Total Foodservice Offers

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North West 01254 82 83 30 Yorkshire 01484 53 66 88 O f f e r s va l i d 2 n d J a n u a r y - 2 8 t h F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 5

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Happy New Year!

We hope you had a wonderful 2014 and we’re sure you’re already looking forward to growing your business and enjoying a profitable 2015. Take a look at some of our early 2015 discounted prices including popular frozen lines as well as some store cupboard goodies and even a few washroom & cleaning lines too. Our desserts are always popular and at these prices they’re perfect to help you increase your sales at this time of year with your dessert board specials.

71531 1x1.9kg A Vegetarian Product C Made without Gluten Save Mini Potato Skins filled with Cheese & Bacon £14.50

ONLY £10.50


78783 1x1.9kg A Vegetarian Symbols: Product C A Made Vegetarian withoutProduct Gluten C Made without Gluten Mini Potato Skins filled with Cheese & Jalapeno £14.50

ONLY £10.50

Don’t forget...

Launch C AMade Vegetarian without Glute OfferProdu

1861 1x 2.5kg We also have a few monthly discounted products Hash Browns which we send out via email. To ensure you get toVegetarian see Symbols: Symbols: Product these each month simply give us your email address £5.45 ONLY next time you place your order or follow us on twitter @total_food_serv.



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