Lightworker 11.11

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NOVE M B E R 20 1 1



EDITOR’S NOTE My own working life has taken me from corporate tax accountant to intuitive channel - quite a journey! But beneath the labels, I am a people person, and the common denominator underpinning each day of my life has been my desire to love more, share more and express more. That is my purpose, and it’s what galvanises me out of bed each morning. So what is your life’s work? What will you look back on with a sense of pride and achievement, simply because you shared it from the heart with every fibre of your wondrous being? My sincere wish is that each of you receive the opportunity to live your purpose - to connect with your soul’s truth and align with it every day - for this is the greatest gift you can offer the world. This path is not for the lucky few, I can assure you of that, it is the divine right of each being that lives and breathes. So if you currently feel off-course, unsure or afraid, take heart from the calm wisdom of your soul, and know that you will find your spark if you relax and open your mind to the possibilities. Trust in the Universe, believe in yourself, and let yourself soar high with the angels. This is what you incarnated to be and do, this is who you are, this is your work. Love and light

Rachel Willis Editor


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Healing F o r T h e 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 S h i f t There is so much to be done, so many to heal and people to help, so much work being undertaken on a soul level with energies healing left, right and centre. All in time for the shift, the 11.11.11 shift is the first to be enacted and this shift brings with it the energies of new that are being sent to the earth to uplift the planet and bring it nearer to Source. The changes are being brought rapidly to heal and align the community with their truth, thereby opening them to access more light within their cells and their being. This is needed to ensure the light injections are held on the planet and tethered securely. This tethering comes with light and the beings on the planet who hold the light are the tether-ers! So know that the healing underway is to tether, it is to heal and open the doorway for the light to enter the planet. For sufficient wholeness to be present for the light to hold and be tethered securely. No one is beyond healing and everyone can receive the light if they open their hearts to holding it. Open your hearts and you shall feel the love, this is where the light enters and is stored for beaming around the planet. This is the centre of your being for this new pure light. This is the core of your wholeness and where we ask you to focus your healing work, for now. The light will come on 11.11.11, so be aware and ready to receive, in whatever unique form that takes for you. You shall feel the strength of it arriving, and we ask that you allow the purity to enrich your aura and all that surrounds you, in this way you optimise the light and receive the most beauty and healing power for the planet from it.








Connecting With Each Of The Realms Part III


A Mermaid’s Guide To Loving Your Work


How To Work As Your Own Energy Healer


The 11:11 Phenomenon



Lightworker in Training


Lightworker Challenge


Studying at the University of Life


Meditation Lyrics

It’s OK, It’s Going To Be Alright



Love Your Life’s Work


Under The Spotlight


Glow with Health & Wellbeing

Moments of Light

Once Upon A Time...


Stars And Planets


Paulo Coelho


Lightworker Loves...


Words Of Wisdom


The List


Featured Lightworker




Joanna Mary loves doing handstands with her friends and laughing out loud, is a qualified freediver and feel most at home in the water, and currently lives in India where she is exploring the ancient yogic teachings and absorbing the energy of this magical land!

Anita loves to laugh, loves animals, and enjoys good chocolate!

Hilary was born during a very heavy blizzard in the north east of England, once grew her hair so long that she was able to sit on it, and is a Pisces with moon in Capricorn and mercury in Aquarius.




Connecting With Each Of The Realms Part III FLAVIA-KATE PETERS

A Mermaid’s Guide To Loving Your Work JOANNA MARY PEARCE

How To Work As Your Own Energy Healer MARY ANN ROBBAT

The 11:11 Phenomenon HILARY CARTER

Meditation Lyrics ANGELO WORTHY

Love Your Life’s Work PENNY MUNSLOW

Under The Spotlight ANITA MOORJANI

FEATURES Connecting With Each Of The Realms Part III - The Unicorn Realm BY FLAVIA KATE PETERS This month I would like to introduce you to Unicorns. Unicorns are highly evolved glowing ethereal horses who have pure light, in the shape of a spiralling horn, pouring from their third eye - radiations of spiritual energy - of dignity, honour, grace, healing and clarity.

BIOG Flavia Kate Peters is widely regarded as the UK’s Angel and Faery advocate. Flavia Kate is a natural spiritual healer and clairvoyant who offers angel guidance & healing sessions. She also gives workshops and talks at events such as Mind Body Spirit Festival, Tree of Life and many more throughout the year. As a successful writer, she is a regular columnist for FAE Magazine and her teachings and stories are featured in magazines & books including The Wonder of Unicorns by Diana Cooper. Flavia Kate has been a guest on TV chat shows as well as for BBC Radio. Her meditation CD ‘Away with the Fairies!’ was an instant hit for people of all ages. She is a singer with the band Daughters Of Gaia and and regularly performs throughout the UK with band founder Barbara Meiklejohn Free as a duo called ‘Heaven and Earth’. You can follow Flavia Kate’s

events diary at www. and contact her at mail@


For eons the unicorns lived physically on the Earth Plane to assist in bringing and holding the energies of beauty, purity and Divine innocence. As the energies on Earth became heavier, due to humans loss of connection with Source, many unicorns began to withdraw from their physical incarnation as their pure essences couldn’t remain in the low vibrations. Those unicorns who stayed in physical form eventually became hunted and this was for the magical properties of the horn. The last reported sightings were in the Middle Ages. Gradually as time has passed the unicorn has turned into a ‘mythical’ creature - much like people assume the fairies and the rest of the Elemental Realm are. And like the fairies and others, the unicorns turned into etheric form so that only the pure of heart, advanced souls and sentient beings can see them. Now that Earth is ascending the unicorns are returning and making themselves known to those with pure energies and to the many people who have been unicorns in previous incarnations. These people are now remembering their passion for unicorns and are being being guided and drawn to these pure light beings, in order to work with and assist them in helping with the ascension process.

Here is a beautiful guided meditation to help you to meet and connect with your unicorn guide.

FEATURES A Mermaid’s Guide To Loving Your Work BY JOANNA MARY PEARCE Mermaids symbolize hope and the power of the divine feminine. Many people are struggling to find fulfillment in their work life. Even if you enjoy your job, there are probably still some aspects of your work that can feel like a chore! Here are some tips from the mermaids to bring their playful energy into the workplace:

1. Pearls of wisdom The mermaids encourage us to add some pearls to our work wardrobe. When we wear pearls, it reminds us of our connection to the ocean. You might like to add a string of pearls to spice up that suit or a pair of cufflinks made from mother of pearl. Even if you have to wear a uniform to work then you can add a small pair of pearl earrings or a brooch. Wearing pearls can act as a reminder of our innate divine nature. Next time you encounter a challenge in the workplace, run your finger across the pearls and take a deep breath as if you are by the ocean!

2. A breath of fresh air When you feel overwhelmed by your workload, step outside and take a breath of fresh air. The mermaids are famous for sitting outside on a rock all day so embrace that feeling and find a spot outside where you can breathe and gather your thoughts. When you return to your desk you will feel bright and refreshed! Allowing yourself a few moments of space will help to clear your mind and see the horizon more clearly.

3. Comb your hair The simple act of brushing your hair can remove heavy energy and put a spring in your step! When you sit in an office or a contained workspace all day, the energy can become stagnant. Pop out to the bathroom for a few minutes and lovingly comb your hair. We all enjoy the image of a mermaid combing her hair so embody the divine mermaid in you! You might even like to treat yourself to a beautiful new comb or hairbrush that has an extra feminine handle for you to hold.

4. Sacred workspace Mermaids like to collect treasure and decorate their underwater caves. Place a special keepsake on your desk to motivate you during the workday. Something as simple as a shell or a postcard can serve as a powerful boost to your personal work area. Next time you receive an e-mail or phone call that raises your stress levels, glance at your treasure and be inspired to look for the beauty in all situations!



BIOG Joanna Mary Pearce is the author of a monthly mermaid inspiration blog. She is a qualified Angel teacher from the Diana Cooper School and teaches yoga in the Anusara tradition. She is currently writing her debut children’s novel. You can subscribe to her blog HERE.

