David Nieper Promotional Strategy SS14

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david nieper cruisewear SS14 - promotional strategy


10|11 - digital promotion

08|09 - competitors

12|13 - photoshoot

03 - brief & brand

04|05 - consumer

14|15 - lookbook

06|07 - brand ambassadors

16|17 - distribution


the brief: To create a concept for a new promotional campaign for womenswear brand David Nieper’s SS14 cruise range. “The customer is a mature, single British woman, planning to go on a cruise. She is hoping to meet new friends of like mind and is intending to pack a selection of new outfits to take with her for the various excursions and evening events. She has a taste for classic British styling and elegance. She likes clothes that fit well, look good and feel great. She wears them with confidence.”

the brand: David Nieper is a British, luxury womenswear brand that primarily targets women ages 50+. Located in Derby, the brand supports sustainable clothing and manufacturing. Thriving off the words softness, femininity and luxury, the clothing appears extremely elegant and luxurious. There is a discreet minimalistic sense to the branding, however I believe that the promotional strategy could be altered to generate a more modern and exciting feel. Why should a brand aimed at an older audience tailor itself to more dated branding itself; you’re only as old as your heart is, right?

you’re only as young as your heart is <3

consumer daphne selfe

jenni rhodes

In Europe and North America, many baby boomers were priviledged in that they grew up in a time of affluence. In many cases, this has now filtered down to bring about a distinct taste of elegance and minimalism in their individual style. Being the first proper ‘teenagers’, it is clear that the David Nieper consumer will forever be young at heart; something that must be addressed in the brand’s promotional strategy.

iris apfel

the fllat agers

The ‘Flat Agers’ or ‘Baby Boom’ generation were born between 1946 - 1964. According to ??, this generation currently control more that 80% of personal financial assetts and more than half of consumer spending. They are associated with the redefinition of traditional values, much like David Nieper could convert to a more modern yet aestetically appealing brand to the more rebellious consumer.

Name: Janet Kay Age: 75 Generation: Generation ?? Views: Doesn’t take herself too seriously, lives to have fun. Janet believes that age is just a number. Hobbies: Makes her own clothes, plays tennis, plays Bridge, goes swimming twice a week, does pilates every morning and loves having coffee mornings with her friends. Shopping habits: Janet tends to shop in store, but recently she has started shopping online more. She feels that brands should have catwalk options on their website (like ASOS) so it is easier to tell what the product will look like in person. Style: Smart casual. Janet wears a lot of printed blouses and linen trousers.. In the Winter, she wears printed scarves and plain., loose clothing. Travel: Janet has often been on cruises. She likes to wear light clothing and tends to bring a lot of light cardigans and trousers so that she can cover up her skin if it is too hot.

consumer profile

brand ambassadors

linda rodin daphne selfe joanna lumley

who ever said age had a limit?

Although they may seem obvious choices, there is no doubt that inspiratinal women such as Linda Rodin, Daphne Selfe and Joanna Lumley are perfect brand ambassadors. Each woman clearly stands for having as much fun in their senior years as they did in their youth; there is somewhat a ‘Patsy from Absoultely Fabulous’ side to them. Brand ambassadors will be a key tool in the promotion of the David Nieper brand: they will discuss the brand at events, mention the brand in interviews, generate coverage from wearing the clothing in public, recommending the brand to many friends and followers and they will be able to create a buzz on social media platforms. Being a part of the ‘Flat Age’ generation and sharing the same interests with the brand’s consumer, these three women are perceived as the perfect role model. All down to earth and charasmatic in their own right, I believe that the use of brand ambassadors will be able to speedily create a buzz for David Nieper and gain much more widespread recognition.

marks and spencer next joules phase eight debenhams jaeger hobbs dorothy perkins john lewis fenwick monsoon competitors

& other stories | re-branding inspiration.

