VR2 Activities - Week 2

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Making the Most of a C.R.I.S.I.S.

C Careers Exploration R Reading I Independent Research S Skills Acquisition I Issues of the Day S Service to the Community

Activities – Week 2

In a crisis, we learn to adapt. To think differently. To see possibilities we did not previously envisage. To appreciate others more ‐ and to see how variety is good. To realise there is always a lot more to learn. To become aware of our own creativity ‐ and our self‐imposed limitations. To recognise that necessity is indeed the mother of invention: the astonishing acceleration in vaccination science is but one obvious example. Therefore, the academic aspect of the 'Making the Most of a CRISIS' programme for Virtual Radley 2 will involve all boys, managed by Form Masters, being expected to show evidence of personal progress in the following areas. C

Careers Exploration




Independent Research


Skills Acquisition


Issues of the Day


Service to the Community

I encourage boys to embrace the opportunities on offer in this booklet. Stephen Rathbone Academic Director Community Action Projects and CCF On Wednesday Activities, talks will be recorded so that those involved in CCF (Removes and NCOs) and those involved in CAP (Fifths) can watch them in their own time. Additionally, Wednesday Activities talks will, after Leave Away, be partly geared towards the service element contained within CAP and CCF. CAP and CCF activities will be communicated internally. Declamations Declamations is one of the great Radley competitions: a collective endeavour for the whole school. Boys learn a piece of their own choosing, that really means something to them: the very broad theme this year is ‘Solidarity’, but they can really go in any direction they like. They will declaim these in the first instance to their Form Masters, and the 4 ‐5 best will be chosen from each year group in each Social to go through to the semi‐finals. From these, 6 will be chosen from each year for the Final. The essential rules are: Nothing from last year’s finals or current College productions; At least 250 words; No more than 5 minutes to declaim. Dominic Scott Master i/c Declamations

Monday 18 January

Beyond Radley


The pathway to becoming a lawyer

Charlie Goodwin, Old Radleian (2005)

If you’re going to make the commitment to become a lawyer, or even contemplating it, this event will help you to explore whether this career is right for you. There are a number of skills, qualities and values that lawyers need to be able to do their jobs well – when it comes to applying to vacation schemes or graduate opportunities (known as training contracts), recruiters will be looking to see whether you have these. In this talk, Old Radleian, Charlie Goodwin (2005), an Associate at Simmons & Simmons, will give you a real insight into the qualities he thinks you need to be a lawyer in the current climate, and will talk to you about how he tackled his early career path ‐ which wasn’t always easy! Presentation followed by Q&A session Parents welcome Time: 16:00 Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/91832956871?pwd=ZTN5TVVMdmxLWXdia2FSRnRmSmZXdz09 Meeting ID: 918 3295 6871 Passcode: ft5yWC

How to Prepare and Deliver Excellent Presentations


Suitable for: all This course covers how to use PowerPoint effectively and how to deliver your presentation efficiently. The aim is for each participant to end up giving a 5‐10 min presentation on a topic of their choice. Requirements: PowerPoint

Time: Mondays at 15:40 Contact: gco.ochoa@radley.org.uk Limits: This course is limited to 15 boys. Please sign up with GCO. Parents welcome Standalone or series: This is the second of a series of sessions.

Cooking the Basics


Suitable for: all Learn how to cook the basics of everyday household meals which will set you up for culinary masterpieces in the future! The sessions will be live and interactive with the first 3 sessions highlighted below. Session 1: Potatoes 3ways Session 2: Cauliflower Cheese Session 3: Bolognese Sauce Requirements: access to kitchen and pre‐purchased ingredients Time: Monday 15:45 (1hr) Contact: CPMM Limit on numbers: 20 Parents welcome Standalone or series: Series


Skills, Independent Research

Suitable for: Sixth Form Discussion, exploration, literary events and games Requirements: Teams Time: Mondays at 15:40 Contact: AFCN Limit on numbers: None Parents welcome Standalone or series: Series, each Monday

Curriculum Extension English



Suitable for: Removes and Fifths Going beyond the English of the classroom. Requirements: Teams, pen, paper Time: Mondays at 15:40 Contact: AFCN Limit on numbers: 20 Standalone or series: Series, each Monday

Senior Book Group

Suitable for: Fifths, Sixth Form, dons We will meet twice to discuss the context and critical reception of ‘Milkman’ by Anna Burns, once before reading and once after. Requirements: Teams, a copy of the text or an audiobook. Time: 15:40 (then after Leave‐Away TBD) Contact: AFCN Limit on numbers: None Parents welcome Standalone or series: Two meetings as above

