Chocomize Brand Book

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WHAT WE’RE ABOUT Chocomize started with the goal of providing unique chocolate that is inspired and created by you. We are a socially conscious gourmet chocolate company that empowers consumers to feel good about the delicious indulgences they enjoy.

TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 Logo Logo Details Ingredients Disrespect

13 Color Logo Color Print Color Stationery Color

19 Stationery Stationary Typefaces Brand Extensions Web Presence

LOGO The logotype and logo mark created for Chocomize emphasize the handcrafted quality and care of the product and the company. The patterns used within the logo mark, along with the separated components, represent the customizable quality of the chocolate bars themselves.


LOGO Why the Crazy Edges? Chocomize is all about being unique and making something wonderful. It is also about customization and having a handmade quality instead of a pre-made, pre-packaged item. The cut-out quality of the logo supports these ideas by actually being handmade.

Building a System The Chocomize System was created to further the idea of customization. A collection of ingredients were made and the color of the bars were selected in order to communicate the idea of white, milk, and dark chocolate. All characters within the system represent ingredients that may be selected to be featured in a custom chocolate bar.


Logo Variations

Representational Mark The Mark refers to the image within the complete logo. This includes the bars and the different characters that combine to create the representational mark.

Logotype The Typeface was chosen to communicate cleanliness, simplicity and ease-of-use, and give the brand a more high-quality, luxury feel.

Combination Mark Both the Mark and the Logotype together form the combination mark. This mark should be used first to identify the brand within public spheres.

Logo Variations






Coffee Bean







Gummy Bear


Chocolate Chip





PATTERNS Why Different Patterns? The patterns were created to reinforce the idea of being handmade. The patterns themselves are created by hand using paint, oil pastels, and charcoal. The patterns must not be tampered with other than to change the color to one of those designated within the Color portion of this book.

Oil Pastels Created with different values and colors of oil pastels. Print colors and values are created in Photoshop.

Acrylic Paint Created with acrylic paint and dabbing the brush on the page with different, high contrast values.

Acrylic Paint and Oil Pastels Random strokes of acrylic paint and sparing use of oil pastels to make texture variation.




LOGOTYPE DISRESPECT Commandments of Logo Treatment Follow these rules and no one gets hurt. Kidding, of course, but the Chocomize image may be damaged if you do any of these alarming treatments.

Coloring the Logo Other than reversing out the type, the logo should not be colored any other foreign hue. RGB codes: R 72, G 72, B 72, or white. No exceptions.

Adding a Drop Shadow to the Logo Drop shadows are evil and will distort the message of quality and care that Chocomize aims to portray. Also, drop shadows are not attractive. So just don’t go there.

Reversing Out the Logotype from Foreign Colors The Logo was created to live on a white or the designated brown background. Do not reverse out of a foreign color or you could jeopardize the message we are trying to send about high-quality.


Logo Disrespect

Adding weight to the Logo Weight of the logo should not be altered in any form or fashion. The Chocomize weight is specific to the aesthetic of the brand and the quality of the company.

Outlining the Logo Outlines can admittedly be very nice if done correctly and delicately. However, The Chocomize logo was created with care, so do not distort the logo in this way, otherwise the message that the company wants to exude will fail. Pretty heavy stuff.

Outlining the Logo in Crazy Colors Outlines in different colors are also a terrible idea. Even if you use the colors specified for the brand, no outline does this logotype justice.

Logo Disrespect



LOGO MARK DISRESPECT R-E-S-P-E-C-T Show the logo some respect, we worked hard in order to create a logo that reinforces everything we think this brand should represent: quality, uniqueness, and care.

Drop Shadows Why someone would need this is beyond us, but this treatment is not acceptable for this logo. It degrades the logo to look cheap and ill-considered.

Using Unspecified Colors Alien Colors give our logo a weird quality that reads as inedible. This is the absolute last thing we want our customers to think about us.

