New Shells Guide

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“We must be good sons, brothers, husbands, servants, masters”
William Sewell, Founder of the College

I am delighted that you are coming to Radley.

Starting at a new school can be a challenge; your excitement will probably be mingled with a few understandable nerves. But you can be sure that you will be welcomed warmly: in your Social and in the College as a whole; by your peers, by other boys, by the dons and by all who work for and are associated with the College. We care about each of you individually and seek to ensure that all are happy, and all are fulfilled.

I would ask you to remember a few simple things that will be key to success here. If you have high expectations of yourself, care about others, take every opportunity on offer, and do your best, you will get the most out of a Radley education. You will be expected, within a few weeks of your arrival, to sign a document that enshrines the principles that underpin what we are and what we

do: the values we care about and live by are important.

This booklet gives some basic information about the College which will help you in the early days. A glance through the pages will tell you just how much there is to get involved in. Embrace it with enthusiasm as you start your time with us.

I look forward to watching you thrive in the Radley community.


The College was granted Arms in 1908. The Motto is: Sicut Serpentes, Sicut Columbae ‘(Be ye wise) as serpents, (and harmless) as doves’ (Matthew 10:16).

The Crossed Keys are a reminder that the College is dedicated to St. Peter.

St. Peter’s College, Radley was founded by The Revd William Sewell and The Revd Robert Singleton to provide a public school education on the principles of the Church of England. It opened in 1847.


I understand that as a Radleian, I must:

Stand for what is right at all times

Treat all members of the community with kindness

Value and celebrate variety and difference

Take an active interest in the world around me

Appreciate and embrace the opportunities I have

Take responsibility for my own actions and performance

Give of my best in all circumstances

Always be determined to improve and willing to fail

Show courtesy, respect and common sense in all I do

Develop and demonstrate a sense of duty and service to others


Radley has always tried to maintain a friendly and civilised atmosphere – but this needs your help. So – three things that we would ask you to keep at the forefront of your mind, in all that you do:

 Courtesy

 Respect

 Common sense

If you get these three things right, you are unlikely to go far wrong. Try to say “thank you” whenever you can. When you meet an adult in the classroom or around College look him or her in the eye and greet them appropriately – “Good morning, Ma’am” or “Good evening, Sir”.

The small common courtesies are so important in shaping the character of a school and your contribution matters.


Try to familiarise yourself with these:

Senior Prefect

Head Boy (appointed by the Warden).

Senior Pups

A senior group of four boys (appointed by the Warden) to act as a leadership team. In addition to the Senior Prefect and his deputy, the Second Prefect, the other two Senior Pups take responsibility for the academic and co-curricular sides of College life.

Pup or Head of Social

Senior boy in your Social (appointed by the Warden and Tutor). He organises the Social Prefects and is a good source of advice for new boys.

College Prefect

Members of the 6.2 year group chosen for leadership in the academic and co-curricular areas of school life.

Social Prefects

These are 6.2 boys who carry out duties in Social supervising Prep and bed times. One will be Deputy Head of Social, one will be Head of Shells and another will be Captain of Games.


A 6.1 boy in your Social who is responsible for looking after you during your first year at Radley.


Word always used instead of ‘Housemaster’.

Don Teacher.

Form Master

A don who meets regularly with you together with your Shell Form to discuss academic and pastoral matters.

Social Boarding House (there are 11).

Social Hall

Large room(s) in Social for use by Shells where prep is done.

Short Break

10:45 to 11:15.


A booklet issued to every boy with school information and daily schedule.

Leave Away Half Term.

Michaelmas, Advent, Hilary & Trinity Weekends

Exeats from Friday lunch time to Monday evening.

Shells 1st Year (Year 9)

Removes 2nd Year (Year 10)

Fifths 3rd Year (Year 11)

6.1 First Year Sixth Form (Year 12)

6.2 Second Year Sixth Form (Year 13)

Wet Bob

Rows in Lent and Summer Terms.

Dry Bob

Plays Hockey and Cricket in Lent and Summer Terms.


Large Pitch near Pavilion for senior games.


An abbreviation of ‘Privilege Weekend’, a Privi is a weekend when you go home on Saturday once your school commitments (including matches and games) are finished. You must return in time for bed on Sunday evening (21:00). You are allowed two Privis per term.