Africa Society


Suitable for: All Year Groups We will be exploring the diverse places and landscapes, peoples and cultures, and past and present stories of Africa through a variety of documentaries, cultural artifacts (music, film, and literature). We will also discuss the political and economic challenges facing various African countries. The overarching aim is simple: to spark a curiosity to find out about Africa, and to foster future travel to and experience of countries in Africa. Requirements: A keen interest and willingness to research and discuss. Time: Monday 15:40 – 17:00 Contact: Dr M Rumbold MIR.Rumbold@radley.org.uk Limit on numbers: up to 25 Parents welcome to share experiences and knowledge of Africa. Standalone or series: Series.

Collection Appreciation Collective Reading, Independent Research, Issues Suitable for: curious people of all ages Practical and sociable sessions, focusing on unlocking and exploring the wealth of Radley's library collections (print and online) Requirements: a reasonably large screen (minimum: iPad or laptop; phones are unsuitable); membership of Library Activity Group on Teams (join code: mxs440f) Time: 15:40 Contact: AKM Limit on numbers: 6 Parents and dons welcome Standalone or series: series



Suitable for: All We will be baking a different cake each week ranging from Brownies, to a Lemon Drizzle and Rocky Road Requirements: Kitchen, oven, ingredients (the recipe will be sent out a few days beforehand) Time: Mondays at 14:15 Contact: JDR Limit on numbers: No Parents welcome (but it will be aimed at the boys) Standalone or series: Every Monday, but can drop in and out, as new bake every week.

World Food


Suitable for: all Exploration of different food cultures. Some practical as well as theoretical elements. Requirements: Access to a kitchen Time: Mondays at 15:40 Contact: shd@radley.org.uk Limit: Please note that this activity is limited to 20 places. Please email SHD to reserve a place. Standalone or series: This is the second of a series of four sessions. Boys may attend one or the whole series.

Bicycle Maintenance


Suitable For: All This course will cover a selection of skills required to ensure your bike is running smoothly. Topics such as puncture repair, brake maintenance and gear tuning will be covered. Requirements: Any bike and a basic array of tools (Allen/hex keys, adjustable spanner, tyre levers, screwdriver etc.) Time: Mondays at 15:40 Contact: dz.zimmer@radley.org.uk Limit on Numbers: 10 places Parents Welcome Standalone or Series: First of a series of sessions

Chess Tournament


Suitable for: All boys. It doesn't matter how good you are at chess. All standards welcome. The tournament will start at 16:00 and you will be automatically paired with another player from Radley. Matches will be fast ‐ 5 minutes + 3 seconds per move so around 15 minutes per match. Once the match is over you will automatically be paired again for the next match. Players can join late and stay for as much of the hour as they want. Requirements: You need to be a member of Radley College chess club on Lichess.org. Set up an account and then apply to join the club. You will need to email KAM with your Lichess username so that you are allowed to join. Time: Mondays, 16:00‐17:00 Contact: KAM Limit on numbers: No limit Standalone or series: Series. Every Monday at 16:00

Tuesday 19 January Let's Explore: Philosophy and the Pandemic


Professor Angie Hobbs Suitable for: Removes, Fifths, Sixth Form The pandemic has presented us with some tough ethical choices. Health or freedom? Lives or livelihoods? The greatest good of the greatest number or individual rights? Present or future generations? In this talk Professor Angie Hobbs discusses the work she has done in a variety of media – videos, podcasts, radio, print – to show how philosophy can illuminate these issues and help us think creatively about possible solutions. Angie Hobbs is Professor of the Public Understanding of Philosophy at the University of Sheffield, a position created for her. Her chief interests are in ancient philosophy and literature, and ethics and political theory from classical thought to the present, and she has published widely in these areas. Her most recent publication for the general public is Plato’s Republic: a Ladybird Expert Book. She contributes regularly to radio and TV programmes and other media. She has spoken at the World Economic Forum at Davos, the Houses of Parliament, the Scottish Parliament and Westminster Abbey and been the guest on Desert Island Discs and Private Passions. Angie was a judge of the Man Booker International Prize 2019 and was on the World Economic Forum Global Future Council 2018‐9 for Values, Ethics and Innovation. www.angiehobbs.com Time: This event takes place from 1400‐1500; last bookings on Monday at link below: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lets‐explore‐philosophy‐and‐the‐pandemic‐tickets‐127142188709

