Starting your GCSES

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STARTING YOUR GCSES Having finished the Shell year and made your choices for GCSE, it’s important to recognise the importance of setting off in the right direction.

for them of starting a new school, Removes can sometimes be tempted to ‘coast along’ in that year, feeling that exams are a long time away.

What is vital is that you end up, after two years of study, with the the grades which reflect not only your ability, but also your hard work. However, the top grades of 7, 8 and 9, (the ones universities and employers will be wanting to see) will not come to you unless you have been organised in your work, and prepared to listen to advice for your improvement, from the outset. Study skills can be accessed here. (link)

In reality, when you strip out the holidays, they are much nearer. So, to avoid unnecessary panic, the sensible person works calmly and methodically instead of trying to cram everything into the last few months, or even weeks. Don’t make this mistake. Your Form Master, Tutor and classroom dons are there to give you encouragement, advice and, now and again, a push...

The Remove year can be a bit strange for boys, at least at the start. After all the attention which is quite rightly paid to Shell boys and the excitement

Most of all, you will enjoy your GCSE years so much more if you get into the right pattern of organised work.

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