New Sires 2023

Page 14

Thursday,January26,2023 PULLOUT PREVIEW NEWSIRES NEW SIRES Yourindispensableguide tothisyear'sfreshcrop ofstallionsinBritainandIreland

BEFORE Champions Day, rumour hadit– anditis not hard to make theleaponeself anyway now–thatBaaeed’s 2023feewas settobesix figures.

Hadhegone outina blaze ofglor yinthe Champion Stakes at Ascot, itwould have placed him outofthe reachof afew morebreeders,albeit £80,000for anew sireisnot to be sniffedat. ForBritain andIreland,it’s as priceyas afreshmangetsthesedays.

Baaeed carried nearlyall beforehim lastyear andthe appearanceofhisfoals, includinginthe sale ring, will beoneofthehighlights of2024 –howmadisit, by the by,that futuristic soundingyear isless than 12months away?

TheNunner yStud stallionleadsthis year ’s cropofnew sires in Britain andIreland,onethat feelsa littlethinnerontheground thanusual,certainlyin termsof numbers, though thequality remainshigh.

That isevidentthrough KittyTrice’s gallopthrough thenewoptions available forbreedersinBritainand Irelandthisupcoming covering season. Baaeed is alongway from beingthe only top-levelwinner available,indeed, heisnot theonlynewGroup1 sire at Shadwellas Minzaal sees hisfirstactionofhis second career at Derrinstown Stud.

At nineandthree Stradivariusand Blackbeard areatthe oppositeendsofthe age rangebutdefinitelyamong themostinteresting newcomers.Itwould be greattosee theformer service some Flat-oriented mares, andprovehimself a genuinedual-purposesire.

Generousbonusesonoffer fromhis owner-breeder Bjorn Nielsen canonlyhelp inthat regard

Asfor Blackbeard,it’s obviouslyashame he’s spendinghis Classic year at Coolmore Stud ratherthan carr yingthe partners’ coloursonthe racetrack, butinjuriesdo happenand ifhisoffspringproveas toughandtalentedashe was, thenhisimpact will not be lost

Best of lucktoall connectedwith2023’s bunchofnew boys,andto thebreeders settouse them.

Baaeed to Wa ld konig

it ’s qual it yoverqua nt it y withth is year ’s newboys on theblock



Colour :bay

Pedigree:Sea The StarsAghareed(Kingmambo) StandingatNunner yStud Price:£80,000

RacingPost Rating highof138 Shadwell’s sonofSea TheStars wasrated the bestturf performer sinceFrankeland 2022’shighest ratedturfhorse inthe world, secondonly to Flightlineinthe overall rankings.

Needlesstosay,herates a mostexcitingstallionprospect fornotonlybreeders but SheikhaHissa’s revitalised operation, ateamthathas pickedupmomentumatthe salesafter aquiet period following thedeathof Hamdan Al Maktoum.

Baaeed wasunracedattwo butmadeupforlosttime with aLeicestermaiden winonhis firststartatthree,followed by a near eight-length routofhis rivals at Newmarketina novice eventand then aListedsuccess that sawhimdemolishuseful rivals suchas Maximaland One Ruler inthe SirHenry Cecil Stakes backatheadquarters

He earnedanRPRof124 whenlandingtheGroup3 Thoroughbred Stakes at Goodwood by just over six lengths,then roundedoffthe campaign withGroup1 triumphsinthePrixdu Moulin and QueenElizabeth II Stakes

High-classrivals such as OrderOf Australia,Victor Ludorumand Snow Lantern were dealt withintheFrench contest, and worldchampion miler PalacePier,Lady Bowthorpeand AlcoholFree at Ascot.

TheWilliam Haggas-trained

starcontinuedhisdomination over amile at four with ready winsinthe Lockinge,Queen Anneand Sussex Stakes, beforehis career-definingwin when pullingsixand ahalf lengthsclearof2021 winner MishriffintheJuddmonte InternationalatYork, showing everyonehe wasarguably even better over amileand aquarter

He couldn’temulate Frankel withanunbeaten recordwhen onlyfourthintheChampions Stakes at Ascotonhis11thand final appearance,butthat did nottaketoo much glossoffhis other wise immaculatestallion credentials.

He hailsfromoneof Shadwell’s foremostfamilies, beingout ofthe ListedwinningKingmambo mare Aghareed,adaughterof Breeders’Cup Filly &Mare TurfwinnerLahudood and fromthefamilyofNashwan andthe Maktoums’bluehen Height Of Fashion.

Baaeed (above) isalsoafullbrotherto2022 Coronation CupwinnerHukum,who returnstoactionforthe Owen Burrowsstablethis year after a post-Epsominjur ybroughthis 2022 campaign to apremature end.


4b NewBay -Alava (Anabaa) BallylinchStud: €15,000 RPR122

TheQueen ElizabethII Stakes winner joinshissireonthe Ballylinchrosterfor2023and hastorateanintriguing propositionas aGroup 1-winningsonofthered-hot NewBay

That sonofDubawi fired ina notable Champions Day double at Ascot in October

when BayBr upsettheBa applecart 40 minutesafte BaysideBoy successover Modern Gamesin theQEII, and has accordingly seenhisfee increasedto €75,000this season.

BaysideBo hasbeen introduceda €15,000and shouldthere appealtosm breedersinp

at efore maller particu allylinc purchas nfro four-year-oldis out d-winningAnabaa ki hi

Bred by Ba 200,000gnsp RichardRya Book2,thef ofthe Listed mare Alava, making hima half-brotherto ahandful of winnersincludingdual Huxley Stakes scorer ForestRanger (byLawman) andthe stakesplacedHome Cummins(Rip VanWinkle).

BaysideBoy showcased his abilityfromtheoff with Roger Varian,defeatingsubsequent Jersey Stakes second Find by nearly fourlengthsonhis debutatNewbury,beforea narrow secondto Superlative Stakes runner-up Masekelain the DenfordStakes backatthe Berkshiretrack.

He then wontheGroup2 Champagne Stakesfromthe classy ReachFor TheMoon, andhis juvenile campaign endedwithtwoGroup1 placings,whenthirdinthe DewhursttoEuropean champion juvenile NativeTrail andthirdtothetop-class Luxembourg inthe Vertem Futurity at Doncaster.

Histhree-year-old career sawhimthoroughlytestedin hisfirst twostarts,inthe FrenchGuineasand St James’s Palace Stakes ;hefinished unplacedinboth,though beatenonlytwolengths at RoyalAscot behind Coroebus.

