Lightworker 8.11

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THE AUGU S T 20 1 1

EDITOR’S NOTE When channelling the themes for each edition, I was surprised that ‘Tenacity’ emerged for the letter T; not because I don’t consider my life to be proof of the power of being tenacious in the face of every challenge, no, more because it seemed so... unusual. How often do we consider the word tenacity? Do we list it in our Top 10 qualities? I never have, and therein lies the reason it was given to me... As Lightworkers, we are all tenacious, and it is time for us to hold our heads high, honour our progress and fully absorb the enormity of this. We are pioneering beings, here on Earth to help raise the planet’s vibration, elevate consciousness and educate others to the truth of their soul. We are love, and we live love. We are light, and we shine light. We are whole, and we embrace wholeness. With gentler words such as these, we can sometimes overlook the strength of character, purpose and mission we display on a daily basis. It can be challenging to speak our truth. It can be especially challenging to differ from our friends and families of origin. But we do it. Somehow, we find the tenacity time and time again to bounce back and continue evolving. I for one am patting myself on the back this edition, and I very much hope you will share with me in doing so - the world is evolving because of YOU and your determination, so take a moment to breathe that in, relax into it, then keep on keeping on! Love and light

Rachel Willis Editor


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You are a pure spark of divine love, so YOU can tune into the Universal flow and receive WHATEVER you wish for. Just tune out of the ‘life stuff’ and into the ‘love stuff’!

@lightworkermag-LOVE your way with a MOST grateful heart for my daily channeled msgs RIGHT to my inbox! EVERYONE should be receiving THESE! @maryelizabethb

“Beautiful piece...thanks as always....” Sinead

Let go of wanting and you receive the calm presence of belonging.

Great inspiring way to start your week - read @lightworkermag @thebookwright

“Thank you for your insights, and your Daily Wisdoms” Anita “Thank you for this message. It is full of love.” Wendy








When The Going Gets Tough

Glow with Health & Wellbeing











Six Kinds Of Stress


Peace From Broken Pieces

The Soul’s Journey Part II

Under The Spotlight Anna Taylor

Lightworker in Training

Lightworker Challenge

The Businessman

Studying at the University of Life

The Authenticity Diary


Moments of Light


Once Upon A Time...


Stars And Planets


Paulo Coelho


Lightworker Loves...


Words Of Wisdom


The List


Featured Lightworker




Claire is a full-time mum of three, lives in a delightful village in the middle of the Wiltshire countryside, and enjoys a good book in the sun, or baking fairy cakes!

Anna happily wears her heart on her sleeve, the most important things in her life are the people in it, and she believes that the healing power of music, sunshine and chocolate should not be underestimated.

Pippa is a petrolhead, loves the outdoors and used to be a fitness instructor.




When The Going Gets Tough PIPPA MOYE

Six Kinds Of Stress... And How To Reduce Them Naturally MARK ALLEN & BRANT SECUNDA


Peace From Broken Pieces IYANLA VANZANT

The Soul’s Journey Part II The Tenacious Soul LORRAINE FLAHERTY

Under The Spotlight ANNA TAYLOR

FEATURES When The Going Gets Tough BY PIPPA MOYE What is your purpose, in this moment, this day, this year or lifetime? What will it take to achieve it? Everything requires a degree of skill, effort and good fortune. And success does not usually occur overnight. So what will it take to bring good fortune your way and to fulfil your personal mission? The ability to stick to the path: the quality of tenacity. It seems that this is a less common trait in today’s Western world than in earlier generations or in the lives of people who have to work harder to survive. Instant gratification does not teach people in the high-tech world what it is they truly need in order to progress in life, which is the ability to stay the course. For people in the undeveloped world, this is a matter of life and death. Those who live in remote tribal villages and walk miles every day to fetch water cannot afford to give up along the way. They have to find the patience and stamina to make the journey and complete the task, no matter what. In a world where all the bare necessities of life are provided, it is easy to drift through life without such determined effort, because there is not the same sense of urgency. When we think of someone who is tenacious in their approach to life, we imagine someone hard-working, driven, goal-oriented. Tenacious means “holding strongly”, so what must this someone be holding on to? They hold a need, a desire, a vision of something to be attained, and this is what motivates them. At the most basic level this may be a day’s supply of water. When survival is assured, our needs and desires become more complex and luxurious, out visions more far-reaching.

Turning longing into action All too often, these dreams remain in the realm of longing, wishing, hoping, even praying, but not supported by any action or movement in the direction of the desired result. Passive dreams do not succeed any more than armchair sports-persons become prize-winning athletes. An occasional, superficial or half-hearted action will be just as ineffective as no action at all. Whether you aim to climb a mountain, learn to swim, educate your children, buy a car, build a wall, grow a plant… you will only get what you want by sticking with it, making a consistent effort and tolerating a few mistakes or struggles along the way. The point is never to give up, especially when the going gets tough. The stronger the storm blows, the tighter you must hang on. I am reminded of my grandparents, their attitude, their resourcefulness, the way they carried themselves through life with dignity and pride in the face of many harsh circumstances. There is a phrase they use in Norfolk, spoken from one man to another to encourage and give him strength: “Hold you hard boy!”. In other words, get a grip and keep going. This is exactly what my grandparents did, without complaint, throughout many hardships and terrifying events. They hid their fears and weaknesses, putting forward a brave face and unrelenting will to overcome, a refusal to be bowed or broken.


Their resilience and courage is a source of great inspiration.

BIOG Pippa Moye is a spiritualist, interested in astrology, shamanism, paganism, energy work and the healing arts. She began writing music reviews about 10 years ago, for www.omh. com. She is interested in how and why the energetic changes to our planet are bringing health challenges to herself and many others at present.


In those days, they strove not for fame and fortune but for to provide for their family and support the community around them. They simply desired comfort, security and to do the right thing with a sense of self-belief and a strong moral code. Nowadays, we are challenged to find a sense of purpose that goes beyond, but nevertheless includes, our immediate surroundings and loved ones.

Pioneering new ground In changing times, at a crossroads in the path of humanity, we are required to move through uncharted territory, and to do so with a firm direction and focus even though we do not know where we may end up. Like sailors in the days when they thought the Earth was flat, we must sail beyond the horizon and have faith that something other than doom will await us. A life of fulfilment and achievement is not a life of ease. Obstacles and fears will have to be overcome. Persistence will be required, and commitment to the cause. Whatever motivates each of us most strongly, from the heart, is what we each must hold on to with the greatest strength. Does the thing you seek bring a smile to your face? Does it bring a smile to the faces of others? Is it described by your ego or with the language of love? Can you give as you gain, teach as you learn, pull others up as you climb? What can you achieve for yourself that brings truth, beauty and well-being to the world? The progress of humanity happens through the thoughts and actions of individuals. By our full self-expression, the realisation of our unique gifts and talents, we give physical form to the future in which we wish to live. We must find integrity in our intent: does the dream or desire satisfy your soul as well as your mind? If so, cling to the vision knowing it is the right way and proceed towards it with consistency, willpower and discipline. In this way, success is assured.


FEATURES Six Kinds Of Stress... And How To Reduce Them Naturally BY MARK ALLEN AND BRANT SECUNDA The common denominator in reducing stress, regardless of which type it is, is a balanced workout program. Moderate exercise, such as walking, is the key to overcoming the negativity and fatigue that so often accompany every type of stress. Here are the six kinds of stress and some additional prescriptions for reducing each of them.

1. Emotional Stress A recent study found that three quarters of Americans experience significant emotional stress weekly. When we’re undergoing emotional stress, our hormones get out of balance. Cortisol levels go up and DHEA levels go down; the coping hormones get depressed and the pleasure hormones don’t get released. What to do about it: Respond with calmness.Acknowledge that a seemingly overwhelming task will get done in small acts that add up to a big result, like planting a field of corn one kernel at a time. Another solution is to clear your mind with laughter. Laughing almost instantly clears away emotional stress, like a defroster on a windshield.

2. Sleep Deprivation–Induced Stress Sleep is a natural medicine, pure and simple. But without adequate levels of restorative sleep, our bodies release cortisol, which sets up a stress cycle and causes a disruption in the sleep we do get. What to do about it: To address mild insomnia, reduce your caffeine consumption. Avoid big meals late in the day, which can set up blood sugar swings and wake you up when insulin is overdoing its job. Keep alcohol consumption in the healthy zone--one drink a night. And finally, when your head hits the pillow, go over each of the day’s events and as you do, send it into an imaginary circle located outside your body, just in front of your heart. This helps you prepare for deep sleep without replaying your day over and over.

3. Dietary Stress An unbalanced diet causes stress in the body. So does eating too little or too much, which can disrupt your digestive system and hinder your body’s ability to recover from physical exertion or even a day of overwork at the office. What to do about it: Let your dietary habits be an antidote to, not a stimulator of, stress. Avoid simple sugars and choose carbohydrates that are from whole grains, fresh vegetables, and small amounts of fruit. Cut back on or cut out caffeine. Add some healthy oils--like cold-pressed olive oil or omega 3 fish oil--to help balance your


BIOG Shaman-healer Brant Secunda and legendary world champion Ironman Mark Allen are body-soul fitness experts known for blending ancient shamanic wisdom with the latest scientific findings on nutrition, fitness, mood, and stress, and turning them into fresh tips and advice for improving health and well-being. Their new book is Fit Soul, Fit Body: 9 Keys to Healthier, Happier You (BenBella Books).


hormones. Eat a healthy amount of protein, which helps build muscle and counters the effects of too many carbs. And eat a good breakfast within an hour of waking, and then frequent small meals every 3-4 hours.