Sport Workout 3 (Climb the Ladder) https://bit.ly/3iqTErb Suitable for: All years Choose your level ‐ Gold, Silver or Bronze Requirements: Small amount of space Parents welcome

Wednesday 20 January Beyond Radley


The benefits working for a global company: Life at JCB Tom Cornell, Old Radleian (1987) It can be hard to find the perfect workplace, not only does the job have to be right for you, but you have to feel you fit in with the people and the values of the organisation. Large corporates are an ideal training ground to work out what you want to do and you will learn many skills that you can take to other companies, both large and small. Old Radleian, Tom Cornell, will talk about his career in JCB, which took him all over the world in a variety of roles. He will tell you about the wealth of opportunities working for a global brand can expose you to, and what skills he thinks you need to develop to succeed in a large company today. Presentation followed by Q&A session Parents welcome Time: 14:15 Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/96778879279?pwd=SDRRb1JpTlI5NENTVDZLSTJwVW52QT09 Meeting ID: 967 7887 9279 Passcode: N4HxTn

Managing the Mind in Uncertain Times


Old Abingdonians Suitable for: all This talk, hosted by Abingdon’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator Natalie Hunt in collaboration with the Old Abingdonian Club, will discuss mental health and wellbeing; providing strategies to maintain mental fitness, develop resilience and take a positive mindset into the New Year. Followed by Q&A. Time: Wednesday 1930 Registration in advance: https://forms.gle/WhQFav5mTWQfMesh7

Fusion 360 CAD Package


Suitable for: all Improve your CAD skills ‐ from novice to expert in 6 lessons! If you don't already have an account please contact rj@radley.org.uk as these can take some time to setup. Requirements: CAD software & account Time: Wednesdays at 14:15 Contact: rj@radley.org.uk Limit: This course is limited to 15 boys. Please sign up with RJ. Standalone or series: This is a series of six sessions. You will be expected to attend the whole course.



Suitable for: all This course will take a very practical approach to just making yourself some good food. The sessions nearer the start of term will be heavier on basic skills and the craft of being at home in the kitchen. The sessions later in the term may be a bit more ambitious. All sessions will aim to give you what you need to make a very decent meal ‐ immediately, or maybe to finish that evening. Requirements: Access to a kitchen Time: Wednesdays at 14:15 Contact: jass.sheldrake@radley.org.uk Limits: There is no limit to the number of boys taking this course. Please email JASS to sign up. Parents welcome Standalone or series: This is the second of a series of sessions.

Shells' Shakespeare Acting Competition Suitable for: Shells who have already signed up Monologue and Duologue virtual rehearsals Requirements: Laptop/iPad/Mobile and scripts Time: Wednesdays at 14:15 Contact: VKB / GHSM Limit on numbers: Existing participants only Standalone or series: Weekly


Thursday 21 January Kresse Wesling


The Future of Luxury is Sustainable, Ethical, Reclaimed, Open, Generous and Kind Suitable for: all Since 2005 Elvis & Kresse have been rescuing raw materials, transforming them into luxury lifestyle accessories and donating 50% of profits back to charities. Their classic, decommissioned red fire‐hose Weekend Bag is now a part of the Victoria & Albert’s permanent collection. In 2005 we had a chance encounter with the London Fire Brigade. When we learned that London's damaged decommissioned hoses were headed to landfill we mounted a rescue. We set up Elvis & Kresse to save it. For over a decade none of London’s fire‐hose has gone to landfill and over 200 tons of material has been reclaimed. In 2017 the Burberry Foundation partnered with Elvis & Kresse to tackle the even greater global problem of leather waste. This Five‐year partnership will see at least 120 tonnes of leather off‐cuts from Burberry recrafted into new luxury items, designed and sold by Elvis & Kresse. Time: 20:00 Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87153182745?pwd=QkxVL1Q2aFpQbDZ2SHpwaUQ0bU1Fdz09 Meeting ID: 871 5318 2745 Passcode: 2xFq32

The Warden’s Chapel Talk The Warden will talk on an issue of the day as part of our live Chapel service. Login: https://bit.ly/3oXVX7J Time: Thursday 17:15 Parents are also welcome

Sport Workout 4 (Tabata Time) https://bit.ly/36aJQwT Suitable for: All years Choose your level ‐ Gold, Silver or Bronze Requirements: Small amount of space Parents welcome


