RADU AXINTE portfolio 2013

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Architectural Portfolio

2007 - 2013

For me architecture is the process of realizing what the site’s potential is, what it wants to be and what it needs to be in order to remain true for the people and the emvironment. From a personal viewpoint, architecture’s greatest quality is to lift the spirit and facilitate human interaction. I strive to find fresh approaches to design, that go beyond traditional ideas regarding architecture and nature. My experience over the past six years is reviewed here in brief.



Thesis September 2013

Tech center


5th year studio February 2012

ECO office


4th year studio June 2011

TCC Hotel


4th year studio January 2011

PACU residence


3rd year studio April 2010

GMA school


RADU AXINTE www.raduaxinte.com Masters in Architecture Technical University of Iasi 2007 - 2013


TECH CENTER Thesis project MA degree Location: Iasi, Romania Research ( R&D/Conference/Park) September 2013


The tech center is located near the Eastern entrance to Iasi, in the former industrial part of the city. The site is structured as a natural landscape that blends with the hills of Iasi, the site will be a beacon for the expanding IT industry of the city. The urban space created will contain a central park, class A office spaces, conference center, R&D, exhibition spaces for public art and events, a library, showrooms and retail spaces along with hotel and retail facilities. Inspiration was taken from the region’s landscape, culture and history. The seven hills of Iasi are translated in the general composition of the site. New and old buildings merge history and technology to form the backbone for the new Tech Center The main building acts as a welcoming gate for the master plan. Through it the visitors can access an elevated platform that offers clear views over the park and Midtown Iasi skyline. The ground floor plan of the building is dominated by the grand foyer and the interior garden. Both of them are focal points of the building and make a strong visual link between office and public space. The interior of the Tech Center is focused on the experience gained while passing through the space. Distance and succession of spaces act as a ritual that maintain a healthy balance between work and leisure time. The boulevard like experience spirals its way upwards trough the building merging work space with lounge and green space. The interior boulevard ends with a grand square that blends with the roof garden. It acts as an exterior meeting space that offers broad views over the park and further to the city.

September 2013

Technology center






The two buildings existing onsite will become the backbone for the new development.

Briefing for the new project required ground public spaces, a media library, conference, office and meeting spaces.

The new building merges with the two existing structures. Interior spaces are arranged according to their public/private profile.

Meeting spaces act as a buffer between conference, office and learning spaces while the ground floor houses only public programs.

1. Long section through the tech center facing North illustrating the interior landscape created. 2. Early design sketch ilustrating the concept of three visual planes used in the project. 2. Aerial view over the park and the East side entrance.


Water conservation is a main concern for the project, the new tech center addresses this issue in several ways. First, low-flow plumbing fixtures reduce water usage by more than 20 percent. Second, the buildings use collected storm water for green space irrigation via large storage tanks. These water tanks are used in conjunction with the heat exchange system to further reduce the energy demand for cooling on site.


3 2 Technology center

Thesis Project / Masters Degree

September 2013






Main access points are placed at either end of the building. The middle part acts as a gate between the access piazza and the park.

Four routes link the interior spaces. They create a boulevard-like experience that spirals up through the building and reach the roof gardens.

“Light boxes” are extracted from the raw volume and bring natural light to all spaces.

The final result differentiates green spaces designed for the interior and by elevation makes the dissociation between public and private space. The logical result is a building and blends with the existing context.

4. The “gate” connects the access piazza with the park. 5. Masterplan for the new development.




September 2013

Thesis Project / Masters Degree

Technology center


1. Ground view of the West entrance.

The existing buildings on site offer considerable savings in both building

2. Street view of the tech pavilion welcomes visitors in the access square.

sustainable features. Green roof, double-skin faรงade, high performance

3. Section through the office atrium facing East.

materials and construction costs. The design of the tech centre incorporates glazing, earth-to-air heat exchange and photovoltaic panels reduce the energy demand. The existing buildings on site offer considerable savings in both building materials and construction costs.




