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BLURS EXCLUSIVE TESTS Panasonic FZ200 Samsung DV300F Fujinon 35mm f/1.4

12 Creative techniques to capture stunning blurs using shutterspeed

How to make the perfect star trail photograph

Magic Of Photography Better Technique, Better Insight, Better Pictures

Editor Page Welcome to the first issue of Magic of Photography Magazine.It is a one of very few digital magazine dedicated to visual artists who use a mobile device as their own bel loved easel.This is the first magazine of mine. Our mission is to make the reading of our pages a refreshing experience by taking advantage of the flexibility of an photos, so that you can go back to it over and over. This magazine is not the usual collection of “pretty� pictures but an outstanding body of work created by ordinary people with extraordinary talent; artists who have found their own voice and passion using their images to creat and visual what they are saying to us.We hope you can lose youself into our pages and at the same time find and discover yourself by relating to the images in the magazine. The magazine will be published bi-monthly and will include free to enter photography giving away great prizes such as a olloclip in this very first issue.








Tips & Tricks


28 11

Better Pictures


Colurful Camera Shake Moving your camera to create beautiful abstracts

Slow, Steady, Flash ! Combining flash with slow shutterspeeds

Smooth Waterfalls Photographing waterfalls as floating entities



Life in Slow Motion


Putting your still images in motion


Artistry in the Dark

Creating unique patterns with light painting


25 17

Zoom for Impact Showing image in zoom bursts with slow sync flash


Photo Freezing


The Camera Paints.....


Trails at Night


Showing your image by freezing

Gear Guide 21


Nikon D600

Does this budget full frame DSLR make any compromises?

Painting with decorative light while moving the camera

Capturing light trails at night

Follow Star Trails

Recording the movement of stars with long exposures



Fujinon XF 35Amm f/1.4 Normal can be good too !

Life in Slow Motion To create a sense of motion in your frame, stay still, observe and simply photograph all the movement around you


The Technique :

hough motion blur is often used for capturing the movement of fast moving subjects like a sports car or a bus, but the technique of motion blur can be used in almost eery types of genre in photography-even when the movement is slow and subtle.

The shutter speed you decide to use will be based on how fast the subject is moving and also the extent of blur you want to show in thrameInother words, to capture the motion of people walking on a busy street,an exposure of 1/4 sec is ideal. On the other hand, you can use 1/20 sec to capture the movement of a fast moving train or of kids running in the park.

“Be alert about when your subject is about to move.And release the shutter just when they do�


How to Use Motion Blur Effectively : Remember that for a good motion blur picture,you will need to keep your camera steady and let the subject be in motion.Mounting the camera on a tripod is the best way to keep it still.However, in locations where managing a tripod is difficult , look around for alternatives.You can use roocks or the roof of the car.

Compensate for Slow Shutterspeed A lot of light enters the camera if you choose to shoot at a slow shutterspeed.To balance your exposure, you can always decrease the ISO or opt for a narrower aperture (f/8,f/11 and so on ).

Play with the ISO and aperture settings of the camera to balance the light in your pictures.


Colurful Camera Shake Play with abstracts and create painting-like imagery. This simple technique is fun and can be addictive.

Pay attention to colours and shapes while using camera


ore than often, we keep talking about reducing or avioding camera shake.But this time instead, we willbe talking about how you can employ the technique of camera shake creatively in your photographs.


The Technique :

Camera shake can either be a slight or a vigorous movement of the camera done deliberately in one or any random direction. The ideal shutterspeeds to use for this technique range from 1sec to 1/8sec. A picture made within this range will show a considerable amount of blur. If you wish to photograph a picture with less blur, you can use shutterspeeds of 1/10sec and 1/15 sec. From 1/30sec onward,things get sharp but you will still be able to get a little amount of blur. The best results are often when you let the camera record the image for a second or two and then move the camera.