Friday 22 January Beyond Radley


Channel 4, ITV, Netflix … starting a career in the TV industry Jamie Campbell, Old Radleian (1990) Jamie Campbell, acclaimed director and producer, who most recently produced the series Sex Education for Netflix (and is currently working on the 3rd series), will talk to you about his career in the TV industry, what it is like in the current climate, and what to think about if you want to pursue TV production as a career. Jamie started out writing and directing theatre, taking his plays to the Edinburgh Festival in 1993 and to London’s Finborough Theatre in 2001. He then went to London Film school in 2001, after which he directed, produced, and appeared in multiple primetime documentaries for Channel 4, ITV, the BBC and Sky 1 – including Candid Cameron, Martha and Me, 24 hours with … and Osama and the US. He set up production company Eleven in 2006. Presentation followed by Q&A session Parents welcome Time: 16:00 Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/94282003902?pwd=bHVUVEF2WnlwU0hNYndrOU1wWGttdz09 Meeting ID: 942 8200 3902 Passcode: pz0CQJ

Learn Portuguese


Suitable for: all An introduction to Brazilian Portuguese, focusing on key differences from Spanish, plus aspects of culture. Time: Fridays at 15:40 Contact: mcfb.brown@radley.org.uk Limit: Please note that this activity is limited to 10 places. Please email MCFB to reserve a place. Standalone or series: This is the second of a series of sessions. You will be expected to attend the whole course.

Cooking with Confidence


Suitable for: all How to plan, prepare and produce three meals that will win you friends and admirers. Requirements: Access to a kitchen Time: Fridays at 15:40 Contact: sb@radley.org.uk Limit: Please note that this activity is limited to 20 places. Please email SB to reserve a place. Standalone or series: This is the second of a series of sessions.

Organ pupils' seminar: hymn playing Suitable for: Those having organ lessons Skills development for organ pupils ‐ playing hymns in Chapel Requirements: Hymn music as allocated by your organ teacher; piano or organ Time: 15:40 Contact: TMM Limit on numbers: no Standalone or series: series




Suitable for: all Leave all your preconceptions about what yoga is or whom it is for aside and try something new. Top athletes, both male and female, practise yoga alongside their main sport as it is a fantastic way to tone and stretch your body and to relax your mind. In times of uncertainty, giving your mind a break from academic work and potential stress is integral to taking care of your mental health. The style of yoga will be Vinyasa always ending in a relaxing shavasana. Please let me know of any pre‐existing injuries you may have. Always listen to your body. Never stay in a pose if it causes pain! Requirements: A mat of some sort or a rug/towel if you don't have one. All levels of experience welcome. Time: Friday 15:40 Contact: ajd.davies@radley.org.uk Limit: There is no limit to the number of boys taking this course. Standalone or series: This is the second of a series of sessions.

Electrolysis at Home


Suitable for: all Simple practical experiments you can try at home with a 9V PP3 battery. Requirements: 9V PP3 battery, baking soda, Blu Tack, red berry fruit tea bag, drawing pins, paper or plastic cup, table salt, 2 pencils – sharpened at both ends. Time: Friday 15:40 Contact: rdw.woodling@radley.org.uk Limit: This activity is limited to 20 places. Please email RDW to reserve a place. Standalone or series: The second in a series of sessions.

Monologue / Duologue Workshops


Suitable for: Students who are preparing for auditions or building their repertoire Virtually rehearse speeches or source monologues/duologues, developing characterisation skills and knowledge of texts Requirements: Email VKB to be added to the workshop on 'Teams' Time: Fridays at 15:40 Contact: VKB Standalone or series: Weekly on Fridays

Creative Performance Projects


Suitable for: Shells, Removes & Fifths Write, direct, act and/or edit an original production tailored for virtual performances! Requirements: Email VKB to be added to the workshop on 'Teams' Time: Fridays at 16:20 Contact: VKB Standalone or series: Weekly on Fridays

Waffle making


Suitable for: anyone who owns a waffle maker and doesn't know how to use it Zoom call, during which participants will learn to follow a basic waffle recipe, so they can treat their families over the weekend Requirements: depending on waffle quantities required, at least a small bag of self‐raising flour, some sugar, at least one egg, at least a half‐pint of milk; whisk, kitchen scales Time: 16:00 Contact: AKM Limit on numbers: 12 Parents welcome Standalone or series: standalone

Non‐Scheduled Resources and Activities

Climate Change and the Environment


Baronesses Helene Hayman and Floella Benjamin Suitable for: all Originally broadcast in November and hosted by Speakers for Schools, this is a recording of a panel discussion with Peers for the Planet members Baroness Helene Hayman and Baroness Floella Benjamin. The Peers discussed topics including what sparked their interest in climate change and the environment and how they are working to legislate for change. https://bit.ly/35Qfcs7

