Cleanse Recipes and Checklist

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Recipes Apple Sauce 4 apples 4 tablespoons Coconut Oil (Nutiva Brand blended with a small amount of hot kanga water to liquefy) 1 tablespoon Flax Oil 1 tablespoon Cinnamon Heat Kanga water and mix just enough to liquefy Coconut oil first, and then blend the cut up apples and other ingredients until smooth.

Vinegar Cider ½ cup Cider Vinegar Fill quart jar rest of the way with fresh organic apple juice.

Green Soup 4 tablespoons Coconut oil (Nutiva Brand blended with a small amount of hot kanga water to liquefy) ½ Organic Dandelion Greens 2 Organic Carrots 1 Organic Avocado ½ bunch Organic Cilantro ½ bunch Organic Parsley (not Italian) ½ Organic Cucumber 2 gloves Organic Garlic ½ Organic Burdock Root 5 tablespoons Organic Garbanzo Bean Miso Paste ½ tablespoon Organic Cayenne Pepper ½ tablespoon Celtic Sea Salt Heat Kanga water and mix just enough to liquefy Coconut oil first, then blend the hardest ingredients first then when those are finely blended at the softer ingredients until smooth.

Electrolyte Lemonade 3 Organic Lemons (yellow skin removed, white pith intact) 3 tablespoons Flax Oil 1 tablespoon Celtic Sea Salt 6 cups Kanga Water 6 tablespoons Organic Raw Honey, Maple Syrup or Liquid Stevia Root. Sweeten to taste. (3 tablespoons if dried Stevia is used) Blend all ingredients well in blender. This is a healing and remarkably refreshing beverage. The

lemon and oil detoxify while boosting imunity. Citrus pectin restores absorption of fats. Add other fruits to enhance flavor, such as peach or apple. This is an excellent beverage for keeping the bowls moving. Makes 1 pitcher

Hemp Chowder 4 tablespoons Coconut Oil (Nutiva Brand blended with a small amount of hot kanga water to liquefy) 1 ½ cup Hemp Seeds 2 cloves Organic Garlic ½ Organic Red Pepper Sprinkle Organic Turmeric Sprinkle Celtic Sea Salt

Hemp Milk 4 tablespoons Coconut Oil (Nutiva Brand blended with a small amount of hot kanga water to liquefy) 1 quart Kanga Water 1 tablespoon Organic Cinnamon 2 tablespoons Organic Raw Honey, Maple Syrup or Liquid Stevia Root. Sweeten to taste. (1 tablespoon if dried Stevia is used) Blend with 1 quart of Kanga Water

Shopping List The Shopping list is created for the above basic recipes of the cleanse.

All Organic Only Apples – 8 – Pink Ladies are a fine choice 1 gallon Apple Juice 1 quart Apple Cider Vinegar Coconut Oil (Nutiva Brand) Cinnamon Agave Syrup or Real Maple Syrup or Stevia Celtic Sea Salt Chick Pea Miso Paste (no other substitute) 1 Burdock Root 1 bunch Parsley (not Italian) 1 bunch Cilantro 1 Cucumber

1 Avocado Fresh Garlic Cayenne Pepper 1 bunch carrots (sweet =small and thin) 1 Red Pepper 4 quart size glass Jars

More Recipes These recipes are to add variety to the cleanse, again only organic should be purchased.

"HOT" CREAM OF CAULIFLOWER SOUP 1/2 cup carrot juice 1/2 cup Almond Milk (see Beverages) 2 1" slices of ginger, juiced (or to taste) 1 small cauliflower, chopped (approx. 2-3 cups) 1/2 avocado 2 oz. hot filtered water (optional) 1 tsp. garam masala 1 tsp. curry powder 1 tsp. red bell pepper powder 1) In a juicer, make the carrot and ginger juice. 2) Put the juices into the blender with the Almond Milk and all the other ingredients, except the hot water, and blend well. After the soup is well blended, add in the hot water, blend briefly and serve "hot." The addition of the hot water makes this into a warm soup. Serves 2. Serve with Macaroon Chews (see Recipe Index) and you'll think you're in exotic India!

GREEN POWER SOUP 2 cups cucumber juice 2 1/2 cups Marinated Collard Ribbons* (see below) 1/4-1/2 avocado (If you're on a reducing diet, use only 1 or 2 tbsp. to cream it up a bit) 1/4-1/2 lemon, juiced 1 garlic clove 1-2 tsp. mellow white miso (optional) 1) Prepare the cucumber juice in a juicer, then put it into a blender with all the rest of the ingredients and blend to a creamy consistency. 2) Any sprouts which you have on hand, such as lentils, wild rice, mung beans, etc. can be spooned on top of the soup before serving. Serves 1 or 2. Best when eaten freshly made.

VARIATION: Instead of the cucumber juice, you could use a combination of celery and zucchini juice or you could use chard stem or collard stem juice. Chard and collard stems are the thick stalk or rib in the middle of the leaf. NOTE: If you're using the soup as part of a body cleansing process, eliminate the miso. *This also works with marinated kale, red and green chard ribbons, and beet tops (separately or combined). It is not absolutely necessary to marinate the leaves in order to make the soup. I usually use the leaves as they come, but marinating is suggested here because most people are not accustomed yet to the raw taste.