4. Physical Stress This kind of stress typically occurs from exerting yourself too much in a workout, but it also affects those who have the type of job that demands a lot physically, such as a construction worker, landscaper, or waiter. What to do about it: Be mindful of the symptoms: irritability, inability to sleep, loss of appetite, overall fatigue that lasts 2-3 days, chronic muscle soreness, lack of motivation, injury, and illness. The key to combating physical stress is to get stronger, but to build up strength in a slow, steady, balanced way. See chapter 5 of our book, Fit Soul, Fit Body, to learn how to customize a conditioning program that addresses your particular habits, lifestyle challenges, and symptoms.

5. Chemical Stress Chemical stress occurs when your body has to get rid of compounds that are harmful or toxic to it. Most such toxins come from the external environment--everything from the air you breathe, to the water and food you eat, to the home and office you inhabit. What to do about it: Eliminate caffeine, alcohol, sugar, and chemical-laden processed foods. Eat foods grown without insecticides. Drink purified water. Clean up your inside air with an air filter and fresh outside air. Use natural cleaners. Avoid personal care products that are synthetic and laden with unknown chemicals. Being a conscientious consumer will help you overcome most chemical sensitivities.

6. Inflammation-Induced Stress Inflammation is a side effect of stress, but it’s also a promoter of stress on the body. Inflammation comes from a number of things, including working out too hard, eating a poor diet, being overweight, and not getting enough omega 3 in the diet. What to do about it: Balance your fat intake. Reduce saturated fats and oils while increasing your intake of omega 3 oils (fish oil, beans, walnuts, flaxseed, olive oil). Get consistent, moderate-heart-rate exercise to burn excess fat stored in your body, if this is an issue. Limit your intake of carbohydrates. Omit foods from your diet that make you feel tired, weak, or bloated after eating them, or that give you negative reactions, such as itchy skin or a stuffy nose. The most common culprits are shellfish, meat, eggs, dairy, soy, wheat, some fruits, and nuts. Adapted from their new book, “Fit Soul, Fit Body”



BIOG Psychic medium, clairvoyant, and tarot reader doing one to one readings, and audience demonstrations of mediumship.Reiki m a s t e r / Te a c h e r, practitioner of hopi ear, hypno-reiki, hypnotherapy, and Tibetan head massage. Psychic development, writing poetry, and channeled messages. My wish is to inspire, and bring comfort to others in my work.

CONTACT w w w. r e i k i - h o l i s t i


The spiral stairway of ascension, transmutes the quivering pace, the flow of energies balanced, give feelings of love and grace. Mind spirit and soul, scale the steps to knowledge sought, a helical of glistening white, stepping stones to the purest of thought. The plan is in the all, waiting to be found by those who truly seek, a blueprint etched in memories, an art so beautiful, yet so dormant in sleep. Awakening the path to ascension, from previous lives will win, for all you need to do is ask, along with the map that’s placed within.

FEATURES Peace From Broken Pieces BY IYANLA VANZANT Extract from Iyanla’s latest book, published by Hay House


BIOG Iyanla Vanzant is an inspirational speaker, New Thought spiritual teacher, author, and television personality. She is known primarily for her books, for her eponymous talk show, and for her frequent appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show.

CONTACT www.inervisionsworldwide. com

Christmas Day I had just nodded off when they arrived: My dearest friends from New York, Tulani and her husband Stan, had come to spend Christmas Day with us at Gemmia’s house. I was exhausted but excited about having guests for the holiday. After the last few days with Gemmia, I needed some comfort and support. My husband was sprawled across the living room sofa, fully dressed, with his shoes on. I wasn’t sure where he had come from or when he had arrived. Like me, he was ecstatic to see our friends, our extended family. Tulani was like a sister who had helped me raise Gemmia. There are few things more comforting than having good, close friends with you when you are going through a difficult time. After our greeting, with a lot of jumping up and down, kissing and hugging, we all went upstairs to Gemmia’s bed- room. Gemmia was down to 91 pounds now, but if Tulani was at all shocked at her appearance, she never let on. She and Gemmia stared into each other’s eyes like long-lost lovers. It was beautiful to see the love pass from one to the other. I was holding on to Stan because I knew he loved me as much as Tulani loved Gemmia. My husband just watched. I felt a twinge of sadness that he didn’t love me like that, like Tulani loved Gemmia, but when I felt my heart sinking, I shook off that thought and squeezed Stan’s hand. 2:20 a.m. We sat around chatting, remembering the good ol’ days in Brooklyn, reminding each other who had married whom, left whom, and was now with whom. Gemmia was alert and very talkative between naps. When she was awake, the men excused themselves while Tulani helped me get her on and off the Porta-Potty. She really wanted to use the toilet, but in her condition, the bathroom door on the other side of her bedroom was just too far to go. I really did understand. My exhaustion from the past week made it feel like I had lead bricks in my feet. My head, although it had not grown in size, felt as if it weighed 20, no, 50 pounds. It was only sheer determination holding it upright. I could not crumble! If I did, Gemmia would also. That was not acceptable! Not now. She seemed to be getting weak again. Perhaps she was hungry. No, she just wanted to lie down. 3:40 a.m. When I woke up, everyone else was still asleep. Tulani was curled up in Gemmia’s favorite chair in front of the window. My husband and Tulani’s husband were curled up in opposite corners on the floor. I sat up on the corner of the bed where I too had been tightly curled. Gemmia was lying behind me. I checked to see if she was breathing.


FEATURES Don’t be stupid! Of course she’s breathing! This was Christmas Day. I told myself that she would be breathing all day long. I wondered if my younger daughter Nisa had finished wrapping the children’s gifts. I tried to lift myself from the bed slowly so that I would not wake Gemmia. But as soon as I stood up she asked, “Where you goin’?” “To see if the gifts are wrapped.” “Okay,” she said. Then, “Don’t go.”“Don’t go where? Don’t go home?” I tried not to sound alarmed, but everything she said set off bells and whistles in my mind. “I’m not going home, sweetie. I’m going downstairs.” She was silent. Asleep again, perhaps. Then I heard a small sigh. “Don’t go.” As gently as I could, I sat back on the bed. I waited to see if she would say anything else. She didn’t. 6:17 a.m. When my son, Damon, came into the room, I realized that I had been asleep in a sitting position. “What time are you opening the gifts?” he asked. “As soon as the kids wake up. We don’t have much be- cause I never got to go shopping.” “Ma, they don’t care about that. They just want to be here, and they want their Auntie Gemmia to get better.” I knew he was right. But Christmas in our family had always been such a big deal, not so much for the presents as for the folks and the food. It was Gemmia’s favorite holiday, and she went all out to make sure the children and everyone else had a really good time. We stayed up all night wrapping gifts, drinking virgin piña coladas, and wishing we didn’t have to cook. This year it was very different. There were a host of nieces, nephews, grandchildren, and the children of friends spread throughout the house, Gemmia’s daughter Niamoja among them. This was as it had always been. The difference was that we were not in my home as usual. We were at Gemmia’s house because we needed to be. I really tried to believe that everything and everyone was going to be okay, know what I was going to do next. They wanted to know what I knew. Where had they come from? Who let them in? My entire staff, 14 people, had come into the house with me noticing them. “Somebody give me the phone, please.” I wanted to call Gemmia’s godmother. I needed to talk to her. She needed to talk to Gemmia. Suddenly, I had a telephone in my hand. At the sound of her godmother’s voice, I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. I took a deep breath, trying to find the words to speak what I did not want to say. Somehow she knew. “Is she still here?” As if she could see me through the telephone, I shook my head. “Let me speak to her.” I held the telephone to Gemmia’s ear, refusing to give my tears permission to fall on her.


From that moment for- ward, everything happened quickly; but not really. 7:30 a.m. I am not sure when it started to happen, but my body had become rigid. I was not cold, but it felt like there was a cool breeze blowing through me. When I looked around the room, I could see people, but I could not feel my body. When I tried to move, my feet would not cooperate. I closed my eyes, placed my hand on Gemmia’s head, and started to pray. After a while, I asked where Gemmia’s daughter was. “She’s downstairs with her father,” Nisa said. He had come to pick her up for the day; this was to be the Christmas they would spend together, away from her mother for the first time. I gathered enough of my senses to walk down to the kitchen. They were in there, fixing toast. “Come here, sweetie.” I reached out to my granddaughter. Her eyes were brimming with tears. 6:30 a.m. The house and everyone in it was still, except me. I could hear Gemmia’s soft sighs as she slept, in counterpoint to my husband’s light snoring. I decided to go downstairs to make a pot of coffee and call my prayer partner, because I knew she would understand the vision I had had the evening be- fore. My friend had been through every step of this journey with me and always made herself available to my Mother Bear ravings. She had the perfect spiritual understanding of my vision. We had been talking for a while when my husband came into the kitchen. He said, “You’d better come upstairs. Something is happening.” 7:12 a.m. Gemmia was staring off into space, laughing to herself. “They’re doing it again.” “Who?” I asked her. “Who is doing what?” She turned her face toward me, peering as if she could not see me. “They are doing that open-eyed meditation,” she said with a soft smile. I knew she was talking about my dear friend who had been with me day and night for the past month. Gemmia was in the room. The friend was not. “Where are you, honey? Gemmia, tell me where you are!” She seemed to listen for a moment. “I’m at Damon’s house . . . I think. Yes, this is Damon’s house.” I am not sure why my knees didn’t buckle, but they didn’t. I covered my mouth to stifle a scream. Oh my God! She’s traveling. It is said that before a person makes the transition from life to the afterlife, they travel to say goodbye to those they love. As I looked around the room, I realized that it was full of people and everyone was staring at me. They wanted to“I guess you’re pretty scared, huh?” As she nodded yes, the tears began to fall. “Yeah, me too! I’m scared too, my love.”


