a clean shave.
by: clara huskin
I didn’t know. That the razor hidden in my closet Deep in the back corner Beneath a box Would mean that at age 14 Small circles, Filled with mystic powder, Tumbilng over the brim Of an orange container Would be my only vice. I didn’t know. tell me TheyThey didn’tdidn’t tell me impact HowHow muchmuch impact Growing Growingup uphas hason onyou. you. And, And, I guess, I guess, Yourealize don’t realize You don’t Until you’re your skin, Untilsurfacing you’re surfacing your skin With the knife, With the knife Ofrazor. a pink razor. Of a pink Yet, I’ve chosen myself. Chosen to love myself. I see beauty, I seek comfort, In this, In myself, I know: the only healer is me.