Sunday Drive: A family affair COMMUNITY Safety in the slow lane
LIFE ON THE MOVE Crash victim’s miracle survival
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What’s inside your October/November edition?
06 IN OUR COMMUNITY In this issue we demystify roadworks speed limits and warnings in the lead-up to the peak road maintenance season; we reveal the results of our independently commissioned petrol testing; and we hit the road with a young speedster.
WANDERLUST Matt Steele brings us some of his favourite images from his travels around the state.
LIFE ON THE MOVE e launch our new Sunday Drives column, W taking a look at how new cars perform under everyday conditions; Darren Moody and Alice Agnew review the new Kia Optima GT; and Tim Cox is back with the next instalment of his learner driver journey.
RACT ROYAL REWARDS We are very excited to introduce you to RACT Royal Rewards, taking your membership benefits further with a range of new partners alongside your favourites.
IN TASMANIA TODAY Budding craftsman Myles Kirkman (pictured) has been named the Tasmanian Craft Fair’s youngest ever Emerging Artist. We take a look at his work and you can win tickets to this year’s event. We also detail other upcoming events as well as the latest book and theatre reviews.
Sunday Drive: A family affair COMMUNITY lane Safety in the slow
LIFE ON THE MOVE survival Crash victim’s miracle
R 2016
ED BE ROYALLY REWARD for you New benefits just
ON THE COVER: Journeys editor Paula Sward put the new Mazda CX-9 through its paces on a family day out through Pontville, Richmond and the Coal River Valley for our Sunday Drives column. Pictured on the cover is the CX-9 travelling across the iconic Richmond Bridge. Read more: Pages 18-19.
HOW TO CONTACT US RACT branch network All RACT branches are open Monday to Friday from 8.45am – 5pm Our Cruise Travel Centre at 110 Collins St, Hobart is also open on Saturdays from 10am – 1pm Roadside Assist Call 13 11 11 any time
Chris Crerar
We bring you 23 pages packed with hot offers, special deals and the latest in travel trends to get you moving.
RACT Customer Service Call Centre Call 13 27 22 Monday to Friday from 8am – 8pm Saturday 9am – 2pm Please give us your feedback – visit log on to the Member Hub and keep up to date via our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube pages.
As a valued RACT member, you deserve the best. Through our rejuvenated Royal Rewards program you have access to exclusive member benefits, tailored just for you.
Be royally rewarded.
From the Group CEO Harvey Lennon
here has been some publicity in recent months regarding the Tasmanian hospitality industry and its inability to find enough T workers to meet its growing needs.
Given Tasmania has one of the country’s highest unemployment rates, it makes sense that Tasmanian jobseekers should consider a career in hospitality. It is estimated that 20,000 people work in the industry, which has a 25% annual turnover rate. On top of this the industry is expanding and is looking for workers. If we are able to meet the Tasmanian Government’s 1.5 million visitor target by 2020, and there is every indication that we will, the industry will need an additional 8000 employees to meet demand. A massive opportunity exists for young Tasmanians to pursue a career in hospitality, but they need to be prepared to move to regional parts of the state where tourism is such an important employer. A career the industry can be a life-long one. Therefore it is important we make a tourism industry or hospitality career a real choice for young Tasmanians who want to keep living here. We must provide information to them at high schools, Years 11 and 12 and through vocational education and training so they can make sensible career choices.
e have received a number of queries from members about the performance of their vehicles running on different W branded fuels.
Pleasingly, independent research commissioned by the RACT to carry out testing at 12 sites detected 'minimal discernible difference' across the unleaded petrol and diesel samples tested. Read more on Page 8 in this issue of Journeys.
s I have referenced before in this column, earlier this year the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), A after extensive lobbying by the RACT, published its investigation
into the Launceston petrol market. The ACCC report found that petrol prices in Launceston were significantly higher than in the five largest cities in Australia for much of 2012/13. While we were disappointed more recently that retail margins in Tasmania continued to be unacceptably high, the RACT strongly believes greater transparency and better price information for consumers will ultimately lead to better price competition. We hope the investigation completed in the north of the state will lead to cheaper petrol prices for all Tasmanians. The RACT has again called on the Tasmanian Government to introduce legislation that will force retailers to publish prices in real time, similar to the NSW Fuelcheck system. To assist in alleviating the cost of fuel on household budgets the RACT introduced a new member fuel discount, helping our members to save money at the bowser. RACT members save 6c per litre on fuel at participating United Petroleum sites all year round. To date, 44 per cent of members have used the discount, with savings totalling more than $1.5 million. There is a number of petrol price discount offers in the market that are resulting in some positive movements in the retail petrol price. 6
From the President Peter Joyce
he RACT Annual General Meeting on November 9 will be my final formal duty as President. After three years T leading the RACT’s Board, I will step down, although I will
stay on as a Director until November 2017. Integrating the Federal Group’s regional tourism businesses into the RACT’s activities has been a significant achievement for the Board and the RACT during the past three years. While the acquisition process of the properties on the East and West coasts and on the North-West Coast commenced prior to my first term as President, the integration of these businesses into the RACT was concluded in February 2014. As with any new business, the tourism properties provided a new set of challenges, but it pleasing to reflect on a successful 2015/16 in which holiday visitation numbers and occupancy rates increased.
rganisations like the RACT are nothing without our members. O I have enjoyed meeting members during my tenure and
have immensely enjoyed welcoming new members into the 50-year club at various functions across the state. The most recent function I attended welcomed members who joined in 1966 or earlier, when the Prime Minister was Sir Robert Menzies, Sir Eric Reece was the Premier of Tasmania and the Australian dollar replaced the pound. In the future, I believe continuing to influence government policy and provide advice on road safety and other road-related matters will be important functions of the RACT.
ith the peak road maintenance season about to kick in, we’re going to see a lot more roadworks sites around the state. While W most of us understand the need to reduce our speed around road
workers and their equipment, what happens when there’s nothing obvious in sight? We’ve spoken with the Department of State Growth and a roadworks contractor to try to demystify some of these situations. ‘There are a number of reasons speed restrictions are put in place at roadworks sites,’ State Growth General Manager, State Roads, Shane Gregory said. ‘Many of these are there to protect the road user, not the worker. There is a range of things that might not be obvious to the driver, but can affect their safety.’ For example, roads are designed with a clear zone on either side, so that if you lose control of your vehicle there is space to regain control or for the vehicle to come to rest. The size of this clear zone enlarges in accordance with the speed zone. ‘If there is something by the side of the road that is not normally there, this is a risk to you,’ Mr Gregory said. ‘If there are roadworks happening close by, or if there is machinery parked by the side of the road, this needs to be taken into account when speed restrictions are put in place.’ With newly sealed roads, the stones take three to four days to bed down properly, which is why the speed limits in these areas are often reduced during this time. Other factors that cause speed reductions include: • Works or hazards around corners that drivers cannot see; • No line markings; • A change in the road surface; and • Traffic transitions from multiple lanes to single, across bridges or around corners. While the specific speed zones and sizes are the responsibility of the traffic management provider on-site, Mr Gregory said these were closely monitored. ‘Our Department conducts audits on roadworks around the state to ensure signage and speed reductions are consistent and meet Australian standards,’ he said. Mr Gregory said the number of roadworks sites would increase substantially from this month, with routine maintenance works about to start.
Matt Steele
Safety in the slow lane
There is a range of things that might not be obvious to the driver, but can affect their safety. Roadworks on the Midland Highway near Tunbridge earlier this year.
Asset services contractor Stornoway conducts this routine maintenance for State Growth, undertaking tasks such as filling potholes and patching, grading, cutting grass, mending fences and trimming trees. ‘As part of the planning process to undertake works, we try to time the works to the extent that we can to reduce the impact on road users,’ Stornoway’s Executive Chairman Tim Gardner said. ‘We plan out our work to reduce delay, taking into account the tasks that need to be performed, the time of day, the visibility and the traffic level.’ Mr Gardner said when road maintenance works were taking place, an area of up to 2km could be defined as a reduced speed zone to protect motorists and workers. ‘For example if we have a tractor cutting grass by the side of the road, we need to have a distance of notification to warn motorists for both the motorist and the worker’s safety,’ he said. ‘We do try to reduce disruption to road users and while the maximum distance of reduced speeds is 2km, most of the time it’s much smaller.’ So how can you keep abreast of what roadworks are planned on state roads in your area and plan your trip accordingly? State Growth currently issues a weekly Roadworks Roundup, which can be found on their website at: au/road/closures_delays. The RACT publishes major works and disruptions on our Member Hub as well as via social media. Within the next 12 months State Growth is also planning to develop a mobile app where you can keep track of roadworks sites and even record your regular driving routes to receive alerts when works are going to be in your area. Mr Gregory urged motorists to slow down and obey speed signs and the directions of traffic management officials. ‘Roadworks signage is there for a reason,’ he said, ‘even if it may not be obvious. ‘Adding a minute or two to your journey is a small price to pay compared to the legal and emotional impact of injuring or killing a road worker, other road user or yourself.’ Have your say on this story in our Member Hub – OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2016
IN OUR COMMUNITY ABOUT YOUR RACT PRESIDENT Peter Joyce VICE PRESIDENTS Kathryn Westwood Peter Dixon BOARD Josephine Archer Phil Jones Jude Franks Jenny Self Chris Langdon Sue Smith Stuart Slade Risden Knightley Alison Flakemore GROUP CHIEF EXECUTIVE Harvey Lennon HEAD OFFICE/HOBART BRANCH 179-191 Murray Street, Hobart Telephone (03) 6232 6300 Facsimile (03) 6234 8784 OTHER BRANCHES Hobart – 1/110 Collins Street (03) 6222 9222 Launceston, Cnr York & George Streets (03) 6335 5633 Devonport, 119 Rooke Street Mall (03) 6421 1933 Ulverstone, 38 Reibey Street (03) 6490 8350 Burnie, 24 North Terrace (03) 6434 2933 Rosny Park, 2 Bayfield Street (03) 6212 6755 Glenorchy, Cnr Main Road & Terry Street (03) 6212 9588 Kingston, Shop 60 Channel Court (03) 6242 3200 EDITOR Paula Sward GPO Box 1292, Hobart 7001 Email: Ph: (03) 6236 4350 Fax: (03) 6234 8784 ADVERTISING Paula Sward PUBLISHED BI-MONTHLY BY The Royal Automobile Club of Tasmania Limited ABN 62 009 475 861 Every effort is made to ensure the authenticity of advertisements including product testing where practicable. However, publication of an advertisement does not imply that the product or service carries the recommendation of RACT. If you wish to stop receiving Journeys, please contact the RACT on 6236 4350 or email *Competition terms and conditions: No part of Journeys may be reproduced without permission. Copyright 2016 RACT DESIGN & PRODUCTION: Digital Ink PRINTING: Hannanprint Victoria MAILHOUSE: D&D Mailing Services Distribution: Australia Post 160618 ISSN 0818-5549 8
RACT commissions testing on Tasmanian fuel fter queries from a number of members about the performance of their vehicles A when running on different branded fuels, the
RACT has commissioned testing on fuel from 12 major brand sites in Tasmania. Independent research company Intertek Testing Services Australia was engaged by the RACT to carry out the testing of 91RON ULP and diesel samples across 12 sites from BP, Caltex, Caltex/Woolworths, Shell/Coles Express and United sites in the greater Hobart area. The company detected minimal discernible difference across the ULP91 and diesel samples tested, and concluded motorists should be able to distinguish ‘minimal discernible difference’ in fuel economy between the various fuels in normal driving conditions. The testing covered the following areas: Research Octane Number (RON): Used to determine a fuel’s resistance to detonation. Vehicle performance can be affected negatively if the RON is below minimum specification. The engine management system may retard the ignition timing from the designed value to prevent detonation, resulting in poor performance and poor fuel economy. Oxygenates: A measure of ethanol content or other oxygenates present. This could affect fuel
economy due to the fact that oxygenates have a lower calorific value than petrol. Gross calorific value: A measure of the amount of heat energy produced from a given mass of fuel. This was measured to confirm there were no significant differences between different suppliers and possible hydrocarbon compositions from different suppliers. Density: A measure of the mass of fuel per unit volume. A higher-density fuel may contain more energy per litre than a low-density fuel of a similar hydrocarbon profile by virtue of its greater mass. 91RON ULP samples were subjected to all four tests, diesel samples were subjected to gross calorific vale and density tests.
The results:
91RON ULP test results confirmed all 12 samples were in specification for RON and the ethanol content was found to be less than 0.2% volume. The difference in densities across all sites was less than 0.5%. The gross calorific value of all 91RON ULP samples was within a range of 0.6%. Diesel tests showed that differences in density and gross calorific value across all sites were less than 0.9%.
Funding to help community organisations T
he RACT Community Fund offers small grants twice a year to non-profit community groups or organisations to assist with community-building, local projects. Since the fund’s inception in 2008, the RACT has proudly assisted more than 100 Tasmanian groups with their projects. Applications for Round 17 will open from 11 October for three weeks. For community groups that have been affected by the June floods, the RACT and RACT Insurance have opened an Emergency Community Fund to assist with recovery projects. As the flood recovery is ongoing, there is no closing date for this fund at this stage. For more information on how to apply for either of these funds, please visit our website or email
Tassie roads a far cry from the racetrack above: Alex Peroni takes a break during filming for the RACT Driver Training resource for young people. inset: Alex out on the road.
hen we put 16-year-old Alex Peroni behind the wheel of one of our W little yellow Driver Training Suzukis, we
weren’t expecting him to be like any other learner driver. Alex drives race cars in Europe so we knew he’d have a bit of experience under his belt. However, Alex soon realised that driving on the road is very different to the track. ‘You have many more variables on the road, where on the track it’s a controlled environment,’ he said. ‘These include weather, possible distractions (in and out
Outstanding travel experience
ACT Travel was recently named Best Travel Agency in Australia – Retail R Multi Location at the National Tourism
Industry Awards (NTIA) for the third year running. With customer experiences like these (right), is it any wonder? ‘As always, we strive to deliver the best solution for each of our clients, and our staff members are committed to delivering incredible value and exemplary customer service,’ Group Chief Executive Harvey Lennon said. ‘As a proud member of the helloworld network, I would also like to also thank helloworld and all of our suppliers, without who we could not achieve such incredible accolades at a national level.’
of the car), pedestrians, other drivers doing unexpected things etc. ‘From a personal point of view I found it harder in some areas to drive on the road and also a bit more pressure.’ The RACT has worked with Alex to develop a new Driver Training resource for younger drivers. ‘Younger drivers may have an inflated expectation of their skills and capabilities,’ RACT Motoring Services Manager Peter Gillon said. ‘To put it bluntly to those who have this perception: you may not be as good as you think you are. Just recently my wife and I went to Fiji for a holiday. We returned to the Gold Coast for a week’s stay with relatives. When it was time to leave we arrived at the airport, only to be told we should have caught the previous flight to Sydney. I produced my RACT Travel documents, but was still told we should have been on the previous flight. So I rang our RACT Travel Agent Karen Reeves, from Burnie. 20 minutes later Karen rang back and said it was all fixed we were on the next plane to Melbourne and then Melbourne to Lonnie. We would arrive later, but at least it would be the same day. She even rang our accommodation to tell them we would be late arriving. It’s service like this that gives the RACT a great name. Kevin and Lyn Eastley, Wynyard
‘We are hopeful this resource will achieve a positive outcome among young motorists in Tasmania and encourage them not to underestimate the challenges that come with inexperience.’ The resource will be rolled out through the RACT’s social media channels. Keep an eye on RACT’s YouTube channel for the results:
Calls for a hoon crackdown
majority of Tasmanians are sick of hooning and want something done A about it, according to a recent RACT
Insurance survey. Nearly 72% of Tasmanians say they have witnessed hooning on local streets and 68% believe it is an issue. What is even more concerning, says RACT Insurance CEO Trent Sayers, is how some young drivers see themselves as bulletproof. ‘Questions regarding hooning were included in our annual statewide survey this year after anecdotal evidence led us to believe the issue was becoming a serious problem,’ Mr Sayers said. ‘Young hoons find it difficult to comprehend the potential consequences of dangerous driving stretch far beyond the individual driver.’ OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2016
Make your vote count in the
2016 RACT BOARD ELECTION Notice of Annual General Meeting
Voting information
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 93rd Annual General Meeting of Members of The Royal Automobile Club of Tasmania Limited will be held at the RACT/RACV Hobart Apartment Hotel, 154-156 Collins Street, Hobart TAS 7000 on Wednesday 9 November 2016 commencing at 5.00 pm.
AGENDA 1. To confirm the Minutes of the 92nd Annual General Meeting held on 11 November 2015. 2. To receive the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the 12 months ended 30 June 2016. 3. To elect 4 members to the Board in accordance with Clause 16 of the Constitution. The following nominations have been received (Candidate positions within this Notice were drawn by lot in accordance with RACT Election By-Laws): Bill Harvey 148 Davey Street, Hobart, Tasmania, 7000 (Alderman)
Peter Dixon* 4 Ramsay Street, Newstead, Tasmania, 7250 (Lecturer)
Jude Franks* 7 Fielding Drive, West Hobart, Tasmania, 7000 (Consultant)
Jenny Self* 3 Fraser Street, Kingston, Tasmania, 7050 (Chief Operating Officer)
Risden Knightley* 148 Parkham Road, Elizabeth Town, Tasmania 7304 (Civil Engineer)
* Denotes retiring member who is eligible for re-election.
In accordance with the Club’s Constitution, a Ballot for the election of four (4) members to the Board will be conducted between 1 October 2016 and 12 noon, 2 November 2016. NOTE: A Ballot Paper is included in the envelope inserted along with this issue of Journeys. Please note that in accordance with the Membership By-Laws, ‘Access’ members do not have voting rights. 4. General Business 5. Any Other Business that may be correctly brought before the meeting. All members have the right to appoint a proxy to attend the AGM on their behalf who is not required to be a member of the Club. Please contact the Company Secretary on or 6236 4329 for a proxy form to be sent to you. Please note that returned forms of proxy must be received at the address below more than 48 hours prior to the meeting. The Royal Automobile Club of Tasmania Limited 179-191 Murray Street Hobart Tasmania 7000 10
Michael Hopster Company Secretary/Returning Officer 1 October 2016
Categories of membership permitted to vote: • Service Members (Roadside Ultimate; Roadside Advantage) • Social Members • Honorary Life Members • Paid Life Members • Nominated person holding a Fleet Membership. NOTE: In accordance with the membership by-laws, ‘Access’ members DO NOT have voting rights.
RIGHT TO VOTE Each member is allowed to vote only once in this ballot. One vote being for four candidates. As noted above, ‘Access’ members DO NOT have voting rights.
BALLOT Ballot opens on 1 October 2016. All ballot papers must be received by 12 noon, Wednesday 2 November 2016.
THE RESULT The four candidates with the highest number of votes cast are elected. The result will be announced at the Annual General Meeting on 9 November 2016.