When the divine feminine mermaid connects with the sailor, the male and female energies unite. It is important to strike this balance in the workplace. Both men and women have divine masculine and divine feminine qualities. The mermaids encourage us to honour both of these aspects in our co-workers and to celebrate each other. As a woman, it is not necessary to stifle your feminine qualities and become more masculine in order to succeed. Your femininity is an asset and it is time to start recognizing the power of the female spirit and bring balance to the workplace!

6. Dive deeper Don’t be afraid to take on new responsibilities at work. If you are feeling stagnant then explore new possibilities within your current role. Suggest new methods to your boss or outline ways to streamline your work so that you can move forward in other areas. Communication is vital so be brave and speak to your superiors about your feelings and ideas. Mermaids are not afraid of depths so take a deep breath and pluck up the courage to propel yourself forward with your powerful mermaid tail!

7. Hope Whatever your job, know that you are making an important contribution to society and your life journey. When sailors are in trouble at sea, the mermaids appear to provide them with hope. If your job is really getting you down, focus on the positive aspects that it brings into your life. For example, the money that you are earning will allow you to pay for that spiritual workshop that you want to attend. When the time is right, you will jump off the ship and make waves in a new fulfilling career. Never give up hope!


FEATURES How To Work As Your Own Energy Healer BY MARY ANN ROBBAT Adapted from her new book, “Engaging Your Power”

BIOG Mary Ann Robbat is a widely esteemed energy healer, shaman, and coach, and runs the Robbat Center for Advancement of Energy Healing, which trains people in energybased healing modalities. Her forthcoming book is Engaging Your Power: Using Your Divine Energy to Have the Life You Want. Want to learn how to clear up energy blocks and get your energy flowing freely throughout your body? I’ll walk you through it, step by step, at my blog.

CONTACT www.sageswisdom.

Once you learn to feel and work with your body’s own three energy systems - spiritual, life force, and identity - it can open up a whole new way to deal with negative emotions such as mild depression or anxiety and the physical symptoms that result from these conditions. Don’t know how to find or tap into your energy fields? Here are three simple ways to get started.

Step 1: “Play ball” with your energy field.

Place your hands about 6 inches apart with palms facing the ceiling. Imagine a 6-inch white ball of light on your right hand. Focus, and when you can really feel, see, or sense the ball of light, throw the ball to your other hand. As you toss it back and forth, pay attention to how it feels. Is there a tingling or buzzing sensation? Congratulations - you can now feel your energy field. Now, imagine this ball of light inside your stomach; focus on feeling the ball expand and try to move it up through your body and out the top of your head. Is the energy flowing easily, quickly, and lightly, or did it move slowly and heavily? This will give you an indication of how freely the energy is flowing within your energy field. If the ball of light moved really slowly or felt heavy, you probably have what we call energetic blocks. When you have energetic blocks, you cannot feel all of your natural vibrancy.

Step 2: Practice “reading” your own aura.

Your aura is like a snapshot of your emotional state at any one time. Auras can and do change. Here’s a simple way to sense yours. Hold your hands 2-4 inches from your body. Move your hands in and out to see where your aura starts. It may be subtle and may take you several tries. Once you feel where it begins, follow the energy out from your body with your hands to see how extensive it is. A very expansive aura usually indicates that you are feeling good and emotionally balanced. An aura that is tight or condensed around your body usually indicates that your emotional wellbeing is not as balanced as it could be.

Step 3: Locate your identity energy blocks.

In your mind, relive a time or event in your life when everything was going well and you felt on top of the world. Put yourself in that time and place, and do it several times until it’s vivid. Now, put your hand about 3 inches from your solar plexus (the indentation below your chest but above your stomach) and feel if the energy feels light, heavy, big, expansive, contracted, and so on. Move your hand away from your body to see how far your energy extends (your hand should just move naturally outward, if all is well). Now, think of a time in your life when you felt powerless, disappointed, rejected, unloved, or unappreciated. Go through the solar plexus exercise, above. After doing this, you will know if you have energy that’s blocked in your solar plexus, which is the center of your body’s self-power.


FEATURES The 11:11 Phenomenon BY HILARY CARTER There’s a quiet phenomenon taking place. There are people all over the world who are connected by this phenomenon. On the whole they don’t know each other, but they share this unusual common bond. It’s a mystery why this is happening to them but these people do not doubt that it is happening. What is it? It’s the appearance of the number 11:11. For some reason, a growing number of people are finding that they always glance at the clock just as the digits line up at 11:11. Significant email correspondence is sent to them at 11:11am or 11:11pm. Or somebody phones them at exactly 11.11. Those of you who are not experiencing this in your own lives will probably just dismiss it as coincidence or imagination. However, once your own personal 11:11 wake up call arrives you will then know for certain that there is something very strange happening here, and it is happening in a way that is far beyond what we can describe as coincidental. When the number 11:11 began to appear in my own life about five years ago, I had no idea why it was happening. Even my research on the internet did not give me any reasonable answer that I could understand and relate directly to my personal experiences. There were websites that spoke of cosmic events linked to 11:11 and of portals opening, but that did not help to explain why I would suddenly get a batch of five emails all sent at 11:11am. In my quest for an answer to the question ‘What does the number 11:11 mean for me?’ I decided that I would use its appearance as a ‘sign’ and see what would happen if I followed it. I was certainly not prepared for what actually did happen! I was taken on the greatest adventure of my life. It was a difficult, challenging and sometimes very painful journey, but at the end of it I believe that I had found the answer to my question. So what does the 11:11 mean? I think it shows us the way to live beyond the ego. I’m sure most of you reading this are aware of The Secret. This teaches us that we can manifest anything we desire. I know it works because I have tried it. But (and this is a big but) whatever we manifest has its source in or through the mind. However altruistic or charitable our dream, it comes from the mind, from thought. I believe that 11:11 manifests from beyond the mind. The 11:11 sign led me to buy an ancient Spanish convent. I didn’t like the convent. I didn’t want it. But I by-passed my ego’s likes and dislikes because of my determination to find an answer to the 11:11 puzzle. I think that the 11:11 guides you towards your destiny. It shows you the part that you are to play in our journey back to Oneness. My own personal contribution to returning to the One consciousness that we are is to clear certain sites on the earth’s grid. I don’t do this alone, for the perfect people are put in my path to help me with this work. Somehow the more I surrender my ego, the more magic and miracles I encounter.


BIOG Hilary Carter is cocreator ofTaiyoga and cofounder of HigherMoon transformational workshops. She studied energy healing and Tai Chi in London before qualifying as a British Wheel of Yoga teacher. She is also a workshop leader and consultant astrologer, having studied with the worldrenowned faculty of Astrological Studies in London.


The 11:11 is still appearing in my life to guide me. I have now bought a second ancient convent, this time in the heart of prehistory in the south of France. Despite its dilapidated state, I didn’t hestitate to buy it when I saw the map reference for it was 1.11. I subsequently discovered it lies on the 1.1 line of latitude. It’s only been five years since I started my 11:11 journey but I can see that this phenomenon is rapidly gathering pace as we approach 2012. People are becoming aware that 21.12.2012 (add those numbers up!) is the winter solstice and the ending of the Mayan Calendar. What time does the winter solstice occur that year? At exactly 11.11am. Hollywood has now woken up to the 11:11 phenomenon and Darren Lynn Bousman, director of the famous ‘saw’ horror movies, will soon release his scariest film to date. It will be called 11.11.11. and will be released on 11.11.11. This film will link the 11:11 to fear, yet it is not a sign to fear. It is a sign that your junk DNA is being reactivated. In other words, you are waking up! So if you see the 11:11 appearing in your life I suggest you pause and take note. It could be showing you that it’s time to find out what part you have chosen to play in our return to Oneness.

Have you ever looked at the clock and been surprised at how often it says 11.11 or 2.22 or 3.33? The 11.11 Code tells the story of yoga teacher Hilary Carter who was brave enough to follow the coincidences around numbers to see what would happen. To her amazement the number signs, in particular 11.11, led her to the mountains of Andalucia in Spain. You will never look at the world in the same way after reading this book; for once you are awakened to the 11.11 sign there is no going back to sleep.


