Raynes Park High School Inspiring Learning; Achieving Excellence
Welcome FROM THE HEADTEACHER I am extremely proud to be the Headteacher at Raynes Park High School which prides itself on academic, sporting and creative activity. We have a rich history, clear identity and extremely strong community. We pride ourselves on the positive relationships that exist in the school and the calm, friendly learning environment. My drive and ambition is to ensure that Raynes Park High School provides an exceptional learning experience for our students, and our commitment to academic excellence and personal wellbeing is at the core of everything we do. Central to our school motto ‘Inspiring Learning; Achieving Excellence’ is the firm belief that students learn best within a secure, well-disciplined learning environment and we are totally committed
“Students are courteous, polite, friendly and helpful. Behaviour in lessons and around the school is good so that the school is a peaceful, harmonious community.” - Ofsted, October 2015
to supporting all of our students on their RPHS journey. We are exceptionally proud of the school and the values that are central to its ethos and success; we celebrate the comprehensive intake and diverse nature of the RPHS community and ensure that our core values underpin all we do. The school has made rapid improvements in recent years; our Ofsted report (October 2015) rated us as good in all categories and we are committed to further driving up standards in our quest to be exceptional in all that we do. We know how challenging it can be to choose the right school for your child but if you do choose RPHS, we know this will be the start of a long, happy association with our school and we warmly invite you to be part of our future.
Mrs K. Heard Headteacher
Curriculum A culture of high expectations and a commitment to nurturing the talents and developing the gifts of every student underpins the ethos of Raynes Park High School. We are student centred with a strong focus on individuals. Teachers offer many opportunities to stretch and challenge all, including the most able. Students of all abilities have access to our ‘Saturday School’ and ‘Extended Learning’ programmes. Exceptional teaching is the building block of our success. We blend the traditional with the innovative to give our students the best experiences in the classroom, laboratory or on the playing field. We monitor students’ progress carefully at all key stages. Quite simply, our aspiration is that every student makes exceptional progress; those who would benefit from additional support in any aspect of their learning and those with marked aptitudes are identified early and given specialist support to reach their full potential. Students benefit greatly from the outstanding facilities and resources Raynes Park High School offers.
“Lessons are very interactive and the teachers always try to incorporate new ways to learn. Maths is my favourite because sometimes we compete against other schools in Times Tables Rockstars, and in our last Maths lesson we used graphs to solve a Murder Mystery.” - Year 8 Student
Sixth Form
We are proud of our successful and inclusive Sixth Form which attracts a large number of students from within our school as well as a significant number of external students. Ofsted judged the Sixth Form as ‘Good’ for the third time in October 2015 saying that it promotes good learning and achievement and that students are well informed of the routes available to them when leaving school.
“Students have good opportunities to develop their leadership skills. In the main school, all students are members of a house, and they take part in a range of exciting competitions to build their resilience, self-esteem and personal confidence.� - Ofsted, October 2015
Personalised Support
A SENSE OF IDENTITY & BELONGING Students experience a strong community ethos in our house system which provides them with a sense of identity, belonging and enjoyment. Students benefit from strong pastoral support within our four houses. The pastoral team monitors students’ academic progress and wellbeing and members of staff know each student personally. Students’ individual strengths are celebrated and recognised, and areas for development are championed. Developing leadership skills at a variety of levels enables students to grow into informed citizens with strong moral codes. Through the student council we develop student leaders who embody skills and qualities reflecting the school values and ethos, and provide support for their peers. In the Sixth Form our student leadership team includes a Head Boy and Head Girl, and senior house leaders. Students need little encouragement to participate in our extensive range of competitive inter-house activities. The spirit, camaraderie and skill they demonstrate reflect their diversity, ability and sheer determination. Whether they are involved in music and drama, or taking part in sporting and technological challenges, our students show exceptional flair and talent.
with families
From the outset we communicate closely with families. In addition to parent evenings you will receive regular reports on your child’s progress and there are opportunities to meet with staff throughout the year. Students are most successful when home and school work together in partnership and we look forward to working with you and sharing the future successes of our school.
Happy, settled and secure Students are introduced to Raynes Park High through our structured transition programme. • In Year 5, local primary schools bring students to enjoy a ‘Transition Taster Day’ featuring lessons, activities and sports • Our teachers meet your child at their primary school in May/June • Families are invited to our Saturday Transition morning in May • Students take part in an interactive Induction Day in July
• Parents and Carers meet their child’s tutor at the Year 6 into Year 7 Evening • Summer School provides another opportunity for your child to get to know the school When students start in September, they have had a successful induction which enables them to be happy, settled and secure, ensuring a worry free move to high school for both children and their families.
“Something that I think is great at Raynes Park is how all of the teachers really push you in your learning and help you to achieve the results you need and deserve .�
- Year 7 Student
Basketball Academy
Dance Academy Jack Petchey Scheme
House Plays
“We have amazing opportunities both inside and outside of school. I recorded part of an audio-book in Harry Potter club, and I’m on our Football team.” - Year 8 Student
Enrichment OPPORTUNITIES We are determined that our students have access to a wide range of opportunities to explore their talents and interests. Whether timetabled or extra-curricular, there are numerous sports, creative arts and technology related activities to choose from. In addition, there are a range of trips and visits offered to enrich our curriculum.
Our sports facilities are excellent with all-weather pitches, a Dance studio and our own Sports Ground. Our students have also demonstrated a reputation for excellent sporting achievement across many sports and both the Basketball and Dance Academies have been particularly successful on a National level in recent years
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Bushey Road, London, SW20 0JL tel: 0208 8946 4112 email: school@raynespark.merton.sch.uk web: www.raynespark.merton.sch.uk Inspiring Learning; Achieving Excellence