2 minute read
Welcome note
A word from our Group CEO
As a member organisation, RACT has always been led by a greater purpose. It’s what guides us to make the right choices and help the most people.
As we approach 100 years in Tasmania, we recognise that the experiences and value our members are seeking are evolving and, in turn, we need to be able to change and meet those needs over time. To help guide us, the RACT Board and Executives have spent considerable time reviewing our purpose so that we can continue to focus on the right things for our members, and the Tasmanian community more broadly. Our new purpose – ‘we are Tasmania’s shoulder to lean on and voice when it matters’ – will be our defining light. It will be our touchstone when making decisions that affect you and it will influence the way in which we deliver member value, so that we can continue to be there for Tasmanians for another 100 years.
We take our commitment to our members seriously and were delighted that RACT was recently named the Roy Morgan General Insurer of the Year for 2021. This is the sixth time that RACT has been awarded this title. Awards like this are a credit to our amazing team who go above and beyond each day. We would like to praise their constant hard work and dedication, even in the face of a global pandemic. Over 60,000 Australians were interviewed to determine the winners of these awards, showing that our member satisfaction is the best in the nation.
In this edition of Journeys we talk more about the extension to the ‘See Red and Blue, Know What to Do’ legislation in Tasmania that now includes our roadside patrols and our members who are broken down on the side of the road. Please read the stories of the team working day and night on the side of the road, sometimes in dangerous locations, and take the time to check and consider your speed and driving behaviour as you pass.
We’re asking you, to slow down for yellow too.
Mark Mugnaioni // RACT Group CEO
PRESIDENT Alison Flakemore
VICE PRESIDENT Jenny Richardson
BOARD Peter Dixon, Ralph Doedens, Jude Franks, Risden Knightley, Pieter Kolkert, Sue Smith
RACT GROUP CEO Mark Mugnaioni
Journeys is published for The Royal Automobile Club of Tasmania by Hardie Grant Media, Building 1, 658 Church Street, Richmond VIC 3121 hardiegrant.com
Managing Director Clare Brundle Editor Constantina Demos Art Director Dallas Budde Design Sue Morony, Keely Atkins Advertising Sales and Partnerships Director Lauren Casalini laurencasalini@hardiegrant.com Senior Account Manager Angeline Gleeson angelinegleeson@hardiegrant.com Printer Ovato Mailhouse D&D Mailing Services Distribution Australia Post Australia Post No. 100003899
Competition terms and conditions can be found at ract.com.au/competitions. No part of Journeys may be reproduced without permission. Copyright 2021 RACT. The opinions contained in this publication may not be shared by The Royal Automobile Club of Tasmania Limited or its related bodies corporate (together “RACT”) or any of its directors or employees. Advertisements in Journeys are the responsibility of the advertiser. No person should act or rely upon such opinions or advice and RACT accepts no liability for them. Any rewards or rights provided to a member cannot be transferred, assigned, sold or redeemed for cash. Inclusion of a product should not be construed as an endorsement by RACT.