FEATURES Meditation Lyrics BY ANGELO WORTHY Live in the present and treat it like a gift. Know that life is a play and we write the script. All the world is a stage so whether it displays a tragedy or a comedy depends upon the ways in which we view the scenes. What will it take for you to see that optimism turns obstacles into opportunities. the material world can only appear real when filtered through the realm of thought which is ethereal. And the fact that thoughts exist as a manifestation of consciousness can not be debated. So whether your mind state is melancholy or elated is related to the way that you exclusively create it. Those who understand life fully are more reluctant to embrace fear which is inherently counter productive. So it is with great love that I offer this injunction in order to restore your mind to its proper function.


a marksman is what I’m trained to be. I always hit the target and I aim to please. Author I offer the lost souls gospel, like a warrior firing ammunition of a crossbow. The Mariachi of verbal archery launching star seed darts from a guitar string into your thought stream. instantly causing harmony and ultimately growing into a dharma tree. A fearful mind is self sabotage. True nature is absent. Trapped in a mirage. Crowded by a collage of thought the mind is clouded. A fabric of confusion leaving it enshrouded in darkness. In this condition ignorance grows. Light diminishes when mental imprisonment is imposed. It is your fate to fail to escape the jail until you allow the light to penetrate the veil. We’re all capable of ending the curse. Though it seems inescapable it can be reversed but first an individual must be willing to sit still in order to coax the mind from it’s milling. Clearly revealing a feeling that’s fulfilling. one of the many thrilling aspects of meditation. Through proper practice and patience the mind becomes vacant. Ultimately allowing your true nature to reawaken.


BIOG Angelo Worthy is a poet, songwriter, artist and spiritual seeker. In addition to his creative pursuits he has developed his mental capabilities to explore the mystical realms of lucid dreaming and astral projection. Angelo uses these experiences as inspiration for his artistic endeavors. He has completed a catalog of songs on a variety topics, all of which are dedicated to addressing the nature of existence and consciousness.

CONTACT You can hear his music and read his writings at myspace. c o m / a n g e l o .w o r t h y or www.facebook. com/pages/AngeloWorthy/294546334819.


a marksman is what I’m trained to be. I always hit the target and I aim to please. Author I offer the lost souls gospel, like a warrior firing ammunition of a crossbow. The Mariachi of verbal archery launching star seed darts from a guitar string into your thought stream. instantly causing harmony and ultimately growing into a dharma tree. The use of meditation causes our bonds to loosen. A ritual conducive to spiritual evolution. Unburdened by fear the mind becomes translucent and infinite bliss is what it produces. Consider the mind similar to a factory. Love is the main product it should be manufacturing. Simply allow it to fill you to capacity until you overflow and share it with others naturally. Love is an infinite source which isn’t meant to be hoarded. Once we share it with others we’re instantly rewarded. Then we can put our past transgressions behind us as we come to embrace a higher level of conduct. Spending our energy on solving our problems by resolving our karma and finding Nirvana. Lets keep our minds centered surrendering to serenity. As we take steps toward Satchitananda.


a marksman is what I’m trained to be. I always hit the target and I aim to please. Author I offer the lost souls gospel, like a warrior firing ammunition of a crossbow. The Mariachi of verbal archery launching star seed darts from a guitar string into your thought stream. instantly causing harmony and ultimately growing into a dharma tree.

Click here to listen to Angelo’s track.




Help Needed I am writing a book of spiritual philosophy from my dreams, visions, spiritual experiences and inspired writing and thought. I present spiritual interpretations and research includes the mythology and mysticism of many faiths. I also include my experiences with spiritual Healing, especially with animals, for which I make no charge. I feel the work important enough to be free to all which is why I am currently preparing a website for the purpose of publishing my work. There will be a button for donations which will be split between my admin costs and the creation of a charity to help pensioners and others on low incomes in the support of veterinary fees. I plan to publish a hard copy for those who do not have access to the Internet. At the same time, I am preparing a second web site devoted to the Healing and again I shall have a button for donations. There is a page devoted to my recurring dreams of animals, that I do not recognize, but who are sick or lost, as well as animal anecdotes. I am desperate to find a like-minded person who would help me with typing as well as help maintain the website and the charity, both now and for the long term future. The project has been my life’s work and now as a pensioner on a limited income, I am not able to offer much in the way of wages at this time. If you would like to help and you live in the Exeter, Devon area, please telephone 01392 435400 or send email to:


FEATURES Love Your Life’s Work BY PENNIE MUNSLOW Every second of every hour of every waking day, we are in a relationship with everything in our life – people, objects, situations; in fact, absolutely everything we interact with. Work is one such relationship, and just like our relations with people, can bring with it much joy and happiness, yet also great upset and heartache. Work is a four-letter word - just like Love. The second letter of each is an ‘o’, yet this is where the similarity ends. The word Love inherently carries a much lighter energy, whereas there is often considerably denser energy around the word Work. But why should this be? The letter ‘o’ can also be viewed as a circle. Within the word Love, the ‘o’ reflects a wholesomeness, continuity and completeness. Love is eternal; it goes on forever and completely enriches our lives. The ‘o’ in Work, however, can sometimes appear to be a noose around our necks, a trap with no means of escape, a drudgery whereby we have to keep doing a job that maybe we don’t even like in order to keep a roof over our heads, food on the table and clothes on our backs. Instead of enjoying the life we have chosen to come back to live, we become weighed down as we struggle to find a way out of what we have created for ourselves.

Taking a look within What is the truth of who we are inside ourselves manifests in our outer reality. As Mahatma Gandi said, “Be the change that you want to see in the world”. Looking at the situation in your life right now, ask yourself the following questions: 1. Do I look forward to going to work? 2. Do I enjoy being at work and the job that I do there? 3. If the answer to the above two questions is ‘no’, then what it is that I don’t like about my work/job? 4. If I truly love myself, would I have put myself in that situation? 5. What advice would I give to my best friend if they were in the same situation? 6. What makes my Heart sing and how can I incorporate that into a working environment? There are still many people in the world today looking at work from a negative viewpoint. Perhaps they accept the only job available rather than discovering their true passion and directing all their love and attention towards creating that perfect role into their lives. You spend a large proportion of your life working, so why would you do something you don’t enjoy? Your life is a precious gift, one to be lived and experienced - working plays a large part in this. Normally inherited from our parents and grandparents, our view of work is often programmed into us as a result of their attitude towards it.


BIOG Pennie is a chartered surveyor, holistic workshop facilitator, energy healer and Earth healer. She is married with two daughters. She spent six years in New Zealand, exploring her own spiritual side and the spiritual aspect of the land, Mother Earth and the Universe. She also qualified as an Elohim energy healer, regularly seeing clients on a one to one basis. She now lives back in the UK.


As a fun exercise, why not try looking right now at the job you are doing and see what happens – what words pop into your head? What do you feel, hear, or smell? Do you recognise your parents, grandparents, your teachers, in your reactions? Remember that you are a unique and special individual who has chosen to come back to Earth at this present time for a specific reason. Because of this, you chose your parents, family, where in the world you wanted to live, your culture and the financial situation in which you were going to find yourself. However, when you are living in your headspace you forget this. It is only when you go into your Heart and feel the Love there that you start remembering. You are already connected to the Infinite Love that creates All That Is. The joy of living as a human being is remembering that you carry this beautiful divine spark inside that connects you to your spiritual, immortal self. Many are now awakening and remembering this connection to All That Is, understanding why they came back, being pulled towards their soul purpose; their life’s work.

Through the eyes of love So now I invite you to look at yourself through the eyes of Love, feel the movement of Love in your Heart for yourself and ask yourself honestly “Is this the right job for me? Does it give me excitement, do I feel fulfilment?” If the answer to all these questions is ‘yes’, then you have successfully merged your mind with your Heart and you are incorporating Love within your work to create the highest and best result for both you and everyone else whose lives you touch. However, if the answer is ‘no’, I invite you to take a look at how you are spending your working life in more detail. Go into your Heart and feel what is right for you – your Heart will always guide you. This may mean change - moving jobs, altering a career path, even relocating to a different country - but the outcome will bring so much more love, happiness, joy and fulfilment into your life and all those around you. Life is for living and loving; you are here to enjoy life and do only what makes your Heart sing. You are a brilliant being who needs to shine your light into the world. By not fulfilling this purpose, you are not being true to yourself, and you are also depriving others of the gifts you could bring to them. When you remember that every relationships starts with you, by choosing Love each time you can change any situation in your world that you no longer relate to and find your decisions much easier to make.

