also latest tracks that are on the radio. We’re a new community of like-minded individuals, learning to celebrate our natural surroundings and grow from the person we used to be, a person who took things for granted. So now with every step we take on the paths of our lives, we embrace who we are becoming.

You may have already guessed, we are the fashion conscious and all about being ethically aware, consuming only second-hand and pre-loved goods, taking small step to help the planet within recycling, reusing and selling on what no longer serves us; onto to somewhere new.

Paper / Binding I decided for my magazine I wanted to use perfect bound for one to present a neat alternative to a Japanese bound Magazine. Reflecting on the Japanese Binding session, it’s made me more interested in how publications are bound in every day life, which will help me in future when it comes to binding a magazine.


holographic holographic






I experimented with the scale of the Magazine title and placement on the front cover before any development with the brand logo that features the title in this font so that I could have a better understanding of how to make the cover more authentic to fit in with a niche magazine and its content.


holographic blur




Cover layout examples with plain coloured bacgrounds

Fig 08:




Fig 09:


Holographic blur Holographic blur



Title Font: Lombok Holographic blur

Holographic blur

Holographic blur



Holographic blur

The idea behind the Magazine logo development is I wanted to experiment with another element to the logo hens tbe different shaped hexogons and circles, as well as placement of the title in it’s final chosen font.


Fig 10 :


ESS ADDR The layout is inspired by any standard postcard with an inspluence from the logo design to the magazaine; for the first issue they would also be included as a free gift and trailed on how successful they were before they will feature in small corner and gift shops. The nature photography on the postcards will be from the photoshoots within the magazines. it will also state the destination of where the photograph was taken.



The Postcards will range from an A5 to A6 size and have a unique yet simple design for the side that will be used to write on.

Waking up slowly Heaven help me My mind changes like the wind Please excuse me I don’t know where to begin But I Didn’t think I cared I could be your friend But I’m unprepared Oh, I’ve never felt like this I was unaware You were lighting flares Now I’m running scared Oh, how did it come to this? You know I’ve never Been so lonely on my own And it shows ‘Cause I don’t see you Like I used to Now I’m going back on the things that I know Oh All my nights Taste like gold Yeah, when I’m with you It’s like everything glows And all my days We can lay low Yeah, when we’re waking up We’re waking up slow

You know I’ve never Been so lonely on my own And it shows ‘Cause I don’t see ya Like I used to Now I’m going back on the things that I know Chorus It’s a little bit clearer now I love you like the sun came out Oh We’re waking up We’re waking up slow It’s like I never had a doubt I love you like the sun came out Oh We’re waking up We’re waking up Like I told ya Don’t look backwards ‘Cause now I see you here Nothing else matters Like I told ya Don’t look backwards ‘Cause now I see you here I’m going back on the things that I know Chorus

I can rearrange Would you do the same? I don’t wanna change But you’re just too good to miss ‘Cause I’m intertwined And I’m running blind But I don’t mind I’m so glad it came to this

It’s a little bit clearer now I love you like the sun came out Oh We’re waking up We’re waking up slow It’s like I never had a doubt I love you like the sun came out Oh We’re waking up (x2)

Stay Life is like a circus wheel And I never know how to feel You’re still woven in the way back then But I never meant to hurt you or to lose a friend The times gone by on a runaway train And I don’t know where he’s going or if he’s back again But you, you’re looking at me Just say what you want, Just say what you need Cause I, I need to be free To come as I go and go as I please Did you think I’d stay? Well you should turn the other way Cause we’re never going back again All you did was stay Holding on to yesterday Well it’s never coming back again Life, a couple hundred miles away And I remember you like it was yesterday I didn’t want to leave you on your own in the end But we’re not supposed to feel this, I can’t pretend But times gone by on a runaway train And there’s nothing we can do to bring it back again You can stay in the past You can live a lie Say I’ve changed Call me cold Call me what you like And never know what it’s like on the other side

You can stay in the past You can live a lie Say I’ve changed Call me cold Call me what you like And never know what it’s like on the other side So you, why you looking at me? I’m not what you want It’s not what you need Cause I, I need to be free To come as I go and go as I please Did you think I’d stay? Well you should turn the other way Cause we’re never going back again All you did was stay Holding on to yesterday Well it’s never coming back again You can stay in the past You can live a lie Say I’ve changed Call me cold Call me what you like And never know what it’s like on the other side [x2] Did you think I’d stay? Well you should turn the other way Cause we’re never going back again All you did was stay Holding on to yesterday Well it’s never coming back again

I initially used a verse from Dandelions by Ruth B and also from Love by Lana Del Rey to fill place where i wanted some written content along with filler text before hand. I wanted to see the effect it would have complimented with photos that i used for inspiration.

