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€20,000 Mish ri ff leads the way in fi rst season at st ud
THERE arefewmorequalified horses to earna position at studthan Mishriff (€20,000), whoisthemostillustrious arrival to France’s breeding industryfor2023. Nurlan Bizakov ’s Sumbe hascometo anarrangement with Mishriff ’s owner-breederPrince Faisalto standthe well-travelledsixyear-old at Harasde Montfort etPreaux,andhe replacesthe late Le Havreasitsleading attraction.
Expectedto be availablefor covering frommid-Marchafter sufferingwhat was saidto be a minor setbackinearly January, he representsPrince Faisal’s mostfamouslines, beinga son ofhisFrench Guineas winner Make Believe anddescending from Invincible Spiritand Kodiaconhisdistaff side.
Mishriffnotonly wona Classic himselfinthePrixdu Jockey Club buthis magnificent2021 sawhim gain the Saudi Cupinamemorable clash withCharlatanand followupongrassinthe Dubai Sheema Classic, furtheradding the Juddmonte International laterthat year.
Anothertoenterthehigher pricebracketinhisfirst season is Sealiway (€12,000),the centrepieceoftheChehboub family’snewenterprise, Haras de Beaumont, on partofthe siteoftheold Harasdu Quesnay.A wide-margin winnerofthePrix Jean-Luc Lagardereina busy two-yearold season,theleadinglight forhissire Galiway wouldadd thefollowingyear ’s Champion Stakes at Ascottoaprizemoney haulwhich totalled almost£1.5million.

Harasde Bouquetot has installeditsnewarrival Thunder Mo on at €6,000. He carriesonthelegacy of hislate father, Zoffany,andisaGroup 1 starhimself havingtakenthe National Stakesasa juvenile for Joseph O’Brien,whilehe was beaten just awhisker by LawsOf IndicesinthePrix JeanPratat three Prix Ganay winner Mare Australis (€4,500),who seemedtoalways be heldin high regard by Andre Fabre, is new to Harasde la Hetraie. The sonof Australiacomes fromadeep Gestut
Schlenderhanfamily, with plentyof staminainthe pedigree.

Harasde laCote Fleurie, just outside Deauville, has recruited Makaloun (€4,000), theAgaKhan’s sonof Bated Breathwho wonGroup3 outingsinconsecutive seasons,whileamore rapid option at the samefeefor breeders will be EbroRiver, the Phoenix Stakes-winning sonof Galileo Goldwhoisoff to Haras de la Haie Neuve.
At aslightlylowerprice pointof€3,800is Texas,a son oftheexported Wootton Bassettwho was beatenonly by Modern Gamesinlast year ’s French Guineasand has earneda spot at Harasdu Hoguenet.
Lavello (€3,500)isa German Group3 winnerfor rising French star Zarak at Harasdu Lion,whilethe2021Prix Mauricede Gheest winner Marianafoot,a very likeable sonof Footstepsinthesand,isa reasonable€2,200 at Harasde Saint-Vincent.
Thelistofnew siresin Germanyisshort butcertainly sweetas Torquator Tasso will be itsmostfamousarrivalin manyyears.A rare Prixde l’Arc deTriomphe winnerforhis homelandwhen causingthat greatshock back in2021,the magnificentchestnutisa three-timeGroup1 winner who wasalso secondinthe German Derbyand ran many morefine races,including when attemptingtodefendhis Arctitleinfinishingthird behindAlpinista.

Thedeathofhissire–and Germany’schampion–Adlerflugleftachasmto be filledandit would be no surprise at all were hetofillit intime, beginningfroma perchof€20,000 at Gestut Auenquelle.

Another multiplechampion sireinAreion was lostfromthe ranks last yearand Gestut Ohler weiherhof will be standingoneofhis sonsin Rubaiyat (€4,500),an accomplishedmiler at Group levelonthecontinent.
Nerik (€3,900),meanwhile, joins Gestut Lindenhof, with the sonof RulerOf The World havingfinishedaneck second to Rebel’s Romanceinthe GrosserPreis von Berlin.
Onthemove To Orwithinbritain Andireland
HOR SE S have been trainedon the Mantonestateformore than150 yearsnow, butforthe firsttimeinacentury there will be stallionshoused in this historiccornerof Wiltshire.
Resident trainer Martyn Meade hasestablishedwhat is nowknown as Manton Park to house both Aclaim (£10,000) and Advertise (£20,000),who have movedfromtheirformer home at the National Stud.

Prixdela Foret winner Aclaim celebratedClassic successfromhisfirstcrop through Cachet,whilethere wasa warm receptionforthe first yearlingssired by multiple

‘The li st of new sire s in Ge rm any is shor t but ce r tainly swe et as Torquator Ta sso (b elow) will be it s most famous ar rival in manyye ars. The magnif icent chestnut is a thre e-time Group1 winner who wa s al so se cond in the Ge rm an De rb y an d ran many more fine ra ce s, including when at tempting to defen d hi s Arc title in fini shing third behind Alpini st a’
Several Derby winners begin thenewcovering seasonfrom adifferent base too, withone ofthemostsignificant announcementsoflast year beingthat of Golden Horn (£8,000),who was bought privately by Jayne McGivern and switchesfrom Darley’s Dalham Hallto Overbur y Stud inGloucestershire.
Althoughthe sonof Cape Crossis setto have a National Hunt leaning, he predictably had animmediate flush withhis Flat runners as soonasthenews broke, with Haskoy runninga very good fourthinthe St Leger andthe Ebor winner Trawlerman and Hong Kong Vase runner-up Botanikfurther embellishinghiscredentials.
Anotherfrom Dalham Hall to be relocatingisa Middle ParkStakes-winning sonof OasisDreamin Charming Thought (£3,000),who spent
Harzand (€5,000),who similarlyenjoyed Derbyglory at Epsom, makesamove along the samelines butonly within Ireland, switchingfromthe AgaKhan’s Gilltown Stud to Kilbarry Lodge Studin County Waterford as heisexpected to have more impact within the jumpingfraternity.
Another Classic winnerwho willinsteadcrossthe wateris Galileo’sIrish St Leger winner FlagOf Honour,whodeparts the National Studaftertwo yearsof serviceforanew start atBallycurragh StudinCounty Carlow,wherehe will standfor aprivatefee.
Terr y Holdcroft’s Bearstone Studcontinues to beefupits rosterin Shropshireand has takenonthe Dewhurstand Lockinge Stakes winner Belardo (£6,500)from Darley’s Kildangan Stud. He has already supplied halfadozen decentGrouporGraded winners, includingthelikesof Isabella Gilesand Bellabel.

The Skeltonfamily’snew Alne ParkStud venture hastwo new namestoconjure with, takingonthesireofthe stable’s usefulLanger Dan, Ocovango (£3,000),from Coolmore’s The Beeches, who ispricedthe sameas well-bred debutant Midnights Legacy
Back inIrelandand Farhh’s Queen ElizabethII Stakes winner KingOfChange,who spent two years at Derrinstown Stud, has been recruited by Micheal Orlandi’s Starfield Studto stand at €6,000.
Racinger (€3,000),thesmart milerwhoseprogeny such as the decentchaser El Barra have been gaining attentionin the National Hunt world, has joined DonalWhite’s Foxwood Farm inCounty Corkfrom Harasde Vains.