MARINATED COLLARD RIBBONS 1 bunch collard greens SIMPLE MARINADE: 1-1 1/2 tbsp. olive oil and flaxseed oil mixed 1/2-1 lemon or lime, juiced 1 tbsp. Nama Shoyu or a sprinkle of Celtic sea salt 1) Wash the collard greens and cut out the stems or ribs which go almost all the way down the middle of the leaf (save for juicing). 2) Lay the collard leaves one on top of the other and then fold in half and roll the whole bunch into a tight roll. Starting at one end of the roll, cut into very thin slivers. Put the resulting ribbons into a large bowl. Add the marinade and toss until all the ribbons are well coated. Cover the greens and let marinate in the refrigerator overnight. Serves 2. Keeps for 2-3 days in the refrigerator. ALTERNATIVE: You could weigh down the greens by covering them first with some parchment paper and then putting a heavy weight on top of them, such as a half gallon plastic or glass water jug filled with water. Or you could use three heavy plates directly on top. The weight helps the marinade penetrate into the leaves to soften them up. Marinate overnight. SERVING SUGGESTIONS: Add sprouted, blanched, dehydrated almonds, red bell pepper julienne, and diced onions, shallots or scallions. Toss. Add mellow white miso mixed with a little water and pressed garlic. Toss. Use in Green Power Soup recipe. NOTE: This is one of my favorite recipes, I could eat a ton of it and do! It's a good way to get greens into your diet. Check out the Down Home Greens recipe also. *This recipe also works well with red and green chard leaves, kale and beet tops. Wild leafy plants, such as leaf amaranth (callaloo) and lamb's-quarter, etc. can be chopped and mixed with the marinade for a delicious alternative to cultivated vegetables.

REFRESHING FRUIT SOUP 1/3 of a pineapple 1 bunch grapes 1 apple

1 tomato 1/2 lemon or lime TOPPING: any of the nut or seed yogurts - try Macadamia Cream. 1) Put all of the fruit through a juicer. Serve with or without a dollop of seed yogurt. Serves 2. Keeps for 2 days in the refrigerator.

Acid-forming Foods (Avoid entirely while on a cleanse) Alcohol All processed foods with wheat or “white” flour Black pepper Bottled salad dressings All Bread Cake Canned and frozen food Chocolate Cigarettes Coffee Complaining Cooked grains, except Millet and Quinoa Dairy (butter, cheese, ice cream, milk, etc.) Distilled vinegar Eggs Foods cooked with oils Fruits that have been glazed or sulfured Meat, fish, birds, shellfish Nuts, seeds and legumes Pasta Popcorn Processed cereals Processed milks (soy, rice, almond, oatmeal) Salt Soda crackers Soft drinks Sugar Tea (except herbal, caffeine free tea) Tofu and soy products

Alkaline-forming Foods (Consume freely)

(Studies have shown that organically grown produce has as much as 300% more minerals and total nutrition than commercially grown produce. Health cannot be maintained without an adequate supply of minerals.) All fresh fruits All raw vegetables All salad greens All sprouts — grains*, beans*, seeds, nuts* Apple cider vinegar (raw) Dates Dried apricots Dried figs Appreciation Dulse Fresh or dried seasoning herbs Fresh, raw juice Fun Grapefruit — Do not mix citrus or melons with any other foods. Herbal Teas — no caffeine. Honey* Joy Maple Syrup, organic Melons Millet* Molasses Lima Beans* Potatoes* Quinoa* Raisins Raw, cold-pressed, organic olive oil Raw, cold-pressed, organic flax seed oil

*These foods will slow down the cleansing process, reduce the amount of plaque removed and therefore should be limited.

Mother Earth has some of the most incredible store house of natural remedies and we need to learn how to use them again. The herbs listed below are recommended for their healing properties. Please use these herbs under a physicians consent if you are not familiar with herbal healing. DO NOT use any of these herbs if you are or think you may be pregnant. Children should use herbal remedies only with the consent of your physician. Under no circumstances do herbal remedies replace a physicians care. ALFALFA AKA: Buffalo grass, Chilean clover RX: leaves (not sprouts) in infusions, tablets and capsules Alfalfa leaves have wonderful healing powers that can prevent heart disease, lower cholesterol and help prevent strokes Warnings: Alfalfa seed should never be ingested as they contain high levels of amino acid canavanine. Some chemicals in alfalfa can also destroy red blood cells and people with anemia should use caution when ingesting it. ALLSPICE AKA: Clove pepper, pimento, Jamaican pepper RX: cooking, oil for toothache, infusion for digestive aid Allspice is used as a digestive aid, anesthetic, and pain reliever and has been used to treat flatulence and diabetes. Warnings: Allspice oil should never be swallowed as it can cause nausea, vomiting, and even convulsions. The oil can also be irritating when applied externally to people with sensitive skin or those with eczema. ALOE AKA: Socrotrine, cape, curaiao, Barbados, Zanzibar aloe RX: cut mature (lower) leaves for burns, scalds, sunburns, or cosmetic benefits Aloe is one of the most widely used herbs for burns, scalds, sunburns, scrapes and an infection fighter. It can also be used to smooth and beautify skin. Warnings: Aloe latex is a very powerful laxative and may cause severe cramps and diarrhea. It should never be ingested by pregnant women as it may cause miscarriage. ANISE AKA: aniseed, sweet cumin RX: infusion of seeds, tinctures It has been used as a cough remedy, digestive aid and contains chemicals similar to estrogen, which may help with menopausal discomforts, and has been known to treat some cases of prostrate cancer. Warnings: if your doctor has advised you not to use birth control pills then you should seek the advice of a physician before using this herb. BASIL AKA: sweet basil, St. josephwort RX: tincture or infusion for acne and general infection fighting It has been used to treat intestinal parasites, acne and stimulates the immune system Warnings: Test have shown that basil may contain a chemical that has cured liver tumors in mice, although the cancer risks remain unclear and not even the most conservative herb critics advise caution when using it.

