Around the World in 80 days - ESTRATTO

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Around theWorld in 80Days

Jules Verne


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Around the World in 80 Days LEVEL 5

Around theWorld in 80Days

Retold by:

Elizabeth Evans Cicconi

Paola Traferro

Illustrated by: Fabiano Fiorin


Editorial staff : Francesca Ceppi, Clarissa Coppari

Graphic dept.: Simona Albonetti

Illustrations : Fabiano Fiorin

Referenze fotografiche: iStock photo, Shutterstock, photographic archive Gruppo Ed. Raffaello

Printed in Italy by : Gruppo Editoriale Raffaello

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© 2023

Raffaello Libri S.p.A. Via dell’Industria, 21 60037 - Monte San Vito (AN)

Reprint: 6 5 4 3 2 1 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023
3 CONTENTS Let’s meet the writer and the characters ..................... 4-5 PART 1. Phileas Fogg meets Passepartout 7 Reading comprehension - Part 1 ............................................................ 11 PART 2. Phileas Fogg makes a bet 13 Reading comprehension - Part 2 17 PART 3. Gentlemen thieves 19 Reading comprehension - Part 3 23 PART 4. Our heroes to the rescue 25 Reading comprehension - Part 4 29 PART 5. Passepartout the acrobat 31 Reading comprehension - Part 5 35 PART 6. Risking lives 37 Reading comprehension - Part 6 41 PART 7. Phileas Fogg to the rescue 43 Reading comprehension - Part 7 47 PART 8. The Henrietta 49 Reading comprehension - Part 8 53 PART 9. Travelling East 55 Reading comprehension - Part 9 58 Culture Focus 59 Glossary ..................................................................................................................... 62

Jules Verne: a brief biography

Jules Verne was a novelist, poet and playwright from France. In fact, he was born in Nantes on February 8th, 1828. His father was a lawyer and he had to follow him and became a lawyer too. On the other hand, he started writing for magazines and for the theatre.

Thanks to the publisher Pierre-Jules Hetzel, he created a series of adventure novels called Voyages Extraordinaires. Among this novels, we can remember Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864), Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1870), and Around the World in Eighty Days (1873).

For his books, he had to study Science, so that his plots could be believable. He wrote predictions about inventions like airplanes, television, space travel and modern submarines. Jules Vernes died in Amiens on March 24th 1905. His novels were translated in a lot of languages and his books were turned into films.


Main Characters

He wants to win the bet. He will do everything to reach his goals, even lie and cheat.

He is Fogg’s French butler. He is honest and charming but he is responsible for delaying their travel.

He works for Scotland Yard, and he is looking for a bank robber.

She is an Indian Princess. She becomes Fogg and Passepartout’s guide when they save her.

Minor Characters

Sir A. Stuart and Sir R. Gautier: the bettors at the Reform Club

Mr. Batulcar: the circus’ owner in Yokohama

Colonel Proctor: American red-faced angry man

Phileas Fogg Jean Passepartout

Phileas Fogg meets Passepartout

I present to you a mysterious English gentleman, Phileas Fogg. I say mysterious because people don’t know much about him, but because he does the same thing every day, people think they know everything about him. He’s a handsome man, a true gentleman and very rich. Who knows how he made his money? It’s a mystery. He knows incredible things about a lot of countries on the map of the world but is he a traveller? Some people say he never leaves London. Does he only travel in his dreams? Who knows?

Mr. Fogg is a private person and he doesn’t have many friends. He goes to a political club in London, the Reform Club. He reads the newspapers here and speaks to some people. He likes playing cards and he often wins money but he doesn’t keep it, he gives it to charity. He has lunch at the Club every day and he sits always at the same table. He goes home at midnight to his house in Saville Row, in central London. He never has visitors and the only other person in his house is his manservant.


handsome: bello

private: riservato

charity: opera pia

manservant: domestico


This morning the manservant brought Phileas Fogg a basin of water to shave with, but it was too hot and Phileas sacked him and this is where our story begins. Phileas Fogg was waiting for his new manservant to arrive, between eleven and half past eleven, because every day at exactly half past eleven, Mr. Fogg goes to the Reform Club.

