Independent Streak Magazine -- August-September 2021

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St r eak

M a g a zin e August / Sept ember 20 21

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Palm Beach SSOF

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Popcor n Fr ight s

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Miami 48HFP

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Event s:

Filmst ock Swedefest & mor e

Film Reviews: "Joe Bell" "Slalom" "Over r un"

I NDEPENDENT STREAK M AGAZI NE Au gu st / Sept em ber 2021

Fi l m Rev i ew

" Su m m er t i m e " By Rach el Galvin

Living is not always easy, it seems, in the Los Angeles portrayed by the poetic musical ?Summertime,? directed by Carlos López Estrada. The characters are as diverse and vibrant as the painted walls all around the City of Angels. Each person in this tale has their own fragility and own strength. They each struggle to find their voice and use their words to exert their power, to say ?I am here? and ?I matter,? and that people will miss them when they are gone whether their words were welcomed or not. Everyone has a pocket full of dreams trying to find their moment to fly, but some discover that gaining that fame may not be what it is all cracked up to be. Sometimes, living the simple life is the way to go, no matter the chaos that ensues. Without a clear-cut plot it seems, the film meanders through people's existences giving a glimpse and then moving on ? almost like a stream of consciousness, or being a fly on the wall buzzing from situation to situation. Within the film, many topics are pursued, including the pursuit of fame, looking for love, standing strong in your identity, fighting back against bullying, coming to common ground, finding your family, growing up and fighting against status quo to pursue your dreams. This film is unique in that the characters, which are all woven together in unexpected ways, tell their story through spoken word primarily, as well as a little song and dance, interspersed with dialogue. The result is an inspired piece of art that is hard to let free from your grasp. You want to hold onto it and see where it leads you next. The poet actors do a great job showing vulnerability, pride, greed, stress, longing, fear, sadness, joy, indignation, solidarity, power, love and much more. The film was recently shown in Florida, as well as debuting in New York and LA. You can pre-order it now on Apple TV and iTunes. For more info., visit 1

Stills from "Summertime" 2

I NDEPENDENT STREAK M AGAZI NE Au gu st / Sept em ber 2021

Diablo," "It Comes From Outside," "What Can Be Broken Shall Be Broken", and the regional premieres of "Demonica," "Tech Savvy" and "Too Far." Other highlights in the feature film program included the Southeast U.S. Premieres of "We Need to Do Something," "The Beta Test" and "Cryptozoo." Popcorn Frights fell on a Friday the 13th this year so it was a popros that they hosted a special 35th Annual Presentation of "Friday the 13th Part VI -- Jason Lives." They offered surprises and giveaways at that event. Silverspot Cinema Coconut Creek was the official host venue this year. For more information, including upcoming events, visit

Popcor n Fr ight s Film Fest ival The Popcorn Frights Film Festival came back again this year from Aug. 12 to 19, continuing, despite the pandemic, in a hybrid format-which means having both live events and a virtual experience. They spotlighted films from all over the world. This was the 7th year for this popular event. A portion of proceeds benefited those impacted by the building collapse in Surfside, Florida. They opened with the Florida Premiere of Searchlight Pictures? hotly-anticipated supernatural thriller "The Night House," the new nightmare from The Ritual director David Bruckner starring Rebecca Hall ("Godzilla vs. Kong"). The five-day in-theater program (Aug. 12-15) was headlined by "five feature film World Premieres, including the wickedly twisted chamber piece 'Superhost,' starring Gracie Gillam and Barbara Crampton, the psycho slasher 'Pretty Boy,' the riotously cathartic revenger 'Take Back the Night' and the gritty atmospheric thriller 'Ditched.' In addition to its international selections, they spotlighted films made here in Florida, including, "The Welder" and "Offseason." They also had a special competition called Homegrown: 100% Pure Fresh Squeezed Florida Horror Short Film Competition. It 3 featured the world premieres of "American Crytid," "American

That 's a Wrap! Popcorn Fright s seems t o al ways have an event happening, so st ay t uned f or more f un!

