1 minute read
‘Space Travel lerisa fu ll or ha lf-brother to th reew in ners, includ ingDickPoole Stakes th irdPel lucid’
autumnofhis juvenile year.
He startedhisthree-year-old campaign with twoListed placings,and wasto subsequently capture the Group3JerseyStakes at Ascot –beating Space Bluesinto second –beforeannexingthe Group2BoomerangStakes at Leopardstown afewmonths later.
He wastorunonlyonceasa four-year-old butreturned at fivetowin aListedrace at York,afterwhichhe was transferredtothe US.Hewas to beplacedthreetimesin Grade 1companythere, includingwhen just ahead secondintheFrank E. Kilroe Mile Stakes atSantaAnitalast March.
Thethirdfoal outofthe winningGalileomareSky Crystal, SpaceTravelleris afull or half-brothertothree winners, includingDickPoole StakesthirdPellucid. Their damis outofatwo-year-old winnerand half-sister to Fillies’MilewinnerCrystal Music anda handfulofother blacktypeperformers.
They include MayHill Stakes victressand Prix Marcel BoussacthirdSolar Crystal and John Porter Stakes winner andIrish St LegerfourthDubai Success.
5b Starspangledbanner -Quiet American(Repose)
Rathbarr yStud: €25,000 RPR124
Starspangledbanner ’s golden 2022 wascapped by the excellenteffortsof StateOf Rest,animmenselylikeable sort whoaddedanother string tohissire’sbow by proving himself atop-classmile-anda-quarterperformer.
TheTinnakill Bloodstockbred five-year-old’s saleprices of45,000gns,whenpickedup by Diamond Bloodstockasa foalfrom Tattersalls December, and60,000gns,when sellingto Joseph O’Brienand Aiden O’Ryanfrom Tattersalls Book 2,nowlookbargainsthanks to hisprize-moneyhaulofnearly £3millionfromthree yearsin training.
StateOfRestwononhis debutattwo and laterin the year wasthirdbehind Chindit in theChampagne Stakes,but he really startedtoblossomas athree-year-old
He builtonahalf-length thirdinaListedcontest at the Curraghwhentravellingto upstate NewYorktowinthe Grade 1SaratogaDerby,and

‘State Of Rest is an immen sely like able sort who ad de d another st ring to hi s sire’s bow by proving himselfatop- cl ass perfor mer’