We are proud of our excellent academic outcomes. Our GCSE and A-Level results have been consistently high for many years, with outstanding individual and collective performances from our boys.
We are always keen to hear from families considering Radley for their son. There are two main entry points: Year 9 (age 13) and Sixth Form (age 16). Please use the QR code below to book an Open Day. Further information is available from our Admissions Team.
Families should apply by the Summer Term of Year 5 (three years before entry). In Year 6, boys will sit the ISEB Common Pre-Test and we will request a reference from their current school. If shortlisted, interviews will take place in the Lent Term of Year 6, with results letters sent in March.
We offer 15-20 places at Sixth Form and look for candidates who are ambitious in their aims for university and beyond. Applications open in the Summer Term of Year 10 (the year before entry). There is a Sixth Form Open Day in October of Year 11 ahead of the assessment in November
an Open Day
In 2024, Zach won a Robertson Scholarship to Duke University in the USA. He secured one of just 18 places from more than 35,000 applicants globally.
“It seems that anything is possible at this remarkable institution. TATLER
Our sell-out production of has been nominated for ‘best musical’ at the National School Theatre Awards.
Radley best in the UK for scholarships and bursaries
Les Misérables
This is an unbelievably impressive place, steeped in tradition yet evolving by the minute.
In 2024, Blake, Mustafa and Brayden won the National Mace Debating Competition at the Oxford Union, the UK’s most prestigious debating prize. This was the first national award for debating in the College’s history.
The current redevelopment of our Music School will further cement Radley’s status as one of the UK’s leading schools for music
For the third consecutive year, Radley qualified for the World VEX Robotics Championships. In 2024, our boys were the highest placed UK team at the competition in Dallas, Texas
We think it’s an absolute humdinger of a school.
Best Bursary Programme in the UK for The Keys Award
Abingdon, Oxfordshire
OX14 2HR
John Moule, since 2014; previously head of Bedford School
766 boarding boys ages 13-18
£19,200 per term (inclusive of VAT)
15% of pupils, up to 100%+
Radley applications have reached record highs, particularly for those scholarships and bursaries; the latter numbering the newly launched and all-inclusive Keys Award, given to talented children from state schools.
knows ‘every single boy’. The pupil goes on: ‘He dedicates his time to ensuring they make the most of the Radley experience.’ And there’s certainly a great deal to get out of this traditional, academically strong school, shaped by its history and Christian ethos but also by its commitment to open debate. There’s even a newly launched ‘Talking Heads’ webinar series for parents, in which staff address a wide variety of topics.
Reviews from parents are consistently stellar with many reserving particular praise for the pastoral care, which they frequently describe as ‘outstanding’ and ‘excellent’. Another strong suit at Radley is its masterful management of single-sex education. ‘Boys get stuck into creative areas (drama, music, art) without any inhibition,’ says one parent, and that’s ‘something friends who have boys at mixed school complain their sons soon drop when girls are thrown into the mix’.
Well, successful candidates are in for a treat, according to one ‘Shell’ or firstyear Radleian who says head John Moule is not only universally liked but
On cue, there are plans for the redevelopment of the concert hall and a new music production suite. However, links with all-girls Downe House remain strong, ensuring the young men experience life beyond this blissful bubble; and an old barn is being converted into a cookery school. It seems anything is possible at this outstanding establishment.
Tatler Public School of the Year 2024
Exciting teaching gets the best out of curious boys who are willing to have a go. Radley was never the nerdy one in the gang but, particularly when the mixed selection process is considered, ‘there’s no water’ between Radley and the competition, says school. In fact, lots of parents cited ‘fizzy’ lessons, particularly in the Sixth Form, as their reason for choosing it. And fizzy it is: super discussions being had all over the place, dons (teachers) and pupils asking insightful questions of each other. High energy and really stretching, but we didn’t pick up a particularly competitive edge; boys making intelligent points but not gloating about it.
The arts and co-curricular: an astonishing breadth and depth; new music school will make it better still and demonstrates commitment to the arts. Half learn an instrument. Art department busy and huge engineering workshop plus computer suites and electronics
room. Sport: a massive part of pupils’ lives. Gorgeous pitches, rowing tank, fishing lake, boathouse, courts for every racquet sport: a sweetshop of delights. Recent push to get Radleians ‘to look up and out’ one parent says; the new head of sixth form’s remit includes ‘nurturing an enterprising mindset’. Single sex makes sense here – no stereotyping – boys reckoned they do more singing than they would in a co-ed environment. Respect Project with Downe House creates meaningful touchpoints, giving boys experience of working with girls rather than just peering at them across empty dancefloors.
‘Sicut Serpentes, Sicut Columbae’ is Radley’s motto: ‘be ye wise as Serpents and harmless as doves’ Wise isn’t the first word that springs to mind (most of those we met still had freckles and train tracks), but they’re on their way to becoming so. Harmless? Yes, but better than that: they’re bright-eyed and bushytailed, bursting with anecdotes from RockSoc, facts about Mount Everest and stories of marsupials. Radley is changing, attracting a broader intake of talented, enthusiastic boys. Still boarders, still boys, still gowned – but in its characteristically quiet and classy way, Radley has been sharpening up. The result? A faithful old dog with some carefully-executed new tricks. We think it’s an absolute humdinger of a school.