As an energy healer, Pennie runs workshops, classes and spiritual journeys across the globe supporting others to reconnect to Love – Her first book The Circle of Life is available from, Amazon and all good bookstores. (Price £12.99)


FEATURES Under The Spotlight ANITA MOORJANI Anita Moorjani’s story is one that literally defies words… she was minutes from dying of cancer, and then underwent a near-death experience that not only brought her back to full health but also infused her with love and a whole new life path.

BIOG Anita Moorjani was born in Singapore of Indian parents, moved to Hong Kong at the age of two, and has lived in Hong Kong most of her life. Because of her background and British education, she is multi lingual and, from the age of two, grew up speaking English, Cantonese and an Indian dialect simultaneously, and later learned French at school. She had been working in the corporate field before being diagnosed with cancer in April of 2002. Her fascinating and moving near-death experience in early 2006 has tremendously changed her perspective on life. Her work is now ingrained with the depths and insights she gained while in the other realm.



With an experience such as this, the only way to fully appreciate its depth is to hear the intricacies shared directly, so click here to listen to Anita’s chat with Rachel about that fateful day and her life since…

Click here to buy Anita’s book




Glow With Health And Wellbeing STU GATHERUM

Lightworker In Training HETTA ROGERS

Lightworker Challenge KAY GILLARD

Studying At The University Of Life ELIZABETH VILLANI

It’s OK, It’s Going To Be Alright HENRY CUMMING

Moments Of Light TOM EVANS


KN OW health Working Out By Stu Gatherum Stu is a passionate and focused Strength and Conditioning specialist who is committed to delivering outstanding results in fitness, nutrition and total health and wellness.

CONTACT STU Twitter: @stugatherum +44 7816 240137

Hi everyone, welcome to Lightworker! Last month we talked about vision and I tried to impart wisdom about the importance of perspective in the visions and goals you set, be it in the gym or in life in general. This month, my job is to talk you through the importance of work. Work really should be simple for me to discuss seeing as this is how the gym and fitness in general is viewed, right? The main point for me is this: we all know we need to work at our health and fitness, but I want to show that it is not all gruelling and as ‘blood, sweat and tears’ as we used to view it. The main thing when discussing work is to make sure that you are efficient. It is all well and good ‘working’ really hard in the gym, but if your direction is wrong you won’t ever achieve the results you crave. So now we are getting somewhere… direction of intensity is important. I’m not going to lie and tell you it’s all fairy-dust and marshmallows in the gym! If you want to achieve, you must exert yourself to a higher level than you are comfortable with, if even for a short period. Progressive overload is one of the main principles to grasp when discussing fitness. I am, however, going to highlight the importance of recovery to accompany your work. If you go to the gym four days a week (I know, I know, it’s a lot, but it’s just an example. Bear with me.) and only exert yourself to 70% of your maximum because you are tired from the previous workout and haven’t recovered properly, you overall results will suffer. Add all those 70% up over the course of a week and you reach 280%. How about we give you more rest and have you go to the gym three times a week, but because you are rested and have recovered you can work to your own personal 100% you will achieve a whopping


GLOW WITH HEALTH AND WELLBEING 300% in only three-quarters of the time! Well done you. It was a bit of a wayward example but my point is this: you only have to put in the work efficiently and remember that it’s not a very large chunk of your day, and even less of a chunk of your week, to realise that you can be in the best shape of your life if you simply work effectively.

Stu’s Tips For Effective Work - Choose compound exercises (ones that use large muscle groups and more than one joint) such as squats and lunges, instead of smaller ones like bicep curls. - Take less rest. The same workout performed in less time is harder. Don’t allow complete recovery before you start your next exercise and you will create more stress for your body to deal with – in a good way! - Do the exercises you don’t like first. Chances are you don’t like them because they are a) hard or b) you’re not great at them. Both a and b mean you need to practice them. - Do more intervals and less steady-state cardio. Interval training causes more of a metabolic shift meaning you burn calories at a higher rate and are a sure way to improve fitness. *Please don’t do anything crazy without consulting your doctor first or speaking to a trainer to have your blood pressure checked. Please don’t be shy, I would love to hear how you are getting on… Have a great month!


KN OW education Work By HETTA ROGERS Hetta’s background is in Art History and Literature. After spending seven years training to be and working as a lawyer, she left all that behind to go travelling, but has now returned to the bright lights of London to work in the communications industry.

CONTACT HETTA hetta@lightworkermag. com

What am I here to do? It’s a question I ponder often, yet still I do not know the answer. Not absolutely.

When I grow up There are several things with which I fill my time that make my heart race and my soul soar. Writing is one of them: telling stories, sharing experiences and encounters, relaying wisdom given to me, creating images with words. Another is sport and fitness - running, yoga, Pilates, riding, hiking, cycling, circuits, strength training. The list is endless. If it involves sweat and fresh air, I am happy! At times I believe I might have made a good personal trainer, not least because I have my father’s ability to run fast and my mother’s ability to shout at full volume, but that is not a path I have chosen to walk; not yet. Despite all this pondering, I am learning that not yet knowing what I am here to do is okay; that for all of us, and particularly for those who might be in transitional periods or stages of growth and discovery, there are infinite possibilities as yet untouched and passions untapped.

A ship with no sail So for people like us - like me - who in moments of self-doubt or fear feel as though they are without purpose (or, as I think of it, a ship without a sail), what comfort is there? A friend once imparted some great advice to me at a time when I was deciding whether or not to change careers and do something other than law. It has forever stuck in my mind. He said: “You, I, we don’t need to be a “thing” to know ourselves or to have worth; we don’t need a job title or a label to live with purpose. We must only be authentic and true to ourselves to be the best we can be. We can try many things, explore many pathways and be curious and passionate in each activity we pursue in life. It will all be purposeful, then. It will all take us where we are meant to go.” With that in mind, the life I choose is one of vibrancy and variety wherever possible. And by that I don’t mean year-long trips around the world and high-octane hobbies. We can all live with gusto and enthusiasm and, in doing so, can feel that elusive sensation of purpose and belonging flood our being. Wonder exists in the smallest and simplest of experiences: in reading different books, watching films, eating well, listening to music, having an opinion, being aware, exploring, meditating, getting outside and roaming, being brave, being honest with yourself and others, laughing, taking chances and loving with an open-heart. For it is arguable that the greatest purpose of all - and which we all share - is love.


LIGHTWORKER IN TRAINING Follow your heart Had I been a betting sort, I’d say that most of us have been told to follow our hearts at one point or other. But what does it mean? And how does one shake off that innate self-doubt or self-consciousness to make those bold decisions? Steve Jobs’ very sad and untimely death in October generated a worldwide wave of warm, loving and creative tributes to the man who could list being the co-founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Apple Inc amongst his many achievements.

Stay hungry, stay foolish One of the most pertinent reminders of our ability to live with purpose came from Jobs himself in an address he made to graduating students at Stanford University in the summer of 2005. Using very well thought-out and powerful rhetoric, he touched on his (and our) mortality in this life as a key source of courage. It is particularly pertinent knowing that the address was given a year after Jobs was first diagnosed with cancer. This is what he said: “Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything - all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die... is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart… Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice… Stay hungry, stay foolish.” (Steve Jobs, 2005) It is a perfect reminder that to know our purpose, to discover who we are, we first need to cast off any fears that might be holding us back. We need to drown out the cacophony of doubting inner voices to hear the one voice that rings true; the one that says we owe it to ourselves to be the best we can be: to be authentic.


KN OW relationship Nothing Escapes ‘The Work’ By KAY GILLARD Kay Gillard is a shamanic healer and teacher based in South East London. She takes clients in person and at distance, working to restore the true authentic self to power. Kay currently teaches and gives talks throughout the south of England as well as working as a writer and broadcaster.

CONTACT KAY w w w. s t a r f i r e a l c h e m y.