I NDEPENDENT STREAK M AGAZI NE Au gu st / Sept em ber 2021

P u b lis h e r 's No t e Hey, all, my message is a little different this month. When you guys (and especially girls) are booking jobs, be wary if something does not seem right... It probably isn't. There is a lot of fraud in this industry and it seems especially here in South Florida where I am. Do your research. Check out Ripoff Reports to see if anyone has reported this company before, and Better Business Bureau. Google their name. Look on social media. Listen to your gut. Also, if they are asking you to do something you do not feel comfortable with, do not do it. Saying OK to a casting couch is not worth it. There will be other jobs. It is so easy to let someone pressure you into doing something when you are feeling vulnerable. If you are going to an audition, don't go to someone's house. Tell someone where you are going. Have a buddy go with you and even sit in the car or pick you back up if necessary. Make sure to meet a stranger in a public place. Be careful and be aware. Check out my article on the film "Slalom" (Pg. 5). It talks about dealing with that sort of pressure, but in athletics.

Rachel Galvin Publisher On the Cover: Olympia Miccio, who is in "Summertime." (See story, Pg. 1) P.S. Are you a writer wanting to write for Independent Streak Magazine? Email

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Have a new f ilm about t o launch? A new f ilm fest ival in t he wor k s? Want t o be in t he spot light ? Email w r it er r 4

I NDEPENDENT STREAK M AGAZI NE Au gu st / Sept em ber 2021

Jérémie Renier, as Coach Fred, conf ront s Noée Abit a, as Lyz.

Film Review : ?Slalom? By Rachel Gal vin Swoosh...Swoosh? the sound of skis on snow? both forceful and effortless, the prowess of skier Lyz Lopez is evident as she maneuvers a serpentine path down the slopes of the French Alps as she races toward the finish line, winning? again. The movie ?Slalom? provides a revealing look into the struggles and triumphs of this young athlete who finds herself accosted, bullied and abandoned, and fights to have the strength to carry on. This champion, only 15 years old, finds herself becoming stronger each day as confronted by challenges one so young should not face. Not only is her body changing, but her family life is changing. Her father is out of the picture pretty much and her mother now has decided to take a job away from the area leaving the girl to take care of herself. Indeed, her mother is more interested in her new boyfriend than attending Lopez' competitions or even seeing her for 5 Christmas.

Feeling alone and abandoned, Lopez also faces ribbing from her fellow teammates at this elite ski club known for turning out professional athletes. They seem more than a bit jealous by her accomplishments and the obsessive focus of the coach, Fred, who berates her for being not good enough at first but strives to shape her into who he thinks she can be. His mood changes as she begins to win and he becomes delighted by her accomplishments, admiring her every move. He becomes the parental figure she desperately needed, doing everything from talking to her about her menstrual cycle to letting her drive his truck in the snow. When her grades start to slip, he even takes her under his wing and moves her in, having his girlfriend help her with her homework. Even though his approach is abusive, he seems to be Lopez' only supporter, save a female teammate who seems to possibly want more than friendship. Unfortunately, Lopez's coach's passion for her career develops into something else and she is subjected to his surprising unwanted advances, which take the abuse to a whole new level, as well as being confronted by his suspecting girlfriend. This film shows why someone would not want to tell on their abuser, not declare # MeToo, but keep it a secret, especially someone so young. How will a girl so young with so much talent handle everything put before her and will she win it all?

Noée Abit a, as Lyz Lopez

Noée Abit a, as Lyz Lopez Noée Abita, as Lopez, delivers a strong performance with just the right mix of vulnerability and courage. Jérémie Renier, as Fred, showcases lust, frustration, drive, anger and control in his performance. The other characters all play a secondary role to this duo who serve as leads. The story, told in French with English subtitles, is more than your typical 'girl goes for a dream' type of film. It isn't even your standard coming of age story. It has a dark overtone that makes it a much deeper film that really shows the inner workings of someone who strives against all odds. We can see Lopez's inner psychology, her thoughts stirring in her head, and understand why she tolerates certain behaviors, as well as how these experiences change her and give her the courage to stand up for herself and make an important