THE RETURNING OFFICER The Returning Officer for this election is Michael Hopster, who has approved all election material.
MEMBERSHIP ENQUIRIES Please telephone the RACT Customer Service Centre on 13 27 22.
Young talent in the frame
next to four (X) in the box Place a CROSS e a cross in y. You must plac nted. candidates onl cou be to llot papers your vote four boxes for this ns on itioThe pos reply-paid ate did lotlot in ballot envelope Please note: can e drawn thi bys bal is included pap wer . er along aws how wit h By-L ballot paper to req tion uest/dow nlo wit h a for m that exp h RACT Elec ballot pap wit ad additio nce rda acco nal or replac lain s ers.
Bill Harvey
If you have the courage to put yourself in these areas, the rewards can be incredible.
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2016 RACT Insurance Tasmanian Portraiture Prize winner Caleb Clifford's Once more the old mysterious glimmer steals.
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Additional/ Replacement Ballot Papers If you have not received as many ballot papers as your family requires or need a replacement ballot paper, you will find included with the ballot paper a form you can complete to request additional ballot papers. In addition you can request ballot papers to be sent to members by contacting us by telephone, email or by visiting one of our branches. We will need you to provide the name and address of any member who requires an additional ballot paper. Alternatively, you can register for the RACT Member Hub online where you can download a ballot paper to complete and return. To register for the Member Hub please go to and follow the instructions for registration. Please note that votes received via downloaded ballot papers will only be counted if they are from members who have registered for the RACT Member Hub or who have been directly provided with an online ballot paper by RACT.
o enter a prize or exhibition in Tasmania is to open yourself to scrutiny from your T peers and the community, according to artist
Carla Fletcher. ‘But if you have the courage to put yourself in these areas, the rewards can be incredible,’ she said. Entrants in the RACT Insurance Tasmanian Portraiture Prize have shown this courage and now you can view and judge their work for yourself. The ninth annual competition, which was open to Tasmanian artists aged 30 and under, attracted a high standard of entries from throughout the state. This year’s winner was Caleb Clifford, of Launceston, for his photographic work Once more the old mysterious glimmer steals. 18-yearold Caleb based his portrait on his twin brother, who he describes as ‘some other form of me – a second body, or a reflection of a different avenue of what I could’ve been’. Ms Fletcher said she and her fellow TPP judges Alasdair Doyle and Yvette Watt found it easy to pick a winner. ‘The quality of the winner resonated on a level that technically, along with the beautiful sophistication of the image and the insight and how it connected to the subject, which is the portrait and hence the portrait prize, made it the clear winner,’ she said. Mr Clifford has won $5000 along with a
trip for two to the Archibald Prize in Sydney. Runner-up was Hamish Hall, of North Hobart, for his work Me with ‘stache’; the packers’ prize went to Liam James, of Hobart, for Portrait of the Artist Grace Herbert; and the sponsors’ choice was won by 14-year-old Jasmin Ellis, of Hobart, for her work Great Grandmum. ‘The runners-up have in all of their individual ways captured something of their subject that has really stood out and put them forth for their position in the prize,’ Ms Fletcher said. RACT Insurance CEO Trent Sayers said the prize filled a need in the community to support emerging artists. ‘Ultimately it’s about providing a platform for emerging artists to show their work, but also to go through the process of how they prepare to have their art hung and attach a story behind their portrait,’ he said. ‘The quality that we have seen over the years has gone from strength to strength and this year is no exception.’ The shortlisted entries will be exhibited at Sawtooth ARI gallery in Launceston from 7-22 October and then move on to Burnie Arts & Function Centre from 28 October to 9 December. Members of the public have an opportunity to vote for their favourite artwork in the People’s Choice Award. For more details visit
Increased access to fuel discounts nited Petroleum has introduced a number of unmanned sites across the state, U increasing member access to our 6c per litre
discount. Some of the sites are completely unmanned, others are located within existing United retail sites, giving access to fuel 24 hours. Customers need to swipe their member card and pay for fuel before they fill up. For a list of locations and detailed instructions visit OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2016
Join the conversation
People are having their say on the issues that matter to them most via our Facebook page. Below are just a couple of highlights from recent weeks. RACT Pokémon hunting, applying make-up, eating a three-course meal... what’s the most outrageous thing you’ve ever seen someone do behind the wheel? Annabel Myler When I was on the mainland, it wasn’t uncommon for the long-haul truckies to pick up a hitchhiker and let them drive, while they slept! Nathaniel Lau Possibly getting lost. One car was driving on the opposite lane and nearly hit the sign. Kayla Kriss Today a woman driving a ute leant across to the passenger seat and let her dog lick her face, causing her to drive in the middle of the road.
RACT What are your thoughts on the Mt Wellington cable car project? Ben Nolder Hurry up and get it done! Too many days of wasted time to play in the snow due to closed roads. Plus big boost in tourism over winter! I bet every person on every cruise ship would take a ride up over summer too! Jackie Edwards Put it away forever or make sure the government has a cast iron piece of paper to say they will not put any money into it at any stage. I am not anti cable car I am anti any of taxpayers’ money going into private businesses. Julie Lilburn I’m all for it. Anything that helps tourism and brings money into this beautiful state should be a given.
Your views HOT TOPIC: Cyclists
here are at least three practical and legal reasons why cyclists might choose T to ride on the cycle lane white line or even
on the road Johnny Koay (‘Wake up to yourselves’, June/July Journeys). These are in addition to those sensibly supplied by G. Wickham (June/July Journeys). 1. Safe cyclists will typically ride outside the ‘car-dooring’ zone, which on Sandy Bay Rd equates to most of the cycle lane. Although it is illegal to open a car door into the path of a moving vehicle or cyclist, this law is of little assistance if you are dead or critically injured. 2. If the cycle lanes are not designed properly, regularly swept for debris or some idiot has broken a glass bottle on it, the cycle lane is not safe to ride on and will cause punctures. 3. Some poorly designed and retrofitted bike lanes are unsafe due to topography. Some parts of the bike lanes on the Channel Highway to Taroona are on approximately a 45 degree angle and are unsafe to ride on. I would also like to add that although I am a cyclist, I am an RACT member (since 1990), I have a driver’s licence, a registered car, pay tax including GST and pay rates. I am probably a fairly typical cyclist. As such, and as the majority of road construction and maintenance is paid for by these taxes, I am very happy with a small proportion to be spent on cycling infrastructure that leads to a healthier population and less road congestion. Evan Evans, Lindisfarne
Wickham’s comments (June/July Journeys) regarding overtaking G. cyclists who choose to ride single file or
side-by-side in pairs make little sense, in that you cannot compare overtaking six cyclists riding single file with overtaking a truck, as cyclists seldom travel at 80 or 100km/h. The same applies to his argument relating to overtaking two groups of three riders riding abreast as overtaking a car. As both a driver and cyclist, the biggest problem I see with cyclists is that a large proportion of them seem to have absolutely no regard for the traffic regulations. I have even been abused by groups of cyclists for daring to comment when they fail to give way on a pedestrian crossing. All too often they are seen riding through red lights and stop signs and generally being a nuisance on the road and there are a significant number
who don’t even wear helmets. I think it is high time for ALL cyclists to be registered and pay a nominal fee each year, as all other road users are expected to do, and at least then the less law-abiding cyclists can be dealt with accordingly. W.Hoffmannbeck, Beaconsfield
s a cyclist (and RACT member), and for me anyway, I usually ride as close A to the white line separating vehicle traffic
from bicycles because of the idiots who insist on smashing glass bottles on the road shoulders and in cycle lanes. Also, road design has not considered the effect of other obstacles on the shoulders and in cycle lanes, mainly sticks and stones either falling off the backs of trucks and trailers or windblown from overhanging trees. If there was a bit more of a cross-fall on the shoulders, say 1 in 20, most of this would be washed off the shoulder with rain. Even on a curve you will notice that on the high side (outside of the curve) the shoulder will quite often be covered in stones. The outside of the curve needs to slope away from the centre line, which is contra to the design for vehicles. Road designers need to get on board. Ric Coyle, Margate
he LED lights that have come into recent vehicular use are extremely T bright. Coming face-to-face with a vehicle lit up like a Christmas tree on a dark road definitely impairs a driver’s vision for a few seconds, worse if the Christmas tree is on high beam. These situations are thankfully not that common and the lights are placed on vehicles to point towards the road. Driving through Hobart CBD one evening I noticed a bright light coming out of a street on my right. I slowed and looked to see what it was. It was a bicycle with an extremely bright light on the handlebars, another on the rider’s helmet. The rider looked directly at me, which completely blinded and disoriented me for 5-10 seconds. Had I been moving any faster at the time I would have crashed into a parked car – I had no idea where I was on the road. That was enough time for a serious accident to take place. I believe there should be some regulation as to the maximum brightness of helmetmounted LED lights for the reasons shown above. Mark Watson, Snug
Turning left: Drivers must indicate left on approach and be travelling in the left-hand lane (unless there are road markings with other instructions), stay in the left lane and exit in the left lane. Going straight ahead: There is no requirement for drivers to signal when approaching the roundabout if they are going straight ahead. Drivers may approach the roundabout from either the left or right lane (unless there are road markings with other instructions). Turning right: Drivers must indicate right on approach and be travelling in the right-hand lane (unless there are road markings with other instructions).
Some readers sought clarification about roundabout use. Here are the road rules for giving way and entering/exiting roundabouts in Tasmania. Approaching: Drivers approaching a roundabout must use their indicator if they intend to turn left or right, or make a U-turn at the roundabout. They must give other road users sufficient notice of their intent to turn. Entering: Drivers must slow or stop to give way to any vehicle already in the roundabout. Drivers must also continue to use their indicator if they intend to turn left, right or make a U-turn.
Making a U-turn: When using a roundabout to make a U-turn, drivers must approach in the right lane and signal right. Changing lanes: Drivers may change lanes in a roundabout if they wish. The usual road rules for changing lanes apply. Drivers must use their indicator and give way to any vehicle in the lane they are entering. Exiting: Drivers must signal left when leaving a roundabout, if it is practical to do so, and stop indicating as soon as they have exited the roundabout. When travelling straight ahead on a small single lane roundabout, it may be impractical to indicate left when exiting. All drivers are required to drive carefully and slow down or stop when there is a chance of a crash with another vehicle.
Speed camera warning signs
Queuing concerns
Caught in a roundabout
signs to warn us that speed cameras lurk nearby. I grizzle about speed limits often, but I rarely grizzle about speed cameras. Contrarily, most of my friends think I’m making a fuss about nothing, but grizzle about speed cameras, particularly after they’ve received (another) speeding fine. I have a car with a clever driving aid that helps me to obey speed limits, so I obey them diligently, so I notice how annoying they are, and don’t notice, or even care, where speed cameras are or aren’t. Conversely my friends don’t have this aid, so don’t notice how annoying speed limits are, but do worry continually where a speed camera might be. Maybe the RACT should campaign, not for signs warning us of speed cameras, but for driving aids that help us to obey speed limits.
the new Olinda Grove roundabout. Where previously the slip lane from the Outlet onto Olinda Grove provided adequate distance for traffic to transition, the situation now means morning peak hour drivers are queuing on the Outlet shoulder so as to not restrict the Outlet to essentially one (right-hand) lane. Quite apart from the implications this poses for emergency vehicle access and legally, there is the safety risk of using a section of road not designed to be a slip lane. While I appreciate the new roundabout is intended to assist traffic flow from Mt Nelson, the result is far from satisfactory.
Grove has done nothing to ease the plight of those travelling up Proctors Rd trying to turn onto the Outlet. Cars coming from Hobart to Mt Nelson fly round the corner at speeds greater than 80km/h and people take risks trying to cross the intersection. The volume of cars travelling down Proctors Rd into King St in the mornings is a major concern, especially for the Lolly Pop lady at Princes Street School who does an outstanding job, but is under enormous pressure trying to manage children, cars and safety. Proctors Rd is an accident waiting to happen.
pleased that Michael Claxton (Letters, wish to express my concerns regarding he Proctors Rd/Southern Outlet Journeys) is another member I the traffic congestion on the north-bound T intersection is one of the worst in IwhoamJune/July thinks that we shouldn’t campaign for section of the Southern Outlet created by Hobart. The new roundabout at Olinda
Keith Anderson, Kingston
Brod Smith, Kingston
Janet Thorp, Sandy Bay
The RACT sought clarification from the Hobart City Council and the Department of State Growth about this issue. A State Growth spokesperson said: ‘The roundabout on Olinda Grove at Mt Nelson is located on a road managed by Hobart City Council. Since the installation of the roundabout, the Department has received reports from road users that queuing from the roundabout at times extends onto the Southern Outlet. The Department has identified a solution to this issue and is currently liaising with Hobart City Council on implementing that solution.’ We will keep you updated as this progresses.
CORRECTION: In the August/September issue of Journeys it was incorrectly stated that the RACT’s policy is to drive with park lights on during daylight hours. The RACT’s Road Safety Policy states ‘RACT encourages all motorists to drive with headlights on low beam during daylight hours’. We apologise for any confusion this has caused. OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2016
$200 OFF*
PAGE 46-47
$100 OFF*
$50 FUEL*
Conditions: Our Low Price Promise is more than a marketing promise, it’s our promise to you our RACT member that at the time of booking (valid for new bookings only), subject to normal holiday availability and based on Australian registered businesses and websites and for travel departing from an Australian Port, we promise to beat any valid available holiday quote presented in writing for the same airline, cruiseline, tour operator and departure date in the same cabin/grade/fare type/share basis/ booking class/code. Available means that the other quote is current, confirmed in writing, genuine and available to be booked at the time you present it to us. If the quoted holiday content is not available, we will offer you the best available alternative that will suit your requirements. Fares available due to membership of a group or corporate entity or subscription to a closed user group, including time share membership offers, are excluded. In the unlikely event that we cannot match a quoted price on your international holiday we will pay for you (RACT Member) to fly free to Sydney or Melbourne to meet your flight.
a member of
For further information contact your nearest branch 1300 368 111 or Rosny 6212 6777 Burnie 6434 2955 Ulverstone 6425 8050 Devonport 6421 1977 Hobart - Murray St 6232 6455 CRUISE TRAVEL CENTRE 6222 9222 - Hobart Kingston 6242 3211 Launceston 6335 5655
Conditions Apply: *You must be an RACT Member and present a current Membership card, see referenced page for more details and full terms and conditions. RACT Travel Pty Ltd. ABN 45 144 538 803. ATAS No. A11470.
Driving with dementia An important conversation F or people with dementia, their families and carers, the decision about whether to continue driving can be challenging. For family members, talking about the future can be particularly difficult. One RACT member tells of his experience with his brother: ‘One time he couldn’t start his car and had forgotten how to use the ignition mechanism,’ he said. ‘He’d had his car for about five years. ‘He also forgot on at least one occasion how to open the petrol cap. He started leaving the lights on, flattening the battery. ‘There were times when he would forget how many drinks he’d had and would be a little bit argumentative about it. ‘Even driving without alcohol there were still times that he got confused. ‘I took it upon myself to take his keys.’ If you have any concerns about a family member or a friend, talk to the person’s GP and ask them to support your efforts. Keep the
lines of communication open and offer as much support as you can. It is best to be open and approach the situation in a coordinated matter with those who care most about the person. It’s a tough issue to address but it has Dementia to be done for the safety of the driver ,D and Mobil riving and other people on the road. it y The RACT, in conjunction with Alzheimer’s Australia Tasmania, the RACV, road safety and mobility experts, medical specialists and people with dementia and their carers, has developed a guide to help you navigate this difficult topic. For further details visit:
Giving back to our community
he RACT is committed to being actively engaged in the Tasmanian community and strives to support opportunities T for our employees to ‘give back’. RACT staff can apply for one Volunteer Leave Day each year to undertake volunteer work with a recognised not-for-profit, charitable, community or local government organisation. Recently staff member Leigh Giles spent the day helping to raise funds for Guide Dogs Tasmania, taking ambassador Dexter to visit RACT House in Hobart. Dexter gave some goofy smiles and a lot of cuddles, but more importantly helped raise $850 for Guide Dogs Tasmania. If you are a part of a not-for-profit, charitable and/or community organisation and are in need of volunteers, please call Ali Tope on 6236 4325. Members can also assist in raising funds for charity through our Community Act of Royalty program. Each quarter RACT chooses three charitable organisations that members can vote for in our branches. The organisation with the most votes at the end of the quarter receives $3000, second place receives $2000 and third will receive $1000. For more details on this quarter’s charities visit: Organisations wishing to be considered for future participation can download an application form from this page on our website.
RACT employee April Swain gets some affection from Guide Dogs Tasmania ambassador Dexter.
Have your say on volunteering The University of Tasmania is asking volunteers to contribute to a survey about volunteering in Tasmania. The knowledge generated from this study will help engage and sustain the volunteer workforce into the future and will help inform public policy. Visit to take part. If you want more information about this project, please contact Elizabeth on
Fun festival for a cause Vale Peter Wagner of classic motorcycles, cars and trucks will revel in the ACT management and staff wish to convey our sincerest Rotary Club of Moonah Festival of Wheels on 6 November. sympathy to the family and friends of Peter Wagner, who was LToovers R be held at Tolosa Park, Glenorchy, the event will be a family one of our Roadside Agents from Shell Ace Motors at Wynyard.
day with entertainment and activities for children of all ages. Funds raised will go to support Menzies Centre research into men’s health. Private Ambulance, the Tasmanian Fire Museum and the RACT will also have classic and unique vehicles on display. For more details visit:
Peter passed away suddenly on 19 July. He will be greatly missed by all who were lucky enough to know him. 'Peter’s friendly, helpful, can-do personality is a great loss and we will all miss him dearly,' RACT’s Acting General Manager, Roadside Assist, Craig Millington said. OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2016
top: Lake Burbury and the West Coast Range. above (from left): Scamander beach; Ocean Beach, Strahan; the Lyell Highway into Queenstown; Dragon boats on the River Derwent at Lindisfarne; Mt Roland.
ACT Batteries staff member Matt Steele loves his job. He meets a range of people as he travels the state supporting the country network of RACT Roadside contractors with all of their battery needs. While on his travels he sometimes stops briefly to capture the raw beauty of our island state. Here is just a selection of some of his favourites.