At twenty-past eleven, there was a knock at the door and a young man of about thirty years old came in.

«Good morning sir, I’m Jean Passepartout.» said the young man.

«Are you French?» asked Mr. Fogg.

«Yes sir, I am. I am an honest man, sir, but I’m not an experienced manservant. I was a Physical Education teacher and a Music teacher and then I became a singer. In the past I rode a horse in a circus and I even worked for the fire brigade in Paris.»

Fogg listened and nodded his head in approval.

«Who told you about the job here?» he asked.

«A gentleman from the Reform Club. He said you were a very intelligent and quiet man and so here I am, in the hope of finally finding a secure job, and a quiet life from now on.»

«Do you understand what type of person I’m looking for?» asked Fogg.

«Yes sir, I do and I think I’m perfect for the job.»

Mr. Fogg looked at the clock and said «It’s eleven twenty-six, the job is yours. You start now.»


to shave: radere

to sack: licenziare

knock: colpo

to nod: annuire

to look for: cercare

PART 1 8

Around the World in 80 Days

With that, he got up from his armchair, picked up his hat, and left the house without saying another word.

Passepartout watched his new employer and saw that he was an elegant man of about forty years old with an attractive, gentle face. He was tall with blond hair and a moustache. He seemed very calm and he was a typical Englishman.

employer: datore di lavoro


Passepartout thought that it was difficult to guess how an Englishman really felt. And what about our Frenchman?

Passepartout was a handsome man and he was also very strong. He had blue eyes and untidy, curly brown hair. He was a sweet person who knew the meaning of friendship and loyalty. It was half past eleven and he decided to look around the house, his new home. Phileas Fogg’s room was very tidy. The clothes were divided into seasons and his jackets were all numbered. Passepartout went around all the other rooms and finally he found his room. There was a fireplace and above it, an electric clock, the same as the one in Fogg’s room. Below the clock there was a piece of paper with a list of the details of Mr. Fogg’s day.

8:20 - Tea and toast

9:37 - Water for shaving (body temperature)

11:25 - Brush Mr. Fogg’s jacket

The list told Passepartout everything he needed to do from morning until midnight when Mr. Fogg went to bed.

«Very good» thought Passepartout. «A man who is as regular as clockwork! It’s just what I wanted!»


to guess: indovinare

untidy: spettinati

loyalty: lealtà

as regular as clockwork: regolare come un orologio


1 Match the words (1-6) with their meanings (a-g). There is one meaning you do not need. Write your answers in the boxes.

1. employer

2. reserved

3. handsome

4. untidy

5. loyal

6. to look for

a. someone who shows fidelity to a person

b. messy

c. someone who cuts people’s hair

d. someone who is good-looking

e. to try to find someone or something

f. someone who employs a person

g. someone who doesn’t show his/ her feelings

2 Answer the questions (1-8). Use a maximum of 4 words.

1. Who is the mysterious gentleman?

2. Describe him with two adjectives. ............................................................

3. Does he have many friends?

4. What is the name of his political club? .................................................

5. What does he read?

6. What else does he do? ........................................................................................

7. Does he keep the money he wins?

8. What’s the name of his new manservant? .........................................


I’ll leave: Partirò

lawyer: avvocato

(to) lie: mentire

lies: bugie

loud: forte, rumoroso

luggage: bagagli

madman: pazzo

master: signore, padrone

monkeys’ cries: versi delle


moustache: baffi

nobleman: nobiluomo

novelist: romanziere

on fire: in fiamme

out of sight: fuori dal campo


owner: proprietario

parties: partiti

passengers: passeggeri

playwright: drammaturgo

polite: educato

reward: ricompensa

robber: ladro

robbery: rapina

rough: rude

seat: posto a sedere

shelf: mensola

ship: nave

smoke: fumo

somewhere: da qualche parte

square: piazza

stamp: timbro

submarines: sottomarini

thief: ladro

timetables: orari

waiting room: sala d’attesa

warriors: guerrieri

wheels: ruote

whistle: fischietto

worried: preoccupato

You’re in trouble!: Sei nei guai!


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