What Works Well With Camera Shake :The camear shake technique .works praticularly well

with natural elements.Landscape and trees are a few subjects that offer spectacular photos when photographed with camera shake. You can also try shooting people photos. While you look out for subject, pay attention to their colour . For instance, green trees with red flower or a sunset reflected in the water will make for great blur picture.

Quick TIP : Amongst all the modes of the camera, the shutter priority mode is very helpful while shooting blurs. However, this is not the case always.

Slow, Steady, Flash ! Combine the flash with slow shutterspeed for perfectly sharp and artistic photographs in low light situation You can use the night portrait mode in your compact camera to get the slow sync effect


henever the light is too less, you would think of only two options. One,to fire the flash and second,to use a slow shutterspeed. But what if you could use both these features at the same time? Wouldn’t that solve the problem?


The Technique : The slow sync flash function can be

found on many cameras and work mainly by combining a slow shutterspeed and firing the flash.This ensures that there is some ambient light caputred along with the subject being sharp. Experiment with shutterspeed ranging from 1/ 10sec to 1/20sec for this technique.While DSLRs allow you to manually control exposure and flash intensity for the slow sync function ,there is very less that you can do with a compact camera. However, the Night Portrait mode or the party mode found in inexpensive compacts, often fires the flash using a slow shutterspeed. Of course, these are automatic settings.


Front Curtain or Rear Curtain Slow Sync

: With Slow Sync you can choose to use either

Front or Rear Curtain Sync.In simple terms,you get to decide when the flash need to be fired. In Front Curtain, the flash is fired at the beginning of the exposure whereas in Rear Curtain the flash is fired just before the shutter closes. Both these methods will give you different results. Try using both to see what suits your requirements.

Quick Tip : Experiment with placing different

coloured gelatin paper in front to the flash this can produce some interesting results.

Smooth Waterfalls Go on a little adventure and photograph free flowing blurs of waterfalls using long exposures.


aputring smooth looking waterfalls is not at all that hard. You need to work with long exposures which means heading out with a tripod. It is also better to shoot on a cloudy day or on a overcast. Rainy day rather than on a sunny day.


The Technique Opt fo between 2sec to ber that to keep entering the cam to use a Neutra Also, you will day just to final

While the rocks gently break the flow of water, the green moss and foliage add a lot of colour to the frame. Exposure : 15sec at f/16 (ISO 100)

e or a shutterspeed o 1/10sec. Rememp excess light from mera, you will have al Density filter. probably need a lise a suitable spot.

Quick Tip Carry extra bat-

tery packs and memory cards. Most blur techniques drain a lot of battery. You will be lucky to get a shot in the first attempt.


Artistry in the Dark

Even if drawing is not your forte, let us bring out the artistin you Pick up a torch and start painting out your imagination. The light painting can itself be a subject. You need not always paint around a subject. Exposure:4.2sec at f/14 ( ISO 200 )


ou might have seen pictures with light streaks around a person or an object.The is not magic but in fact, is a technique called light painting. However, before you go ahead, make sure you have all these things in place-a camera with manual controls,a tripod,a torch or colourful glow lights and a completely drakened room or an outdoor location with less or no ambient light.


The Technique :

While the lights are switched on, mount your camrea on a tripod and focus on the subject using AF. Then switch to manual focus so that the camera does not readjust the focus in the dark while making the picture. If it is took dark outdoors, shine a torch on to the subject. You can even ask them to hold their cell phone near their eye,So that the camera can detect focus easily. You can start making pictures between 2sec to 30sec of exposure.Once you press the shutter,use colurful lights to paint around a subject.

Quick Tip

Ask a friend to assist you with the light painting techinque.They can either light paint for you or stand and guard the camera outdoors


Zoom for Impact Whether it is day or night, use zoom bursts to either bring the subject closer or to push it further away.


etting a decent zoom burst photograph is just as difficult as the technique is easy. Bright neon signs, and fully lit buildings at night look great when shot using the zoom burst technique. But even a portrait shot in daylight can look absolutely great.

