Catálogo Saint Clair Cemin

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Saint-Clair Cemin - Skulpturen Es gibt Künstler, für welche die Welt und ihre Mythen scheinbar nicht gross genug sind. Auch wenn nicht von der Hand zu weisen ist, dass die kleine Landgemeinde Cr uz Alta – Stadt der br asilianischen Gauchos (*) – diesem Bildhauer von Gebur t an eine enor me Ausgeglichenheit und Ruhe geschenkt hat, sollte man sich davon nicht täuschen lassen. Saint-Clair Cemin besitzt die Gabe der Allgegenwar t und einen unbändigen Appetit. Auf der Flucht vor den Zwängen der Militärdiktatur waren die Pariser Schulen für bildende Künste nur ein Zwischenstopp für ihn, ehe er schliesslich New Yor k er reichte. Er beher r scht fünf Spr achen und unterhält Atelier s in den USA, Peking (China) und der Bourgogne (Fr ankreich). Dar über hinaus hat dieser offenbar r astlose Künstler auch nicht gezöger t, sich in Ägypten niederzulassen, als er das Bedürfnis danach ver spür te, und man kann ihn jedes Jahr in Griechenland treffen, wo es ihm zweifellos gefällt, in Erzählungen zu alten Legenden einzutauchen. Diese Wiss- und Ler nbegierde sowie diese grosszügige und neugierige Sichtweise spiegeln sich selbstver ständlich in seinem gesamten, atypischen Wer k wider, dessen Ironie immer nur einen Schritt weit entfer nt ist. Die einzige Konstante besteht darin, dass Saint-Clair Cemin unbestreitbar ein grosser Bildhauer ist. Nach der Verführ ung durch den Sur realismus und dem Schock der Entdeckung des Wer ks von Joseph Beuys wählte er den grossen r umänischen Bildhauer Constantin Br ancusi als Mentor. Ebenso wie Letzterer ist Saint-Clair Cemin ein wahrer Plastiker! Für ihn sind Skulpturen (und das Leben) etwas, das man for mt. Es ist eine direkte Methode der bildenden Kunst. Er zöger t jedoch niemals, alle ihm zur Verfügung stehenden Mittel zu nutzen, und schreckt auch nicht vor neuen Erfahr ungen zur ück, indem er selbst mit den edelsten Wer kstoffen (Mar mor, Bronze, Holz usw.) spielt – ohne allerdings recycelte und neuar tige Materialien ausser Acht zu lassen. Dieses Nebeneinander der Materialien geht Hand in Hand mit dem «K annibalismus», mit dem er der Kunstgeschichte und insbesondere der Bildhauerei begegnet. Tr aditionen aus aller Welt scheinen in seinem Wer k eine Metamor phose zu durchlaufen und mischen sich oftmals mit Verweisen auf antike Mythen. Er ver steht es, weltweit Spr achelemente zu finden, die für alle ver ständlich sind – welchem Kultur kreis sie auch angehören mögen. Er erinner t ger ne dar an, dass Spr ache das Leben nicht zu fassen ver mag. Deshalb gefällt es ihm, seine bildhauerischen Visionen sichtbar zu machen. Er weiss nicht, was der Begriff «nor mal» bedeutet. Seine überbordende Fantasie arbeitet also mit allen möglichen Realitäten. Diese Ausstellung bietet ein Kunstpanor ama mit zahlreichen Originalskulpturen von 1995 bis 2012 sowie einigen Zeichnungen, die dem Publikum die Gelegenheit bieten, mit diesem grenzenlosen Künstler auf Reisen zu gehen. Marc Pottier, Kur ator (*) «Gauchos» nennt man die südamerikanischen Cowboys und die Einwohner des br asilianischen Bundesstaates Rio Gr ande do Sul.

HE , 2011 135 x 118 x 78 cm lackered red carbon-fiber on stainless steel table edition 1/3

SHE, 2011 127 x 110 x 77 cm lackered red carbon fiber on stainless steel table edition 2/3

BEAVER, 2011 146 x 35 x 117 cm tr aditional chinese lacquer carbon fiber, stainless steel edition 1/3 (3 + AP)

Saint Clair Cemin – Escultur as Há ar tistas par a quem o mundo e seus mitos parecem muito estreitos. Se a pequena cidade r ur al de Cr uz Alta, de gaúchos br asileiros (*) tem, desde o seu nascimento, inegavelmente, dado ao ar tista um for midável equilíbrio e uma calma inter na, ele não deve ser invocado. Saint Clair Cemin tem o dom da ubiquidade e um apetite feroz. Fugindo das restrições da ditadur a militar, as Belas Ar tes em Paris for am apenas um palco par a ele, antes de ganhar Nova Ior que. Poliglota, seus atelier s se dividem entre os Estados Unidos, Pequim na China e a Borgonha na Fr ança. Mas este ar tista, quem parece não apreciar o repouso, não hesitou em se instalar no Egito, quando houve necessidade e também pode ser encontr ado, a cada ano, na Grécia, onde ele sem dúvidas gosta de mergulhar nas nar r ativas de antigas lendas. Encontr amos clar amente, essa sede de conhecimento e vontade de aprender, esse olhar generoso e curioso, em toda sua obr a atípica, onde a ironia nunca está distante. Uma única constante é que Saint Clair Cemin é, inegavelmente, um gr ande escultor. Após a sedução do movimento sur realista e o choque da descober ta das obr as de Joseph Beuys, seu mentor é o gr ande escultor romano Constantin Br ancusi. Como este último, Saint Clair Cemin lapida! Par a ele a escultur a (e a vida) se lapida. É uma lapidação direta. Porém ele jamais hesita em utilizar todos os elementos a ele oferecidos e não recua diante de nenhuma nova experiência, brincando com os materiais mais nobres (már more, bronze, madeir a...) sem negligenciar elementos recicláveis e os novos materiais. Estas justaposições caminham lado a lado com o “canibalismo” que ele oper a sobre a história da ar te e da escultur a em par ticular. Em seu tr abalho, as tr adições do mundo todo aparecem metamorfoseando muitas vezes mistur adas com referências de mitos da antiguidade. Ele sabe encontr ar, pelo mundo, elementos de linguagem que falam a todos, independentemente de sua cultur a. Não captur amos a vida coma linguagem, ele gosta de lembr ar. É por isso que ele gosta da aparência de visões escultur ais. Ele desconhece o conceito de “nor malidade”. Assim sua imaginação tr ansbordante tr abalha sobre todas as realidades possíveis. Esta exposição oferece um panor ama de obr as, de escultur as únicas e múltiplas, de 1995 a 2012, assim como, alguns desenhos, que per mitirão ao público viajar com este ar tista sem limites. Marc Pottier, Cur ador (*) São os cowboys da América do Sul e no Br asil são chamados todos os habitantes do estado do Rio Gr ande do Sul.