Do you have a stunning image of our island state? Share it with us via Instagram by tagging @ractofficial or email to and it could be included in the magazine. OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2016
hen I was young, we used to have a purple Valiant station wagon. This was in the days before compulsory seat belts W and I recall my Mum saying you could pile an entire junior sports
team in the back to ferry them around. Of course these days the road rules are much more rigid. So, short of getting a mini-bus, families are increasingly turning to seven-seat SUVs to transport their tribes. I have always coveted the Mazda CX-9. Something about its styling makes it very attractive and the new version is no exception. Hopping into the top-of-the-range Azami, I’d forgotten what a pleasure it is to drive an SUV. The feeling of being up high with great visibility is reassuring when you’ve the responsibility of two little lives in the back seat. While my current hatchback is a great little city drive, there is an overwhelming feeling of vulnerability when travelling near some of the giant trucks on our open road. Adding to the feeling of luxury and security of the CX-9 is a range of features including heads-up display, lane departure warning, blind spot monitor and rear cross-traffic alert. It almost 18
feels like the car is there, holding your hand, keeping an eye out for you. And that’s very comforting. Extra usability features include keyless entry with buttons on the exterior of the front door handles and boot, making it easier to access the car when you’ve got your hands full. So now it was time to test out this family car. After leaving our driveway the children were quiet for a full 10 minutes. If that’s what this car can do, I’ll take two! Unfortunately it didn’t last. ‘I’m too hot,’ Master 4 complained, which led us to discover one of the very few faults we found with this vehicle – there was no way to change the climate control in the rear seats from the front of the car. Which is fine when you have a tech-savvy eight-year-old to work it out, but if you have smaller children it could cause some stopping and starting in Tassie’s ever-changing weather. I’ve been wanting to try Twelve Stones at Pontville ever since it was dubbed ‘Tasmania’s best breakfast’ by the THA in 2015 and it didn’t disappoint. Their Signature Breakfast with all of the trimmings was substantial and delicious.
While you’re in the area… The RACT Royal Rewards program has several partners in the area:
Tourism Tasmania and Rob Burnett
clockwise, from opposite: The new Mazda CX-9 outside Twelve Stones at Pontville; the picturesque grounds at Twelve Stones; enjoy a cheese platter overlooking the view at Coal River Farm; Coal River Farm exterior.
Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary With a range of native Australian animals, including our own Tasmanian devil, this wildlife sanctuary offers a hands-on experience including daily guided tours. Bonorong’s 24-hour rescue service is funded through entry fees to the sanctuary. THE OFFER: Buy one admission, get one half price.*
Courtesy of Frogmore Creek
Situated in a converted old sandstone church by the side of the former Midland Highway (now known as Brighton Rd), the grounds are beautifully presented and made an entertaining space for the children as they ran off some energy before heading to the next destination. Heading towards Richmond, with the narrower roads and tighter shoulders, I felt a little over-sized in our large SUV. It was almost like the roads weren’t prepared with us in mind – which in a way I guess is the case in many of our rural areas. The lane departure warning kept reminding me as we wound our way through the farmland that we were somewhat an intruder on this quiet country road. Entering Richmond, there were intruders everywhere. I guess I wasn’t the only one who thought it would be a good destination for some family time on Father’s Day. People swarmed the streets and wandered the riverbank, stopping to photograph the oldest bridge in Australia. Despite the crowds, the open spaces remained wide enough for an energetic kick of soccer to run off brunch and make room for some tasty pastries from the Richmond Bakery for lunch. Famous for its curried scallop pies, we were in and out in a flash despite the crowds and the sausage rolls were demolished in a heartbeat. Next we thought we might try one of the relative newcomers to the area – Coal River Farm – for yet more food. Boasting a chocolatier and
cheesery as well as a fine list of locally sourced beverages, this small yet welcoming restaurant was a great surprise. Even though they were flat out busy, we were welcomed warmly and the children looked after with their own special menu. Hubby tucked into the pulled pork pie with gusto, perfectly paired with a Frank’s Pear Cider. Having eaten my way through the day, I still managed to squeeze in some of their cheeses – a ripe Triple Cream Brie and Vine Ashed Log that had a super-creamy consistency. One of my biggest complaints about cheese platters is usually that there is a lot of cheese, but not a lot of bread or crackers to put with it. This was not the case at Coal River Farm, with a large bowl of house-made crisp bread more than enough to share. Visitors to the farm can also watch cheese and chocolate being made on-site as well as enjoy berry picking in-season. And so came the end of our day. Tired but most definitely not hungry, we cruised home in comfort. The verdict on the CX-9? Probably a little big for our needs, considering most of its trips would be to and from work each day, but an excellent prospect for a large family. CX-9 supplied courtesy of DJ Mazda Hobart.
What’s your favourite Sunday Drive? Tell us in our Member Hub.
Frogmore Creek With spectacular views over the Coal River Valley, this winery was awarded the AHA's Best Restaurant in Regional Australia. Open for lunch daily, with tastings at the cellar door. THE OFFER: 10% off* restaurant dining (max 4 guests) plus 20% off* cases of wine.
Tourism Tasmania & Nick Osborne
Pooley Wines Spanning three generations, this award-winning family winery is part of Royal Rewards through Their cellar door is open daily, with details of special events on their website. THE OFFER: 15% off* on wine purchases at the cellar door. *Terms and conditions apply, see
FIRST DRIVES with Darren Moody
he all-new CX-9 completes the full KODO design language and SKYACTIV fuel saving technologies in Mazda’s three-pronged T CX SUV range, and again challenges the mainstream with a
Even in the base Sport, the CX-9 gets a host of safety features including blind-spot monitoring, rear cross-traffic alert and autonomous emergency braking (AEB) smart city-brake support different philosophy on drivetrains. (forward/reverse). If you opt for the top-of-the-line Azami, The norm for the large SUV category is a frugal torque-rich add lane departure warning, lane keep assist, adaptive LED diesel, or a thirsty six-cylinder petrol. However Mazda, known headlights, driver attention alert, forward obstruction warning for doing things differently, has gone with a petrol-powered and full-blown AEB, and not forgetting a five-star ANCAP crash four-cylinder 2.5L turbo coupled to a six-speed rating. Something the CX-9 has that nobody else auto. The Achilles heel of these big seven-seat does is four child restraint anchor points. As well petrol SUVs is fuel consumption. Mazda is CX-9 boasts a combined as the typical three across the second row, the spruiking improvements of up to 25% over the Mazda offers one on the LHS in the third row, fuel consumption previous model. CX-9 boasts a combined fuel which is reasonably easy to access via the left-hand figure of 8.4L/100km consumption figure of 8.4L/100km (8.8L/100km rear door. (8.8L/100km AWD), AWD), making it clearly the most frugal petrol From the inside, occupants are treated to an in the class. The trade-off of course is a bit less making it clearly the most extremely quiet cabin with little in the way of power, and at 170kW it is shaded by pretty well frugal petrol in the class. road or wind noise, even at speed on coarse-chip everything. However, a chunky 420Nm of torque bitumen. Mazda has used acoustic glass for the at a low 2000rpm evens the playing field in everyday driving. windscreen and front side windows and has added a whole heap CX-9 comes in four trim levels – Sport, Touring, GT and of sound-proofing throughout to produce one of the quietest Azami. The entry-level Sport FWD will set you back $42,490 (plus cabins I’ve been in, luxury marques included. On the down-side, on-roads) and tops out at $63,390 for the top spec AWD Azami. For third-row passengers miss out on amenities including any form of me the sweet spot in the new CX9 range is the Touring. Leather ventilation. trim seats, auto lights and wipers, 8” touchscreen with MZD Another in my series of first-world problems, the Sport and connect, navigation and power-adjustable front seats with heating. Touring spec vehicles lack keyless locking/unlocking. You need It might miss out on things like Bose audio, glass roof, head-up to press the fob to lock/unlock the door, but it has a push-button display, radar cruise control or the advanced safety features of the start, so the fob needs to come in and out of the pocket every time Azami, but the biggest thing to me is 18” alloys instead of the 20” in you want to lock/unlock it. It would make more sense to have a key the up-spec models. The 20” shod vehicles are just too firm in my to start it. Come on Mazda, extend the keyless entry in the upper view, while the 18” wheels are just right. spec models across the range.
We have a Mazda Monopoly board game to give away to one lucky reader who can provide the English interpretation of the meaning of KODO design. To go into the draw send an email to with ‘Mazda competition’ in the subject line and the correct answer along with your name and contact details. 20
Tania Wearing
‘I thank him with all my heart’
It may be a frightening prospect to stop at the scene of an accident, but in Mandy Street’s case the actions of one police officer, with some assistance from passers-by, saved her life. hen Queensland police officer Sergeant Tyrone Gilbert visited Tasmania in 2015 W in the lead-up to competing in Targa Tasmania,
he had no idea of the life-changing events that would unfold. He and navigator Tania Wearing were completing their recce for the event when they came across a serious car crash at Epping Forest. ‘It was about 8.30pm and we were about 30km out of Launceston. I had been following a vehicle since leaving the previous town,’ he said. ‘I thought it had pulled off to the left shoulder, but as the lights of my rental car illuminated the area I realised something far more tragic had happened. ‘I first noticed a large cloud of dust then I realised the car had hit a large gum tree and then landed on its roof in the culvert.’ Sgt Gilbert asked Tania to call Triple 0 (000) and approached the car with trepidation. ‘It was on its roof in the ditch with the nose down,’ he said. ‘I saw a girl’s face looking back at me screaming for help. She was terrified, alone and very, very hurt.’ As Sgt Gilbert assessed the situation he discovered a fire in the engine bay of the vehicle. He yelled to Tania that they needed someone with a fire extinguisher. After trying for some time in vain, finally Tania managed to get a young male backpacker to stop and he had a fire extinguisher in his vehicle. By this stage Mandy had almost gotten herself into the rear of the vehicle and Sgt Gilbert was able to reach her. He asked the young backpacker to find something to keep her warm and a light. ‘I then realised there was someone else standing
up on the road looking down; it was a father and son. The son may have been 15 or 16 years old. The father told the boy to run to his car and get a torch. The backpacker went and got a blanket.’ Mandy’s condition was quickly deteriorating, she lost consciousness and stopped breathing. They carefully moved her out of the vehicle. ‘The three of us managed to get her up through the rear window and onto the ground. Still supporting her head and neck we got her over onto her right side in the hope that she would start breathing again,' Sgt Gilbert said. ‘At first there was no change, I kept talking to her, and still no emergency service had arrived. Then Mandy started to breathe and regained consciousness. ‘The two young men stayed with me in the ditch helping me hold her in a comfortable position. Police arrived first and created a safe working area, then finally the ambulance arrived. To me it felt like 45 minutes, but Tania informed me it was more like 25-30 minutes. ‘They put her in the ambulance and left. It was over.’ Mandy is still undergoing significant medical treatment but is very grateful to her rescuers. ‘It's hard to put into words how to thank somebody that saved my life because that's what Tyrone Gilbert has done for me,’ Mandy said. ‘If it wasn't for Tyrone travelling behind me I wouldn't have this opportunity to thank him and his actions for saving me that night. ‘One day I would still like to meet and shake Tyrone Gilbert's hand. But until then I thank him with all my heart.’ Story adapted with thanks to Police Bulletin magazine in Queensland.
clockwise from left:
Emergency services workers at the scene of the crash; Mandy’s car after the crash; Sergeant Tyrone Gilbert accepts a Certificate of Commendation from Commissioner Darren Hine, Tasmania Police.
What to do at the scene of an accident: • Don't place yourself in danger – maintaining your own safety is paramount. • Call Triple 0 (000) – give clear information of your location and what you can see – don’t forget to say you are in Tasmania. • Don't move casualties unless there is a clear and present danger. • If you feel apprehensive about what you are witnessing, don't approach the vehicles involved. • Don’t move the vehicles involved. • Should you choose to approach the involved vehicles, offer reassurance that emergency services are on the way, try to keep the casualties calm by just talking normally and asking questions such as their name. This information can be given to emergency services once they arrive on the scene. OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2016
HE SAYS Darren Moody
Kia Optima GT If you were to buy anything else you would be ticking a whole heap of options boxes to get anywhere near the features the GT comes with as standard, and you won’t see a seven-year warranty on any other brands either. rom the outset I’m going to declare an interest here. I had a third-generation Kia F Optima Platinum for the past four years as a
daily driver (when not driving test vehicles), and it was a car I really liked, but didn’t love. Starting with the mechanical bits, this Optima is an all-new vehicle that is now fitted with a 2.0L direct injection turbo engine that offers a solid 180kW and 350Nm of torque available at a low 1400rpm, and it is low in the rev range that the Optima does its best work. When revved it tends to be a bit intrusive into the cabin, which was a similar situation in the previous generation, but cruising at highway speeds it isn’t an issue. The in-house built six-speed auto is relatively smooth and can also be controlled by steering wheel mounted paddle shifters. The biggest leap forward for me is ride comfort and steering feel. Those were my biggest gripes from the previous model – it was just too stiff and the steering was pretty lifeless. This time thanks to a local tuning program, Optima has joined the ranks of more established brands and while it still isn’t a Mazda6, the Optima can now hold its head up in the mid-sized segment. Platinum spec has been replaced by the GT, which is now the fourth generation Optima
range-topper. It’s still packed to the brim with standard features including leather-appointed trim; electrically adjusted, heated and cooled seats; heated steering wheel; navigation via a large 8” touch screen; Harman/Kardon 10-speaker audio with sub-woofer; dual zone climate control; and a full glass sunroof, to name a few. Optima also ups the ante in terms of safety. Boasting a 5-star ANCAP rating with a suite of airbags and safety acronyms as long as your arm, Optima also includes autonomous emergency braking (AEB), lane departure warning system (LDWS), rear cross-traffic alert (RCTA) and adaptive cruise control as standard on the GT. Kia moved on from cheap and cheerful pricing quite a few years ago and a touch over $48,000 drive-away puts it right up there in this segment. That said, if you were to buy anything else you would be ticking a whole heap of options boxes to get anywhere near the features the GT comes with as standard, and you won’t see a seven-year warranty on any other brands either. In my view the new Optima is significantly superior to the old model in every way except styling. The old model was the very first of the Peter Schreyer-designed Kias and one of the best.
SHE SAYS Alice Agnew
find it fascinating to learn what makes people tick – not in a scientific sense but what motivates Ithem, gets them going. Most people I know have
a clear sense of what excites them when it comes to cars. We all have vehicle preferences whether it be safety, power, size or how it looks. So while for me, getting into the driver’s seat of any new car is an exciting experience, what I really look for is comfort and long-lasting driving pleasure. This means my purchasing decision will have a long-reaching effect and deliver long-term positive value. I was reserved in my approach to Kia’s new 2016 Optima GT. I admit this was influenced by hearsay but I also noticed an underwhelming social response. ‘Oh… ’, seemed to be a common phrase uttered, as though people weren’t quite sure if they had to offer some form of condolence. I think they’re wrong. At first I immediately noticed its presence – the car looks roomy and unlike some of its competitors follows through on that promise – ample space for people’s legs, heads and the rest in between. Bluetooth connectivity is a feature I still really love and notice – especially with the quality sound from the Optima’s Harman Kardon 10-speaker stereo. When you combine this with the double sunroof, the style seems to say ‘relax, enjoy the drive ahead’. So, with Ryan Adams’ playlist, I headed off towards the state’s South-East. The car is very well-equipped for the suburban lifestyle. The GT includes front and rear parking sensors, blind spot detection, reversing camera, an electric handbrake and automatic emergency braking.
However, I wanted to test the car on both the highway and on gravel – and Wielangta Rd is renowned for its unpredictable conditions. On the highway road noise was minimal and I enjoyed the power, with the GT delivering an immediate reaction when my foot pressed the pedal. As we hit the dirt road the usual bumpiness I expected was pleasantly softened by the suspension. Tasmania’s wintry conditions granted me an opportunity to test out some of the Optima’s features. A favourite was the inclusion of a heated steering wheel – within minutes I had direct warmth on my hands and frozen fingers without the suffocating heat that sometimes comes when using centralised car-heating systems. The front seats also have the option to be heated or cooled. However, it wasn’t until darkness fell that I developed my true appreciation for the level of detail Kia has engineered in the GT. The Optima is equipped with door handle lights and soft-touch keyless entry combined with interior automatic lighting that responds to the ignition state. As a female, these little details make finding the house keys in my handbag (aka the ‘bag of doom’) a breeze and far less frantic. The inclusion of memory seating that recognises your preferred seat position and is activated by door sensors makes entry and exit much more graceful. Owning and driving a Kia Optima GT is like having a secret that nobody suspects and a casual glance won’t reveal the understated luxury and distinguishable level of attention that has been paid to its design. It is definitely worth a look for those wanting a medium-size car with that little bit more.
Owning and driving a Kia Optima GT is like having a secret that nobody suspects.
FINANCE IT WITH US! RACT Car Loans offer competitive rates, low fees, great service and minimum hassle – with discounted interest rates for RACT members. Get fast, over-thephone pre-approval, so you can bargain to your best advantage, knowing how much you have to spend. Call 13 27 22 or apply online at
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Help a learner driver get their licence
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Have you ever thought of those who don’t have anybody to teach them how to drive? If you have a minimum of 1-2 hours per week that you can spare to mentor a learner driver, then you could make a huge difference to the life of a young person. Learner Driver Mentor Programs (LDMPs) assist disadvantaged learner drivers, who don’t have access to a vehicle and/or a suitable supervisory driver, to gain on-road driving experience towards obtaining a driver licence. There are 18 LDMPs across the state. If you are interested in being a Mentor contact Garry O’Byrne (Driver Mentoring Tasmania) on 0409 832 764 or
www.drivermen toringtasmania .org 24
DMT Inc is the peak body representing Learner Driver Mentor Programs in Tasmania
KING of the
ROAD Tim Cox
or many years I would reassure newcomers to radio that driving the desk – which at first glance must be as intimidating F as the controls of an aircraft with its different coloured lights, dials,
VU meters, faders and more – was like driving a car. That once you get the mechanics of it down pat, you don’t think about that part of it, only where you want to go and how you want to get there. Only, how did I know that? A couple of incomplete attempts at learning to drive and an enormous amount of time as a passenger – or co-pilot, as I like to think of it, in charge of hydration, directions and, of course, music – does not a driver make. But I’m driving. And it’s all going (surprisingly) swimmingly: smooth gear changes, bring the clutch all the way up, remembering to breathe… We’re already a great team, two hearts beating as one – man and machine – this little yellow RACT Driver Training Suzuki and me. For the first corner and out of the carpark, anyway. Instructor Kat is possibly as surprised as I am. Or maybe it’s that I don’t use my inside voice to proclaim how delighted I am to have successfully entered the traffic and headed off up a steep hill. In not quite the right gear. She’s calm and polite and supportive: ‘that’s probably not the gear I’d have used’, she tells me. She’s the same when I don’t quite manage three-point turns and hill starts and reassuring when I do. And so it goes for the first lesson. And the second. And more. I’m not as terrible as I think I’m going to be and, after a while, I’m starting to enjoy it.
left: Tim Cox gets ready to hit the road. inset: Tim with his driving instructor Kat.