Reversing the Logo or its Characters Flipping the Logo is not like flipping a house, it does not improve the logo in any way. If you are flip happy, stick to real estate.


Logo Disrespect

Using Solid Colors Snoozville, USA we created this logo to look interesting and even appetizing. Solid colors take both aspects away from what we want to convey.

Angling the Logo Tilting Our Logo is also not a good idea. Tilting carries an unstable connotation, and we want our customers to trust us with their beloved chocolate.

Using Different Spacing Spacing Between Characters of our logo is permanently fixed: this means please do not change the spacing, it looks unfinished this way.

Logo Disrespect


COLOR Colors for the Chocomize brand are carefully selected in order to evoke the notion of being edible, or being related to chocolate. System marks are each related to a certain flavor of chocolate. Solid colors for print and stationery differ from those of the logo marks because they are solid and consistent.


LOGO COLOR Color for the Brand Color is an extremely important part of our brand: it must look clean, bright, and even appetizing. This means evoking the colors of actual fruit and chocolate.

Main Logo The Logo for Advertising is based on a white chocolate bar, paired with bright fruit-inspired colors.

White Chocolate R: 238 C: 7 G: 218 M: 10 B: 128 Y: 61 K: 0 Characters R: 192 C: 19 G: 44 M: 96 B: 78 Y: 62 K: 5 Accent R: 32 G: 106 B: 29

Color C: 85 M: 35 Y: 77 K: 24

Milk Chocolate Variation This Variation calls upon the colors to evoke a sense of milk chocolate in order to show variation.

Milk Chocolate R: 193 C: 21 G: 123 M: 55 B: 27 Y: 100 K: 5 Characters R: 171 C: 22 G: 41 M: 97 B: 43 Y: 92 K: 15 Accent R: 32 G: 106 B: 29


Logo Color

Color C: 85 M: 33 Y: 100 K: 26

White Chocolate Variation The White Chocolate variation also calls upon fruit influences to look very scrumptious.

Milk Chocolate R: 238 C: 7 G: 218 M: 10 B: 128 Y: 61 K: 0 Characters R: 233 C: 4 G: 116 M: 67 B: 52 Y: 90 K: 0 Accent R: 73 G: 157 B: 81

Colors C: 75 M: 15 Y: 91 K: 2

Dark Chocolate Variation Dark Chocolate is introduced to complete the trifecta of the chocolate bar choices. Looks yummy!

Dark Chocolate R: 87 C: 43 G: 48 M: 72 B: 17 Y: 93 K: 55 Characters R: 18 C: 87 G: 123 M: 28 B: 80 Y: 83 K: 15 Accent R: 133 G: 17 B: 38

Color C: 29 M: 100 Y: 83 K: 33

Logo Color



ACCENT COLORS FOR PRINT Colors Within Publications These are colors within Chocomize publications and printed advertisements. These colors are also not to be tampered with, as they have been selected with care

Chocolate for Print R: 72 C: 45 G: 0 M: 87 B: 1 Y: 78 K: 69 Type Accent Color R: 121 C: 56 G: 147 M: 33 B: 153 Y: 35 K: 2 Optional Accent R: 192 C: 19 G: 44 M: 96 B: 78 Y: 62 K: 5

When to Use These Colors Publication and advertisement are the prime use for these colors. They are used sparingly to present our message of class and elegance. The brown can be used as a flood color to represent the chocolate bars, the magenta should be used within text only, as should the desaturated blue. Use when appropriate, and use the stationery colors strictly for stationery unless called for.


Accent Colors for Print

COLORS IN STATIONERY Colors Within Stationery System These are the colors that our stationery system carries as accent colors. The top color is used as our stationary base color and the bottom is our small detail accent color.

