Unexpected outcomes

Page 1

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silhouette #96

publication intro

quote 1 left

camera rotating #36

The photographs created within these publications allowed the role of chance to predominantly control the outcomes. For example, not looking through the viewfinder at what you are taking a picture of, layering and juxtaposing different photographs together which creates converging lines, soaking the negative in different chemicals to damage and stain the photographs before development. As John Baldessari said, ‘‘Probably one of the worst things that happened to photography is that cameras have viewfinders.’’ The viewfinder inevitably, by it’s design, puts in place restrictions and takes away the element of chance. These methods allow for chance to play a greater role in the production of the outcome, it takes you out of the process and allows for a ‘see what happens’ approach. This publication focusses on film destroying and applying different chemicals and processes such as lemon juice, red wine and heat to effect the negative and the photograph in unexpected ways. It allows the photograph to be pushed further by allowing the elements of chance and the unexpected to play with the chemicals before development.

This project brings forward the ideas of controlling chance and the extent of that control. Inevitably I did control the process to some extent because I determined what the subject matter would be, but then I let chance control the majority of the process by not thinking about the composure and what happens when I layered different pictures together. While destroying the film there was a greater balance of control and chance. Chance led the actual outcome and the effect it had on the negative, but I controlled what chemicals the negatives were subjected to and for how long. However chance has played a greater role in this instance because I could not control what effect the substance had as I was unaware how much of the film would be damaged and how much effect the substance would have on the negative. This poses a number of questions. Does chance have the greatest role in the outcome the first time, when you are unaware what effects will occur? What happens when you become aware how the chemical effects the film? Does this mean that similar trials can be classed as an unexpected outcome derived by chance? Where should the line be drawn between what can be called controlled and chance outcomes? I believe that if you are unaware of what will happen then chance plays a greater role than the part you control, once you can partially predict the outcome something else has to be changed in order for it to become unexpected again. This publication works with a hash tag and numbering system. You should relate to the chart on the following page if you wish to understand how the photograph was created and what processes the film undertook.

silhouette #80

multiple exposure #69

multiple exposure #21

multiple exposure #23

water #71

water #88

camera rotating #30

continuous shooting #41

silhouette #66

silhouette #68

camera rotating #13

multiple exposure #24

upside down #74

multiple exposure #37

te 1 left

te 2 right

multiple exposure #44

multiple exposure #47

multiple exposure #463

camera rotating #86

ote 1 left

ote 2 right

ote 3 right

multiple exposure #35

silhouette #119

continuous shooting #12

silhouette #22

silhouette #472

upside down #117

upside down #48

silhouette #85

silhouette #91

silhouette #87

te 3 right

e 4 left

e 5 right

silhouette #79

silhouette #70

multiple exposure #120

multiple exposure #75

multiple exposure #84

camera rotating #111

multiple exposure #77


camera rotating



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