FEATURES “Is Mommy going to die?” “I don’t know, sweetie, but I sure hope not. Do you want to go with Daddy or do you want to stay here?” She glanced over at her father. He motioned to her to respond. “I’ll go.” “Do you want to go?” She glanced at him again. Why does she need his permission to speak to me? “Yeah, I guess.” “Okay, I’ll tell you what.You take my cell phone and I will call you if anything happens.You put it in your pocket, and I promise I will call you.” We hugged and I ran back upstairs. 8:12 a.m. People continued to gather in Gemmia’s bedroom. Somebody must have gotten the word out to come and come quickly. They all seemed to know what I could not, would not acknowledge. It was unthinkable, unspeakable, and they all seemed to know as I continued to hope against hope. Gemmia was going in and out of consciousness. I kept talking to her and she answered as she could. With one hand I stroked her head, and with the other I held the tele- phone so that I could talk to her godmother, who was keep- ing me from losing it. Periodically I would put the telephone to Gemmia’s ear so she could hear her soft, soothing voice also. Although I hated to admit it, her godmother’s voice seemed to keep her alert in a way I could not. How could I? I could barely keep myself from banging my head against the wall and tearing at my flesh with my teeth. In a room filled with words of prayer, with all of my family and friendswatching me, I’m not sure anyone one could comprehend what I was experiencing. For that matter, I didn’t know what I was experiencing. Then without warning, I felt it start to happen. That cold breeze again, around and throughout my body. A strange heaviness in my legs, and at the same time, a lightness— al- most numbness—in my feet. The sensations became so in- tense I had to sit down on the edge of the bed. Oh my God! My child is dying! Help me God! Please help me! Those were the words I was thinking but I couldn’t get my mouth open to speak them aloud. Without anyone prompting it, everyone in the room started praying aloud. Somebody put music on. One by one, people came over to the bed, bent down and prayed into Gemmia’s ear. Some she acknowledged, others she did not. When I prayed for her, tears began to roll down her face. She was trying to speak but she could not. I asked someone to call my granddaughter at my cell phone num- ber. She needed to come back home. 9:30 a.m. Everyone had fallen into silence. For one instant, I closed my eyes and I could see her: Gemmia, strong and healthy. She was standing in the same place I had seen her in my vision the night before. It was the place where I had encountered Jesus. He was standing there also. She was mid- way between the two of us. I wanted to open my eyes, as if that would make what I was feeling less real, but it seemed as if my eyes had been glued shut.


Then I couldn’t see Gemmia any more. Instead, I saw what appeared to be a black curtain dangling in front of me. I was focused on the curtain when I felt the jolt in my head. How can this be? Intuitively, I knew that Gemmia’s brain was about to shut down. My entire head felt numb. I also felt a strange sensation in my lower back. No pain, just intense pressure. As suddenly as it had begun, it was gone. One by one her organs shut down. I could feel it in my body. Pieces and parts of me were dying. The kidney, the liver, the pancreas. It felt like sludge was being pushed through my veins as the flow of blood through her body slowed to a halt. Nisa let me know that my granddaughter had come home. I turned my head to see her standing in the doorway of the bedroom with her father. She looked terrified. I told them both to say goodbye. Everyone in the room did the same. Professing their love, praying and saying goodbye to our angel, our beloved angel Gemmia. I sensed that I was near her, even though I could not quite figure out where I had gone in my mind. Reaching out, I felt her body. It was still warm. I kissed her face all over like I had done when she was a baby and told her I loved her. I heard her sigh. Then her heart stopped. When it did, my eyes flew open. Gemmia was sitting propped up on a pillow. Her head was dangling slightly to one side. Someone was lifting me up, from where I did not know. It was 10:18 a.m. Christmas morning. My daughter Gemmia was not the only one who died that morning. My family of origin died. My marriage, already in its coffin, died for good. My ministry, which had been the foundation of my relationship to God, was counted among the fatalities, too. My career, my personal vision, my life’s purpose as I had come to know it came to an abrupt end. Most important of all, when my best friend, my middle child, took her last breath, my sense of self died along with her. I was a woman whose dance card was suddenly filled with death and whose heart had shattered into a million pieces.

Peace from ‘Broken Pieces: How to Get Through What You’re Going Through’ Hay House, RRP £10.99 *** 25% discount on special offer for limited period only at the Hay House website ***


FEATURES The Soul’s Journey Part II The Tenacious Soul BY LORRAINE FLAHERTY The dictionary definition of ‘Tenacity’ is: doggedness, perseverance, persistence, determination, purpose. The quality of being determined to do or achieve something; firmness of purpose. And that describes, very well, the energy of the soul on its journey. Every individual soul is filled with a longing to experience all that life on Earth has to offer. Each new incarnation brings with it a new lesson to be learnt, a new mission to be accomplished: a mission that many people are now discovering is decided upon before arrival. The challenge is that, once born, there is usually complete amnesia with regard to those decisions… and many end up spending their lives trying to remember exactly what it was they decided on in the first place. Often, there is a sense or a knowing that is just out of conscious awareness; that there is something that has to be done… although it may not be clear what that ‘something’ is. When answers are not forthcoming it can lead to frustration, dissatisfaction and in some cases even depression; a sense of giving up.

Reading the signs For some of us, or as some might say, the ‘lucky ones’, there are sign posts along the way; signposts that appear when we are ready; signposts that are designed to wake us up, to bring us back onto the right path. Some are easy to read, to understand and to follow; and some are a little more cryptic and harder to understand. Some people do not get to see the signs until they reach a crisis, a tragedy or some sort of breakdown; for some it only becomes apparent after they have had a near death experience. The spiritual journey then becomes visible to them and they have no choice but to pursue it. Many have had to encounter the dark night of the soul before they wake up and really begin to understand what is going on around them. Thankfully, many are able to rise to the call of their soul and follow the path they have really chosen for themselves, not the path they stumbled onto a result of their upbringing and the external choices of family and peers. Many years ago I had a very successful career as an art director for a chain of West End hair and beauty salons. I was becoming more and more dissatisfied with my life and was questioning whether or not to pursue a spiritual path; to retrain as a therapist and healer. My friends and family told me that it was foolish to move away from a career that I had invested years in and that I would regret having to start all over again. My


sceptical ex-partner dismissed my spirituality as if it was a trivial hobby.

BIOG Lorraine is a personal development coach, using the tools of Hypnotherapy, NLP, Past Life Regression, Future Life Progression and the Life Between Lives to help people reach their full potential. She is a director of the Past and Future Life Society and is committed to bringing these techniques and the benefits they provide into greater public awareness. She also teaches Clinical Hypnosis to medical students and midwives at schools and universities all over the country, including Oxford and Cambridge. Her first book ‘Past Lives: Adventures through Time and Space’ will be out later this year.


I knew that I needed to get away, to get some clarity, so I booked a week’s trip to Crete, on my own, and as my journey began I asked the universe to send me a sign. I got one. It was as clear as it could get. I can assure you there is nothing like a near death experience to wake you up! About half way into the flight the aeroplane lost an engine; there were other difficulties and we began to plummet towards the ground. The oxygen masks dropped in front of us and it became increasingly hard to breathe. The woman behind me was struggling with her mask and grabbed at one of the cabin crew. “Help me!” she yelled “I can’t breathe, my mask isn’t working.” “I wouldn’t worry,” said the steward “we’re all going to die anyway.” Not what you want to hear when you’ve just decided to get your life on the right track. At that moment, I made a decision. If I survived I would not waste another moment living a life that was unfulfilled. As I witnessed the chaos that was going on around me - the screaming and the hysteria - I made another decision. I decided that if this was the end, if I was about to die, I was not going to depart in a state of panic. I thought about all the things that I had learnt from my books and from my spiritual teachers and realised that the most important thing to me in that moment was being thankful. I entered into a state of gratitude for my life and for the life that, I believed, was yet to come. An unbelievable feeling of peace and calmness came over me. It was as though I was being bathed in light and a state of what I can only call bliss. I remained in this state for the duration of the journey. Eventually, the pilot managed to make an emergency landing in a derelict airfield in Italy. We waited in an empty hanger for 8 hours for another plane to come and rescue us. It gave me time to think. I studied the people who had been on the flight. I saw the fear, the sadness, the stress, the unhappiness in their faces and I knew in that moment that I had to listen to my calling. I knew in that moment that I had to re-train. I knew in that moment that I wanted to help. I knew that I wanted to be of service, in any way that I could. I got the message. In the words of Robert Byrne: the purpose of life is a life of purpose. I had to make the most of every moment. I came back and I changed my life. Now I feel blessed that I am able to do work that I love; work that is so completely fulfilling and I can safely report that having changed my life’s work, I have no regrets. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be quite so drastic for everyone.

Tuning into the soul’s calling There are those of us who are able to hear the calling of their soul. It may come as a result of an intuitive realisation, an epiphany, an inspiration rather than a crisis. They are the real ‘lucky ones’.