He wasthenfourthinthe Thoroughbred Stakes at Goodwoodbeforea confidence-boosting winin

Sandown.Hesaved the best untillastwithhisvictor yat Ascot over afield fullof quality,headedbyModern Games,Inspiraland The Revenant

Bl ackbeard

3bNoNay Never-Muirin (Born To Sea) Coolmore:€25,000 RPR116

Oneofsix GrouporGradedwinningjuvenilesforthe redhot No NayNeverin2022 –his mostexpensivelybredcropto hitthetracksofar when conceived at €100,000–BlackbeardretirestoCoolmore asthetypeofhorsethe potent Scat Daddylineproduces :topclass, precociousand speedy.

Bred by NewsteadBreeding andpickedupbyJamie McCalmontfor270,000gnsas afoalfromthe Tattersalls DecemberSale, Blackbeard is thefirstfoal outofjuvenile winner Muirin –her second,a full-sister to Blackbeard,sold toRichard Knight for €2,600,000 at lastyear’sGoffs Orby Sale –andfromthe familyofPivotal’s Groupwinningsprinter Girouette.

Thecoltimmediately started toproducewhat wasexpected onthetin, strikingonhis debutinApril atDundalkand

g successovertheclassy Crispy Catinthe Listed FirstFlier Stakes at the Curragh.

A first Pattern success came inthe Group3Marble Hill Stakes,whichhe wonbythree and ahalflengths,whilehis nexttwo starts sawhimfinish fourthtoBradsellin ahot Coventry Stakesandthena short-head second to Shartash in the RailwayStakes.

It wasonwardsandupwards forthetough juvenilefrom thereashepulledthree lengthsclearofsmart stablemateTheAntarcticin theGroup2 Prix Robert Papin at Chantillyin July,andthen returnedtoFrancethe following monthtonotcha firstGroup 1triumphin the Prix MornyatDeauville,where he beat PersianForce by half a length,withTheAntarcticin third.

Blackbeard thenproduceda career-bestperformanceinthe Middle ParkStakes,confirming theformagain with runner-up TheAntarcticand making itsix winsand aplacing fromeight starts.

Blackbeard wasbeinglined upfor atiltattheBreeders’ Cupbutunfortunately hadto be retired afteranx-ray postexerciseshowed asmallchip in hisright knee.

Newsiresintherest ofEuropeandthoseon themove
ANDREWSCUTTS, BLOODSTOCK MANAGINGEDITOR CONTENTS 2-11 A-ZofBritainand Ireland’snewsires 12 Overbury Studfeature 14-15
kridge aaee 0 er y’s r o
Stakes at following up with anarrow y
‘Baaee dh ails fromoneofShadwell’s foremost families ,being outofthe Li sted-winningKingm ambo mare Aghare ed ,ad aughterofBre eders’ CupFilly&MareTur fwinner Lahu dood andf romthe family of Na shwanand theMak toum s’ blue henHeightOfFashion’

He standshisfirst seasonas aprospectcommercial breedersshouldeasily warm togivenhisprecocityand speed

Uponhis retirement, Coolmore’s David O’Loughlin said: “Thewhole Scat Daddy linecouldn’t begoingany better. No Nay Never has obviouslyenjoyedafantastic season, Justify has madea brilliant startinthe US, Sioux Nationischurning outquality winnersherein Europe and thefirst yearlings by No Nay Never’sfirst sonto stud, Ten Sovereigns, have gonedown incredibly well. Blackbeard is very muchhisfather ’s sonand a hugely excitingprospect.”


4b Mehmas- Shoshoni Wind (Sleeping Indian)

Overbury Stud:£6,500 RPR110

Fromthe studthat broughtsire sensationArdadontothe scene, Overburyintroduces anotherprecocious speedster toits eclectic rosterfor2023.

The sonoftheever popular Mehmaslived uptohis pedigreeasa half-brothertoa five-furlong winneranda son ofthe Julyand Richmond Stakes scorer

Outofthe stakes-placed juvenile winner Shoshoni Wind, Caturra wononhis second startin Mayofhistwo-

year-old campaign He finishedafair seventhinthe Coventry Stakes beforeafirst blacktype wininthe Listed Rose Bowl Stakes at Newbury.

He waslater second at Listed level at York andclearly liked the Yorkshireairasthat preceded hissignature success intheGroup2 FlyingChilders Stakes at Doncaster, a race his studmateArdad wonin2016.

Caturra wascertainly well tested at three. He didnot manage another win but wasa close secondonhis returnin thePrix Sigy,whilehe was beatenonlyalength by Khaademinthe King George Stakes at Goodwood He retired withnearly£160,000in earningsandthree winstohis name. Overbury Stud feature, page 12

Dubawi Legend 4b Dubawi - Lovely Pass (Raven’s Pass)

Starfield Stud:€6,500 RPR114

Dubawi’s prowessasa sireof siresishighlighted by thelikes of New Bayand NightOf Thunder, and Starfield Stud introducesanother sonof Darley’slinchpin siretothe Irish ranks.

A Rabbah Bloodstock homebred,four-year-old Dubawi Legend wasafivelength winneronhisdebut at


Standingalongsideprovensire AWTAAD BLAZINGSPEED Emphatic3¾ lengthwinner of the Group 1 Spr int Cupin 1m inute08s econds GROUP 1C ONSISTENCY Wonorplacedatthe toplevelat2, 3and 4aswellas anastounding victo ryinthe Group 2 Gimcrackat 2 SIRE POWER Thehighest-ratedsonofhissireMehmas and grand-sire Acclamation Thehighest-ratedsprinterinEurope To book an omi nat ionor ar ra nge av iewingcont ac t: StephenColl ins, Jo eB ehan or Kay Skehan Tel:+353(0)16286228 | Mehmas -P ardoven (Clodo vil) | Fee: €15,000 January1st SLF New for 202 3 | @Derrinstown
‘Bla ckbe ard wa s being line d up fora tilt atthe Breed ers’ Cup but unfort un ately had to be retire d af te r an x-ra y postexercise showed a sm all chip in hi s right knee ...
he st an ds hi s first se ason as a prospe ct commerci al breed ersshoul d ea sily warm to given hi s prec ocity an d sp eed ’

Doncasterin Julyofhistwoyear-old campaign, and followed that up withtwo Group placings, mostnotably when chasing home champion two-year-old Native Trail inthe Dewhurst Stakes at Newmarket.