Jérémie Renier, as Coach Fred, conf ront s Noée Abit a, as Lyz

life-changing decision. The story is exhilarating on the slopes, but heartbreaking to see what this athlete goes up against to go for her dream. This film from Kino Lorber opened July 30. It was shown at The Coral Gables Art Cinema, which was among 12 arthouse theaters in the nation recently selected to receive a $2,000 grant from UniFrance. The grant was established to better enable U.S. based independent cinemas and distributors, affected by the pandemic, to showcase upcoming French film releases in the first half of 2021. The other film was ?Summer of '85,? which opened July 16. ?We?re honored to have been chosen by UniFrance and a committee of film distributors to receive this grant that will help us bring two acclaimed French films to the South Florida community in July,? commented Javier Chavez, Associate Director of Coral Gables Art Cinema. The film is now available on Amazon, Vudu and elsewhere. For more information, visit


I NDEPENDENT STREAK M AGAZI NE Au gu st / Sept em ber 2021

Fi l m Rev i ew : "Joe Bel l "


By Rachel Gal vin Joe Bell (Mark Wahlberg) walks a walk of penance in this film named after his moniker. It tells the true story of this man who treks across the United States from Oregon to New York preaching the message of tolerance. It is not a message that fits Joe Bell. You see, this man would rather watch sports than listen to his son's worries and when his son reveals a big secret, Bell brushes it off like he would a pesky fly. The secret is that his son, Jadin (Reid Miller), is gay and his issue is that he is being bullied for being himself. That is a huge reveal made trivial by his short-fused father who hopes that his son can just be tough and beat up the bad guys. His tone is dismissive and confrontational. And this is how he lives his life. He treats his wife and his other son with equally aggressive stances. And he cares too much about what others in the community think rather than those standing in front of him -- his family. He offers his son a Don't Ask, Don't Tell kind of Reid Mil l er, Mark Wahl berg & Reinal do Marcus policy; but it is Green on set of "Joe Bel l ." too late for that. It seems everyone at school knows, and the bullying, which includes cyber bullying, just keeps getting worse. The administrators also seem to

avoid tackling the problem. Jadin's dalliance with a school chum is momentary and fleeting, almost too much so ... There is a lack of depth to some of his interactions. But his story is told in a series of flashbacks, including his being tormented by others and getting harassed for being a male cheerleader. The story, rather, focuses on Joe Bell (although Jadin's character is so dynamic, he is missed when not on the screen -and maybe that helps bring the watcher into the feeling of Joe Bell). In order not to have any spoilers, the sequence of events that happen to Jadin will not be revealed here. But, suffice it to say, what occurs causes Joe Bell to do some heavy reflection into his own way of being and how he was as a father. Hence, the trek begins ... He walks a walk to promote tolerance for his son Jadin, who always wanted to live in New York ... Jadin who loved the idea of Broadway and enjoyed belting out songs like "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga. Along the way, Joe Bell meets people who disagree with his message and others who are enamored by his stance. Gary Sinese makes an appearance as a friendly sheriff, who reveals his own shortcomings and befriends Bell. In the end, Bell seems to have a new appreciation for others and realizes that his attitude toward Jadin was very narcissistic. Instead of thinking of his son's feelings, he only focused on his own. He also gains a new appreciation for his family... but the road to get there is a difficult one. The acting in the film from Wahlberg is great, as is from his wife, played by Connie Britton, but the prize goes to Miller, who is sure to have quite the career in front of him. This film is a reflective drama which can be depressing at times, but also has its lighthearted moments. It also has some twists for those who do not already know the story. It is poignant and presents a powerful message. For more information, visit

Mark Wahl berg, as Joe, & Gary Sinese, who pl ays t he sherif f

Joe (Mark Wahl berg), wit h his son (Reid Mil l er) & wif e (Connie Brit t on)