MYSTERY DOG (PHILOSOPHY), 2012 170 x 230 x 110 cm carbon fiber, stainless steel, wood polychrome unique

UNIVERSAL ANGEL, 2007 85 x 85 x 85 cm bronze edition 1/3

LILA (DANCE), 2007 120 x 120 x 120 cm bronze edition 1/3

SURFACE, 2007 50 x 120 x 110 cm bronze edition 1/3

AU CLAIR DE LA LUNE (HOMAGE TO THE ELENIKI), 2009 160 x 65 x 63 cm nickel faced bronze edition 1/3

MEMORY, 2002 37 x 72 x 28 cm bronze edition 2/3

ONE CENTURY SMITES ANOTHER, 1999 86 x 41 x 23 cm bronze edition 4/5

EU, 2006 120 x 50 cm bronze edition a/p

Saint-Clair Cemin. Sculptures Il est des ar tistes pour lequel le Monde et ses mythes semblent trop étroits. Si la petite ville r ur ale de Cr uz Alta des gaucho brésiliens (*) a, dès sa naissance, indéniablement donné à l’ar tiste un for midable équilibre et le calme dont il est habité, il ne faut pas s’y fier. Saint-Clair Cemin a un don d’ubiquité et un appétit féroce. Fuyant les contr aintes de la dictature militaire, les Beaux-Ar ts de Paris ne furent qu’une étape pour lui avant qu’il ne gagne New-Yor k. For t des cinq langues qu’il par le, ses atelier s sont entre les Etats-Unis, Beijing en Chine et en Bourgogne en Fr ance. Mais cet ar tiste qui par ait ne pas aimer le repos n’a aussi pas hésité à s’installer en Egypte quand ce besoin s’est fait sentir et on peut le rencontrer chaque année en Grèce où il aime sans doute plonger dans les récits des légendes anciennes. On retrouve bien entendu, cette soif de connaitre et d’apprendre, ce regard généreux et curieux dans toute son œuvre atypique dont l’ironie n’est jamais bien loin. Un seule constante est que Saint-Clair Cemin est indéniablement un gr and sculpteur. Après la séduction du mouvement sur réaliste et le choc d’avoir découver t l’œuvre de Joseph Beuys, son mentor est le gr and sculpteur roumain Constantin Br ancusi. Comme ce der nier, Saint-Clair Cemin taille ! Pour lui la sculpture (et la vie) se taille. C’est une taille directe. Mais il n’hésite jamais à utiliser aussi tous les éléments qui s’offre à lui et ne recule devant aucune nouvelle expérience jouant avec les matières les plus nobles (marbre, bronze, bois…) sans négliger les éléments de récupér ation et les nouveaux matériaux. Ces juxtapositions de matières vont de pair avec le ‘cannibalisme’ qu’il opère sur l’histoire de l’ar t et la sculpture en par ticulier. Dans son œuvre, les tr aditions du monde entier appar aissent métamor phosées souvent mêlées à des références de mythes liés à l’antiquité. Il sait trouver à tr aver s le monde des éléments de langage qui par lent à toutes et tous quelle que soit leur culture. On ne capture pas la vie avec le langage, aime-t-il à r appeler. C’est pour quoi il aime à donner à voir ses visions sculptur ales. Il ne sait pas ce qu’est la notion de ‘nor mal’. Son imagination débordante tr availle ainsi sur toutes les réalités possibles. Cette exposition offre un panor ama d’œuvres, sculptures originales et multiples allant de 1995 à 2012 ainsi que quelques dessins qui per mettront au public de voyager avec cet ar tiste sans limite. Marc Pottier, Cur ador (*) ce sont les cowboys du sud de l´Amérique du sud et au Brésil est le nom de tous les habitants de l´Etat du Rio Gr ande do Sul.

THE SPIRIT, 2006 120 X 50 X 50 cm hammered stainless steel edition 2/3

PROPPELER, 2006 257 X 52 X 33 cm stainless steel edition 1/3

SMONUMENT TO THEORY, 2006 240 x 110 x 65 cm hammered stainless steel edition 1/3

VIOLONCEGO, 2006 160 x 80 x70 cm Polichrome wood, Bronze, steel base unique

Saint Clair Cemin – Sculptures There are ar tists for whom the wor ld and its myths seem nar row. If the small r ur al town of Cr uz Alta of Br azilians gaúchos (*) has, since its bir th, undeniably given, the ar tist a great balance and calm, which is inhabited, it should not be relied upon. Saint Clair Cemin has the gift of ubiquity and a ferocious appetite. Fleeing the constr aints of the militar y dictator ship, the Beaux Ar ts in Paris were only a stage for him, before taking over New Yor k. Polyglot, his studios are in the United States, Beijing in China and Burgundy in Fr ance. But this ar tist who seems not to like the rest, also did not hesitate to move to Egypt when this need has been felt and he also can be found, each year in Greece, where he probably likes diving into ancient legends. We find, of cour se, that thir st of knowledge and lear n, his generous and curious look, in all his atypical wor k, in which irony is never far away. One only constant, is that Saint Clair Cemin is undeniably a great sculptor. After the seduction of the Sur realist movement and the shock of discovering the Joseph Beuys’s ar t wor k, his mentor is the great Romanian sculptor Constantin Br ancusi. Like him, Saint Clair Cemin facets! In his sculpture (and life) he facets. It is a direct cut. However he never hesitates to use all the elements that await him and never dr aws back from new experiences, playing with the best materials (marble, bronze, wood ...) without neglecting the elements of recover y and new materials . These juxtapositions of materials go hand in hand with the ‘cannibalism’ that he oper ates on the histor y of ar t and sculpture in par ticular. In his wor k, the tr aditions from around the wor ld appear metamor phosed often mixed with references to ancient myths. He knows how to find wor ldwide language elements that speak to ever yone regardless of their culture. We do not capture life with language, he likes to recall. That’s why he likes sculptur al visions. He does not know the concept of ‘nor mality’. His imagination wor ks on all possible realities. This exhibition offer s a panor ama of wor ks, original and multiple sculptures from 1995 to 2012 as well as some dr awings that will allow the public to tr avel with this limitless ar tist. Marc Pottier, Cur ator (*) Are the cowboys for m South America and in Br azil are called all of those bor n in Rio Gr ande do Sul