FEATURES They are usually the ones already on the spiritual path; who recognize the need for clarity and a better way of understanding who they are, why they are here and what their life purpose really is. These people recognise the need for introspection and understand that the answers that they seek lie inside themselves all the time; answers that are not to be found in religion or anywhere outside of themselves. These are the people that are drawn to explore the hidden regions of the mind, the information that is only accessed via the subconscious realm; whether in meditation, hypnosis or guided journeys. As well as exploring past lives to gain a greater understanding of previous missions and life lessons, many people are being drawn to explore the ‘life between life’ realms. This process began many years ago with Dr Michael Newton, who first discovered the state when regressing a client who talked about her feelings of loneliness in this life. She wanted answers as to why she felt this way. Having given her a simple command, whilst under hypnosis, she was able to connect with the memories of her life as a soul in the afterlife or as we now call it the ‘space between lives’. She described meeting her soul group and identified people that she knew as her friends, family and loved ones from other lives; these were the spirits waiting for her in the afterlife. They informed her that she had chosen not to bring any of them with her on her journey this time; as her lesson was to learn to be independent and to cope with the challenges that life offered her on her own. She realised that at a spiritual level she was never alone. This brought her much comfort. Since that time, thousands of people have experienced ‘life between life’ sessions; each with startlingly similar results. My clients have been no exception. The session begins by exploring the last life a person has lived. Once they reach the death point people report leaving the physical body and describe being welcomed by beings of light or their spirit guide. This information correlates with the evidence from those who have had near death experiences; people whose hearts stopped for a time but returned to tell the tale. Dr Raymond Moody has documented many such cases in his book’ Life After Life’.

Your life between lives In the session, they usually get to meet with their soul group; the family of souls that usually reincarnate together, who agree to help each other accomplish their chosen ‘missions’. One of the highlights of the experience is meeting with the ‘Elders’ or the ‘Masters’; highly evolved beings that no longer need to reincarnate. These ‘Masters’ offer guidance and wisdom; answering many important questions. The information about lives that have been lived; lessons that have been and are yet to be learnt, is always given in a loving and compassionate manner; albeit with a sense of humour that is often unexpected. The ‘Masters’ can provide knowledge of soul contracts with others, which helps people


understand the challenges they experience and this enables them to put things into perspective. Some might question whether the journey into the spirit realms might result in dissatisfaction with life on Earth, but usually the opposite is true. Getting clarification of the true purpose of the current life can fully engage the tenacious nature of the soul, helping people to renew their commitment to achieving their goals and fulfilling their mission. The ‘Life between Life’ journey is always an opportunity for a spiritual evolution and, as a result, this process is one that is both enlightening and incredibly profound.

So, once you have explored and understood what your mission in this life is, what else do you need to know; you may ask? In the next edition we will look at Future Life Progression and reveal how it can help people to clarify the choices they have made, providing them with insights and the knowledge they need to make their goals happen. Ensuring that they fully live the life they desire; the life they were born to live.


FEATURES Under The Spotlight ANNA TAYLOR Anna Taylor is an international recording artist, singer-songwriter, Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Theta Healing Practitioner® and radio host.

Contact You can find out more about Anna’s work, and her upcoming events and workshops at www. and on Facebook or Twitter. If you’d like to buy or know more about Anna’s album ALREADY HERE including the Wall Of Love you can at www.annataylormusic. com and listen in at Reverbnation. ANNA AND THE ANGELS, her radio show, is available online at Blogtalkradio.

A loving and compassionate woman with a remarkable ability to empathise and communicate with others, Anna believes we can guide our lives as long as we are willing to listen to our hearts. She is now embracing her purpose as a messenger of love and inspiration and is sharing her story to show that anything is possible. Born eleven weeks premature and with Cerebral Palsy, learning to walk was a major challenge, and Anna took her first independent steps at the age of six. Although her formal education was interrupted first by surgery and physiotherapy, then by long-term illness, she completed her exams through home-tutoring and sheer determination, learning at a young age that success is achieved as much through mental strength as physical ability. Sound and song therapy played an integral part in Anna’s healing, and her innate love of singing inspired her to dream of recording her own CD. In 2009 this dream was realised when she travelled to California to record her debut album ALREADY HERE. The trip across the Atlantic was the culmination of eighteen months of co-writing via email, and was made possible thanks to the generosity of friends and supporters around the world. Their contributions are memorialised in the ‘Wall of Love’ – 111 hearts filled with their initials – that graces the centre pages of the CD booklet. Click here to listen to Rachel and Anna’s chat on the spiritual angle of being tenacious…




Head Designer for Lightworker Magazine



Glow With Health And Wellbeing STU GATHERUM

Lightworker In Training HETTA ROGERS

Lightworker Challenge KAY GILLARD

The Businessman MICHAEL CLARK

Studying At The University Of Life ELIZABETH VILLANI

The Authenticity Diary MELANIE DIAMOND

Moments Of Light TOM EVANS


KN OW health Tenacity By Stu Gatherum Stu is a passionate and focused Strength and Conditioning specialist who is committed to delivering outstanding results in fitness, nutrition and total health and wellness.

CONTACT STU Twitter: @stugatherum +44 7816 240137

Hi guys and welcome back to Lightworker. Last month I was making it clear that you are to be enriching your soul and feeling like a kid again. Since that happened, whilst enriching my soul on the basketball court, my team lost the last game of the season in heartbreaking fashion. Soul enrichment is apparently not all roses! That brings me nicely on to the theme this month,Tenacity. I love the stirring feelings evoked by merely saying the word. As the fitness guy it brings up the emotions of many a dramatic sports feat: Lance Armstrong and his seven Tour De France titles, Usain Bolt and his rise to prominence as a sports legend despite the fact his closest rival used to beat him every time they raced in their formative years. It makes me think of Rocky, the Italian Stallion facing the giant Russian Ivan Drago and the parallels between the 1985 blockbuster and the less-than-tenacious outing offered up by David Haye in his own personal battle with a larger-than-life Eastern European. My love for FC Barcelona is well documented but the word tenacity can be summed up by their desire to play football ‘The Barca Way’ in a never-wavering determination to honour ‘The Beautiful Game’. I think we can all agree that turned out to be a solid decision. To me, tenacity merely means a single-minded determination to achieve the goals you have set. But more than that is the implication of repeated efforts. We all get knocked back from time-to-time. This is the nature of life. If we didn’t and everything came up roses for us all the time we would have no perspective of the things that are truly meaningful. It is how we deal with these setbacks that defines us and determines our success in the long run.


GLOW WITH HEALTH AND WELLBEING Usain didn’t back down from Tyson Gay. He didn’t deflect to the hurdles. In a historical act of tenacity he merely arrived at Beijing a relatively unknown unorthodox sprinter with a love of the camera and literally ran away with the games, forever the lasting image of an Olympics that featured 8 gold medals from Michael Phelps. Lance Armstrong could have understandably retired after his near-death bout of aggressive cancer. Instead he got back on his bike, snatched back his yellow jersey and rode off into the sunset with seven Tour titles in his back pocket. Tenacity in my field would relate to the fact that you don’t make a linear progression all the time with exercise. You don’t simply get fitter/stronger/bigger/smaller/ leaner/faster, whatever your goal may be, just through compliance and adherence to the programme. There will be the inevitable pothole to deal with. Injuries and fatigue catch up. Work will get in the way. Social calendars have a way of wreaking havoc on best-laid plans. It is how you deal with these obstacles that determine your eventual outcome. So, here is hoping Mr Haye picks himself up, dusts himself off, tends to his literal body-bruises and figuratively bruised ego and gives everyone a lesson in tenacity, resulting in a happy retirement with more belts than he has pairs of trousers to wear them with. I have a classic from the 80’s he can borrow if he needs some inspiration.


KN OW education Tenacity By HETTA ROGERS Hetta’s background is in Art History and Literature. After spending seven years training to be and working as a lawyer, she left all that behind to go travelling, but has now returned to the bright lights of London to work in the communications industry.

CONTACT HETTA hetta@lightworkermag. com

Powerful, happy memories are wonderful places to retreat if I need an energetic lift momentarily or merely a reminder of times of utter joy.

Wall to wall sunshine One recent recollection of mine frequently springs to mind in moments of solitude; etched in my memory in glorious techni-colour. I was walking along a cliff-top in East Sussex with someone I love very much indeed. It was a crisp, breezy spring day and the early afternoon sun, still fairly high in the sky, made the sea shimmer so brightly that we had to squint to look at it for more than a second or two. There we stood for a few precious seconds listening to a skylark’s song overhead, the two of us transfixed by its distinctive rich and complex call, moved by its beauty, our eyes blinking into the sunlight as we tried to spot it hovering above us. In that very instant, the tiny creator of that wonderful birdsong, which I recognised so well from childhood, became infinitely more meaningful: a symbol of bravery, passion and determination. A symbol of tenacity. And, in the wondrous ways in which the Universe works, that symbol has appeared in moments of great joy for me, and in those of great sorrow. It has, for reasons I don’t question, become a reminder of my own tenacity.

To A Skylark There is a beautiful poem - one of my very favourites, in fact - written by Percy Bysshe Shelley, perhaps the greatest of the English Romantic poets. He called it “To A Skylark”, for it is written in true lyrical style; an unflinching ode to what he saw as the most courageous and inspirational of birds. With the possible exception of the nightingale, no bird’s song has been more celebrated in music and poetry than that of the skylark. Shelley’s poem runs to over twenty verses - far too long to include here - but reproduced below are the first six to illustrate how perfectly he describes the beauty of the skylark and how powerful his words are: Hail to thee, blithe Spirit! Bird thou never wert, That from Heaven, or near it, Pourest thy full heart In profuse strains of unpremeditated art.