Look you kids with your vintage music coming through satilittes while cruising, apart of the past but now you’re the future signals crossing can get confusing.

Fig 11 :

I finally chosen two songs by Gabrielle Aplin, ‘Stay’ and ‘Waking up slow’ mostly because of some of the verses in each song, that i think relate to the nostalgic but feeling free mood of the Magazine concept.

I’m in a field of Dandelions wishing on everyone that you’d be mine.


I also think the narratives to the story telling in the songs were quite interesting., which could bring another meaning to the rest of the content of the photos; as well as having some well presented overlays of lyrics over the visual content.

Social Media would be an important plat form to communicated and interace with the customers. Specifically using Goodreads to use a group for monthly reads so it can be discussed by book lovers and it would also be good for chosing a reader’s choice for a book recommendation to read for each month. which would be adversided on the book club page of the magazine; to bring in more customers.

Fig 12:


The social media platforms that would be used to communicate and interact with followers and the tarket audience would by platforms they’d be using such as Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and Goodreads. To attract the audience who may not use these we would use advertising panels and screens to help grab the person’s attention, this could be also featured across music and book app/ websites such as Audiobooks, Spotify, Youtube and Soundcloud.

Fig 12.1:

Even across Online platforms and stores such as Etsy, Facebook and Tumblr.


For the exhibiton I produced an A3, A4 and two A5 poster for my Holographic Blur Magazine, so that I could present it similar to the layout on the A3 poster; which you can see above. I also printed my Manifesto in the same font ‘Desert Road’ that is featured in the Magazine, as well as presenting the logo at the top and on the opporsite side of the card.

Fig 13:

I created editional pieces, one that is the A5 Postcards, created in the same style at the publication, with a Photo from the Photoshoot on one side and the Post card layout/ details on the other. A also presented my mini Poloroid album, which presents some Poloroids I’ve taken through out my development of the Brand Identity.


The stones that were in the exhibition I chose to put out so that they can relate back to nature and using Blue toned stones helped to compliment the Blue in the Posters, and Postcards.

Time 20th from

& April

Date: 2018 12-4pm

+ 2 friends to celebrate the launch of our first ever issue of Holographic Blur!!, with some food and drinks at Highcliffe Castle where our special guests Gabrielle Aplin & Salute will be performing their song 'That Girl' along with their own songs, and some 70's classics. Due to British weather we'll be providing our white tents for shelter and an exciting Vintage stall by Waiste Vintage, where you can purchase from owner Sara Thomas for some Gorgeous 70's Garments. We'll also be running 2 competitions for the best self-made earrings and the best 70's inspired Cupcakes. A winner for each with win a Holographic Blur Goodie bag filled with discounts for shops like Urban Outfitters, H&M and Waiste Vintage to name a few, some round colour lens sunglasses, a Holographic Blur tote bag with our First issue and much more! We look forward to seeing you all! Address: Yours Faithfully, Holographic Blur Editor Highcliffe Castle Rachael Rothesay Dr, Highcliffe, Dorset BH23 4LE

Final Press Release Design

For the press release of the first issue of Holographic Blur, I chosen to use a photograph I took on the photo shoot so that it relates back to the visual content in the magazine. I thought this particular photo would be a good choice because the model is positioned on the left, leaving room on the right from the event details.

We invite you

Fig 14:


The Wildlife Photographer of the Year

Fig 15:

For my exhibition review I initially planned to go to the Diana exhibition but decided to change it and go to the Natural History Museum to experience The Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition instead, as the magazine has an influence to nature, I thought it would fit much better. The photos on this page are a few I saw in the Exhibit and are what I have mentioned and discussed within my final draft of the review, which will feature near the back of the magazine.