As Lightworkers, we come into this world with a purpose. In the ‘Understand’ edition I talked a lot about this, about how we can understand our life purpose from the dual perspective of how we came here to serve and what we are here to learn. This month, I want to tackle a different question: what is your relationship to The Work? If you, like me, see your position as an energy worker and spiritual seeker as being central to who you are, how do you integrate this within your life? And how does it affect your other relationships? OK. That’s three questions. But really, they are all one question, because the world we live in is a complex, beautiful, interwoven tapestry where everything affects everything else. There are certain things we have at our core and I think that many Lightworkers will have a similar view on this to me: The Work is at my core. For me, this is about restoring the true self to power, and helping others do the same. It means that healing, growth, change, truth and authenticity are sovereign. What is at your core? Is it the work you feel you are here to do, your light-work? If so, it is from this point that you weave your tapestry.

The influence of ‘The Work’ Nothing escapes the influence of the core. Nothing escapes The Work, your service, your lesson. Let’s take a moment to digest this and what it really means. It means that your greater purpose is at play in every tiny thing that you do. I constantly meet healers, spiritual seekers, lightworkers, teachers and those enjoying a ‘guru’ role that compartmentalise their true work. They believe that their great purpose only comes into play when they are embodying their public role, or only in the parts of their lives where it comes easily. When it comes to the parts of themselves they find it hard to look at, they simply look



LIGHTWORKER CHALLENGE away, or claim they have no power over that particular part of life, it’s someone else’s fault. Worse, there are those who portray a spiritual façade when, behind the scenes, they are manipulating and hurting other people. This is living in stark opposition to The Work. It is a dramatic example, but there are also more subtle ways that we go against the grain of our true purpose when going about our lives. Don’t like your day job? Going in every day with a bad attitude? I’m going to take a hard line here: that is not good enough for a lightworker. I know this, because I have been that grumpy, ungrateful lightworker! If you hate it that much, it is in your power to shift your focus and create something new instead. If there is Work for you to do there, you are intuitive enough to discern what it is. If you really are too afraid to leave, the power to work through that fear is within you, and your community of healers and lightworkers who are here to support you. And while you stay there, it really is essential that you change your energy to one of positivity and gratitude, because this brings you back to the power of who you really are. Otherwise, you are living out of alignment with The Work.

a relationship. I must also offer appropriate support for my loved one to come into the same power and truth. Remember: there is only love, and love requires no outcome. To forget this is to live out of alignment with The Work. At this time of tremendous shifting, I know that we are all facing great challenges. I believe that there is only one way through this, and that is to live in alignment with The Work. If you can understand who you truly are, then you can apply it to everything you do. You do not have to be perfect right now. I find that seeing areas of my life where I am not managing to do this is powerful enough to draw in the required change at the rate I can cope with. I invite you to remember what it is that is at your core and weave a powerful tapestry with that knowledge contained in every thread. The Work is at our core, love and light are at our heart and we came here to create change. With faith and love, we are strong enough to ride the waves created by that change. We have to be, for it is The Work.

Looking deeper Problems in your relationship? Are you clinging, or pushing away, playing out the old patterns still locked in your heart? Awareness and intuition are our friends here, and so are our relationship problems. They hold up a clear mirror to our own hearts and present beautiful opportunities for learning and transformation. The ones we love the most can be the ones who have the power to hurt us deeply. Can you show compassion at those times, and hold your dearest in a space of love? Can you apply your healer’s wisdom to their situation without trying to make the change (or keep the status quo) that satisfies your agenda? There is no judgement from me here, we are human animals with emotions that can cloud our judgement oh so easily. But when I, for example, fall into anger, or saying ‘you did this terrible thing to me’, I am betraying my soul purpose. I keep seeing those who call themselves spiritual falling into these traps and I would like us all to take advantage of the current energy so we can awaken to this. If my Work is to restore power and the true self, then I must honour that in myself while in


KN OW adventure The Power Is In You By ELIZABETH VILLANI

Elizabeth, the author of “Awakening”, o-books, 2010. An expert on positivity, coach and Reiki Master, a startling mystical experience in 2008 revealed to her the reality of humanity. She now writes to support our awakening. She is also the founder of a non-profit organisation aiming to bring joy to every corner of the globe.


This November is very powerful for all of us. But the power of this time lies within you, not outside of you. Inside of you is where the light will pour on 11/11/11 and throughout the month. Take your power and open your doorway to Awakening to these powerful energies – it opens from the inside out… Each month, we are publishing an extract from “Awakening” to support you in your Light work. It’s easy to discount positivity as something already heard of and ‘been there done that’. But our truth, our source, showed me that this is the doorway to our awakening. So read with new eyes and act now to be the person that you came here to be…

The Power of You. For many of us we are so tied up in the working and doing world that the step forward to life lessons is too wide a jump in one go. We have to use stepping stones for our brains, hearts and souls to catch up. The first step in being the best of yourself then is to believe in yourself. To know that you can be the person that you were meant to be and not the one that your parents or culture created. You are a product of these, yes. You look like them. You have taken on their character traits and moral stances at a personality level. But although you have a set state within you that you have partly inherited and developed as a result of them, you also have the core of you. You. Never mind what you have learnt and been through, what you have seen. Your parents, other adults and circumstances have also shadowed your view points on life so creating a smokescreen of consciousness. You are not aware of it but it is there all of the time. Clouding your vision of what your soul can see. Telling you to judge this and disagree with that. Comparisons are dangerous and create jealousy for one thing but more terrifying is the need to conform. To be the same as the next person. We read countless useless (in my view) magazines, especially as teenagers, and still as adults, to check what we should be wearing and how we should be acting. There is a whole industry of talcum powder sprucing over our self images. Just as with soap operas, we live our lives through other people. At least in magazines the people are real! In the soaps we actually live out the negative expectations of the make-believe. As nations we


STUDYING AT THE UNIVERSITY OF LIFE have become addicted. We have exported this negativity around the world; from country to country you switch on the box to watch exactly the same thing. If you think about it, when was the last time that such a programme actually made you feel happy, feel like you could achieve and that the world is a wonderful place? I can’t help but wonder why there is a whole set of generations dependent upon living the lives of make believe characters? Our culture seems to have bred this huge brain disease. TV. What makes us think that we have to close off the pain of our world and completely absorb this make-believe world? We get up in the morning, energise ourselves in the shower, live our busy days and then homogenise our brains with a good dose of absolute rubbish and then we wonder where the meaning has gone with our lives. We wonder where the dream has gone! Is this all there really is? And then instead of going for it and switching off the mixer we continue, pour another drink or make another cup of supportive tea, eat the fridge and homogenise some more. All whilst our souls cry out for the life that we could be living through awakening. Is it laziness? Is it easier to think that we’ll do it another day? That if we put it off it doesn’t matter, this life that we live? That we will find another moment on another day and then the only relief for our wounds is to have that wonderful moment in the sunshine of our holiday when we think: ‘No. I am going to go for it and get that dream.’ That split second knowing of excitement when you know who you really are. You are proud of you as a person and you think: ’yes. I am great.’ One of the problems with our societies is that this kind of attitude is seen as arrogant. What is wrong with thinking that you are acceptable as simply who you are? That you are actually fantastic. Fabulous. Brilliant. Beautiful. This isn’t about stomping all over everyone else. Looking down on the rest of the world and thinking I am better. It is about being happy with you. Accepting that you are alright and not only that, knowing that you are the centre of your universe and that if you want to have a great time then you create it. From within. The route? Step away from the homogenisation and believe in the power of you. Awaken. Choose it. The first step is to know that you can choose. You have the power. Take it. It’s yours. Our worlds are like an ocean. We have days of calm and days

of storm but the waters are always there with currents sending us off in different directions, bringing us highs and lows and sometimes a little calm. The ripples of the sea cause physical, emotional and mental challenges. We are generally impatient and force our way through life with little peace. Always stirring up a new current. We create barriers that inhibit us as we move through life, either from within or by choosing our reactions to environmental conditions. These barriers stops us from really feeling and being who we really are and as such we hold ourselves back from evolving, enjoying, learning and developing. Through awakening there are openers that we can utilise inside and outside of ourselves that allow us to dance along the ocean floor in a new and more open, happier and peaceful way if we use them whilst managing the barriers. Awakening forces us to part the waves so that we can see the openers to really living and being the best of who we are. In doing so awakening elevates our souls through gaining eventual tranquillity and a smoother road ahead. We consciously take control of our path by using the openers and shedding off the barriers. In our December edition Elizabeth we share these barriers to awakening.