I NDEPENDENT STREAK M AGAZI NE Au gu st / Sept em ber 2021

The Miami/ Ft. Lauderdale 48 Hour Film Project OK, film fans, Cathleen Dean is bringing back the 48HFP once again this year. For those who can't wait to spend an entire weekend putting blood, sweat and tears into an film, this is for you! The way it works is once the time is right, everyone gets together to see what their requirements will be. This year, the kickof f event is Sept . 24 f rom 6 t o 7 p.m., location TBA. Once everyone is there, the details are announced. Everyone picks a genre out of a hat and then the whole gang is told which prop, character and line in the script they must include this year. Then, participants are off to write the script, cast, film and edit the movie, making sure to turn it in by the deadl ine, which this year is Sunday, Sept . 26 at 7:30 p.m. People must be right on time or they are out of the contest. And, yes, the films are judged and shown at a special event , which this year will be on Wednesday, Sept . 29 at 7 p.m. The winners not only get recognition at the event and prizes, but also the chance to go up against films from around the world at Filmapalooza 2022 for a chance at the grand prize and an opportunity to screen at the Cannes Film Festival 2022 Short Film Corner. For those who want to participate, registration fees start at $148 but go up the later you apply, up to $188. The l at est you can regist er is Sept . 24. To get more details, including required media that must be used to create films, and to register, visit While there, make sure to sign up for their newsletter!

SCHEDULE: Kickof f Event Fri, Sep 24, 6 - 7 P.M. Dropof f Event Sun, Sep 26 by 7:30 p.m. (be on-time) Premiere Screenings Wed, Sep 29, 7 p.m.

Phot os f rom recent 48HFP Part y. Court esy of Cat hl een Dean


I NDEPENDENT STREAK M AGAZI NE Au gu st / Sept em ber 2021


Hor ror Film Fest ival At Spooky Em pir e

Something new is coming to South Florida and people in the film industry should be excited. The event that is coming soon is called FILMSTOCK. It is a new industry expo for people to meet with Hey, Spooky fans, for those of you who have agents, casting directors, film distributors, show runners, vendors a horror film you are ready to release to the and other industry professionals. world, be aware that the Horror Fest will be One of the people involved with the event is longtime acting happening as usual at Spooky Empire this coach and actress Sara Rogers, who calls the event a "first of its year, showcasing short and feature films and kind," adding, "Our vision is not a Sundance or a Tribeca Film giving out prizes. It is always a great event Festival but a Business Industry Expo." She said the plan at this with plenty to do since it is within a time is to hold the event on November 13 right in the middle of the convention. Ft. Lauderdale International Film Festival. She is partnering with If you haven't gotten your film in yet, t he Lou Silver to make this event a reality. deadl ine is Sept ember 10, so get a move on! Instead of the usual event where the same local people get The event wil l be hel d Oct . 22-24 at t he Hyat t Regency in Orl ando, together to network, she said they will be bringing in professional Fl orida. and industry leaders, including Photographers, Videographers, For more details, visit Industry Organizations, Graphic Artists, Make-up people, Wardrobe Stylists, Set Design personnel, Casting Directors, Soundstage Production House Owner / Operators, Craft Services experts, Executive Transportation Services, etc. They also are offering a couple of other unique concepts. The first is Speedcast ing. This offers actors a chance to do a 10 minute talk in front of casting directors and agents to showcase who they are -- introduce themselves, do a monologue, etc., so that the powers-that-be get a chance to consider them for their next project or for representation. In addition, they will have a Pit chf est , which is similar but for filmmakers who want to pitch their project to distributors and potential investors. There are plenty of opportunities to get involved. For those interested in being a vendor, they can purchase a table in the main lobby for $79. For those wanting to attend, tickets range from $25 for general admission to all access VIP ticket for $199. There will be door and raffle prizes too. There will be more details available soon, including location, so stay tuned! You can also call Sara at 786-247-7761 for details. 10

I NDEPENDENT STREAK M AGAZI NE Au gu st / Sept em ber 2021

Film R e vie w : "Over r u n " By Rachel Gal vin Marcus Lombardi (Omid Zader), a former extraction specialist who worked with the Delta Force, knows something about getting out of difficult situations. Throughout his life, he has gotten involved with some pretty treacherous situations. But, he thought he had left that life behind. However, when mobster Ray Barren (Robert Miano) comes calling, you get to work, especially when family is on the line. So, Marcus decided that for this one last time, he could take on the job. After all, it seemed simple enough (sarcasm follows)? steal a suitcase from the Russians for Barren and, in exchange, keep his sister, Reyna (Chelsey Goldsmith) safe. But then he finds out the suitcase is in a safe in a mausoleum that has plenty of guards on patrol. Things just got worse. So, he asks for some assistance, and that comes in the form of his man-child buddy, Auggy (Jack Griffo), a computer wizard who knows a thing or two about building schematics, breaking into safes and surveillance. Auggy, who sports a unicorn horned hoodie, plays with a Rubik's cube and lives in a tiny room decorated with poorly strung up holiday lights, is a bit of a character. But he is one of many characters in this light-hearted action packed drama. In fact, Marcus will find himself dealing with all sorts of eccentric individuals. In Barren's crew, there is the thug with a smiley face on his head, another who wears all white with a bow tie and a third who is 11

