Portfolio Rafaela Chadud | 2016

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Rafaela Chadud designer gráco

portfolio 2016

Rafaela Chadud designer gráco


Hello! I am Rafaela Chadud, 22 years old, living and studying in Sweden. Besides my interest in design I am a passionate for books, trips, cats and photograph. This portfolio summarizes some of my works between 2014 and 2016. For more information: rafa.chadud.dg@gmail.com +46 073 054 83 81


Volunteer Experience

Industrial Design Intensive - Umeå Universitet,

Graphic Designer at Projeto Salva, 08.2014 -

08.2015 - present


Graphic Design BA - Universidade Federal de Goiás, 01.2012 - 2017 away for exchange studies at Umeå Universitet

Projeto Salva is a group of volunteers that helps abandoned animals on the city of Anápolis, Brazil. I develop the annual calendar, stickers and virtual banners.

Work Experience

Translator at UFO Magazine, 03.2014 - present

Freelance work, 2014 - present

Translation of articles and books chapters from English

Graphic design based, development of posters,

to Portuguese.

magazines, banners, flyers and social media

Graphic designer at Wozzop Magazine, 09.2015 - present weekly magazine from Umeå Institute of Design, I am one of the designers

Graphic Designer at Universidade Federal de Goiás’ Typography Workshop, 03.2015 - 06.2015 survey of typography clichés, research on the typographical image printing and assembly processes of printing plates

Awards Winner of Entreprenom autumn 2015 Umeå Universitet - Group Project LackPack

Nomination in Sustainergies Cup 2015/2016 as one of the five best competitors for the case Billerudkorsnäs - Group Project LackPack

Skills Adobe Indesign | Photoshop | Illustrator | Premiere Rhinoceros | Keyshot Microsoft Office| Basic HTML and CSS | Editorial

Graphic Designer at Universidade Federal de Goiás, PROEC, 06.2014 - 06.2015


development of virtual banners, posters and gene-

Portuguese | English - advanced

ral graphic materials for extension projects

Swedish | Spanish - basic

Back to Deco

Gardena Saw


Hair Dryer

Gardening Saw

Interactive Object





Politics Course

Lack Pack







Back to Deco Single project, 2 weeks 2015

The aim for this project was to design a hairdryer based on the Art DĂŠco Style, focusing on the sketches development.


To start the project it was asked to select three images to use as referencial for the design. I focused on the architecture of this period, highlighting the squared and geometrical shapes, but also wanted to incorporate some of the fluid and organic lines that was used as well, taking as inspiration the car image. The sketching was focused on putting together the straight shapes and the organic lines.



It was produced a paper prototype to test the size, position of the lines, shapes, forms and the angles of each feature for the hairdryer.

Gardena Saw Group research and individual project, 4 weeks 2015 This four weeks projects was focused on applying the design process and also ergonomics knowledge in order to develop a product for a real brand, Gardena, that developes products for garden to be used by common people. The challeng given was to redesign a hand saw with best ergonomics, made by plastic, apply the Gardena’s branding and DNA on the project

Research | Brand Values As groups, we thought about three main values that the Gardena brand is based. And we came with three values: Innovative, Playful and Reliable; and them we set up mood boards to help us to think in the shapes and forms for sketching and developing the idea.


| Brand Language

- Circle details Body Touchable Areas Interactive Parts

- Robustness - Symmetry - Parallel lines - Quality

| Ergonomic Analyses

- Hanger hole unclear (form language not communicating at the end) - Too much material makes it heavy - Hard to use for other purposes - No equal distributes of pressure points on the hand - Too square with hard edges

Research | Function List Main Function Japanese drawback movement Required Features Safety Quality Gardena Colors Form Elements

Sub-Functions Secure Confortable Easy to store Easy to care Change the blade effortless Be stable


After analysing these data and sketching, we evaluate them and chose a way to follow and develop further.

Desirable Hanging acessory Have cover Robust look Friendly look Innovative Reliable


User tests

We made an user test with the foam models, and the general problems found was: Short handles, corners too edge, too thin, not a good grip.

Final Product | Sketch Model

And then I came with my final result, adding a fish belly to make it fits the hand better, with a the stop in the end that is built with a waist in the handle making the final part wider than the middle one where the handle is grabbed, that way makes it hard to slipper out from the hand when working with the saw.

TreeMe Group project, 3 weeks 2016

Interaction Project based on make people move in their offices using an interface. My contribution for the project was ideias, preparing prototypes for user testing and graphic design.