“Awakening” is published by o-books £7.99/$12.95 You can walk through your own awakening face to face with Elizabeth by watching her free wake up programme here.


KNOW living Working Towards Peace And Love By HENRY CUMMING Henry is a natural born psychic and healer. He is a clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient which basically means that he can see, feel and hear ‘Spirit’. He is also a very powerful natural healer both for people and animals. Henry, despite his gifts is a very ‘down to earth’ guy and appears refreshingly normal.


A session with Henry, whether its a sitting or healing, is a clear, compassionate, non judgemental and above all lifting experience. His approach and easy going nature ensures you get a huge amount of detailed information and guidance from spirit in a relatively short period of time. He has a reputation for imparting accurate information and is a also good with ‘timing’, as a result his clients keep returning. He also specialises in locating missing people and animals as well as lost objects. Remote viewing is also something else he does and has assisted Police authorities with some of their searches As lightworkers, there are a few key ingredients to understanding and thus fulfilling our role here on Earth. To fully integrate ourselves into what we refer to as our ‘work’, one of the hardest and often the most challenging aspects of who we are is to achieve the perfect balance between our spiritual side and, of course, our human side. It is widely recognised that most lightworkers, whether they are very active in their role as such, or quite often oblivious to the healing effect that they are projecting, have in varying degrees suffered a huge loss in their life, or have suffered massive heartbreak, or even experienced ‘abuse’ over an extended and significant period of their life. Some lightworkers seem to have lived a life already, and when they finally enter into their ‘second life’, there is a wisdom that has been activated; an empathy and endless amounts of love and compassion waiting to be dispensed. You hear about drug addicts beating their addiction and becoming drug counsellors themselves, helping the very people that they themselves used to be. Mothers and fathers who have lost children in tragic accidents or wives who have lost their husbands to war, the list of examples is endless...


IT’S OK, IT’S GOING TO BE ALRIGHT It is often misconstrued that it requires experiences like this to activate the very spirit of you we are, but what we need to focus on IS the very spirit of who we are, and to be able to trust in the whole process that we call life. Our true essence is Love. As much as we feel that we are in charge of our life, we have already decided what life we want this time around and all this tragedy that happens around us -or abusive parents or tragic losses that we may experience - is simply the equivalent of following a map to a destination. All these experiences act as signposts for our spirit, guiding us as quickly or as slowly as we are willing to go as we make our way through our life. That is why, as lightworkers, as well as focusing on our own individual set of circumstances, it is so important to realise and acknowledge that although we may be of different skin colour or of different religious beliefs, we are all part of a huge collective consciousness that is hugely sensitive to everything happening around it. So one of our roles is to help other people where we can to become more aware of what they are and to inspire them to do the same. So without further ado, we need to focus on our very individual strengths and that in turn will inspire others to do the same, and as a collective, if we were all able to achieve that, then starting in our own homes and extending out to the rest of the world, global love and more importantly, Peace, will be achieved.


KN OW source Work By TOM EVANS Tom Evans is an author, wizard of light and healer. His new Oracularium service is designed to help people uncover and see new visions of their reality: see for more details. CONTACT TOM Tom has written a free ebook called Goals of Learning which you can download without even giving your email address away here.

When presented with the word ’work’ our first reaction might be to bristle. In this day and age, work is often viewed with trepidation and even loathing. It’s called ’the daily grind’ or referred to as another day at the ’coal face’. At a guess it’s probably only a lucky few who actually enjoy their work. If you think about this state of affairs, it is pretty sad. As humans, we’ve sent men to the Moon, invented the iPad on which I am writing this article and have cures for many ailments that were previously death sentences. Surely it is not beyond our intellectual capability to design work so it’s actually enjoyable? If we think about why most people work, it’s to earn money so they can eat, drink, keep warm (or cold if they have and need air conditioning) and buy some ’toys’ and entertainment. Modern life also means that work consumes 80% or so of our waking time. It may be apocryphal but I’ve heard it said that hunter-gatherer societies used to spend 20% of their time hunting and the rest of their time doing everything else. This makes you ask, “At what price progress?”

Moving forwards As we move into a new phase for humanity, it is clear many things need to be addressed, not least the sustainability of our current, and forecast, population. If you think about it, more people can both do more work and need more work doing. For every one of us, there are innumerable other people working to maintain our way of life. Things like our electricity, food, television and newspapers require other people to ’work’ on our behalf. This in turn is paid for by us working for our ’living’. With 7 or so billion people on the planet, what can each do to address this pandemic and get off this incessant merry-go-round? Well it starts with a pretty basic shift in our thinking. What’s more, we can make a change at an individual level and reap instant results and benefits for our well being and bank balance. As more and more people follow suit, the effect multiplies. Many of us now are used to recycling. I know our traditional waste bin is virtually empty. With a combination of labradors and a compost area, we are at zero food waste. There is more to be done though. First, we can all ‘un-cycle’. What this means is that we reduce what we recycle by thinking if we really need it in the first place. For example, I never buy newspapers. Initially this was because of the negativity and sensationalism of their content, but now with the


MOMENTS OF LIGHT Internet they have become redundant as well as mostly being irrelevant. The same is true of most TV news. The newspapers report what is going on with TV and the TV news shows the headlines in today’s newspapers. This is a clearly ridicule state of affairs where people are making work for themselves. If you want to know the headlines in the papers, it is crazy to watch TV to find out. If you want to know what’s on TV, just watch it.

Definition of the word work from the iPad app

Extending this concept further, if you really think before you buy anything whether you need it or not, this will save you money and mean less people have to work on your behalf. Perhaps I hear you say that this will put people out of work. In the short term maybe. In the medium term, if everyone spends less, then we can all work less hard.

Free time What then do you do with all that free time? Well here’s where the other definition of work comes in. A work can be a piece of art or endeavour. We can become both creative and generative with our time. We are amazing beings capable of making things from nothing, or very few raw materials. With our brains alone, we can write poetry and compose music. Works of art can be constructed with a minimum of materials. I always admire those artworks made from things we would throw away. We can also play, engage in team sports, keep fit and even help or teach others with our free time. Whether our creativity is a solitary or group activity is a personal choice where a mix of both is preferable and advisable. We make a big switch when we generate free time and use it for creative purposes. We stop being consumers and we become generators. Our ‘work’ effort does not bleed from the system but augments it. If you do enough of it, you can also start to enjoy revenues from it. This is what Seth Godin would describe as a positive Idea Virus. What then follows is an even more subtle and powerful transformation. We start to enjoy what we used to be called work. It is said that when you love the work you do, you will never work again. So, why not start doing what you love today? Tom Evans is an author and wizard of light bulb moments - more at He is also the CEO of Tmesis, a 21st century literary agency - more at




Once Upon A Time... KAREN WILLIAMS

Stars And Planets ZOE HIND

The Warrior Of The Light PAULO COELHO


Words Of Wisdom The List Top 20 WORKOUT SONGS

Featured Lightworker RICHARD CURTIS

REGULARS Once Upon A Time... Born To Dream BY KAREN WILLIAMS Once Upon A Time at the beginning of 1988, a little known Brazilian writer called Paulo Coelho sat down to write his very own fairytale. It became ‘The Alchemist’ – a book that went on to sell more than thirty million copies worldwide over twenty years. It was based on a fable he had read in the centuries-old book ‘The Arabian Nights’, and was his personal search to understand why it had taken him so long to realise his childhood ambition of becoming a writer.

Biog I was born in 1958, and grew up in London, England. A tomboy from the outset, I liked nothing better than climbing trees with my brother, making bonfires and riding my bicycle. Subconsciously I was searching for my soul - that part of me beyond the physical and ephemeral. Looking back, I can see that this quest and the book had always been my destiny.