BAY AKA: sweet bay, green bay, laurel, Grecian or roman laural RX: fresh leaves for wounds, infusion , tincture bay is not only used as a bug repellant, but has been known to soothe sore joints, treat infections and when added to a bath may help with relaxation. Warnings: external uses of bay should be avoided if you have sensitive skin as it may cause a rash CARAWAY AKA: carum RX: seeds in food, oil, infusion of seeds, tincture Two chemicals in caraway seeds have been known to soothe the digestive tract and to help expel gas. It may also be used for relief of menstrual cramps due to the fact that caraway might relax the uterus. Warnings: none CATNIP AKA: catnip, catswort, catmint, field balm RX: infusion of flowers and leaves (for you not your cat ) When used in teas, it is considered a cold and cough remedy because it relieves chest congestion and lessens phlegm. Warnings: some people may experience upset stomach but catnip is considered non toxic CHAMOMILE AKA: chamomile, anthemis, matricaria, ground apple RX: infusion or tincture of flowers, herbal bath This herb is a highly used cure all and every household should seriously consider having it around. It has been used externally to treat wounds and inflammations, and internally for indigestion and ulcers. Chamomile is also used to relieve menstrual cramps, arthritis and is an effective sedative. Warnings: People who have previously suffered anaphylactic reactions from ragweed should think twice about using this herb as well as its close relative yarrow. Large amounts have caused some nausea and vomiting. CHICORY AKA: endive, chicory RX: excellent salad addition, infusion, tincture Chicory is most commonly used to reduce the bitter taste of caffeine in coffee. It aids in cleansing the urinary tract, digestion, a mild laxative and is also taken for rheumatic conditions and gout/ Warnings: none CINNAMON AKA: Ceylon cinnamon, Saigon cinnamon, cassia RX: infusion of powdered herb, sprinkle on cuts and scrapes for treatment Cinnamon is used for infection prevention, pain relief, a digestive aid and may help calm the uterus Warnings: when put on the skin may cause redness and burning CLOVE AKA: caryophyllus, clavos RX: oil , infusion

It has been used for toothaches, oral hygiene, a digestive aid and an infection fighter. It is also used to treat hernia, ringworm and athletes foot. Warnings: Children under the age of 2 should never be given clove for medicinal purposes. The oil may cause upset stomach when taken internally and rash when used externally. CORIANDER AKA: cilantro, Chinese parsley RX: infusion of sees Used for indigestion, flatulence , and diarrhea and externally for muscle and joint pains. Warnings: if coriander cause minor discomforts such as upset stomach use less or stop using it. CRANBERRY AKA: n/a RX: juice Used for urinary tract infections, incontinence, high vitamin C content Warnings: none DANDELION AKA: wild endive, lions tooth, piss-in-bed RX: #1 recommended salad addition, leaf infusion, root decoction, tincture, add to a bath for prevention of yeast infection Used for PMS, weight loss, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, cancer prevention, yeast infection, digestive aid Warnings: may cause skin rash in sensitive cases. If dandelions causes stomach problems use less or stop using it. DILL AKA: n/a RX: chew seeds for fresh breath, infusion or tincture, add to bath In addition to its preservative action, Dill is an infection fighter and soothing digestive aid. Used for stomach problems, flatulence, urinary tract infections Warnings: may cause rash in sensitive people ECHINACEA AKA: coneflower, purple coneflower RX: tincture of the roots The #1 best kept secret of the west. This is our #1 recommended herb due to its high immune system boost. Echinacea kills wide variety of disease causing viruses mad bacteria , it fights infection and strengthens tissue. It may prevent infection by seriously boosting ones immune system. It is known to help the body in the fighting of colds and flu. It is a treatment for yeast infections and actually can reduce the future onset of. It helps preserve white blood cells, is a confirmed healer as it prevents germs from penetrating tissues and may have anti-arthritic properties. It is simply the most productive herb of them all. Warnings: often causes ones tongue to tingle this is not harmful EUCALYPTUS AKA: gum tree, blue gum, Australian fever tree RX: boil leaves as an inhalant, oil on cuts and scrapes, infusion from leaves, add leaves to bath

