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Rachel Faye
Creativity is not just for artists. Creativity allows the mind to open and innovative solutions to take form as a result. I strive in collaborative environments. I do not accept mediocrity. Stale mate is a call to pivot. I rise to the occasion. Every experience as a lesson and a chance to expand. I believe it is essential to embrace our current state in order to transition to our desired state. Success is holistic and contagious. I identify and implement what is necessary to perform at my highest potential in order to raise the success of myself, my clients, my co-workers, and my company. The more clear the mind, the more room for brilliant, game-changing ideas. I live out loud to create. I move, take jumping jack breaks, and meditate to refresh my mind. I choose to uplift the atmosphere so that collective well being is heightened. ---- This is not just how I work. This is how I live. ----