ONE AND TWO, 1 995 40 1/2 x 50 x 22 in. / 102.9 x 127 x 55.9 cm Mahogany unique



1 ONDINE , 2009 77 x 57 cm Pencil on paper unique

2 MOTHER, 2009 77 x 57 cm Pencil on paper unique


3 BODEGA, 2009 77 x 57 cm Pencil on paper unique



4 CRAB NATIVITY, 2009 77 x 57 cm Pencil on paper unique

5 THE VOICE, 2009 66 x 50 cm pencil on paper unique


6 PLEASE DON�T GO, 2009 66 x 50 cm pencil on paper unique



7 EXPELLED, 2009 66 x 50 cm pencil on paper unique

8 CACTUS, 2009 77 x 57 cm Pencil on paper unique


9 FASHION VENUS, 2009 77 x 57 cm Pencil on paper unique

Saint Clair Cemin (Nascido em 1951, Cr uz Alta, Br asil. Mor a em Nova Ior que, tr abalha no Brooklyn e em Pequim) Do natur alista ao sur real abstr ato, o amplo vocabulário escultórico, de Saint Clair Cemin, apresenta uma panóplia ousada de tr abalho, tanto impressionante, quanto imediato. Canibalizando a história da própria escultur a, bem como os seus diver sos estilos e técnicas, as for mas inventivas de Cemin abr angem a vasta extensão do univer so visual. Expôs amplamente em todo os Estados Unidos e no exterior. O tr abalho de Cemin também está incluído nas coleções do Museu Whitney de Ar te Americana, Nova Iorque; Fundo Nacional de Ar te Contemporânea, Paris, Fr ança; Coleção Emily Fisher Landau, Long Island, NY; Rooseum, Estocolmo, Suécia; Fundação Eli Broad Family, Los Angeles, CA; Museu de Ar te Contemporânea, Los Angeles, CA; e Inhotim, Minas Ger ais, Br asil, entre muitos outros.

Saint Clair Cemin (Né 1951, Cr uz Alta, Brésil. Vit à New Yor k, tr availle à Brooklyn et Pékin) Du natur aliste à l’abstr ait sur réaliste, il large vocabulaire sculptur al, de Saint Clair Cemin, présente une panoplie audacieuse de tr avail, à la fois fr appant et immédiat. Cannibaliser l’histoire de la sculpture elle-même, ainsi que ses nombreux styles et techniques, les for mes inventives de Cemin couvrent la vaste étendue de l’univer s visuel. Exposée largement à tr aver s les Etats-Unis et à l’étr anger, le tr avail de Cemin est également inclus dans les collections du Whitney Museum of American Ar t, New Yor k; Fonds National d’Ar t Contempor ain, Paris, Fr ance; Emily Fisher Landau Collection, Long Island City, NY; Rooseum, Stockholm, Suède; Fondation de la famille Broad Eli, Los Angeles, CA; et le Musée d’Ar t Contempor ain, Los Angeles, CA; et Inhotim, Minas Ger ais, au Brésil, par mi beaucoup d’autres.

Saint Clair Cemin (b. 1951, Cr uz Alta, Br azil. Lives in New Yor k, wor ks in Brooklyn and Beijing) From the natur alistic to the abstr act sur real, Saint Clair Cemin’s broad sculptur al vocabular y presents a bold panoply of wor k both striking and immediate. Cannibalizing the histor y of sculpture itself, as well as its many styles and techniques, Cemin’s inventive for ms span the vast expanse of the visual univer se. Exhibited widely throughout the United States and abroad, Cemin’s wor k is also included in the collections of the Whitney Museum of American Ar t, New Yor k; Fonds National d’Ar t Contempor ain, Paris, Fr ance; Emily Fisher Landau Collection, Long Island City, NY; Rooseum, Stockholm, Sweden; Eli Broad Family Foundation, Los Angeles, CA; and the Museum of Contempor ar y Ar t, Los Angeles, CA; and Inhotim, Minas Ger ais, Br azil, among many other s.