Eucalyptol is the chemical that gives eucalyptus its healing properties. It loosens phlegm, kills influenza and may help bronchitis. An effective treatment for minor cuts and scrapes and it even repels cockroaches. Warnings: do not ingest eucalyptus oil, it is highly poisonous!!. Fatalities have been reported from ingestion of as little as a teaspoon. KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN! FENNEL AKA: finocchio, carosella, Florence fennel RX: chew seeds for a digestive aid, infusion, tincture Fennel relaxes the smooth muscle lining of the digestive tract and also helps expel gas. Used in Germany for infant colic. Traditionally used to stimulate the uterus into menstruation. This herb may also help fight prostate cancer. Warnings: Since fennel has an estrogenic effect do not use if you are using birth control pills, have a history of abnormal clotting , or estrogen dependant breast tumors. Do NOT ingest fennel oil, seeds are fine but the oil may cause nausea, vomiting or possible seizures. FEVERFEW AKA: febrifuge plant, wild quinine, bachelor's button RX: chew leaves for migraine control, remade pills and tablets also work well for headaches, infusion, tincture Got a headache maybe a chronic migraine? Feverfew may well be your answer. Seventy percent of patients in scientific studies show a significant improvement in their migraine headaches even when standard medical treatment showed no results. Also traditionally used for gynecological purposes. This herb may reduce high blood pressure and is a great digestive aid after meals. Warnings: may cause sores inside mouth, do not take if you have a clotting disorder. Remember that feverfew does not cure migraines, it suppresses them. GARLIC AKA: stinking rose, heal-all, poor man's treacle RX: use cloves in cooking, crush and encapsulate or use pre made tablets, infusion, tincture Garlic is the worlds second oldest medicine, and is the traditional "wonder drug". Many people don't realize that an onion has almost as much medicinal value as garlic does. Battle wounds in WWI were treated with garlic juice. Recommended for colds, coughs, flu, fever, bronchitis, ringworm, intestinal worms, elevated cholesterol, and general internal organ problems. No standard medication can match Garlic on the cardiovascular scale. Garlic DEFINITELY reduces blood pressure, cholesterol and reduces internal clots which can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Garlic reduces blood sugar and therefore helps diabetes sufferers. It may help eliminate lead and heavy metals in the blood steam , has helped leprosy patients, fights cancer, helps aids patients Warnings: Allergy sufferers may develop a rash from touching or eating the herb. If this is the case, discontinue use. If you have a clotting disorder consult a physician before using. GINGER AKA: Asian, African, American ginger RX: cooking, capsules for motion sickness, tea, infusion, or ginger ale for digestive aid This herb helps with motion and morning sickness. It is very good digestive aid, may ease menstrual cramps, help arthritis, is traditionally used in the orient for colds and flu and is excellent for reducing cholesterol, lowering blood pressure and preventing internal blood clots. Warnings: Large doses might cause miscarriage although their are no scientific reports backing this up.

GINKGO AKA: maiden hair tree RX: leaves brewed as tea, infusion The earth's oldest tree, it's given that this herb helps the elderly the most. Ginkgo increases blood flow to the brain which can help prevent strokes and heart attacks, improve memory, help impotence and chronic dizziness. It is also known to help with macular degeneration (blindness), circulation, asthma, tinnitus and deafness. A fine example of the need to preserve the earth's natural resources. Warnings: Do not use if you have a clotting disorder, do not take in very large amounts as diarrhea, vomiting and irritability can occur. GINSENG AKA: root of immortality, man root, life root, seng seng RX: it is very important to use mature roots (over 6 years old) Use root powder capsules or tablets This herb helps the bodies resistance, boosts the immune system, lowers cholesterol, lowers blood sugars, reduces heart attacks, protects the liver, helps the appetite and helps cancer patients with radiation therapy. HOREHOUND AKA: marrubium, hoarhound, white horehound RX: flowers and leaves in infusion or tincture for cough remedy A popular herbal cough remedy and expectorant for almost 2000 years, horehound is good for minor respiratory problems such as cough , colds and bronchitis Warnings: those with heart disease should not take this herb HYSSOP AKA: n/a RX: flowers and leaves as a compress for cold sores and genital herpes, infusion, tincture Hyssop inhibits the growth of herpes simplex virus. Scientists agree it is a "reasonably effective" treatment for cough and irritation of colds and flu. Warnings: do not use if pregnant !!! always positively identify herbs you use. H. Officinalis is the correct herb JUNIPER AKA: geneva, genvrier RX: infusion of berries The source of gin, this herb also increases urine production ( a diuretic) - making it a treatment for PMS, high blood pressure and congestive heart failure. Recommended for arthritis. Warnings: Long term use can cause kidney damage. If you have a kidney infection or kidney problems you should not use this herb. One third of hay fever sufferers develop allergy symptoms from exposure to Juniper. KELP AKA: fucus, seawrack, cutweed, bladderwrack, wakame, hijiki, kombue, arame RX: take tablets (herb is unpleasant), infusion A natural source of iodine, now known as a radiation protector, protection form heavy metals, reducer of heart disease and an infection fighter. Warnings: none