more clean-cut than he should be for the rough and tumble lifestyle. And Barren is perfect as the ringleader of the crew, being both menacing and charming at once. Marcus discovers that this job becomes much more complex than just getting a suitcase. This plot involves many twists and turns. Just when Marcus thinks he is home free, there is another obstacle thrown in his path. First, it is dealing with the mob. Then, it is dealing with clueless cops, including a Columbo clone (William Katt) and a cop with a bit of an oral fetish (Chris Tallman) adding comic relief, as well as the more straight-laced Blake Finning (Johnny Messner), who has a soft spot for Marcus' sister. The film reveals that not all the cops are as clean as they claim to be. And when a certain person reveals his true intentions, it leads Marcus down yet another more dangerous path, as he finds himself accused of something he did not do and with a hefty bounty on his head. This also brings another three ring circus of characters into the mix -including a cat-suit wearing deadly diva, bumbling brothers geared up for battle and a sharp-shooting Jason Bourne wanna-be. Marcus ends up working with an old friend, Doc (Nicholas Turturro), a junkyard owner who is a character in and of himself, who has some other booby traps up his sleeve to help Marcus hopefully come out on top. When you mix all the chaos and characters together with twists and turns, you end up with a delightfully watchable drama with plenty of action and comic moments to keep you engaged. The actors look like they are having plenty of fun in this film and don't take themselves too seriously, which adds to the fun. This film is filled with some great actors, including Bruce Dern as Arkadi Dubkova. Dern is so good that we hang on his every word and

nuance and don't really care that this Russian mobster does not have a Russian accent. He is so watchable. He is a gem. This reporter had the chance to interview lead actor/ producer Omid Zader (@OmidZader). When asked about the film, which was directed by Josh Tessier, he said, "This project has been in the making for about five years now. We wanted to make sure that we can build the script Omid Zader around all of our strengths. What I really liked about the script was that it's a story-driven film and our hero just happens to come across these life circumstances that he has to overcome, which I feel like is relatable to many," adding, "What I also really liked about the story is that there's a human side to Marcus that we see throughout the film and he's not just portrayed as this killer who's on the path of destruction for no reason." In addition to be an actor/ producer, Omid also is known for being a stunt performer and has a background in martial arts. He said, "The main martial arts that I have been practicing for over 13 years now is Muay Thai, but I have training in, boxing, Taekwondo, Escrima and Aikido, to name a few. I workout five days a week and I train martial arts on my own three times a week. I love working out and training because it helps me stay in shape, and I genuinely just enjoy working out." Regarding the fight scenes, he said, "Our fight choreographers were Christopher Troy and Beni Alexander, who play the characters of Boka and Aldo in the film [two of the mobster crew]. It was definitely a collaborative effort of putting everything together but those guys started coming up with fight concepts and breaking down characters about three weeks prior to shooting, and we had about three to four days of rehearsal time where we rehearsed the fights, and shot the Pre-Viz to make sure everyone's on the same page." He continued, "As much as I enjoy doing stunts and it is still a passion of mine, I feel like my next progression in Hollywood is acting and producing and I want to continue doing that more and more. To be quite honest, my body is pretty beat up, and stunts is definitely a tough job that requires a lot of training and recovering, so if I can