Google Digital Garage


The majority of the courses are free, and approved by industry experts, top entrepreneurs and some of the world’s leading employers. So you can be sure that you’re learning up‐to‐date, real‐world skills that help you reach your goal. https://bit.ly/3bRWtk3

War Poetry


Suitable for: anyone Sharing and discussing favourite War Poems Requirements: an interest in War Poetry! Time: to be confirmed by contacting IKC by email or on Teams Limit on numbers: no Parents welcome Standalone or series: series

Songwriting for Beginners


Suitable for: All Year Groups This short course will show you one approach to writing a song. Requirements: You need an instrument to use to create the music. Time: Accessible on Streams any time at these links: Part one: https://bit.ly/3bZqyhH Part two: https://bit.ly/38Wh8Bj Part three: https://bit.ly/3pbM7PT Contact: ACW (acw.wiles@radley.org.uk) Limit on numbers: None Parents welcome Standalone or series: Series of three parts


Skills, Independent Research

Suitable for: the academically curious in any year Discussion of issues and figures in Philosophy Requirements: an interest in Philosophy Time: to be confirmed by contacting IKC by email or on Teams Limit on numbers: no Parents welcome Standalone or series: series

Greek Myth Workshop


Suitable for: All Re‐telling and stories (e.g. Theseus & the Minotaur) with primary school pupils Requirements: Teams (some DIY props might be needed!) Time: to be confirmed by contacting MGGD Limit on numbers: 5 Standalone or series: Series

Photography Competition


The phrase "First Lockdown" might conjure up images of haphazard haircuts and risky recipes but it also brought us pictorial perfection through the Radley Photography Competition. So, in order to make the most of this new lockdown, I am pleased to invite you to take part in the second edition of the Photography Competition. It will be a weekly event, with Thursday 6pm as the deadline for submissions. The results will be announced on Fridays. The first theme for this week will be WINTER.

(Photo: Marc Riboud, Cité Interdite sous la neige, 1957) Please send your submissions to: ap.pancrazi@radley.org.uk Deadline: 6pm on Thursday 21st Ready, steady go ‐ get creative!

Rock Soc

Suitable for: anyone Sharing favourite songs, and discussing rock in general Requirements: an interest in rock music Time: to be confirmed by contacting IKC by email or on Teams Limit on numbers: no Parents welcome Standalone or series: series


Open University courses which can be accessed at any time Introduction by the Academic Director These online courses are all open to the public and rated at the ‘Introductory’ level. So no previous experience is needed. The Open University is a highly respected institution and we can be confident of the quality of these courses. We strongly suggest that everyone completes the Personal Finance course and at least another. Take care not to dismiss a course because, for example, it looks ‘Mathsy’ and you don’t feel you are good at Maths. The course Working with charts, graphs and tables is designed for such a person as you… With every course, after completion, you get an Open University Certificate which you can mention in your university application (even if that is some way down the line and refer to in internship/job applications. You will able to mention the course(s) on LinkedIn etc. You can work at them at your own pace. They are a very good thing to take on during lockdown ‐ and beyond. NB. The introduction to each course is from the OU OpenLearn website and copyrighted to the OU.

1. Succeed with Learning


Suitable for: all Have you ever had any of the following thoughts? What do I want to do with my life? How can I reach my goal? Would I cope with studying at college or university? Can I get better at learning? How can I manage the challenges that life keeps throwing my way? If you are thinking about questions like these, Succeed with learning is just what you are looking for. This course takes your life as its starting point, developing your awareness of just how much you have already learned and what you are capable of. It will suggest ways of 'fine‐tuning', and building on, the expertise you have developed in your life. You will also learn some interesting theories about how we learn, and some of the key skills and tools to make your learning a success. Login: https://bit.ly/3sAQpCh

2. Personal Finance


Suitable for: all Managing your money really is a true skill for life. This free Open University course will give you the confidence and tools to be in control whether you are:  still studying at school or college  starting work or an apprenticeship  going to university. Login: https://bit.ly/3sDfwEv

3. Digital Skills


Suitable for: all This free course, Digital skills: succeeding in a digital world, will develop your confidence and skills for life online, whether study, work or everyday life. It explores a range of digital skills and practices, including digital identity, digital well‐being, staying safe and legal, finding and using information and online tools, and dealing with information overload. The importance of developing a critical approach to life online is emphasised throughout, whether consuming or creating information. You'll be encouraged to reflect on your own situation and to apply what you learn to real‐life scenarios, using a digital skills plan to keep a record of progress. Login: https://bit.ly/3nZ6cqS