LAVENDER AKA: English lavender RX: flowers in bath, general aromatherapy The all time fragrant herb, lavender makes a great bath addition. The Greeks and Romans bathed in lavender scented water and it was from the Latin word, Lavo (to wash) that the herb took its name. While not technically a medicinal herb, the calming properties of its aroma are well founded. Warnings: none MARIJUANA AKA: weed, cannibus, pot , dope etc. RX: smoked dried, added to salads fresh The much debated and scolded Cannabis, marijuana has shown positive effects on cancer, aids and glaucoma. So effective on aids patients from its ability to increase a persons appetite as well as relieving nausea allowing patients to regain weight. Marijuana reportedly helps glaucoma patients by reducing ocular pressure which can cause damage to the eye. It is the most effective treatment for chronic nausea. It is not physically addictive. Warnings: Coughing, asthma, upper respiratory problems, difficulty with short term memory loss, racing heart, agitation, confusion, paranoia, possible psychological dependence. MARJORAM AKA: knotted marjoram RX: sprinkle dried powdered herb on cold sores or genital herpes, infusion or tincture for its stomach soothing potential An excellent digestive aid and herpes fighter, this is one of the most confused herbs on the planet. The oregano on your spice rack may be marjoram! All marjoram spices are called oregano but only a few of the fifty kinds are ever called marjoram. Warnings: none MINT AKA: numerous kinds of mint RX: peppermint oil for wounds, burns etc., infusion of any dried mint for decongestant, tincture The after dinner mint soothes the stomach. Peppermint produces menthol. Menthol is a key anesthetic (eg. BEN GAY), the vapors are an incredible decongestant, is germicidal and helps morning sickness a great deal. Those wishing to alleviate morning sickness should use only diluted tea concentrations for reasons shown below. Peppermint is a hybrid of spearmint and is the more potent due to the high menthol factor. Spearmint contains Carvone in comparison to menthol. While not nearly as effective, spearmint is much safer. Warnings: on rare occasions the fragrance of mint oil has caused gagging in children. Pure menthol, ingested , is poisonous. A teaspoon can be fatal. Do not ingest peppermint oil or menthol. MISTLETOE AKA: lignum crucis, herbe de la croix, viscum RX: leaves in diluted infusion, tincture for high blood pressure Mistletoe, the kissing plant, has the ability to slow the pulse, lower blood pressure and stimulate gastrointestinal and uterine contractions Warnings: should be administered only by a qualified herbal/medicinal doctor. TWO BERRIES CAN KILL A CHILD. Keep away from children. This herb is highly toxic. Pregnant women should not use it. This herb is

known (unfortunately) for its abortion inducing properties. The amount needed to induce abortion is enough to kill you! MYRRHA AKA: balsamodendron RX: steep powdered herb for mouthwash, infusion, tincture Myrrha makes an excellent mouthwash, toothpaste and fights bacteria Warnings: large amounts may have violent laxative action. NETTLE AKA: stinging nettle, common nettle, greater nettle RX: process plant matter in juicer, infusion, tincture An effective cure for gout, nettle is also good fiord the symptoms of hay fever, scurvy, PMS, and helps heart patients. Warnings: USE GLOVES when dealing with this plant or you will regret it. nature protects its own. Large doses of nettle tea may cause stomach irritation. OREGANO (see marjoram) PARSLEY AKA: rock selinon RX: a few sprigs for fresh breath, infusion of leaves and seeds, tincture The seeds and the leaves of this plant contain the oil that is known to curb high blood pressure, help with fever, freshen breath, help with allergies and help heart patients. Warnings: do not use to promote weight loss PEPPER, RED AKA: hot peppers, most of the pepper family including bell pepper RX: cooking, infusion It is a good digestive aid, can relieve infectious diarrhea ( can bring on noninfectious diarrhea if too many hot peppers are ingested), helps chronic pain when used externally, is the best shingles reliever, helps headaches, and tastes great! Warnings: can burn the eyes, mouth and skin ROSEMARY: AKA: rosemarine, incensier RX: cooking, tea, infusion, tincture In ancient times people wrapped their meat with rosemary to prevent spoilage. Rosemary is a natural preservative. Rosemary can prevent food poisoning, is a digestive aid, is a good decongestant and can kill bacteria. If you enjoy using rosemary in your cooking, use more! Warnings: do not ingest rosemary oil, in large amounts, poisoning can occur SAFFRON AKA: Spanish saffron RX: 12 to 15 stigmas per cup of boiling water Since it takes 75,000 flowers to make one pound of saffron, this herb is very expensive. Heart attack patients may actually save money using this as it is much cheaper than some clot dissolving drugs

injected to treat heart attack. It can help to control some risk factors for heart disease. It also reduces cholesterol, de-clogs the arteries and lowers blood pressure. Warnings: unless you are pregnant , just the high cost SAGE AKA: all types of sage RX: crushed leaves for cuts and wounds, infusion of dried leaves, tincture Sage is the premiere anti-perspirant, cutting perspiration by up to 50 percent. it is a great fighter against infection, a good preservative, a digestive aid, can reduce blood sugar and helps a sore throat. And its flavor in meats and sausage is unrivaled! Warnings: rare cases of inflammation of the lips and lining of the mouth. Sage oil should not be ingested. SAVORY AKA: white time, bean herb RX: infusion of leaves for childhood colds A great culinary herb, savory has great soothing properties for children, it is a great expectorant and digestive aid and is subtle enough for use with children. Warnings: none SKULLCAP AKA: Quaker bonnet, mad dog weed, hoodwort, helmet flower RX: use leaf infusion for tranquilizing effects European medical experts now except skullcap's potential usefulness as a tranquilizer and sedative, and it is used in many commercial sleep preparations that are widely available in Europe. Warnings: large doses may result in confusion, giddiness, twitching, and possible convulsions TARRAGON AKA: dragon herb, estragon, French or Russian tarragon RX: chew fresh leaves for a toothache, apply fresh leaves to cuts and wounds, infusion of leaves, tincture A wonderful treatment for toothaches, tarragon is a great anesthetic and prevents infections Warnings: those with history of cancer should not use this herb TEA AKA: green tea, black tea RX: typical leaf infusion From the orient, to the UK, tea is widely used for its calming effects. Tea includes stimulants that help colds, congestion, asthma, diarrhea, tooth decay and help prevents tissue damage form radiation therapy. Tea only grows in India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia and is imported around the world. Green tea is simply dried leaf, black tea is dried and then fermented. Warnings: caffeine addiction, problems associated with caffeine THYME AKA: mother of thyme, common, wild, creeping, wooly RX: fresh leaves for cuts and wounds, tincture for antiseptic, infusion of leaves for the stomach. As well as a culinary delight, thyme fights several disease causing bacteria and viruses. It is a good digestive aid, helps menstrual cramps and is a great cold remedy. Germany uses it today to treat whoop, whooping cough and emphysema.

