return to radley a guide for staff to the safe reopening of radley college in september 2020
message from the warden Can I start by thanking you for all the hard work over last term and this Summer that has both kept a Radley education very much alive and well and at the same time prepared thoroughly for the return of the boys in September. On both counts, I am very proud to be part of a staff that has achieved so much. I can confidently say - and will - to parents that we are ready for the boys to return to as normal an educational experience as possible in as safe a context as possible. Please read this booklet carefully. We will ask all staff to certify that they have read and understood its contents as they return. There will be further training for all which will come in different forms and clearly this booklet does not cover every aspect of every role; please do speak to your line manager, to HR or to any member of the senior team that has overseen the process of preparation for return. The email remains live as one route to ask questions. I would ask that we remember a few simple principles: 1. Your wellbeing matters. Do raise any concerns that you have. 2. Be sensitive to others. Attitudes will differ and it is important that we recognise there will be a whole host of reasons for that . . . and be sensitive to it.
3. Take responsibility for your own space and allow others to do the same. 4. Be patient. We will need to be pragmatic to a degree and we can not prepare for every eventuality. We will constantly review but it will be important that we raise issues through the right channels in a calm way. 5. Be flexible. There will be adjustments for all of us in our dayto-day roles. Some elements of our duties and responsibilities may well be more onerous. If we can all adjust cheerfully and energetically, we will all benefit. 6. Model the right behaviour to the boys. They will respond much better if they see us taking the same things seriously. We are lucky at Radley. It is a secure environment given our rural location and the fact that many staff live on site. We have an excellent operational team that have prepared thoroughly and well. We have small class sizes and lots of space, both within our buildings (including three huge marquees to help us) and in our grounds. Of course we need to be safe but I am very confident that we have put everything in place to mitigate risk reasonably. Thank you for all that you have done and will do. By reading, understanding and applying the guidance in this booklet, we will all contribute to what will, I am sure, be a successful return of the boys to Radley.
Please note that this guide is intended to be a simple summary of principles. It will not cover everything. Specific information and training will be given for different roles within College. Please read this guide in conjuction with the Guide for Parents and the COVID Risk Assessment.
the three principles The basic messaging to the boys needs to be simple:
We will be issuing a training video for boys to expand on these. They will also receive training on the day of arrival to cover personal hygiene, logistics, our approach to ‘bubbles’ and catering arrangements.
groups and bubbles Much of our planning revolves around the three groups of which the boys are a part: • Their Social • Their Year Group • Their Social Year Group - which we refer to as their bubble
Year Group
eg L Social
eg L Social Shells
eg Shells
distancing Adults are more at risk than children and should aim where possible to socially distance by 2m. Those who have been identified by Occupational Health as being at above standard vulnerability should be particularly careful. It is not practical for the boys always to be 2m apart and so we have planned on the basis of 1m+. The + means two things. Firstly it means “at least 1m”. But it also means that additional mitigations have been put in place to reduce risk. Depending on circumstances these may include: • Extra levels of cleaning • Use of Hand Sanitisers • Use of Face Coverings • Facing in the same direction (eg in class) • Being outside Social Year Group Bubbles work in the same way as households - no distancing measures are needed, allowing them to board together, eat together and group together in lessons. Another important factor is the length of time people are near each other and so a momentary passing in a corridor is relatively low risk.
face coverings
Boys and staff must carry a face covering. They will be asked to wear them in public spaces where they are encountering people from other groups, such as in the Library, Shop, Coffee Shop, Medical Centre. Boys may wear them in lessons if they wish and a Don may insist on face coverings. They will be necessary for any transport.
red wrist bands
We are conscious that there will be a range of attitudes between boys, staff and parents: some, very understandably will be more concerned than others. There will be a voluntary system of a red wrist band (supplied by us) to be worn by any member of staff or boy. This will indicate a level of concern that they wish others to be aware of and sensitive to. This will also enable us to expect and achieve a greater level of vigilance around them without needing discussion (reasons might include medical conditions or vulnerable relatives etc).