4. Internet of Everything


Suitable for: all The internet of everything, and all of the connected things on the internet, are here to stay. There is considerable hype in the media – good and bad – that makes it difficult to work out if this connectedness is a good thing or a bad thing. Or, should we be indifferent about the internet of everything? What is clear from media coverage is that the internet of everything has already been associated with global security scares, while for many it is the cool technological must‐have. So, what it is and why should I care? You may not yet have a smart watch, an Amazon Echo or a refrigerator that has become hackable. However, as we have seen the explosion of smartphones, video technologies and Pokemon, we are witnessing another technology that is set to become a part of everyday life for everyone. Welcome to the free course Internet of everything. The internet of everything (IoE) is the networked connection of people, process, data and things. As more people, data and things come online, we need to develop skills and technological processes to harness the vast amounts of information being generated by all these connected people and things. The goal of this course is to introduce you to fundamental concepts and technologies that enable the IoE and help you understand its benefits as well as potential risks. The course presents introductory material and is intended to be easily completed by anyone with a basic appreciation of computer technologies. By completing this course, you will not become an IoE expert, but you will become an informed individual. Login: https://bit.ly/35TpXKB

5. Preparing for your digital life in the 21st Century


Suitable for: all This free course, Preparing for your digital life in the 21st Century, provides a general overview of how digital technology has come to dominate virtually every aspect of the modern world and some guidance on how to prepare for this digital life. It also provides a more detailed explanation of the internal structure and workings of a typical computer. Login: https://bit.ly/3quCcoH

6. English: skills for learning Suitable for: all This course is for anybody who is thinking of studying for a university degree and would like to develop the English reading and writing skills needed to succeed. You'll be introduced to academic reading and effective note‐ making strategies. You'll develop your essay writing. You'll look at academic style and vocabulary‐building strategies. You'll also enhance your understanding of sentence structure and punctuation. You will learn through a range of engaging activities aimed at extending your existing language skills. Login: https://bit.ly/35RgQty


7. Communication Skills


Suitable for: all Communication is part of everyone's life. Being able to communicate clearly and effectively orally, visually and in writing underpins nearly everything we do. This free course, Key skill assessment: Communication, will help you recognise your strengths as well as the areas where you could improve. In developing and assessing your communication skills, you will learn to recognise, adapt and use your skills confidently and effectively in different situations and contexts. Login: https://bit.ly/3sDmCsJ

8. Talk the Talk: public speaking


Suitable for: all This hands‐on course will give you the skills and knowledge you need to create and deliver confident presentations and speeches. This free course introduces the mechanics of effective, persuasive oral presentations, by giving you the opportunity to analyse examples and then create your own. Using resources such as TED Talk videos, you will see how experts deliver professional talks and famous speeches, observe what works, and identify how language connects ideas and keeps a listener engaged. You will find your own examples of impressive presentations, and you will work to create and practise your own talk. At the end of the course you will have a powerful presentation you have created and can be proud of, which you can take away with you and present with confidence in your academic, professional or personal life. This course is intended for those with an interest in presenting, creating presentations or improving their public speaking skills ‐ for school, work, or simply for fun ‐ and does not require any previous experience of studying this subject. Login: https://bit.ly/39Fd8EE

9. Succeed in the workplace


Suitable for: all [Still relevant to all Radleians who want a job in the future…] Do you want to change jobs? Are you just starting in the job market? Are you returning to work after a break? If so, then this free course, Succeed in the workplace, is for you. It will help you explore career opportunities by starting from you, not the job ‐ getting to know yourself and what you value are the foundations of your career planning. You will gain the skills to write strong CVs and application forms, and to handle different types of interviews. By the end of the course you will have made a start on your own realistic and robust action plan to enable you to find a job that will fulfil your aspirations and suit your lifestyle. Login: https://bit.ly/3it6DZm

10. Internships and other work experiences


Suitable for: all Are you looking to develop your career by undertaking an internship or other work experience opportunity? Perhaps you are already doing one and would like support in getting the best out of it? You might even be further along in your career and looking for ways to gain the experience that will help you to change direction. In the working world, it’s no secret that an internship can provide valuable experience, enhance your career development and increase your chances of securing the job you really want. But what actually is an internship? If it isn’t called an ‘internship’ does it have less credibility? Are all internships or work experiences going to give you the knowledge and skills that you need? If you want to learn more about internships and the other work experience options available, and explore how you can obtain and maximise the right opportunities to support your chosen career, then this free course Internships and other work experiences will help you Login: https://bit.ly/3sGFxmC