Warnings: do not ingest thyme oil, it can lead to headache, nausea, vomiting, weakness, thyroid impairment and heart and respiratory depression VALERIAN AKA: phu, heal-all, garden valerian RX: infusion of root for sedative properties, tincture The quite smelly and pungent valerian is a powerful sedative that was even listed as a tranquilizer in the National Formulary in 1950. A great replacement for users of valium, valerian can also reduce high blood pressure. Warnings: large doses may cause headache, giddiness, blurred vision, restlessness, nausea and morning grogginess VERVAIN AKA: Indian hyssop, blue vervain, verbena, enchanters herb RX: infusion, tincture Take two vervain and call me in the morning is how it should be said. Vervain is a great substitute for aspirin as it has similar effects. Vervain outside of being a very mild laxative is mainly used for mild pain relief. Warnings: anyone with a history of heart problems should not use this herb WITCH HAZEL AKA: hammamelis, snapping hazelnut, winterbloom RX: astringent decoction of leaves and twigs, astringent gargle A primary astringent in the herbal world, Witch hazel has antiseptic, anesthetic, astringent and antiinflammatory properties. The clear, pungent extract is a standard for cuts, bruises, hemorrhoids and sore muscles. It is one of this nation's most widely used healing herbs. It is much better to find fresh herb then rely on commercial products containing it. Warnings: may be used externally on anyone but dilute for children YARROW AKA: bloodwort, nose bleed, thousand weed, milfoil, soldiers woundwort RX: use fresh leaves and flowers for cuts and scrapes, infusion for calming and menstrual easing effects, tincture An excellent wound treatment, yarrow has many healing properties, is a good digestive aid, helps menstrual cramps and is a good sedative Warnings: large doses may turn urine brown, this is not harmful.

Beets Famous for their ability to cleanse the blood, beets contain calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, choline, beta-carotene, and vitamin C. Beets are also high in minerals that strengthen the liver and gall bladder, and are the building blocks for blood corpuscles and cells. Beet greens are excellent for salads and juicing. Beet greens are a good source of carotenoids that help in the prevention of all types of cancers. They are high in manganese, an important mineral for brain function.

Beet juice is very concentrated. Do not drink it alone. Dilute with a milder juice such as carrot or apple. Beet juice has been proven therapeutic in the treatment of leukemia and cancer. In a clinical trial, twenty-two patients with advanced inoperable cancers were given 10 oz. of beet juice daily for 3 to 4 months. Twenty-one of these patients showed marked improvement in health. Beets cause the stool to turn red and may give the urine a reddish tinge. When juicing beets, alternate between pieces of beets and pieces of carrots otherwise the beet pulp tends to build up on the side of the spinning extraction basket and causes the juicer to vibrate. Lactofermented beet juice is fermented with lacto bacillus, making it sweeter. On a juice fast, this delicious juice is like a bottle of Champagne. Purchase firm, rock-hard beets. Being a root, they can be stored for months in the refrigerator. Broccoli Broccoli is a flower top picked before it blooms. It is dense in nutrition, full of beta-carotene and an excellent source of fiber. Inexpensive and available all year round. It is full of vitamins B1 and C, and has a generous amount of calcium, sulfur, and potassium. Surprisingly, forty-five percent of calories in broccoli are protein. The National Cancer Institute discovered a substance called inderol-3 that emulsifies estrogen, reducing the risk of breast cancer in women. Broccoli is excellent when juiced, stems and all, but like all green vegetables, it should be mixed with lighter juices such as carrot or apple. When buying broccoli, look for tight tops with no yellow, firm but not limp. Will store well for 5 days in the refrigerator. Cabbage A vegetable full of history. It was a mainstay during the great depression but unfortunately was often overcooked and garnished with fat. Cooking cabbage destroys most of its nutritious value and causes gas because of the sulfur. Raw cabbage is an excellent source of beta-carotene, sulfur, vitamin C and the trace mineral selenium, which is excellent for fighting cancer, protecting against heart disease, improving conditions of arthritis, slowing the aging process, encouraging beautiful skin and increasing male potency. Within cabbage is a delicate amino acid called glutamine. This is excellent for healing stomach disorders, including ulcers. When making cabbage juice, it must be consumed within 60 seconds or this precious amino acid will begin to decay. If straight cabbage juice causes gas, mix with carrot and celery. Will keep up to two weeks in the refrigerator. Carrots Deep within the soils of the earth grows a golden root that has amazed nutritionists and scientists alike in its powerful healing qualities. One 8-oz. glass of carrot juice contains 20,000 mg. of vitamin A. Toxicity can occur when vitamin A is taken in supplement form or in fish oil, but is completely safe in the vegetable form. Vitamin A is an antioxidant that is able to attach to free radicals in the body. The damaging effect of free radicals has been associated with cancer.

