Radu Axinte work volume 2013

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For me architecture is the process of realizing what the site’s potential is, what it wants to be and what it needs to be in order to remain true for the people and the emvironment. From a personal viewpoint, architecture’s greatest quality is to lift the spirit and facilitate human interaction. I strive to find fresh approaches to design, that go beyond traditional ideas regarding architecture and nature. My experience over the past six years is reviewed here in brief.

Thesis September 2013



5th year studio February 2012



4th year studio June 2011



4th year studio January 2011

PACU residence


3rd year studio April 2010

GMA school


RADU AXINTE www.raduaxinte.com Masters in Architecture Technical University of Iasi 2007 - 2013



TECHNOLOGY CENTER Thesis project Iasi, RO (R&D/Conference/Park) September 2013

Located in the former industrial part of the city, the site for the project is structured as a natural landscape inspired from the city’s shape culture and history. The project explores alternatives to the stacked office space, focuses on human interaction and spatial experience as a ritual. The main building acts as a gate for the masterplan with two focal points that make a visual link between the office and public space. The interior is a boulevard-like experience; The succesion of office and green space act as a ritual that makes balance between work and leisure. The spiraling interior path ends on an exterior meeting space on the green roof.





The two buildings existing onsite will be at the core of the tech center.

The project explores the link and separation limits of public, research and office space.

Interior spaces are arranged according to their public/private profile along the core.

Meeting spaces act as a buffer between conference, office and learning spaces



Interior path

The building creates a passage between the piazza and the park.

Courtyards bring light and natural ventilation to all spaces.

Each program has an individual route. The boulevard-like experience spirals through the building and reaches the roof gardens.

Re-Imagining the site In order to make the new grid a reality a series of programatic, access and connections have to be established. The linked distance between the existing structures becomes a succession of different scale spaces and visual experiences. 3

Technology center

Link and separation The building links the piazza with the park and by elevation makes the dissociation between public and private space.

Masterplan Overview Axonometric I: Infrastructure and city connections are consolidated. Existing structures are refurbished. Views and visual scale is controled with green space placement. II: New buildings are inserted as links between existing structures. Technology center


The Gate The tech center marks the passage from the access piazza to the park. Viewed from the street, the building apears as an ephemeral structure. 5

Technology center

Core and Symbiosis Existing building cores are extended into the new structure and the library volume becomes the signal for the new tech development. Technology center


Interior landscape A longitudinal section reveals the mixture of functions and spatial sequences inside the volume

Green space Public space Retail

Ground floor plan - Public space / Retail

Ground floor plan Green space is used to create visual axes and reduce the scale of the site. 7

Technology center

Green space Conference

1F Office/Meeting/Conference

Meeting space Office space

+6.5m 1F Office/Meeting/Conference Meeting space acts as a buffer between different spaces and focuses interaction.

Green space Conference

2F Office/Conference

Meeting space Office space

+10.5m 2F Linking The tech center marks the passage from the access piazza to the park. Viewed from the street, the building apears as an ephemeral structure. Technology center


Visual connections The office atrium acts as an informal link between the office departments.

D1 9

Technology center

Technical details Facade and green roof systems


Porosity An aerial view reveals the two poles of the building and the porous character near the park Technology center


1:250 Building model East street view. Public library on top of existing core. 11

Technology center

1:250 Building model Bird’s eye view of the access piazza and the park. Technology center


Office atrium At the center of the atrium, a platform creates the meeting and leisure space. 13

Technology center

Public space Access lobby overlooking the central courtyard and amphitheater. Technology center


ECO OFFICE 5th year studio Iasi, RO (Office/Meeting/Greenhouse) February 2012

Located in a low-rise residential area, the building was designed to achieve a low CO2 footprint, be energy efficient and raise awareness towards sustainability The site benefits form good sun orientation, the length of it faces south along the river. Wind power is an important aspect taken into consideration in the overall energy scheme. There are permanent wind currents from West to East along the Bahlui river. The main feature of the building is the central greenhouse that acts as a focal point for the building. Also the greenhouse volume deflects permanent wind currents to the turbines and acts as a fresh air buffer and heat chimney for the interior.





The building will complete the low-rise building pattern of the neighborhood.

A tall greenhouse volume deflects the main air currents to power the wind turbines.

The sloped roof is South oriented and offers ideal support for an array of photovoltaic panels.

