return to radley a guide for parents to the safe reopening of radley college in september 2020
message from the warden I am delighted to write an introduction to this booklet . . . it marks yet another moment in the planning for return and we are all excited about the boys being back on campus. We are proud of what we achieved with Virtual Radley; I would like to use this opportunity to thank again all the boys, staff and parents for their hard work, innovation and energy throughout last term. We have learned many things for the future in the process. But despite all that, it was not the same. Of course, it will still not quite be the same when boys return with various restrictions still in place. Operational staff have been working incredibly hard over the Summer, however, and we are very confident that we can deliver as full an education as possible in as normal an environment as possible. Please read this booklet carefully. We want boys to remember three key principles; feel free to test them! Take responsibility; wash your hands; keep your distance. Repeated. And repeated again. Can I also ask that you explain to them three points which will be crucial to the way in which we can operate effectively: a. The risk in almost every case is greater for staff than it is for boys. They must be careful to maximise effective social distancing from adults in all areas of college.
b. There will be different reactions from boys and staff - often for very good reasons - in terms of behaviours and attitude; that is inevitable. We would ask all to be sensitive to the needs of others at all times. We look particularly to senior boys to model and lead well in this. c. They will need to be patient. We will constantly review what we are doing and the overall aim is to move gradually to more normal procedures as guidelines and experience allow. In terms of social distancing, we are using the 1m+ definition. This means that we try to be greater than 1m where possible but also that where that is not possible, extra mitigants are in place. We are lucky at Radley. It is a secure environment given our rural location and the fact that so many staff live on site. We have an excellent operational team that have prepared thoroughly and well. We have small class sizes and lots of space, both within our buildings (including three huge marquees to help us) and in our grounds. Of course we need to be safe. I am very confident that we have put everything in place to mitigate risk reasonably. In short, we are both ready for the boys to return and excited about it.
the three principles Although we have a detailed Risk Assessment (which can be found on our website), the basic messaging to the boys needs to be simple:
Please support us by making clear to the boys the importance of these three basic rules. We will be issuing a training video for boys to expand on these. Please ensure that they watch it in the days before arrival. They will also receive training to cover personal hygiene, logistics, our approach to ‘bubbles’ and catering arrangements. Boys will be told to respect the fact that different members of the Radley community have different levels of risk.
groups and bubbles Much of our planning revolves around the three groups of which your son is a part: • Their Social • Their Year Group • Their Social Year Group - which we refer to as their Bubble
Year Group
eg L Social
eg L Social Shells
eg Shells
Social Year Group Bubbles work in the same way as households - no distancing measures are needed. However, when the boys are in contact with other groups we will make arrangements for them to be socially distanced from each other as far as is possible.
the start of term Shells:
To arrive at Socials from 1015.
Removes: New Removes to arrive at their socials at 1330. The rest of the Removes to arrive not before 1600 and to be in uniform and ready for a training session at 1730. Supper will be provided at 1900. Fifths:
To arrive from 1830 and to be in uniform for a training session at 2015. No supper will be available.
Some will be needed earlier in the day at Tutors’ request. New 6.1 boys should arrive at their Socials at 1400. Supper will just be available for new 6.1s and mentors. The remainder of 6.1 boys should arrive between 1930 and 2030. Training will be on the Thursday morning.
Some will be needed earlier at Tutors’ request. The remainder should arrive from 1730 and to be in uniform for a training session at 1915. Supper will be available at 1815.
• With the exception of all boys new to the school, each returning boy should be accompanied by one parent only. • Where possible, face coverings should be worn during the period of drop-off and parents should avoid entering the Social; boys can help each other to unload their belongings. • Principles of social distancing should be observed. • There will be slightly different arrangements for L Social and Dr Hakimi will be in touch with parents in the coming days.
covid kit list In addition to all of the usual kit (listed here for the benefit of new parents), the boys should bring: • 6 reusable, washable face coverings, to be of a single colour and named • A personal pillow • 2 boxes of tissues • A supply of forehead thermometer strips • 2 pump action antibacterial soap dispensers for use in study / cubicle • 2 additional hand towels (named) • A water bottle for meal times and general use (named) Boys will be asked to carry Sanitiser at all times. The College will provide this to all boys and refills will be available but it would help if boys could also come with their own supply: we suggest 6 x 100ml Hand Sanitiser (60%+ Alcohol). For easy identification of Social groups, we will expect all boys to wear their Social ties until further notice. In terms of sports kit, we will be starting the term with Summer term games options but to ensure flexibility over the term, we recommend that boys bring all relevant kit.
