All about love anthology

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All About Love

“Love knows no boundaries, Love knows no limits, Love is what we need, Mind, body and Spirit” #SpreadLove



This book was published by Thuthukani Ndlovu and No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic, photographic or mechanical means, which includes photocopying and recording on tape/ laser disk, on microfilm, via the internet, by email, or by any other information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission from the publisher. Copyright ŠAllAboutLove 2016

CONTENTS • • • • • • • • • •

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Message from the compiler The Lost Valentine – by Khanya Qongqo I will – by Thuthukani Ndlovu My love story – Joshua Juma Love – Clement Banda Her name – Prophetic poet Thanks to the one above – God’swill Mhombera My first wife – God’swill Mhombera On this day – Tshiamo Malatji A certain amount of darkness is needed, in order to see the stars – Zandile Jani The letters of love – Khanya Qongqo As we lay – Valentine Tusai Unaging love – Prophetic poet Anthology Contributors THE END

Message from the compiler Greetings fellow reader. I would like to thank you the time to open this book, and I hope that you reading it. This is the second publication for the and so far the response from our first publication motherland” has been overwhelming.

for taking will enjoy year 2016, “From the

This time around we decided to take advantage of a special day, known to many as Valentines day. So, this is basically a collection of love poems carefully crafted by talented poets from Zimbabwe and South Africa. This could definitely serve as a great valentines gift, but for those not into the Valentines vibe, it could still serve as a great general present. I hope you are ready for your emotions to be caressed, evoked/provoked, sparked and a whole lot of other verbs that you can think of, because these poems all talk about something related to love, but they each have their own unique element and goal. Enjoy, feel free to send your feedback to , and don’t forget to #SpreadLove . Thuthukani Ndlovu

The Lost Valentine I'm not a poet, I'm just a man who uses the words of which I never said to people and comprise them into a speech. I'm not a poet, I just express my emotions on paper I write the things I've longed to say to you And keep them there forever I say I love you a million times but you never hear it I don't know why I write instead of expressing it to you, I guess I'm afraid of what might happen after... After I tell you that I love the way you make the world stand still And let the sun dance around you, how you make the stars shine at night And let the moon reflect your beauty, How you're every man's weakness but some how your my strength, That you’re the reason why I don't want to sleep, yet so keen to wake up. That I wish to be beside you when you sleep and wake up so I never be out of your sight But you'll never hear this... So send it to the lovers like me To give them a spark of hope while suffering from the insanity of Hearing the sound of your name in the darkness, I'm in... I'm no poet, I'm just a Person Obsessed with Expressing my heart To you‌ Of which that heart was shattered and left into chandeliers after you eloped with a man and that man was not me I'm no poet, I'm just a dead chrysanthemum, a lost valentine.

@Khanya Qongqo

I WILL I will ,continue looking for you, Because I know that you are also looking for me, So when we finally meet, It will only be a matter of time, like destiny, But maybe we’ve actually met before, And I just failed to realize, Therefore I sincerely hope that when we meet again, My heart will open my eyes, For when my eyes are opened, My mind will understand Why it’s metaphorically possible For my lungs to run out of oxygen, Because your mental and physical presence Will have the ability to take my breath away, & that’s only 1 of the reasons why I will do the following… I will love you so much, That you will never, ever have to search, For another man that will love you The same way Christ love’s the church, And of-course this love will be unconditional, Because conditional love will only be bad for my health, Plus I haven’t forgotten Ephesians 5v28, So I will definitely love you the same way I love myself. I will love you for who you are, For you are like an angel, but with no wings, Your body and personality glow so beautifully, Dazzling the poorest of peasants to the richest of kings. And even with no wings, You still manage to look so fly, Because you always know how to dress, And you are a daughter of the Most High…. (Continued on the next page)