Geothermal heat pumps help balance interior climate and energy consumption.

Lobby Reception Meeting space G Access/Reception

Access/Parking Greenhouse

Ground floor Recessed footprint - Reception, greenhouse and meeting for external clients. 17

Eco office

North view A custom mesh deflects ground level wind currents upwards Eco office


Office space Meeting space

1 F Office/Meeting

Informal office / Relax

Office space Meeting space

2 F Office/Meeting

Informal office / Relax

Windscape The overlay of plans reveals the tunnel created through the building 19

Eco office

Connections: Urban and interior The sloping volume marks the passing from mid-rise to low-rise buildings completeing the urban texture. A cross sections through the greenhouse illustrates the vertical connections of the interior. Eco office


Long section The long section reveals a mixture of spatial sequences used for the interior and the stacking of service, office and leisure zones.The stepped volume to the West maximizes solar exposure to the greenhouse 21

Eco office



D2 Technical details Systems used for the sloped and green roof Eco office


Greenhouse A cut-away section reveals the greenhouse as the link between public space, reception and office space 23

Eco office

North view A custom mesh deflects ground level wind currents upwards Eco office


Roof garden On the top level the meeting room foyer extends onto the green roof 25

Eco office

North On the North side, overlooking the river, the greenhouse extends as a heat chimney Eco office


TCC HOTEL 4th year studio Iasi, RO (Restaurant/Conference/SPA) June 2011

The TCC hotel is part of the new urban axis for the Southeastern part of the city and marks the entrance to the development. The key to our urban insertion is to capitalize on the site’s strategic placement and mark the development of former industrial derelict land. An omnidirectional floor plan created for the hotel makes the best out of the city/park views and sun orientation. At ground level a two story public podium houses a spa center and restaurant. The podium wings face Sount and have views to the park. A large courtyard and one greenhouse bring natual light to all interior spaces.




The site has good strategic placement near public transport, comercial venues and green space

The mixed use cluster has set goal of maintaining good light/view orientation and ballance public/private space

A stepped triangular structure orients best the structure to the park and city



The parametric grid of the facade controles visual scale and dematerializes the hotel

The result is organized in an functional and logical structure that makes a bold statement for the new urban axis.

Podium A two wing podium articulates the west end of the site and merges the hotel with the park

Scale and Site The project merges different programs in scale and dynamics. A public podium housing a conference center, restaurant and SPA with the semi-public hotel. The difference between the different components is revealed in the hotel’s volumetry. 29


Aerial view The TCC hotel is the first of the new buildings proposed for the former industrial side of the river. Hotel


Loby/Reception Ground floor plane



1st floor plan

Service core/Office

Service core/Retail

Public podium Overlaid, the ground and first floor plan reveal the podium porosity for light and natural ventilation. Spaces are clustered near cavities and make the program act as a hole. 31



Connections The section reveals the connections between the access platform and the vertical space of the interior. At the base of the atrium, the reception marks the ground link between public spaces Hotel


Leisure The SPA wing opens to the South and extends with the exterior swimming pool and park. 33


Scale and thinness Viewed from the city the hotel is perceived as a single blade that gradually disappears in the sky Hotel


X,Y&Z View of the parametric facade blending with the two story podium. The hotel marks the vertical axis while the podium marks the horizontal plane. 35


Interior and exterior landscape The terrain slope is translated in the general outline of the volume. On the South the restaurant and conference center gradually extend and open up to the park Hotel


Housing unit Axonometric view of one corner appartment unit with detail of the facade system. The parametric grid creates frames for views of the city 37


Facade system Hotel


Extension The podium wings extend into the park with the use of sloped terraces and the exterior swimming pool 39


CIty connections The West and North side of the site have good connections to public transport infrastructure Hotel


PACU 4th year studio Iasi, RO (Residential/Public space) January 2011 Located near the center of the city, in a historical site, Pacu cultivates the development of community and pride of place. Central to the site the mid-century house is the pivot point that links the exterior spaces. The goal of the project is to create public space around the monument and enhance it’s value. Sloped with the terrain, the low-rise building provides a kindergarten facing South. The local workshops and exhibition spaces along with the kindergarten, will reinforce the sense of community for the new development. All residential units maximise natural light and cross ventilation between two outside exposures.