Sunday Out

You may go out with your parents or a friend (with your parents’ and Tutor’s permission) after Chapel on Sunday, returning by 21:00 (or by Chapel if there is Sunday Evensong).


Chores are the jobs in Social that the Shells do to contribute to the smooth running of the Social. They include collecting the papers and the post, and putting the daily deliveries of milk and bread in the Social kitchens.

Shell Circus

In your first term at Radley you will be introduced to a range of options on offer including rackets, squash, beagling, rowing, fives, badminton and lots of other activities.

Central Hour

The period of the day after lunch when activities such as music group rehearsals take place, before Games. It might be free time in Social, depending on the day and your commitments. On Fridays, Form Master Period happens in Central Hour.


Warden (Mr JS Moule) the Radley term for Headmaster, leads the school and has overall responsibility for the boys at Radley. He establishes the direction of the school, makes decisions on admitting boys and appoints staff.

Sub-Warden (Mr N Murphy) deputises for the Warden and is responsible for the day-to-day running of the College, all matters of boy behaviour and the management of staff. He is also responsible for significant disciplinary matters and manages the balance between all areas of Radley life to ensure a true all-round education for every boy.

Bursar (Mr A Ashton) is responsible for all the non-teaching departments at Radley: Accounts, Estates, Housekeeping, Human Resources, Maintenance, Catering departments and the Sports Centre.

Director of Admissions and Communications (Mrs SL Langdale) is in charge of Admissions and Communications and is responsible for recruiting all new pupils to the school and for internal and external communications.

Development Director (Ms EHM Anderson) is responsible for the Radley Foundation which fundraises for bursaries and other projects of the College, and for the liaison with Old Radleians, parents and former parents through the Radleian Society.

Deputy Head Academic (Mr JHC Porter) is responsible for all academic matters and for the Heads of Departments. He advises on boys’ choices of GCSEs and A-Levels and is especially concerned to make sure boys work to the best of their abilities.

Deputy Head Systems (Mr RD Shaw) is responsible for the timetable, school database, inspection and the reports system.

Deputy Head Co-Curricular (Mr H Crump) oversees all co-curricular areas: Games, Wednesday Activities, Societies, Charities, CCF, D of E, Art, Music, Drama and the Countryside Centre. He is also responsible for the College Calendar.

Deputy Head Pastoral (Mr EP James) is the Designated Safeguarding Lead, runs the pastoral team and oversees prefect training. He is also responsible for the Tutors, Sub-Tutors and Pastoral Housemistresses, ensuring common practice across the Socials.

Under Master (Mr TRG Ryder) is the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead. He supports the Deputy Head Pastoral with safeguarding and child protection matters, and the Sub-Warden with boy behaviour.

Head of Shells (Mrs R Beattie) supports the safeguarding team by overseeing the pastoral care of boys in the Shell year group.

Chaplain (The Rev’d Dr RAH Evans) is responsible for all services in Chapel and, with the Warden, for the religious life of the school. Radley is very unusual in having daily evening Chapel for the whole school. Large numbers of boys are confirmed each year. The Chaplain’s role is to help develop Radleians’ spiritual awareness in the five years they are at the College, and engaging boys of all faiths. He also provides pastoral care for all members of the College community.

Precentor (Mr SJ Gladstone) is in charge of the Chapel Choir and the Orchestra and, with Ms SEH Lockett (Head of Performance), is responsible for music at Radley.

Director of Sport (Mr JA Gaunt) has responsibility for the sporting strategy of the College and oversees all Masters-in-Charge of individual sports.

Director of Drama (Ms VK Buse) is in charge of the Theatre and, with Ms Amber Wiles (Head of Academic Drama), is responsible for directing the school productions including the bi-annual College Play and Musical, and the annual year group plays.

The Proctor (Mr LM Healy) helps maintain standards of punctuality and dress in College, runs Fatigues and Tardies and is a presence to ensure Radleians are well-ordered in Shop, between lessons and in Hall and Chapel. He is also Regimental Sergeant Major for the CCF.

The Tutor (Housemaster) at Radley is the don most closely concerned with a boy’s boarding life and development as a person. This is because the Social is a boy’s home seven days a week, where friendships are made, work done and monitored, and life lived.

Heads of Departments Each academic department is led and overseen by a Head who is responsible for academic initiatives for their subject both in and beyond the classroom.