The Techniqe :

Within the 1/10sec to 1/20sec range, you can opt for this technique. You will need to use a zoom lens with your camera and will have to change the focal length just after you release the shutter, and while it is still open. You can either zoom in or


zoom out. The amount of blur streaks will depend on how fast you can rotate the zoom ring of the lens.

Keeping the subject sharp Whether you zoom in or out, try to keep the central portion of your picture relatively sharp. While having everything blurred is fine,it is still better if the subject in the picture is atleast recognisable.

Quick Tip : Try the stepped zoom burst technique. While using a 10sec exposure, wait for 3sec, zoom in and then wait awhile more. Continue this until the shutter closes.

Photo Freezing

Drop by Drop Yuwaraj Gurjar : You have tried to

capture a colse-up of the flower with droplets of water,and while it is nice attempt, I do not enjoy it as much. When playing with shallow depth-offield in macro photographs, you need to pay close attention to the composition and the area you choose to highlight. Here, a major part and also the most crucial part of the frame is out of focus. Even the part of the flower that are in focus did not appeal so much to me. Probably, a wider view with the beautifully curved petals fully visible, would have created more of an impact.


Amrita Ganguly-Salian : This is a good attempt

that has been overprocessed. The contract has been tweaked too high and the yellow spike is too much. Once you neutralise both, you will see better tonality of the petals. You will also notice pink highlight on the inner rim of the Gerbera. Evaluative metering does not work well for frames like this. Instead, try spot metering on the main part and recompose the frame. With your choice of focal length, aperture and use of lighting, you have managed an appealing composition with bright colours and effective mix of softening and detailing. Try keeping your pictures more ntural.

The Camera Paints...

It is time you put your festive decoration to some use! Let the camera paint while the light stays stationary.


ntera nice restaurant, coffee shop or look -around your own house to find some interesting light emanating objects. Imagine the colours that you can fill in a single frame if you painted with those lights during a long exposure. Since this is exactly the opposite of light painting painting, we will call this technique reverse light painting.

The Technique

From 30sec to 1/30sec, you can use any shutterspeed to bring out your imagination. On your first attempt, you may just end up moving the camera in a frenzy to see what results you get.But as you keep using the technique you will get an idea of how to create designs with stationary lights.


Some Common Stationary Lit Objects Chandeliers, colourful disco balls at cluds, strings of tiny fairy lights, christmas and new year decorations and even bring neon sign boards are a few great examples of the stationary lights that you can use for this technique. You can create patterns by moving the camera along the plane of the object. Here, the light pattern actually looks like an eye ! Exposure: 4sec at f/11 (ISO 100)

Quick up Change the colour mode of the camera to Vivid. Doing so will make the photograph look more vibrant.

Trails at Night Find the perfect spot, compose your picture and let the streaks of colourful light enter your camera.


ight is a wonderful time when a city in any part of the world brightens up. Usually these lights are in the form of trails formed by vechicles on the road. Light trail are one of the most common type of blurs that each of us at some point may have tried photographing.

The Technique : To capture a perfect

light trail you will have to use a slow shutterspeed.This can be as slow as 20sec or even 1sec.For this reason, it is important to have a tripod.The camera must be very steady if you want this technique to work.

When To Shoot Light Trail : While night is the best time for shooting light trails,you can attempt to capture one just before or even right after the sun sets,during twilight.Not only will you be able to capture the light trails but you will also be able to bring in a bit of ambient light in your photographs.

Try to use subjects like trees on the side of the road to complement and balance yourpicture. Exposure : Not Available Quick up : You can shoot light trails with a compact camera too. All you need to do is swtich to the night landscape mode.This mode uses a slow shutterspeed.