BIOGRAPHY Geboren in Br asilien, 1951 Lebt und arbeitet in New Yor k


École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Ar ts, Paris 1975 - 78


2014 “Myth and Math,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New Yor k 2012 “Espejo Bor roco,” CENTRO ATLÁNTICO DE ARTE MODERNO, Canaria, Spain “SIX,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New Yor k “Saint Clair Cemin on Broadway,” New Yor k 2011 “Triumfo da Razão Natur al,” LUCIANA BRITO GALERIA, São Paulo 2010 “Pensamentos,” BOLSA DE ARTE, Por to Alegre “Splendeur et Misere,” GALERIE DANIEL TEMPLON, Paris 2009 Retrospective, INSTITUTO TOMIE OHTAKE, São Paulo 2008 “Witness,” SIKKEMA JENKINS & CO., New Yor k. 2007 “The Beijing Series,” GALERIE DANIEL TEMPLON, Paris. GALERIE ALAIN NOIRHOMME, Br ussels 2006 GALERIA BRITO CIMINO, São Paulo, Br azil. GALLERIA PAOLO CURTI/ANNAMARIA GAMBUZZI & CO., Milan 2005 GALERI BAUDOIN LEBON, Paris. 2004 “Gods of the People,” BRENT SIKKEMA, New Yor k. 2003 “Bienal Mercosul,” HOMAGE ARTIST, Por to Alegre BOLSA DE ARTE, Por to Alegre, Br azil 2002 CHEIM & READ, New Yor k MUSEO DE ARTE MODERNO, Mexico 2001 THE CARRIE SECRIST GALLERY, Chicago CASA ITESO-CLAVIGERO, Mexico 2000 “Saint Clair Cemin Sculpture,” LEVER HOUSE LOBBY GALLERY, New Yor k, cur ated by Richard Mar shall GALERIA CAMARGO VILAÇA, Sao Paulo, Br azil 1999 THE ARTS CLUB OF CHICAGO, Chicago GALERIA ENRIQUE GUERERRO, Mexico City CHEIM & READ, New Yor k “Saint Clair Cemin: Bronzes,” VELGE & NOIRHOMME, Br ussels, cur ated by Richard Milazzo 1998 “Saint Clair Cemin: Man Woman Tree Boat House Car Golem,” GALLERI LARS BOHMAN, Stockholm “Saint Clair Cemin: Chimer a,” BAUMGARTNER GALLERIES, INC., Washington D.C. “Per spectives, Saint Clair Cemin,” BIRMINGHAM MUSEUM OF ART, Bir mingham, Alabama 1997 “Saint Clair Cemin,” GALERIA CAMARGO VILAÇA, São Paulo, Br azil “Saint Clair Cemin, Sculpture,” Centro Cultur al Light “Saint Clair Cemin: Four New Sculptures,” ROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor k 1995 “Saint Clair Cemin: Sculptures,” GIAN FERRARI CONTEMPORANEA, Milan, Italy GALERIA CAMARGO VILACA, Sao Paulo, Br azil ROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor k 1994 “Escultur a de Saint Clair Cemin,” MUSEO DE ARTE CONTEMPORANEO, Monter rey, Mexico “Escultur a de Saint Clair Cemin,” CENTER FOR THE FINE ARTS, Miami GALERIA CAMARGO VILACA, Sao Paulo, Br azil GALERIE LARS BOHMAN, Stockholm ROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor k GALERIE DANIEL TEMPLON, Paris 1993 “Saint Clair Cemin: About Materials,” THE GREENBERG GALLERY, St. Louis “Saint Clair Cemin,” ANDERS TORNBERG GALLERY, Lund, Sweden GALERIE BARBARA FARBER, Amsterdam, The Nether lands 1992 “New Sculpture,” ROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor k GALERIA SOLEDAD LORENZO, Madrid “The Human Condition,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New Yor k

1991 “Saint Clair Cemin,” WITTE DE WITH, Rotterdam, The Nether lands “Directions - Saint Clair Cemin,” HIRSHHORN MUSEUM AND SCULPTURE GARDEN, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C., cur ated by Fr ank Gettings “Saint Clair Cemin,” BAUMGARTNER GALLERIES, Washington D.C. “Saint Clair Cemin: Recent Sculpture,” DANIEL WEINBERG GALLERY, Santa Monica 1990 ANDERS TORNBERG GALLERY, Lund, Sweden MASSIMO AUDIELLO GALLERY, New Yor k SPERONE WESTWATER GALLERY, New Yor k GALERIE THADDAEUS ROPAC, Paris, Fr ance 1989 GIAN ENZO SPERONE GALLERY, Rome, Italy MASSIMO AUDIELLO GALLERY, New Yor k DANIEL WEINBERG GALLERY, Los Angeles 1988 DANIEL WEINBERG GALLERY, Los Angeles RHONA HOFFMAN GALLERY, Chicago 1987 MASSIMO AUDIELLO GALLERY, New Yor k 1986 DANIEL NEWBURG GALLERY, New Yor k 1985 DANIEL NEWBURG GALLERY, New Yor k 1984 BEULAH LAND, New Yor k 1982 GALERIA PROJECTA, São Paulo, Br azil THE RED BAR, New Yor k 1981 GALERIA GUINARD, Por to Alegre, Br azil GALERIA PROJECTA, São Paulo, Br azil 1980 THE WHITE ROOM, Hasselt, Belgium 1979 GALERIA PROJECTA, São Paulo, Br azil GALERIA GUINARD, Por to Alegre, Br azil


1995 The Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo and the Hakone Open-Air Museum, Japan 1995 Biennial Award and Purchase Prize


Musee de la Chasse et de la Nature, Paris The Bellevue Hospital, New Yor k S.M.A.K., Stedelijik Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Gent The Rose Ar t Museum, Br andeis Unver sity, Waltham, Massachusetts Sydney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden at NOMA, New Or leans Eli Broad Family Foundation, Los Angeles, Califor nia. Emily Fisher Landau Collection, Long Island City. Chase Manhattan Bank, New Yor k. Whitney Museum of American Ar t, New Yor k. Grounds for Sculpture, Hamilton, New Jer sey. Motorola, Inc., Schaumburg, Illinois. Reston Town Center, Reston, Virginia. Museum of Contempor ar y Ar t, Los Angeles, Califor nia. FNAC (Fonds National d’Ar t Contempor ain), Paris, Fr ance. Museo de Ar te Contempor aneo, Monter rey, Mexico. Rooseum, Stockholm, Sweden. Hakone Open-Air Museum, Japan. Telenor AS, Bergen, Norway. Bastads Kommun, Sweden. MEIAC - Museo Extremeno e Iberoamericano de Ar te Contempor aneo, Badajoz, Spain