Carrots are a natural blast of high energy. The sugars are released more quickly than from white sugar but without the harmful effects. A mug of carrot juice in the morning will give you a competitive edge over coffee drinkers. Like all root vegetables, they are packed with minerals. Carrots are rich in organic calcium that is invaluable to bones and teeth. Inorganic calcium is almost useless to the body. The calcium in milk and white bread is inorganic and known to cause arthritis and gallstones. Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin C, including most of the B complex, iron, potassium, phosphorus, and sodium. Carrots are easy to digest and cause the liver to release bile and excessive accumulated cholesterol. They also have an alkalizing effect on the blood, soothing the entire nervous system and toning intestinal walls. Carrot juice is the best base for vegetable juice combinations. It is delicious, sweet and readily accepted by children. Our family can go through a 50-lb. bag every two weeks. Carrot juice is considered the golden juice of healing. Even drinking a few glasses a day has healed many infirmities without fasting. During fasting, its healing effect is increased. Carrot juice helps in cleansing the liver. Drinking large amounts may cause the harmless effect of a slight yellowish color of the skin. Skin will feel velvety soft. The beta-carotene present in the skin is a natural protector for the common skin cancer, melanoma. Also, the slight yellowing of the skin can make a tan look deeper. Juicing two to five pounds of carrots a day is standard for juice fasting. Unless carrots are fresh, the juice tastes better if they are peeled. If you don't have the time to peel them, put the carrots in the sink and scrub with a brush. In purchasing carrots for juicing, your local vegetable wholesaler can supply you with large juicing carrots in 50 lb. bags at an affordable price. Carrots should be firm, smooth-skinned, without cracks or small rootlets. The brighter the orange color, the sweeter the carrots. They will keep for weeks in the refrigerator and months in a root cellar. Celery Celery is high in magnesium, iron and chlorophyll, which is an excellent blood builder and is one of the richest sources of organic sodium. Excellent for those who enjoy vigorous workouts, maintaining valuable body fluid and electrolytes. Celery juice is a superb nerve tonic. Celery juice alone tastes a little bitter and is usually mixed with carrots or apples. Great for adding a salty taste to vegetable juices. Do you have a headache? Drink a glass of celery juice. Even the ancient Greeks used celery for the universal problem of headaches. Do you live in the airpolluted inner city? Celery/apple juice is able to cleanse the body of carbon dioxide. Were you thinking of buying an air conditioner? Celery juice cools down the body and is great for hot weather. Are you on a diet and craving a Snickers bar? Celery juice helps curb the craving for sweets. Do you have a problem with muscle cramps and fatigue during workouts? The potassium/sodium balance in celery juice will be a great asset. Always leave the celery leaves on for juicing, but juice the celery last because it is stringy and clogs the juice machine. Look for firm, solid stocks with bright green leaves. Cucumber Being as cool as a cucumber comes from the fact that the internal temperature of cucumbers remains 20 degrees lower than the external temperature on a hot day. People living in the Middle East and India

have been eating cucumbers for hundreds of years as a natural coolant. When buying cucumber for juicing, look for non-waxed which allows you to juice the cucumber in its skin. Always wash vegetables thoroughly before juicing. This juice contains 40% potassium, 10% sodium, 7% calcium, 20% phosphorus and 7% choline. It is an excellent source of silicon. Cucumber is good to rub on your skin, giving it elasticity resulting in a more youthful complexion. It is suspected to help in reducing hair loss. Cucumber juice is usually mixed with other juices. Look for firm cucumbers with a dark green, wrinkle-free skin. Will store in refrigerator for 6 days. Collards Per calorie, collards have more calcium than milk. Thirty calories of collards equaling one cup, contains an incredible 218 grams of calcium! It is twice as high in vitamin A as carrots. An excellent source of organic, highly absorbable iron, and high in chlorophyll. Look for crisp leaves, free from wilting and without spots. Fennel If you enjoy the taste of liquorice you will love fennel. This unusual vegetable looks like a fat celery plant with feathers. In fact, it is in the celery family and has much of the same nutritional qualities. Its distinct flavor really spices up a juice or salad. Some have found fennel juice good for relieving migraine headaches and overcoming night blindness. Look for a white, solid bulb with healthy leaves. Will keep in the refrigerator for one week. Garlic There are entire books written about the curative abilities of garlic. Research suggests that it reduces blood pressure, helps with the problem of blood clotting, lowers the LDL (which increases bad cholesterol), boosts the immune system and encourages recovery in heart attack victims. Garlic's famous smell comes from allicin, which inhibits bacterial growth and fungus. It also helps with an overgrowth of yeast in the body and is used in treating candida. Therefore, do not use odorless garlic pills. If they don't smell, they don’t work. Garlic increases the flow of digestive enzymes and encourages detoxification through the skin. Despite the odor, garlic is good for you. Throwing a clove of garlic in your vegetable juice every day will be excellent for your health; nonetheless, it may reduce your social life. One clove in the juicer is enough. Five cloves will encourage a life of solitude, unless you can educate all your friends, family and people within a thirty-foot radius of the incredible properties of fresh raw garlic juice! Ginger Root If you feel a cold coming on, or if you have a bout of laryngitis, juicing a small piece of gingerroot with your carrots is a perfect solution. Great for making ginger tea or spicing up herbal tea. For ginger tea, throw slices in boiling water to taste. Kale Has a similar nutritional quality to its close relative the cabbage. Kale is an excellent source of calcium. Look for solid, deep green leaves. Will store in refrigerator for 5 days. Lettuce