Research | Defining themes and questions

To iniciate the project as the group decided seven key themes to explore: movement, space, health, professional vs private, social life in an office, productivity and flexibility. We also developed this themes further building questions to guide us in the interviews and searched for articles regarding movements to better understand the problem.

| User Interview

We interviwed four people in their own offices, having a time to observe them on work and the environmental and them ask some questions regarding the tasks and their relation with these spaces

| User Interview We find out that:

Atmosphere and Mood

- pain makes them change behavior;

- Clean

- if movements are required for work it rather

- Organized


- Comfortable and Stuck

- talk to colleagues motivates to move;

- About productivity

- lock themselves when they have work to do;

- Based on a computer screen

- don’t know that breaks icrease productivity;

- Colleagues are friendly

- precision does not go together with moving.

- Stiff, silent and behave - Fixed spots.

| Problem Identification How can we... ...bring a little fun in boring offices? ...encourage people to take breaks? ...encourage people to get up and interact with each other? ...make people aware of their necessities? ...make people move?

| Functional List Inspire to move


Take care

connect colleagues

encourage breaks

show colleagues’ wellbeing

suggest activities

make laugh

tell what is healthy

encourage moving

create awareness


| Mood Board







| Concepts

Mood Tree

Mouse Pad

Movement Score

A artificial tree that imitates the

A mouse pad with a

A gadget that marks

officer movement in order to make

screen and interface

your steps and it is

them realize their postures, also

that allows works to

connected to a reward

reminds when you are in the same

send messages to

system where you can

posture for a long time

each other

exchange your points

User Tests

Mood Tree

Mouse Pad

Movement Score

We acted the scene so the users

We prepared an interface and

We explained the concept

could observe and give feedback

asked the user to do a task

with some sketches and scenario

We were able to test all the three concepts with six people with different backgrounds during a workshop at Bildmuseet, Ume책; and during the session we presented them our prototypes and asked them to compare the concepts and evaluate them after the session. In general people liked the Mood Tree and The Movement Score and the Mouse Pad was the one less liked.

Final Concept

After analysing the feedback from the User test, we decided to join the Mood Tree and The Movement Score in a final concept, taking off the rewarding system and adding more features to the tree itself. We choose to connect the tree with a physical object instead of an app so this gadget will only be related to the office itself, not bothering the worker’s personal life.

| Scenario The tree works together with a sensor that is activated when the worker enters the office, turning on by shaking and being green colored. When the worker is in the same posture for too many time the tree changes color to a dark yellow, and when the worker is on a bad posture the tree imitates it. When the worker goes home the tree is turned off automatically when he passes by the main door.

Click here to watch a video about the concept

| Interactive Sketch Model In order to test the product we built an interactive sketch model, using glue sticks and wire to simulate the movement manually. We chose the glue sticks because the material is semi transparent allowing us to test different colors of light just positioning a flash light in the direction of the sticks.

H贸rus Group project, 5 weeks 2014

Editorial Project based creating a concept for a new magazine, it was provided all the content. My contribution for the project was ideias, preparing prototypes, competitors research and graphic design.

Briefing The Hórus Magazine is a publication dedicated to publish and promote visual culture. It’s readers include college students, designers and artists that aim for quick, dynamic and today informations about all variegated themes written in this issue. The aims of this publication are: a) show academic works besides the University space, spreading the Visual Culture studies; b) stimulate creative exchange between professionals from different fields; c) to propose reflections the reader so you can delve into the area if desired. This graphic project was thought in order to propose a solution for those needs and make this experience more pleasurable.

| Persona

The persona created for this project is a design student that wishes to know researches in other universities and/or feels distant from post graduated programmes (masters or PHD), and wants to be in touch about what is made nowadays. This user has interests in: a) know about academic researches and news produced in this field; b) keep creative; c) find different material with quality besides the free ones in internet.

| Market Analyses

It was selectec 12 different Brazilian magazines in order to investigate features that the group judged as importantes: special features (as hot stampping, embossed paper, and others), size, flexibility, ability to read without support, storage, durability, sustainability, perception of content by its cover and collectability.

| Functional Analyses Read outside home in different places Be dynamic Link to other sources Be collectable Use eco-friendly materials Flexibility Easy transport Link text with images

Concept A whole polyhedron prism is formed by an upper face and a lower face parallel and congruent. The white light, either from the sun or a lamp when passing through a prosma undergoes refraction, i.e., undergoes change in propagation velocity. This change brought about by means of propagation causes the white light decomposes in endless rays of monochromatic lights, but can be simplified into seven basic colors.

Concept The Horus owner of all content of its employees seeks to bring its readers a general and symbolic light decomposed into its 7 sessions form the large prism of knowledge: the magazine. This concept coupled with the commitment to bring a better experience to the player are the basis of this graphic design.