Gear Guide

Frankenstein’s Here Take the D700, add a bit from the D800, stuff it all into a D7000, but use a new sensor : Raj Lalwani takes a look at the curious case of the Nikon D600.


ery few cameras in recent years have created a buzz as volatile as the Nikon D600. Before its imminent Features 15% release, the internet was rife with Performance 45% rumours that this would be the Build Quality 20% world’s least expensive full Ergonomics 15% frame DSLR ever. USD Warranty & 1500,screamt the headlines, and Support 5% almost everyone was amazed. The dreamers got a reality check when the camera was



launched. With a price tag of USD 2100 (Rs 1,35,950 here), the D600 is definitely not as‘affordable’. Murder,cried the cynics,and wondered why someone would not buy a D800 instead. I have found both these extreme reactions a little juvenile, to say the truth. Before heralding something as the next best thing or crucifying it, let us actually put the camera through its paces, instead of reacting on the basis of preconceived ideas.We received an exclusive piece of the D600 just a day after its worldwide announcement. After running the camera through thousands of frames, I can recall moments of wonderment, excitement and some of extreme irritation....the D600 is a

very curious case that shows plenty of faces- it is supposed to be the successor of the D700, inherits plenty of technology from the D800,uses a brand new sensor and stuffs all of this in a consumer-level D7000 body. Confused? This is a very,very interesting camera that tried to cook a rather twisted concoction.

The Advantage of Dual Card Slots


If one considers the price at time of launch, the D600 is one of the cheapest full frame DSLRs ever. I was initially wondering how many compromises Nikon has made, to bring the cost down. In a nutshell, not too many. If is actually quite remarkable how feature packed the D600 is, despite having a lower price tag than the D800. In fact, the 36.3MP sensor of the D800 is the olny thing that the D600 falls ‘short’ on. That said, the resolution is still a very respectable 24.3MP.After all, very few users really need a resolution as high as the D800’s.24.3MP is actually a perfect sweet spot-the demands of optics and storage are not too intimidating, and it provides a good enough resolution jump for someone who is using a previous-generation 12MP camera. In terms of its other powers,the D600 is closer to the D800 rather than the old D700. It has dual card slots (both SD though) and an onboard flash,both of which are features that are not present on the simultaneously announced canon counterpart, the EOS 6D.


Product Categorisation

We first segregate products into categories for the purpose of equitability in testing. The DSLR is divided into entry-level, semi-professional and professional categories. For compacts, we distinguish between advanced and basic compact cameras. Similarly, we also test consumer and prolenses,flashgun,printers,and other photographic accessories and gear.

The Process

We primarily test for features,performance, build, ergonomics,warranty and support. While this remain constant, the weightage we give to these parameter differs from category to category,because different types of consumers have diverse expectations from products.


\ This is a feature that may not grab as many headings as resolution or speed, but is actually very useful on field.The D600 has dual card slots, unlike the older D700 and its immediate competitor, the Canon 6D, both of which allow you to use only one card. You can start using the second card once the first one is over, or make simultaneous backups or even save RAW files one, one card and JPEGs on another.

Final Ratings

Under each main parameter, we list out hundreds of individual variables (for eg. colours in different lighting, individual features, dynamic range, center-to-edge definition,light fallot,ect) against which we either give points or simply mark ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Thus, we arrive at a score for that parameter, and then, the final score, denoted as a percentage. Additionally, based on the current pricing of a product, a star rating for ‘Value for Money’ is considered. Value for Money does not affect the final percentage, because prices for products change constantly.

Our Seals of Approval

Any product that scores 80% or higher in individual tests gets ‘BP Recommended’- a seal of approval from our team. In comparison tests, we also tag products as ‘BP Best Performer’ and ‘BP Best Value of Money’.

BP Excellence Awards

At the end of the calendar year, the highest rated products in each category automatically win the Better Photography Excellence Award. This is Better Photography’s recognition of the very best products launched in the course of the year, and the companies that made them.