face coverings
Boys must carry a plain, washable face covering with them. They may wear it in lessons and in certain circumstances a Don may require them to wear it. Boys will be asked to wear it in public spaces where they are encountering people from other groups, such as in the Library, Shop, Coffee Shop, Medical Centre. They will be necessary for any transport.
red wrist bands
We are conscious that there will be a range of attitudes between boys, staff and parents: some, very understandably will be more concerned than others. There will be a voluntary system of a red wrist band (supplied by us) to be worn by any member of staff or boy. This will indicate a level of concern that they wish others to be aware of and sensitive to. This will also enable us to expect and achieve a greater level of vigilance around them without needing discussion (reasons might include medical conditions or vulnerable relatives etc.).
the shape of the day We have tried to keep the Shape of the Day as close to normal as possible. However we have made some adjustments to meal times to allow boys from different bubbles to be distanced when eating. We have erected two marquees to provide additional outdoor spaces for when large groups meet and a third will be used in addition to Hall for meals. Although Chapel will not run in its normal format, we have kept a slot in the timetable for services and Socials will meet twice a week, once for Chapel and once for Social Prayers.
pastoral Pastoral support remains at the heart of Radley and within the constraints of social distancing we will aim for Socials and Form Groups to operate as closely to normal as possible. For the time being boys will not be allowed in Staff accommodation and meetings will take place in larger, well ventilated spaces or outside. Boys will not be allowed to take Privis until at least Leave Away. Parental visits to the site should be minimised and other than transporting pupils, should be pre-arranged with Tutors.
academic Boys in different bubbles will be distanced from each other in lessons. We have established a maximum capacity for each classroom and rearranged desks to make this possible. In some cases we have had to adjust sets so that boys in the same bubble are sitting next to each other. Lessons will be 35 minutes long rather than 40 to allow time for safe movement between classes. Boys will be required to use their hand sanitiser at the start and end of each lesson. There are a handful of boys that will need to be learning virtually at the start of term. Mr Rathbone will be in touch with each of these to explain our approach and each will be allocated study partners to ensure there is good communication at a boy level as well as with staff.
co-curricular Contact rugby will not be possible at the start of the Michaelmas Term and so the term will start with summer sports. As the term progresses, and only when it is safe to do so, we will start to introduce some pilot games fixtures and pilot off-site visits. Instrumental Music Lessons will continue with appropriate safeguards such as perspex screens. Parents will not be invited to sporting or cultural events for the time being. Driving lessons will continue (with face coverings). Boys will not be allowed on public transport and therefore will not be allowed to go into Oxford for the time being. They will be allowed to walk to Radley Village Shop.
medical The Medical Centre will be open as usual, though boys will be asked to pre-alert the Medical Centre before attending, either via call, email or PHM. Boys who have symptoms should alert their PHM/Tutor immediately, who will inform the Medical Centre. Boys will be seen in isolation at the Medical Centre and, if testing is indicated, this will be arranged as soon as possible. Boys awaiting test results will remain in the Medical Centre. If negative, they can return to Social/lessons as soon as they are well enough to do so, and can be cared for as usual in the Medical Centre if required. If the test is positive, Parents will be asked to collect their son. Where this is not possible, pupils will be able to remain in the isolation area of the Medical Centre and will be cared for until isolation is no longer required. We will follow instructions from the government regarding testing / isolation of anyone who has been in close contact with a person who has tested positive. The School GPs will still be running clinics - these may be a mixture of virtual and face to face appointments, depending on need. The College Counsellor, Psychiatrist and Physios will also remain available by appointment either virtually or face to face.
cleaning There will be a deep clean of each Social before the boys arrive back in September. We have reviewed all cleaning protocols and are making use of new products such as anti-microbial shield coatings on frequently touched surfaces. Dons will be provided with cleaning materials to ensure that desks can be wiped between lessons. Although we will of course make every effort it is impossible to guarantee absolute cleanliness of surfces at all times. So our mantra to boys will be that: “You cannot guarantee that a surface will be completely clean but you can guarantee that your hands are completely clean�.
shop, coffee shop and barber services Shop and Coffee Shop will be open, but with reduced hours. Face coverings will be worn. As highlighted at the end of last term, we will be operating a cashless approach where possible. Boys should not, therefore, expect to pay for items with cash. There will be no barber services in the first half of term. Please ensure boys come back with a suitable haircut that will last.
guidance, advice and links We are ultimately guided and bound by the UK government measures but also have taken advice from the professional bodies listed below: UK Government
Guidance and Support
Department of Health & Social Care
Public Health England
Guidance for the full opening of Schools
Guidance for Employees
NHS - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Medical Officer of Schools Association Boarding School Association Independent Schools Council COVID-19: The Radley Response Radley COVID-19 Risk Assessment