LIGHTWORKER IN TRAINING Higher still and higher From the earth thou springest Like a cloud of fire; The blue deep thou wingest, And singing still dost soar, and soaring ever singest. In the golden lightning Of the sunken sun, O’er which clouds are bright’ning, Thou dost float and run; Like an unbodied joy whose race is just begun. The pale purple even Melts around thy flight; Like a star of Heaven, In the broad day-light Thou art unseen, but yet I hear thy shrill delight, Keen as are the arrows Of that silver sphere, Whose intense lamp narrows In the white dawn clear Until we hardly see, we feel that it is there. All the earth and air With thy voice is loud, As, when night is bare, From one lonely cloud The moon rains out her beams, and Heaven is overflow’d. A skylark’s song is known to be a defensive call; a vocal display of its doggedness and strength. But Shelley celebrates its beauty; describing the constant song as the bird flies ever higher: “And singing still dost soar, and soaring ever singest.” Surely this is the greatest description of tenacity? A creature who maintains its passionate song - who remains authentic and true - the higher it climbs.

Every step you take Speaking of climbing: a fortnight ago I was making my way up Helvellyn, a mountain in the Lake District, with a close friend. He was familiar with the terrain and fearless in the way he navigated the perilous, winding footpaths and the dangerous Striding Edge – over a half-mile stretch of jagged rocks and uneven footpath linking the summit ridge of Birkhouse Moor to Helvellyn’s summit by what becomes a sharp arête.

of his courage. My legs felt as though suddenly made of jelly and, notwithstanding the “don’t look down” mantra playing over and over in my mind, I had chanced a glance at the sheer drop either side of me. Gulp. Admittedly, I am not the greatest fan of heights, not least when a single careless step could mean a swift journey down a very steep and rocky mountain side. I am pleased to say that, despite moments of sheer disbelief at what I had let myself in for, I swallowed my self-doubt and continued with the climb. Sure enough, my own journey up and along Helvellyn and around Red Tarn was accompanied by many a skylark singing high above us, often out of sight but never for a moment out of earshot.

Be not afraid As my friend reminded me at the time - it is the tenacious folk amongst us who, when finding themselves in ‘hell’, are the ones who keep going. They are the ones who can muster the courage to see that, in our natural state, we are fearless. Amelia Earhart, surely one of the bravest women of all, once described fears as “paper tigers”. She said: “The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward.” Nowadays, I try not to think of challenges and obstacles in my life as ‘failures’, ‘mistakes’ or ‘hardships’, but merely differences. When life repeatedly knocks us down, the lesson is not that we are being knocked down; the lesson is that we are tenacious enough to get back up again. Tenacity is as much about moving with the ebb and flow of everyday life - the minutiae - as it is about persevering over the big stuff. It is about finding purpose in everything we do; about finding belief; about knowing that when every option looks impossible, there is always an answer. And so I return to the humble skylark, which has become my symbol of strength, of purpose, of courage; a reminder that my fears are paper tigers and, with a dash of selfbelief and a sprinkling of faith, my future will be as bright as midday sunlight on the sea.

In sharp contrast to my friend, I was terrified; and in awe


KN OW relationship The Tenacious Choices By KAY GILLARD Kay Gillard is a shamanic healer and teacher based in South East London. She takes clients in person and at distance, working to restore the true authentic self to power. Kay currently teaches and gives talks throughout the south of England as well as working as a writer and broadcaster.

CONTACT KAY w w w. s t a r f i r e a l c h e m y.

Tenacity is an important quality. As a lightworker, it is extremely likely that you will have found it difficult to fit in to the traditional roles that society has offered you. I expect that, like me, you have had to work to create a role that is actually suitable for you, and have enough courage in your convictions to occupy this role. In any aspect of our lives, when we do this we are often going against the grain of society. People might think we are weird because of our jobs, our philosophy, our funny sounding chanting. People may say we are rude because we speak our truth, selfish because we stand firm instead of acquiescing to the demands of others. Time and time again we are challenged, offered chances to be a bit more ‘normal’, shown opportunities to keep quiet about our truth and instead support the status quo. Staying true to ourselves in the face of a world not (yet) run by lightworkers requires a real steadfastness, an unwavering commitment to ourselves and the work.

We need tenacity in times of change We are living in a time of great shifts. As we prepare for the changes coming for 2012 and beyond, and as we face our challenges in the present moment, a great many of us are encountering resistance. In my old life, limiting beliefs are showing themselves to me. I know I must clear them if I am to continue in my personal and spiritual development, and I know that I must commit to clearing them in order to be the best teacher and healer that I can possibly be. So I have a very strong resolve to change, to grow and to evolve in line with my highest good. I am committed to this. Well, on one level I am… My ego has another view on this. Fear! Worry! The timing’s not right! You’re not worthy of this! Big scary fear! And so I am manifesting resistance to many of the changes I am



LIGHTWORKER CHALLENGE experiencing. I am even resisting letting go of things I know I don’t want and are unhealthy for me. Stupid ego! Here’s where we all need two things: awareness and tenacity. We need to be aware of our resistance, and remain determined to overcome the obstacles we encounter along the way. If we are tenacious, we will overcome. But – and here’s the big question – is overcoming the obstacle always the right thing to do? Or is that obstacle trying to tell us something?

The importance of awareness As lightworkers we need to be awake. I mean fully awake, exercising self-awareness and awareness of where we are on the journey. As a shamanic practitioner I operate in a world where we believe in ‘seeing with the strong eye’ – it means to be aware of the energetic truth behind things. Recently I have found areas of my life where I have not been using this awareness – this seeing – as usefully as I could have been. Instead of using the strong eye, I have been operating within normal awareness even in situations where a deeper awareness is necessary. I have been offered many great opportunities lately. Having trained and worked for so many years, it has been gratifying to receive so many offers of work, invitations to events and requests for my talks and writing. In my head I think, it’s about time! This is where my great tenacity over these transformative years has led me. Being a great believer in saying ‘yes’ to the universe, I have been gratefully accepting these opportunities. On some of these occasions, I have been wrong to do so. The clue to how I have been able to make these mistakes is in the phrase I used a moment ago: in my head. This is where I processed and accepted these business opportunities. What about my heart? Unsurprisingly, I have found a number of obstacles presenting themselves between myself and what many would call ‘great opportunities’. Please understand that nothing I have been offered is harmful or damaging, but not all have been for my highest good at this time. Not all have allowed me to focus on my true purpose. I pushed on, determined to make the most of every prospect. I saw the blocks on the road as resistance or fear, coming from my own ego. In the last couple of months I realised that some of these blocks were there because I was spending

time and energy walking a path out of alignment with my own.

Balance tenacity with flow Now I can look back on my journey so far and see more of the energetic truth behind it. I can see how I have shown great determination for so many years and how, in most cases, this has been of great benefit in getting me to where I am today. Seeing now with the strong eye, I can observe myself pushing forward without the appropriate focus, refusing to turn down any work that came in. I took on tasks that do not serve my soul purpose and my energy became scattered. Ironically, it has been my determination to always be moving forward that has often left me feeling drained. When this happens I am unable to hold fast and finish projects, and I can struggle to keep going. The fact is, tenacity is useless if we are pushing against the current. We are lightworkers, so we are connected to Spirit and various guides and helpers who can advise us along the way. Sometimes things will happen that stimulate the ‘mundane’ part of our brains – work, family, basic health and self care issues – and we approach them as any person living in the world would. For all these decisions, we can avail ourselves of our gifts and ask whether or not we are on the right path. These days I do at least one shamanic journey a day to check in on things. Is this the right course to do? A job I should accept? A project I should take on? When we remember to journey, meditate and ask Spirit for guidance, we see our path more clearly. We may not know exactly where it is leading us but we know which steps to take, and that is enough. Stripping away the actions that are not quite in tune with what we are here for right now is extremely liberating. Even better, it frees up so much energy in us that we are able to truly focus on what we are meant to be doing so that we can pursue it with tenacity and drive.


KNOW business What’s In The Way Is The Way By MICHAEL CLARK Michael, the founder of Ripple Effect Sales, the UK’s premier online sales training company for entrepreneurs. Mike has worked with 1000’s of SME’s and startups across all sectors. His speciality is creating practical sales and marketing strategies that effectively create results tangible results.

CONTACT MICHAEL www.rippleeffectsales. com

I was recently at dinner with a friend of mine who sold his business for 8 figures not long ago. One of the conversations we were having was about how business is like a dance! You need to know when to lead, when to follow, when to speed up and when to slow down. Do any of the above at the wrong time and it could mess up the entire dance (or deal). Yet, when done in harmony, it’s a beautiful thing to watch and be part of. I think it’s put best by my good friend, Peter Thomson, who is widely regarded as the UK’s leading business strategist and creator of over 100 business development products. He says that... “as a sales person or business person, you need to live in a town just a little South of Arrogance”. What he’s saying is that you need to have belief and confidence in your ability, but be humble and accepting of others. Know when to be tenacious and when to back off. In previous articles you will have heard me talking about using your intuition to guide you. Often, it’s important to tune into your sensory acuity (which supports your intuition). Learn to harness the skill of ‘Feeling’ if it’s the right thing to push or hold back. Don’t get confused with fear though! Fear is a different reason for not pushing. If you feel like you’re outside of your comfort zone and you feel like stepping back, remember this quote....

“What’s in the way is the Way”


THE BUSINESSMAN If you fear public speaking, or marketing, or sales, or just being brave enough to voice your opinion or talk to that certain person... Often that is exactly what you should be doing! Many successful people recommend stepping outside of your comfort zone every day. It’s a great habit to get into. This truly tests your self-belief and confidence, but more importantly, by breaking down this barrier you’ll expand and grow everyday. The payoff for this will be tremendous, both in the now and in the future. So, when you are faced with doubters and skeptics, instead of the fear running you, you’ll be use to stepping up to your challenges and conquering them. This is essential in business. You must be passionate and believe in your product or service. So, enjoy practicing these techniques and enjoy the challenge of entrepreneurship!


