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It’s the run up to Christmas & 2014 is coming to an end. Celebrate a wonderful year with these heavily discounted prices on everyday product lines. Stock up now with great products for your specials board in the New Year. With prices this low please buy early to avoid disappointment as all offers are whilst stocks last.
£5 Save
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5276 16 P/Ptn Alabama Chocolate Fudge Cake
1450 12x175gm Individual Blackberry & Apple Crumble
Dark, moist layers of chocolate sponge filled and covered with delicious chocolate fudge.
Individual portions of apple & blackberry fruit filling topped with a crunchy crumble.
NOW £6.95 43p Per Portion
NOW £9.60
A l l o f f e r s a r e w h i l st stoc k s l a st