Contact Facebook

Once Upon a Time… As children, when those magical words are spoken to us, we begin to dream and unknowingly enter the truth about ourselves deep within our souls. This truth is that, here on Earth, each of us is a dream; a dream waiting to become a reality. Every child knows this deep inside his or her own heart. In a sense, none of us can live without our own Once Upon a Time. ‘TREASURE: A Soul Journey with The Alchemist’ is the result of the child inside me who refused to let hers go. If we are all a dream, then is there any connection between our dreams, or are we each of us delving into different worlds and travelling in different directions? I discovered that there is a connection. It is called the collective unconscious, or what Paulo Coelho named The Soul of the World. In this unconscious realm to which each of us belongs, there is a Big Dream we are dreaming as a human race. It is the dream of Divine Love. I made this discovery because nine years after Paulo Coelho had dreamt up his fable The Alchemist, I began to live it out in the real world, without every having heard of his book. Paulo’s fable tells the story of Santiago, a shepherd boy living in Andalusia, southern Spain. One night whilst asleep in a ruined church, he dreams for the second time of finding treasure buried near the pyramids of Egypt. This dream takes him out of his old life into the unknown in search of that treasure. Nine years after Paulo had written this story, I had a powerful dream one night whilst living in Andalusia. I had returned from visiting my favourite ruin on a hill and dreamt that I was reborn. That dream took me to a land of pyramids in search of my treasure. Destiny is written for us long before we are born. Mine turned out to be that of a mystic. I didn’t play with dolls as a youngster, but with questions. Why was life so unfair, when we were basically all the same? Why were some people rich and others poor? The world around me didn’t seem to fit my fairytales. Life in its essence is change, and our childhood dreams move on, gradually morphing into strong emotions, ideal, and passions. But, though their forms change, the core essence of who we are, and what we dream, never does. At the age of twenty-six, my restless, troubled spirit took me to southern Spain in search of my Once Upon a Time. Consciously, I wasn’t aware that this was what I was looking for. But our subconscious minds never forget the dream buried inside our soul, and that force had pushed me out of the old, and into the new. In a completely different


environment, I found myself drinking in this new world that fate would use to prepare me for my dramatic dream of rebirth ten years later, and the beginning of my real-life fairytale.

Parallel lives When Paulo Coelho wrote ‘The Alchemist’, he could never have known that he had inadvertently plunged himself into the collective unconscious of humanity. As he sat writing his allegory, through some totally mysterious process, he had touched the Big Dream of our species inside that Soul of the World. In my own zeal to live out the true meaning of my life, my subconscious mind had also touched the Big Dream in the collective unconscious. I had taken a leap of faith in search of the rebirth of my soul, and in so doing began to unravel the true meaning of The Alchemist, and the language of that Big Dream. I discovered that each of our souls is made up of two distinct halves, and that even TREASURE: A Soul Journey though, on the surface, our lives may seem very different, we are all living in parallel with The Alchemist is – unearthing the Big Dream. This discovery extended to Paulo himself, when I grasped available on Amazon the fact that, although he had written his book in 1988, he and I had actually been living worldwide. out The Alchemist synchronistically in time for more than a decade. The Alchemist turned Paulo Coelho into a best-selling author worldwide, and became iconic to so many people all over the planet. However, as I journeyed for fourteenand-a-half years through my own quest, I realised that no one, not even Paulo, could explain this phenomenon. The real reason for the book’s iconic status was that deep within everyone’s subconscious mind exists the knowledge that this fable is the story of ourselves - our individual dreams are simply pieces of the larger Big Dream humanity is working out. My greatest discovery was that this Dream is all about the birth of our collective Spirit - the very essence of who we are. No matter how different we are as people, there really is only one treasure. My personal dream of spiritual rebirth finally came about, and with it, also the universal quest in which we are all engaged. My childish heart’s faith in Once Upon a Time had found that dreams really do come true. I didn’t become a princess, find my prince, and live happily ever after in a castle. No, I found something far better – a transcendent meaning to my life that made the struggles all worthwhile.



The secret to life is good timing.

By tuning into the energy of the planets we can all live more harmonious lives. Every month I will be choosing a reader question to answer, so email your enquiries about Astrology to

WHAT IS THE FOURTH HOUSE? The Fourth house is the section of your chart that sits at the 5-6pm position. This house is all about foundations. As we begin our lives, our security is dependent upon the mother and the home. Getting older we begin to learn about our family history and tribal roots. Each new experience is passed through the filter of our accumulating story and this is wonderful when it provides support and nurture. However, in the process we inherit many psychological beliefs and insecurities that are passed down through generations but may not be appropriate to our current and future life. Looking into the fourth house of our chart we discover where early childhood conditioning is working for or against us. This area requires constant re-evaluation if we are to express our true potential and not restrict ourselves with that which is outdated. For example, Aries in the fourth house indicates a self-sufficient person or someone who has had to learn to stand on their own. Cancer in the fourth would require examination of emotional bonds with the mother and also indicate how that person may be when raising their own children. Capricorn would be a good placement here as the person would build a solid castle for themselves and probably live a productive life. Planets in this section act as triggers – representing actual relatives/people or principal characteristics which bring challenge or benefit depending on the relationship to other planets. This is one of the trickiest areas of our chart to fully understand and takes gentle honesty and self introspection over a long time to release its secrets.




Mars moves out of Leo after nearly 2 months in this sign. Career rewards may be heading your way. It is worth knowing your worth. With the coming New Moon in Sagittarius, your income could begin to rise as a result of hard work or a recent success. Don’t look for the catch; allow yourself to receive in gratitude and enjoy your gains.

A potent month. With so much opportunity it will be necessary to choose your projects carefully. It is better to do less with more depth, joy and presence than to take on too much and run yourself ragged. Fine tuning your way of working and also how you think about working will show you where time can be made and energy saved to get the most out of your day.


Aquarius Sometimes, though well meaning, people around you can be demanding and zap your natural energy without giving much in return. Take some time this month to spend in solitary self-nourishment. Replenish yourself and give love, care and consideration to your soul. By going deep within to the source of yourself you will find you have grown more than you realize lately. Keep things simple and be happy.

Is the outside world starting to reflect your inner life? With so much breakdown in old systems, revolution and deceptions revealed, the climate is one of lasting change. Internally, massive shifts are taking place that will lead you to a shining new vision of your future. Do not try to resist, let go and float downstream with the current.


From confusion, to stand still, to sudden changes in direction, it seems you are about to embark on a path that reveals itself to you by the end of the month. Whether this is actual travel or a detour in career or learning, you will have to wait to see what happens. Be ready to do different and tie up any loose ends while you are waiting.


Happy Full Moon. All month a beautiful grand trine in earth signs supports your view of the universe and makes life feel more familiar, dependable and comfortable. Make the most of these aspects as we have some eclipses coming up that are known to bring quick change with them. The stronger you are in yourself, the more you can handle other people and their inconsistencies.


Love takes you on another journey along its long and twisting road. This is more of a journey of self-discovery. What we seek from another, we must find in ourselves. Dependency in relationships is no longer sustainable, and as the fairy tale continues to crumble, the reality is that we attract what we are transmitting.


Pride and prejudice – that’s what Mars’ transit through Leo in your 12th house may have revealed. Are you judging others when the root cause is within you? Where is your lower self acting still from ego? There’s probably not much of your old self left now as you will have tackled your issues thoroughly. Final clearing, that’s all this is.


Mercury and Venus are tempting you to expand your world, especially at the Full Moon on 10th. This may look like a good thing to do but with Mercury about to retrograde in Sagittarius later this month we may already be under its effects. Mercury requires that we proceed with caution and check the small print.


Next month there is a Lunar Eclipse in your sign. This month there is a Solar Eclipse in your opposite sign. This points to a busy time for you and you will need to remain light and flexible to respond to the changes when they come out of the blue. This is one of your natural talents though so you may even enjoy it. Magical transformations are on their way.


If this summer took you inside to see the real you and you made the necessary realisations and adjustments, you will begin to feel the benefits now including more harmonious relationships, more inner strength and self reliance, more peace in your day to day life. If not, there’s still time.


Saturn prepares to leave your sign after a 2 year run. This has brought tests and trials to your door causing serious reflection at deep levels. Not long now, but before he leaves there may be a few more challenges just to make sure you have learnt your lessons. Be philosophical and expect rewards to follow.


REGULARS Scorpio Climate Samhain The Sun passes from the Zodiac sign of Libra into Scorpio on Sunday 23rd October and this marks the beginning of a magikal transition. Samhain (pronounced Sow-een), is the original celebration that some now call Halloween. Honouring the ancestors and those that have passed during the last year, it is said that the veils between the worlds are thin and spirit communication channels open.