When Normal is Good

K Madhavan Pillai discovers why so many photographers are all praise for the Fujinon XF 35mm f/1.4 R, and then goes on to find out where it falters. WEIGHTAGE OF PARAMETERS Features 20% Performance 35% Build Quality 25% Ergonomics 15% Warranty & Support 5%


ormal lenses mimic the angle of view of the human eye. The huge advantage that the XF 35mm has (over traditional full-frame 50mm normal lenses), is that the depath-of-field remains that of a 35mm lens. This also means that a maximum aperture off/1.4 is important for good focus blurs. At this point, the XF 35mm,released early this year,is still the only f/1.4 normal block lens amongst lenses made by any APS-C camera or lens manufacturer today.


The lens is meant to be used with the Fuji X-Pro 1 or the recently released X-E1. Going by their from and function, these cameras have been made for thinking photographers, who prefer simplicity, quality, speed and control. It is with this in mind that I put the XF 35mm to the test. Features The XF 35mm provides a full-frame equivalent of 53mm.The lens construction includes a strong mental barrel that houses eight lens elements in six groups, including an aspherical lens element. It features a common filter diameter of 52mm and comes with a dedicated lenshood.With a rather good magnification of 0.17x at its minimum shooting distance of 11inches,

Reducing the aperture by a stop to just f/2 improves the edge-to-edge performance significantly. At f/5.6, the lens peaks in terms of optical performance, which is nothing short of exemplary.After this point, the loss in performance is progressive, but Handling slight.It continues to be very sharp all the way up to Both the X-Pro-1 and the XE-1 display a focus f/16. scale and DOF electronically. Unfortunately, the DOF Fringing is well controlled in the sharper areas of calculation is based on more stringent parameters that the image. There is some minor fringing in the bokeh show a much more conservative DOF. This makes at the edges of the frame, at the widest apertures. setting hyperfocal distances by any conventional DOF Stopping down to f/4 resolves this. That said, the XF parameters a lot more difficult. Otherwise, the lens is quite light despite the mental 35mm is better at controlling bokeh fringing than most others lenses of its type. RAW files show that the XF construction, but feels quite sturdy and handles well. MF is smooth and perfectly accurate (but a bit too slow 35mm has been designed to be optically free of visible distortion. for comfort).The focus and zooming rings are broad The advantage of the rounded diaphragm blades enough and ridged differently for easy in the XF 35mm is apparent.Large aperture bokeh is identification. pleasing and nicely round upto f/4.After this, you can count the number of aperture blades. At the edges of Performance the frame, wide open circular bokeh is very slightly The true quality of a lens can be fully appreciated elongated.Again,stopping down the aperture to f/4 or only coupled with the camera it is supposed to be used with.Both the X-Pro 1 and the new X-E1 feature sensors smaller takes care of this. In terms of AF speed, Fuji XF 35mm is reasonthat does not use anit- aliasing filters to cut down on moire. For this types of sensor to deliver the best results, ably quick, but not the fastest I have seen. It is also not the quietest. It does not shoot macro, but works very it needs a sharp lens with reduced aberrations. At the widest aperture of f/1.4, there is the expected well with extreme close-ups. In all these areas of our but noticeable drop in the resolving power at the edges test, the lens proved to be satisfying, but not exceptional. But where it excels brilliantly is in its optical and corners.But it is still as good or better than similar performance. lenses from other manufacturers. Vignetting at the corners is about half a stop,which is excellent. this non-stabilised lens housean AF motor, a focus -by-wire MF system, and has no focus distance or DOF scale..


Since no other manufacturer makes lenses for Fuji, the XF 35mm is the only option for the X-Pro 1 or the X-E1 mounts.It is also the only f/1.4 normal prime lens amongst any mirrorless or APS-C DSLR cameras,making is Rs. 36,999 price tag unique. The only negative is that is diffcult to use the eletronic DOF scale in the viewfinder and LCD,which is a big limiting factor if you constantly use hyperfocal distance when you shoot. What do you get for the price is classleading sharpeness,excellent overall optical quality,good build and handling.This is,without a doubt,a brillant piece of glass.