BIOGRAFIA Nascido no Br asil, 1951 Atualmente reside e tr abalha em Nova Ior que


École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Ar ts, Paris 1975 - 78


2014 “Myth and Math,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New Yor k 2012 “Espejo Bor roco,” CENTRO ATLÁNTICO DE ARTE MODERNO, Canaria, Spain “SIX,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New Yor k “Saint Clair Cemin on Broadway,” New Yor k 2011 “Triumfo da Razão Natur al,” LUCIANA BRITO GALERIA, São Paulo 2010 “Pensamentos,” BOLSA DE ARTE, Por to Alegre “Splendeur et Misere,” GALERIE DANIEL TEMPLON, Paris 2009 Retrospective, INSTITUTO TOMIE OHTAKE, São Paulo 2008 “Witness,” SIKKEMA JENKINS & CO., New Yor k. 2007 “The Beijing Series,” GALERIE DANIEL TEMPLON, Paris. GALERIE ALAIN NOIRHOMME, Br ussels 2006 GALERIA BRITO CIMINO, São Paulo, Br azil. GALLERIA PAOLO CURTI/ANNAMARIA GAMBUZZI & CO., Milan 2005 GALERI BAUDOIN LEBON, Paris. 2004 “Gods of the People,” BRENT SIKKEMA, New Yor k. 2003 “Bienal Mercosul,” HOMAGE ARTIST, Por to Alegre BOLSA DE ARTE, Por to Alegre, Br azil 2002 CHEIM & READ, New Yor k MUSEO DE ARTE MODERNO, Mexico 2001 THE CARRIE SECRIST GALLERY, Chicago CASA ITESO-CLAVIGERO, Mexico 2000 “Saint Clair Cemin Sculpture,” LEVER HOUSE LOBBY GALLERY, New Yor k, cur ated by Richard Mar shall GALERIA CAMARGO VILAÇA, Sao Paulo, Br azil 1999 THE ARTS CLUB OF CHICAGO, Chicago GALERIA ENRIQUE GUERERRO, Mexico City CHEIM & READ, New Yor k “Saint Clair Cemin: Bronzes,” VELGE & NOIRHOMME, Br ussels, cur ated by Richard Milazzo 1998 “Saint Clair Cemin: Man Woman Tree Boat House Car Golem,” GALLERI LARS BOHMAN, Stockholm “Saint Clair Cemin: Chimer a,” BAUMGARTNER GALLERIES, INC., Washington D.C. “Per spectives, Saint Clair Cemin,” BIRMINGHAM MUSEUM OF ART, Bir mingham, Alabama 1997 “Saint Clair Cemin,” GALERIA CAMARGO VILAÇA, São Paulo, Br azil “Saint Clair Cemin, Sculpture,” Centro Cultur al Light “Saint Clair Cemin: Four New Sculptures,” ROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor k 1995 “Saint Clair Cemin: Sculptures,” GIAN FERRARI CONTEMPORANEA, Milan, Italy GALERIA CAMARGO VILACA, Sao Paulo, Br azil ROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor k 1994 “Escultur a de Saint Clair Cemin,” MUSEO DE ARTE CONTEMPORANEO, Monter rey, Mexico “Escultur a de Saint Clair Cemin,” CENTER FOR THE FINE ARTS, Miami GALERIA CAMARGO VILACA, Sao Paulo, Br azil GALERIE LARS BOHMAN, Stockholm ROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor k GALERIE DANIEL TEMPLON, Paris 1993 “Saint Clair Cemin: About Materials,” THE GREENBERG GALLERY, St. Louis “Saint Clair Cemin,” ANDERS TORNBERG GALLERY, Lund, Sweden GALERIE BARBARA FARBER, Amsterdam, The Nether lands 1992 “New Sculpture,” ROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor k GALERIA SOLEDAD LORENZO, Madrid “The Human Condition,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New Yor k

1991 “Saint Clair Cemin,” WITTE DE WITH, Rotterdam, The Nether lands “Directions - Saint Clair Cemin,” HIRSHHORN MUSEUM AND SCULPTURE GARDEN, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C., cur ated by Fr ank Gettings “Saint Clair Cemin,” BAUMGARTNER GALLERIES, Washington D.C. “Saint Clair Cemin: Recent Sculpture,” DANIEL WEINBERG GALLERY, Santa Monica 1990 ANDERS TORNBERG GALLERY, Lund, Sweden MASSIMO AUDIELLO GALLERY, New Yor k SPERONE WESTWATER GALLERY, New Yor k GALERIE THADDAEUS ROPAC, Paris, Fr ance 1989 GIAN ENZO SPERONE GALLERY, Rome, Italy MASSIMO AUDIELLO GALLERY, New Yor k DANIEL WEINBERG GALLERY, Los Angeles 1988 DANIEL WEINBERG GALLERY, Los Angeles RHONA HOFFMAN GALLERY, Chicago 1987 MASSIMO AUDIELLO GALLERY, New Yor k 1986 DANIEL NEWBURG GALLERY, New Yor k 1985 DANIEL NEWBURG GALLERY, New Yor k 1984 BEULAH LAND, New Yor k 1982 GALERIA PROJECTA, São Paulo, Br azil THE RED BAR, New Yor k 1981 GALERIA GUINARD, Por to Alegre, Br azil GALERIA PROJECTA, São Paulo, Br azil 1980 THE WHITE ROOM, Hasselt, Belgium 1979 GALERIA PROJECTA, São Paulo, Br azil GALERIA GUINARD, Por to Alegre, Br azil


1995 The Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo and the Hakone Open-Air Museum, Japan 1995 Biennial Award and Purchase Prize


Musee de la Chasse et de la Nature, Paris The Bellevue Hospital, New Yor k S.M.A.K., Stedelijik Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Gent The Rose Ar t Museum, Br andeis Unver sity, Waltham, Massachusetts Sydney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden at NOMA, New Or leans Eli Broad Family Foundation, Los Angeles, Califor nia. Emily Fisher Landau Collection, Long Island City. Chase Manhattan Bank, New Yor k. Whitney Museum of American Ar t, New Yor k. Grounds for Sculpture, Hamilton, New Jer sey. Motorola, Inc., Schaumburg, Illinois. Reston Town Center, Reston, Virginia. Museum of Contempor ar y Ar t, Los Angeles, Califor nia. FNAC (Fonds National d’Ar t Contempor ain), Paris, Fr ance. Museo de Ar te Contempor aneo, Monter rey, Mexico. Rooseum, Stockholm, Sweden. Hakone Open-Air Museum, Japan. Telenor AS, Bergen, Norway. Bastads Kommun, Sweden. MEIAC - Museo Extremeno e Iberoamericano de Ar te Contempor aneo, Badajoz, Spain