Form Masters A boy usually has four Form Masters in his time at Radley: a Shell Form Master (based on Social) who helps a boy settle and make friends here, and who checks academic progress; then a Remove and then a Fifth Form Master who is also connected to his Social. In the Sixth Form, a boy will choose his own Form Master who also teaches one of his A-Level subjects. They advise on Sixth Form work habits and university entrance.


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                

Mansion: Built in 1721 and formerly Radley Hall. It was the family house of Sir John Stonhouse and then of Sir George Bowyer. Common Room, the Warden’s, Sub-Warden’s and Deputy Head Co-Curricular’s offices are in this building; also Admissions and the Foundation offices. (1)

Panelled, Blue & Lakeside Rooms: Formerly the school library, now reception rooms on the ground floor of the Mansion, previously known as the Wilson Library. (1)

Stone Hall: Front hall of Mansion. (1)

Common Room: The Staff room. On the first floor of the Mansion. (1)

Reprographics Centre: In the Mansion basement in the former cellars. This is where photocopying can be done. (1)

JCR (Junior Common Room): once a large cellar – then a servants’ hall. In 1971 it became a bar for senior boys. (1)

Chapel: Built in 1897 by Sir Thomas Jackson. Almost everything in it has been given to say ‘Thank you’. It contains a Flemish Altarpiece which was made in about 1510. Chapel is open all day for any who would like to go inside. Radleians are well-known for their hymn-singing. (2)

Hall: The College dining hall where all meals are eaten. It was built in 1910 and contains paintings of former Wardens and other Radley figures. (3)

The Richard Morgan Library: This was originally a barn but later became a schoolroom called School. It was used as a junior dining hall at one stage. It is now the central library, and is named after RM Morgan, Warden of Radley from 1991-2000. (4)

Clock Tower: Was built in 1847 on a German design. It contains three bells –Peter, James and John. The lower section was once used for playing Radley Fives. (11)

Clock Tower Court / Coffee Shop: A cafe-styled social space where boys can buy drinks and snacks. Regular concerts, debates and lectures are held here. It also houses the History, Politics and History of Art classrooms. The Deputy Head Academic, Chaplain and Examinations team have offices here.

Sewell Centre: The Art and Design Centre named after Warden Sewell.(16)

Queen’s Court: The circular classroom building on the left of the main drive. It was opened by H.M. The Queen in November 1997 and houses the Maths, Economics, Biology, Geography and Geology classrooms. Often known as “the Doughnut”. (18)

The David Rae Smith Building: The classroom building on the right of the drive, opposite Queen’s Court, housing, English, Modern Languages and the Studio Theatre. David Rae Smith was Chairman of the College Council 19761992. (21)

Silk Hall: This is part of the Music School and named after DRW Silk, Warden of Radley 1968-1991. It is used for concerts, lectures, and for other meetings. (20)

Theatre: Completed in September 2005, it adjoins the Silk Hall and Music School and is also used for Warden’s Assemblies. (22)

Memorial Arch: Was built in 1922 and is now a memorial to ORs and staff who died in the two World Wars. (23)

The Chapel of the Resurrection: Over Memorial Arch. It is used for Holy Communion (see times in Calendar), Roman Catholic Mass and for those who wish to have quiet time to reflect. (23)

Shop: By Memorial Arch, Shop is where Socials have lunch together on a rotational basis and where boys can buy tuck.

Croome’s Arch / Tower: Part of A Social. Arthur Croome was Tutor of F Social (1892). (A)

Paton’s Quad: By A and F Socials. Stephen Paton was Tutor of A Social (1936) and Head of Modern Languages. (A)

Round Pavilion: A circular building with visitors’ changing rooms and a room for parents’ teas after matches. (25)

Jackdaw Clump: The group of trees in the middle of the Games Fields. (27)

Cheesers: The path from B Social that goes across the golf course, past the tree known as College Oak and the Countryside Centre to the old Oxford to Abingdon Road.

Pups’ Field: The grass area between College Pond and the drive below Mansion.

