What Is Magnesium Oil You May Ask? Magnesium oil also known as transversal oil. It is a mixture of magnesium chloride in water and almost all magnesium chloride comes from the ocean. It is mainly used as supplements to combat hypomagnesaemia or also known as magnesium deficiency. When sprayed on the body it feels a little oily on the skin and it should be used daily for effective results. Magnesium is a part of the overall wellness of the body. The irony of the fact that many people are deficient in this vital element that the body needs for vital reactions. Each small cell in the body needs this element in some way and is important for the bone and the tooth in particular. Causes of Magnesium Deficiency.
In our busy lives we don’t get the proper nutrition that our body needs causing deficiencies.
The modern diet of processed foods is magnesium and nutrient deficient.
Digestive and gastronomical problems result in poor magnesium absorption.
Excessive diarrhea or vomiting.
Alcohol consumption has also been linked to magnesium deficiency.
Uses of Magnesium oil 1. Magnesium oil is a natural substance; it can be used on the body and poured into baths and can be used during relaxing foot baths. 2. It is enriched with benefits better than the world of medicine. 3. Magnesium oils are so important that having the deficiency is associated with lack of appetite, personality changes, and in severe cases heart disorder.
4. Continuous use of the oil has been found to reduce low blood sugar, fatigue, type 2 diabetes, chronic pains, reducing symptoms of asthmatic attacks and insomnia. 5. It is being used widely by therapists at healing centers all around the world. 6. Cramps, fatigue, muscle cramps are signs that show that you might have low magnesium in your body. 7. One of the biggest benefit of magnesium oils is relieve you from pains like muscle cramps and fibromyalgia. 8. Magnesium oil has shown speedy recovery from athletic injuries. 9. It reduces and controls inflammation while giving quicker new tissues; it gives flexibility and thus prevents injuries. It helps digest proteins, carbohydrates and fats. 10.It is beneficial for people with baldness, when it is applied on the scalp it removes excess of calcium from the hair follicles and regenerates hair growth. Signs of magnesium deficiency are headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, acid reflux, allergies, arthritis, blood clots , craving for salt and chocolate, constipation , erectile dysfunction, menstrual problems , gout , hypertension ( high blood pressure ), nervous problems like anxiety , panic attacks , confusion , irritability , tooth decay ,ADHD, aching muscles and joints ,asthma ,lack of energy ,seizures ,kidney disease , kidney stones ,weakens immune system ,muscle cramps and weakness . Magnesium oil is a simple and effective solution for correcting magnesium deficiency. The benefits of magnesium oil are numerous thus making this oil miraculous and worth the hype. So you should have it as part of your diet as early as possible. For more information please visit http://radiantlightnutrition.com/