Office Conference Meeting space Green space

4 Technology center

Office Conference Meeting space Green space

Thesis Project / Masters Degree

September 2013

Office Conference Library Green space


4. The elevated access platform offers views over the park. 5. The library volume is a signal for the new tech development. 6. Office space atrium with the leisure space. 7. Interior courtyard and public amphitheater. 8. Detail drawings of the facade and roofing sistem. 4



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September 2013

Thesis Project / Masters Degree

Technology center




ECO office 5th year studio Location: Iasi, Romania Office (Office/Meeting/Greenhouse) February 2012

Located in lowrise residential area, on a narrow site between the Bahlui river and a local road, the project was designed to achieve a low CO2 footprint using the resources available on site and near the site in an sustainable way. The site benefits form good sun orientation, the length of it faces south along the river. Wind power is an important aspect taken into consideration in the overall energy scheme. There are permanent wind currents from West to East along the Bahlui river. To deflect and use the wind power an greenhouse volume is placed in the middle of the building. The greenhouse also acts as an fresh air buffer, in hot or cold weather. The greenhouse has fully grown trees that raise oxygen concentration in the office, which benefits the employees physical and mental health. The ground plane consists of only the main access, reception and two meeting rooms for external clients and guests. Placed near the access, the greenhouse, welcomes and creates an vertical link between the office spaces. The tilted top of the greenhouse acts as an heat chimney that helps evacuate interior foul air and heat. Further decreasing the energy demand, the building uses geothermal heat pumps to harness heat from deep ground wells and the nearby river maintaining a low profile energy consumption.


February 2012

Sustainable office building






The site for the ECO office is located on a narrow South facing land strip. The building will complete the low-rise building pattern of the neighborhood.

A tall greenhouse volume deflects the main air currents to power the wind turbines.

The sloped roof is South oriented and offers ideal support for an array of photovoltaic panels.

Geothermal heat pumps help balance the interior climate and energy consumption.

Visible from every point in the building, the greenhouse offers the employees gathering, relaxation and meeting spaces while placing them in a close relationship with the natural environment. At the top floor are the large meeting rooms, the large foyer has direct access to the roof garden.


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Sustainable office building

5th year studio

February 2012

3 www.raduaxinte.com

1. Long section facing North. 2. Early design sketch illustrating the fresh air concept used in the project. 3. A custom mesh protects the ground parking from the wind currents created. 4. Sketch illustrating the fresh air connections of the building. 5. Cut-away section of the greenhouse. 6. Section facing East through the office space. 5

7. View from the North of the wind tunnel.


8. Site plan of the new building integrated in the urban fabric.




February 2012

5th year studio

Sustainable office building


1. Early design sketch illustrating the wind tunnel created with the help of the greenhouse. 2.The PV panel array and green roof limit energy consumtion. 3. Section view through the greenhouse facing East illustrating vertical connections of the interior.

1 1



The tilted top of the greenhouse acts as an heat chimney that helps evacuate interior foul air and heat. Further decreasing the energy demand, the building uses geothermal heat pumps to harness heat from deep ground wells and the nearby river maintaining a low profile energy consumption.


1st floor plan 1st floor plan


Informal office Office space Meeting room Terrace

Sustainable office building

2nd floor plan

5th year studio

February 2012

Informal office Office space Meeting room Terrace

3rd floor plan

Foyer Terrace Meeting room


4. Parking access is placed at the West end of the building. 5. View of the terraces from the West side. 6. Design sketch of the two different height volumes connected to the greenhouse. 7. The greenhouse connects the access piazza with the interior. 8. Detail drawing of the top heat excess evac and the roofing system. 4



9. Detail drawing of the facade mount and drain system.







February 2012

5th year studio

Sustainable office building




TCC hotel

Positioned in the South-Eastern part of the city, the TCC hotel is part of a development that will turn this former industrial site into an urban axis. The hotel is positioned close to the access point and acts as a symbol for the new development.

4th year studio

The 66m triangular structure is organized around an central atrium. The goal was to create an omnidirectional floor plan that makes the best out of the city/park views and sun orientation.

