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Komitea Architects (Lotta Kindberg, Nea Tuominen)
O riginal Competition Entry : http://europan.fi/entry/lateral-coalescence/
At the periphery of Helsinki city lies Laajasalonlahti:a sheltered bay where a 100 year-old pine forest gradually descends a slight slope before being met with the wetland rushes of the water's edge. To the east, lies Laajasalontie: a car-dominated highway dividing Yliskylä town centre and suburbs in the east from the recreation opportunities of the western Laajasalonlahti. To meet these site challenges, we formulated three key ideas: 1) to create an active public waterfront linkway with diverse edge treatment; 2) to establish a Marina Vista connection linking the boulevard to the sea; 3) to conserve and celebrate the character of the marina, forest and wetland environment. Following our competition success, we were invited by Helsinki City to develop our original proposal and formulate four design iterations.
Competition Phase: Island
The original competition proposal was recognised for preserving the wetland and forest character, but the density, cost and size of the island was critiqued. After several studies we concluded with Option 2B: Extended Shoreline as the preferred design.
Option 1A: Island
This variation explores a bend in the Marina Vista shared street - which opens opens up the view of the harbour. Building density to island size ratio is optimised. However, the new kindergarten and south block threaten the original concept of forest preservation.
Option 1B: Flipped Island
The Marina is moved to the south side to concentrate activity along the sunniest part of the island. The angle of Marina Vista is adjusted. The winter boat storage and boat ramp are moved to the the back of the island.
Option 2A: Extended Shoreline A
The island block of housing is shifted to the mainland, with the kindergarten pushed further south. Development encroaches further on the wetland and forest. The urban blocks and carpark solutions become more straightforward, but the waterfront area loses its character.
Option 2B: Extended Shoreline B (Preferred option)
The shoreline is infilled to allow the creation of 3 blocks to the north of Marina Vista. A carpark building and supermarket are incorporated in the south. A distinctive waterfront condition is established celebrating the existing wetland character, with an elevated pedestrian bridge linking a public jetty and seating platform to the wetland pathways and forest.