There must be some psychology in this: I told myself for such a long time that I didn’t want to drive that I convinced myself I couldn’t. But I can and it’s empowering that I’m 50 years old and learning something new. They reckon learning new stuff gets harder as you get older – basically because we are engineered to learn when we’re younger. I watch my wife, Barb, drive with renewed wonder now. She’s been driving our car since it left the showroom eight or nine years ago and I marvel at how effortless she is, with every single aspect of its operation. I’m (just) okay at it but it’s totally different to the car I’m used to: substantially taller, considerably wider, and at least half as heavy again. She, too, is calm and patient, even when I stall at a traffic light-controlled intersection and cannot get going through an entire change – and a half – of lights. ‘Feel the friction point,’ she tells me as we drive off, my heart thumping. But I’m driving. They say that squash ruins your tennis game, and that water polo makes good swimmers terrible, as you have to pretty much disassemble what you know and start again. I recently took home a little Italian – a Vespa scooter – so we’ll have to see how riding a scooter affects my driving. Especially as it’s automatic and hill starts are just throttle on and brake off, rather than… how do I do a hill start again, Kat?! After a couple of failed attempts, long-time Tasmanian media personality Tim Cox has finally bitten the bullet and is learning to drive – with the help of RACT Driver Training.
RACT Driver Training in the south has moved to our Patrick St annex, around the corner from RACT House. All southern driver training enquiries, parking, payments and bookings can now be made at 62 Patrick St or by calling 1300 761 429.
Giving Right Royal service ur Roadside patrolmen always do their utmost to assist our members and make them feel comfortable in what can be O very stressful situations.
Some recent feedback from a member exemplifies this: ‘I arranged for RACT to assist my mother who is profoundly deaf. Firstly I spoke with an incredibly helpful lady on the phone, who ensured the man attending knew my mother was deaf and how he was best to communicate with her. The lovely man attended and wrote notes to her which included that he has asked to do a sign language course! This means so much to myself and my family.’ Based on his experience, patrolman Brian Apps completed Auslan certification to enhance his communication skills. We hope more of our patrolmen can complete the course during the next year.
Measure and alignment system from Finland
Two pack spray and bake booth
107 Mornington Road Mornington Telephone 6244 4732 Facsimile 6244 3845 OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2016
In branch | Online | 13 27 22 |
As a valued member, you deserve the best. Being an RACT member gives you even more with our rejuvenated Royal Rewards member benefits program. You’ll have direct access to exclusive offers, rewards, savings and events from businesses across Tasmania and Australia — all you need to do is show your RACT membership card.
We have extended our program to include new partners as well as keeping your favourites in automotive, home and garden, retail, dining, health and fitness, entertainment and lifestyle. Find out more at or download the app.
Does your home need some TLC? With warmer weather around the corner, it’s time to pull out your DIY skills and make your to-do lists for inside and outside the home. Does your garden need sprucing? Is your outdoor entertainment area looking a little tired? Are those pesky home maintenance jobs you put off during winter starting to pile up? K&D Warehouse is your first point of call for Tasmania’s biggest range of supplies to get your home ready for the festive season. RACT members receive 15% off* at K&D Warehouse for the month of October. Find out more at or download the app.
Pop into your nearest Breadd store and try one of their delicious salad rolls, pastries or coffees. RACT members receive 15% off* their total purchase.
Make your fitness a priority with the F45 Launceston team and sweat your way to future health. RACT members sign up for 12 weeks and only pay for 8 weeks*.
Treat yourself and save with tickets to the latest movies at cinemas statewide. RACT members receive discounted* movie tickets when purchased in-branch at RACT.
Find a great range of beds and manchester and sleep blissfully with Snooze. RACT members receive 15% off* full priced items, and 5% off* sale items.
Experience native wildlife up close and personal and learn from the passionate team at Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary. RACT members can buy one admission ticket and get another ticket half price*.
For all your tyre needs, Tyreright has the knowledgeable team to keep you safe on the road. RACT members receive 10% off* GT radial tyres. *Terms and conditions apply. See website for full details.
15% OFF *
*Excludes gift card purchases, sale items, K&D Bricks Pavers & Modina Kitchens. Offer ends 31/10/16. 7.5% member discount applies after October.
Show your RACT member card in-store during the month of October to receive 15%* discount off our normal retail prices
Be Royally Rewarded At Specsavers, Auto Club Members can now choose from a range of great offers, including 25% off one pair of glasses complete with standard single vision lenses from the $149 range or above*. Simply head in to your nearest Specsavers store and show your Membership Card.
*Price complete with standard single vision lenses with scratch resistant coating. Multifocals and bifocals also available at an extra cost. Extra options not included. Price for other lens types may differ. Price correct at time of print. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer including 2 pairs for 1 low price. Valid auto club card must be presented at time of purchase.
90 YEA
RACT members save 10% Book your next self-drive motorhome or campervan holiday with Apollo and receive 10% off the daily rental. With 10 branches Australia wide there is a holiday destination waiting for you! To book or for more information visit Discount only available to current RACT members when booking through RACT. Valid for travel in Australia only. Apollo rental terms and conditions apply. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. Subject to availability.
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RACT Members
SAVE 10% on GT Radial tyres
Buy tyres online or buy in-store: *Conditions apply. See website for details.
As an RACT member you’ll get 20% off* this October on a wide range of parts, accessories and lubricants. And if some Repco Know How is what you need, our friendly, expert staff are always ready to share their knowledge to help you get the job done.
Repco has over 90 years of motoring Know How supplying parts, accessories and advice to millions of Australian drivers and motoring professionals. So if it’s time to change your oil or give your car a little extra care get into Repco.
*20% off applies to full retail price and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount. Discount does not apply to purchases of motor vehicle, marine or deep cycle batteries, transmissions, engines & cylinder heads, satellite navigation devices, gift cards, combo deals, any trade purchases and trade workshop equipment. Discount does not apply to purchases from the Repco Authorised Service network. Offer valid 1- 31 October 2016.
Don’t forget to show your card & save. 537586
OUR PARTNERS Be royally rewarded.
We know you enjoy the exclusive benefits of being an RACT member. In our recent member survey, you told us you wanted even more. Our rejuvenated Royal Rewards program brings you new categories and a greater range. You can access your rewards simply by showing your RACT membership card at our partner businesses. LIFESTYLE EXPERIENCES Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary Experience OZ Gift It Now Frogmore Creek Vineyard Tahune AirWalk Visit Vineyards
RETAIL Les Lees Petals Florist Snooze Specsavers Staples Woolworths WISH Gift Cards
DINING Breadd Zambrero
HEALTH AND FITNESS All Aerobics F45 Training Launceston Onsport Stomp Fitness
HOME AND GARDEN K&D Warehouse Store-it-safe ENTERTAINMENT AMF Bowling CMAX Cinemas Hobart Hurricanes Metro Cinemas State Cinema Village Cinemas
AUTOMOTIVE Beaurepaires Better Performance Car Care Carswell Auto Electrical Ken Vance Motors Launceston Tyre and Brake Lindisfarne Service Centre Murfett’s Auto Electrical
Performance Automobiles RACT AutoServe RACT Auto Glass RACT Batteries RACT Child Restraints RACT Finance Repco Tyreright United Petroleum TRAVEL Apollo Cradle Mountain Hotel Freycinet Lodge RACT/RACV Hobart Apartment Hotel RACV Resorts Strahan Village Thrifty Car Rental
Access your rewards on the go. Keep up-to-date, access Royal Rewards benefits and exclusive hot offers and locate the partners nearest you. Find all your member benefits in one easy and central place on your phone. Download the Royal Rewards app today. Available on iOS and Android. Find out more at
N AN OT A YW VA HE ILA RE BL EL E SE with Mu Music usic & Motioon! Motion! Over the years ears the b beloved Disney characters have given us countless gifts ... unforgettable moments of love, imagination. Now the magic of Disney laughter and imag delivers all the joys of the holidays with The Wonderful World of Disney Christmas Tree. With 4 levels of rotating movement–including two separate trains, a parade of dancing princesses and dashing princes and Mickey in his sleigh with Pluto leading the way – you’ll watch as the Disney Express seems to “climb” higher up the tree. On each tier, Engineer Mickey “collects” gifts from all your favourite Disney friends. There’s Winnie the Pooh, the Seven Dwarfs, Pinocchio, the Disney Princesses, Donald Duck, Daisy and more. Plus, 20 LED lights colourfully illuminate the ten hand-crafted, hand-painted scenes that feature over 50 Disney figurines. And, for the perfect finishing touch, this remarkable collectable plays a medley of festive holiday carols.
Pluto “flies” Mickey’s sleigh round the tree!
Features • Over 50 sculpted, hand-painted Disney characters • Four levels of rotating tree movement • Ten illuminated scenes
Exceptional value; attractively priced.
The Wonderful World of Disney Christmas Tree can be yours for $299.95, payable in 5 easy payments of only $59.99, plus $19.99 postage and handling. But don’t wait! Legions of Disney lovers are expected to respond. That’s why we must limit reservations to one per customer. To reserve The Wonderful World of Disney Christmas Tree, send no money now. Just return the coupon or go online today at
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Shown smaller than its impressive actual size of approx. 40.6cm high! Requires 3 “AA” batteries (not included) and AC Adaptor ready. ©Disney. Winnie the Pooh elements based on the works of A. A. Milne and E. H. Shepard 14-00567-001A
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Please allow up to 10 business days for delivery. All sales subject to product availability and reservation acceptance. Credit criteria ma may apply. Our privacy policy is available online at From time to time, time we may allow allo carefully screened companies to contact you. If you would prefer not to receive such offers, please tick this box.
Hotel dining reaches new heights isitors to Cradle Mountain Hotel will now have a more contemporary dining experience with the opening of Altitude V Restaurant and Lounge Bar. The restaurant areas of the hotel have undergone an extensive refurbishment, creating a more open-plan, inviting space with a bar and lounge area. ‘The renovation has allowed us to introduce more flexibility into our on-mountain dining experiences,’ hotel General Manager Adam Brooks said. ‘We have the capability for more intimate a la carte experiences, as well as opening up the entire space for group dining, including our popular buffet options.’ Mr Brooks said by lowering the ceiling and introducing suspended fireplaces and underfloor heating, the dining area had a cosy and comfortable atmosphere. Altitude is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner seven days to visitors to the area, locals and guests of Cradle Mountain Hotel. For more details visit
IN TASMANIA TODAY unique event on the Australian film festival calendar, BOFA serves up 37 movies, short A film competitions, community and innovation
Tasmanian Breath of Fresh Air (BOFA) Film Festival 10-13 November
The Unconformity
Bicheno Food & Wine Festival
14-16 October Bruce Troode
19 November
n its 10th year, the festival showcases the best food and wine of the East Coast. The day features events that are designed to bring you up close and personal with leading local wine makers, brewers and distillers as well as chefs and food producers. Visitors can bring their own tables and chairs or picnic rugs, or pull up a piece Voice of Chernobyl. Photo © Jerzy Palacz
Tas Eco Film Festival 17-20 November
of grass, and wander among 35 food and drink stalls. The relaxed atmosphere includes live music along with presentations from Gardening Australia’s Tino Carnavale, cooking demonstrations from top chefs, a vintage surfboard exhibition and films, boutique beer judging and face painting.
fter a stellar premiere last year, the Tasmanian Eco Film Festival aims to foster an appreciation and A recognition of the natural world that supports us all.
The event features screenings, including four Australian premieres, and Q&As at the iconic State Cinema. Special guests include VIPs such as John Collee (Oscar-nominated screen writer, Master and Commander) and Ian McCluskey (Emmy Award-winning director from the US). Other events include the Eco Ocean Health Panel at IMAS with lead speaker Dr Sylvia Earle (marine biologist, explorer and Time Hero for the Planet); the Australian premiere of virtual reality film Crystal Reef at TMAG; and a closing night eco dinner at Room for a Pony, with celebrated guest chef Matt Stone. Tourism Tasmania & Scott Sporleder, Matador
Bloomin’ Tulips Festival 8 October
EVENTS © Matt Glastonbury
action sessions, master classes, BOFA Fringe and the Innovative Tasmania Awards during four actionpacked days at the Inveresk Precinct in Launceston. Every screening starts with a short from the BOFA Short Film Competition and most finish with a conversation with film makers and experts. BOFA offers something for every film lover who is interested in incredible films, impassioned discussions about innovation and social change, soaking up the festival vibe and enjoying Tasmania's renowned food, wines, beer and cider.
ormerly t he Queenstow n Heritage and Arts Festival, The F Unconformity is a three-day celebration
of the West Coast region’s community, cultural life and paradoxes. The event features The Rumble, a dazzling procession featuring light, music and some of the huge mining machinery of the region; along with the premieres of I am a Lake from Mudlark Theatre; Tasmanian dancer Wendy Morrow performing Geologies; Fault Traces, a new solo work by percussion artist Matthias Schack-Arnott; and We Are Mountain, where Zoe Scoglio and Mish Grigor invite the audience to join in the eating of a cake mountain as they explore the rugged Queenstown landscape. How to see through fog, a documentary by Thomas Hyland, Sean Fennessy and Glenn Richards, follows the closure of the Mt Lyell copper mine through the eyes of locals and will be premiered at The Unconformity. The Unconformity will wind up on Sunday afternoon with a West Coast tradition – a local team will take on a side of incomers on the infamous Queenstown gravel football oval.
loomin’ Tulips is Waratah-Wynyard’s annual celebration of everything that is colourful, beautiful and charming about not only the tulips that adorn Table Cape, B but also the municipality.
Featuring a three-week calendar of events, the highlight is the Bloomin’ Tulips Festival on Saturday, 8 October. Other major events include the Bloomin’ Tulips Cocktail Party and the Mayoral Ball, as well as the Bloomin’ Tulips Foreshore Market on the first and third Sunday of the month from 8.30am until 2pm. The Festival has offered RACT members discounted entry to the Colour Fun Run, held each year as part of the event. This 5km fun run includes being splashed with paint every 500m of the event, providing a very colourful finish. All entry fees are donated to a local club or charity.
Stay in the heart of Hobart at RACT/RACV Hobart Apartment Hotel with 25% off accommodation for members. To book call 6270 8600 or visit *Terms and conditions apply. Subject to availability. Blackout dates apply. Prices are based on seasonality. Auto club membership number to be quoted at booking and presented at check-in. See for details.
Go to town with 25% off! 36
POINT Myles Kirkman at his Meander Valley home (above) and examples of his work. photos: Chris Crerar
rtist Myles Kirkman started making knives when he was just 14. He now uses recycled high carbon steel A from old band saws and Tasmanian timber to craft knives that look as good as they feel, with their composition ensuring they keep their edge well. At just 18 and still at school, Myles is the Tasmanian Craft Fair’s Emerging Artist for 2016. You will see his work along with that of more than 240 other artists and craftspeople as well as gourmet food, entertainment and children’s activities from 4-7 November at Deloraine. Journeys has 10 double passes to the TCF to give away. Email or post to GPO Box 1292, Hobart 7001, with the page number of our hidden black crown. Last issue's winners: Mary Foster, of Lauderdale; Royce McLennan, of Rosny. *Terms and conditions apply, see Page 8.
FESTIVAL BICHENO Fabulous food stalls with authentic East Coast products Huge range of East Coast wines, spirits, beers & cider Cooking & other demonstrations YEARS! Home brew competition judging Funky live music Vintage surf boards exhibition
Bring tables & chairs, or a blanket & laze on the grass & celebrate 10 years!
ADULTS $10 • Youth 11-17 yrs $5 Children 10 & under FREE
10.30am – 5pm with music through to 6pm @BICHENO LIONS PARK Follow us on Facebook - Bicheno Food & Wine Festival OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2016
A great escape Stephen Dando-Collins
aul Brickhill, who authored The Great Escape, The Dam Busters and Reach for the Sky, only bought his first car when he was 36. But P when he did, he spoiled himself. Brickhill had strong Tasmanian links. While he was born in Melbourne, his parents and grandparents were all born and raised in Launceston. Brickhill followed grandfather James and father George into the newspaper game when he joined the Sydney Sun as a copy boy in 1932. In 1941 Brickhill joined the RAAF and by 1942 he was flying Spitfires and Hurricanes in North Africa. Shot down over the desert in March, 1943, he ended up in the Stalag Luft III prisoner of war camp in German Silesia. There he participated in preparations for the Great Escape, but was excluded from the breakout itself because he suffered from severe claustrophobia while down an escape tunnel digging. After 50 escapees were shot by the Gestapo, Brickhill vowed to write their story once the war ended. In 1945, liberated and back in London, he wrote the escape story four different ways before becoming the Sydney Sun’s European and US correspondent. After returning to Australia in 1948, Brickhill rejected an approach from the RAF to write the history of 617 Squadron, the Dam Busters, but accepted an offer from a British publisher to write The Great Escape. Aboard a ship sailing back to England in 1949, he was convinced by budding model Margot Slater to revisit the 617 Squadron book. A year later, as The Great Escape became an international bestseller,
Tassie’s best prices on mobility equipment Statewide delivery available
Paul Brickhill writing in the South of France in 1952. (Photograph from the cover of The Hero Maker).
Brickhill married Margot and commenced The Dam Busters, which also broke sales records. In the summer of 1952, Brickhill was joined by Margot in the south of France. Margot arrived driving their shiny new Alfa Romeo Cabriolet convertible, which she’d convinced him to buy. It was his first ever car. Five years later, Brickhill finally allowed himself to acquire his dream car, a Jaguar. Even so, Brickhill was always careful with money and his Mark II Jaguar was second-hand – it was two years old. Back in Australia in the early 1960s, Brickhill bought Margot a zippy Triumph Herald. He thought about purchasing himself a Bentley, but couldn’t part with the money. After the couple’s divorce in 1964, he sold the Alfa Romeo and shipped the Jaguar out to Australia. He never bought another car. The Hero Maker, Stephen Dando-Collins’ biography of Paul Brickhill, published in August by Random House, will be the subject of talks at the following venues: Fullers Bookshop 5.30pm, 13 October; Devonport Library 2.30pm, 14 October; Petrarch’s Bookshop 6pm, 20 October.
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On the
On the
Milk. Made by Nick Haddow, RRP $55 ’ve spent a fair bit of time with this book and just realised – its cover is the colour of an aged cheddar. But that’s where the cheesiness ends. Milk. Made is the first book by chef-turned-cheesemaker Nick Haddow, who’s turned his Bruny Island Cheese Co into a must-see (well, must-stop-at-and-sample) attraction if you head south after getting off the ferry. The book is beautiful: full of gorgeous photography by Alan Benson and Nick’s deep knowledge of – and love for – cheese. In it you’ll meet some of Nick’s local and international confrères, in France of course, as well as Switzerland and the UK, but also in the US, a country widely derided for the blandness of its cheese. The folks he’s interviewed in Vermont are fascinating and their cheese looks… good enough to eat! Mainly, though, you will want to attempt the recipes – 75 of them – from the simplest, most delicious blue cheese and sweet onion pizza to a fondue you have taste to believe. You can also learn how to store cheese properly (good thing Nick hasn’t looked in my fridge) and how to make your own which, even if you never attempt DIY, will give you deeper understanding of the cheese universe. It also holds the most interesting and straightforward explanation of the case for ‘raw milk’ dairy I’ve read. But be warned: if you have friends or family that come to visit over summer, they will want to ‘borrow’ your copy of Milk. Made, so plan for it. Buy a couple of copies. – Tim Cox
Swallowed by the Sea by Graeme Henderson, RRP $44.99 ustralia has a long and fascinating history of shipwrecks – vessels claimed in a variety of ways and left to disintegrate in our coastal waters. Tales of many of these wrecks have been captured in Swallowed by the Sea, The story of Australia’s shipwrecks, written by Graeme Henderson, which was released on October 1. Henderson is a maritime archaeologist who has personally located and dived many of the wrecks featured, adding first-hand descriptions to the stories of these giant relics. He also tells the tale of these disasters, describing how the ship came to be in Australian waters, the people involved and details of their fate. Beautifully presented with historical paintings, photographs of the ships and underwater photographs of the dive sites, this is a fascinating read.