classrooms and teaching Classroom blocks will have separate, signed entry and exit points. Within each block the general rule is to keep left at all times. Boys in the same bubble can sit next to each other. There should be at least 1m between boys of different Socials shoulder to shoulder (with risk further mitigated by cleaning, hand sanitising, all facing same way etc). There should be at least 2m between boys and Don. Avoid seating boys directly in front of Don’s desk. HODs have adjusted setting (if needed) to make this possible. It is the Dons’ responsibility that desks remain suitably arranged and that there is an appropriate seating plan. In a small number of cases, Occupational Health has recommended a specific Risk Assessment for a Don/ classroom; in these cases, RDS / DYA / KJB will assess. Dons should try to ensure that they arrive for lessons ahead of the boys. Boys will not be asked to queue outside classrooms. Boys remain seated during lessons, as far as is possible. Boys and staff will be asked to carry hand sanitiser at all times and Dons will remind boys to use it once seated.
Where possible, windows and doors should be open to increase ventilation. Boys should not be sent back to Social to collect kit. Where possible, work paperless but this is the Don’s decision. It is up to the Don whether they ask boys to wear face coverings. Boys may wear face coverings if they wish. Lessons will be 35 minutes long. This allows some flexibility of movement between lessons. Dons are asked to use their judgement to manage lesson changeovers. Please stick to lesson times – boys who are later are less likely to observe basic rules of hygiene and distancing. We have identified pinch points when extra supervision is needed. There will need to be an element of dual learning for a small number of classes. A good way of looking at this is that you teach the majority of the boys as normal but you make use of technology (such as OneNote) to give the other boys a window into your lesson. Housekeeping will continue as normal (or as close to normal as we can manage) but this will not include cleaning between lessons. Dons will be provided with cleaning materials to ensure that desks can be wiped between lessons. However, the onus will be on the boys who will be told that they can never guarantee that a surface is clean, but they can guarantee that their hands are clean. HODs will look at ways of minimising classroom sharing but when necessary, risk can be mitigated by good communication and a clear desk policy.
socials and form mastering Boys should not go into staff private houses. Dons should only enter Socials to which they are attached. Dons must use hand sanitiser before entering and when leaving a Social. Form meetings can be held in classrooms or other well ventilated areas. Large spaces in Socials can be used for Lower School Forms. Dons’ private gardens can be used (subject to weather). Dons should not enter boys’ rooms unless there is a good reason to do so. Boys in different year groups should observe social distancing as far as is possible. Where possible, outside spaces should be used for cocoa gatherings. Two large marquees have been erected in B and F Quad and behind the Bursary which will seat 150 and 100 respectively. These can be used on rotation for Socials so that events such as Social Prayers can continue. Any concerns about a boy’s health should be reported to the PHM, Tutor and Medical Centre immediately.
co-curricular Contact rugby will not be possible at the start of the Michaelmas Term and so the term will start with summer sports. Maintain social distancing. Training sessions must not extend beyond the allowed time slot. Work outdoors whenever possible. Boys should not use public transport. Minibuses should only be used if authorised by NM. As the term progresses, and only when it is safe to do so, we will start to introduce some pilot games fixtures and pilot off-site visits. Driving lessons can continue (with face coverings).
cleaning Housekeeping Staff There will be training for all staff on new products and working methods. Appropriate PPE provided for all staff. Clearly defined work area for all staff – for Socials, area aligned to year group bubbles where feasible. Working times planned to avoid contact with boys and staff. Break out areas designated by building (and use of marquees) to enable social distancing. All (non-cleaning) staff to have a responsibility too for wiping down surfaces in their environments (classrooms, offices, etc.) – cleaning equipment to be provided. More work areas for central Housekeeping department to enable social distancing. New contactless clock-in and clock-out processes. New laundry assistant recruited and specific safety review around end to end laundry processes.