As a potential event or campaign targeting women of all ages, David Nieper could collaborate with & other Stories. This could be on collections, bringing a different element to each brand. Similarly, the brands could hold an ‘Of All Ages’ event, featuring catwalk shows, personal styling experts, a drinks persentation, dinner event, free make-up tutorials and guest speakers, which would also include the brand ambasadors. The event or campaign would celebrate ‘the young hearted’, and pin-point the fact that age is simply a number. The brands could also host a competition to win two tickets for a trip on a cruise in association with the David Nieper cruise range.


I have identified H&M’s sister brand & Other Stories as having a similar brand aestehtic and brand values as David Nieper. However & Other Stories targets a distinclty younger consumer. Looking at the branding for inspiration, the minimal style could be carried over into David Nieper’s promotional strategy. Many consumers appreciate the ‘rough and ready’ feel of the brand, and although the branding appears this way, the clothing itself remains elegant and classy.

digital promotion | website re-design

font 1: orator std Font 2: Sunshine in my Soul Font 3: minion pro

promotional strategy

shopping for: United Kingdon WOMENSWEAR





david nieper |








50% off selected swimwear items



my account


customer service


shopping bag

| faq


about dav


vid nieper

app design


It has been reported that almost half of ‘Flat Agers’ are now actively using social media platforms. Therefore, David Nieper must use online branding effectively in order to tap into their target market. Branching out to the consumer’s external interests will enable to brand to bring interest to their online platforms. For example, to go alongside the cruise collection, the David Nieper app, website and digital lookbook will provide recommendations for travel lovers, specifically tailored towards the consumer’s interests. The recommended brands such as restaurants or hotels could then promote David Nieper through their online platforms, creating a positive media relationship.


SS14 travel shop lookbook follow

david nieper

As the David Nieper is somewhat outdated, I have re-designed the style of the sight to entice the target consumer. Aside from the website, I have also designed an App. The app will also link to social media platform Facebook, as this is the most used by people aged 55+. Between the years 2010 - 2014, Facebook in fact saw an 80% increase in members over the age of 55.


Thinking about the concept behind the photoshoot, I feel that the backdrop should resemble that of a foreign cruise location such as Greece or Italy. However, taking into account the fact that David Nieper is an independent brand, budget wise it would be far more practical to shoot in a UK based location, such as Salcombe in Devon. On the other hand, the photoshoot should capture the natural beauty of the consumer. Rather than focus on the location, the collection of photographs will heavily feature natually effective close-up shots. It has been said that you will always find a more personal connection and nostalgia to the decade you were born. Flat agers were born between 1946 and 1964, therefore the shoot will also feature an essence of the era in which they grew up. For example, the hairstyles could be reminiscent of Vidal Sasoon’s famous cuts from the 60s.

pose 3

pose 4

lights | camera | action

pose 6

pose 2

pose 5

pose 1

pose 7

lookbook | SS14

promotional strategy

Although an online retailer, David Nieper will create a lookbook for the cruise collection. This lookbook will be physically sent to each of the brand’s customers. The lookbook will also go alongside any current orders. Keeping a minimal theme, the lookbook will also feature a travel section. The travel section will include a ‘Top 10 Cruise Destinations’ list, complete with details of each destination and recommendations for restaursnts, hotels, beach locations etc..


According to BeautyStat’s statistics between 2013 and 2014, the fastest growing consumer age group are women aged 60+. With online shopping constantly growing and the David Nieper brand being primarily an online brand, it is crucial that we distribute the products into the correct media publications and impress the consumer with the customer service. Many older women will still purchase a physical magazine, therefore it is important to not forget about print advertising when looking into online. Magazines such as Stella, The Gentlewoman and Red are the type of magazines that also target the consumer that shares the same values as the David Nieper consumer.

The packaging will be simple yet effective, showing a personal touch with handmade labels and customisation. This effect enables the consumer to feel that extra bit special and feel like they have a much more personal connection to the brand.


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