Tasmania’s Bygone Years of Road Transport 1950-1965 by Les Morley, RRP $29.95 he fourth and final in Les Morley’s series, Tasmania’s Bygone Years of Road Transport 1950-1965 contains rare photographs T capturing life on the state’s roads.
The book uses photos from Les’s own personal collection, as well as those of Colin Dennison, Bill Stephen and Danielle Gray, along with the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery and Burnie Regional Museum. With life changing dramatically after World War II, the book is a fascinating insight into what Les believes is the last great era of the motor car. It features new models of motor vehicles from manufacturers world-wide as the opportunity to purchase a vehicle grew. A fascinating look at how life on the road has evolved.
Antarctica, A New Musical Tasmanian Theatre Company and Sundog Productions 29 Oct – 12 Nov, Theatre Royal his locally made musical takes the audience on an extraordinary journey T with Birdie (played by Imogen Moore)
and Doug (Bobby Fox) joining a team of expeditioners travelling to the mythical Hurley Station for a year. Imogen returns to her home town of Hobart with a host of national stage credits to her name, including Opera Australia’s Anything Goes. Bobby Fox played Frankie Valli in Jersey Boys and was the lead in Hot Shoe Shuffle. Bryony Geeves and Melissa King are the talent behind the puppetry, having worked extensively with Terrapin Puppet Theatre and the Tasmanian Theatre Company. Together they’ll bring life-size penguins, giant petrels, wandering albatross and other creatures to life. We have five double passes to Antarctica, A New Musical on 1 November. Please note this show is suitable for 9+ years.
For your chance to win one of our reviewed books or tickets to Antarctica, A New Musical, simply email with the title of the competition you wish to enter in the subject line, along with your name, address and phone number in the email. *Terms and conditions apply, see Pg 8. OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2016
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The Royal Automobile Club of Tasmania Limited
In summary: Stable finances Assisting members through storms Award winning service
Holding government to account
Supporting communities throughout Tasmania
There for you at the roadside
Investing in capability
Growing regional tourism
Savings to members on fuel
RACT 2015-16 highlights W
riting my last Annual Report message as RACT President, I feel enormous satisfaction when reflecting on the way the RACT has developed under the direction of the current Board. In 2015/16, we can say that the RACT provides a wide range of motoring services, insurance, tourism and travel products, as well as exclusive member benefits. This must be considered a positive outcome when you consider that the organisation was originally established in 1923 to assist members with the planning of motoring excursions and to represent the interests of Tasmanian motorists. It is just as pleasing to be able to report on a 20th successive year of surplus. In 2015/16 a surplus of $5.36 million was achieved while continuing to maintain a strong service culture for our 178,000 members. Peter Joyce – President
he 2015/16 financial year saw the achievement of some strong results for the RACT Insurance business, despite the severe weather conditions during the month of June 2016. The storm events resulted in the flooding of many homes and businesses across the state and resulted in 769 storm-related claims totalling approximately $11 million. As a Tasmanian company with a presence in nearly every community in the state, we were able to quickly deploy our on-ground assessing teams and Mobile Service Centre. Importantly, being on the ground allows us to get to customers quickly and provide them with the resources they need to begin rebuilding their homes and communities.
ur Roadside team continued their excellent service to members and logged nearly 75,000 jobs – that is about 205 callouts a day. The average wait time was just more than 27 minutes per callout. More than 5,800 batteries were fitted to members’ vehicles in Hobart and Launceston during the reporting period and battery failures remain the single greatest reason for our members to turn to us for help. 42
o assist and alleviate the cost of fuel on household budgets, the RACT introduced a new member fuel discount, helping our members to save money at the bowser. RACT members now save 6 cents per litre on fuel at participating United Petroleum sites all year round. To date, 43 per cent of members have used the discount. Since the discount was introduced we have saved members almost $1.5 million, which is a result we’re incredibly proud of. Since then there have been a number of other petrol price discount offers introduced in the market that are resulting in some positive movements in the retail petrol price across the state.
he Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), after extensive lobbying by the RACT, published its investigation on the Launceston petrol market. While it was published outside the reporting period, it is important to acknowledge that the ACCC report found that petrol prices in Launceston were significantly higher than in the five largest cities in Australia for much of 2012/13 The RACT strongly believes greater transparency and better price information for consumers will ultimately lead to better price competition. It is our hope the investigation completed in the North of the state will lead to cheaper petrol prices for all Tasmanians.
uring the year, the RACT has supported communities throughout Tasmania with education programs, sponsorships and attendance at events. The RACT Mobile Service Centre roamed around the state, delivering child safety support and advice at more than 30 locations. Our team also conducted more than 50 additional road safety presentations and practical activities with Tasmanians of all ages.
The RACT Community Fund provided assistance for 25 groups and clubs and a further 70 organisations from communities from Wynyard in the North-West to Sommers Bay in the South received support through our sponsorship program. These programs demonstrate how we are working towards our goal of enhancing life in Tasmania.
015/16 was the second full year of operations at our Destinations tourism properties. Pleasingly, we are able to reflect on a highly positive performance for this part of our business. For the reporting period, our properties reported an occupancy rate of more than 64 per cent, growing by 11 per cent compared to the previous financial year, and a growth in holiday visitation (arrivals) of 16 per cent. Further, while we are very pleased at the number of interstate guests arriving in the state and staying at one of our properties, RACT members redeemed more than $100,000 worth of member discounts during the reporting period. Harvey Lennon – Group Chief Executive
n the lead-up to the 2016 Federal Election, we encouraged debate about a number of relevant issues affecting Tasmania. Principal amongst these was a proposed new four-lane Bridgewater Bridge. Another was traffic congestion being experienced on a regular basis by Hobart motorists. We were therefore pleased to welcome a $1 million commitment from the Tasmanian Government in its 2016/17 Budget to alleviate traffic congestion in Greater
Hobart. It is important that the Liberal Federal Government keeps its election promises about remedial treatments on the Wynyard Bass Highway intersections, which had been a priority for the RACT for a number of years. The RACT strongly endorses and supports the 10-year upgrade of the Midland Highway and the work that has been completed and funded to date. The Government must however ensure that the remainder of the 10-year plan is funded to allow freight, visitors and locals to travel the highway safely. Also, the Government’s $30 million commitment to replace the roundabout near the Hobart Airport needs to be actioned as soon as practical to ease already increasing congestion issues on the highway and the approaches to Hobart.
ACT continually assesses and seeks to improve our operational capability to ensure we continue to deliver great service to our members. This year we invested in new hotel management systems and booking platforms at our tourism properties. These have been welcomed by staff as the improved technology allows them to concentrate on our members and guests. In addition major redevelopment works at the RACT/RACV Hobart Apartment Hotel have commenced. The new improved facilities include a new gym, lounge and bar, new reception and improved restaurant and meeting facilities. The development will bring back to use the historic Cascade House building and greatly improve the member experience at the hotel.
he RACT is serious about helping to reduce the level of fatalities on our roads. That is why driver training continued to be a key activity during the year as we work to educate safe, life-long drivers. The RACT delivered 18,875 lessons across the state, including 1,599 L2 assessments. Our Driver Trainers do a great job and are key to the continued growth in lessons we have seen this year.
e pride ourselves on the service we provide our members and as such we took great pleasure in being awarded the General Insurer of the Year Award 2015 in the Roy Morgan Customer Satisfaction Awards. The award is based on independent customer satisfaction survey results that Roy Morgan Research carries out so is an excellent reflection of our hard-working and highly professional staff who undertake such an important role in delivering excellent member outcomes.
he RACT Travel agency group again demonstrated why it is considered one of the best in the industry when it was named Best Travel Agency Retail (Multi Location) for 2015 at the National Travel Industry Awards in Sydney in July. The awards are hosted by the Australian Federation of Travel Agents and recognise the industry’s leading companies. We were obviously very pleased to be recognised and acknowledge the important role of all of our staff, suppliers and loyal clients.
Financial Summary 2015-16
Millions Millions ($)
MillionsMillions ($)
roup revenues increased 6% in the 2015/16 financial year, primarily as a result of continued growth in the tourism business. Membership subscriptions and motoring service revenues grew marginally. However, there was a small reduction in revenue from the distribution of insurance products due to softening of rates and a slowing of portfolio growth in a very competitive marketplace. The performance of the Group’s investment in RACT Insurance Pty Ltd was adversely impacted by a number of significant weather events and house fire claims in the 2015/16 financial year. RACT’s Travel business produced another sound result and investments in RACT AutoServe Pty Ltd and Club Tasmania Holdings Pty Ltd (RACT/ RACV Hobart Apartment Hotel) reported improved results. The overall growth in total assets is largely attributable to a $6.5m investment in the Destinations Property Unit Trust, which owns the Group’s tourism properties. The additional investment increased the RACT Group’s holding in the Trust to 50%. Total liabilities also increased in the 2015/16 financial year after additional borrowings were drawn to fund the purchase of units in the Trust. In accordance with the Club’s Constitution, a copy of the Club’s Annual Report, in both Full and Concise formats, will be available on request 21 days prior to the Club’s Annual General Meeting and will be made available on the RACT website. Any such request will be regarded as an election that the member wishes to automatically receive a copy of the Annual Report each year.
60 50 40 30 20 10
120 100 80 60 40 20
-‐ 2012
-‐ 2012
Consolidated Revenue Consolidated Net Profit AGer Tax
Consolidated Group Assets
Consolidated Net Assets
Revenue Expenses Profit before income tax
Income tax benefit
Profit for the period
Other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income for the period
Total Current Assets
Total Non-Current Assets
Total Assets
Total Current Liabilities
Total Liabilities
Net Assets
Total Non-Current Assets
RACT/RACV Hobart Apartment Hotel: 03 6270 8600
General Enquiries: 13 27 22
RACT Travel: 1300 368 111
Roadside Assistance: 13 11 11
RACT AutoServe: 1300 127 684
Tasmanian Destinations: 1800 053 783
RACT Auto Glass: 1300 230 440
Insider Asia
New York
Australia Rail & Sail
This adventure was millions of years in the making Kimberley Complete On an APT Kimberley Wilderness Adventure fiery red landscapes contrast with cobalt blue skies. Secluded gorges and waterholes hide ancient Indigenous rock art. From Mitchell Falls, to El Questro and the Bungle Bungle Range, you’ll discover this spectacular land. EXCLUSIVE! Stay at APT’s unmatched network of Wilderness Lodges in the Kimberley SMALL GROUP 4WD JOURNEYS – Maximum of just 20 guests in APT’s custom designed vehicles INCLUDED – Sightseeing with an expert Driver-Guide, transfers and National Park fees
Round trip Broome 15 Days from $9,395 per person Fly Free in September*
Gibb River Road
Tunnel Creek
Emma Gorge
Windjana Gorge
Geikie Gorge
Halls Creek
*Conditions apply. Prices are per person (pp) twin share and include an early payment discount. Prices are correct as at 8 August 2016 but may fluctuate if surcharges, fees, taxes or currency change. Book by 15 December 2016, unless sold out prior. Prices based on all May, August and September 2017 departures of GKC15. Offers are not combinable, available on new bookings only and subject to availability. Offers may be withdrawn at any time. A limited number of offers are available on set departures. A non-refundable deposit of $2,000 pp is due within 7 days of booking. Final payment is due 100 days prior to departure. All air is ticketed upon receipt of deposit and any changes made after ticketing may incur an amendment or cancellation fee. Flights are in Economy class with Qantas Airlines (or an airline of APT’s choosing) ex MEL, SYD, BNE, ADL or PER. All offers are subject to availability of airline and booking class. Once class is sold out surcharges apply. Flights must be booked by APT. FLY FREE: Based on two people booking GKC15 tour in September 2017 twin share. Offer includes two people’s airfare and taxes up to the value of $2,400 per couple. $300 PER PERSON EARLY PAYMENT DISCOUNT: Tour must be paid in full 10 months prior to departure date. #RACT MEMBER BONUS: Save an additional $200 per couple ($100 pp) on new bookings only for the advertised package of GKC15 only. Book by 30 November 2016 to receive member discount. A limited number of member discounts available. The price shown is for a cash payment – Credit card fees of up to 2% will apply. For any additional travel arrangements outside this offer service fees may apply. Please ask at the time of booking. RACT Travel Pty Ltd. ABN RACT Travel Pty Ltd ABN 45 144 538 803. ATAS A11470. Australian Pacific Touring Pty Ltd ABN 44 004 684 619. APT4687
Get up close to the
Kimberley Cathedral Gorge.
overing more than 420,000 sq km and three times the size of England, fiery red landscapes and emerald flora are set off C against cobalt blue skies in the Kimberley. Towering rock faces
send water tumbling into crystal blue seas and secluded gorges hide ancient Aboriginal art, welcoming waterholes and palm-filled oases. APT has been revealing the secrets of the Kimberley to travellers for more than 40 years. Our expert Driver-Guides are the most knowledgeable in the Kimberley and their experience is invaluable. Taking you through some of the world’s most remote terrain in our custom-designed 4WDs, they ensure your safety at all times. With groups of no more than 20 people guaranteed on all 4WD land adventures, you are assured of an intimate and personalised experience. With local Indigenous guides joining you where possible on selected itineraries, you will see the Kimberley through the eyes of its traditional custodians and learn about the fascinating history, fauna and flora of the region. Our new Kimberley Active adventure has arrived, including additional extended walks to immerse you deeper into the experience with more rigorous hikes. The walks you will encounter can range up to 10km over uneven and often rocky surfaces and include rock-hopping and clambering over large boulders. The walks will be conducted at a faster pace and can be in more trying conditions. For the ultimate adventure, combine your 4WD land journey with a cruise of the Kimberley’s coast. These expedition cruises are guided by our outstanding on-board Expedition Team. Our hand-picked experts are specialists in their field. They include, but are not limited to, naturalists, historians and ecologists. There’s now more choice than ever when it comes to cruising the stunning Kimberley coast. 2017 presents three expedition ships, each with a unique style of cruising, from APT’s very own MS Caledonian Sky to the luxury chartered L’Austral and the boutique charter Coral Discoverer. No matter which ship you choose, an incredible experience is guaranteed. APT is proud to announce its continued association with Kimberley Foundation Australia, supporting scientific rock art research that provides insight into one of the oldest cultures in the world. As a result of our association, you will gain a deeper
Mitchell Falls.
understanding of Aboriginal culture, including rock art, during your holiday. Our Camp Hosts and expert Driver-Guides receive training from KFA in order to remain up-to-date with new findings. We have built unique partnerships with the traditional landowners and created a network of exclusive wilderness lodges that offer a haven of comfort and a touch of luxury in the wilderness and superb access to the Kimberley’s hidden gems. Immersed in nature and designed to fit with their surroundings, each lodge is conveniently located, providing superb and easy access to some of the Kimberly’s most fantastic destinations including the Mitchell Falls Plateau, the unique beehive domes of the Bungle Bungle Range and the beautiful Bell Gorge set to the dramatic backdrop of the King Leopold Ranges. Experience the new Ungolan Pavilion at the Mitchell Plateau’s first-established accommodation, Mitchell Falls Wilderness Lodge. Architecturally designed, it fuses modern Australian and Indigenous influences, creating a sophisticated sanctuary in this rugged frontier. Brand new features include a lounge, bar, library and dining areas. A commercial kitchen has also been installed to provide an even higher standard of gourmet cuisine. With our included Signature Experiences, our tours showcase the best of the Kimberley. Take an exhilarating helicopter ride over Mitchell Falls; with a drink in hand, savour a sensational sunset over the Bungle Bungle Range; cruise along East Alligator River as your Aboriginal guide describes the diversity of Kakadu; uncover fascinating Wandjina and Bradshaw rock art; soak in the thermal Zebedee Springs at El Questro Wilderness Park; and cruise to the base of the 80m King George Falls. At APT, we feel privileged to be allowed to showcase the Kimberley region and we are committed to doing so in the most ethically and environmentally responsible way. APT is the only major tour operator in the Kimberley region with an Advanced Ecotourism certification, which officially recognises the outstanding economic, environmental and socially sustainable practices we adopt. Vast, remote and timelessly beautiful, the Kimberley is one of the world’s most ancient landscapes, and one of its most breathtaking. Join us in 2017 for a comprehensive discovery of this truly stunning land.
For more details, contact RACT Travel on 1300 368 111 or visit your local branch. OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2016
RACT Members enjoy OFF the best rate of the day with Thrifty Car Rental in Australia & New Zealand.
Member favourite - Mitsubishi ASX
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1300 368 111
visit your nearest RACT office
Thrifty is RACT’s preferred car rental partner *Terms & conditions apply. All offers are valid for commenced and completed rentals until 31 March 2017 unless otherwise stated. Must quote RACT Membership number at time of booking and present a valid Membership card upon reservation & time of collection. 15% discount on best rate of the day, available at Thrifty locations in Australia and New Zealand only. Damage Waiver Premium Protection available at a discounted price of $22/day or Ultimate Protection at $28/day, both options discounted by $5/day, available in Australia only. Ultimate Protection is capped at 10 days per 30 day rental. New Zealand Protection Options include Total Protection Package & Accident Excess Reduction, both options discounted by $5/day. For more information on damage waiver products in Australia & New Zealand please speak to a consultant. Additional driver fee waived for RACT members, offer valid in Australia only. GPS unit hire available at a discounted daily price of $7.70 (Inc. GST) at selected locations in Australia only, usual daily rate is $11 and a capped rental price of $77.00 (Inc. GST) for a maximum of 30 days rental. Offers are subject to availability & cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion, special offer or coupon. All car rentals must meet the standard age, driver licence and credit requirements of Thrifty. All rentals are subject to the terms and conditions of the Rental Agreement. For full terms and conditions go to or speak to a RACT Travel consultant. RACT Travel Pty Ltd. ATAS No. A11470 ABN 45 144 538 803.