Visual Arts


Visual Essay






| Logotype

The logotype was constructed based on the typeface Futura, cut above the x height in order to keep the shapes of the types without losing its readability, in a way that means that the magazine has the knowledge but is not all of them, so the reader can and must search for other sources.

| Project

Cover Size: 20x25 cm Paper: Couché 115g/m Middle: Size: 20x25 cm Paper: Couché 95g/m The cover’s paper can be changed in order to link cover and the magazine content

The cover follows a grid constructed by 5cm x 5cm square and spacing of m + 1/2m of the body 10 Mank Sans source, ie, 0.35 cm between them The cover has, preferably, a call to the centralized main raw page and can be changed position is not prejuducar the other elements of the cover. Secondary calls are arranged at the bottom cm equal spacings.

| Project The choice of the mesh of the graphic printed magazine sought greater freedom and harmony over the use of rectangular modules of 4.25 x 4.5 cm sides, enabling a more dynamic provision of information.

| Project

| Project

As a first issue it was thought to apply a special feature on the magazine, linking it also with the concept. So it was developed a outside cover all white and using embossed paper technique in order to represent the prism, and to let the user open this knowledge prism and them see the colors and the cover.

Click here to check the final magazine

Final Magazine

Politics Course Single project, 1 week 2014

Poster Design Project developed during my internship on Federal University of Goiås, created for a free Formation in Politics Course offered by the university. The task was to create an showy and highlighted poster that could attract people’s attention to the course itself.


For inspirational material I gathered some Russian Constructivists Posters, famous for its political propaganda. But I did not want to stay in the obvious, using the same colors and shapes applied in those projects. The important parts from these posters was: - the Photo montage; - the diagonal lines, - the dinamic produced by the entire project.

| Project

Then I started to think about the interests behind politics and also what the course would talk about, narrowing down in three main keywords to explore and build a cohesive message:




Politics still is about who is

Resources are needed

And the most important,

in power of what, and is

for a successful cam-

voting is an individual

undeniable the power of

paign that reaches a

choice, and It carries a

many industries that can

big part of the popula-

lot of personal belonging

supports candidates with

tion and increases the

to the candidates and

common interests.

chances of gaining a



| Project

Fingerprint signals used as Common


abstraction for Industry

Image of ten dollars

Icons made by Freepik.com

LackPack Group Project, 6 weeks 2015

Packaging solution to solve the food waste problem, focusing on milk. Winner of “Entreprenom autumn 2015” promoted by Umeå Universitet and Finalist on “Sustainergies Cup 2015/16” international competition held on Sweden. My contributions was ideias, concept developing and graphic design.


During the Entreprenom autumn 2015, we were gathered in groups to develop cases from Sustainergies Cup 2015, in workshops hold on Sliperiet once a week for seven weeks. Me and my group decided to go with the Billerudkorsnäs’ Case: BillerudKorsnäs produces renewable packaging material from responsible forestry, with the majority used to packaging solutions for food. To keep spearheading industry development, the company needs your support to describe how we will package and purchase our food in 50 years.

Research We focused our research first collecting data of food waste and then understanding the reasons why food is wasted. According to Barilla S.p.A, the major production on food waste is on the Domestic Consume. Also, the main reasons why food is wasted at home are mistakes in the interpretation of the label, doubts about the experation date once the pack has been opened and more food than needed is bought.

Industry 39%

Distribution 5%

Restaurant 14% Domestic consume 42%

And according to FAO analysis, we found that milk wastage rate is high in the world, consisting in 18% of total.

18% of food waste consist of milk

Product Analysis

After the research, we decided to focus on the primary packaging for the daily consumer. Then we analysed the usual packages for milk in the market, and identified have some problems: - Hard to open when don’t have a plastic cover; - Don’t close after open when there is no plastic cover, exposing the product to the fridge smells and making it stay rotten faster; - Use of plastic; - Can be hard to storage if not rectangular shaped; - Hard to know when the milk is good or bad.

Development After testing some ideas and shapes on sketches we started to prototype and refine ideias using paper to build our package.


- Strap that changes colors according to the quality of the milk A paper strip in LackPack will react on the amino acids formed by these common Pseudomona bacterias in milk. When the amount of degraded proteins is low the color will be green. Then, the color will change to yellow when the amount of amino acids is increasing. When the amino acids reach a level which is in line with the bacterial amount that could cause sickness, the paper will show a red repelling color.

| Project

- Easy to open and close There is a strap on the top than can easily pulled up, opening the package. When it is time to close, the person just push the strap back, and the top is folded back as before opened. It allows to entirely close the package protecting the content by stop air from reaching the milk. It is important to minimize the contact with air because of the oxygen that benefits bacterial growth and also from preventing bad smells from reaching the milk.

| Project

As a conclusion, LackPack is a whole new way to package food thought to reduce both the package waste by being as recyclable as possible and by reducing food waste. It provides a system that allows to easily identify if the box content is edible and in this way the consumer can quickly manage a way to use the milk and avoiding throwing it away. The simple but smart design provides a hole new way to open and close, with enables better preserving of the milk.

Thank you for viewing! Rafaela Chadud rafa.chadud.dg@gmail.com

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