Products and Equipment Two new cleaning and sanitising products: • Stabilised aqueous ozone as standard cleaning product. • Zoono – applies a lasting anti-microbial shield coating. To be applied every 4 weeks to frequently touched surfaces (e.g. bannisters, door handles). New materials, e.g. microporous cloths. New equipment – fogging machines and upgraded vacuum cleaners. Service Initial focus only on areas where boys live and work and where staff work. No domestic cleaning initially – boys will not be in private houses and this reduces exposure for staff and families, and enables resource to be focused on areas of greatest need. Deep cleans prior to term. Weekend sanitising of Socials.
catering Dining Dining initially to be for boys only (save that meals will be provided for duty dons). This is to allow focus on bedding-in an effective socially distanced process to offer as good a dining experience as possible. Dining will take place in Hall (through the servery) or a marquee in Chapel Quad with its own dedicated servery. There will be three sittings for each meal. Sittings are by year group and seating by Social bubble. Each boy will know which sitting they are to be at, at what time, which servery queue and which table they will sit at. Limited exceptions (e.g. late boys, or clashes with activities) will be provided for. Menu options limited, but focus on some slightly superior items and popular choices. No self service – food will be presented to boys on a tray; boys to bring own water. Sanitiser and screens in place and PPE for service staff. Process to be reviewed weekly. We will not be able to provide Common Room dining or hospitality catering in the first instance.
Coffee Shop Open, but with reduced hours. Face coverings to be worn. Sanitiser at entrance, perspex screen at counter. No cash. Shop Open, but with reduced hours. 12:00 to 13:00 for operational staff only. Face coverings to be worn. Drinks and confectionery lines reduced but focus on popular items. Reviewing who can access by day by year group to manage queue sizes at short break. Sanitiser at entrance, perspex screen at counter. No cash. Other Stationery starter packs issued. No hairdressing service. Vending will be available with some changes to machine locations. Milk and bread deliveries to continue to Socials – review collection process.
medical Should a member of staff need to send a pupil to the Medical Centre then they should either call or email ahead. If a member of staff tests positive for Covid-19, the HoD should be informed as soon as possible. Those in their department / close contact would be notified. Externally, Public Health England (or the National Institute for Health Protection) would investigate contacts and ascertain whether isolation were necessary for anyone else. That member of staff would need to follow medical advice regarding isolation and when they can return to work. Those within their house would also need to isolate. If living on campus, they would not be able to exercise outside their garden and would need to organise shopping deliveries / a friend doing shopping for them. If a pupil tests positive for Covid-19, they will either go home or be cared for in isolation in the Medical Centre. Their room in Social should be locked for 72hrs prior to being sanitised. The year group and Social of the individual will be made known, though broad confidentiality will be respected. Again, Public Health England (or the National Institute for Health Protection) will contact anyone who is required to isolate due to significant contact.
guidance, advice and links We are ultimately guided and bound by the UK government measures but also have taken advice from the professional bodies listed below: UK Government
Guidance and Support
Department of Health & Social Care
Public Health England
Guidance for the full opening of Schools
Guidance for Employees
NHS - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Medical Officer of Schools Association Boarding School Association Independent Schools Council COVID-19: The Radley Response Radley COVID-19 Risk Assessment
visitors All visits to the site, other than parents transporting pupils, should be pre-arranged.
staff welfare Training will be provided for staff and pupils over the next few weeks. The questionnaire that was circulated at the end of last term proved invaluable and many staff have been referred to the College’s Occupational Health Adviser. If you have not, and you have concerns please contact Those who were referred have been categorised according to their risk of Covid-19 and the College has worked to mitigate any risk identified. All staff have access to the Employee Assistance Programme, a free, 24-hour confidential helpline which can be contacted for support and information on a range of areas, from family, health and financial to legal, tax and consumer issues: 0800 030 5182
The school is committed to providing pastoral care for staff and there are a variety of routes that you can follow if you need to talk to someone about accessing support both in and outside work. The list below should not be seen as exhaustive—there is a wealth of knowledge within the College, and a long-standing tradition of mutual support. If you don’t know who to speak to then try the HR department in the first instance. SMT John Moule Andrew Ashton Ben Holden Elisabeth Anderson Harry Hammond Sophie Langdale Niall Murphy Steve Rathbone Roger Shaw Sarah Ballard (Human Resorces) David Wilson, Peter Taylor (Chaplains) Alex Gilley (Lead Nurse)