Location: Iasi, Romania hotel (Restaurant/Conference/SPA) June 2011

The hotel is elevated on a wide two story podium that blends the high hotel structure with the terrain. The North wing of the podium houses a cafe, daytime bar, interior pool and spa center while the South wing houses the restaurant, a conference center and an underground club. Both wings are South oriented facing the park and can perform independently from the hotel. The reception lobby is part of the ground floor. Located at the base of the atrium it is naturally lit from above. The lobby has easy access to the leisure and restaurant podium wings. An interior greenhouse and courtyard help bring natural light deep into the wide spaces of the podium. The three story greenhouse visually connects and helps light the main lobby, the conference center and the ground floor restaurant. In the North wing the courtyard brings light into the low levels of the spa center and also helps naturally ventilate the interior spaces. Large square windows create grand frames in the rooms for the views over the city. The facade density is gradually reduced to the top floor, where the glass blends with the sky and at the top level disappears.


June 2011






The TCC site has good connection to public transport, green space and comercial venues. The project will act as an missing link in the urban fabric for the southeastern part of the city.

Briefing for the project consisted in an 230room hotel, an conference center, restaurant and spa.The goal was to offer the best light and view conditions for every architectural program while maintaining a balance between public and private space.

The hotel is split into three different height volumes. Arranged in a triangle the volumes create a naturally lit atrium. The triangle shape is oriented to maximize natural light while offering the best views over the city and South facing park.

Floor fifteen hosts a two story restaurant that offers guests impressive 360degree views over the seven sloping hills of Iasi. The parametric facade of the hotel visually reduces the volumetric scale, controls light penetration while limiting heat gain.




4th year studio

June 2011






The restaurant, conference center and spa form an South facing public podium for the hotel. At the top of the hotel a panoramic restaurant offers views to the seven sloping hills of Iasi.

The parametric facade of the hotel visually reduces the scale of the building while creating frames for views to the city. The facade density controls direct light and heat gain.

The final structure houses the 230room hotel in an functional and logical structure while maintaining balance with the surroundings.

1. Long section facing South. Showing the access, lobby and atrium connection. 2. View of the hotel from the park. 3. The parametric facade sitting on top of the two story podium. 4. Site plan of the hotel and park.



4 June 2011

4th year studio



1st floor plan

Ground floor plan

Conference Exhibition Office Kitchen Bakery/Cafe Terrace


Lobby Reception Exhibition Shop Kitchen Restaurant Terrace



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4th year studio

June 2011

5 www.raduaxinte.com

1-4. Technical drawings of the facade system. 5. Axonometric view of one appartment unit and the facade system. 6. Aerial view of the development. The hotel is the welcoming signal for the new urban axis. 7. Design sketches for the atrium orientation and volumetric array. 8. Early sketches for the access points and volumetric distribution.

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9. View of the SPA wing connected to the exterior swimming pool and the local park. 10. The West facing volume creates a long canopy over the hotel access point. 11. Viewed from the city, the hotel appears as a single narrow volume. 12. Section facing NorthEast through the restaurant and local conference center.







June 2011

4th year studio





Pacu 4th year studio Location: Iasi, Romania Residential ( Residential/Public space ) January 2011

Pacu residential development comprises of 26 apartments in 2 distinct building types, a 7 story mid-rise building located at NorthEast of the site and a 5 story sloping low-rise to the South. Located near the center of the city, in a historical site, Pacu cultivates the development of community and pride of place. At the center of the site a grand public piazza surrounds the monument and provides space for workshops, public exhibitions and leisure. Central to the site the mid-century house is the pivot point that links the exterior spaces. The monument will serve as an art gallery. The interior exhibition will extent in the piazza an connect the gallery with the local workshops. Sloped with the terrain, the low-rise building provides a local kindergarten facing South. The volume further extends in the local park and offers a nearby playground. The kindergarten, along with local workshops and exhibition spaces will reinforce the sense of community for the new development. The residential units are placed to maximise natural light and cross ventilation between two outside exposures - increasing the natural circulation of fresh air in homes and reducing reliance on air conditioning. Residential access points are placed separate from the pedestrian axes in the piazza and give privacy to the units that overlook the city and the public space.