BIOGRAPHIE Né au Brésil, 1951 Vit et tr availle à New Yor k


École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Ar ts, Paris 1975 - 78


2014 “Myth and Math,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New Yor k 2012 “Espejo Bor roco,” CENTRO ATLÁNTICO DE ARTE MODERNO, Canaria, Spain “SIX,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New Yor k “Saint Clair Cemin on Broadway,” New Yor k 2011 “Triumfo da Razão Natur al,” LUCIANA BRITO GALERIA, São Paulo 2010 “Pensamentos,” BOLSA DE ARTE, Por to Alegre “Splendeur et Misere,” GALERIE DANIEL TEMPLON, Paris 2009 Retrospective, INSTITUTO TOMIE OHTAKE, São Paulo 2008 “Witness,” SIKKEMA JENKINS & CO., New Yor k. 2007 “The Beijing Series,” GALERIE DANIEL TEMPLON, Paris. GALERIE ALAIN NOIRHOMME, Br ussels 2006 GALERIA BRITO CIMINO, São Paulo, Br azil. GALLERIA PAOLO CURTI/ANNAMARIA GAMBUZZI & CO., Milan 2005 GALERI BAUDOIN LEBON, Paris. 2004 “Gods of the People,” BRENT SIKKEMA, New Yor k. 2003 “Bienal Mercosul,” HOMAGE ARTIST, Por to Alegre BOLSA DE ARTE, Por to Alegre, Br azil 2002 CHEIM & READ, New Yor k MUSEO DE ARTE MODERNO, Mexico 2001 THE CARRIE SECRIST GALLERY, Chicago CASA ITESO-CLAVIGERO, Mexico 2000 “Saint Clair Cemin Sculpture,” LEVER HOUSE LOBBY GALLERY, New Yor k, cur ated by Richard Mar shall GALERIA CAMARGO VILAÇA, Sao Paulo, Br azil 1999 THE ARTS CLUB OF CHICAGO, Chicago GALERIA ENRIQUE GUERERRO, Mexico City CHEIM & READ, New Yor k “Saint Clair Cemin: Bronzes,” VELGE & NOIRHOMME, Br ussels, cur ated by Richard Milazzo 1998 “Saint Clair Cemin: Man Woman Tree Boat House Car Golem,” GALLERI LARS BOHMAN, Stockholm “Saint Clair Cemin: Chimer a,” BAUMGARTNER GALLERIES, INC., Washington D.C. “Per spectives, Saint Clair Cemin,” BIRMINGHAM MUSEUM OF ART, Bir mingham, Alabama 1997 “Saint Clair Cemin,” GALERIA CAMARGO VILAÇA, São Paulo, Br azil “Saint Clair Cemin, Sculpture,” Centro Cultur al Light “Saint Clair Cemin: Four New Sculptures,” ROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor k 1995 “Saint Clair Cemin: Sculptures,” GIAN FERRARI CONTEMPORANEA, Milan, Italy GALERIA CAMARGO VILACA, Sao Paulo, Br azil ROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor k 1994 “Escultur a de Saint Clair Cemin,” MUSEO DE ARTE CONTEMPORANEO, Monter rey, Mexico “Escultur a de Saint Clair Cemin,” CENTER FOR THE FINE ARTS, Miami GALERIA CAMARGO VILACA, Sao Paulo, Br azil GALERIE LARS BOHMAN, Stockholm ROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor k GALERIE DANIEL TEMPLON, Paris 1993 “Saint Clair Cemin: About Materials,” THE GREENBERG GALLERY, St. Louis “Saint Clair Cemin,” ANDERS TORNBERG GALLERY, Lund, Sweden GALERIE BARBARA FARBER, Amsterdam, The Nether lands 1992 “New Sculpture,” ROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor k GALERIA SOLEDAD LORENZO, Madrid “The Human Condition,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New Yor k

1991 “Saint Clair Cemin,” WITTE DE WITH, Rotterdam, The Nether lands “Directions - Saint Clair Cemin,” HIRSHHORN MUSEUM AND SCULPTURE GARDEN, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C., cur ated by Fr ank Gettings “Saint Clair Cemin,” BAUMGARTNER GALLERIES, Washington D.C. “Saint Clair Cemin: Recent Sculpture,” DANIEL WEINBERG GALLERY, Santa Monica 1990 ANDERS TORNBERG GALLERY, Lund, Sweden MASSIMO AUDIELLO GALLERY, New Yor k SPERONE WESTWATER GALLERY, New Yor k GALERIE THADDAEUS ROPAC, Paris, Fr ance 1989 GIAN ENZO SPERONE GALLERY, Rome, Italy MASSIMO AUDIELLO GALLERY, New Yor k DANIEL WEINBERG GALLERY, Los Angeles 1988 DANIEL WEINBERG GALLERY, Los Angeles RHONA HOFFMAN GALLERY, Chicago 1987 MASSIMO AUDIELLO GALLERY, New Yor k 1986 DANIEL NEWBURG GALLERY, New Yor k 1985 DANIEL NEWBURG GALLERY, New Yor k 1984 BEULAH LAND, New Yor k 1982 GALERIA PROJECTA, São Paulo, Br azil THE RED BAR, New Yor k 1981 GALERIA GUINARD, Por to Alegre, Br azil GALERIA PROJECTA, São Paulo, Br azil 1980 THE WHITE ROOM, Hasselt, Belgium 1979 GALERIA PROJECTA, São Paulo, Br azil GALERIA GUINARD, Por to Alegre, Br azil


1995 The Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo and the Hakone Open-Air Museum, Japan 1995 Biennial Award and Purchase Prize


Musee de la Chasse et de la Nature, Paris The Bellevue Hospital, New Yor k S.M.A.K., Stedelijik Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Gent The Rose Ar t Museum, Br andeis Unver sity, Waltham, Massachusetts Sydney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden at NOMA, New Or leans Eli Broad Family Foundation, Los Angeles, Califor nia. Emily Fisher Landau Collection, Long Island City. Chase Manhattan Bank, New Yor k. Whitney Museum of American Ar t, New Yor k. Grounds for Sculpture, Hamilton, New Jer sey. Motorola, Inc., Schaumburg, Illinois. Reston Town Center, Reston, Virginia. Museum of Contempor ar y Ar t, Los Angeles, Califor nia. FNAC (Fonds National d’Ar t Contempor ain), Paris, Fr ance. Museo de Ar te Contempor aneo, Monter rey, Mexico. Rooseum, Stockholm, Sweden. Hakone Open-Air Museum, Japan. Telenor AS, Bergen, Norway. Bastads Kommun, Sweden. MEIAC - Museo Extremeno e Iberoamericano de Ar te Contempor aneo, Badajoz, Spain