KN OW adventure Awaken The Belief In You - Without Belief You Hide Or Push, Find Balance Through Your Awakening By ELIZABETH VILLANI CONTACT ELIZABETH

Elizabeth, the author of “Awakening”, o-books, 2010. An expert on positivity, coach and Reiki Master, a startling mystical experience in 2008 revealed to her the reality of humanity. She now writes to support our awakening. She is also the founder of a non-profit organisation aiming to bring joy to every corner of the globe. Each month we are publishing an extract from “Awakening” to support you in your Light work. Enjoy being in this university of life x What is it that stops us from being happy? What gives us the feelings of tiredness, fatigue, upset and frustration that seems to split open our inner worlds today? There is that saying that ‘what goes around comes around’ and yet there is also the universal truth that when you just think that you have got it all sussed and you feel happiness running through you, you are sent yet another lesson! Your partner gets upset with you. Your child winds you up. You realise that you have forgotten something. You hurt yourself. There seems to be this perpetual life of lessons that runs throughout our world with us at its centre. We get frustrated, angry, fed up, disheartened and we don’t know why. We search for the answer. We start to awaken. People have two choices. They either tend to ride above the negative pull or they sink into it. The former learn the lessons, move on and trust in themselves to be a success. The latter sink into martyrdom, depression, anxiety and negative self-doubt. Spiralling off a knowing that they are not good enough. Since we are what we believe, this becomes their reality. We all have a choice in how we react to things. It doesn’t matter what has happened to you or influenced you in the past. No matter how bad you have had it at times, you still have the power of choice. Nobody makes your mind up for you, at least not unless you let them! You


STUDYING AT THE UNIVERSITY OF LIFE have all of the power in the world to decide right now that you choose positivity and all of the wonderful things that come with it. It’s just a choice and only you make it more complicated than that.

question your validity as a human being. The ice-cold fear of physical or sexual abuse in the home, alcoholism, drugs. All daggers acutely felt as they cut though our hearts and spirits. Again we I good enough?

There is an epidemic of anti-depressants in our societies, we need a crutch just to function and our souls are becoming so broken. See your awakening as the alternative.

The influx of materialism and the impact of wall to wall TV homogenises our senses and witches us off to reality. Emotional and physical hardship creates a thicker inner skin to defend ourselves against the world and each other. But despite any circumstances and environment we all have a choice: to decide to fight and stand tall (building positively) or to become the martyr and sink into a life that happens to you, rather than the one that you choose to create. The former learn the lessons, the latter switch on the TV again and watch another soap opera, numbing reality and throwing away control. Any social environment creates the tendency to match the behaviour of others and conform. We constantly compare who we are, what we have and how we behave. We copy each other’s wardrobes and homes.

We have become so detached from our inner selves that we can no longer hear the truth of our reason for being here, we are too caught up with the doing of us. It all starts with you... In order to be happy and healthy and live the life that you want you need to embrace your awakening and remember to learn the lessons that you came here to live. The problem is that most of us are so caught up with the doing and achieving of material life that we have no sense of this bigger picture. We know there is something missing because we can feel it but we are so caught up in ourselves that we never open up to it.

The Erosion of You Your thoughts instantly affect your chakras, your energy. In order to give energy to the world and be healthy and happy your chakras need to be open and functioning well. So what is closing our chakras down? Our self-belief is reduced in childhood by our parents and siblings and other prominent figures. The playground knocks us about and encourages a defensive stance in order to get on. Survival of the fittest. We soon learn that we can pretend to be the fittest and pull a smokescreen over our own eyes. Over who we really are. We become charged up or sullen and quiet. Anything to fit in and be accepted, acceptable. Conformity through our education systems and moral codes introduces inflexibility whilst at the same time we find comfort in playing by the rules. Staying within the defined path provides safety and acceptance. Swaying from the tramlines brings risk. A risk that not all of us are willing to take. Family breakdown and the overall negativity brought on by our social environments provide acute challenges to the soul that already has had to face many challenges. The stigma of a one-parent family and the hurt and loneliness brought on by the loss of a parent makes you

What is clear is that we all have the choice. The choice to conform or not to conform. The choice to grow beyond our upbringing or be crushed by it. What will you choose?

“Awakening” is published by o-books £7.99/$12.95 You can walk through your own awakening face to face with Elizabeth by watching her free wake up programme here.


KNOW living Tenacity In The Face Of Resistance By MelANIE DIAMOND Melanie is a passionate advocator of the Indigo cause. She wants to speak out to help and inspire other Indigo adults to become aware of who they are. Mel is a Reiki healer and teacher, sound healer, writer, singer, neo-pagan and a student of the shamanic arts.

CONTACT MELANIE Twitter - @Indigo_Healing Facebook

The dictionary definition of tenacious does make me laugh: tenacious is defined as perseverance, persistence, stubbornness, opinionated or holding fast. Familiar, much?! Tenacious therefore ought to be my middle name. I don’t think there’s been a week in my life so far where I haven’t had to be tenacious in some way, shape or form. Indigos, this is your life - tenacity is one of your best friends. I honestly don’t know where I’d be today if it weren’t for this, my most treasured trait. It has gotten me through many a challenging time, helped me to stand my ground in the face of adversity and generally brought me to where I am today, and the journey’s not done yet. For an Indigo, tenacity is a must-have in-built characteristic, part of the package. How else are we supposed to take on the world and instigate change if we aren’t tenacious, if we didn’t hold on and see difficult things through? We wouldn’t get far; we’d give up as soon as things got difficult and go back to our knitting (or something). If I weren’t tenacious, I’d have given up on my dreams long ago and let The Fear win. My own stubborn determination has been something that others have both admired and tried to undermine over the years, and I’ve had this ‘gift’ since I was a child. My main aim and dream so far has been to work for myself, teach, help others in some way, and be true to myself - always! Along the way there has been a lot of resistance, both coming from myself and those around me. However, I have learnt that the Universe is a mirror; I mean I’ve known this for a long time, but it took me a while to really understand the true meaning of this: it means that you will manifest a reality that reflects your conscious and subconscious desires and feelings right back at you. So, other people’s resistance to your dreams/ desires/true path is really your own resistance, and it’s up


THE AUTHENTICITY DIARY to you how you navigate this and get through it. It’s a huge lesson the Universe offers you: let it go or carry on fighting for what you want. For example, procrastinating away from projects I’ve instigated is a classic symptom of my own resistance, as you’ll read below.

Striding on In the past I’ve given up on things because it made me feel better, it felt like the right and intuitive thing to do. However, the things I gave up on came back around to find me again... and again, and again... It turns out that what I was interpreting as intuition was actually just my ego-self resisting change and wanting to keep me (and It) in a comfort zone where it was ‘better the devil you know’. Upon further exploration, it turns out I have a deepseated fear of change - not all forms of change, but of being successful - and visible! This coming from someone who’s always been a performer and used to being seen. Go figure. This just goes to prove that you never know what fun surprises are hidden away in the deep recesses of your psyche.

like you planned. My advice to you is this: project forward in time and ask yourself how you would feel if you did not pursue this (whatever ‘this’ is) and see what your intuition tells you. You might find that it’s not as important as you thought and you’re happy to release the wish or desire to make room for new things. On the other hand you might find that staying as you are is a scarier prospect than keeping on your path and facing the personal challenges and transformations that come with it. If this is the case then be tenacious and don’t give up. Trust me when I say that the rewards will make up for any wobbles or doubts along the way.

Anyway, once I’d figured this out then moving forward was a bit easier and eventually I got to where I am today - working purely for myself and beginning to create real success. True, there are still days when I hide from things, but they pass and I get over myself and get on with it again. Remember the quote I included in last month’s Diary - the risk of remaining in bud being more painful than the risk it takes to blossom? This is my mantra now; there is no better way to sum up how I feel about not pursuing my own path. I must add that it doesn’t make it any less scary for my ego-self who would rather be in the comfort zone of the known and familiar, but I say to that part of me that it’s tough - I’m doing it anyway! This is an ongoing issue for me as I push myself forward in new ways to make more people aware of the Starseeded Indigo and Crystal souls in the hope that the information will reach those who need to hear it. Therefore - resistance be damned, there is much important work to be done and I’m not done yet! Tenacity is the key to conquering ego-fears. Putting one foot in front of another, keeping on in the face of whatever resistance comes your way will get you to where to want to be. Just don’t expect the journey to look


KN OW source Tenacious Goals? By TOM EVANS Tom Evans is an author, seer, healer and karmic mentor. His latest book, The Art and Science of Light Bulb Moments is all about the mechanisms by which you can tune into this wonderful source of guidance that is freely available to us all.


Every issue of Lightworker Magazine presents a new and welcome challenge for me. The reason being that, for the most part, the alphabetically derived themes are not ones I would naturally gravitate towards in my scribing.

Tom has written a free ebook called Goals of Learning which you can download without even giving your email address away here.

When in need of some inspiration, I look towards the etymology of a word. The word tenacity comes from the Latin root ‘tenare’, which means ‘to hold on to’ or ‘retain’. Since having been given the honour of becoming a regular columnist on the magazine, I have just about managed to deliver an article each month. This of course is nothing compared with the tenacity of Editor Rachel and talented designer Hannah in producing such a high quality magazine month after month without commercial sponsorship or subscription fees. This type of supreme effort makes you think of what qualities and talents separate those that continue to survive, and indeed thrive, from those that give up in the face of adversity. Being tenacious is not just about being stubborn or even delusional. It is all about having a plan and a purpose and a strategy for dealing with issues as they arrive. What’s more, if your plan or purpose is aligned with a higher calling, or a collective benefit, it seems that you get untold assistance in your goals. For this reason, when


MOMENTS OF LIGHT I work with authors and businesses, we always identify the best possible outcome as a result of embarking on a project.

the loop and letting things arrive, we begin to reap untold benefits. This is so long as we have set goals based on what we would like to learn.