January 2011

Residential development






Located in a historical site, on a platform overlooking the city, the site holds a B class monument at the center. Height and view regulations exist on the site due to nearby buildings, pedestrian and auto traffic.

The monument will house an art gallery that will extend throughout the site, along the length of the street. The low-rise slopes along the terrain and creates South facing terraces.

Two residential buildings are created. A midrise building overlooking the site and a sloping low-rise building that houses a daycare center. At ground level both buildings have local shops and public spaces.

As a result, Pacu development blends into the exiting urban fabric while integrating residential, public space and art venues.



1. Design sketches for the sloped lowrise building and sun angles inside the piazza. 2. Section through the art gallery and sloping volume.


Residential development

Terrace Access Appartments

4th year studio

January 2011

-1 Level

Ground floor

1st floor

Terrace Cafe Shop

Terrace Cafe Storage Residential access


3. Exterior exibition organised inside the square by the local workshops. 4. Aerial view of the new residential development in Pacurari. 5. The public ground floor with it’s shops give new dynamics on street level. 6. Section through the midrise residential building. 7. Site plan of the Pacu development. 3






January 2011

4th year studio

Residential development




GMA school 3rd year studio Location: Iasi, Romania School ( Learning/Park/Public space ) April 2010

The site for the new GMA school is located between two major parts of the city. The goal of the project is to create a strong link between the two districts by reconfiguring the available site, and balance learning, sport and public space. Besides classroom and workshop spaces, the building will house an indoor sports hall, a library along with exhibition and event space. Different programmatic spaces will blur the boundary of learning activities. “ There are three teachers of children, adults, other children and their physical environment. “ Louis Mallaguzzi At the core of the building the meeting space clusters three types of space. Each is oriented to benefit from ideal light conditions and view orientation. Along the main street exhibition and event space create an urban pocket that gives new dynamics to the neighborhood. The project makes a fusion from three typologies of space by balancing learning and social activities. The organic and natural distribution of learning, sport venues, public space and park creates a strong link with the community and gives to GMA local identity.


April 2010

High school





The new GMA school will reorganise the site and will provide a local learning facility between the Tatarasi and Tudor neighborhoods.

The learning spaces will blend with an indoor sports hall, an event space and exhibition for the students and community.

The solution proposes a three-nucleus organisation.The learning spaces are oriented North North-East. Sport facilities are placed on the South sideand the event spaces and exhibition are oriented North-West, facing the city.

1. Sketch ilustrating the connections created by the school between the two neighbourhoods 2. The administration and library volume create a canopy over the acces. 3. Cross section facing west through the courtyard.

The core of the school is open to the elements and the meeting space becomes an interior courtyard. The courtyard is an omnipresent element



throughout the building, all the hallways and vertical connections face the courtyard and make an interior loop between learning and recess time.



High school

3rd year studio

April 2010





The building creates three space typologies along it. A public park on the East side, sport venues facing South and South-West and a covered public space facing the street. These three typologies give new dynamics to the neighborhood.

The core of the new school opens to the elements and creates an outdoor meeting space. For the sports hall and event space, natural lighting and ventilation is ensured by clerestory windows.

Conceived as a fusion of three types of space, the building reorganizes the available site in an organic an rational way. It merges the learning and sport venues with the park and public space.

4. At dusk the GMA becoms a beacon visible in the city. 5. Site plan for the GMA school.




April 2010

3rd year studio

High school



1. Sketch ilustrating the main access view and library volume. 2. The North side curves along the nearby road. 3. Top view of the new school and dormitory. 4. Classrooms overlook the park and and the south side the sports hall extends with the exterior fields. 5. Large celestory windows bring natural light to the event and sports hall.