He was perhapsnotquite so potentat three but still managed to musteraGroup3 scoreinthe Goldene Peitsche atBaden-Baden,whilehe was thirdto subsequent runaway Sprint Cuphero Minzaalinthe Hackwood Stakes at Newbur y. Dubawi Legendisthefourth foal outof Raven’s Pass’s UAE 1,000 Guineas winner Lovely Pass,a half-sisterto Listed winner Spirit Raiser. He isthus a half-brothertothree winners, including stakes scorerand Park Hill Stakes second Golden Pass


3b Frankel- Scuffle(Daylami) Universal Stud:Priceon application


As pedigrees go,theunraced Foment hasoneofthefinestin the bookasa Juddmonte-bred Frankelfull-brotherto St Leger hero Logicianand out ofthe fineproducer Scuffle,a Daylami half-sister toGroup1 winner Cityscapeandhigh-class performer Bated Breath, both in turntop-level-winning sires. That is barely scratching the surfaceofthethree-year-old’s page as hislineage traces back toCityof YorkStakes winner andGrade1-placedDidina and,further back,outstanding championtwo-year-old Xaar, as wellasbluehenand Kentucky broodmare ofthe year Best In Show

He joins thenew Universal Studnear Newry, Northern Ireland,andis available at a cheaperfeethanhis Classicwinningbrother,who stands at Shade Oak Studin Shropshire and hashisfirstfoalsonthe groundthis year.


6b Midnight Legend -Giving (Generous)

Alne Park Stud:£3,000 RPR131(hurdle)106(Flat)

Davidand Kathleen Holmes’ planto make astallion outof the last colt by their rags-torichessire Midnight Legend hascometofruition,and Midnights Legacy isa fascinatingnew stallion to the British National Hunt ranksas a result.

Thesix-year-old was sent intotraining withAlan King and wonthree ofhisfirstfour startsonthe Flat from October 2019 to the summerof2020.

He didn’t manage to gethis headinfront againuntil June 2021,whenhisfourth career victory cameonthebiggest stagethereisashe tookthe raceafterthe Derby at Epsom, the Class2 Northern Dancer Handicap He wasto winit againlast year.

Midnights Legacy also scored three times over hurdlesduringthelatter stages ofhis career,includingonhis final startwhena seven-length



He hasafascinating pedigree, beingtheeighthfoal outofthe Generous mare Giving, makinghimafullbrotherto Listed-winning hurdler Midnights’ Giftand half-brother to anotherblack-

type winnerin GivingGlances andthe Listed-placed ForgivingGlance. It isaqualityfamilyfilled withhigh-class performersas Givingisalso related toplenty of winnersunder bothcodes, including Flat stakes winners LethalLadyand

BLOODSTOCK SPECIAL NEW SIRES FOR 2023 4 Frompage3 Continuespage7
Class3 handicap hurdle at Fontwell last
Minzaal 5b Mehmas-
RPR125 A sonoftheultra popular Mehmasandonewhotrained on to landthe Sprint Cup at
at four, Shadwell’s ‘Shadwel l’s li keable colt Mi nz aa l look sa nice new recr uit to the Ir ish ra nk s at Derri nstown’ EDWARDWHITAKER(RACINGPOST.COM/PHOTOS) Thursday,January26,2023
Burn The Breeze
Pardoven (Clodovil)
‘He ha sa fa scin at ing pe digree , being theeighth foal out of Generous mare Giving , making hima full-brother to Li sted-winning hurdler Midnight s’ Gift and half-brother to another bl ac k-ty pe winner in Giving Gl ances’
T: 02536362 • WonGr.1PrinceofWales’sStakes defeating BayBridge whoboostedthe formwhensubsequentlytaking the Gr.1 BritishChampionStakesdefeating6-time Gr.1 Winner Baaeed WonGr.1PrixGanay defeatingthree Individual Gr.1 Winnersincl.theChampion StakesVictor Sealiway WonGr.1Ladbrokes CoxPlate conceding16lbs to runnerup Anamoewho landedthe2022 running of theCox Plate WonGr.1SaratogaDerbyInvitational Stakes “STATEOFRESTwas withoutquestionaremarkably talented ,durable andconsistent performer.Wea skedahugeamount of himthroughouthis careerandhe deliveredevery time.Hehad themostincredibl econstitutionandwill to win.” JosephO'Brien,September2022 NEW FOR 2023 STATEOFREST Standing beside: ACCLAMATION, JAMESGARFIELD and KODIBEAR ATE OF RE ST FOUR-TIMEGR.1 WINNERAND€3,400,000 Theonlyhorseinthehistoryofthethoroughbredbreed to win threeconsecutive Group1’sonthreedifferentcontinents. NeverHeaded Once Taking TheLead. 55 Racing Post Thursday,January 26,2023
BLOODSTOCK SPECIAL NEWSIRES FOR2023 6 ED WA RDWHITAKER(RACINGPOS T. COM/PHO TO S) Thursday,January26,2023 ‘Perfect Power hastocome into the reckon ing forbreeders look ingto produce high-class speed’

likeablecoltlooks anicenew recruittotheIrish ranks at Derrinstown

Bred by RingfortStudand an85,000gns purchase by the Doyles at the Tattersalls DecemberFoal Sale,hethen made140,000gnswhen selling to ShadwellfromGlenvale Stud at Book 2backatPark Paddocks.

Sent intotrainingwith Owen Burrows, Minzaal was quicktomakeanimpression when winningonhis second startattwo,beforeaneasy scoreinYork’sGroup2 GimcrackStakes,inwhichhe pulledtwo lengths clearin greatstyle.Thecurtainfellon his juvenile campaign witha finethirdplacebehind Supremac yinthe Middle Park Stakes.

He ranonly twice at three duetoinjur ybut wasplaced on both runs,includingwhen thirdintheBritishChampions Sprint Stakes.

Lastyearhe wasthirdto subsequenttripleGroup1 heroine HighfieldPrincessin the Duke of YorkStakesonhis reappearance,and aftera midfieldfinishinthe Platinum JubileeStakeshetookthe Group3Hackwoodat Newbur y.

After gettingcloser to HighfieldPrincesswhen runner-up to herinthePrix Mauricede Gheest,Minzaal’s career-definingperformance then came when slamming a top-notchfield at Haydock, wherehecamehomethree

and three-quarterlengths aheadofGroup1winner EmaraatyAna.However,sadly he suffered acareer-ending injur yintheprocess.