Very rarely do we set financial goals as the highest target - the right amount of money and resources just seems to come along at the right time if you take a more lateral approach. This approach allows you to tackle and overcome obstacles and hurdles that cross your path. It neatly side-steps an issue which is embedded in the vast majority of goal setting systems too.

You start to embrace and even welcome challenges as if they have come along to help you as opposed to letting them get you down. In virtually all cases they will represent aspects of your life experience that you have been avoiding yet you secretly desire to achieve. Furthermore, your avoidance strategy will be seated in a previously painful experience you don’t necessarily want to revisit.

Virtually every goal setting system is target-based. While there is nothing wrong with this on the surface, goals set in this manner are essentially limited by our imagination, experience and the information to hand at the time they are set. Therein lies the flaw. For example you might write down a ‘smart’ goal like:

When this occurs, the learning is subtler. Not only must we learn how to overcome the barrier but also we have to do it with ease and joy. Most importantly, the hardest aspect of being tenacious is to bring love into the equation. We must learn to love challenges when they come along as well as loving the successes that also arrive.

“By the end of the year 2011, I will be earning over £10,000 monthly income, net of tax, from new clients buying my widgets at £369.99 each. And each client will recommend at least two other new clients to me so I can run my business by the end of the year from a beach in the Bahamas.” If you then don’t achieve it, your tenacity is challenged. Achieving all you can possibly dream and even more is simpler than being as specific and focused than this. All we have to do is to base our goal setting on what we would like to learn. When you then align what you want to learn with what you want to achieve, something very magical happens. Firstly, you get presented with opportunities and challenges to help you grow as a person. Secondly, the opportunities to help you achieve your goals start to appear as if by magic. Thirdly, you achieve a level of results that are much better than you ever even imagined. By setting ‘hard’ and specific goals, we actually get in the way of our own success. Conversely, by stepping out of




Once Upon A Time... CLAIRE DORÉ

Stars And Planets ZOE HIND

The Warrior Of The Light PAULO COELHO


Words Of Wisdom The List Top 20 HEORES

Featured Lightworker BEAR GRYLLS

REGULARS Once Upon A Time... My Journey With Arbonne BY Claire Doré

CONTACT clairedore@myarbonne. www.clairedore.

I am delighted to be sharing my story with you; I am an Arbonne Independent Consultant and Area Manager. I love what I do, I get to use incredible Swiss-formulated products at a discount and then get paid to share them! Simple! But the best thing about my job is that I get to choose who I work with and help to change their lifestyle; that has more flexibility and choice alongside the financial freedom. I live in Wiltshire with my husband John and our 3 gorgeous children. Prior to married and family life I worked in the media and advertising industry - great job, but not once you have children to juggle! So I happily stayed at home as a full time mummy for 6 ½ years and loved it… but then one day my sister Katie Young offered me some of Arbonne’s Swiss botanical skincare that she discovered over in the States… anti-ageing as well, perfect timing! I tried the sample and instantly fell in love with it, I was always looking for safe products and to have anti-ageing as well was just fabulous and such a bonus to be able to sort out my appearing wrinkles! When I went back to my sister to ask how I could get my hands on the products at a cheap price, she told me she was putting her fashion business on hold and starting an Arbonne business, and would I like to do it with her?! Ha! I thought she was mad, I had ‘No time’, so thought she was completely crazy… let me paint you the picture of my life: 3 children under the age of 6, just moved to a small village in Wiltshire so had no local network, my husband was commuting to London every day and I was lucky if I could have a phone conversation without someone asking me if I could “wipe their bottom?” I really felt like I had no time, but there was something about the opportunity that I felt I didn’t want to let this go… and I have to say it has been the best decision I ever made… I love sharing the products, but also I love to teach and train my team and help them achieve their goals; the business is seriously exciting, and such a ground floor opportunity in the UK right now as we have only been here for 3 years.


Arbonne’s products are Swiss-formulated, botanicallybased, vegan-approved and free of any known harmful chemicals. We have a fabulous range for the whole family, men and women’s anti-ageing, baby range, suncare, detox spa range, mineral make up and new wellness products. The results are amazing, they really make a difference and heal people’s skin. We do not have any mineral oil, artificial parabens, animal products, additives, dyes, fragrances or gluten in our products. They are pure, safe and beneficial for both your skin and your health. My business is booming, I have a fabulous team (who are now friends of mine), I get to work with my sister and use the best products on the planet. I am always looking for new people to join my team who are looking for a sociable, fun and flexible business to fit around an existing business or family life. The qualities you need as a consultant are passion, commitment, communication, teamwork, reliability and honesty. Also I am very excited to share that my sister and I have just launched our new online branding as the ‘Skincare Sisters’, please check out our blog site, please comment, share, follow and tweet with us! Also, if you would like to contact me directly my email is or you can check out my website… Thank you for reading and look forward to sharing Arbonne with you!

As a special offer to all Lightworker readers, I would like to give you all a 10% discount on all the Arbonne products.



The secret to life is good timing.

By tuning into the energy of the planets we can all live more harmonious lives. Every month I will be choosing a reader question to answer, so email your enquiries about Astrology to

the more stoic and thorough sign of Capricorn.

Any planets here will be especially potent and dominate the rest of the chart. The first planet can Reader question – THE FIRST HOUSE even act like a lifetime guide bringing you back to What does the First House represent? your core self any time it is aspected throughout your life. For example, Mars in the first house is The First House is the section of your chart that sits dynamic and, at times, impetuous. A slow moving, just under the Ascendant at the 8-9pm position. The considerate Taurus may well be quicker to flare up Ascendant both colours our view of the world and than another of their sign if Mars is the dominant how we project our true colours onto the world. planet. The First House is largely concerned with Self.

The opposite 7th house of partnerships is where our self is reflected back to us and can provide some of As the Soul begins its journey through the houses, the most difficult self realisations that we encounter we are like a new-born in the First. Full of energy and in life. demanding attention, this is the place in the chart where we realise that we exist and shout it out to the Above all, be true to yourself as the saying goes. To world. fully realize your true self, study the first house. Whichever Zodiac signs fall entirely or partly in the first house will have a large influence on our selfimage and we can often act out these attributes without even realising it. We wear the colours, walk the walk and talk the talk of signs in house number one. For example, Aries in the first house is tenacious and pioneering, even if the person has a gentler Cancer Sun, these Arian traits will burst through and be noticed. Gemini in the first house will give the person a quick witted, chatty air even if the Sun is in



Mercury re-enters your sign as it goes retrograde for most of August. This means that you will have played host to the planet of communication for over 2 months by the time it enters Virgo on 10th September. In August you have a chance to completely rethink certain aspects of your life. Compromise, diplomacy and understanding will be the key to creating more harmonious relationships as Venus travels next to the Sun all month. This could be excellent for your most intimate connections if you can find the middle ground.


Activity in Leo highlights friendships and group activities. Venus, Sun and Moon in this sign on the New Moon will find you at your sociable best. This should last for a few weeks but watch out for Mercury retrograde from 9th onwards as you may inadvertently put your foot in it. Try to think before you speak and choose your words to accurately reflect your thoughts. Things said in jest could be taken wrongly and spoil the atmosphere. Alternatively, you may be the one that takes offence. Be sure to give others the benefit of the doubt.



Mercury and Neptune are influencing both your waking and sleeping mind. Dreams may seem more real than your daily life at times and certainly make more sense. There is an opportunity here to slow down and journey deep inside to find your true calling. Far away from the busyness and distractions of day-today necessities there’s a place where your soul knows all you need to know. Tap into these realms. There will be plenty of messages and synchronicities to guide you.


Your sign sits square to all the lunar and solar activity this month. This can be awkward to deal with, as the answers to any issues that arise do not easily present themselves. You are known as the sign that can dig deep to find the truth. Now is your chance to hone that skill. When your ruling planet turns direct next month, you should be older and wiser and feel more like yourself. Until then, explore every option and try to think inventively when the obvious does not work.


Jupiter continues to empower your daily life and by now you should be feeling confident, competent and good to go. The Leo trio of Sun. Moon and Venus bring out your love and creativity and even though Mercury may cause a few glitches, there is little that can stop you if you apply yourself. You may even experience a few happy mistakes happening as luck is on your side. Ask the Universe for perfect timing and enjoy yourself – others will shine in your reflected light.

The recent Full Moon in Capricorn championed the underdog and went some way to punishing the corrupt and the greedy. Your ruling planet Saturn is known to distinguish good from bad and act accordingly. Every day application to your goals for the past year, whether personal or professional, should now be bearing fruit. August may bring strange opinions from others but your self-worth is rock solid so do not give them undue credit.

Aquarius Leo represents your soul journey through relationships. Aquarius loves to love but not in the usual way. True loving vibration does not follow a rulebook or limit either person. At times it is hard to navigate such unchartered waters but sentimentality, romantic chains and restrictive thinking has to go and you are the ones to show the rest the way. Let go even more and surrender to the Universe and all the love it showers on you daily. We are all ultimately connected and it is only the mind that causes resistance and pain.

Letting go of old emotional behaviour patterns may seem to be difficult but the benefits will be worth it. Your partnerships are up for renovation and if you can see the new in your partner, allow them to be who they are today and explore your connection with fresh eyes, you may realise that what you have been hanging onto is long gone and how much it was weighing you down. Lighter and happier, your future looks much brighter together


The recent Capricorn Full Moon should have rewarded the career Aries who has put in consistent effort over the past year. Use this platform as a launch pad to reach new heights. Communications get a little crazy with Mercury retrograde so double check appointments and your spam folder to avoid mistakes or lost opportunities. Delay any big new plans until September if possible and concentrate on finishing what you have already started.