6. The event and sports hall are connected and have separate access points for public events.

Classroom Hallway Technical basement

Classroom Greenhouse Cafeteria Administration Hallway

Classroom Interior courtyard Cafeteria Event space / Gallery Sports hall Hallway

1st floor plan

Underground floor plan Ground floor plan


High school

3rd year studio

April 2010






April 2010

3rd year studio

High school


RADU AXINTE /Bucharest, Romania (+40) 742-892-505 radu.a.axinte@gmail.com www.raduaxinte.com


Proactive, dedicated and hard-working professional with over 4 years experience in visualization and the architectural design process: client management & project coordination; design teams coordination; technical detailing; Strong interpersonal skills, English fluent, strong abilities in providing a high level of customer service to clients and vendors.

/CORE COMPETENCIES Architectural Design Architectural Project Planning 3D Modeling & Visualizations Technical Drawing

Residential Projects Technical Detailing Interior Design Sketch Development

Project Management Time Management Analysis & Problem Solving Negotiation skills





Plans-3D specializes in creating 3D perspectives, 3D architectural plans and interactive 3D developments and homebuilding: in short everything related to real 3D. Plans-3D.com 3D Alsace agency offers its services at national level.

AVFACTORY is an audiovisual service agency, based in Mans, France, with 9 years experience in moviemaking business. Our team consists of specialists in the areas of shooting, post-production like editing, computer graphics and audio mixing.

Lead 3D Visual Artist - Cooperation

Lead 3D Visual Artist - Cooperation

August 2009 - January 2014

April 2011 - January 2013

Main Responsibilities:

Main Responsibilities:

Development of architectural marketing visuals for companies in France and Switzerland;

Development of architectural and commercial advertising visuals;

Supervision and production of visuals for different scale residential projects;

Materials and light rigging for animation;

Drawing up sketches / layouts / 3D modelling / post production / animation / interior design;

Development of modelling & visualization material for marketing projects;

Official partner of the Union for French housing;

Visualization & Animation for Loire Arena - Trélazé – France;

28 Resume





REDGRAPH is a private company founded in early 2006 with a team of architects that wants to offer customers outstanding solutions based on modern architecture and design clarity. We believe that the new buildings should be equally comfortable, safe and economical in terms of energy.

The “Creativ Proiect” concept is the materialization of the professional ambitions of two young architects, Roxana and Marius VADEANU. Graduates of the Faculty of Architecture G.M. Cantacuzino in Iasi, where tradition centers throughout the six years of study on teamwork and originality.

Intern Architect

Practical Placement

October 2012 - December 2012

Amazon Development centre in Iasi;

Competition for a residential development in Bacau, Romania;

Housing development competition in Brasov;

Presentation material for competition submission;

Sketches & plans drawing;

Sketches & plans drawing;

Technical drawings for different projects;

Technical drawings for different projects;

Modelling & visualizations;

Modelling & visualizations;

July 2012 - September 2012



TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF IASI - Iasi, Romania 2011-2013 Faculty of Architecture G.M. Cantacuzino Master Degree in Architecture & Design www.arhitectura.tuiasi.ro


Team project - Team coordinator invited to attend awards ceremony in

La Rochelle - France.

Faculty of Architecture G.M. Cantacuzino Bachelor Degree in Architecture & Design




May 2014 Thesis project featured in Architecture gallery •


Aviatorilor Boulevard redevelopment

May 2009: Competition - 4 man team project under the supervision of

professor Radu Andrei

excellent eye for detail ( maintain and supervise high quality services provided to clients ) constant improvements (research and improve skills and productivity) good time management (maintained high proficiency in short deadline projects and competitions) goal driven research (up to date with the latest software and workflow techniques) analytical, organized, able to complete multi-task job effectively

detail oriented and resourceful in completing tasks

English fluent



Velux Awards 2010: mention

• • • • • •



RDW - Romanian Design Week

computer skills • Ms Office, Internet • 3dsMax - (5years+ experience) • Adobe Photoshop - (6years+ experience) • ArchiCAD - (4years+ experience) • Revit • After Effects • Eyeon Fusion • InDesign

Free hand drawing

Model making


Date of birth: 11.11.1987 Nationality: Romanian



All works Š Radu Axinte 2013.Please do not reproduce without the expressed written consent of Radu Axinte.

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