Minzaalisthefourthfoal outoftheunracedClodovil mare Pardoven,a half-sister to theGroup-placedwinners Firebetand DancingPrize, and ahalf-siblingtotwo minor winners,includingonein SouthAfrica.

NavalCrown 5bDubawi- ComeAlive (Dansili) Kildangan Stud:€15,000 RPR121

Anotherprovenand capable sonofnewlycrowned championsireDubawi,Naval Crownisanew additiontothe Darley roster,thistime at KildanganStud.

Ahomebred of Godolphin outofthe stakes-winning Dansili mare ComeAlive–fromthefamilyofdualGroup 2-winningstayerWareed–the five-year-old hasbeen introducedtobreeders at an openingfee of€15,000.

Thebay wononhisthird startattwo inthevaluable Convivial Maiden at York, beforetwo Groupplacingsin Francetoconcludehisfirst season.

He wasaListedwinner over MasterOfThe Seas at Meydan in Februar yofhisthree-yearold career,whilehealsoran fourthinthe2,000 Guineas to Poetic Flareand second to CreativeForceinthe Jersey Stakes at RoyalAscot.

NavalCrown started2022 with aGroup 2successinthe Al Fahidi Fort at Meydan,and on hisfirstrunlastyearin BritaintooktheGroup1 Platinum JubileeStakes at the royalmeeting. He madea valiantattempt to followthat upinthe July Cupat Newmarketnexttime, finding only aresurgentAlcoholFree toostrong.

He wasunabletomatchthat forminthree subsequentruns, all at thehighestlevel, but retired with earningsofnotfar off£1millionandascertainly oneofthe bestsprintersof 2022.


4 bArdad -Sagely(Frozen Power)

Dalham Hall Stud:£15,000 RPR119

FromthefirstcropofArdad andhismostprolificprogeny todate,Perfect Powerhasto comeinto the reckoningfor breederslookingtoproduce high-class speed Awinneronhis second start at two, therewasnolooking backforthe RichardFaheytrainedcoltashe struck inthe Group2Norfolk Stakesonhis nextrun,whilehe bounced backfromaver yunlucky Richmond Stakesfifth with twoGroup 1successesinthe Prix Mornyand Middle Park Stakes.

He opened histhree-yearoldaccountwith awininthe Greenham Stakes butwas dropped back to sprint distancesafter anon-staying

seventhinthe2,000 Guineas behindCoroebus.

That approachwas handsomely rewarded as he trounceda high-qualityfield intheGroup1 Commonwealth CupatRoyal Ascot,postinga career-best RPRof119intheprocess.

Curiously,Perfect Power wastofinish seventhineach ofthefinalthree runsofhis careerfollowing that,though neverbeatenthat far.

Thecolt,outofthe winning Frozen PowermareSagelyand fromthefamilyofArcwinner Sagamix ,retiresto Dalham Hallas somethingofa flagbearerforhis sire.

A£110,000 GoffsUKBreezeUp graduatewhen sellingto BlandfordBloodstockfrom Tally-HoStud,thegrandsonof Kodiac appealsasanexciting commercialprospectfor Darley.


3chMehmas-Vida Amorosa (LopeDeVega) Tally-HoStud:€10,000 RPR108

Thethirstforthe Mehmas sirelinecontinues unquenched, with athirdson ofthein-demand stallion havingbeenretiredfor stud dutiesthis year.Joining Mehmasonthe Tally-HoStud

rosteristheprecocious and tough PersianForce,whois wellknown tohisnew home astheypurchased himfrom RingfortStudatthe Goffs November Foal Salein2020.

PersianForce,who subsequently sold to Peterand Ross Doylefor€225,000 at the GoffsOrbySale,was a rampantwinneronhisdebut in theBrocklesby onthe openingday ofthe2022 Flat season.

He followed upina conditions race at Newbur yin Mayandthenfinisheda creditable second to Bradsell inwhat lookeda red-hot Coventry Stakes.

TheAmo Racingcoltthen deser vedlypickedupwinning blacktypewhenlandingthe Group2 July Stakes,whilehis finalfour runsall came at the toplevel.

He wassecondinthe Phoenix Stakesto Little Big Bear,andthen secondand thirdbehindthat one’s stablemate–andfellow new sire of2023 –Blackbeardin thePrixMornyand Middle ParkStakes.His swansongwas inthe Breeders’ CupJuvenile Turf Sprint at Keenelandin November,whenhe wasan honourablefourth.

Thethree-year-old is the secondfoal outofanunraced

daughterof Lope De Vega, makinghim afull-brotherto smartWeatherbys Super Sprint winner and Richmond StakesthirdGubbass.Vida Amorosa is,inturn, ahalfsisterto QueenOfPower,the damofdualGroup3-winning sprinterandlastyear ’s Prix Mauricede Gheest third Garrus.


7bBated Breath -SkyCrystal (Galileo)

Ballyhane Stud:€6,500 RPR114

Ahardy sortwith25 runs to his nameand asonof Bated Breathfromthefamilyof Fillies’MilewinnerCrystal Music,SpaceTraveller retires asaninterestingnew addition tothe Ballyhane Stud roster.

Bred by El Catorce Partnership,the seven-yearold made85,000gns to Joe FoleyatBook3 ofthe Tattersalls October Yearling Sale,aninvestmenthewas to morethanrepay,with just over£565,000inprize-money, overthecourseofhisfive-year career,inBritain with Richard Faheyand in the UnitedStates withBrendan Walsh.

SpaceTraveller wasthe winnerofhisfirsttwo starts at two, whilehe wasalsosecond inthePrix Eclipseinthe


7 Racing Post Thursday,January 26,2023
MicheálOrlandi, CompasStallions +353(0)838092299 @CompasStallions Standingat StarfieldStud,Ballynagall,Mullingar, Co.Westmeath,IrelandN91K8Y9 DUBAW IL EGEND #S printerByDu ba wi Jointsecond highest rated 2yoin2021 2nd Gr.1 Darley DewhurstStakesto dualGr.1 winner NativeTrail.TDNRisingStar. Onlyonefirstseasonsireratedhigher as a2yo.OR:115 HigherratedthanBaysideBoy, PersianForce, Minzaal, State Of Rest, Caturra, NavalCrown,etc. NEW FOR2023 He’sgot somuch speedandso muchtalent. HUGOPALMER GR.12YOAND GR.3SPRINTER BYDUBAWI FEE: €6,500 Limite dB reedingRightsAvai la ble

‘Space Travel lerisa fu ll or ha lf-brother to th reew in ners, includ ingDickPoole Stakes th irdPel lucid’

autumnofhis juvenile year.