Easy getaways and fun family holidays ith summer holidays now on the horizon many of you may already be thinking about a fun family getaway. Thrifty can W make your experience even more enjoyable with a large range of
passenger vehicles to suit every kind of family, big or small. Thrifty is here to make your holiday experience all the more special. Enjoy your exclusive member discount of 15%* off the daily rates plus additional member benefits with Thrifty. Large SUVs like the Mitsubishi Outlander or the Toyota Kluger are ideal for family holiday travel as they allow for comfort and space. Compact SUVs like the Mitsubishi ASX are a popular choice for members as they combine the efficiency of a small car with all the benefits of a traditional SUV such as spacious interior, roomy boot for all that holiday luggage and extra height to give you a better view of the road ahead as well as the ease of getting in and out of the vehicle. The large SUVs are available in Thrifty’s IWAR or UWAR range and the Mitsubishi ASX in the SCAR range, on-fleet at all major airports to make hiring the perfect car for your journey as easy as the road ahead. Have you thought about covering yourself when you are out on the road with a hire car? As an RACT member, enjoy a $5* per day discount on Thrifty’s Ultimate Protection and reduce your risk to zero for complete peace of mind. When travelling it’s worth making sure you are fully covered throughout your holiday. If you are planning a trip it’s handy to know that as an RACT member, you can take advantage of
discounted Damage Waiver Protection options from Thrifty, plus a 30% discount off GPS hire*, which is sure to help you get around faster and easier. Thrifty services more than 240 locations across Australia and New Zealand, which means you are sure to enjoy the best service and exclusive member benefits. Our friendly staff and multiple locations are designed to suit your every need. So hurry, get in early and book the hire car you want and ensure you don’t miss out on your exclusive savings with Thrifty!
A New Zealand escape s an RACT member you can save 15%* on Thrifty’s competitive daily rental rates. AThrifty has you covered whatever your adventure holds.
Zip around Wellington in a stylish compact car, cruise around the Auckland bays in a spacious sedan, or hit Queenstown in a luxury 4WD. If you’re a keen mountain biker, or enjoy exploring the great outdoors, Thrifty also has bikes and car camping kits for hire. Choose from a fleet of late-model 5-star ANCAP safety-rated vehicles at 28 convenient on-airport, ferry and city locations across New Zealand. Proud community partner to Surf Life Saving New Zealand and Brake Road Safety Charity. Travel smarter with the RACT and Thrifty Car Rental.
To find out more about the exclusive benefits Thrifty offers RACT members or to make a booking, go to OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2016
HERE, THERE... & EVERYWHERE Best deals for Europe earlybirds Tasmanians enjoy a cruise sale Tasmania’s Largest Cruise Sale has wrapped up again for another year. Now more than ever, cruising is proving to be Tasmanians' holiday of choice. Whether you were looking for river cruising, Arctic expeditions, or a lazy week in the sun on the Pacific Ocean, Tasmania’s Largest Cruise Sale had it all. Join our eNewsletter and be among the first to receive our 2017 event dates and details. Sign up to our newsletter at
Winner Blue Lagoon Cruise, Julie Edwards, with Christine Benbow, Travel Sales Manager.
Holiday Hamilton Island style The winter can be long in Tassie, which is why we chose a short break to Hamilton Island. The island offers activities such as go karts, quad bikes, bushwalking, tennis and bowling. Catseye Beach in the heart of the resort offers water activities including kayaks, sail boats and paddle boards, safe for all the family. Many day trips are on offer like the famous Whitehaven Beach, Daydream Island or shop at Airlie Beach. Parasailing and fishing are popular and a must is a visit to the Great Barrier Reef. Reefworld is situated on the edge of the reef, complete with snorkelling, diving facilities and a semi-submersible for underwater viewing. It is for everyone whether you care to enter the water or not. You may even see whales frolicking on the cruise home.
Now is the time to plan UK/Europe holidays for 2017. New brochures and early bird airfares have been released with genuine savings on offer if you book in advance. For example, Insight Vacations European tours for 2017 offer the best escorted journeys that money can buy. Choose either Earlybird savings of up to 10%* when you book and pay for your 2017 European Summer tour before 15 December 2016, or amazing value air deals with airlines including Etihad, Cathay Pacific and Qatar Airways; Fly Free on Tours of 16 days or more and from only $699* per person on tours of 11-15 days. Why not combine your touring with a river cruise, adding a relaxing element to your holiday. Self-drive or touring combined with ocean cruising is a great way to explore the cities and countryside, then visit coastal areas such as the French Riviera. Whatever your plans for Europe 2017, don’t miss out on the great deals currently on offer. Call your nearest RACT Travel or Cruise Travel Centre branch today.
Options to stay on Hamilton Island vary with apartments, bungalows, hotel rooms and luxury villas. The island caters for every age group, families and couples. With more than 15 eating venues, there is something for everyone. You can even dine with koalas! What we loved was the versatility. The resort offers a typical island style, while the marina precinct has a faster-paced atmosphere with nightly entertainment. Depart Tassie on the early flight and you will be there for lunch, so it's easily accessible and affordable. It’s the best place to treat yourself at any time of the year. Christine Benbow, Travel Sales Manager
Charles Bridge and sunset in Prague. *Conditions apply on tour and airfare. Airfare is from Sydney return to selected European cities on selected airlines including taxes in low season.
3pm - 8pm | FREE ENTRY
3pm - 8pm | FREE ENTRY
The Old Woolstore | Hobart
The Tailrace Centre | Launceston
For further information contact your nearest branch 1300 368 111 or Burnie 6434 2955 Devonport 6421 1977 Launceston 6335 5655
Ulverstone 6425 8050 Hobart - Murray St 6232 6455 Kingston 6242 3211
Rosny 6212 6777 CRUISE TRAVEL CENTRE 6222 9222 - Hobart
*Conditions apply. RACT Travel Pty Ltd. ABN 45 144 538 803. ATAS No. A11470.
It’s up to
New York City skyline.
ake the stress out of planning your next holiday and relax with MSC Cruises’ fantastic Fly, Land and Cruise packages. TDepart Australia 31 August 2017 and board MSC Fantasia for
a Grand European cruise of a lifetime. Ranked among the most beautiful destinations in the world, discover the extraordinary landscapes of the Norwegian fjords and take your time to immerse yourself in local culture as you visit Hellesylt, Flaam and Stavanger. Then the city of 14 islands welcomes you as you arrive in Stockholm, discover Tallinn and cruise a passenger favourite,
St Petersburg, home to 342 bridges, canals and iconic landmarks such Catherine’s Palace. Art lovers will enjoy Zeebrugge, with its winding streets, ancient buildings and Flemish art-filled museums. Lisbon will leave you in awe with its stunning architecture while Malaga, Palma de Mallorca and the colourful city of Barcelona are Spanish delights. To end a truly spectacular journey, embrace the European lifestyle in Marseille before arriving in your final port of call, Genoa. If the Caribbean, New York City and Mediterranean are on your bucket list then this 2018 Fly, Land and Cruise package is perfect. MSC Divina takes you on a 31-night adventure from Miami, discovering Ochos Rios, the city of eight rivers, Cartagena’s pastel buildings, Cristobal and Puerto Limon before arriving in Belize, a town of distinguished history and fascinating culture. A highlight is MSC’s own private island, Ocean Cay Marine Reserve. With exclusive beaches, bars, restaurants and entertainment, guests will be able to move between the ship and the island at their leisure. After a Miami return, cruise your way to the Big Apple. Stay overnight in New York City and discover the iconic landmarks amongst the hustle and bustle. Experience nature’s wild charms in Bermuda’s King’s Wharf, or explore the Forte de Sao Bras in Ponta Delgada before Lisbon steals your heart. Enjoy the eye-catching architecture of Valencia before ending an unforgettable trip with a visit to Marseille. MSC Cruises Fly, Land and Cruise packages offer return flights, pre-cruise accommodation and transfers all included, so the hardest part will be picking which itinerary to do! Book before 30 November 2016 as an RACT member and receive $100* per person on-board credit to use during these amazing holidays.
For more information about MSC Cruises, please contact your nearest RACT Travel office.
TRAVEL by RACT Paul Lamlin
David Wall
Go your own way in
New Zealand
Roaring Meg Kawarau River, Central Otago.
uperlatives come to mind easily when you think of New Zealand. Breathtaking scenery, awesome adventures, cultural heritage, fabulous food and great wine to name a few. And there is probably no better place to explore on an independent self-drive holiday. Driving around New Zealand is relatively easy and stress-free. Highways and roads are well-maintained and easy to navigate and you will thoroughly enjoy the freedom of driving on open, largely empty roads surrounded by spectacular scenery. Kirra Holidays have designed a special 15-day package exclusively for RACT Travel and are offering members a $50* fuel voucher and a free car upgrade (subject to availability) for this and any other tailor-made self-drive holiday with a duration of 14 days or more that is booked by 30 November 2016. Our featured holiday showcases the very best of New Zealand
Mt Cook, Canterbury.
and includes several must-do and see activities. On the North Island, visit the famous Hobbiton movie set, discover geothermal wonders at Te Puia Thermal Reserve and enjoy a traditional Maori hangi (feast) and cultural performance. On the South Island, get up close to 400-year-old icebergs on the Tasman Glacier Explorer Adventure at Mt Cook, cruise on the spectacular Milford Sound, enjoy the thrills of a Shotover jet boat ride and be stunned by the beauty of the Southern Alps on the world-famous TranzAlpine train. Kirra can offer a range of accommodation options from self-catering motels and apartments to bed and breakfasts, hotels, boutique stays and luxury lodges. Discuss your New Zealand travel needs with an RACT Travel consultant, who will be more than happy to make recommendations and tailor-make a self-drive holiday just for you!
For more details, contact RACT Travel on 1300 368 111 or visit your local branch.
$50 Fuel Voucher Vehicle upgrade*
Wonders of New Zealand Self-Drive
$2,724 from
per person, twin share
Includes: • 14 nights superior hotel accommodation • 13 days car hire • Interislander Ferry Crossing • Hobbiton Movie Set Tour • Traditional Hangi & Cultural Performance • Te Puia Thermal Reserve • Tasman Glacier Explorer Boat Expedition • Milford Sound Nature Cruise • Shotover Jetboat Ride • TranzAlpine Rail Journey
*Terms & Conditions: Prices correct as at 22 August 2016. Prices are based on a Budget Toyota Corolla automatic or similar hire and based on per person, twin share. Valid for new bookings of 14 days or more, made by 30 November 2016. Budget car hire standard terms & conditions apply, all inclusive option available on request. ^Member Bonus: NZ$50 fuel voucher. Voucher is non-transferable & may not be redeemed for cash. Vehicle upgrade is subject to availability at time of hire. Limit one per booking. Not valid in conjunction with any other offers. Price excludes airfares, taxes, visas, insurance. Prices subject to availability and change. The price shown is for a cash payment – Credit card fees of up to 2% will apply. For any additional travel arrangements outside of this offer service fees may apply. Further conditions apply, please ask at the time of booking for full details and quote reference K555395. RACT Travel Pty Ltd ABN 45 144 538 803. ATAS A11470.
Experience the
ultimate in rail travel
Take in spectacular views with Rocky Mountaineer.
perating from spring to mid-October and travelling by daylight only, Rocky Mountaineer offers four different rail O routes through the Pacific Northwest and the majestic Canadian
Rockies. This unforgettable journey takes us back to a time when travelling was just as much about the journey as the destination. Guests from across the globe come to appreciate the exceptional on-board experience and to revel in the stunning Western Canadian and American scenery with endless views of old growth forests, glacier-capped mountain peaks and shimmering waterfalls.
The voyage comes alive with Rocky Mountaineer’s on-board Hosts keeping guests entertained with stories of the passing regions. With its impeccable on-board service, gourmet cuisine and luxurious surroundings, it is no wonder a Rocky Mountaineer rail holiday is considered by many to be one of the world’s ultimate travel experiences. To highlight the iconic destinations, there are more than 65 holiday packages available including several itineraries that combine a luxury rail holiday with a dramatic Alaska cruise. Renowned for its luxurious all-domed fleet, Rocky Mountaineer’s two levels of service feature optimal views of epic scenery and wildlife such as black bears, elk, bighorn sheep and moose. In the lower-level dining room in GoldLeaf Service or served hot seat-side in SilverLeaf Service, internationally acclaimed chefs create outstanding dishes, made with the freshest of regional ingredients. Selections include wild Pacific salmon and prime Alberta beef, accompanied by award-winning wines from British Columbia’s Okanagan Valley. For a limited time, travellers booking eligible 2017 Rocky Mountaineer packages can receive an added value of up to $800* per couple to enhance their adventure. There are several options that the credit can be used for including extra hotel nights, sightseeing, gourmet dining or even an Alaskan cruise as part of Rocky Mountaineer’s Rail & Cruise packages. Plus, on packages of five days or more, members will receive a complimentary private transfer between the airport and their hotel. The Peaks and Perks promotion is in effect now until 4 November 2016 on eligible new 2017 bookings.
For more details, contact RACT Travel on 1300 368 111 or visit your local branch.
The Peak of Perfection
Visit the peaks of the Canadian Rockies with all the perks. Onboard you’ll meet people from all around the world, enjoy delectable cuisine and fill your camera with photos your friends and family back home won’t believe.
Peaks & Perks Offer
Hurry and book book a qualifying 2017 package and receive up to $800*per couple in added value to use towards an extra hotel night, dining, transfers, cruising, sightseeing, and much more.
Terms & Conditions: *Credit must be requested at the time of booking and will not be automatically allocated or retrospectively added. Credited option must be selected at the time of booking and can only be added to a Rocky Mountaineer package. Offer valid on new 2017 bookings made between 28 August 2016 and 4 November 2016. This offer is applicable to 2017 Rocky Mountaineer packages of five or more days on select dates only. Travel during the 2017 Rocky Mountaineer summer season between April and October on select dates. Deposits are required at the time of booking and full payment of the balance must be made by 13 January 2017. Maximum offer value of $400 added value credit per adult ($800 added value credit per couple) is with qualifying packages of eight days or more in GoldLeaf or SilverLeaf Service. Added value credit amount varies by duration of package. Qualifying packages of five to seven days in GoldLeaf or SilverLeaf Service will receive $250 per adult ($500 added value credit per couple). Applicable to single, double, triple or quad package prices. Qualifying added value credit per can be purchased in any class of train travel or grade of accommodation. An amendment fee of $50 AUD per booking will be charged for changes to the use of the credit after the booking has been confirmed. Credits can only be used towards the purchase of additional services offered by Rocky Mountaineer—the credit cannot be used to upgrade rail service or accommodation and cannot be used against the price of the core package. Offer value is expressed in AUD as of 1 June 2016 as a guideline only and may vary at the time of booking based on changes in exchange rate with the CAD. Credit cannot be deferred to a later trip. Offer is not applicable to child prices, two or three-day rail only bookings or Group Tour bookings. Not available in conjunction with any other offer. Offer has no cash value and is non-transferable. Offer is capacity controlled and may be modified, withdrawn or amended without prior notice. Additional conditions apply. Rocky Mountaineer Rail & Cruise packages are applicable with the total package duration being the qualifier for the offer, not just the number of non-cruise land nights. †Virtuoso offer Member Bonus valid for any Rocky Mountaineer Rail Package tour of 5 days or more in the 2017 travel season. Additional conditions apply. The price shown is for a cash payment - Credit card fees of up to 2% will apply. For any additional travel arrangements outside this offer service fees may apply. Please ask at the time of booking. RACT Travel Pty Ltd ABN 45 144 538 803. ATAS A11470.
Islandhopping at its best
The Palace of Knossos, Heraklion, Crete.
there anything more romantic than the Greek Islands? With beaches and crystal-clear water, archaeological wonders Itossecluded uncover and innumerable picturesque spots to sip wine while
watching the sun set, chances are nothing quite compares. This stunning holiday destination is not just for romantics but for explorers and travellers too. Set amidst an impressive archipelago, each island has its own unique character and qualities.
Tempo Holidays’ island-hopping packages, ranging from nine-day itineraries to 14 days, allow travellers to experience each of these magnificent destinations with plenty of time to explore and soak up the Mediterranean sun. Santorini is one of the most spectacular of all the Greek Islands and the perfect combination of a relaxing and adventurous holiday. The landscape is rugged, the volcanic soil nurtures vineyards and the sunsets, particularly from the village of Oia, are absolutely magical. Whether you’re into great food, relaxing on a beach or enjoying nightlife, Mykonos has it all. Days of sun and nights of fun await you in Mykonos Town’s maze of rugged streets, lined with thriving restaurants and bars. Imagine spending the day bathing in azure waters on one of the island’s many beaches like Platis Gialos or taking a day trip to snorkel on the southern coast. Calmer waters can be found at Ornos Beach and if you find yourself needing a break from the bustling centre of Mykonos Town, smaller gems like Agios Ioannis await. If you’re looking for a Greek pearl with the Cycladic charm of Santorini, quaint villages and beautiful beaches but without crowds of people, Paros is the island for you. A diverse heritage and an abundance of nature can be found on Naxos and iconic sites like Knossos and an excellent food scene define the largest of Greece’s islands, Crete. Tempo Holidays has a great discount for early bookers with 10%* off all 2017 Greek Island Hopping when you book by 7 November 2016. Save on 24 island-hopping packages throughout Greece for 2017 travel. Conditions apply. See your nearest RACT Travel consultant for more details.
For more details, contact RACT Travel on 1300 368 111 or visit your local branch.
Experience Asia from
the inside
Sunrise over Angkor Wat.
s pioneers in experiential travel in Asia, our Small Group Journeys are designed to connect you with an authentic travel A experience and show you the Asia we love through our exclusive
A woman in Vietnam.
or a heart-warming visit to a convent on Sagaing Hill to share lunch with the resident nuns, you’ll get to know the locals and sample the cuisine, with the flexibility for those spontaneous moments that make your trip a memorable one. Insider Journeys’ Small Groups provide a perfect balance between organised and flexible time while experiencing some of the world’s most beautiful and inspiring sites. With more than 70 curated itineraries to 11 countries from which to select, ranging from six to 21 days in duration, there are plenty of choices whether you’d like to visit Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Thailand, China, India, Sri Lanka, Japan, Bhutan or Mongolia. Book a Small Group Journey before 31 October 2016 to receive a 15% discount*.
Insider Experiences. With an average of 12 and a maximum of only 16 travellers, you’ll travel with like-minded people interested in culture, history and discovering Asia’s beauty. You’ll feel more like you are travelling with a group of friends, while taking advantage of all the value-added experiences. Cruise on the turquoise waters of Halong Bay, where you will sample locally sourced seafood; take a private cooking class under tamarind trees in Luang Prabang; or visit the vibrant food markets of Old Delhi, where bread-makers lift golden naan from tandoor ovens. Whether it is a rickshaw ride through the back streets of Beijing
For more details, contact RACT Travel on 1300 368 111 or visit your local branch.