Follow Star Trails

On a starry night, set up your tripod and get ready to photograph some spectacular star trails.


hooting star trails can be extermely as the camUnless you make a very long exposure, a considerera captures light that the human eye cannot ably wide focal length will not be able to show much possibly see.Since the earth rotates,the position movement because of the star point being so small. of the star is not exactly fixed.Which is why the movement of the star results in a trail Difficulties of Capturing Star Trails

The Technique

The process of capturing star trails is simple. While you can capture star trails even during a 30sec exposure,the length of trails will be short.For longer trails,the exosure must be atleast 5minto 10min long. Set the camera to blub mode and use a cable release if you want to attempt a 30min exposure or even an exposure as long as 4hrs to 5hrs. Moreover,the lenght of trail also depends on the focal lenght. Star trails are more apparent if you shoot at the telephoto end.


Many star trail pictures are hours long, and quite a few things can go wrong. What you must take care of, is the steadiness of the camera, the amount of ambient light already present in the scene, framing and keeping the focus on the right spot.

Quick Tip

Switch off in-camera noise reduction as doing this will give you manual control over NR while postprocessing. Remember to sharpen the image and adjust the contrast levels as well.

As the Sky Lights Up Be prepared with your camera as fireworks fly across the sky and colour the world this festive season.


eekends at the age of 6 meant going to the park for a roller coaster ride. But if Diwali or any other occasion was around, watching fireworks last in the sky for approximately 5-6 seconds. This means that you need to be really quick with your setting if you want to shoot fireworks.

The Technique

The method for capturing fireworks is the same as light trails.Use a tripod with your camera,set the exposure between 1sec to 1/10sec and start making picture. You will need to track the fireworks since there position keeps changing by a small margin


At times,the fireworks will bloom high up in the sky andat times they will appear as low as a three-storey building Invest in a cable release to control the shutterspeeed or you can aticipate the moment and use the Self Timer.

Manual Mode for Fireworks

Here, working with the Manual mode is a good option as you can control both,the amount of light you need (aperture) and the lenght of the blur to appear. Quick Tip Reach the location an hour prior, in order to set your tripod and the exposure. This way you will not waste any time when the fireworks actually start.

Tips & Tricks

Photographing Childern Be a Child

The most common mistake most photogrphy make is,not understanding their subject.In order to get the desired photographs,it is imporatant to think like a kid and see what pleases them. Children are usually very choosy while picking friends.Once you have built a rapport,it becomes easier for the child to trust you and let you make pictures of them.

Utilising the Burst Mode

Let Them Explore

Never force the enviroment onto children since they are easily put off by control.Find a nice,well lit place where they seem to be comfortable,It could be the living room on their bedroom.Also,you may find that the child may be more inclined to set himeself up in unusual places such as under the table or the bed. Let them be.In this way,they will be more receptive to being photographed.

Whether you are photographing a single child or a Quick Tip large bunch of children,it is always advisible If you are unsure about photographing on your to shoot in the Brust mode.Children are very unpreown,get a friend along. It will be less intimidating. dictableand Brust mode would ensure that not a single moment is lost despite all the activity.In the end,you will have a wide variety of movements and expression to choose from.


Framing Them Using Various Elements

Kids are generally curious and you can capture this by framing them using objects around the house.For instance,the child could be peeking out from the grills at the window.Here,you could use the opportunity to create a frame within a frame with the grill.

Similarly,a child peecring from behind a door,looking out from under the sheets,or even hiding behind an adlut can make for intersting photos.

The Flamboyant Spirit of Melas Get Up Close And Personal

Meals are a great place to find extravagant and flamboyant costumes.While photographing the people in these costumes is imporatant,you can even make up vibrate close-up photos of the costumes themselves. This applies to the variety of colorful products sold at the different stalls as well.Real beauty lies in intricacy and this can only be captured if you go close enough to your subject.Do not forgot to capture the intricate carvings and paintimgs done on the various rides.