He startedhisthree-year-old campaign with twoListed placings,and wasto subsequently capture the Group3JerseyStakes at Ascot –beating Space Bluesinto second –beforeannexingthe Group2BoomerangStakes at Leopardstown afewmonths later.

He wastorunonlyonceasa four-year-old butreturned at fivetowin aListedrace at York,afterwhichhe was transferredtothe US.Hewas to beplacedthreetimesin Grade 1companythere, includingwhen just ahead secondintheFrank E. Kilroe Mile Stakes atSantaAnitalast March.

Thethirdfoal outofthe winningGalileomareSky Crystal, SpaceTravelleris afull

or half-brothertothree winners, includingDickPoole StakesthirdPellucid. Their damis outofatwo-year-old winnerand half-sister to Fillies’MilewinnerCrystal Music anda handfulofother blacktypeperformers.

They include MayHill Stakes victressand Prix Marcel BoussacthirdSolar Crystal and John Porter Stakes winner andIrish St LegerfourthDubai Success.


5b Starspangledbanner -Quiet American(Repose)

Rathbarr yStud: €25,000 RPR124

Starspangledbanner ’s golden 2022 wascapped by the excellenteffortsof StateOf Rest,animmenselylikeable sort whoaddedanother string tohissire’sbow by proving

himself atop-classmile-anda-quarterperformer.

TheTinnakill Bloodstockbred five-year-old’s saleprices of45,000gns,whenpickedup by Diamond Bloodstockasa foalfrom Tattersalls December, and60,000gns,when sellingto Joseph O’Brienand Aiden O’Ryanfrom Tattersalls Book 2,nowlookbargainsthanks to hisprize-moneyhaulofnearly £3millionfromthree yearsin training.

StateOfRestwononhis debutattwo and laterin the year wasthirdbehind Chindit in theChampagne Stakes,but he really startedtoblossomas athree-year-old

He builtonahalf-length thirdinaListedcontest at the Curraghwhentravellingto upstate NewYorktowinthe Grade 1SaratogaDerby,and

ON YOURMARKS... GET SET... START Twoyearinternationalmanagement andleadershipprogrammeforthe thoroughbred racingandbreedingindustry. APPLY NOW Applicationsclose6th February2023
BLOODSTOCK SPECIAL NEWSIRES FOR2023 8 Frompage7 Continuespage10

‘State Of Rest is an immen sely like able sort who ad de d another st ring to hi s sire’s bow by proving himselfatop- cl ass perfor mer’

The biggestnames in the business

Naval Crown NE W

The power-packed Dubawi who beat the winners of the July Cup, Commonwealth Cup, Nunthorpe, Sussex, Prix Maurice de Gheest, Flying Five, Prix de la Forêt and the British Champions Sprint in an incredibly strong field for the G1 Diamond Jubilee.

€15,000 Oct 1, SLF. Kildangan Stud
Space Traveller (main): visited the winner’s enclosurefive times in his fruitful career State Of Rest (below): proved himself a top- class performerat a mile anda quar ter

jetting allthe wayto Australia didthennotfaze himashe took outoneofthe nation’s most reveredprizes, beating prolific top-level winner AnamoeintheCox Plate.

Hisfour-year-old campaign gotoff to aflyeras he wonfor thethirdtimeinthehighest grade,landingthePrix Morny, andthere wasto be a fourth Group1 successinthePrince of Wales’s Stakes,inwhichhis rivals were Bay Bridge,Grand Glory, Shahr yarand Lord North.

Thedecisionto revert toa mileforthefirsttimeinmore thana year, ratherthan have a pop atBaaeed at York, backfired whenhefinished out withthe washinginthePrix Jacquesle Marois,and rather typicallyinjurythen necessitatedhis retirement.

StateOf Rest is outofan unraced Repose half-sister to Listed winners Echo Riverand PrinceAlzain, making hima half-brothertothedual Group-winningTranquilLady (by Australia),who soldto Godolphinfor2,700,000gns at the Tattersalls December Mares Sale.

Notably, QuietAmerican was soldprivatelyto Juddmonte carr yingtoFrankel in May.


9ch SeaThe Stars -Private Life (Bering)

The National Stud:£10,000 RPR125

Oneofthe best andmost popular stayers thiscentury, the National Stud’s Stradivariuscutsaunique figure amongtheclassof2023 anditishoped by thiswriter

that the seven-timeGroup1 winneris supported by breeders at a timewhen staminais seenasaheinous crime.

A sonofthegreat Sea The Starswhoselongevity, soundnessandfortitudeare traitsthat should be prized whenitcomes to breeding racehorses, Stradivarius wasa winneronhisthirdandfinal start at two, overamile.

He begantocomeinto his ownasathree-year-old, winningtheGroup2 Queen’s Vase andthefirstoffour Group1 Goodwood Cups Stradivarius wasalso just halfa lengthandashorthead away from becominga Classic hero inthe St Leger, when beaten that distanceinthird behind Capri.

TheBjorn Nielsen homebred progressed to leading stayer statuswhen winningallfiveofhis starts at four,mostnotablythe Gold Cup at RoyalAscotand another Goodwood Cup.

He wonfiveofhis startsasa five-year-old,defendinghis crowns at Ascotand Goodwood, bothtimes with Dee Ex Bee as runner-up,and hetruly wasthe cupkingof 2019,ashealso wonthe Yorkshire, Lonsdaleand Doncaster Cups.

He wonhisthird Gold Cup at Ascot by animpressive ten lengths at the ageofsixin 2020,and beat the samehorse, Nayef Road,to winthe Goodwood Cupforthefourth time. Stradivariusdeser veda crack at the Arc and duly got one, buttheground was unhelpfullyheavyandhe didn’t getaproperchanceto showwhat he coulddoback at

amileanda half.

At sevenheaddedthree moreGroup-race wins to his CV,thoughatop-levelvictory eludedhimasTrueshantook champion stayerhonours.

And at eight, it was Kyprios’s youngerlegsthat prevented Stradivariusfromadding to his seventop-level wins,though hedidlandathird Yorkshire Cup.

