Public Examinations

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INTRODUCTION The purpose of this booklet is to:

Examination Timetables

 Ensure all students at Radley College are provided with all the relevant information about their exams and assessments in advance of them taking place.

Examination timetables for the summer public exams will be available on the academic pages of the Radley College website. This information is generally placed on the website midway through the Michaelmas term. It is important to remember that the final exam times for individuals may change due to exam clashes. This will be finalised on an individual timetable each student will receive prior to the start of the Easter Break.

 To ensure copies of relevant JCQ and CIE information for candidates documents and posters are provided in advance of exams  To try to answer any questions candidates may have

EXAM CLASHES There may be occasions during the exam season where you have a clash. JCQ define a clash as follows: If candidates are taking two or more papers timetabled in a session and the total time is more than three hours including extra time and/or supervised rest breaks, you may conduct an examination in a later or earlier session within the same day. If you become aware of a clash and have a particular preference regarding which exam you sit first it is important that you communicate that with the Head of Exams. The Head of Exams will then, in discussion with you, finalise the timings for your clash exams. On the day when the clash occurs it is important to remember that you will need to be supervised between your exams and you will not be permitted access to your mobile phone or any computer or internet enabled device.

Overnight supervision Overnight supervision is only needed in rare and exceptional circumstances. When candidates are entered for multiple examinations (three or more) timetabled for the same day with a total duration of more than:  six hours for GCE examinations (AS, A2, A-level), including extra time and/ or supervised rest breaks; or  five and a half hours for GCSE examinations, including extra time and/or supervised rest breaks; Candidates may be allowed to take an examination the following morning, including Saturdays. Candidates are not allowed to take examinations on an earlier day than that scheduled on the timetable. If you are aware that you have a potential overnight exam clash please talk to the Head of Exams to discuss your options.

ACCESS ARRANGEMENTS Access Arrangements are preexamination adjustments for candidates based on evidence of need and normal way of working. Access Arrangements fall into two distinct categories: some arrangements are delegated to centres, others require prior JCQ awarding body approval.

If you think that you may require access arrangements for your examinations it is very important that you have a discussion with Mrs Smart in Academic support as soon as possible.

EXAM DAY PROTOCOL Public exam start times:  Morning – 9:00am  Afternoon – 1:30pm

It is very important that you arrive in plenty of time for your exams, no later than 10 minutes prior to the start. The evening before all public exams candidates will be emailed the seating plans for the following day. Please check that you are included on the plan and make a note of your seat number and venue.

It is also very important that you are familiar with any exam board regulations. You will be sent copies. Most exams will take place in the Barker Gym. Some students e.g. those who type, will take their exams in other venues around school. As soon as you enter the exam room you are under exam conditions and regulations and must remain so until you have finished the exam and left the room. Public examinations will be staffed by a team of invigilators; it is important that you listen carefully to any instructions they give.

WHAT TO BRING Please bring:

Items which must be left in Social:


Mobile phone


Smart watches


Any internet enabled device



Ruler Geometry set Calculator The above should be in a clear pencil case See through bottle of water - it is a good idea to keep hydrated throughout exams. Your Epos card which will be your official photo ID for exams as it will show your candidate number.

SPECIAL CONSIDERATION Special consideration is a postexamination adjustment to a candidate’s mark or grade to reflect temporary illness, temporary injury or some other event outside of the candidate’s control at the time of the assessment, which has had, or is reasonably likely to have had, a material effect on a candidate’s ability to take an assessment or demonstrate his or her normal level of attainment in an assessment.

for an examination. Only minor adjustments can be made to the mark awarded because to do more than this would jeopardize the standard of the examination.

Special consideration can only seek to go some way to assist a candidate affected by a potentially wide range of difficulties, emotional or physical, which may influence performance in examinations. It cannot remove the difficulty faced by the candidate. There will be situations where candidates should not be entered

If it is deemed appropriate the Head of Exams will make the application.

If you feel that you may be entitled to special consideration it is important that you speak to either your Tutor, Form Master, Head of Exams or any member of staff that you feel comfortable talking to.

For minor ailments that occur on the day of an exam e.g. headache, hayfever please inform a member of the invigilation team or the Head of Exams.

RESULTS Students who have taken public exams will be able to access their results online via Schoolbase on official results days Results can be obtained by going to and logging on with their usual Radley network username and password. The Head of Exams will be available on results days to help until 5:00pm Tel: 01235 543042 Email: Please do not telephone the School Reception for results

Results Queries If an exam candidate has a query about results for a particular subject then he needs to contact the subject Head of Department, either via e-mail or via a contact number obtainable by telephoning the College on 01235 543000. Results enquiries will not be made unless the Exams office have received a completed enquiries about results form. These forms will be available from Heads of Departments or Head of Exams once results have been issued.

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