continue just acting and producing, and doing my own stunts on different projects, I would be more than happy to. That being said, I would love to eventually be able to do more heavy dramas and serious acting roles because, at the end of the day, I just want to be respected as an actor and be able to entertain people at the same time." Asked how he prepared for this role, he said, "This was a challenging role because there's a balance that I had to maintain between Marcus the extraction specialist, who has to get things done, and Marcus, the caring and loving friend and brother. There are also hints of PTSD, since Marcus is a veteran, that you see a little bit throughout the film and I had the privilege of being able to sit down with a few veterans that have PTSD and they were kind enough to share their stories with me so that I can have a better idea of how to portray Marcus." He added, "Being in the film industry has been a childhood dream of mine, and in my honest opinion, I feel that if you want to be in this business, whether you're a singer, dancer, actor or model, perseverance is key. I just genuinely enjoy what I do and I want to do this for the rest of my life. I have struggled quite a bit to get to this point and I'm sure it's going to be tough moving forward but I genuinely love what I do and I get this rush from acting and filmmaking that motivates me to keep going. I'm a firm believer of risking it all to follow your dreams and here I am following mine." He said that the most challenging part of making this film was the quick filming time. "We only had 15 days to shoot the entire thing and, as a producer, it can be very difficult to try to finish a feature film in that short amount of time, especially since we didn't have the biggest budget nor the biggest crew," he said. Omid added, "My favorite part of the entire experience was the fact that the entire cast and crew really enjoyed themselves, and everyone was always in a great mood and some even looked forward to coming to set, which made me feel really good about how the shoot was going overall, and I cannot thank the cast and crew enough for all their hard work." This film was so fun that this reporter watched it more than once. It is available on Amazon Prime, Vudu and Google Play. For more info., visit You can also visit the production company's website at and find the production company, and movie, on Instagram.


I NDEPENDENT STREAK M AGAZI NE Au gu st / Sept em ber 2021

STUDENT SHOWCA SE OF FI LMS announces w i nner s The 26th Annual Palm Beaches Student Showcase of Films (SSOF), Florida?s largest student film competition and award show, proudly has announced this year?s class of winners. ?I?m so proud of the work our students were able to produce in spite of unimaginable circumstances. They truly made the ordinary, extraordinary!? said Michelle Hillery, Palm Beach County deputy film commissioner and SSOF executive producer. The young winners were announced during a dazzling, fun-filled Facebook show and included congratulations and ?shoutouts? from some of television?s hottest stars. To view the entire show on the website: SSOF.


Fifty-four film industry professionals from around the world had the difficult challenge of selecting finalists from 260 eligible entries in 12 categories. More than $20,000 in scholarship money, along with customized signature trophies were awarded. The Showcase of Films took place on May 21 with show host/ producer/ director Frank Licari emceeing and adding his own brand of humor to the mix. There were also presentations by rapper/ actor/ TV host Vanilla Ice, and actress and producer Suzanne L. Niedland, as well as appearances by actors Hector David Jr. and Zack Gottagen.

Winners: Commercial / PSA Award ($750) Nate Livingston, G-Star School of the Arts (West Palm Beach) Wear a Mask Keep Pal m Beach Count y Beaut if ul Inc. Environment al PSA Award ($1,000) Adam Goldstick, A.W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts (West Palm Beach) It?s That Easy Vanil l a Ice Music Video Award ($1,000) Cooper Shapiro, Florida State University College of Motion Picture Arts (Tallahassee) Pushhh

Nel l ie & Fred Chasin Screenwrit ing Award ($500) Darla Miller, Hollywood Hills High School (Hollywood) Artistic Uprising Animat ion Award ($1,000) Mengyuan Guo, Ringling College of Art & Design (Sarasota) Tricked Suzanne L. Niedl and Document ary Award ($1,000) Shelby Hatcher, Seminole Ridge Community High School (Loxahatchee) Save Our Sea Burt Reynol ds Schol arship ($5,000) Shelby Hatcher, Seminole Ridge Community High School (Loxahatchee) Sara Ful l er Schol arship ($1,000) Milan Tangirala, A.W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts (West Palm Beach) Honorary Burt Reynol ds Award ($1,000) Adam Goldstick, A.W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts (West Palm Beach)

High School Feat ure/ Short Awards 1st Place ? Elizabeth Arceneaux, Douglas Anderson School of the Arts, (Jacksonville) A Brother's Love ($1,500) 2nd Place ? Drew Kelly, Nature Coast Technical High School, (Brooksville) For a Long Time ($1,000)