BIOGRAPHY Bor n in Br azil, 1951

Cur rently lives and wor ks in New Yor k


École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Ar ts, Paris 1975 - 78


2014 “Myth and Math,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New Yor k 2012 “Espejo Bor roco,” CENTRO ATLÁNTICO DE ARTE MODERNO, Canaria, Spain “SIX,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New Yor k “Saint Clair Cemin on Broadway,” New Yor k 2011 “Triumfo da Razão Natur al,” LUCIANA BRITO GALERIA, São Paulo 2010 “Pensamentos,” BOLSA DE ARTE, Por to Alegre “Splendeur et Misere,” GALERIE DANIEL TEMPLON, Paris 2009 Retrospective, INSTITUTO TOMIE OHTAKE, São Paulo 2008 “Witness,” SIKKEMA JENKINS & CO., New Yor k. 2007 “The Beijing Series,” GALERIE DANIEL TEMPLON, Paris. GALERIE ALAIN NOIRHOMME, Br ussels 2006 GALERIA BRITO CIMINO, São Paulo, Br azil. GALLERIA PAOLO CURTI/ANNAMARIA GAMBUZZI & CO., Milan 2005 GALERI BAUDOIN LEBON, Paris. 2004 “Gods of the People,” BRENT SIKKEMA, New Yor k. 2003 “Bienal Mercosul,” HOMAGE ARTIST, Por to Alegre BOLSA DE ARTE, Por to Alegre, Br azil 2002 CHEIM & READ, New Yor k MUSEO DE ARTE MODERNO, Mexico 2001 THE CARRIE SECRIST GALLERY, Chicago CASA ITESO-CLAVIGERO, Mexico 2000 “Saint Clair Cemin Sculpture,” LEVER HOUSE LOBBY GALLERY, New Yor k, cur ated by Richard Mar shall GALERIA CAMARGO VILAÇA, Sao Paulo, Br azil 1999 THE ARTS CLUB OF CHICAGO, Chicago GALERIA ENRIQUE GUERERRO, Mexico City CHEIM & READ, New Yor k “Saint Clair Cemin: Bronzes,” VELGE & NOIRHOMME, Br ussels, cur ated by Richard Milazzo 1998 “Saint Clair Cemin: Man Woman Tree Boat House Car Golem,” GALLERI LARS BOHMAN, Stockholm “Saint Clair Cemin: Chimer a,” BAUMGARTNER GALLERIES, INC., Washington D.C. “Per spectives, Saint Clair Cemin,” BIRMINGHAM MUSEUM OF ART, Bir mingham, Alabama 1997 “Saint Clair Cemin,” GALERIA CAMARGO VILAÇA, São Paulo, Br azil “Saint Clair Cemin, Sculpture,” Centro Cultur al Light “Saint Clair Cemin: Four New Sculptures,” ROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor k 1995 “Saint Clair Cemin: Sculptures,” GIAN FERRARI CONTEMPORANEA, Milan, Italy GALERIA CAMARGO VILACA, Sao Paulo, Br azil ROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor k 1994 “Escultur a de Saint Clair Cemin,” MUSEO DE ARTE CONTEMPORANEO, Monter rey, Mexico “Escultur a de Saint Clair Cemin,” CENTER FOR THE FINE ARTS, Miami GALERIA CAMARGO VILACA, Sao Paulo, Br azil GALERIE LARS BOHMAN, Stockholm ROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor k GALERIE DANIEL TEMPLON, Paris 1993 “Saint Clair Cemin: About Materials,” THE GREENBERG GALLERY, St. Louis “Saint Clair Cemin,” ANDERS TORNBERG GALLERY, Lund, Sweden GALERIE BARBARA FARBER, Amsterdam, The Nether lands 1992 “New Sculpture,” ROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor k GALERIA SOLEDAD LORENZO, Madrid “The Human Condition,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New Yor k

1991 “Saint Clair Cemin,” WITTE DE WITH, Rotterdam, The Nether lands “Directions - Saint Clair Cemin,” HIRSHHORN MUSEUM AND SCULPTURE GARDEN, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C., cur ated by Fr ank Gettings “Saint Clair Cemin,” BAUMGARTNER GALLERIES, Washington D.C. “Saint Clair Cemin: Recent Sculpture,” DANIEL WEINBERG GALLERY, Santa Monica 1990 ANDERS TORNBERG GALLERY, Lund, Sweden MASSIMO AUDIELLO GALLERY, New Yor k SPERONE WESTWATER GALLERY, New Yor k GALERIE THADDAEUS ROPAC, Paris, Fr ance 1989 GIAN ENZO SPERONE GALLERY, Rome, Italy MASSIMO AUDIELLO GALLERY, New Yor k DANIEL WEINBERG GALLERY, Los Angeles 1988 DANIEL WEINBERG GALLERY, Los Angeles RHONA HOFFMAN GALLERY, Chicago 1987 MASSIMO AUDIELLO GALLERY, New Yor k 1986 DANIEL NEWBURG GALLERY, New Yor k 1985 DANIEL NEWBURG GALLERY, New Yor k 1984 BEULAH LAND, New Yor k 1982 GALERIA PROJECTA, São Paulo, Br azil THE RED BAR, New Yor k 1981 GALERIA GUINARD, Por to Alegre, Br azil GALERIA PROJECTA, São Paulo, Br azil 1980 THE WHITE ROOM, Hasselt, Belgium 1979 GALERIA PROJECTA, São Paulo, Br azil GALERIA GUINARD, Por to Alegre, Br azil


1995 The Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo and the Hakone Open-Air Museum, Japan 1995 Biennial Award and Purchase Prize


Musee de la Chasse et de la Nature, Paris The Bellevue Hospital, New Yor k S.M.A.K., Stedelijik Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Gent The Rose Ar t Museum, Br andeis Unver sity, Waltham, Massachusetts Sydney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden at NOMA, New Or leans Eli Broad Family Foundation, Los Angeles, Califor nia. Emily Fisher Landau Collection, Long Island City. Chase Manhattan Bank, New Yor k. Whitney Museum of American Ar t, New Yor k. Grounds for Sculpture, Hamilton, New Jer sey. Motorola, Inc., Schaumburg, Illinois. Reston Town Center, Reston, Virginia. Museum of Contempor ar y Ar t, Los Angeles, Califor nia. FNAC (Fonds National d’Ar t Contempor ain), Paris, Fr ance. Museo de Ar te Contempor aneo, Monter rey, Mexico. Rooseum, Stockholm, Sweden. Hakone Open-Air Museum, Japan. Telenor AS, Bergen, Norway. Bastads Kommun, Sweden. MEIAC - Museo Extremeno e Iberoamericano de Ar te Contempor aneo, Badajoz, Spain

