3 miles 50 minutes
Radley College is a full boarding school near Oxford for boys aged 13-18
3 miles 50 minutes
Radley College is a full boarding school near Oxford for boys aged 13-18
We are proud of our excellent academic outcomes in the 2022 examination season. Our A-Level results were our best ever, with outstanding individual and collective performances from our boys.
We are always eager to hear from families considering Radley for their son. There are two main entry points: Year 9 (age 13) and Sixth Form (age 16). Please use the QR code below to book an Open Day. Further information is available from our Admissions Team. 13+ 16+
Families should apply by the Summer term of Year 5 (three years before entry). In Year 6, boys will sit the ISEB Common Pre-Test and we will request a confidential report from your son’s headteacher. If shortlisted, the assessment day will take place in the Lent term of Year 6, with offers made in March.
We offer around 15-20 places at Sixth Form and look for candidates who are ambitious in their aims for university and beyond. Applications open in the Summer term of Year 10 (year before entry). There is a Sixth Form Open Day in October of Year 11 ahead of the assessment day in November. Offers are made in December.
University of St Andrews
University of Edinburgh
University of Durham
University of Newcastle
University of Manchester
University of Warwick
University of Bristol
University of Exeter
Pomona College
University of Washington
University of Oxford
University of the Arts
London School of Economics
University of Virginia
University of North Carolina