Thegreat stayer retired the winnerof20ofhis35 outings, and withprize-moneyof nearly£3.5million-nicely topped up by bonuses. His18 Pattern winsisa European record.

Outofthe Bering mare Private Lifeanda half-brother to winnersincludingGroup3 scorer Persian Storm, Stradivarius hailsfromthe familyofchampion stayer and German sireProtectionistand descendsfromchampionfilly Pawneese

Waldkonig 6b Kingman- Waldlerche (Monsun) Knockhouse Stud:€2,500 RPR116

A sonof Kingmanandfrom theexceptionalWfamilythat includesArcheroandfirstseason sire Waldgeist, Waldkonig standshisfirst season at Knockhouse Studas a National Hunt sire, perhaps not sucha surprisingmove givenacloserlook at his pedigree

Bred by Newsells Park and GestutAmmerland, Waldkonig commandedplenty of attention fromtheoffashis 600,000gnspricetagfrom Tattersalls Book1testifies.

He isnotonlya half-brother toanArc winneranda talentedGroup2-winningfilly

in Waldlied,heis outofthe Group-winning Waldlerche, a Monsun half-sister to St Leger heroandexciting young jumps sire Masked Marvel,thesireof this season’sGrade1 Hatton’s Grace scorer Teahupoo

Thepage notablyincludes the wonderful Wurftaube, the damof German Derbyhero Waldparkand Waldmark.

Waldkonig ranonlyfive timesforthe Gosdens. His nine-length Wolverhampton scoreonhis sole start at two sawhimenterthe bookmakers’ reckoningfor Classichonoursthefollowing year, butthat didnotcome to fruition.

He dulydid make his reappearance at three inthe Covid-hit yearof2020on 2,000 Guineasdayonthe Rowley Mile, butinthe contestthat preceded the Classic,the Listed Newmarket Stakes,andany Derbydreams were ratherdashedasthe odds-onfavourite could manage onlythirdto Mishriffform, though,that was made tolook much betterindue course.

Waldkonig wasthen runnerup to subsequent Dante Stakes second HighestGroundina noviceevent at Haydock.

He returned at fourto successfullyconcede weight to

Unfortunately,he was unabletofulfilhis potential–whichcould have included tryingtoemulatehis halfbrother ’s Arc triumph–as injuryinter vened,thoughit speaksvolumesforthe regard inwhichhe washeldthat Waldkonig wasnot retired untillast year, with connectionsfrustrated in attemptstogivehima chance at Group1level.

O CATURRA THE FL YIN G MEHMAS NE W The peoplewho brought you ARDAD arenow behindan EVEN FASTER FlyingChilders winner CallSimon Sweeting on 07796174926 Watch THECATURRASTORY on OVERBURY Stud £6,500 Oct1,SLF BLOODSTOCK SPECIAL NEW SIRES FOR 2023 10
Frompage8 Thursday,January26,2023
allhis rivalsina Pontefract Class2 handicap, andfollowed that up by winningtheGroup 3 Gordon Richards Stakes,in which Hukumand Highest Ground were amongthosein behind.
‘The great stayer reti red the wi nner of 20 of his 35 outi ngs, and with pr iz emoney ofnearly £3.5m’
Stradivarius: one of the best and most popular stayer s this century Pictures:EDWARDWHITAKER(RACINGPOST.COM/PHOTOS)

Last-to-firstwinneroffour stallion-makingraces and from thenumberoneRoyal Ascotjuvenilesireline.

European Championthree-year-oldsprinter PerfectPower Ne w £15,000 Oct1,SLF.DalhamHallStud Thebiggestnamesinthe business 1111 Racing Post Thursday,January 26,2023

Catu rra–acha nce that couldnot be missed

Kitty Trice gets the insidetrackfrom Simon Sweeting atOverbury Stud

COULD lightningstrike twice for Overbur yStud? Theacquisitionof Caturra, the winnerof the2021 FlyingChilders Stakesand asimilarmodeltothe team’s provenGroup1 sireArdad, meansit wouldnot be the worst bet in the world.

TheGloucestershirestudboastsa diverseandtalentedline-up –ranging from speed-orientedstallions suchas Ardad to bona fide National Hunt prospectslikeJackHobbs,Golden HornandFrontiersman,as wellas old guardSchiaparelli –butthereis no doubting stud manager Simon Sweeting’sexcitementabouthislatest recruit.

Caturra, wholikeArdad wasbred by Tally-HoStud,joins Overbury in theglowofsireMehmas’s red-hot successoverthelastfew years.

In anothersimilaritytoArdad,he blazedhis waytovictor yinthe Flying Childers, fiveyearsafterhis studmate’sthree-quarterlength score for John Gosden.

Havingbeenintroducedto breeders at anopening feeof£6,500–the samepriceArdad stoodforinhis firstseasonin2018 –Sweetingreports thefour-year-old to have settledinto hisnewlife well,andthat breeders have welcomed him with openarms.

He says :“We showed him at Newmarketduringthe December MaresSaleand hadaround120 visitors overthree days.Wesold breeding rightstheretoo and we’re sellingnominationsnow.

“He’sprobably at the sameplaceas Ardad,perhaps abitfurtherfor ward, so I’dbeconfidentofhim getting120 maresthis year.”

Sweeting, whoconfirmedhis owner Saeed binMohammedAlQassimi will supporthim with “sevenoreight mares” alongsidefiveofhis own, adds :“Caturrahasdoneeverything we’veasked ofhimandtakenitallin his stride.Hehasn’tcoveredamare yetbut hasdone alotof teasingand is doingthat right, butequallyis retaininghis easytemperament.”

So,how doArdadandCaturra comparephysically? Sweetingis considered inhis response.

“He’sabitbiggerthanArdad, slightly rangier,”hesays. “In comparison with Mehmas,I’d sayhe’s aslightlybigger versionandperhaps with aslightly betterbackleg, althoughthat’s notacriticism of Mehmas –you can’tcriticise him afterallhe’s done.He’ssimilar to Ardadin that he’s gota very good walk.”

With Mehmasfeverinfull swing, Sweeting was keento standthefirst sonofthe Tally-HosireinBritain, especiallyconsideringother sons suchas Supremac yand Minzaalare nowensconcedinIreland.

He says :“At theendoflastseason we gottheopportunityto buyinto himand standhim at Overbur y–it wasn’tachancetomiss.Thereare severalsonsofMehmasinIreland but Ibelievehe’sthefirst one overhere, so we wanted totakethe opportunity.”