3rd Place ? Lucca Vieria, Cypress Bay High School (Weston) Silhouette ($750) College Feat u r e / Sh or t Aw ar ds

1st Place ? William Stead, Florida State University College of Motion Picture Arts, (Tallahassee) All The Young Dudes ($2,000) 2nd Place ? Geena Hernandez, Florida State University College of Motion Picture Arts, (Tallahassee) Pine Mountain Overnight ($1,500) 3rd Place ? Rheanna Wynter, Florida State University College of Motion Picture Arts (Tallahassee) Unshopping ($1,250) Special Recognit ion Awards Best Director ? Elizabeth Arceneaux, Douglass Anderson School of the Arts (Jacksonville) A Brother?s Love Best Editing ? Samuel Correa, West Broward High School (Pembroke Pines) ILEA Best Production Design ? Aaron Brooks, Florida State University College of Motion Picture Arts (Tallahassee) All The Young Dudes Best Special Effects ? Samuel Correa, West Broward High School (Pembroke Pines) ILEA Post er Design Award ($750) Betel Rayo, G-Star School of the Arts (West Palm Beach)


About the Palm Beaches Student Showcase of Films The Palm Beaches Student Showcase of Films (SSOF) is Florida?s largest student film competition & award show, presenting more than $1.6 million in cash and scholarships during its history to high school and college students enrolled in film, television, graphic design and digital media courses. The SSOF red carpet awards show attracts more than 750 students along with celebrity presenters, entertainment industry professionals, educators, state and county officials and others. Previous presenters include Burt Reynolds, Vanilla Ice, Montel Williams, actress/comedian Cheri Oteri, Howie D. (Backstreet Boys), actor Thomas Ian Nicholas (American Pie), actor/director Bruce Campbell (Escape from LA), actor Clint Howard (The Waterboy), actress Linda Blair (The Exorcist) and more! The SSOF is funded by the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners through the Department of Housing & Economic Sustainability and the Palm Beach County Film and Television Commission. For more information, visit

I NDEPENDENT STREAK M AGAZI NE Au gu st / Sept em ber 2021

Swedefest r et ur ns! Ready to basque in some cinematic silliness? Swedefest Palm Beach is nothing but pure fun and it is coming again soon... On October 24! What exactly is Swedefest? It is a chance for filmmakers to create a short film that is a laughably bad remake of a mainstream movie that has already come out in theaters. Yes, the point is to be funny, and purposefully bad. And it is a whole lot of fun to be in and to watch! The Palm Beach Swedefest is the third of its kind. The first was in Fresno, CA followed by Tampa Bay, FL and now Palm Beach, FL. The term "Swede" comes from the comedy "Be Kind Rewind," in which store clerks inadvertently erase all the footage from the VHS tapes in their video store so they remake the films, but they are all very bad. They said they were European to cover up how bad they were and called them "swedes" to sound sophisticated; and so, the term was born and the rest is history. The deadl ine f or f il ms is Oct . 1 and the "best of t he worst " wil l be screened on t he 24t h, so get your thinking caps on. For more information, check them out on

Ev i l ai r e Pr od u ct i on s can provide camera, l ight ing, st age buil ding, audio conf igurat ion and recording equipment to get the most out of your next event. For more than 20 years, Eric Villaire and his Evilaire Productions has been capturing important moments, including l ive event s, concert s, cl osed st age project s and more. Video production is the driving passion for Evilaire Productions and they pride themselves on having incredible attention to detail. Cont act Evil aire Product ions t o f ind out how t hey can hel p you wit h your next project ! Evilaire Productions is located at Davie United, at 4350 SW 59th Ave. in Davie, FL For more information, call 754-301-4764, email or visit

Evil aire St udios, Sout h Fl orida's best kept secret , is l ocat ed at Davie Unit ed wit h ot her art ist s, musicians and st udios. Vil l aire says, "Thank you t o DNS Propert ies f or l et t ing us t o be abl e t o be surrounded by mural s and art by several dif f erent art ist s, incl uding Gregory Dirr, Andrew Escudero, Renda Writ er, Res Q & Emmanual Gonzal es!"


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