McKenna Strength & Conditioning Centre and Jock Mullard Rowing Tank: Situated by the running track, these are state of the art facilities to help boys achieve their best in sport. (35)


These are the timings for a typical week day in the first half of the Michaelmas Term for a Shell:


(Shells to queue by 7.25) (Sundays 8.45-9.45)

08:30 Period 1

09:20 Period 2 10:05 Period 3 10:45 Short Break

Period 4 12:00 Period 5

18:10 Supper

19:10 Chapel (Wed: Social Prayers)

19:30 Prep 21:00 Cocoa

21:30 Reading & Bed


Central Hour

Period 6

Period 7 16:30 Form Masters’ Period 17:00 Academic Priority Time

Tuesdays 13:25 Central Hour

Games I

Games II – or other extracurricular activity


Wednesday Activities

Period 6

Period 7

Period 8


Central Hour

Games I 16:30 Games II – or other extracurricular activity

Fridays 13:30 Form Master Period

Period 6

Period 7



No period 5

13:00 Lunch



On your first day at Radley you will be shown how to use the College email. Your parents can then contact you by your address e.g. john.smith2024@ Get into the routine of reading your emails at least twice a day; it is a very important way of receiving messages from dons about work, activities and games. Dons can be contacted by email: initials. (see the calendar for initials).

Mobile Phones

Boys may bring mobile phones which will, initially, be kept by Tutors and handed out at appropriate times. Please note, mobile phones are not covered under the school personal effects insurance policy. Boys are also required to have a pair of small Bluetooth headphones for use with their iPad or for use in lessons incorporating I.T.


Radley offers a 1-1 iPad scheme for the new Shells. Each Shell receives an iPad with digital stylus and keyboard case to ensure everyone has access to technology and to act as a companion to their studies. During the Shell year, there is no particular need to purchase an additional device.

Sensible use of I.T.

Radley has clear rules about the misuse of I.T. Abusive emails are treated very seriously, as is any unkindness about other people or inappropriate information about yourself on Social Networking sites like Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram. The guiding principles are not to write anything that you would be embarrassed for your parents to read; and to remember that everything you write electronically can be retrieved by any school or future university or employer.


Please remember these

1. You must be punctual.

2. You must bring your iPad and the appropriate books and equipment to a lesson.

3. You should come to a lesson properly dressed – with gown, top button done up, shirt tucked in, shoes clean and your hair should be tidy/ combed.

4. Dons should be properly addressed when spoken to (Sir, or Ma’am); boys should not shout out in class, but wait to be asked to contribute.

5. You should stand up when an adult enters the classroom.

6. Preps should always be done by the time set by a don; and they should be done well.

7. Work should be neatly presented; unsatisfactory work will be returned to be done again.

8. You should leave the classroom in an orderly way, putting chairs under tables as you depart. Say ‘Goodbye’ or ‘Thank You’ to the don.

9. If you have to miss a lesson for a music lesson, away match, dental appointment etc., you should, out of courtesy, inform the don at least 48 hours in advance.


In the Michaelmas Term:

Design Centre

Sunday: 11:00-12:30, 13:30-17:00

Art Centre

The painting studio is open during the weekend. Other facilities are open by arrangement.

Computer Rooms

Open 07:30-21:30.


Saturday 08:00-13:00.

Sunday 13.00-18:00.

Music School

Open daily: 07:00-22:15. You have to decide when you wish to practise and can use any room. A little practice often is better than a long session just before your lesson!

Sports Hall

The Sports Hall is available for booking most evenings after prep and Saturday and Sunday evenings. Please email to book.

The Sports Hall is used heavily throughout the week for organised sporting activities such as cricket, badminton, basketball and weight training.

Swimming Pool

The Swimming Pool is available for casual use on Sundays from 16:00 –17:00, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 17:00 - 18:00.


Available for use on most occasions. Observe the footwear and clothing regulations.


Rackets bookings are by appointment only:


Squash is available on Saturdays and Sundays from 13:00. Only clean nonmarking trainers may be worn on court. Shells, Removes and Fifths must wear protective goggles or glasses.


Any time on Saturday and Sunday (unless there is a match). Access code can be obtained from the Master-in-Charge.


Boys are allowed on the golf course from 13:30 on Saturdays until 17:30 and from midday on Sundays until 17:30.


Available to use after Prep each evening.

Boat House

We train at 13:30 every Saturday throughout the year and finish by approximately 16:30. After this time by private arrangement with the Master-inCharge.

Real Tennis

The Real Tennis court was built in 2008 and is one of only four school courts in the country. Boys can use the courts at the weekends with an advance booking by email. For further information, please contact


Our aim at Radley is to provide an environment where students of all abilities can strive for success, achieve that success and then be rewarded for their accomplishment. With that in mind, the Shells should take every opportunity to throw themselves into the Shell Circus and activities programme which complements the main games sessions of the Michaelmas and Lent terms.

