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Precast concrete is well understood for its structural strengths, solid reliable mass and its ability to suit a variety of applications and sectors – this is perhaps a central reason for its success. Precast concrete is not limited to a particular sector such as student accommodation or hotels but stands ready to provide stable solutions across the whole construction and infrastructure world.
Of course, sustainability and low carbon design is of paramount importance in any construction programme and the concrete industry is working hard to reduce its embodied carbon levels and has embarked on a detailed decarbonisation programme led by companies such as Forterra and PCE – some of which you will see over the next few pages.
As Elaine Toogood, Director, Architecture & Sustainable Design at MPA The Concrete Centre said recently: “The construction industry is developing a much greater understanding of carbon impacts across the entire lifecycle of buildings and materials, from embodied carbon at construction, to operational energy efficiency, to what happens at endof-life. Offsite concrete benefits particularly from low factory wastage thanks to reusable forms and volumes of batched concrete matched to need. In addition, its robustness and resilience mean less packaging is needed with large panels simply lifted straight off the delivery vehicle, ready for assembly on-site.”
What can Precast Concrete Offer?
Acoustically Versatile
As precast can be moulded to any shape, size and texture it can be used to deflect or absorb noise. This makes it a good acoustic host for music but also an effective sound barrier alongside busy roads. Privacy and effective sound reduction are ensured, which makes precast an ideal choice for residential buildings.
Precast concrete has the potential to be made in any shape. Moulds can be designed to be customised, replicate patterns, shapes or other materials. There are also many different aggregates and additions that can be incorporated into precast which gives designers considerable scope to produce subtle or contrasting colourways.
The factory-controlled production process means that cover to rebar is consistent and correct, as are strength and concrete quality. Hence the inherent durability of the delivered product is assured.
Precast protects against the spread of fire between rooms or buildings and it cannot catch fire, burn or drip molten particles. In test, concrete performs consistently well in fire, often requiring only minor repairs.
Precast concrete goes on increasing its strength for hundreds of years after it is cast. What's more, during that time it won't shrink, warp, move or creep excessively so can be relied upon to perform consistently year after year.
All the materials that go into precast concrete products come from natural and recycled sources. This means they are subject to minimal processing or chemical treatments to render them suitable for use, which results in concrete having a relatively low embodied energy value.
Thermally Efficient
The versatility of precast can be seen in its application as a carrying medium for heating or cooling. As concrete can be dense or lightweight, precast concrete can act as a thermal sink or as an insulator and in some buildings, you can see precast doing both.
Precast concrete is resistant to rain penetration and wind-blown debris. It can also withstand many winters of freeze-thaw cycles.
The next few pages feature a range of case studies including: FP McCann, PCE, Carlow Concrete and Everton FC’s new stadium, plus a pioneering development in Finland that sees concrete and timber combining in a hybrid approach.
For more information visit: www.mpaprecast.org
01. Precast concrete panels are craned into position to make construction quicker and safer. Courtesy Creagh Concrete