The world will call me crazy, But they don’t understand that you are the women of my dreams In person, My friends will make fun out of me, Because they don’t understand my principles, Like no sex before marriage Therefore I proudly remain a virgin, But even whilst all this happens, My love for you will remain the same, I will love you with so much faith, Hoping that one day, you, will share my last name. On a lighter note , I will try my best to express my love In any way I can As long as it’s within my means. I can’t afford a chocolate factory, but I can secretly hide your favourite chocolate underneath your pillow. I guess that’s how much I want you to have sweat dreams. I will try and do the impossible Just for you, Like try catch shooting stars with my bare hands. I guess that’s how much I want to see your wishes come true. I will love you so much, to the point that if love was a drug, I would always keep you next to me. I would need prescriptions for you would be my addiction. I would rather have a dose of your love, than a double dose of ecstasy. On a more serious note, I will be the man you need me to be, And you will be Proverbs 31. We will both be addicted to God, The Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ the Son… (Continued on the next page)

So if we still haven’t met, I will continue to look, But if we have, I can’t wait to explore your mind more like my favourite book. So until we meet again, Or for the first time, I just want you to know that, I will love you, because you are mine.

©Thuthukani Ndlovu

My love story Love is like ray Charles, blind Love is patient but we refuse to be in hospital Hospital runs out of painkillers, love hurts She says she loves me but I think she loves my potential I’m trying to turn my CRV into a Range Rover She asked me if I love her I said yes She $5000 braces I lie through my teeth She loves my body but does she love me I pray for us, my body is the temple of God God is love so I am in love She likes my watch but it’s not gold Kanye featuring Jamie fox and she’s not a gold digger I say I love you to her and she blocks all her exes I left my ex but I don’t miss her because she is not ZESA My world just brightened up I made my own ZESA Mum said there are 1000 other girls that want to date and have me I worked hard and made 1000 dollars because franklin said you have me I work on myself because I love me Why should she love me if I can’t love me Love knows no distance so I do long distance She wants my heart I told her my hut is not thatched grass burns and burns hurt and love hurts She just smiled because she knew her love is a flame

©Joshua Juma

LOVE A word that states affection Precedes devotion Defines emotion Pronounced with perfection all for pleasing a sightless mind It clouds the heart with emotion clustering the mind with pleasure It soothes the soul with sensation All for devotion but to what end? The tale is untold But it is foretold The flow is purely natural Undisturbed like a virgin river That knows not of any turbulence It blossoms like a flower that has just received the first rays of the sun Touched by nature, it grows wilder The word vividly makes it clear than crystal But calamity touches the bearer of emotions It breathes destruction and confusion upon hosts Tearing them apart creating a rift slowly and measurably it destroys the bond All relations are lost and forgotten All pleasure is abandoned Unforeseen, it all comes to a saddening end That is Love the feeling

ŠClement Banda

Her Name Skies Gave her a name. She invaded my head like Trojan Horse nerve ends Were loose ends trying to catch connection, she said her name is Helen. Beautiful sands of Rivers of life shaped her skin, Smile like shades of deformed gods looking for a vessel to occupy, then she came. Castles are decorated on the skies of unknown planets her eyes caught up with twinkles every blink gives birth to shooting star, Her bosom lent breath to blowing winds she breaths life in my devoid lungs, I live like titan brought back life, Reason for breathing came to me in Form of her smiles. Course of how eagles soar was in codes coded in her palms scrolls tossed in the skies like rain she speak in tongues like ancient drums. My heart skips a bit when her tongue unfolds the missing link. She was Victoria, false dreams never made it under her melanin. Tough as nails she a carve of rocks, it makes senses why I'm astound. Quick flexes like lighting strikes her Body movements fragile like clouds battered. She moves in steady pace to leap into Quantum space, she drives me From one stop to another entrance. CITIES like ether bow to her humble majesticness. Her Name Katrina, Temperament of typhoons stir these emotions like angry oceans burping disgust from Gossip over global warming. Her weaker left hand drawing way on shores where Minds borrow ideas, She an art form of celestial components. She sings lullaby to sons when slumber of pain is laid to rest. She extends her arms to pampered fears now courage is on her lips. (Continued on the next page)