Iceberg lettuce or head lettuce is useless. You might as well drink a glass of water for the same amount of nutritional value. Conversely, the leaves of romaine, Boston, Bibb or any leaf lettuce dark green in color will be rich in chlorophyll. Good source of sulfur, chlorine, silicon, B complex, all contributing to hair growth, healthy skin and defense against lung cancer. Lettuce is a wonderful addition to any vegetable juice. Adding any green, leafy vegetable to juice will add chlorophyll, which immediately enters the bloodstream. Leaves should be crisp with no dark spots. The darker green, the better. Onions Onion is in the garlic family and has many of the same therapeutic properties. Their strong flavor is attributed to a natural oil that strengthens the nervous system and encourages the growth of healthy bacteria. Large, Spanish onions are sweeter and milder in flavor, making them better for juicing. Sliced onion added to a juice mixture is excellent in helping to loosen and rid the body of excess mucus. Look for firm onions with dry, papery skins. Do not store onions in the refrigerator. Parsley Ancient civilizations have used parsley in medications, on wounds, poultices, boils, cysts and to draw the pus out of an infected cut. Parsley is one of the highest sources of life-giving chlorophyll, which acts like iron to oxidize the blood. Chlorophyll will help neutralize the strong odor of garlic and is used in chewing gum to sweeten breath. It is a cleanser of the kidneys, liver, and urinary tract. Parsley is effective for upset stomachs by stimulating digestive enzymes. Excellent for the colon by encouraging the peristaltic wave in the intestines. Parsley juice added to vegetable juices will enter directly into the bloodstream, immediately impacting your body. Flat and curly parsley has the same nutritional value. Look for healthy, dark green leaves. Parsley can be grown inside and outside the house. Will store in the refrigerator for a week. Always add parsley with other hard veggies like carrot so it will not affect the juicer. Parsley alone can be hard on a juicer. Peppers Peppers can come in many different colors. The most common is the green pepper, an unripe red pepper. Red peppers are more expensive but sweeter and higher in vitamin C. Great for the skin and swelling due to arthritis because of the high silicon content. They are an excellent addition to any vegetable juice. Juice seeds, stem and all. Look for smooth, firm, non-waxed peppers. Will keep in refrigerator for one week. Potato An excellent source of vitamin C and high in carbohydrates, potassium, calcium and iron. The most nutritious part of the potato is the skin. During World War I, a group of German soldiers, near starvation, were forced to live on raw potatoes. The soldiers with gastric disorders were relieved and cured. After the war, Dr. J. F. Magerl began treating gastric patients with raw potato juice. After 10 days of the treatment, most of the patients showed no symptoms.

Potato juice is a wonderful addition to any vegetable juice. When potatoes are juiced, a white silky paste will form on the bottom of the glass. This is potato starch and is mucus-forming with little nutritional value. Of all the vegetables, potatoes are slightly mucus-forming, but are still a valuable food, especially when juiced. Look for potatoes with eyes, revealing the fact that they are alive with enzymes, ready to sprout, given the opportunity. They should be firm, without black spots and with no green color, which can cause a slightly toxic effect. Never juice a green potato. Will keep well in a cool, dry place for a number of months. Radishes Radish added to vegetable juice will help clear sinus cavities and calm a sore throat. Spinach Never cook spinach. Oxalic acid is destroyed when heat transforms it into oxalic acid crystals that are harmful to the kidneys. It also binds to iron, making it unabsorbable. Spinach is important due to its chlorophyll content, and also supplies an abundance of nutrients such as oxalic acid, beneficial in the cleansing and healing of the intestinal tract. Spinach juice, mixed with other vegetable juices, turns the mixture brown. Although it may look unsightly, it is a beautiful sight to the cells of the body. Finding good spinach can sometimes be difficult. Look for crisp, dark green leaves. Rinse spinach well, removing sand and grit. Will store in refrigerator for only a few days, as spinach quickly becomes slimy. Sweet Potato (Yam) The darker the color, the higher in vitamin content. Sweet potatoes are one of the greatest sources of beta-carotene. They are plenteous in vitamin C, potassium, carbohydrates, calcium and a good source of fiber. History has shown that people can live exclusively on sweet potatoes and remain healthy and strong. Carrot and sweet potato juice is tasty and outstanding for complexion. Yam can be added to any fruit juice, giving the juice a smooth, milkshake-like taste. Look for firm, not too large yams that are tapered at both ends. Skin should be smooth without brown spots. Will store in the refrigerator for two weeks. Tomato Tomatoes may feel a little strange in this list because they are in fact, a fruit. But we assumed anyone looking for tomatoes would go to the Vegetable Section, so here they are. Providing tomatoes are vine-ripened, they are a high source of vitamin C. One tomato is equal to more than 50% of the recommended daily allowance. Good source of organic sodium phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, malic and oxalic acid and sulfur. The problem is that most tomatoes found in the supermarkets during the off season have the quality, taste and vitamin C content of a baseball. Vine-ripened tomatoes may cost you a little more because of the difficulty in shipping, but it is well worth the money in nutritional value. It is an absolute must to grow your own succulent, sweet tomatoes. Even if you live in an apartment, there are hybrids that have been created especially for growing in pots. We have tomato plants growing in every possible corner around our home.

Tomato juice has a wonderful taste that is quite different from store-bought juice, which is boiled and stored in cans for months. The health-giving acids in tomatoes are beneficial to the body unless heated or canned. Look for bright red, soft, sweet smelling tomatoes. They ought to be plump, heavy and filled with juice. Always buy from your local farmer, when in season. Do not juice green tomatoes that may irritate the kidneys.

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