BIOG Zoe works with your own unique birth chart and compares it with the positions of the planets today, revealing and explaining the windows of opportunity that are opening up around you and how to make the most of your time. Her insights help to give you a better understanding of yourself, your purpose, your loved ones, your talents and the best timing for effortless success in all areas of your life. Zoe also provides full chart interpretation services as well as running classes and workshops.

CONTACT ZOE +44 7984 825928


As we enter into the darkest months of the year, we also retreat into our inner dark spaces to explore the hidden realms. Introspection and meditiative journeying take us deep into unchartered territory, with Pluto - ruling planet of Scorpio - guiding the way through the Underworld of myth and legend. To celebrate the magikal power of Scorpio, I will be running a series of tarot and divination workshops in the month of November in Camden, London. Please contact me for more details

Full Moon – 10th November – 18 degrees Taurus One day before 11.11.11, this full moon puts the celestial spotlight on humanity’s potential to build a better world. With a grand trine rising out of this chart like a sacred pyramid, and much energy focused in the earth signs, our planetary grid may be the deserving receiver of new healing energy at this time. On a more personal level, reflection on what you are building your life upon and aiming towards will bring clarity. Given the changing nature of conscious living, these goals require frequent upgrades.

New Moon – 25th November - 2 degrees Sagittarius – Partial Solar Eclipse It’s eclipse season again with the signs of Sagittarius and Gemini in the spotlight. A chess game is playing out across the skies. Strategy requires forethought and a view of the big plan. 2011 has been a year of astounding politics and Sagittarius has an affinity with global governance, democracy and fairness. As eclipses bring sudden change, watch the news at this time for secrets revealed and u-turns in policy. On a personal level, it’s time to judge for yourself whether you seeing things clearly and what you are basing your beliefs upon. Challenge everything.

Next Month’s Edition


Be extraordinary. Be brave. Be bold. Be all that you can be. Including:

- The final guided meditation from Flavia-Kate Peters - Calista writes about Ascension - And an extra-special surprise for Lightworker readers!

Available from 5th December at!


REGULARS Warrior Of The Light Conversations With The Master Work BY PAULO COELHO You have tried to make me understand that one must pay attention to life, people, and everything around us. I have the impression that all you ever do is work (at that time, he was an executive at a Dutch multinational company).

CONTACT PAULO www.warriorofthelight. com/eng Twitter: @paulocoelho

Instead of answering your question directly I shall quote from the Indian poet Tagore: “I slept and dreamt that life was joy/ I awoke and saw that life was service/I acted and behold, service was joy.” In fact, through my work I discover life, people, and everything which happens around us. “The only trap I must beware not to fall into, is to think that each day is the same as the next. In fact, each morning brings with it a hidden miracle, and we must pay attention to this miracle.” What is duty? A mysterious word which can have two opposite meanings: the absence of enthusiasm, or the understanding that we must share our love with more than one person. In the first case, we are always making excuses for not accepting our responsibilities; in the second case, duty becomes a form of devotion, of unrestricted love for the human condition, and we begin to fight for that which we want to happen. “I seek to do this through my work: to share my love. Love is also a mysterious thing: the more we share it, the more it multiplies.” But in the Bible, work is considered a type of curse which God has forced on men. When Adam commits the original sin, he hears the Almighty say: “in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life. In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread.” At that moment, God is putting the Universe into motion. Up until that time, all is beautiful, idyllic - but nothing has evolved and, as we mentioned, Adam starts thinking that each day is like another. From then on, he loses the sense of the miracle of his own existence; then the Lord, seeing His creation, understands that he must help him again conquer this sense. “This sentence must be read in a positive way: weariness will turn into nourishment, sweat will be the bread’s seasoning. In this way, everything will converge perfectly, but first, Adam and all human beings must go down the path of mutual understanding.”


Why is it that one of man’s great dreams is to one day stop having to work? Because he does not know what it is to spend months and years doing nothing. Either because he does not love what he does; no one wishes to be separated from the woman he loves, no one wants to stop doing that which he loves. Or it is because there is no dignity in his going about his work - he has forgotten that work was created to help man, not humiliate him. “There is an interesting story about this in “The Thousand and One Nights”: caliph Alrum Al-Rachid decided to build a palace in order to demonstrate the greatness of his kingdom. He gathered together the greatest works of art, designed gardens, personally selected the marbles and carpets. Beside the grounds which had been chosen, was a dwelling. Al-Rachid asked his minister to convince the owner - an old weaver - to sell it so that it might be demolished. The minister tried in vain; the old man said he did not wish to part with it. Upon hearing of the old man’s decision, the Court Council suggested he be simply thrown out. No - responded Al-Rachid. - He will become part of my legacy to my people. When they come to the palace, they will say: he was a man who worked in order to show the beauty of our culture. “And when they see the dwelling, they will say: he was just, for he respected the work of other men.” “The world seems threatening to cowards. They seek the false security of a life void of great challenges, and arm themselves heavily in order to defend that which they think they possess. Cowards are victims of their own egos, and in the end erect the bars of their own prison.”

Warrior of the Light, a publication



LOV E S LIVESTRONG Founded by Lance Armstrong, Livestrong believe that unity is strength, knowledge is power and attitude is everything - they look at the experiences of the cancer community, find problems and develop solutions. Then they roll them out to help more people in more situations.

LADY GAGA - BORN THIS WAY For anyone feeling ‘different’, alone or unsure of themselves, this song is guaranteed to get your selfesteem and confidence back up to full capacity – Lady Gaga remains true to herself at all times and her lyrics express the beliefs that underpin her strength to do so.

THE JESHUA CHANNELLINGS The Jeshua Channellings are a series of spiritual messages about the birthing of Christ consciousness and the inner transformation from ego to heart. It is written for Lightworkers who want to learn more about their identity and role on earth.



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1. SexyBack - Justin Timberlake 2. Ain’t No Other Man - Christina Aguilera 3. Fergalicious – Fergie 4. Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne 5. Maneater - Nelly Furtado 6. My Humps - Black Eyed Peas 7. Promiscuous - Nelly Furtado 8. This Ain’t a Scene, It’s an Arms Race - Fall Out Boy 9. It’s Not Over - Chris Daughtry 10. This Is Why I’m Hot – Mims 11. Beautiful Liar - Beyonce and Shakira 12. Dance, Dance - Fall Out Boy 13. Suddenly I See - KT Tunstall 14. Smack That - Akon with Eminem 15. What Goes Around Comes Around - Justin Timberlake 16. The Sweet Escape - Gwen Stefani, featuring Akon 17. When You Were Young - The Killers 18. Beautiful Day - U2 19. Buttons - Pussycat Dolls 20. Get Me Bodied – Beyonce Source: Hillman Wonders


REGULARS Featured Lightworker RICHARD CURTIS Inspire

Richard is the inspirational co-founder of charity Comic Relief. He has co-produced all of Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day shows for the BBC which, along with Sport Relief, have so far raised over half a billion pounds. As if that wasn’t enough, as a writer, his credits include Blackadder and the Vicar of Dibley and the films Four Weddings and a Funeral, Notting Hill, Love Actually and Bridget Jones’s Diary, which have also brought in more than $1 billion globally. His motivation stems from the belief that “I think it’s a responsibility of people who have had very lucky lives indeed to try to spread some of that around.”

Challenge As a master of his trade, Richard’s films are world renowned for mixing insights into human nature with humour and perfect comic timing. He challenges people not to take life too seriously – or personally - and says that “Anything that is wrong with a film will come back to haunt you forever, so I take a long time writing, fix everything, underline bits that I thought were funny when I first thought of them because they won’t be funny when I look at them later. Oh, and I put the word ‘fuck’ in a lot.”

Educate Comic Relief centres around striving to create a just world free from poverty, by driving positive change through the power of entertainment. As Richard explains, “there is a slightly peculiar contradiction in my life between the Comic Relief side and the comedy writing side. But I can explain that. What we do on Red Nose Day is make things as funny as we can so that people can see the other side to all the sadness we show. I suppose what we are fighting for is that everyone should have the privilege of leading a happy life and being able to laugh like the rest of us instead of being worried that their husband is going to beat them up or they are going to die of a mosquito bite.”


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