Her ausgeber / Editor / Éditeur / Editor Stiftung Br asilea / Fundação Br asilea / Fondation Br asilea / Foundation Br asilea Westquaistr asse 39, Dreilandereck, CH - 4019 Basel +41 61 262 39 39 info@br Diese publikation er scheint zur ausstellung / Esta publicação está disponível par a a exposição / Cette publication est disponible pour l’exposition / This publication is available on the exhibition Saint Clair skulpturen 15.6.2016 - 18.6.2016 Saint Clair escultur as 15.6.2016 - 18.6.2016 Saint Clair sculpture 15.6.2016 - 18.6.2016 Saint Clair sculpture 6.15.2016 - 6.18.2016

Koordination / Coordenação / Coordination / Coordination Cassia Bomeny e Daniel Faust Konzeption / Concepção / Conception / Conception Um Galeria Kur ator / Cur ador / Commissaire déxposition / Cur ator Marc Pottier Gestaltung / Projeto gráfico / Conception gr aphique / Gr aphic project Rafaela Mourão Text / Texto / Texte / Text * Marc Pottier Die Stiftung Br asilea dankt dem Verein Freunde der Stiftung Br asilea für die gezielte finanzielle Unter stützung und ihren Fir men-Freunden: A Fundação Br asilea agr adece a Associação dos Amigos da Fundação Br asilea pelo apoio financeiro e as fir mas amigas: La Fondation Brasilea remercie l’Association des Amis de la Fondation Brasilea pour soutien et entreprises par tenaires financiers: The Br asilea Foundation is gr ateful to the association Friends of the Br asilea Foundation for the financial suppor t and to it’s company friends: Albrecht Catering, Dr. Ettlin - Hir slanden Klinik Bir shof, Mietzelte Huber AG, Basler Per sonenschifffahr t AG, Landmetzgerei Senn, Morisset + Par tner GmbH, RM Miklos Reinigung, Eventcatering Marcel Briellmann, Sur prise Catering, Rhytaxi Basel, Eventtrend GmbH, Forward Media, Eventser vice Heidmann, alltech Installationen AG, Hotel Stücki Basel

* MARC POTTIER Nascido em Dijon, vive e tr abalha entre Rio de Janeiro e Paris. Após uma for mação como leiloeiro, Marc Pottier foi responsável pela coleção de ar te contemporânea Sawada (Nagoia, Tóquio, Paris e Nova Ior que).Em seguida ele viveu seis anos em Nova Ior que tr abalhando como cur ador, depois oito anos par a o Ministério das Relações Exteriores fr ancês como Adido Cultur al no Rio de Janeiro e em Lisboa. Desde 2007, Marc Pottier, voltou à cur adoria, especializando-se em ar te contemporânea e ar te nos espaços públicos. Depois de baseado em Paris e tendo feito projetos no Oriente Médio, hoje reside no Rio de Janeiro, desde 2012.Nestes últimos anos, entre outr as atividades, foi responsável pelas exposições “Pulso Ir aniano” (Oi Futuro RJ, BH e SESC Vila Mariana, São Paulo 201112) “Elles @ Pompidou” (no CCBB RJ e CCBB BH). Ele é autor do livro “Made by... Feito por Br asileiros” (Editor Enrico Navar r a). Em 2014 foi cur ador convidado da 3a. Bienal da Bahia e cur ador da da ocupação criativa “Made by... Feito por Br asileiros” na Cidade Matar azzo em São Paulo. Hoje, ele apresenta 0 progr ama de televisão, semanal, “Olhar Estr angeiro, Rio de Janeiro”, no canal Ar te1. Né à Dijon, vit et tr availle entre Rio de Janeiro et Paris. Après une for mation de commissaire-priseur, Marc Pottier a été responsable de la collection d’ar t contempor ain Sawada (Nagoya, Tokyo, Paris et New-Yor k). Il a passé ensuite six années à New Yor k comme commissaire d’exposition indépendant, puis huit années au Ministère des Affaires Etr angères fr ançaises comme Attaché Culturel à Rio de Janeiro, puis à Lisbonne. Depuis 2007, Marc Pottier est à nouveau commissaire d’exposition indépendant, spécialiste de l’ar t contempor ain et de l’ar t dans l’espace public. Après avoir été basé à Paris et avoir organisé des projets au Moyen Orient, il vit désor mais à Rio de Janeiro depuis 2012. Ces der nières années, il a été entre autres responsable des expositions “Pulso Ir aniano” (OiFuturo RJ, BH et SESC Vila Mariana São Paulo 2011-12), “Elles@Pompidou” (au CCBB RJ, CCBB BH). Il est auteur du livre « Made by… Feito por Br asileiros » (Enrico Navar r a Publisher). En 2014, il a été commissaire invité de la 3a Bienal da Bahia, et commissaire de l’invasion créative “Made by… Feito por Br asileiros” na Cidade Matar azzo em São Paulo. Il anime aujourd’hui une émission hebdomadaire de télévision sur Ar te1, “Olhar Estr angeiro, Rio de Janeiro”. Bor n in Dijon, lives and wor ks in between Rio de Janeiro and Paris. After becoming an auctioneer, Marc Pottier was responsible for the Sawada contempor ar y ar t collection (Nagoya, Tokyo, Paris and New Yor k). Lived in New Yor k for six year s, wor king as ar t cur ator, after that, wor ked for eight year s, in the French Foreign Affair s Ministr y as Cultur al Attaché to Rio de Janeiro and Lisbon. Since 2007, Marc Pottier, returned to cur ator ship, specializing in contempor ar y ar t and ar t in public places. After living in Paris and with projects in the Middle East, today he lives in Rio de Janeiro, since 2012. In the past few year s, among other activities, was responsible by the “Pulso Ir aniano” exhibition (Oi Futuro RJ, BH e SESC Vila Mariana, São Paulo 2011-12) “Elles @ Pompidou” (in CCBB RJ and CCBB BH). He is the author of the book “Made by… Feito por Br asileiros” (Publisher Enrico Navar r a). In 2014, he was the guest cur ator of the 3rd. Bienal da Bahia and cur ator of the creative occupation “Made by… Feito por Br asileiros” in Cidade Matar azzo in São Paulo. Today, he presents the “Olhar Estr angeiro, Rio de Janeiro” weekly show, at Ar te1 TV channel.

Br asilea Stiftung Westquaistr asse 39 - 4019 Basel - Schweiz P: +41 61 262 39 39 info@br

Rua Garcia D’Avila - 196 Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro - Br asil P: + 55 21 3085 3000 M: + 55 21 +55 97390 5995 @umgaleridear te

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