Use Motion Blurs

Offer Equal Respect Treatall aspect of the meal equally.One performence or a stall is not better than the other.People often overlook or ignore the simple things.It could be snake charmers,snack sellers,trinket sellers or even helperes and assistants at various acts.These people are not usually photographed and often perform certian actions that make for unconventional photos. Observing them helps you capture serval moments that would otherwise havr been lost.


Meals are an excellent place to experiment with the movement.For instance,you can make colourful pictures of the ferris wheel using a slow shutterspeed.this can also be applied to other fastmoving rides such as merry-go -rounds,toy trains and so on.

Wait Till The End

Meals usually get crowded as the day progresess.

Most of the major events take place in the evening which make which makes for great not worry about losing light as events ot meals are usually well lit.

Photo Essays on the Road Planning Ahead

It is always better to reserch about the place you are visiting beforehand. Depending on the time of the year and the season, events and fairs are held accordingly. Also, keep yourself informed and regularly updated about the various activities that are scheduled to take place. This would give you an idea about the types of markets or attractions that the place has to offer. In this way you are ensuring yourself a meaningful trip. Accordingly, you can plan the rest of your journey.

Packing Essential Gear

No one can stress enough upon the necessity to carry extra memory cards, batteries and a charger. A road trip is such a journey where you will end up shooting numerous photographs. Most often you will not have any place to dump them. For this reason, it is improtant to carry several memory cards. A point-and- shoot camera would be an excellent option for places and adventures where you would not want to risk damaging your SLR. Similarly, a cell phone camera would also fulfil this need.

A Common Theme Most often, you find people making several pictures of just about everything during their travels. While this is okay, it is always good t have a theme in mind. You could even emphasise a certain aspect. For instance, you could photograph all the signboards belonging to all the eateries to all the eateries and rest stops you halt at. Another idea could be photographing the different roads you encounter, may be from the rooftop of your vehicle or a tree. While doing so, you can always add to it by photographing the people you come across at these stops. Keeping a theme in mind would also help you have a clear mind in terms of what you want to photograph.

Being Carefree and Candid

Aviod stressing yourself over getting the prefect photograph. Let your subjects and the environment speak for themselves. Do not stage a particular shot or force yourself to shoot. Give your photographs the chance to speak of the wonderful adventures and people you have encountered. Do remember that your photographs do not have to look polished. It is alright for them to have a rustic, rushed and informal feel.

Quick Tip

Place the camera at your hip level to get a new perspective.


Round in Circles


Twist,twirl and swirl. Dance and let your camera do a routine too. The results will surely surpries you.

ften beginners fret over the technicalities of photography.But whena techiniquee is as fun as radial blurs,the technicalities can be kept aside.Similar to camera chake,the only difference in radicl blur is that here the camera is moved in a circular motion while releasing the shutter.

The Technique : The technique is quite simple.A slow

Making Most Of Radial Blur : Just like camera shake,landscapes,treesand

people are good subject for radial blurs too.However ,you can break this norm and try shooting still life and even architectural elements.Since the moton of the blur is circular,look for objectand even patterns that are in the shape of a cricle.These couldbe a fan on the celling aflower,alamp in the shape of a circle and so on.

shutterspeed of 1/2sec to 1/15sec should do the trick. Depending upon the amount of radial blur you want visible in the picture,experiment with different shutterspeeds in this range. And as soon as you have pressed the shutter button ,trun your camera in a circular motion.


Look out for objects or patterns that are in the shape of a circle. Quick Tip : Keep an eye on any distracting elements in the background while shooting a blur photograph.

Mobility Redefined

We expanded our award-winning Fastpack series with a new, purpose-built design for multimedia photographers who need to move quickly and efficiently with their gear.DSLR Video Fastpack AW. This flexible series provides a comfortable and protective solution that easily converts from DSLR mode to video mode to capture stills, video and sound. Price Starting fromRs.5,999/-



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