welcome. ABOUT YOUR RACT PRESIDENT Alison Flakemore VICE PRESIDENTS Jenny Richardson BOARD Peter Dixon, Ralph Doedens, Jude Franks, Risden Knightley, Pieter Kolkert, Sue Smith RACT GROUP CEO Mark Mugnaioni JOURNEYS MANAGING EDITOR Amira Vaatstra
A word from our Group CEO With the federal election behind us as well as our successful Road Safety Week campaign at a close, we can now look to continuing to spread the message and advocate strongly for better road safety for all. The RACT has lobbied strongly for the speed camera network to be improved, and we are keen to see this improvement come to fruition with eight cameras due to be rolled out this year and a further eight scheduled to be delivered next year. As part of a staged introduction these cameras will later be equipped to detect not only speed, but inattention, such as mobile phone use, and seat belt use. These next-generation cameras can help to save lives and improve safety on our roads for all road users. Our calls for better enforcement have been heard by the State Government. We have also lobbied firmly for our Roadside Assist workers to be included in the “Slow Down, Move Over” legislation that was put in place in December 2019,
with the government now agreeing to make these changes. At present, the legislation improves the safety of emergency workers and first-response personnel at road crashes by ensuring motorists travel at no more than 40km/h when driving in the same direction as stationary emergency response vehicles with flashing red and blue lights (Tasmania Police, Tasmania Fire Service, State Emergency Service and Ambulance Tasmania) or magenta lights (National Heavy Vehicle Regulator safety and compliance vehicles). This legislation will soon extend to the flashing amber lights of RACT Roadside Assist vans and other incident-response vehicles such as tow trucks. This is a great outcome for the RACT as Roadside Assist workers and tow truck drivers are vulnerable road users – they experience the same risks as emergency services vehicles, regularly reporting near misses and dangerous situations at the roadside. This is also good for you, our members, making breaking down by the side of the road much safer. Mark Mugnaioni // RACT Group CEO
Journeys is published for The Royal Automobile Club of Tasmania by Hardie Grant Media, Building 1, 658 Church Street, Richmond VIC 3121 hardiegrant.com Managing Director Clare Brundle Managing Editor Sophie Al-Bassam Editor Constantina Demos Art Director Dallas Budde Design Sue Morony Advertising Sales and Partnerships Director Lauren Casalini laurencasalini@hardiegrant.com Senior Account Manager Colin Ritchie colinritchie@hardiegrant.com Printer Ovato Mailhouse D&D Mailing Services Distribution Australia Post Australia Post No. 100003899
Competition terms and conditions can be found at ract.com.au/competitions. No part of Journeys may be reproduced without permission. Copyright 2021 RACT. The opinions contained in this publication may not be shared by The Royal Automobile Club of Tasmania Limited or its related bodies corporate (together “RACT”) or any of its directors or employees. Advertisements in Journeys are the responsibility of the advertiser. No person should act or rely upon such opinions or advice and RACT accepts no liability for them. Any rewards or rights provided to a member cannot be transferred, assigned, sold or redeemed for cash. Inclusion of a product should not be construed as an endorsement by RACT.
ract.com.au // JOURNEYS