11. Using Volunteering to get ahead in the job market


Suitable for: all This free course, Using voluntary work to get ahead in the job market, explores how engaging in voluntary work can enhance your employment opportunities. Login: https://bit.ly/38UrnpQ

12. How to be a critical reader Suitable for: all In this free course you will focus on how to be a critical reader. Reading critically is an essential skill at university. It means being aware of your own purposes and opinions as you read and being able to recognise the writer's purposes and opinions in their writing. Login: https://bit.ly/2LLgbTN


13. Personal Branding for Career Success:


Suitable for: all The way you present yourself to your employers, both current and future, plays a crucial part in career success and satisfaction. If you get it right, it can enhance your profile at work, helping you to win interesting projects, promotions and the respect of your colleagues. It will also increase your chances of being the successful candidate at job interviews or attracting clients to your business if you’re self‐ employed. Personal branding is a popular theme for online blog posts and articles. Individuals are encouraged to use tried and tested marketing techniques to promote themselves effectively to the world. However, care must be taken to ensure that the process doesn’t go too far, ending with you presenting yourself in an overly polished, corporate way that doesn’t truly represent what you have to offer. Login: https://bit.ly/3qyFQxP

14. Retail Marketing


Suitable for: all This free course, Retail marketing, explores how retailers use marketing to communicate with their customers, considering definitions of retailing and consumers, the basics of communications, before moving on to look at different forms of marketing communications and advertising used by retailers. Login: https://bit.ly/39FTYOW

15. An introduction to cybersecurity


Suitable for: all Our lives depend on online services. Gain essential cyber security knowledge and skills, to help protect your digital life. We shop online. We work online. We play online. We live online. As our lives increasingly depend on digital services, the need to protect our information from being maliciously disrupted or misused is really important. Login: https://bit.ly/35ThfvK

16. An introduction to data and information Suitable for: all Ever wondered how a computer processes data into information? This free course, an introduction to data and information, will help you to understand the distinction between the two and examines how a computer‐based society impacts on daily life. You will learn what computers can do with data to produce information and how computers can be used to work with data and search for it, control machines, and support commercial operations. Login: https://bit.ly/35VuLip


17. Working with charts, graphs and tables


Suitable for: all When you come across information represented in charts, graphs and tables, you'll need to know how to interpret this information. This free course, Working with charts, graphs and tables, will help you to develop the skills you need to do this. For further study, there's another course titled 'More working with charts, graphs and tables' which looks into more ways to present statistical information and shows you how to use charts, graphs and tables to present your own information. Login: https://bit.ly/3sxGZaN

18. People‐centred design Suitable for: all Designed products surround us all and range from bus tickets to buildings. This free course, People‐centred designing, focuses firmly on usability and the increasingly important phenomenon of people‐centred design. It aims to inform consumers of design (i.e., all of us) about this crucial characteristic of design. In addition to stimulating interest in areas of concern for producers of design, the course might also provide an introduction to engineering, manufacturing and business studies Login: https://bit.ly/3bS19GD


19. Start Writing Fiction


Suitable for: all Have you always wanted to write, but never quite had the courage to start? This free course, Start writing fiction, will give you an insight into how authors create their characters and settings. You will also get to understand different genres of fiction. Login: https://bit.ly/2LIFshi

20. Smart Cities


Suitable for: all Explore the role of technology and data in cities, and learn how you can participate in the creation of smart cities. Login: https://bit.ly/38V5NBC

21. Eating to win: activity, diet and weight control


Suitable for: all What should we eat before and after exercise? This free course, Eating to win: activity, diet and weight control, examines the importance of nutrition in physical activity, sport and weight management. The role that physical activity has alongside nutrition in controlling body weight will be discussed, as will considerations for pre‐exercise and post‐exercise nutrition and hydration Login: https://bit.ly/2M7IDPm

22. Leadership and Followership


Suitable for: all Leaders are all around us – we encounter them at work and in our spare time, we read about them in the press – but have you ever wondered what makes them good or bad at their role? You might be considering a leadership role as your next career step, or maybe you’re in a leadership position already and finding it difficult to move your team forward. If you’re interested in finding out more about leadership, from the perspective of a leader or a follower, then this free course, Leadership and Followership will help you. Working through this course will help you to explore what makes a good leader, recognise common leadership challenges, and identify the skills you need to develop if you want to enhance your own leadership experience. Login: https://bit.ly/3bSH0A0

Making the Most of a C.R.I.S.I.S. In addition to the above, please aim to make progress in the other sections of our theme 'Making the Most of a CRISIS'.

