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Australian drinks Awards

PUBLISHER the drinks association
All enquiries to: the drinks association Locked Bag 4100, Chatswood NSW 2067 ABN 26 001 376 423
The views expressed in drinks trade are those of the respective contributors and are not necessarily those of the magazine or the drinks association. Copyright is held by the drinks association and reproduction in whole or in part, without prior consent, is not permitted. Other drinks association publications include: drinks bulletin drinksbulletin.com.au drinks guide drinksguide.com.au drinks yearbook
PUBLISHING EDITOR Ashley Pini ......................... ashley@hipmedia.com.au ASSOCIATE EDITOR Hannah Sparks..................... hannah@hipmedia.com.au EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Mary Parbery................... mary@hipmedia.com.au INTERN Michelle Manus INTERN Sage Speaks CONTRIBUTORS Catherine DeVrye, John Field, Ken Gargett, Mal Higgs, Peter Cox, Ray Jordan
ART DIRECTOR Evelyn Rueda ............................... evelyn@hipmedia.com.au SENIOR DESIGNER Ryan Salcedo ........................ ryan@hipmedia.com.au
ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Eoghan Hennessy .....................eoghan@hipmedia.com.au NATIONAL SALES MANAGER Chris Wheeler......................chris@hipmedia.com.au PRODUCTION MANAGER Sasha Falloon ............... sasha@hipmedia.com.au
Produced and contract published by:
Director: Ashley Pini ACCOUNTS: accounts@hipmedia.com.au 169 Blues Point Road, McMahons Point NSW 2060 Ph: 02 9492 7999 | www.hipmedia.com.au | facebook.com/ drinksmedia ABN: 42 126 291 914
Editor’s Note
There are just five months to go until the fourth instalment of the Australian drinks Awards on September 7 at the SCG; the competition is heating up just as the days begin to cool down. There have already been a record number of entries received, but (for all the brand managers out there) there is still time to get your brand involved. Entries close May 13.
The Australian drinks Awards are the pinnacle of recognition for the world class talent in our industry; celebrating the expertise, flair and smarts behind the scenes, growing small and large brands alike, and helping create the industry we find ourselves fortunate enough to be involved with. The brands that enter the awards are often the very brands that help grow your business, showing innovation and exceptional market performance both in the on and off-premise trade.
Talking about exceptional performance, our ‘Insight’ series – those articles that take a closer look at the businesses that are outperforming the market - this month gets inside the doors of Australian Vintage Limited (AVL) and Pinnacle Drinks. First up is AVL, which is sometimes recognised more for its iconic McGuigan brand. However, the Australian wine business has undergone a period of change over the last ten years and as a result, has grown strongly against a backdrop of rationalisation and fluctuating export market conditions. We sat down with AVL General Manager, Cameron Ferguson, to find out how this business has turned a corner and powered into an enviable position.
Our second Insight for April is with Pinnacle Drinks GM, Chris Baddock, who dispels some Pinnacle ‘myths’ and gives us a unique view from inside the business.
Of course, we haven’t left you short on features, including Craft Brewpubs, in which we ask how important it is for a beer brand to have a home; the ABC of rum with Ken Gargett; and Ray Jordon explores Western Australian wine. Plus our tasting panel searched through 85 premium chardonnays ($20+ RRP) to bring you our pick of the best.
Our fitness guru, personal trainer and drinks industry brand ambassador, John Field, was due to bring us his 40K check up article when events overtook and, sadly, instead has focused on early intervention and the passing of Martin ‘Marty’ McCormack, known to some of us as the Bundy Brand Manager, based out of Melbourne. Turn to page 46 for some really important suggestions on remaining healthy in the drinks industry.

Ashley Pini Publishing Editor – Hip Media
australia association
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