The challenging location has height, view and historical regulations

A public space for arts and crafts extends and enhances the monument

Both buildings created slope with the ground and extend public space into their interior

Pacu residence blends into the urban fabric and clusters residential, retail and public space

Transverse section Depicts the relationship between the monument, public space and the sloped kindergarten 43


Aerial view Reveals how the development gives back to the city its core and monument Residential


Transverse section Cutting through the midrise residential, ground public space, underground parking and service core. 45



Residential core

Residential access -1F Library/Residential access

View terrace

Retail/Cafe G Retail\Cafe


Public space/View terrace Greenhouse

Midrise plans As the midrise moves up, the program transformes from service to retailand finaly to appartment units Residential


Ground extensions At ground level retail shops face the city and give new dynamics on street level 47


Public space Exhibition organised in the public square by local workshops Residential


GMA SCHOOL 3rd year studio Iasi, RO (Learning/Park/Public space) April 2010

The site for the new GMA school is located between two major parts of the city. The goal was to create a strong link between the two districts and an active elemet for the community of all ages. The building will house classroom and workshop spaces, an indoor sports hall, a library along with exhibition and event space. Different programmatic spaces will blur the boundary of learning activities. At the core of the building the meeting space clusters three types of space. Each is oriented to benefit from ideal light conditions and view orientation.



The GMA school benefits from good strategic position between two major districts

As an active element, the learning spaces will blend with sports and exhibition spaces for the community

Cluster The triangular structure makes each interior space benefit from ideal view and light conditions


Public space The organisation creates three space typos. An agora near the street, park near residential and sports to the South

The core of the school is an courtyard that focuses on student interaction

Final Mixing learning, event and sport facilities, the new school will blurr the boundry between the two districts

Re-Imagining the site In order to make the framework a reality, new roles must be attributed to parts of the site. Depending on vicinities a sequence of event, sports and leisure areas will blend with learning spaces in order to link the two districts 51

High school

Scale model 1:100 Aerial view of the project between the two districts Tatarasi - North; Tudor - South High school




Event space / Exhibition







Light and perception The courtyard is the generating element for the school. It clusters all learning, sports and event spaces 53

High school

Cross section The view reveals the relationships between interior/exterior spaces and conformance with the terrain slope High school



Technical Hallway




Specialised areas The top and underground levels mark particular learning spaces. The underground houses the science laboratories and the top level marks the library with roof garden 55

High school

Exterior connections Classrooms overlook the park and on the south side the sport venues extend with exterior fields High school


Canopy The administration and library volume create a canopy over the school access 57

High school

Cross section Reveals the sequence of spaces used to create the school cluster. Park, learning, meeting, event and public space link on the horizontal axis High school


Extracurricular The event and sports hall can act as a single space. The exterior access makes it a space designed for both the community and the school 59

High school

Landmark Due to the public venues, the scool can act as a beacon for both districts during the night High school



radu.a.axinte@gmail.com (+40) 742-892-505 www.raduaxinte.com


Lead 3D Visual Artist - Cooperation



August 2009 - January 2014

Development of architectural marketing visuals for companies in France and Switzerland;

TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF IASI - Iasi, Romania 2007-2013

Supervision and production of visuals for residential projects;

Faculty of Architecture G.M. Cantacuzino

sketches / layouts / 3D modelling / post production / animation

Bachelor Degree in Architecture & Design

Official partner of the Union for French housing;

Master Degree in Architecture & Design




References: Mihai Marin plans3dcom@gmail.com

REDGRAPH ARCH - RO Intern Architect




English (Proficient)


French (Limited)

www.redgraph.ro October 2012 - December 2012

Amazon Development centre in Iasi;

Housing development competition in Brasov;

Sketches & plans drawing; Technical drawings for different projects; Modelling & visualizations;



References: Lucian Cozma luciancozma@ymail.com


May 2014 Thesis project featured in Architecture gallery

Practical Placement

July 2012 - September 2012

Competition for a residential development in Bacau, Romania;

Team project - Team coordinator invited to attend awards

Presentation material for competitions submission;

ceremony in La Rochelle - France.

Sketches & plans drawing;

Technical drawings for different projects; Modelling & visualizations;

• Velux Awards 2010: mention

CREATIV PROIECT - RO www.creativproiect.ro www.romaniandesignweek.com

• Aviatorilor Boulevard redevelopment



May 2009: Competition - 4 man team project under the supervision of

professor Radu Andrei

References: Roxana Vadeanu creativproiect@gmail.com

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