C: Career Exploration Introducing boys to the world of work as early as possible can help them to better understand the plethora of careers available to them and potentially inspire them to start exploring the pathway to a specific career. Building on the success of the career talks run during Virtual Radley 1, the Radleian Society and Radley Careers department will arrange a series of events, including talks, panels, debates and networking opportunities, to be held during activities time. The support of the Radley Community is vital in helping us to tap into a ‘live view’ of the fast changing workplace today, and we will build our programme from the experience and expertise of Old Radleians and Radley parents at all ages and stages in their careers. Broad themes will be: 1. Early career exploration ‐ exposure to a wide variety of careers across industries to help boys broaden their horizons beyond A‐levels and university. 2. Building your personal brand – helping boys to understand how to present themselves in the business world, online and offline. Also exploring entrepreneurism and active career management. 3. Lifelong learning in your career – a focus on the transferable skills needed in the workplace to succeed in a world where boys are now expected to change career frequently. 4. Social responsibility in your career – behaving ethically and morally in your career and business choices and understanding of the value of ‘giving back’. Parents, please do get in touch with Caroline Monaghan, Radleian Society Manager if you have a career or business skill you are happy to talk to the boys about at radsoc@radley.org.uk. R: Reading (including podcasts and audiobooks) Here is a link to the library reading list/challenges/activities https://bit.ly/2M5Kswe and here is one to the general podcast list https://bit.ly/3irgoaF and many will find the range of options useful. Boys can leap from one theme to another or specialise. What is most important is that they immerse themselves in something beyond standard curriculum learning. However, we will also send specific recommendations week by week to allow for discussion within and across forms and year groups. Within Forms, we will encourage a reading challenge initiative and boys will be expected to give a five minute talk towards the end of term on what they have read.

I: Independent Research In both Lower School and the Sixth Form, writing and research projects will be encouraged by academic departments, the Head of Junior Scholars and the Academic Director. This worked very well during Virtual Radley, as many of you will recall. One ongoing example is the submission of articles to the boy‐led magazine Serpentes, which is edited by the Academic Prefects. Cash prizes may help with creativity! There will be a stress on both individual and collaborative research projects and challenges. I would stress that practical projects and research/problem‐solving challenges are just as important as ‘paper’ ones. S: Skill Acquisition There will be a major focus on communications and presentation skills. The annual Declamations competition will therefore run as usual this term. This presents a great opportunity for every boy to memorise and perform a piece in front of his form mates and hopefully move on to the Semi‐Finals and possibly the Final. The Careers talks (see above) will obviously contain a lot of relevant material too for skill acquisition. The Director of Digital Strategy and Head of Computer Science will be providing introductions to coding and other IT courses which will be of help to all year groups and levels of ability. We shall also repeat (but with a greater number of chefs!) the hugely popular online cooking option. Additionally, we will provide a list of ten high‐quality (free) external courses, covering a range of key skills that we would encourage boys to access and complete. Finally, we strongly recommend that boys listen to Radio 4’s More or Less programme https://bbc.in/38YdGWV which, as many of you already know, helps people develop Critical Thinking skills for navigating a confusing and confused world. I: Issues of the Day The Academic Director has already organised a variety of interesting speakers for this term’s lecture series, as can be seen from the Calendar. Yet, given the circumstances, we shall expand it even further. Parents are very welcome to attend! These talks will generally be at 8pm and we shall send details before each one as a reminder. Contentious topic areas and the advance of science and technology are among the key themes. The Academic Director will, where appropriate, send boys and parents an Issue of the Week briefing for the upcoming lectures to whet appetites and contextualise the talk. Additionally, the Warden will continue to give his news‐themed Thursday evening Chapel Address.

S: Service to the Community The Director of Partnerships is working with me on ensuring that Radley boys and staff can assist the wider educational community and other organisations during lockdown. The talks mentioned above will in most cases be shared appropriately with partner schools, either in recorded form or live. We already have a large number of boys assisting pupils in the state sector with a Maths tuition and revision programme. We are developing a range of safe opportunities for boys to make a really effective contribution to wider society now and beyond the pandemic. Each boy will be expected to show that they have participated in something that has a service element during this period.

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