Stationary R: 255 C: 0 G: 254 M: 1 B: 248 Y: 2 K: 0 Stationary Accent R: 255 C: 20 G: 255 M: 100 B: 247 Y: 30 K: 1

When to Use These Colors These Colors are to be used in stationary production and other forms of documentary within the company. They are also to be used in documents sent from the company, outside of the stationary included later in this book. These colors do not fit into publications because they do not show up the same in digital format, the color could be easily distorted. Use the publication for colors when appropriate.

Accent Colors


STATIONERY AND BRANDING Stationery and branding items are important to reach a broader audience and to further the development of the Chocomize goals and identity. These items provide impressions of the company to potential customers, and must communicate the mission of the company: to create quality, handcrafted chocolate bars and to donate part of the proceeds to various causes and organizations.

Stationery and Branding

STATIONERY AND BRANDING Letterheads and Such The Stationery System was built to compliment our logo and logo combination mark. The accent colors, such as the off white paper, serve to subtly highlight the logo and present a high-end feel.


Stationery System

Letterhead The letterhead is the form that will live inside the envelope when sending mail and physical receipts. The back includes the patterns formed out of the logo system variations. Envelope The envelope must be quiet on the outside and slightly louder on the inside, giving the brand an elegance. Business Cards Business cards must live within the sleeve created for it. The sleeve will be

How to Use these Lovely Tools What to Do with all these things? The business cards should be stacked neatly within a business card holder, not just laid in a stack to fall over. The letterheads must be kept clean and orderly for storage and sending. The envelopes and sleeves must be printed with the different patters on the insides: different patters with different variations of colors. This must be done in order to create the idea of customization and uniqueness. Contact information must be included in every stationery piece.

influenced by the envelope: quiet on the outside and featuring different patterns on the inside to add a classy, interesting aspect to the card to intrigue potential customers or businesses.

Stationery System The system must be cohesive and work well together as well as separately. Every piece of the system should be used as indicated above and not used in a different setting. Use it for the reason it was created.

Letterheads and Such


Stationery and Branding

BRAND TYPEFACES Type associated with Chocomize Typography within the Chocomize brand has been carefully selected to reference the logo, as well as deliver a clear message.

OPEN SANS The title type used within all published and nonpublished works in regard to Chocomize. This includes typed messages within the chocolate packaging, receipts, advertisements, and so forth.

CAECILIA The detail type used for level 3 hierarchy type and captions within all publications in regard to Chocomize. This secondary type functions to establish hierarchy within type pairings.

CICLE The type base used for the Chocomize logo. Only used in the logo as characters are too oddly spaced for text.


Typeface Details


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, 1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, 1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, 1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, 1234567890

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, 1234567890 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z , a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q rs t u v w x y z , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, 1234567890


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz,

1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890

Typeface Details


Stationery and Branding

BRAND EXTENSIONS Cool Things Associated with Our Brand Wrappings, Paper Products, and Other Cool Stuff that we get to work with! Since we are mostly an online company, the receipts are online, we use our own refrigerated vans to deliver our chocolate, and we use our own packaging to ship orders to more far away places.



Product and Store Paper Products For Those Who Venture to Our NYC Store we have customized shopping bags so everyone who sees will be jealous. The chocolate wrapper is our official wrapping both for those ordered online and in store.



Web Presence

SO MUCH COOLER ONLINE How We Present Ourselves Mom Says how we present ourselves in public affects what others think of us. We should definitely listen, because it’s very true!

Twitter Tweeting keeps us in the loop of what is current and what the public wants. Get twitter active and gain followers!

Facebook Post About Us! Facebook is a great tool to connect to people and get the word spreading about how great our products are!


Social Media

WEBSITE Design of the Website Our Webpage must be very easy to navigate and simply designed. Our customers are creating their own chocolate bar, the only frustrating part of their experience should be trying to decide between all of our delicious toppings!

The Chocolate HQ Chocomize HQ is designed to be easy to navigate and very organized. We must keep it simple and straightforward for our lovely customers.



Chocomize Inc. 1.800.621.3294 30-10 41st Ave, 4th Fl. Long Island City, NY 11101

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