She is called My love. I call her Nirvana, Mystery river that flows like Currents of undying paradise, She is the flame that decorate my darkness with live, I live to see her dancing her palms with the movement of my heart beats. Her name is known by Pyramids Ancient maidens gave her their innocence she restores. My innocence. She, Heaven for my Prayers Flaws are to made as Rainbows under her AMBERS. She is Ashanti, her frame decorates my Being, being born from her womb, she is time, Memories of my timeliness are under her skin like hidden civilization. She, the voice that holds my words dear, Oh Athena. Medusa, beautiful hair fibers, locks proving that wisdom is locked on fine fibers of your hair, Oh, Rocks stoned to monuments on my chest love grows on plateaus of my heart. Oh, Thalia music from my good eye Till I die. Skies call her Air Particles that proves, God an architect of ribs confining secrets. ŠProphetic Poet

Thanks To The One Above They all say I am mad But it makes me no sad For with you l am in love Thanks to the one above They say I ain't a man But it makes me no mean For its what you say that counts And their words just passing sounds Your beauty is a marvel It titilates like a romantic novel Hitting me like a physical blow Piercing my heart like an arrow from an aboriginal bow Together we will beat the odds That's why l wrote you this ode Honestly I was once a cad But now myself with loyalty I clad Caress me for the benefit of passabys As l sing you sweet lullabys The wind will inevitably join in Lets pretend this world is free from sin

©God’swill Mhombera

My First Wife

During the morning years of my life I was married to a beauty of five She had her front teeth missing And spoke with a sound like hissing We would start by playing house Before switching to cat and mouse She was the one calling the shots Making me wash imaginary pots Rewarding me with a gumful smile Wider than the river Nile Looking at another girl was an offence With a non existing defense .

©God’swill Mhombera

On This Day On this day, I found you. I will keep finding you. On this day, the ocean waved as it parted for you. The sky smiled rainbows as the earth spun just for you. Buildings developed multiple stories upon stories just to tell them to you. The trees whispered; The birds sang; The wind whistled And of all nature called you its mother And credited you for its beauty On this day, falling trees found their roots. Flowered grass sprung higher than the weeds inside of it And letters trapped in bottles were finally drunk. Souls found mates. Roses found red. True found love And all the world called you its wonder And the universe found its center. On this day, not one voice could be found not travelling to you. Every utterance of the word beauty and love was in your reference. In every painting and novel or lyric and verse, I found you. In every magnificent sound across every painted wall Along various tastes and textures, For each pump of blood and elevation of breath I could do nothing but find you. On this day, I loved you. I will keep loving you.

ŠTshiamo Malatji

A certain amount of darkness is needed... in order to see the stars Anything but typical, a sweet surprise, my kind of perfect. You standing in front of me and nothing else matters, I would be lying to myself when I say that your sudden departure was something I could handle. What was once a blank page is dampened by the ink from my mascara caused to flow from my face just by you looking into me and I know heaven didn’t justify our world? Telling me “true love never ends and love without fights is not love at all”. I feel the magnetism between us and the flames igniting as we touch. The lonely nights when I used to close my eyes, hoping to see a glimpse of your face and wondering if you think of me at all. And now I’m looking at the same stars I used to stare at right in your eyes at this very moment. All I know is you don’t want to let go of my hand anymore. And I don’t want you to. We both walked around thinking we better of alone but then that’s when reality proved that honestly we both know that when we found each other, its true when they called it dark love but that’s what made us both realise that a certain amount of darkness is needed to see the stars. “My love please don’t let me go” Now I have this ring on my finger. And with our love growing inside of me about to be a reality I know that it was not all for nothing. When you cried when I showed you my imperfections I thought it was over and there was no room for me in your world anymore but all you prove to me at this moment is that love conquers all….

“what makes you different makes you beautiful” The blood in my veins is made up of mistakes but I can believe in soul mates just by listening to your heartbeat dance to the melody of your lips pressing against mine. As you tell me how you used to be chained to a dream that fooled your heart I can’t help but relate. We both know we in too deep now but the bond we share now has a mind and heart of its own now. “I love you too.”