Boys will have plenty of opportunity to explore sports that they may not yet have played. The main game for Shells in the Michaelmas term is rugby. The main games sessions happen at 14.40 - 16.00 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The timings for games on Fridays differ dependent on whether we are in the Winter or Summer timetable. If we are in the Winter timetable, games take place before periods 6 and 7; this is reversed in the Summer timetable.

Boys will be selected in the squad which is representative of their ability, experience and endeavour.

We encourage boys to participate in the second sport slot on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which is a good chance to practise or experience the sport which you are likely to choose and play the following term. This, therefore, means that you may very easily have two sessions of sport on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The Shells will choose between hockey and rowing in the Lent term. Boys can also play some football but would take this as their activity choice rather than their games option in ths first year. Some rugby sevens is also played in the Lent term.

In the Summer term the Shells will choose between cricket and rowing. Boys can play both cricket and tennis, but cricket traditionally takes precedence in this term for Shells. It should be mentioned that boys who are keen to play both can do so and can also sign up for tennis lessons in Central Hour slots.

The best and keenest Shell sportsmen will begin a programme of strength and conditioning at the start of the Lent term. This happens once a week at 06:30 in the morning.

We pride ourselves on offering a full, competitive fixture card for boys of all abilities and very much aspire to have some of our top coaches working regularly with the lower-ability teams. Social sport is also a prominent feature of each term’s calendar and there is ample opportunity to represent your Social in almost all sports offered by Radley. Whether it is rackets, rugby, squash, real tennis, hockey, cricket or rowing to name but a few... there will be a sport for you!


There are many Shell activities to choose from. During the first few weeks of the Michaelmas Term the Societies Fair is held in Covered Passage. There are usually around 50 different Societies that meet periodically over the course of the three terms of the school year. They cater for an enormous range of interests. Radley Video is a popular activity, and boys film and edit many College events for the website.

The Countryside Centre incorporates a range of different activities, from beagling, ferreting, fly-fishing and claypigeon shooting to animal husbandry and growing crops and other produce. Shell boys are introduced to the Centre as part of the Shell Circus, and boys may choose beagling as their sport by arrangement with their Tutor and the Director of Sport. The Beagles Clay Pigeon Shoot is a very popular annual event, as is the Puppy Show.

Boys are also encouraged to gain a sense of service and community as they progress through the College. Shells have various local, national and international Partnership opportunities through the Wednesday Activities programme and beyond, and then all Removes join the CCF. The Remembrance Sunday Service and Parade is one of Radley’s great traditions.

Music as a Shell

Music is at the heart of Radley College, both on a daily basis in Chapel, and in a wide range of concerts, professional workshops, competitions, drama productions and tours. The department is an exciting place, with over thirty visiting instrumental and singing teachers who bring experience from international performing careers and some of the UK’s top music institutions. There is a purposebuilt concert hall (the Silk Hall), a theatre, an extensive suite of teaching and practice rooms along with a Music Technology facility and recording studio. Boys can access the music department to practise at any time during the day or evening, and at weekends, and there is a large team of teachers who can help with practice and accompaniments. There are over 40 weekly ensembles, providing opportunities for boys at all levels, from the Symphony Orchestra to the Big Band, from Rock

Bands to the 120-strong Chapel Choir, as well as a flourishing array of Chamber Ensembles. Visiting professionals lead regular workshops and masterclasses, whilst the Recital Series gives every boy in College access to high quality professional performances. Please visit the New Boy Information page on our website for details about singing and instrumental lessons.

Drama as a Shell

The Drama Department offers a vibrant programme of co-curricular activities throughout the school year. Whether you have an interest in acting, musical theatre or technical roles, there are lots of events on offer. Every Shell has the opportunity to perform in Radley’s Theatre in their first term by participating in the Haddon Cup, an annual inter-Social Drama Competition. In the subsequent months, there are various workshops and competitions, including the Performing Shakespeare competition, the bi-annual Peter Cook Cup and Milligan Cup, where boys perform to visiting industry professionals.

The Shell year culminates with the annual Shell Show. In addition, Removes and 6.1s have their own year group play, and a College Musical and Play are produced bi-annually, where boys perform alongside girls from neighbouring schools.