14 Day Japanese & South Korean Spring Gardens & Cruise Departing 5 April 2017
the stories GardensImagine – History – Art – Music – Gourmet
Boutique Garden Cruises & Tours
Matsue Okayama 1 Kyoto Hagi Miyajima Kobe Osaka Hiroshima
Tokyo 1
10 DAYS Train Coach Cruise No. of nights stay
WAS $2285
NOW $1943
SAVE $342
Highlights In the first flourish•ofInSpring discover with enjoy Botanica World the Mekong Delta, some local Discoveries specialties and the historic shores ofimmerse Japan and South in Korea yourself the local way of life as you spend time Services of a Cruisecruising Directoronand Guides theBotanical bustling waterways.
plum, apricot
MS Caledonian Sky
South Korea
Airport transfers •onSample first and last day, tipping and port taxes locally sourced seafood as you enjoy a delicious Wine, beer & soft drinks included withthe lunch & dinner on board the ship lunch while cruising turquoise waters of Halong Bay. 11 nights on the small ship, the MS Caledonian Sky • Wander the charming streets of Hoi An and discover the 1 night each in Tokyo and Kyoto in 4-5 star hotels traditional houses and temples. Enjoy coastal views from your suite Includes: Small Group Touring, Western Tour Leader, Local On board lectures by the Botanical Guides English Speaking Guides, Maximum 16 Travellers, Transfers 37 delicious Meals From $16,995* per person, twin share. From $19,995* solo traveller.
Worldwide botanically themed boutique cruises and small group discoveries CONTACT US FOR MORE SMALL GROUP JOURNEYS TO: for the discerning traveller VIETNAM - CAMBODIA - LAOS - THAILAND - BURMA - CHINA - INDIA - BHUTAN - SRI LANKA - MONGOLIA - JAPAN
*Conditions apply.Prices Prices correct as Prices at 7based Juneon 2016 mayfrom fluctuate fees, totaxes or Advertised currencyprices change. based on and a Standard A limited number member discounts MEMBER BONUS: Save additional $200 *Terms and Conditions: are perare person twin share. low seasonbut for travel 6 May 17 toif24surcharges, Jun 17. Offers subject availability. includes Prices 15% discount. Discount inclusions aresuite. valid for Small Group Journeys only. of Offers may be withdrawn withoutavailable. notice and are#RACT not combinable with any other offer unless stated.anPlease check all prices, availability andcouple other information Prices correct as aton22the August 16 but may fluctuate if surcharges, taxes or currency Offer valid for 2016 sale untilto31 receive Oct 16 or until Offer valid forAtravel from 1number Jan 17 to 31ofDec 17. The price shown is for a cash payment Credit card fees ofisupfor to 2% will apply. For any additional travelcard arrangements offer will service fees per ($100before pp)booking. on new bookings advertised packages BTJP14fees,only. Book by change. 30 September member limited member discounts available. The– price shown a cash payment – Credit fees ofoutside up tothis2% may apply. Please ask at the time of booking. Insider Journeys ABN 84 003 237 296. RACT Travel Pty Ltd. ABN 45 144 538 803. ATAS No. A11470. #Member Bonus air credit is $100 per person based on a minimum Asia tour booking of $2000 per person. Air must be booked by RACT Travel to apply the air credit bonus. Offer is valid for the first 5 bookings deposited before 31Oct16. apply. For any additional travel arrangements outside this offer service fees may apply. Please ask at the time of booking. Australian Pacific Touring Pty Ltd ABN 44 004 684 619. ATAS No. A10825. RACT Travel Pty Ltd. ABN 45 144 538 803. ATAS No. A11470.
TRAVEL by RACT here are certain sounds that instinctively evoke a reaction. Noises that tap into our primal T instincts and awaken part of the DNA left from our
Get ready to rumble in
Africa left: Zambezi Sands Lodge at Victoria Falls.
ancestors. A lion’s roar is one of those sounds. Different to the famous snarl seen in front of movies made by MGM, a lion’s roar is a call to all potential challengers and friends. A soaring bass boom that stops everything in its tracks. Once you hear it, you never forget it. With just a faint roar in the distance your heart starts pumping and you are ready for action. It’s the best way to wake up in the morning, far more effective than even the strongest coffee. At night, it caps off a perfect day and makes the dreams even more vivid. That’s the real beauty of Africa. It’s these little things that you can’t put into a brochure or capture on film. Every morning brings a stunning sunrise and every night a clear blanket of stars. It is a place where the little things add up to something truly magnificent. This is combined with the highest accommodation and service standards in the world and constant meetings with truly kind and wonderful people. Talk to people who have been. Talk to your neighbours, relatives, friends and peers. They all speak highly of it and for most it remains their brightest travel memory. That’s a rare and unique thing. And so is Africa.
RACT Travel are your experts in all things Africa, call in to your nearest office.
The Africa travel experts since 1969
This Zimbabwean adventure combines Victoria Falls with a six-night exploration through Hwange National Park. The journey begins on the banks of the Zambezi River, before a truly memorable Hwange safari experience, whilst staying in pure comfort and style. SCHEDULED DEPARTURES between April & November
* Conditions apply. Prices are per person, twin share. Group size 8 maximum. Price excludes international and regional air & taxes, gratuities and items of a personal nature. Individual & independent travellers can also be catered for on similar itineraries throughout the year on a private base. Member Bonus discount offer included in the price and travel wallet and guide book are per booking. The price shown is for a cash payment – Credit card fees of up to 2% will apply. For any additional travel arrangements outside this offer service fees may apply. Please ask at the time of the booking. ATAS accreditation #A10677 RACT Travel Pty Ltd ABN 45 144 538 803. ATAS A11470. J000037
J00037_RACT_HPH.indd 1
OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 201617/08/2016 Journeys1:19 PM 57
EXCITING holiday
per person, twin share
(cruise/stay package only EX Hong Kong) Itinerary: Hong Kong > Guangzhou > Nha Trang > Ho Chi Minh City (Phu My) > Guangzhou > Hong Kong Includes: • 2 nights accommodation in Hong Kong at the Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers (or similar hotel) • Hong Kong Island half day tour • 3 day/2 night Shenzen tour+ • 1 nights accommodation at the Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers (or similar hotel) • 7 night cruise onboard GENTING DREAM from Hong Kong return • Main meals and entertainment onboard~ • 1 nights accommodation at the Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers (or similar hotel) • Coach transfers through-out • Port taxes and government fees Cruise Departs: 04 March 2017
a member of
per person, twin share
(cruise only)
Itinerary: Sydney > Lautoka > Suva > Mystery Island > Isle of Pines > Noumea > Sydney Includes: • 12 night cruise onboard CELEBRITY SOLSTICE from Sydney return • Main meals, gratuities and entertainment onboard~ • Port Charges and government fees • Fruit Basket Cruise Departs: 21 December 2017
For further information contact your nearest branch 1300 368 111 or Rosny 6212 6777 Burnie 6434 2955 Ulverstone 6425 8050 Devonport 6421 1977 Hobart - Murray St 6232 6455 CRUISE TRAVEL CENTRE 6222 9222 - Hobart Kingston 6242 3211 Launceston 6335 5655
per person, twin share (land only)
Includes: • 2 nights accommodation at the Ibis Styles Melbourne, The Victoria Hotel in a Heritage Queen Room • Rod Laver Arena Day Ticket, Category 3 to Australian Open 2017 on Tues, 17 Jan 17∞ • $50 Merchandise pack and Champions Bar access~ p Travel: 16 – 18 Jan 17
person, * per twin share (land only)
Includes: • 5 nights accommodation at Manhattan NYC-an Affinia Hotel in a Standard Guest Room • Return airport transfers to/from John F. Kennedy Airport • 72 hour All Around Town Hop-On Hop-Off Tour Travel: 1 Jan – 28 Feb 17
SAVE $189*
per person, twin share (land only)
Includes: • 4 nights accommodation at Reef View Hotel in a Garden View Room • Full breakfast daily • Half day Whitsunday Islands and Whitehaven Beach Cruise • FREE return airport transfers • FREE use of island shuttle • FREE use of catamarans, paddle skis, windsurfers and snorkelling equipment Travel: 1 Oct - 22 Dec 16, 8 Jan - 31 Mar 17
person, * per twin share (land only)
Itinerary: Edinburgh - Oban - Isle of Skye - Fort Augustus - Edinburgh Includes: • 4 nights Bed & Breakfast accommodation • 4 breakfasts • Transportation by midi-coach Highlights: A visit to Eilean Donan Castle. • Explore the Isle of Skye, Loch Ness and the dramatic Glen Docherty. • A Journey on the Jacobite Steam Train Travel: Selected Mondays from 9 Apr - 9 Oct 17
SAVE $550*
person, * per twin share (land only)
person, * per twin share
(land lonly)
Includes: • 8 nights accommodation at Alila Seminyak in a Superior Room • Full breakfast daily • Daily afternoon refreshments from 4pm to 5pm • Daily scheduled VW retro shuttle to Seminyak square • Return private airport transfers • FREE 60 minute Spa treatment for two • SAVE up to 15% on Alila Spa treatments • SAVE up to 15% on food and beverages • 2 FREE sunset cocktails at The Beach Bar
Itinerary: Rome – Tuscany - Cinque Terre - The Lakes – Venice
Travel: 1 Nov – 19 Dec 16, 6 Jan – 27 Mar 17
Travel: Selected Tue, Thu, Sun 6 Apr - 8 Oct 17
Includes: • 11 nights accommodation in boutique hotels • European breakfast daily • Six evening meals • Tuscan cooking class and lunch • Venice water taxi • Entrance to many tourist attractions including the Leaning Tower of Pisa & experience the glitz and glamour of the Italian Riviera • Luxury mini-coach transportation
Conditions Apply: *All prices correct as at 16 Aug 16 but may uctuate uctuate if surcharges, surcharges fees fees, taxes or currency change and is subject to availability. bility All savings and bonus nights (if applicable) are included in the advertised price price. The prices shown are for a cash payment payment. A credit ca card surcharge will apply when paying by credit card. Please check this fee when booking. For any additional travel arrangements outside these offers service fees may apply. Please ask at time of booking. All offers valid for new bookings only and not combinable with any other offer. Airfares are not included in the advertised price. Amounts payable to third parties not included. Please check all prices, availability and other information with your travel consultant before booking. Limited availability. Other departure dates are available and prices are on application. A limited number of cabins are available at the prices shown and once these have sold out pricing may be withdrawn and/or may increase. Single supplements may be extra. All savings and bonus nights (if applicable) included in the advertised price. Offers may be withdrawn at any time without notice. Pricing may vary until full payment is received. Cancellation fees may apply. Vaccinations, visas and travel insurance not included. Jewels of Southern China & Vietnam: ~Specialty restaurants may incur a surcharge. +China Visa is required and must be organised by the client prior to departure from Australia. South Pacific & Fiji: ~Specialty restaurants may incur a surcharge. ^Onboard credit is non-refundable, non-transferable and cannot be redeemed for cash or used in Casino or Medical Centre. Australian Open 2017: Offer ends 14 Dec 16 unless sold out prior. ∞A minimum of 1 session (either DAY or NIGHT session) or 1 Finals Package must be purchased. Event ticket must be purchased with accommodation & cannot be purchased separately. Event ticket is non-refundable & non-transferrable. Hotel cancellation policies apply but vary. Payment for event tickets is required at time of booking. Full payment must be made within 7 days of booking. For bookings within 30 days of departure, full payment must be made at time of booking. Conditions of payment, cancellation fees & other conditions apply to the sale of event tickets. Qantas Holidays cannot guarantee specic seating requests. ~The Champions Bar can reach full capacity during popular sessions. During these periods entry cannot be guaranteed. New York: Offer ends 14 Dec 16 unless sold out prior. Hamilton Island: Offer ends 30 Nov 16 unless sold out prior. Availability is limited. Highland’s Experience: Offer ends 14 Dec 16 unless sold out prior. Luxury Bali: Offer ends 30 Nov 16 unless sold out prior. Italian Indulgence: Offer ends 14 Dec 16 unless sold out prior. †A deposit of AUD200 per person is required at time of booking, full payment is required by 01Dec16 or immediately if booked after 1 Dec 16. Please check all prices, availability and other information with your travel consultant at time of or before booking. The CRUISE TEAM, Qantas Holidays and Helloworld booking terms and conditions apply, refer to Offers must be requested at time of booking. Further restrictions may apply. For specic offer and terms & conditions, please contact your nearest RACT Travel ofce. RACT Travel Pty Ltd ABN 45 144 538 803. ATAS A11470
See New Zealand by
rail, sea and road Milford Sound.
hether you are marvelling at the spectacular glaciers, picturesque fjords or simply relaxing in a thermal pool, W New Zealand is magical by coach. Travel in armchair comfort
through each region, feeling secure in the hands of your professional Coach Captain. Travel with Grand Pacific Tours on their fully escorted 19-Day Rail, Cruise & Coach Holiday and discover all the iconic
attractions of both islands as well as enjoying some of the world’s most beautiful rail journeys. This tour includes return airfares, four rail journeys, superior hotel accommodation, meet and greet on arrival with return airport transfers, modern coach travel, 36 meals plus a comprehensive range of sightseeing and attractions including an overnight cruise on Milford Sound. Your holiday begins with a tour of the North Island. Enjoy time in the beautiful Bay of Islands and cruise the turquoise waters of the bay. Couple this with a plethora of activities to enjoy in cultural Rotorua – the hotspot of fascinating Maori culture and geothermal phenomena. After nine days in the North, you’ll explore New Zealand’s South Island. In contrast, the South Island provides a dramatic aspect where towering landscapes meet peaceful sounds. Here, join the Coastal Pacific, a truly remarkable rail journey that commences at the coastal port of Picton. As part of your tour also enjoy an expedition on the world famous TranzAlpine, one of the great train journeys of the world. Witness a series of spectacular viaducts, river valleys and stunning gorges as you ascend to Arthur’s Pass, located in the centre of the Southern Alps. Your holiday is not complete without basking in the scale of one of the most stunning locations on Earth – Milford Sound. Enjoy an Overnight Cruise here and witness the remarkable natural environment features of dramatic fjords, spectacular waterfalls and show-capped peaks. Enjoy a delicious carvery buffet, spend the night on-board the Milford Mariner and wake up in one of the most beautiful places on Earth. See the ‘land of the long white cloud’ on a coach holiday and return home with memories to last a lifetime.
For more details, contact RACT Travel on 1300 368 111 or visit your local branch. EX HOBART & LAUNCESTON PER PERSON, TWIN SHARE FROM
19 Day Rail, Cruise & Coach Holiday Multiple GUARANTEED departures
xperience the romance of 4 rail journeys, the majesty of 5 scenic cruises including an overnight on Milford Sound and the luxury of coach travel. Visit all the ‘best of’ attractions of the North and South Islands and enjoy 6 two night stays. ALL INCLUSIVE Tour includes airfares, taxes, 4 star hotel accommodation, most meals, sightseeing & attractions.
*Conditions apply. Price valid for travel ex HBA/LST and includes prepaid taxes of $165 (subject to change). Price shown is for a cash payment - credit card fees of up to 2% will apply. **Saving is per couple and has been deducted from the advertised price ($125 pp). Travel Guide is per household. No other special offers or discounts apply. Special offers apply to new bookings only until 30 November 2016. Availability is limited. Amounts payable to third parties not included. Offers can be withdrawn at any time without notice. RACT Travel Pty Ltd ATAS No. A11470. ABN 45 144 538 803.
Experience the
wonders of Western Australia Valley of the Giants.
he stunning west coast of Australia boasts some of the most diverse and captivating landscapes in the country – home T to bustling cities, quaint little towns, natural landscapes, native
wildlife and rich indigenous culture. On board AAT Kings’ signature Guided Holidays, our experienced and friendly Travel Directors and Driver Guides will
share with you their unique local knowledge and fascinating stories that will bring each destination to life – and even better, we’ll do all the driving for you! On our 16-day Western Wonderland Guided Holiday, you will discover the ever-changing and breathtaking landscapes WA has to offer. If stunning wildflowers are just your thing, each year between August and November the western state becomes home to the world’s largest collection of wildflower blooms. With more than 12,000 species, many of which are unique to the region, witnessing the fields of vibrant colour and blossoming wildflowers is a truly stunning sight. You’ll have the chance to wander through this floral extravaganza at your own leisure when visiting the beautiful Kings Park, Kalgoorlie and Kalbarri National Park. As you journey south you’ll uncover the mystical Pinnacles that were formed by calcified limestone thousands of years ago. You’ll surf wave rock, visit Super Pit gold mine and marvel at Thistle Cove and its jaw-dropping white sand and crystal-clear blue water. After exploring the Valley of the Giants’ beautiful Tree Top Walk, you’ll also visit the world-renowned Margaret River wine country. Indulge in the fabulous wine and fresh produce at Laurence Wines and be swept away by the picturesque forest setting. In Fremantle, join a local guide for a private tour of the Fremantle Prison, learning all about its convict origins in the 1850s to its closure as a maximum security gaol in 1991. You’ll have the chance to frolic with dolphins in Monkey Mia and immerse yourself in Aboriginal culture at Yanchep National Park. RACT members can save up to $1650* per couple on the 16-day Western Wonderland Guided Holiday.
To discover the contrasting beauty and ruggedness of Western Australia or to find out more about AAT Kings’ range of Guided Holidays, head to your nearest RACT Travel office.
Book early for big savings! Western Wonderland Perth return 16 day Guided Holiday from $4699*
per person, twin share
• Discover WA’s famous wildflowers • Discover white sandy beaches near Esperance (seasonal)
• Indulge in delicious Margaret River food and wine
• Experience Kalbarri National Park
• Get up close to the dolphins at Monkey Mia
• Delve into indigenous culture at Yanchep National Park
• Marvel at the Pinnacles
• Walk high above the trees at Valley of the Giants • Explore cosmopolitan Fremantle and its markets • Experienced Travel Director and Driver Guide
$1650* per couple
*Conditions: Prices are per person, land only, twin share and includes Early Payment Discount of 10% and RACT member discount of 5%. Valid for sale 6 September – 28 November 2016. Valid for travel on selected departures from 6 September 2016 – 31 March 2018. Blackout departure dates may apply. Subject to availability and seasonal surcharge. Offer not combinable with any other offer. For new bookings only. For additional travel arrangements outside this offer service fees may apply. AAT Kings booking conditions apply. ATAS 10527. RACT Travel Pty Ltd ABN 45 144 538 803. ATAS No. A11470 11624a
when paid in full by 15 Feb 2016
TRAVEL by RACT ew for 2017 the inaugural Indonesia program, starting in April, features a number of exciting N itineraries exploring the islands of the Indonesian
archipelago from Bali. These voyages provide a vibrant mix of culture and natural beauty, from the dramatic volcanic scenery at Mount Bromo, the crater lake of Satonda, the spectacular site of the ninth-century Borobudur Temple in Central Java, the unique traditional Retenggaro village on Sumba Island, to the dragons of Komodo and the beautiful corals and sandy beaches of the Gili Islands. Star Clippers visits intimate ports often untouched by larger cruise ships and offers passengers the activities, amenities and atmosphere of a private yacht. Passengers can enjoy the romance of sailing on board a true tall ship in a relaxed atmosphere with high standards of service provided by an attentive crew. The ships have expansive teak decks, swimming pools, informal dining, a convivial Tropical Bar and a comfortable piano bar. It is the unique combination of sailing tradition and pampered relaxation that is the essence of Star Clippers. Life aboard is blissfully relaxed, much like travelling on a private yacht. You’ll never feel confined on Star Clippers. If you wish to relax, swim, snorkel or just curl your toes in the warm sand, Star Clippers’ Indonesia sailings are paradise found.