While Caturrasets outonhis date withdestinyoverthecomingweeks, stablemateArdad hasprovenhis capabilitiesfromhisfirst twocropsof

Thursday,January26,2023 ‘Atthe endofl ast se ason we gotthe opport unit ytobuy into himand st andhim at Overbur y–itwasn’ta chanc etomiss’ SimonSwe et ing (picture d)


They includeCommonwealth Cup, Middle ParkStakesandPrix Morny winner Perfect Power, now setforhis first season at Darley’s Dalham Hall Stud.

Sweeting reportsthethoroughly likeable sonof Kodiac to be as popular as ever, saying:“We’ve been staggered howquicklyArdad’s book hasfilledupthis year. He’s got 130oddlisted at themoment, whichI wasthrilled about, and I’d be surprised if we don’t getto150.

“Breeders have comeback to him andhe’s got someexcitingthree-yearolds to runthis year, suchasCrispy Catand Pure Angel,afilly I’m really excited about.She won at the back end at WolverhamptonandIthink she’s got anexcitingfuture.

“He’s gotasmallercropoftwoyear-olds but somenicethree-yearolds,plusa very nice bunchof yearlings.”

Theadditionof Golden Hornto the Overburyteam last summer, following his purchase from Darley by Jayne McGivern,is also setto keep Sweetingon histoes.

He reportsthe sonof Cape Cross’s bookto be fillingup nicelyand says of the2015 Derby andArchero:“We’ve had some very high-class National Huntmares booked tohim; again,he’s got alotof mares, andit’s a similar scenario towhen Kayf Tara was at hismost popular.

“We’ve yettodecidehow many

willcover butthe response has been very positive. I couldn’t be happier to have himandhe’s going to keepus very busy this year.”

Sweeting stressesthereis still plentyto lookfor ward to with Golden Horn’s Flat runners too, citingas examples Juddmonte’s Listed winner Haskoy and Godolphin’s Hong Kong VasesecondandGroup2 scorer Botanik– particularly astheytake aftertheirsireinlooksand temperament.

Sweeting says : “G olden Hornis gorgeousandheknowsit,andhe’s in really good nick at themoment. He gets somefabulous-lookinganimals and has some reallyexcitingonesto comeas Haskoy could be absolutely anythingand Botanik was secondin the Hong Kong Vase.”

Jack Hobbsisanother withabig yearahead,onethat willfeature his firstcropoffour-year-old National Hunt runners.

The sonof Halling hasproven immensely popularsincehis retirementtothe studin2018andis alreadythe sireof winnersonthe Flat, including The Gadget Man,who sold to Australiafor310,000gns at last year ’s Tattersalls Autumn Horsesin Training Sale.

Sweeting says : “He’sdone betteron the Flat than we couldever have expected. Thenext12monthsare very importantforhim withhisfirst National Hunt runners, butiftheydo what the Flat ones have donethen he’s going to be havingplentyof winners.”

1313 Racing Post Thursday,January26,2023 NEW TOSTUD 2023 WINNINGMILERBY BAYSIDEBOY ERBY NEWBAY €15,000 BALLYLINCH STUD Thomastown,Co.Kilkenny,I re land •Tel:+353(0)56 7724217 •i •w Wonthe Gr.1 Queen ElizabethII Stakesdefeating Gr.1 winners MODERNGAMES and INSPIRAL Wonthe Gr.2 ChampagneStakes 3rd Gr.1 DewhurstStakes 3rd Gr.1 FuturityTrophyStakes 123 “Hewasoneofthebesttwo-year-oldsofhisgeneration... Heisanexceptionallygood-lookingcoltandwasverysoundtotrain. Hepossessesalotofnaturalspeedandhisturnoffootinthe QueenElizabethIIshowedthepublicwhatwealwayssawathome.”
Ca turr a: “Ha s done ever yt hing we’ve aske d of hi m an d ta ken it al l in hi s stride”
‘G ol den Horn (lef t) is gorgeous and he knows it , and he’s in re ally good nick at the moment . He gets some fabulou s-looking anim al s and ha s some re allyex citing ones to come ’

€20,000 Mish ri ff leads the way in fi rst season at st ud


THERE arefewmorequalified horses to earna position at studthan Mishriff (€20,000), whoisthemostillustrious arrival to France’s breeding industryfor2023. Nurlan Bizakov ’s Sumbe hascometo anarrangement with Mishriff ’s owner-breederPrince Faisalto standthe well-travelledsixyear-old at Harasde Montfort etPreaux,andhe replacesthe late Le Havreasitsleading attraction.

Expectedto be availablefor covering frommid-Marchafter sufferingwhat was saidto be a minor setbackinearly January, he representsPrince Faisal’s mostfamouslines, beinga son ofhisFrench Guineas winner Make Believe anddescending from Invincible Spiritand Kodiaconhisdistaff side.

Mishriffnotonly wona Classic himselfinthePrixdu Jockey Club buthis magnificent2021 sawhim gain the Saudi Cupinamemorable clash withCharlatanand followupongrassinthe Dubai Sheema Classic, furtheradding the Juddmonte International laterthat year.

Anothertoenterthehigher pricebracketinhisfirst season is Sealiway (€12,000),the centrepieceoftheChehboub family’snewenterprise, Haras de Beaumont, on partofthe siteoftheold Harasdu Quesnay.A wide-margin winnerofthePrix Jean-Luc Lagardereina busy two-yearold season,theleadinglight forhissire Galiway wouldadd thefollowingyear ’s Champion Stakes at Ascottoaprizemoney haulwhich totalled almost£1.5million.

Harasde Bouquetot has installeditsnewarrival Thunder Mo on at €6,000. He carriesonthelegacy of hislate father, Zoffany,andisaGroup 1 starhimself havingtakenthe National Stakesasa juvenile for Joseph O’Brien,whilehe was beaten just awhisker by LawsOf IndicesinthePrix JeanPratat three Prix Ganay winner Mare Australis (€4,500),who seemedtoalways be heldin high regard by Andre Fabre, is new to Harasde la Hetraie. The sonof Australiacomes fromadeep Gestut

Schlenderhanfamily, with plentyof staminainthe pedigree.

Harasde laCote Fleurie, just outside Deauville, has recruited Makaloun (€4,000), theAgaKhan’s sonof Bated Breathwho wonGroup3 outingsinconsecutive seasons,whileamore rapid option at the samefeefor breeders will be EbroRiver, the Phoenix Stakes-winning sonof Galileo Goldwhoisoff to Haras de la Haie Neuve.