Our productions are supported by stage crews who have access to state-of-the-art technical equipment. The crews consist of boys who specialise in a backstage or technical role under the guidance of the Theatre’s technical manager.

Drama can be studied academically as a timetabled subject from the Removes. Drama award holders take part in termly workshops led by guest practitioners, increasing their acting training and knowledge of the industry. Boys who show a keen interest in professional acting are also invited to join the workshops.

Art & Design

Within the wealth of co-curricular activities available at Radley, the Art Department offers a vibrant and creative learning environment with an “open door” policy where there are many different artistic opportunities for the Shells to explore outside the academic timetabled Art and Design lessons. There is a special slot during Wednesday Activity afternoons during which the boys can create art outside the curriculum and where they are encouraged to enter local and national art competitions.

The Radley Art School is situated at the very heart of the College in Clocktower Court. Within the five purpose-built and fully-equipped studios, there are facilities for painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, computer graphics and digital photography. As part of the co-curricular programme, the boys can work alongside each other to develop their artistic skills and to experiment with new ideas and concepts on art projects for their own personal pleasure.



Chapel brings the whole community together to meet, reflect and worship during weekday and Sunday arrangements. It instils the core value of community in boys and dons alike, and is thought of fondly by all. The Chaplain supports the spiritual life of the whole community. Baptisms and Confirmation Services are conducted during the term for boys.

Food and Shop

We operate a cashless campus for food and drinks purchases at Shop and Clocktower Court Coffee Shop. To ensure you can make purchases on campus, we recommend that you arrive at Radley with a debit or prepayment card or have Apple Pay or Android Pay on your phone.

Post & Deliveries

Post will be taken to the Lodge by the PHM (or boys can do this themselves). Letters and parcels that have the Social specified on the address will be delivered to the Social. Otherwise post arrives at the Lodge and is delivered to Socials twice a day.


Each Social has a communal Cocoa Room where boys can relax together. Cocoa happens at the end of every day and is led by the Tutor, a Sub Tutor or PHM. It is a great opportunity for boys to meet over a snack and a drink before bedtime.

Health Centre

The Health Centre has a team of qualified nurses and one First Aid and Sports Health Co-ordinator, who is an Emergency Nurse Practitioner. The team provides 24hr care for the boys during term time. Two medical forms will be sent to parents via email. It is essential for parents of all new boys to complete these forms as soon as possible. It is also helpful for any print-out vaccination history obtained from your son’s GP, along with current specialist letters for any ongoing treatment and prescriptions, be emailed directly to the Health Centre (, Due to medical confidentiality and the sensitive nature of information, it is requested that all medical information is sent directly to the Health Centre, rather than Admissions.

Tuck Box

A tuck box should be clearly marked with name or initials and be lockable. A small padlock can be useful. Bread, milk, jam, spreads and butter are provided within Socials. Other foods for casual snacks may be brought such as savoury rice cakes, biscuits, pasta/pot noodles, soft sweets etc. along with the necessary utensils to eat/ drink/cook them.


Each Social has a laundry room where all the boys can leave their washing for it to be laundered. It is returned for collection two days later. Hand-washable items cannot be laundered at school. There is a dry cleaning service for suits, gowns, jackets etc. for which there is an extra charge. There is no charge for normal laundry.


A wide range of Activities and Clubs are available, many set up and organised by boys themselves. The societies range from Animals Society and Charities to Coding and Politics.

 Academic Journal

 Animals

 BioSoc

 Caledonian

 Charities

 Chemistry

 Chess

 Chronicle

 Christian Forum

 Classical

 Clay Pigeon

 CliMates

 Coding

 Countryside

 Croquet Society

 Current Affairs & Politics

 Darts

 DeadSoc

 Debating

 Engineering

 Film

 Formula 1

 Harris (Geography)

 International Relations

 Journalism

 Junior Science

 LawSoc


 LitSoc

 MedSoc

 Model Flying

 Musicology

 NatPhilSoc

 Philosophy

 Photography

 Remote-Control Cars

 Robotics

 RockSoc

 Sub Aqua

 Symposium

 Table Tennis

 Tattersall’s


The Library is a welcoming space for boys across the school to enjoy. Our team of librarians has produced a list of the top 25 titles for this year’s Shells.