The letter's of love So today I carved a four letter word Each letter was more painful than the one before, but it had to become apart... Of me of course and each letter was to remind me of her in every way. The L is for the never ending voices and the loud voices from her and the long silent whispers of her name at night. The O is for the never ending obsession I have for her and the insanity I go through if I don't speak to her for a day, a minute or a second. The V is for her favourite flowers, violets she says... She says she loves the purple for it reminds her of the need for spiritual fulfilment and the lavender scent just reminds her of home and how that feeling makes everything seem alright. The last letter was the most Excruciating and it was to remind me about the rest of her, her eyes, her smile, her scent, her touch. The way she looked at me when I said something stupid but then a forgiving smile that came afterwards the time she cried as I wiped her tears and guaranteed that everything will be alright. I know this sounds crazy but what is a man to do for a woman like her, “nditsho intombazana entle hlobo lamanz'andonga enza intliziyo lendoda licapha caph'igazi linyise umbilini wendoda atsho amsindise ngomthwalo, mthwalo lowo owenzwe ngoThando itsho ikhale indoda ithi nkosi susa lentlungu ndikuyo undidibanise naye, ndibengowakhe naye abemgowam nditsho komalume ukuba kuphani ezonkomo ebuhlanti ngomba nantsi iMbali ndiyifumene...� (Continued on the next page)

Am I to write a song for her, sing it in front of her yard and get chased by her father, am I to take her out and tell as to what I truly feel about her or am I to run across the world and find her the perfect flower? I don't know so I guess I'll hide the rose in my hand behind my back and watch you love every wrong man as you end up in shambles. I know my hand is bleeding but trust me the pain is not like the one in my heart and I really wish I could end this but the problem is I need you. I need you to feel, I need you to hold, I need you to love.

ŠKhanya Qongqo

As We Lay As we lay entangled playing games of the consented Moulding clay and hiding the sausage, damn you farted Rhythmic contractions, heart beating, veins in temple throbbing Breath in, breath out Position, position, position As we lay, motion comes to play Hard on soft, embrace and surrender An opus of groans and moans, in tune with body language Repetition of the three words, prompting a response Confirmation comes in form of reciprocation Never been down, but the joy of a seesaw is Up and Down We broke each other down to our true selves Undressed each other to reveal our bare selves Eye-contact while our bodies clash Beautiful battle, both warriors beaming Liberating the beasts within While Eros is grinning Rubbing each other’s arms, grabbing each other’s bums Ringing each other’s alarms, beating each other’s drums Lying to each other dumb, wearing off the rum Kisses here and there and some, over there making you numb Beneath the ceiling, underneath the sheets I watch you fall asleep, and enjoy hearing you breathe.

©Valentine Tusai

Unaging Love I saw forever on the white of your eyes, Your words wired life to my skin Where pigments lies. The fibers of your hair my silk cotton, You clothe my emptiness with your embraces No matter life’s toughest phases. Oh! humble servant of undying dreams, Decibel levels of my sanity brushed through the frequencies of your palms. Reason for breathing has come in your beauty. The aisle you sauntered became garden of dreams and every petal that touched the ground gave birth to an angel. The safeguard of my Faltering hope the fortress of Wisdom. Promises made under the sun When my heart skipped a beat, to beat my thoughts in marathon for your love, you promised me heaven under our radiant skins that you will stand by me till our skin Wrapped away our your days, You said you will find me attractive always. You words still. hold meaning When we have transformed to moving earthquakes, When my eyes lost sight you vowed to be my candle to lead my visions, I know you have taught my chest to breath in fashion of spinning windmills, Every breath drawn is you filling my lungs with life. Our wrinkles now dance to the movement of our brittle bones everything we try a stance of catching memories through our filled our glass. If my eyes be the mirrors to my soul then you are the reflection undefined, When all we forget our anniversary I promise to go outside and ask the stars as their shine kept secrets of our nights sneak outs. I wrote journals in forms of shooting stars. Happy ever after is a place beneath your skin where my existence is held dear like A holy Grail.

ŠProphetic Poet

Anthology Contributors “Khanya Kamvelihle Qongqo “ (South Africa)

“Tshiamo Malatji “ (South Africa)

“Zandile Jani“ - Testimony (Zimbabwe)

“Valentine Tusai “ (Zimbabwe)

“Tshepiso” - Prophetic Poet (South Africa)

“Clement Banda” - Rhetoric Brass (Zimbabwe)

“God’swill Mhombera“ (Zimbabwe)


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