As Mars moves on and into Cancer, your energy levels may drop a little. This is ok, as you cannot live at full speed all the time. Mercury retrograde will stimulate your quick mind and suggest some alternatives to any problems you have been stuck on lately. Reorganising your home may suddenly seem the most important thing and you love a project to keep you busy. Whether you put up shelves or have a charity clear out, it is while performing these kind of mundane tasks that the deeper mind can be activated.



As Saturn moves forwards, your work life should become more fluent. The quality you are known for has been recognised and you can afford to relax a little and let things come to you. If you have time to get away then this would be a good month to do so. The Mercury madness can be left behind and taking the time to recharge and reassess may well see you alter your goals on your return. If you cannot get away, make room in your life for new and fun experiences – a change is as good as a rest.


Worry lowers our vibration and can cause us to feel dense and bogged down. Repeated often enough this becomes the norm and we forget what it is like to feel light and free. As the planets align in Leo and Aquarius, seek out new friends and stimulating subjects to take you out of yourself and into the unlimited world. Broadening your horizons will help to reduce your personal concerns and give you some much-needed perspective.


REGULARS Leo Climate The Sun passes through the Zodiac sign of Leo from 24th July to 23rd August. The symbol for Leo is the Lion and the ruling planet is the Sun. Blazing strongly at the centre of our Solar System, the Sun empowers the light in our cells and illuminates our Solar Plexus and Heart centres. Like the Lion, Leo energy is sovereign, masterful and proud. Our inner strength and warm-hearted generosity glow and grow under this astrological aspect and, during the hot days and warm nights, we tend to be more sociable and confident .

BIOG Zoe works with your own unique birth chart and compares it with the positions of the planets today, revealing and explaining the windows of opportunity that are opening up around you and how to make the most of your time. Her insights help to give you a better understanding of yourself, your purpose, your loved ones, your talents and the best timing for effortless success in all areas of your life. Zoe also provides full chart interpretation services as well as running classes and workshops.

CONTACT ZOE +44 7984 825928


New Moon – 30th July - 7 degrees Leo The Sun and the Moon are both in Leo on this day in the 7th house of partnerships. Venus travels close to the Sun and Moon, adding to the romantic flavour and bringing peace, harmony and beauty to the weeks that follow. There is a lavish feel to this combination and the desire to shine our creative light can find us happy at centre stage lapping up the applause. Full Moon – 13th August – 20 degrees Aquarius The Aquarius Full moon sits in the first house and close to the ascendant on this day. Equality, Freedom and Unity are the cries of the Aquarian revolutionaries who envisage a world view where we can all be judged on our merits and permanently dismiss the tyrants and despots that have ruled for so long. As our brains receive the update that Uranus ruled Aquarius broadcasts across the cosmic airwaves, our ability to think differently and touch genius will be greatly enhanced.


Look at a situation, person or relationship from all angles. Appreciate that what you see is purely your interpretation. Understand that what makes us different makes us the same. Including: - Astrological insights to help you understand yourself - Lynne McTaggart helps us bond - Dr Menis Yousry helps you find the real you through your hidden memory

Available from 5th September at!


REGULARS Warrior Of The Light Odessa Is Like That BY PAULO COELHO Catherine the Great received some boxes of freshly harvested oranges in the dead cold of winter. The note that came with it said they were from a distant port. The note said, ‘See what we are capable of bringing to you? We need your help to grow even more.’ Impressed, she sent a massive amount of money so that this port could develop further.

CONTACT PAULO www.warriorofthelight. com/eng Twitter: @paulocoelho

However, the oranges had been brought from other countries through the Black Sea. Without telling lies, the note to the empress did not explain the whole truth, as I learned when I disembarked there. The phrase I most heard during my 90 days of aimless travels was ‘Odessa is like that.” When I decided to travel, I knew I needed at least one official commitment each week to help me resist the temptation to return to Brazil too soon. In this case, I agreed to come to Ukraine at the invitation of the government to attend the 20th anniversary forum of the disaster at Chernobyl. The event lasted only one afternoon and the wind was telling me to stay, so I decided to stay another week there. When I was asked what I wanted to do, I explained that I wanted to have some surprise meetings with my readers, giving them only two or three days notice that I was there. Many asked where I wanted to hold these meetings. “Odessa,” I responded, without hesitation. Everyone seemed very surprised. They wanted to know why. I told them I chose it because of Sergey Kostin, who had a project selected by the Schwab Foundation (of which I am board member). During meetings in Davos (the foundation is linked to the World Economic Forum) I was impressed with the Ukrainian men who, without speaking English, were able to not only show their projects, but also raise awareness of their campaign to the business people who were in attendance. Sergey insisted that I should know his city, and since I was being driven by impulses at the time, I felt the time was right to take him up on his offer. In keeping with a tradition that began in Puente la Reina, the local bookseller there organized a party/book signing for 50 readers, chosen by lottery. A friend of mine lent us his plane. When we landed, my representative in Russia asked to see an invitation for the party to make sure that everything was on schedule. “It doesn’t have the date, time or place on it!” “Odessa is like that,” answered the bookseller, “those who received the invitation will phone the number on the invitation 3 hours before the event and receive the necessary


information. Otherwise, we will have many counterfeit tickets.” We did not think there would be many people there, but I asked my representative not to worry since we didn’t have any expectations. I visited the staircase from the movie “Battleship Potemkin,” the only reference I had to the city. Since ‘Odessa is like that,’ the party was a success and there were many more people there than we expected. The bookstore owner introduced me to a gigantic man that he said wanted to make a sculpture of me. I never accept these offers because they usually mean standing and posing for days at a time, and I intended to return to Kiev the next morning, but the bookstore owner insisted. “You will only need to stand for one hour, Odessa is like that.” It was Easter, and Orthodox Easter is an important day for Christianity. I felt like I should accept just to give the man pleasure, as my need to return to Kiev would be a real excuse to limit my stay in his studio. I went there with some friends. Alexander Petrovich Tokarev, the sculptor, says he spent a sleepless night praying (a custom in the Orthodox Church). Even without sleep, the work begins. I’m a little anxious; I don’t think he will achieve anything in such a short time. His hands were sweating profusely, and though they were moving quickly, his movements were precise, a kind of spiritual ballet. The other works in the studio surrounding me showcased his genuine talent and love to achieve the impossible. I began to feel sad because I would soon have to tell him to stop working because I had to leave. However, exactly an hour later, the sculpture was finished! I was reminded once again that if you wish to do something, the universe will conspire in your favour. Why should I have been surprised? After all, Odessa is like that!

Warrior of the Light, a publication



LOV E S THE LIGHTWORKER CIRCLE GUIDE In this book, Wendy explains how to facilitate a spiritual group to explore channelling, healing and divination, make contact with angels and spirit guides, and reveal to the world messages from the spirit realms. She is donating all royalties to the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, which works to save endangered species from extinction.

LIFE AND LAUGHING - MICHAEL MCINTYRE As a comic who is clever with his humour – only Michael McIntyre can create an hilarious sketch out of ‘The Man Drawer’ – this book is an enriching, funny and poignant insight into his life so far; from debts to best-selling DVDS, his is the perfect tale of tenacity reaping its rewards.

MAKE A WISH This charity grants magical wishes to children and young people fighting life-threatening illnesses. It brings a tear to the eye and IMMENSE admiration and love for each determined soul that battles on and receives their dream once-in-a-lifetime wish.


REGULARS WORDS OF WISDOM Patience and tenacity are worth more than twice their weight of cleverness. Thomas Huxley Men never cling to their dreams with such tenacity as at the moment when they are losing faith in them, and know it, but do not dare yet to confess it to themselves. William Graham Sumner To succeed in life in today’s world, you must have the will and tenacity to finish the job. Chin-Ning Chu A wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance and tenacity. The order varies for any given year. Paul Sweeney



1. James Bond 2. Indiana Jones 3. Superman 4. Harry Potter 5. Ellen Ripley (Aliens) 6. John McClane (Die Hard) 7. Han Solo (Star Wars) 8. Buffy the Vampire Slayer 9. Robin Hood 10. Spider Man 11. Mad Max 12. Captain James T. Kirk (Star Trek) 13. Foxy Brown 14. Will Kane (High Noon) 15. Dirty Harry 16. Jack Bauer (24) 17. Nancy Drew 18. Batman 19. Atticus Finch (To Kill a Mockingbird) 20. Sydney Bristow (Alias)

Source: Entertainment Weekly


REGULARS Featured Lightworker BEAR GRYLLS Inspire

For Bear Grylls, it is not just about pushing his limits; it’s about overcoming challenges, and living your dreams. This belief - and Bear’s gift for communication - has led him to become a world-class motivational speaker, author and TV host. His passion and enthusiasm for the outdoors are now shared and enjoyed through his TV programs in over 150 different countries, reaching over one billion people worldwide, and Bear cites his desired legacy as “to have touched peoples lives and to have encouraged many to not be scared to follow their dreams.”

Challenge Bear is a man who has always loved adventure. After breaking his back in three places in a parachuting accident, he fought his way to recovery, and two years later entered the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest Briton to climb Mount Everest, aged only 23. He has since led ground-breaking expeditions across the world and believes “life is really very simple: what you put in, is what you get out.”

Educate In 2009, Bear was chosen and appointed as Chief Scout, and figurehead to 28 million Scouts worldwide. His mission is clear: to help and encourage every young person to be able to live their own adventure through Scouting. Bear considers this his proudest task.


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