 The Henna Girl by Sufiya Ahmed

 The Crossover by Kwame Alexander

 I, Robot by Isaac Asimov

 Noughts & Crosses by Malorie Blackman

 Notes from a Small Island by Bill Bryson

 A Little History of Science by William Bynum

 The Everest Files by Matt Dickinson

 The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle

 While the Storm Rages by Phil Earle

 To Kill a Mockingbird: the graphic novel by Harper Lee, illustrated by Fred Fordham

 The Bone Sparrow by Zana Fraillon

 Sapiens (vols. 1-2) by Yuval Noah Harari

 The Lie Tree by Frances Hardinge

 Chomp by Carl Hiaasen

 After the Fire by Will Hill

 When Our Worlds Collided by Danielle Jawando

 Night Ship by Jess Kidd

 Running Girl by Simon Mason (Garvie Smith Trilogy)

 Where the World Ends by Geraldine McCaughrean

 Thing Explainer by Randall Munroe

 Burn by Patrick Ness

 All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque

 The Blue Book of Nebo by Mannon Steffan Ros

 Factfulness: Ten Reasons Why We’re Wrong About the World by Hans Rosling et al.

 The Acrobats of Agra by Robin Scott-Elliot

 Wrath by Marcus Sedgwick

 One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch by Aleksander Solzhynetsyn

 The Sacrifice Box by Martin Stewart

 A Little History of Literature by John Sutherland

 Lord of the Rings, vol.1: Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien

 The Last Wild by Piers Torday


Our website delivers a host of information and below are some additional features you may find particularly useful.

Social Media

We have a number of social media sites to give you a flavour of day-to-day life here. Please follow us on Twitter/X @RadleyCollege and Instagram @RadleyCollegeOxon, like us on Facebook at and subscribe on YouTube. We are also on TikTok @ RadleyCollege.

The Radley Calendar

You can reach this from the Main Menu / About Radley / When / Calendar or by visiting There is so much happening at Radley that you may find it helpful to filter it by year group or type of

activity. By clicking on CALENDAR SYNC you can get a feed to your own electronic calendar so that you always know what is going on.

Sports Fixtures

This can be reached from the Main Menu / Sport / Fixtures Teams and Results or by visiting You can use this to find out when and where you are playing. We do everything we can to keep this up to date but teams do sometimes change at the last minute because of illness or injury, so do please check regularly.


Bulletin is our weekly parent email which is sent at 2pm every Friday during term time. Bulletin includes important notices by year group, news articles and the latest photos/ videos.


The first few days of the Michaelmas Term are busy and packed with a whole host of activities to welcome the new Shells.

Boys will spend time getting to know their Tutors, Form Masters, Mentors and making new friends in their Socials.

The first weekend of term is a lot of fun. On the first Sunday of the term we host the annual Shell Circus, a

traditional event involving a Shell Tug-Of-War, various games and Social BBQs.

We encourage you to make the most of the first few days and to take every opportunity to try the many sports and activities on offer. You will receive a full tour of campus and will soon find that you know your way around and feel a part of the Radley community.


If you ever need help then there are many people who you can go to, some not in the College. You have a large choice.

For example:

 Tutor

 Sub-Tutor

 Pastoral Housemistress

 Form Master

 RB - Head of Shells

 RAHE - Chaplain

 JSM - Warden

 NM - Sub-Warden

 EPJ - Deputy Head Pastoral and Designated Safeguarding Lead

 JHCP - Deputy Head Academic

 RDS - Deputy Head Systems

 HC - Deputy Head Co-Curricular

 TRGR - Under Master and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

 SLN, AMG - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads

 AMG and the Nurses at the Health Centre

 School Doctor who attends at 10:45 (Monday-Saturday)

 Any member of staff

 Your Mentor

 Your Social Pup

 Social Prefects (especially Heads of Shells)

 Friends

You can catch many of these staff as you come out of Chapel each evening.

Outside College:

 Parents or relatives

 College Counsellor: Nick Langdon (

 Childline: 0800 1111

 Independent Listener: John Beasley ( can be contacted by email in the first instance, and a phone conversation will be arranged.

We hope this booklet begins to introduce you to all aspects of life at Radley. We encourage all boys here to better themselves, to be ambitious, to achieve their best: in and beyond the classroom, in mind, body and spirit. This is not just about talent but

about your approach; to succeed you need to work hard, set goals, and be determined. We are delighted you are joining us as a Radleian and we know you will play an important part in our school and its wonderfully close-knit community. Welcome.

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