Discover the best
secrets of Indonesia
clockwise from top:
Mt Bromo; Borobudur Temple; Komodo Dragon.
For more details, contact RACT Travel on 1300 368 111 or visit your local branch.
11 STAR CLIPPER 10 STAR CLIPPER Discover Indonesia’s mix of culture and natural beauty, whilst sailing onboard a spectacular tall ship. Visit the stunning beaches of the Gili Bali roundtrip nights nights sandy Bali roundtrip
Islands, take in the dramatic volcanic scenery at Mount Bromo and explore the spectacular site of 9th Century Borobudur Temple in Central Java.
Sing Gili Bidera
Lovina 10 nights air-conditioned Star Clippers Tall Ship Carik cabin Satonda accommodation, Island Beach
meals as per itinerary, port charges, all activities (including water sports) Komodo Island
Lovina Beach
Benoa and entertainment on the ship and English speaking Gili Kondo hosts. Gili Sudak
Gili Bidera Satonda Island Carik Wera Komodo Island
Gili Kondo Waikelo Gili Sudak
Sat Sun Mon Tue
Benoa, Bali, Indonesia Wed Benoa, Bali, Indonesia Gili Kondo, Lombok Island, Indonesia Thu Gili Kondo, Lombok Island, Indonesiaa At sea Fri At sea <ŽŵŽĚŽ EĂƟŽŶĂů WĂƌŬ͕ /ŶĚŽŶĞƐŝĂ Sat <ŽŵŽĚŽ EĂƟŽŶĂů WĂƌŬ͕ /ŶĚŽŶĞƐŝĂ Pink Beach, Komodo Island, Indonesia Pink Beach, Komodo Island, Indonesia Wed Waikelo, Sumba Island, Indonesia Sun Waikelo, Sumba Island, Indonesia Thu Wera, Sumbawa Island, Indonesia Mon Wera, Sumbawa Island, Indonesia *TERMS AND CONDITIONS Prices are cruise only per person (pp) twin share based on economy departures in cat. 6 lead-in cabin. Prices are correct at the time of publication & subject to change. valid until 30Apr17 & Fri Satonda Island, Indonesia Tue Satonda Island,Offer Indonesia early booking discount included in advertised price. All care has been taken to promote correct pricing at the time of printing, but is dependent on availability and will be confirmed at time of reservation. Airfares not included Labuan Haji, Moyo Island, Indonesia Labuan Haji, Moyo Island, Indonesia unless otherwise stated. Gratuities of $10 (AUD) pp per day are additional & payable on board. #Member Bonus offer valid for new bookings only deposited by 30Nov16 and included in the price. The travel & guide book Sat Gili Bidera, Indonesia Wed Carik, Lombok Island,wallet Indonesia are per booking. The price shown is for a cash payment – Credit card fees will apply. For any additional travel arrangements offer Island, serviceIndonesia fees may apply. Please ask at the time ofbeach, the booking. For full terms and Sun outside Carik,this Lombok Senggigi Lombok Island, Indonesia conditions ask your RACT Travel Consultant. RACT Travel Pty Ltd ABN 45 144 538 803. ATAS A11470. Senggigi beach, Lombok Island, Indonesia Thu Lovina beach, Bali, Indonesia AW4216 Mon Lovina beach, Bali, Indonesia Fri Gili Sudak, Lombok Island, Indonesia Tue Gili Sudak, Lombok Island, Indonesia Sat Benoa, Bali, Indonesia Wed Benoa, Bali, Indonesia
Pulau Seribu Jakarta
Semara P
• Travel selected dates; 21 Jun & 02 Aug 17 Day
Parai Beach
Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Benoa Gili M Lovina Probo East M At sea Sema Karim At sea Jakart Pulau Belitu Parai At sea Singap
TRAVEL by RACT On The Ghan Expedition, included excursions are offered at Katherine, Alice Springs and Coober Pedy, offering unmatched access to some of the country’s most iconic heartland destinations during just four days. The Ghan Expedition will be available on all Darwin to Adelaide departures for an extended six-month season in 2017, from 3 May to 25 October. Or choose to cross the 4352km from coast-to-coast aboard the Indian Pacific. A journey of epic proportions, experience the heights of the Blue Mountains and the barren expanse of the Nullarbor Plain, travel from cities of four million people to ghost towns of just four. Exceptional food, wine and service are all part of this outback adventure travelling aboard The Ghan or Indian Pacific. The all-inclusive fares mean private cabin accommodation, on-board dining and Off Train Excursions are all taken care of, making it the most relaxing way to travel through outback Australia. There is no need to make a choice between a great Australian land adventure and the romance of the high seas when planning your next holiday. RACT Travel’s latest Rail & Sail packages deliver the best of both worlds, allowing you to explore the wonders of Australia’s coastline and its wide expanses in one unforgettable journey. Relax as your ocean voyage meanders to Australia’s prettiest coastal outposts, taking in remarkable reefs and spectacular maritime sunsets. Alternatively, you can venture to more exotic climes by choosing a cruise exploring vibrant Indonesia. Your time on-board the Indian Pacific is an extension of the freedom and indulgence of your sea adventure.
All aboard for an
Outback adventure Explorer Lounge on The Ghan.
journey through the heart of Australia is one that should be savoured. Glimpses of kangaroos grazing while dining A aboard the Indian Pacific or waking to a sunrise over the boundless horizons from a private cabin on The Ghan – this is an experience not to be missed. Combining the adventure of a true outback expedition with the style of deluxe travel, a journey on The Ghan and Indian Pacific is the definitive way to discover the people and places of Australia.
Contact RACT Travel on 1300 368 111 or visit your local branch to discuss the available rail and sail itineraries. Simpson’s Gap
Limited season May 2017 to October 2017 Bali
Komodo Island
Sherrard Island
Cairns Hamilton Island Exmouth
FROM Brisbane Cook
Broken Hill
Sydney Adelaide
MS Maasdam
*Conditions Apply. GHAN EXPEDITION: Save up to $1420 per couple based on High Season Advance Purchase Adult Fare on The Ghan Expedition from Darwin to Adelaide. Fares based on Gold Service, High Season Advance Purchase per person twin share. Valid on new bookings from 04Jul16 for travel from 01Apr17-31Mar18. Advance Purchase fare bookings must be made a minimum of 6 months prior to departure. HOLLAND AMERICA LINE & INDIAN PACIFIC: package fares listed in Australian Dollars are per person, twin share based on interior stateroom and include cruise taxes, fees & port expenses. Rail sector based on everyday rail fares. Accommodation package based on a three star property. All fares and packages subject to availability at time of booking. GENERAL: Full booking terms & conditions available from your RACT Travel consultant. The price shown is for a cash payment – Credit card fees of up to 2% will apply. For any additional travel arrangements outside this offer service fees may apply. #Member bonus free picnic rug valid for the first 10 bookings deposited by 30 Nov 2016 and provided with final documents. RACT Travel Pty Ltd. ABN 45 144 538 803. ATAS A11470. 04878CDBD 0816
TRAVEL by RACT is one of the best ways to discover a new place because you have the freedom and flexibility to decide on where to travel and what to do. DWithriving more than 25 years’ experience, DriveAway Holidays is Australia’s
Discover freedom on the road
leading self-drive specialist, offering worldwide car hire, motorhome rentals, motorcycle hire in the United States and Australia and European leasing. When it comes to hiring a vehicle, there are many items that may cross your mind such as insurance, licence requirements and, of course, driving in a foreign country. DriveAway has put together some helpful tips to assist you:
Car, motorhome, motorcycle or lease? Car hire is available from many locations, they are easy to navigate and DriveAway includes most mandatory charges in your booking. Did you know that all US rentals come with NIL excess? Optional items are charged in the local currency upon collection. Whether you are travelling as a family or as a group of friends, motorhomes are great value for money with accommodation and transport in one. Available from 13 countries, travelling in a motorhome is fun and it’s easy to make new friends along the way. Car and motorhome rentals require a valid non-provisional driver’s licence. Most rentals have a minimum driving age of 21, but this depends on the vehicle type. If you are between 21 and 24, you will need to pay a young driver surcharge. For those adrenaline junkies over 21, DriveAway offers motorcycle hire in the US and Australia. With different tours and itineraries to choose from, a motorcycle tour is sure to get the blood pumping and a tick off the bucket list. If you are travelling around Europe for 21 days or more, then a lease is the way to go. A brand new vehicle, NIL excess and unlimited kilometres are some of the perks of a lease, plus the minimum age is 18 and there are no young driver surcharges.
For more details, contact RACT Travel on 1300 368 111 or visit your local branch.
WORLDWIDE Car Hire, European Leasing, Motorhome & Motorcycle Rentals
London car hire from $39^ Per Day Total price for 7 days is $275 Valid for collections 02 Jan 17 - 31 Mar 17
Los Angeles car hire from $43^ Per Day Total price for 7 days is $301 Valid for collections until 31 Dec 17
Conditions apply. ^Prices are to be used as guide only and are correct at 18 Aug 16, prices are subject to currency fluctuations and change without notice and are in AUD. Prices based on 7 days rental of an economy-sized car. Seasonal surcharges may apply for collections outside these dates. Excludes charges and taxes imposed directly by third parties. If the booking is cancelled after collection or is a ‘no show’, a no show fee of AUD110 plus supplier levied fees (if applicable) will be charged. Credit card fees of up to 2% will apply. Further conditions apply. RACT Travel Pty Ltd. ABN 45 144 538 803. ATAS A11470.
The next chapter in your
life story
Learn to make culinary delights or let the live music lure you.
ays and nights with Holland America Line are among the most memorable in a lifetime. Sail in classic style on D beautifully appointed mid-sized ships, where gracious service
anticipates every desire. Relax in a chaise lounge, melt into a massage table, or learn to arrange flowers, blend wine and edit digital photos. Surprise and delight your palate with exquisite dishes and cultural delicacies created by some of the most influential chefs in the world. Then let the music lure you to The Showroom at Sea, or dance to live jazz, duelling pianos or a chamber ensemble at Lincoln Center Stage. As you stroll the wraparound teak deck, the salt of the sea blows you a kiss goodnight. Then tuck into total comfort in your stateroom with the promise of coffee on your private veranda, where you’ll watch new worlds take shape on the horizon.
With more than 500 carefully crafted itinerary options and more than 400 unique ports of call, cruise from 7 to 111 days on all seven seas. Discover more than 100 countries and territories. Jump-start your ideal immersion with the help of Destination Guides in partnership with AFAR Media — available online and on-board. Together with travel experts, guest speakers and a host of enriching activities, you’re ensured a carefully curated, highly personalised introduction to the most fascinating places, people and cultures on Earth. A recognised leader in cruising for more than 140 years, today’s Holland America Line is classic, premium and energised with new ideas. You can see it in the growing list of new experiences we offer our guests, both on-board and ashore. Come, savour the journey.
For more details, contact RACT Travel on 1300 368 111 or visit your local branch.
10-day Australia & New Zealand Hobart to Auckland ms Noordam
16 Mar 2017
per person twin share
Exclusive Offer! US$75 per stateroom onboard spending money
22-day Inca Discovery
Valparaiso (Santiago) to Vancouver ms Zaandam
04 Apr 2017
per person twin share
Exclusive Offer! US$75 per stateroom onboard spending money
7-day Glacier Discovery
ms Nieuw Amsterdam
06 May 2017
per person twin share
Exclusive Offer! US$50 per stateroom onboard spending money
*Conditions Apply. ALL PRICES STATED ARE CRUISE ONLY. Fares listed are in Australian Dollars. Fares are per person, double occupancy and include taxes, fees & port expenses. Fares are current as of 10 Aug 16. All savings amounts are included in fares shown. Fares are based on an interior stateroom and based on promo code LGS. Subject to availability. For more information about our stateroom categories and suite descriptions, to view deck plans, and to view the full terms and conditions applicable to your cruise, please refer to or the applicable Holland America brochure. Offers are capacity controlled and may be modified or withdrawn or sailing/departure dates may be substituted without prior notice. Certain restrictions apply. #Member’s Bonus: US$75 shipboard credit is per stateroom and is on 16Mar17 departure and 4April17 Departure. US$25 (US$50 for twin share) is per person and is valid on the 6 May 2017 departure from Vancouver. is The price shown is for a cash payment – Credit card fees of up to 2% will apply. For any additional travel arrangements outside this offer service fees may apply. Please ask at the time of booking. Ships’ Registry: The Netherlands RACT Travel Pty Ltd ABN 45 144 538 803. ATAS No. A11470.
Discover the
joy of living The S.S. Joie de Vivre.
niworld redefines all-inclusive by combining unsurpassed luxury and attention to detail with unmatched amenities, U personalised experiences, unrivalled value and incomparable
service. Uniworld’s one-of-a-kind ships are exquisitely appointed, each its own work of art, designed to be as inspiring as the destinations they visit. Uniworld will launch a new super ship in March 2017, aptly named the S.S. Joie de Vivre as it will reflect the French ‘joy of living’ philosophy and their profound appreciation for food, wine, art
and music. The S.S. Joie de Vivre will sail Uniworld’s popular Paris & Normandy itinerary and will dock in the heart of the French capital, allowing travellers to explore the chic boutiques, artistic treasures and countless cafés characteristic of this much-loved city. Covering all corners of France, and increasing its expertly planned collection of French cruises to eight, Uniworld’s new 10-day Paris & Impressions of the Seine itinerary delves into France’s artistic heritage with a particular focus on the Impressionists. From Paris’s historic Montmartre to the vistas of the Alabaster Coast and countless precious gems in between, this wonderfully paced cruise provides the perfect blend of scenic daytime sailing with exhilarating onshore excursions. Explore enchanting Monet’s Giverny; walk the famed Normandy Beaches; see some of the great works of art at both Rouen’s Museum of Fine Art and Paris’s Orsay Museum; and capture the magic of Paris on an illuminations cruise along the Seine River to see the ‘City of Light’ truly come to life. Uniworld is also continuing to offer its themed Connoisseur Collection on select 2017 departures, exploring the world of French cuisine with exclusive, culinary-inspired excursions and events including a Remy Martin visit and cognac tasting, a sunset cocktail party on the Island of Patiras in the Gironde Estuary and an on-board Valhrona chocolate and wine pairing. To secure the best savings, Uniworld offers significant early-booking savings. Couples can save up to $4800* with full payment at time of booking when booking before 31 October 2016, or up to $2400* with a deposit at time of booking before 16 January 2017. Plus RACT members can take advantage of a further $100* per person member saving on bookings made before 30 November 2016.
For more details, contact RACT Travel on 1300 368 111 or visit your local branch.
SAVE $100 per person#
All-Inclusive Luxury French River Cruises When unrivalled luxury, exceptional service, extraordinary cuisine and nautical excellence come together, the result is unmistakably Uniworld, the leaders in luxury French river cruising. Offering an all-inclusive river cruise experience on innovative, one-of-a-kind ships, Uniworld’s attention to detail and personalised experiences offer guests a unique and luxurious holiday sailing France’s waterways. Priced from $3,299 per person*
You deserve the best
*Conditions apply. Prices are per person (pp) twin share and include an early payment discount. Prices are correct as at 19Aug16 but may fluctuate if surcharges, fees, taxes or currency change and must be booked by 31Oct16, unless sold out prior. Prices based on Bordeaux Cat 5, 12 Mar 2017. Category upgrades and single supplement apply. Offer available on new bookings only and subject to availability. Offer requires full payment within 7 days of booking. Offers may be withdrawn at any time. #RACT MEMBER BONUS: $100 per person on new bookings deposited by 30Nov16. A limited number of member discounts available. The price shown is for a cash payment – Credit card fees of up to 2% will apply. For any additional travel arrangements outside this offer service fees may apply. Please ask at the time of booking. RACT Travel Pty Ltd. ABN RACT Travel Pty Ltd ABN 45 144 538 803. ATAS A11470. UW4355
Discover more with
Enjoy value travel without the compromise.
hether you’re a first-time traveller or the experienced adventurer, CostSaver offers unbeatable value without W compromise. The exciting itineraries across Europe, Britain, the USA, Canada and Mexico are purposely designed with a good balance between visiting must-see icons and free time to let you explore places in your own way. Our Local Specialists bring the locations to life by sharing their best insider secrets to the latest tips and local hot-spots. Start the day visiting something you’ve had your heart set on and afterwards perhaps indulge in some shopping or a nightcap in a hidden bar downtown. Personalise your trip with the flexibility to add optional experiences.
CostSaver Operated by Trafalgar, you’ll be greeted by our world-class Travel Directors and stay in true comfort of hand-picked hotels and travel in luxury air-conditioned coaches. You can even forget the stress of lugging heavy suitcases and waiting in queues to check in. With all CostSaver tours hotel charges plus local taxes are included, along with up to 50% of your meals. Hassle-free, expert local advice paired with experience and unbeatable value. Now that’s the CostSaver way! New 2017 USA, Canada, Mexico brochure out now – from $A167* per day. Trafalgar is the industry leader in guided holidays and 2016 winner of NTIA Award for Best Tour Operator – International.
For more details, contact RACT Travel on 1300 368 111 or visit your local branch.
Europe, UK, USA, Canada and Mexico 2017 Experience the best-priced tours in travel. Holiday the CostSaver way with exciting itineraries, great hotels and plenty of free time to explore your own way.
Our world-class Travel Directors offer insider tips to ensure you make the most of every moment.
PANORAMIC CANADIAN ROCKIES 12 days from $167* per day
CALIFORNIA AND THE GOLDEN WEST 14 days from $183* per day
*Conditions apply. All prices are per person, twin share. From price relates to select departures: Panoramic Canadian Rockies 25 Apr 17 trip and California and the Golden West departing 04 May and 12 Oct 17. Save an additional 5% off CostSaver 2017 Europe, USA, Canada & Mexico trips, valid sale dates from the 1 Oct – 30 Nov 2016. #RACT MEMBER BONUS: Save 5% OFF CostSaver 2017 Europe, USA, Canada & Mexico brochure trips, valid sale dates from the 1 Oct – 30 Nov 2016. Multiple Trip Discount is valid for holidays booked at the same time. Does not apply on all itineraries. A limited number of member discounts available. The price shown is for a cash payment – Credit card fees of up to 2% will apply. For any additional travel arrangements outside this offer service fees may apply. Conditions and restrictions apply, please ask at the time of booking. RACT Travel Pty Ltd. ABN 45 144 538 803. ATAS A11470. TT4940