Fig 16:


WWW: Finding Reaseach, as well as inspiration for movement and postitioning for the photoshoot was easy to find as a i already had a good idea about what feel I wanted the photos to portray to present the magazine in a good way. Preparing for the shoot with clothing, styling, location, natural look - no make-up and to finally shooting on the day was something i really enjoyed and i think because we shot quite early in the morning we were able to be in a space where not many people walked past which helped with transitions into outfits using different pieces with others so that the looks related back to on another.

EBI: I would've looked more into diverse models, which i initially wanted so that i could shoot the Natural setting Photoshoot much earlier then i did, I would've also reached out to more people for interview content so that i would've recieved back the information i needed to complete the interivew features within the publication. Looking back i would have tested the camera and shutter before properly shooting, as i put in incorrect settings in the camera which made most of the photos i took on the shoot appear very blue, which meant I have to go through and refine my photo selection to put into lightroom and photoshoot to try and take away a bit of the blure tones to them.


1: Photos taken of Koel Magazines Issue 3, Vogue Sept 2014 and W Magazine for research 2: Inspiration for the direction of own Pohotoshoot Cole Sprouse sitting in a flower field. (2016). [image] Available at: [Accessed 3 Feb. 2018]. Daisies in flower at Ventnor Botanic Garden, Ventnor, Isle of Wight. (2011). [image] Available at: File:Daisies_at_Ventnor_Botanic_Garden.JPG [Accessed 4 Feb. 2018]. Richardson, R. and Kugelberg, J. (2014). Eileen the handstand queen/Sound of two eyes opening-Spot. [image] Available at: [Accessed 3 Feb. 2018]. Weitz, R. (n.d.). Just drive north. [image] Available at: [Accessed 4 Feb. 2018]. Dodgson, C. (n.d.). 035. [image] Available at: [Accessed 4 Feb. 2018]. Flowers in a car. (2015). [image] Available at: s1600/04.jpg [Accessed 4 Feb. 2018]. Lens Flare. (n.d.). [image] Available at: [Accessed 2 Feb. 2018]. Weitz, R. (n.d.). Just drive north. [image] Available at: [Accessed 4 Feb. 2018]. 3: Own photos I captured on Photoshoot 4: Caboodle and Vintage Life Magazine covers, chosen as competitors / Block, E. (2015). Caboodle Magazine Front Cover. [image] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jan. 2018]. ~Ebay (2016). Her Vintage Life Magazine Issue Feb 2015. [image] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jan. 2018].

5: Mini Skirts 70s trend style photo / Mini Skirt 70s trend. (2018). [image] Available at: uploads/2018/04/how-to-work-the-70s-trend-in-2015-haute-tempered-with-70s-fashion-mini-skirts.png [Accessed 3 Feb. 2018].

~Puleston, E. (2014). The Evolution of the Bohemian Culture and the Personality Behind It. [Blog] Bohemian Barefoot. Available at: [Accessed 15 Mar. 2018]. ~Davies, T. (2018). Here’s How to Wear the Boho Trend at Any Age. [Blog] Live About. Available at: wear-the-boho-trend-at-any-age-3964596 [Accessed 3 Jan. 2018]. ~Gibson, B. (2017). Social Media Icons for Business Cards New social Media Icons Glitter Pack Icons Creative Market | FREE TEMPLATE IDEAS. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Jan. 2018].


6: Brand Key Template / 7: Vintage camera with photos / 8: Own photos taken at the Photoshoot, with more of a selection 9: Own photos taken at the photoshoot, selected for magazine cover selection and screenshot of one of the photos in photoshop. 10: 4 photos from photoshoot selected for postcard designs 11: Photo of Gabrielle Aplin / Gabrielle Aplin releases brand new single. (2017). [image] Available at: [Accessed 4 Feb. 2018]. 12: Instagram Feed screenshot / 12.1: Brand Mock ups on laptop and Iphone. 13: Own photos taken of Magazine brand at the Design Identity Exhibitions. 14: Own photo taken for at the photoshoot also used for the press release design 15: Photography relating to the Exhibtion Review on the Magazine 16: Own photos, taken to show styling outfits for photoshoot

RAchael teasdill Design Identity

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