At aslightlylowerprice pointof€3,800is Texas,a son oftheexported Wootton Bassettwho was beatenonly by Modern Gamesinlast year ’s French Guineasand has earneda spot at Harasdu Hoguenet.

Lavello (€3,500)isa German Group3 winnerfor rising French star Zarak at Harasdu Lion,whilethe2021Prix Mauricede Gheest winner Marianafoot,a very likeable sonof Footstepsinthesand,isa reasonable€2,200 at Harasde Saint-Vincent.

Thelistofnew siresin Germanyisshort butcertainly sweetas Torquator Tasso will be itsmostfamousarrivalin manyyears.A rare Prixde l’Arc deTriomphe winnerforhis homelandwhen causingthat greatshock back in2021,the magnificentchestnutisa three-timeGroup1 winner who wasalso secondinthe German Derbyand ran many morefine races,including when attemptingtodefendhis Arctitleinfinishingthird behindAlpinista.

Thedeathofhissire–and Germany’schampion–Adlerflugleftachasmto be filledandit would be no surprise at all were hetofillit intime, beginningfroma perchof€20,000 at Gestut Auenquelle.

Another multiplechampion sireinAreion was lostfromthe ranks last yearand Gestut Ohler weiherhof will be standingoneofhis sonsin Rubaiyat (€4,500),an accomplishedmiler at Group levelonthecontinent.

Nerik (€3,900),meanwhile, joins Gestut Lindenhof, with the sonof RulerOf The World havingfinishedaneck second to Rebel’s Romanceinthe GrosserPreis von Berlin.


HOR SE S have been trainedon the Mantonestateformore than150 yearsnow, butforthe firsttimeinacentury there will be stallionshoused in this historiccornerof Wiltshire.

Resident trainer Martyn Meade hasestablishedwhat is nowknown as Manton Park to house both Aclaim (£10,000) and Advertise (£20,000),who have movedfromtheirformer home at the National Stud.

Prixdela Foret winner Aclaim celebratedClassic successfromhisfirstcrop through Cachet,whilethere wasa warm receptionforthe first yearlingssired by multiple

BREEDING 2023 ONABUDGET Don’tmissourfeatureonthe siresstandingat £10k/€12.5k andunder! dd ! Outon Thursday 9th February Contact toadvertise BLOODSTOCK SPECIAL NE W SIRES FOR 2023 14
‘Thunder Moon carr ie s on the legacy ofhi s late father, Zoffany, and is aGroup1 st ar himself having taken the Nation al St ak es as a juvenile for Joseph O’Br ien’

‘The li st of new sire s in Ge rm any is shor t but ce r tainly swe et as Torquator Ta sso (b elow) will be it s most famous ar rival in manyye ars. The magnif icent chestnut is a thre e-time Group1 winner who wa s al so se cond in the Ge rm an De rb y an d ran many more fine ra ce s, including when at tempting to defen d hi s Arc title in fini shing third behind Alpini st a’

Several Derby winners begin thenewcovering seasonfrom adifferent base too, withone ofthemostsignificant announcementsoflast year beingthat of Golden Horn (£8,000),who was bought privately by Jayne McGivern and switchesfrom Darley’s Dalham Hallto Overbur y Stud inGloucestershire.

Althoughthe sonof Cape Crossis setto have a National Hunt leaning, he predictably had animmediate flush withhis Flat runners as soonasthenews broke, with Haskoy runninga very good fourthinthe St Leger andthe Ebor winner Trawlerman and Hong Kong Vase runner-up Botanikfurther embellishinghiscredentials.

Anotherfrom Dalham Hall to be relocatingisa Middle ParkStakes-winning sonof OasisDreamin Charming Thought (£3,000),who spent

Harzand (€5,000),who similarlyenjoyed Derbyglory at Epsom, makesamove along the samelines butonly within Ireland, switchingfromthe AgaKhan’s Gilltown Stud to Kilbarry Lodge Studin County Waterford as heisexpected to have more impact within the jumpingfraternity.

Another Classic winnerwho willinsteadcrossthe wateris Galileo’sIrish St Leger winner FlagOf Honour,whodeparts the National Studaftertwo yearsof serviceforanew start atBallycurragh StudinCounty Carlow,wherehe will standfor aprivatefee.

Terr y Holdcroft’s Bearstone Studcontinues to beefupits rosterin Shropshireand has takenonthe Dewhurstand Lockinge Stakes winner Belardo (£6,500)from Darley’s Kildangan Stud. He has

already supplied halfadozen decentGrouporGraded winners, includingthelikesof Isabella Gilesand Bellabel.

The Skeltonfamily’snew Alne ParkStud venture hastwo new namestoconjure with, takingonthesireofthe stable’s usefulLanger Dan, Ocovango (£3,000),from Coolmore’s The Beeches, who ispricedthe sameas well-bred debutant Midnights Legacy

Back inIrelandand Farhh’s Queen ElizabethII Stakes winner KingOfChange,who spent two years at Derrinstown Stud, has been recruited by Micheal Orlandi’s Starfield Studto stand at €6,000.

Racinger (€3,000),thesmart milerwhoseprogeny such as the decentchaser El Barra have been gaining attentionin the National Hunt world, has joined DonalWhite’s Foxwood Farm inCounty Corkfrom Harasde Vains.

NEWIN2023 AT HARASDE BOUQUETOT ALSHAQAB STALLIONS €6,000LF THUNDER MOON MULTIPLEGR.1PERFORMER OVER7F AT 2&3,BYZOFFANY Anextraordinaryturn-of-foot towintheNationalStakes Gr.1 at2,from7subsequentGroup1 performersinc.StMark’sBasilica. Alsocloselyplacedinboth theDewhurstStakes Gr.1 at2&thePrixJeanPrat Gr.1 €7,000LF GALILEO GOLD 2GR.1PERFORMERS &8BTHORSES &over42%wnrs/rnrsfrom 2cropsofracingage, inc. EBRORIVER (PhoenixSt. Gr.1) & OSCULA (3rd PrixMarcelBoussac Gr.1). IN2022,HASSERVEDHIS MOSTIMPORTANTBOOK OF163MARESTODATE. 15
Group1 scorer Advertise at the saleslast autumn. five yearsin Newmarketand transfers to March Hare Stud in Surrey
Racing Post Thursday,January26,2023
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