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Alexandria became the great commercial city and symbol of the vibrant cosmopolitanism of the Hellenistic or

M an y Eu ro pes Ch oi ce and C hance in West er n C ivil iz at io n Ist Ed it ion B y P au l Dut to n An d Su zann e – Test B an k

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Many Europes Choice and Chance in Western Civilization Ist Edition By Paul Dutton And Suzanne – Test Bank

Sample Questions Instant Download With Answers Chapter 3 Hellenistic Ages: Achievements and Anxieties MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS

1. Alexandria became the great commercial city and symbol of the vibrant cosmopolitanism of the Hellenistic or 2. Persian-like Ages of Greece and Egypt. 3. Greek-like Ages of the Near East. 4. Mesopotamian-like Age of Greece. 5. broadly Egyptian Ages of the eastern Mediterranean. Answer: b

Page: 72

2. How did the Hellenistic Age differ from the Hellenic period? 3. The Hellenistic Age was grounded in the poleis of Greece. 4. The Hellenic period was defined by Persian culture. 5. Hellenistic culture was more cosmopolitan and less grounded in the poleis of

Greece. 6. The Hellenic world was defined by the Greek control of the Near East. Answer: c

Page: 72

3. The Greek mercenary who wrote the Anabasis was 4. Cyrus. 5. Pericles.

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